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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Weds 13 April 2022) - WJG, AMAT, MRK
LON:AMAT by Paul Scott 13th Apr '22 · 41 comments · 7438 reads · 134 votes
"Good morning! Paul & Jack here with Wednesday's SCVR. Agenda - very quiet for news today, so we'll look back at one or two catch up items later - Watkin Jones (LON:WJG) - an in line update, halfwa…"
How to use stocks to boost your income during the economic downturn
Value Investing by Mark Simpson 19th Oct '22 · 16 comments · 5176 reads · 89 votes
"In last week’s article, I examined the evidence for income investing. I concluded that a pure income strategy might be a sub-optimal way to invest. However, creating an earnings-based value strategy a…"
Paul Scott interviews Andy Gossage, MD of UP Global Sourcing (UPGS)
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 3rd Nov '22 · 13 comments · 1171 reads · 54 votes
"UP Global Sourcing Holdings (LON:UPGS)I reviewed results for FY 7/2022 here in the SCVR for 3 Nov 2022.  It all looked good, so I asked management to do a Q&A session at very short notice, and MD…"
FTSE Friday: What’s happened in the large cap space this week?
Stock Picks by Megan Boxall 4th Nov '22 · 3 comments · 1298 reads · 55 votes
"Amid the spectre of the Bank of England’s miserable recession forecasts, another substantial interest rate hike and the general aurora of negativity swirling around the UK markets right now, it has be…"
Using factor investing to tame financial chaos
StockRanks by Alex Naamani 21st Dec '22 · 7 comments · 4881 reads · 46 votes
"Let’s suppose there are two types of economists. The first type thinks stocks behave in a predictable, orderly way. They treat stock selection as a ‘science’, rather than an ‘art’, and try to identify…"
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 13 Feb 2023) - JNEO, BRCK, FRP, POLX, TGP, LOK, KAPE
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 13th Feb '23 · 56 comments · 8386 reads · 130 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham! Today I noticed for the first time this year, that it's just starting to become daylight outside, when my alarm gives its second and final time to get up message.…"
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