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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Stock Pitch - Gattaca (LON:GATC)
Stock Picks by Jack Brumby 24th Feb '21 · 11 comments · 6015 reads · 56 votes
"Gattaca (LON:GATC) was pitched to the Stockopedia Investment Club on 2nd of February 2021. Markets are buoyant right now and vaccine rollouts mean investors, while mindful of ongoing Covid-19 risks, a…"
Stock Pitch - Water Intelligence (LON:WATR)
Stock Picks by Jack Brumby 5th May '21 · 17 comments · 6762 reads · 38 votes
"Water Intelligence (LON:WATR) is a high flying water leak prevention company with global ambitions and some eye-catching growth rates. Five-year compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) for revenue, net p…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 20 Aug 2021) - VTU
LON:VTU by Paul Scott 20th Aug '21 · 38 comments · 8853 reads · 146 votes
"Good morning, it's just Paul here today, with the SCVR for Friday.Today's report is now finished. Explanatory notes - A quick reminder that we don’t recommend any stocks. We aim to cover trading updat…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 17 Dec 2021) - AIR, TUNE, NWOR
LON:ASC by Paul Scott 17th Dec '21 · 62 comments · 10032 reads · 118 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with the last SCVR for this week. What a dreadful week it's been. Never mind, the show must go on. Agenda - Paul's Section: Focusrite (LON:TUNE) - getting a b…"
Small Cap Value Report (Weds 13 April 2022) - WJG, AMAT, MRK
LON:AMAT by Paul Scott 13th Apr '22 · 41 comments · 7442 reads · 134 votes
"Good morning! Paul & Jack here with Wednesday's SCVR. Agenda - very quiet for news today, so we'll look back at one or two catch up items later - Watkin Jones (LON:WJG) - an in line update, halfwa…"
How to use stocks to boost your income during the economic downturn
Value Investing by Mark Simpson 19th Oct '22 · 16 comments · 5182 reads · 89 votes
"In last week’s article, I examined the evidence for income investing. I concluded that a pure income strategy might be a sub-optimal way to invest. However, creating an earnings-based value strategy a…"
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  • Barratt Homes (BDEV)

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  • Tesco (TSCO)
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