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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
VNT - Ventia: At your service
Stock Picks by Elio D'Amato 25th May '23 · 1 comment · 693 read · 7 votes
"Ventia Services (ASX:VNT) is one of Australia’s largest essential services providers. You will likely never notice them much, but from putting fuel into an aeroplane through to mopping hospital floors…"
Hybridan Smallcap Wrap featuring Pinewood Shepperton, Highams and GEM
LON:SOLG by Hybridan 17th Nov '09 · 0 comments · 3537 reads · 0 votes
" This week: Pinewood Shepperton continues to diversify, Highams is on a high, and a GEM of a biofuels company Avanti Communications (AVN 445.5p/£204.28m) Satellite broadband operator Avanti has announ…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 30 Oct 2020) - KAPE, RNO, MMX, TGP, ALT
LON:RNO by Paul Scott 29th Oct '20 · 88 comments · 10899 reads · 147 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here, with the SCVR for Friday. Timings - it's Friday, so I'm taking things at a leisurely pace. Finish time estimated at 3pm. Update at 14:50 - today's report is no…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 2 Mar 2022) - VTU, RBG, HOTC, MMAG, FOXT
LON:VTU by Paul Scott 2nd Mar '22 · 46 comments · 11817 reads · 143 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with the SCVR for Wednesday. Agenda - (also known as, what fresh nightmares will be visited upon us today?) Paul's Section: Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) (I hold) - ad…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 25 May 2022) - DRV, ZTF, MAB1, ELCO, BOWL
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 25th May '22 · 73 comments · 7643 reads · 107 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here again today. Mello Update - Day 1 of the main show is underway as we speak. David has said it's sold out for today, but there are few remaining tickets for tomo…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 28 July 2022) - HOTC, APTD, RST, HEAD, SRT, TWD, INCE, EPWN, VINO, FORT, FNTL, DSCV
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 28th Jul '22 · 64 comments · 8949 reads · 118 votes
"Good morning. Paul & Graham are here today. Agenda -  Paul's Section: Hotel Chocolat (LON:HOTC) 134p (unch.) (£184m) - confirms today that its Japanese JV has entered court protection to restructu…"
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