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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 25 May 2022) - DRV, ZTF, MAB1, ELCO, BOWL
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 25th May '22 · 73 comments · 7631 reads · 107 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here again today. Mello Update - Day 1 of the main show is underway as we speak. David has said it's sold out for today, but there are few remaining tickets for tomo…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 28 July 2022) - HOTC, APTD, RST, HEAD, SRT, TWD, INCE, EPWN, VINO, FORT, FNTL, DSCV
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 28th Jul '22 · 64 comments · 8940 reads · 118 votes
"Good morning. Paul & Graham are here today. Agenda -  Paul's Section: Hotel Chocolat (LON:HOTC) 134p (unch.) (£184m) - confirms today that its Japanese JV has entered court protection to restructu…"
Small Cap Value Report (Weds 21 Sept 2022) - ZOO, MOON, TEG, FDEV, ABDP, WAND, COG
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 21st Sep '22 · 59 comments · 7537 reads · 120 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham! Agenda - Paul's Section: Moonpig (LON:MOON) - from yesterday. It's trading in line with previous guidance. Interesting that it doesn't seem to be having a problem…"
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 1 Nov 2022) - MADE, FUL, MCON, ECK, VTU, VINO
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 1st Nov '22 · 51 comments · 6986 reads · 136 votes
"Good morning! It's Paul & Graham here, with our usual daily review of small cap trading updates & results statements. Agenda Paul's Section: Made.Com (LON:MADE) - as expected, its shares have…"
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 16 Jan 2023) - KLR, AMS, RWA, SHI, MRK, GHT, SUP, STCM, TPT, QTX, BDEV, JSG, CREO, IQE, QXT, AT., MPAC
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 16th Jan '23 · 56 comments · 9313 reads · 229 votes
"Good morning from Graham & Paul. Today's mammoth report is now complete! To start you off today, I spent some time over the weekend catching up on 11 company announcements we missed in last week's…"
Momentum Monday 06 March
Momentum Investing by Elio D'Amato 5th Mar '23 · 0 comments · 414 reads · 7 votes
"The reporting season is now over, and as has been previously mentioned this time of year is very important, even for momentum investors. Not only because analyst rework their estimates, (and an elemen…"
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