Top Consumer Cyclicals stocks in Poland

Manufacturers of automobiles, household goods, textiles and other products, as well as homebuilders and retailers, and providers of consumer services, such as hotel, entertainment and media services.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
pl flag iconGMZGrupa Modne Zakupy SAPLN16.36mn/an/a
pl flag iconMERMera SAPLN14.63mn/an/a
pl flag iconIZOIzolacja Jarocin SAPLN12.62m11.723.01%
pl flag iconECCECC Games SAPLN12.12mn/an/a
pl flag iconSKNSakana SAPLN12.10mn/a4%
pl flag iconIMRIntermarum SAPLN11.55mn/an/a
pl flag iconIPWImage Power SAPLN11.26mn/an/a
pl flag iconCFGCreativeforge Games SAPLN11.07mn/an/a
pl flag iconAVEAdvertigo SAPLN9.82mn/an/a
pl flag iconSOLSolar SAPLN9.24mn/an/a
pl flag iconSHDSoho Development SAPLN8.19mn/an/a
pl flag iconRDNRedan SAPLN8.14mn/an/a
pl flag iconP24Present24 SAPLN7.02m11.71n/a
pl flag iconKBTKlabater SAPLN5.50mn/an/a
pl flag iconLMGLive Motion Games SAPLN4.81mn/an/a
pl flag iconDEVDevo Energy SAPLN4.78mn/an/a
pl flag SAPLN2.39mn/an/a
pl flag iconPCGPC Guard SAn/an/an/a
pl flag iconTGGTriggo SAn/an/an/a
pl flag iconPMAPrima Moda SAn/an/an/a