Top Consumer Cyclicals stocks in Poland

Manufacturers of automobiles, household goods, textiles and other products, as well as homebuilders and retailers, and providers of consumer services, such as hotel, entertainment and media services.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
pl flag iconMNSMennica Skarbowa SAPLN52.01mn/an/a
pl flag iconKOMKomputronik SAPLN49.85mn/an/a
pl flag iconMZAMuza SAPLN45.11m3.357.25%
pl flag iconMEXMex Polska SAPLN37.10m9.735.58%
pl flag iconORLOrzel SAPLN36.09m15.69n/a
pl flag iconIBSWise Finance SAPLN33.11m2.09n/a
pl flag iconPRTProtektor SAPLN32.81mn/an/a
pl flag iconPGMPMPG Polskie Media SAPLN31.36m13.12n/a
pl flag iconLESLess SAPLN30.25mn/an/a
pl flag iconLRQLarq SAPLN27.89m2.16n/a
pl flag iconSFSSfinks Polska SAPLN26.33m28.18n/a
pl flag iconSNWSanwil Holding SAPLN26.17m3.71n/a
pl flag iconPITPolaris IT SAPLN25.44mn/an/a
pl flag iconGARGarin SAPLN24.08mn/an/a
pl flag iconDTRDigitree SAPLN22.87mn/an/a
pl flag iconPDGPyramid Games SAPLN21.77mn/an/a
pl flag iconMANManydev Studio SEPLN20.11mn/an/a
pl flag iconCHPCherrypick Games SAPLN18.28m5.96n/a
pl flag iconQUBQubicgames SAPLN18.12m12.74n/a
pl flag iconWHHWerth Holz SAPLN16.61mn/an/a