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Displaying 50 of 8688 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap: Jubilee’s delightful new venture, Eden offers rich pickings and ValiRx validates
LON:VAL by Hybridan 21st Jul '10 · 0 comments · 5320 reads · 3 votes
"This week: Jubilee’s delightful new venture, Eden offers rich pickings and ValiRx validates Angel Biotechnology Hldgs (LON:ABH) (ABH 0.24p/£5.10m) Specialist contract manufacturer of advanced biolog…"
The Future For Lithium is Now
Lithium by zentrader 10th Dec '10 · 0 comments · 4859 reads · 6 votes
"The following is a guest post by Mobile Guru for ZenTrader. What is Lithium? Lithium, discovered in 1817, (Greek for “stone” – symbol “Li” – atomic number ‘3’) is a soft, light silver-white metal whic…"
Small Cap Value Report (24 Jun 2014) - SHOE, UNG, THW, ANP
LON:SHOE by Paul Scott 24th Jun '14 · 16 comments · 17574 reads · 29 votes
"Good morning! I had a burst of energy last night, and reviewed three more company results (Porvair (LON:PRV), Accumuli (LON:ACM), and £ODX ), so here is the link for yesterday's updated report. Also…"
Small Cap Value Report (24 Mar 2016) - BRY, TRCS, ABDP, IEH, AFN, NAR, CHH, FJET, LAKE
LON:TRCS by Paul Scott 24th Mar '16 · 25 comments · 26006 reads · 58 votes
"Good morning!Brady (LON:BRY)I'm busy preparing for another interview with Gavin Lavelle, CEO of Brady (LON:BRY). He asked for an opportunity to respond to the points I raised in my report here on 21…"
Small Cap Value Report (9 Sep 2016) - RIC, AVON, STHR, HRN, VCP
LON:RIC by Paul Scott 9th Sep '16 · 13 comments · 14119 reads · 60 votes
"Good morning!I hope you didn't mind me taking a duvet day yesterday - but since I'd written reports all the way through my holiday in Greece, fancied a rest. Also, there was nothing of interest on the…"
Small Cap Value Report (31 Aug 2017) - RTN, TRAK, PRES, ESL, WEY, CHH
LON:LDG by Graham Neary 31st Aug '17 · 28 comments · 15817 reads · 57 votes
"Edit: This report has taken shape now, so I've removed the initial introduction and am replacing it with a list of what we've covered today: Restaurant (LON:RTN)Trakm8 Holdings (LON:TRAK)Pressure Te…"
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