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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (16 Dec) - CHRT, HSP, IPEL, SEE, VNET
LON:CHRT by Paul Scott 16th Dec '13 · 23 comments · 23552 reads · 17 votes
"Good morning! Defence contractor Cohort (LON:CHRT) has published its interim results to 31 Oct 2013. This is a company that I liked earlier this year, when it was below 150p, but the price has since…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 15 Mar 2024) - CAPD, BKG, BOOM, FAN, BOY. Brief: CTO, NEXN
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 15th Mar · 78 comments · 8373 reads · 158 votes
"Good morning from Paul! Today's report is now finished. Have a lovely weekend! Explanatory notes - A quick reminder that we don’t recommend any stocks. We aim to review trading updates & results…"
A Scottish Tracker would be lumpy and bumpy
LON:NWG by Rob Davies 9th Nov '12 · 1 comment · 10042 read · 3 votes
"The prospect of Scottish independence raises a number of issues, one of which would be the merits of a passive fund to track Scottish companies. There are many uncertainties to be resolved affecting…"
Vislink (VLK): Behind the scenes
LON:PEB by ExpectingValue 13th Apr '13 · 4 comments · 7900 reads · 4 votes
"Vislink (LON:VLK) has been recommended to me by a few different people now and mentioned by a couple of bloggers (I know Pauly Pilot is keen and I've a hunch there's someone I've forgotten..), so I t…"
Ways to find bargain bucket shares that the market might have missed
LON:CRL by Ben Hobson 5th Nov '13 · 0 comments · 6307 reads · 6 votes
"Small cap shares have enjoyed a surging run this year, leaving value hunters with few options other than wait for fleeting chances to buy into dips or loosen their stock-picking rules. For those with…"
The Screen of Screens bounces back to triple figure returns
Quality Investing by Ben Hobson 7th Jun '17 · 6 comments · 9260 reads · 33 votes
"This time two years ago, one of the most popular ‘quality’ investment strategies tracked by Stockopedia was sitting on a three year return of just over 100%. After a strong run, the Screen of Screens…"
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