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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
British Petroleum - Eye of the Tiber
LON:BP. by Fat Prophets 29th Sep '09 · 0 comments · 1106 reads · 0 votes
"The announcement of BP’s giant oil discovery at its Tiber Prospect has sent shockwaves through the oil industry.  The company hasn't released specifics on the size of the find, but if it turns out…"
Morson Group - Well placed to benefit from UK’s skills shortage
by investorschampion 28th Sep '10 · 0 comments · 1572 reads · 0 votes
"Morson Group (LON:MRN) , the UK's leading provider of technical contracting personnel to the aerospace and defence, nuclear and power, and rail sectors announced interim results for the six months en…"
Magic Hat Portfolio: Character in, Lombard Risk Management out
LON:LRM by Mark Carter 8th Oct '15 · 1 comment · 8483 read · 5 votes
"The MHP (Magic Hat Portfolio) on Stockopedia ( is an experiment by me to see if a human can improve on a mechanical Greeblatt Magic Formula scre…"
Semi Year SNAPS 2021 - as long as the music plays, we dance
LON:BLV by Edward Croft 1st Jul '21 · 90 comments · 18473 reads · 111 votes
"What a six months it's been for the NAPS Portfolio - the "bold bets on Big Mo" that I described at the start of the year have paid off. I'll go into the performance in detail shortly, but the portfoli…"
Top Stocks for 2020 - on doubling your money in five years
LON:GOOD by Edward Croft 2nd Jan '20 · 98 comments · 34505 reads · 134 votes
"[This is a fairly long piece.  If you do want to print and read offline I have prepared a PDF version that is linked to at the bottom of this piece]Introduction It's quite surprising that it's al…"
Australian and New Zealand NAPS 3rd quarter review
Stock Picks by Elio D'Amato 3rd Oct '23 · 0 comments · 517 reads · 2 votes
"We are now approaching the home straight for our NAPS (No admin portfolio system) for Australia and New Zealand. If you wish to revisit the launch blog post of the Australian and New Zealand NAPS port…"
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