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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 31 Oct 2022) - CRPR, ARB, ESP, SAG, TPG, LOK
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 31st Oct '22 · 43 comments · 6897 reads · 111 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham! Paul's weekly recap podcast went up on Saturday evening, the audio is here (and on podcast platforms). Also, for Stockopedia subscribers only, I've typed up a writ…"
The Stock Market Surges on the arrival of QE2
LON:QQ. by Stockopedia Features 5th Nov '10 · 0 comments · 5271 reads · 1 vote
" The stock markets closed the week close to their highest levels in more than two years encouraging both the Daily Telegraph and the Mail to publish front page headlines on Friday declaring 'Share Pri…"
Value Investing Portfolio Matters: Thematic, Global Growth and Special Situations
LON:HOME^J17 by 10 Value 10 6th Apr '11 · 1 comment · 8082 read · 7 votes
"I had indicated a while ago that I would discuss my portfolio and subsequent performance in more detail. This article starts that journey, but first I want to discuss my investing context (if such a t…"
A first look at Entu
LON:ENTU by Tom Firth 9th Jul '15 · 50 comments · 28340 reads · 13 votes
"An attractive valuation and excellent growth prospects in a sector I like caught my attention here.  Entu first floated at the end of October 2014 and has since delivered fantastic returns for those w…"
Why relying on broker forecasts can only end in disappointment
Behavioural Finance by Ben Hobson 12th Jul '16 · 26 comments · 14579 reads · 38 votes
"In the final stages of campaigning for the EU referendum, the outcome was clearly going to be close. One group with a particularly keen interest in the result were the pollsters and bookies who played…"
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 13 June 2023) - CMCX, TAM, IOM, DRV, VNET
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 13th Jun '23 · 58 comments · 7178 reads · 121 votes
"Good morning from Paul and Roland! (Graham's on holiday this week) Explanatory notes - A quick reminder that we don’t recommend any stocks. We aim to review trading updates & results of the day a…"
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