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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Stock in Focus: Is Utilitywise worth the risk?
LON:UTW by Roland Head 4th Nov '15 · 19 comments · 15093 reads · 18 votes
"Does limiting your investment to companies with high StockRanks mean you miss out on some profitable buying opportunities?The answer to this is almost certainly yes. But I think it’s the wrong questio…"
Market Musings 070123: Off to a good start
Learning to Invest by Edmund Shing 7th Jan '23 · 7 comments · 1944 reads · 83 votes
"Market Musings 070123:Off to a good start So 2023 starts well for stock market investors after a terrible 2022 Weekly Podcast - 2022: Annus horribilis In this podcast, Edmund Shing discusses the link…"
Top StockRanks: where are the opportunities today?
StockRanks by Roland Head 14th Mar · 13 comments · 4451 reads · 118 votes
"In a recent piece in the Academy, I went back to basics and explained how – and why – the StockRanks can be a useful tool for finding good shares and building a portfolio. This week I’m going to follo…"
Is the Nabucco Pipeline Worth the Projected $11.4 Billion
central europe by oilguy 4th Jan '10 · 0 comments · 892 reads · 4 votes
"Inside Beltwayistan, a number of Bushevik oil patch zombies still roam the recession-blasted landscape mindlessly chanting their Caspian mantra, “Happiness is multiple pipelines” - with the caveat tha…"
BPT: Can it benefit from Net-Zero by 2050?
Stock Picks by Anton Crabbe 29th May · 0 comments · 371 reads · 5 votes
"Beach Energy (ASX:BPT) has been an ASX listed company since 1961. It is an oil and gas exploration and production company headquartered in Adelaide and has oil and gas production in five basins across…"
Oil Prices Fall Sharply as General Market Sells Off
jobless rate by oilguy 6th Feb '10 · 0 comments · 1340 reads · 2 votes
"After starting the week on a firmer note, oil prices fell sharply toward the end of the week in a general market sell-off as investors sought the dollar as a safe haven amid worries about European Uni…"
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