Top Biotechnology & Medical Research stocks in Poland

Researchers and developers of biotechnology based drugs and therapies as well as medical devices and procedures that are at an early (non-commercial) stage.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
pl flag iconSLVSelvita SAPLN1.20bn38.56n/a
pl flag iconRVURyvu Therapeutics SAPLN1.13bnn/an/a
pl flag iconSCPScope Fluidics SAPLN451.96mn/an/a
pl flag iconCTXCaptor Therapeutics SAPLN354.93mn/an/a
pl flag iconBIOBioton SAPLN294.51mn/an/a
pl flag iconMABMabion SAPLN275.41m5.39n/a
pl flag iconMOCMolecure SAPLN249.17mn/an/a
pl flag iconPTGPoltreg SAPLN228.98mn/an/a
pl flag iconURTUrteste SAPLN133.92mn/an/a
pl flag iconGMTGenomtec SAPLN130.18mn/an/a
pl flag iconSDSSds Optic SAPLN106.68mn/an/a
pl flag iconPURPure Biologics SAPLN56.24mn/an/a
pl flag iconNNGNanogroup SAPLN46.83mn/an/a
pl flag iconRDGRead Gene SAPLN44.70mn/an/a
pl flag iconGENGenomed SAPLN37.52m82.27n/a
pl flag iconMDBMedicofarma Biotech SAPLN32.77mn/an/a
pl flag iconSYGSygnis SAPLN16.47mn/an/a
pl flag iconSCSStem Cells Spin SAPLN14.96mn/an/a
pl flag iconIGNInno-Gene SAPLN11.04mn/an/a
pl flag iconRNTPrivate Rented Sector SAPLN7.66mn/an/a