Top Consumer Cyclicals stocks in Japan

Manufacturers of automobiles, household goods, textiles and other products, as well as homebuilders and retailers, and providers of consumer services, such as hotel, entertainment and media services.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
jp flag icon7611Hiday Hidaka¥104bn29.291.1%
jp flag icon2767Tsuburaya Fields Holdings¥103bn10.012.38%
jp flag icon3046Jins Holdings¥100bn32.031.05%
jp flag icon3087Doutor Nichires Holdings Co¥100bn16.351.75%
jp flag icon7965Zojirushi¥100bn23.392.31%
jp flag icon9413TV TOKYO Holdings¥99bn14.022.18%
jp flag icon8244Kintetsu Department Store Co¥94bn22.570.43%
jp flag icon3002Gunze¥93bn11.912.74%
jp flag icon2653Aeon Kyushu Co¥93bn10.261.47%
jp flag icon3201Japan Wool Textile Co¥92bn10.152.63%
jp flag icon8117Central Automotive Products¥91bn10.92.64%
jp flag icon7250Pacific Industrial Co¥89bn3.843.28%
jp flag icon7287Nippon Seiki Co¥88bn14.863.03%
jp flag icon7421Kappa Create Co¥88bn59.170.28%
jp flag icon4212Sekisui Jushi¥87bn19.622.45%
jp flag icon7905Daiken¥78bn11.84.01%
jp flag icon7283Aisan Industry Co¥86bn7.163.98%
jp flag icon6463TPR Co¥86bn9.072.74%
jp flag icon3106Kurabo Industries¥85bn11.572.11%
jp flag icon8168Keiyo Co¥76bn24.11.12%