World's top Technology stocks

Manufacturers of semiconductors, communications equipment, computer hardware and technology related office equipment, as well as providers of consulting and IT services.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
se flag iconHELIOHeliospectra AB (publ)SEK70.78mn/an/a
se flag iconTPGRTime People AB (publ)SEK70.69mn/an/a
au flag iconLNULinius TechnologiesAU$9.88mn/an/a
pl flag iconPNTPointpack SAPLN25.85m49.26n/a
kr flag icon096640MelfasKR₩8bnn/an/a
us flag iconAIFSAgent Information Software$6.55m36.762.5%
in flag icon517119PCS TechnologyIN₹548.28m60.97n/a
us flag iconQLISQualis Innovations$6.54mn/an/a
us flag iconLVWDLive World$6.53mn/an/a
au flag iconDXNDxnAU$9.75mn/an/a
pl flag icon3RG3R Games SAPLN25.57mn/an/a
pl flag iconDGEDrago Entertainment SAPLN25.51m15.77n/a
in flag iconKEEPLEARNDSJ Keep LearningIN₹541.88m137.06n/a
ca flag iconYFIEdgewater Wireless SystemsCA$8.88mn/an/a
in flag icon512175VAMA IndustriesIN₹540.64mn/an/a
it flag iconPRMPRISMI SpA€5.91mn/an/a
pl flag iconNXGNexity Global SAPLN25.30mn/an/a
in flag icon530787Inland PrintersIN₹537.39mn/an/a
de flag iconCPU2CPU Softwarehouse AG€5.90m92.19n/a
us flag iconELWSEarlyworks Co$6.41mn/an/a