World's top Consumer Cyclicals stocks

Manufacturers of automobiles, household goods, textiles and other products, as well as homebuilders and retailers, and providers of consumer services, such as hotel, entertainment and media services.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
us flag iconBANIBanneker$4.24mn/an/a
hk flag icon8392Satu HoldingsHK$33.00mn/an/a
pl flag iconWHHWerth Holz SAPLN16.61mn/an/a
in flag iconKHAITANLTDKhaitan (India)IN₹352.45m26.31n/a
se flag iconWTGWonderful Times ABSEK44.91m21.694.41%
gb flag iconSLNGH C Slingsby£3.26m14.93n/a
us flag iconEVTKEventiko$4.19mn/an/a
sg flag icon1A0KatrinaSG$5.63mn/an/a
in flag icon504398SJIN₹349.99m4189n/a
jp flag icon2172Insight¥655m7.932.94%
pl flag iconGMZGrupa Modne Zakupy SAPLN16.36mn/an/a
in flag icon538838Indo CotspinIN₹347.05m278.5n/a
us flag iconEZGOEZGO Technologies$4.14mn/an/a
in flag icon526161Spenta InternationalIN₹346.37m31.480.8%
in flag icon512587Zodiac-JRD-MKJIN₹346.20mn/an/a
au flag iconMXOMotioAU$6.17mn/an/a
in flag icon536846Yuranus InfrastructureIN₹344.75m23.85n/a
ca flag iconNTENetwork MediaCA$5.61mn/an/a
hk flag icon8428CBK HoldingsHK$31.91mn/an/a
us flag iconFORDForward Industries$4.08m7.66n/a