Top Healthcare stocks in Europe

Manufacturers, developers and marketers of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and supplies, as well as advanced therapeutic treatments and devices, and providers of healthcare facilities and medical research and development.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
se flag iconZICCZiccum ABSEK95.92mn/an/a
se flag iconBIOWKSBio-Works Technologies ABSEK95.50mn/an/a
gb flag iconRUARua Life Sciences£6.83mn/an/a
gb flag iconCIZCizzle Biotechnology Holdings£6.74mn/an/a
pl flag iconMDBMedicofarma Biotech SAPLN33.58mn/an/a
se flag iconHEARTScandinavian Real Heart ABSEK88.46mn/an/a
pl flag iconNNGNanogroup SAPLN33.06mn/an/a
de flag iconIS8ifa systems AG€7.43mn/an/a
no flag iconOBSRVObserve Medical ASANOK83.71mn/an/a
se flag iconLXBLuxbright ABSEK82.07mn/an/a
fi flag iconBONEHBBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes Oyj€7.19mn/an/a
cz flag iconATOMTAtomtrace asCZK179.29m135.83n/a
de flag iconIS8ifa systems AG€7.26m1820.69n/a
se flag iconDEXDextech Medical ABSEK78.38mn/an/a
se flag iconGTAB BGlycorex Transplantation AB (publ)SEK77.55mn/an/a
ch flag iconEVEEvolva HoldingCH₣6.58mn/an/a
se flag iconPRLDProlight Diagnostics AB (publ)SEK76.97mn/an/a
pl flag iconPURPure Biologics SAPLN28.82mn/an/a
se flag iconABERAAbera Bioscience ABSEK74.92mn/an/a
se flag iconSPAGOSpago Nanomedical AB (publ)SEK74.61mn/an/a