Top Energy stocks in Europe

Explorers, refiners, marketers and distributors of fossil fuels, uranium and renewable energy, manufacturers of energy-related equipment and providers of supporting services.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
no flag iconAKSOAker Solutions ASANOK21.49bn98.574.52%
no flag iconAWDRAwilco DrillingNOK21.42bnn/an/a
gb flag iconWG.John Wood£1.43bnn/an/a
it flag iconSRSSaras SpA€1.54bn6.189.26%
no flag iconBORRBorr DrillingNOK17.32bn37.990.78%
gb flag iconYCAYellow Cake£1.26bn2.89n/a
gb flag iconITHIthaca Energy£1.26bn3.4216.58%
no flag iconDOFGDof ASANOK16.83bn6.06n/a
no flag iconTGSTGS ASANOK16.41bn76.251.21%
se flag iconOX2OX2 AB (publ)SEK16.20bn18.38n/a
no flag iconFLNGFLEX LNGNOK16.07bn11.0711.59%
gb flag iconSEPLSeplat Energy£1.17bn44.244.78%
no flag iconBNORBluenord ASANOK14.51bn22.76n/a
no flag iconODFOdfjell SENOK14.21bn5.977.41%
si flag iconPETGPetrol dd Ljubljana€1.20bn8.86.14%
fr flag iconMAUEtablissements Maurel et Prom SA€1.20bn5.175.12%
no flag iconODLOdfjell DrillingNOK13.59bn17.654.46%
no flag iconAGASAvance Gas HoldingNOK13.19bn6.5617.4%
de flag iconCE2CropEnergies AG€1.13bn174.65%
tr flag iconAYGAZ.EAygaz ASTRY38.99bn7.413.86%