Top Utilities stocks in Asia

Producers and distributors of electricity, natural gas, water and steam, among other utility services.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
in flag iconNTPCNTPCIN₹3.59tn17.232.1%
in flag iconPOWERGRIDPower Grid of IndiaIN₹3.07tn19.693.41%
in flag iconADANIGREENAdani Green EnergyIN₹2.83tn246.48n/a
in flag iconADANIPOWERAdani PowerIN₹2.77tn13.3n/a
hk flag icon2CLP HoldingsHK$159.42bn14.194.91%
in flag iconGAILGAIL (India)IN₹1.46tn14.78n/a
in flag iconTATAPOWERTata PowerIN₹1.39tn39.920.46%
in flag iconJSWENERGYJSW ENERGYIN₹1.31tn71.620.27%
jp flag icon9503Kansai Electric Power Co¥2tn4.531.86%
hk flag icon836China Resources Power Holdings CoHK$115.21bn8.846.27%
hk flag icon1038CK Infrastructure HoldingsHK$111.11bn13.845.8%
hk flag icon3Hong Kong and China Gas CoHK$110.84bn43.925.89%
in flag iconADANIENSOLAdani Energy SolutionsIN₹1.11tn97.09n/a
in flag iconNHPCNHPCIN₹1.01tn27.731.9%
in flag iconATGLAdani Total GasIN₹985.43bn147.640.03%
hk flag icon6Power Assets HoldingsHK$90.04bn156.67%
hk flag icon2688ENN Energy HoldingsHK$72.79bn9.554.48%
kr flag icon015760Korea Electric PowerKR₩13tn25.49n/a
hk flag icon135Kunlun EnergyHK$70.14bn10.983.68%
jp flag icon9502Chubu Electric Power Co¥1tn3.482.89%