Top Consumer Cyclicals stocks in Asia

Manufacturers of automobiles, household goods, textiles and other products, as well as homebuilders and retailers, and providers of consumer services, such as hotel, entertainment and media services.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
hk flag icon1691JS Global Lifestyle CoHK$5.49bn17.81n/a
in flag iconPRICOLLTDPricolIN₹58.56bn38.9n/a
jp flag icon3085Arcland Service Holdings Co¥100bn29.620.98%
in flag iconORIENTELECOrient ElectricIN₹57.61bn93.610.56%
jp flag icon9887Matsuya Foods Holdings Co¥108bn28.990.42%
kr flag icon009970Youngone Holdings CoKR₩952bn2.714.84%
jp flag icon5975Topre¥108bn5.912.62%
jp flag icon9882Yellow Hat¥107bn9.872.84%
in flag iconLUXINDLux IndustriesIN₹56.91bn43.940.11%
jp flag icon8153Mos Food Services¥107bn33.190.81%
kr flag icon079160CJ CGV CoKR₩944bnn/an/a
jp flag icon9708Imperial Hotel¥107bn33.330.67%
jp flag icon7944Roland¥107bn13.464.38%
in flag iconGOCOLORSGo Fashion (India)IN₹56.47bn66.12n/a
jp flag icon7839Shoei Co¥105bn14.513.3%
tw flag icon9802Fulgent Sun International (Holding) CoTWD21.51bn16.54.42%
hk flag icon2536Palasino HoldingsHK$5.10bn216.81n/a
jp flag icon9722Fujita Kanko¥103bn10.8n/a
jp flag icon7611Hiday Hidaka¥102bn28.881.12%
jp flag icon3046Jins Holdings¥102bn32.41.03%