Top Consumer Cyclicals stocks in Asia

Manufacturers of automobiles, household goods, textiles and other products, as well as homebuilders and retailers, and providers of consumer services, such as hotel, entertainment and media services.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
sg flag iconBFUTye SoonSG$26.18m6.164.25%
hk flag icon2262Steve Leung DesignHK$151.81mn/an/a
jp flag icon7791Dreambed Co¥3bn16.514.3%
in flag iconLAMBODHARALambodhara TextilesIN₹1.62bn35.120.32%
hk flag icon122Crocodile GarmentsHK$150.66mn/an/a
kr flag icon050120ES Cube CoKR₩27bnn/an/a
jp flag icon8040Tokyo Soir Co¥3bn5.993.4%
in flag icon540718Aayush Art and BullionIN₹1.61bn449.33n/a
jp flag icon3181Kaitori Okoku Co¥3bn8.31.21%
hk flag icon1351Bright Future Technology HoldingsHK$149.40m7.08n/a
jp flag icon2722IK Holdings Co¥3bn10.441.28%
jp flag icon2667ImageOne Co¥3bnn/an/a
kr flag icon310870DYC Co (Gyeongsangbuk-do)KR₩26bn7.61.96%
jp flag icon3177Arigatou Services Co¥3bn5.483.87%
in flag iconSURYALAXMISurya Lakshmi Cotton MillsIN₹1.58bn27.53n/a
hk flag icon582Shin Hwa WorldHK$147.07mn/an/a
in flag iconMUKTAARTSMukta ArtsIN₹1.58bnn/an/a
jp flag icon1451KHC¥3bn8.254.74%
hk flag icon205SEEC MediaHK$146.49mn/an/a
jp flag icon8166Taka-Q Co¥3bnn/an/a