Top Consumer Cyclicals stocks in Asia

Manufacturers of automobiles, household goods, textiles and other products, as well as homebuilders and retailers, and providers of consumer services, such as hotel, entertainment and media services.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
in flag iconFONEBOXFonebox RetailIN₹2.04bn127.58n/a
hk flag icon311Luen Thai HoldingsHK$190.28mn/an/a
in flag iconGRCLGayatri Rubbers and ChemicalsIN₹2.04bn277.78n/a
hk flag icon442Domaine Power HoldingsHK$189.86mn/an/a
in flag iconAKIAki IndiaIN₹2.03bn143.38n/a
hk flag icon765Perfectech International HoldingsHK$189.62mn/an/a
jp flag icon2388Wedge Holdings Co¥4bnn/an/a
in flag iconGOLDKARTGoldkart JewelsIN₹2.03bn671.37n/a
jp flag icon6548Tabikobo Co¥4bnn/an/a
jp flag icon3204Toabo¥4bn4.892.8%
jp flag icon2139Chuco Co¥4bn16.862.15%
jp flag icon3556RenetJapanGroup¥4bnn/an/a
jp flag icon3317Flying Garden Co¥4bn9.21.15%
in flag icon542013Dolfin RubbersIN₹2.01bn42.28n/a
hk flag icon620DTXS Silk Road Investment Holdings CoHK$186.91mn/an/a
jp flag icon6195Hope¥4bn14.38n/a
hk flag icon28823DG Holdings InternationalHK$186.07mn/an/a
jp flag icon4334Yuke's Co¥4bnn/a2.25%
kr flag icon318160Cell Bio Human Tech CoKR₩33bnn/an/a
in flag iconWEIZMANINDWeizmannIN₹1.98bn21.90.4%