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Displaying 28 of 28 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Nigel Rogers of UK electronics manufacturer, Stadium Group, talks to Stockopedia
LON:SDM by Ben Hobson 9th Sep '10 · 0 comments · 5491 reads · 15 votes
"Nigel Rogers describes his company as a bellwether for the UK manufacturing industry. As one of the first firms to embrace the challenges and opportunities of meeting demand for offshore services from…"
Stadium Group (“LON: SDM”) Excellent results and positive outlook
LON:SDM by investorschampion 3rd Mar '10 · 0 comments · 1633 reads · 0 votes
"Revenues were £46.58m (2008: £47.61m) and profit before taxation and severance costs £2.50m (2008: £2.78m) resulting in underlying earnings per share of 6.8p (2008: 7.6p). Cash was flowing with a net…"
Small Cap Value Report (13 Aug 2015) - QRT, SDM, CNIC
LON:QRT by Paul Scott 13th Aug '15 · 16 comments · 17913 reads · 32 votes
"Good morning!Quarto Inc (LON:QRT)Share price: 210p (down 10.6% today)No. shares: 19.7mMarket cap: £41.4mI last reported on this "leading global illustrated book publisher and distribution group" on 9…"
Stadium Group announces marked recovery in H1 results
LON:SDM by LCF Research 7th Sep '10 · 0 comments · 2214 reads · 3 votes
"Stadium Group Plc (LON:SDM) , the Hartlepool based provider of electronic manufacturing services (EMS), announced interim results through 30 June 2010, posting a strong recovery in revenues and profi…"
Small Cap Value Report (17 Apr 2015) - SDM, ACL
LON:SDM by Paul Scott 17th Apr '15 · 8 comments · 10713 reads · 22 votes
"Good morning! UK Investor Show tomorrow, so I'm starting to get into a flap about what to say in the two sessions that I've been asked to speak at. So will have to do some more preparation this aftern…"
Small Cap Value Report (10 Sep) - SDM, NPT, ZZZ, SAL
LON:SDM by Paul Scott 10th Sep '13 · 5 comments · 15458 reads · 13 votes
"Good morning! Stadium (LON:SDM) reports its interim results to 30 Jun 2013. It's a small electronics group, with a market cap of £12.6m at the current share price of 42p. Checking our archive here, I…"
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