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Displaying 5 of 5 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
A Mechanical Portfolio: Does Mechanical Investing Work?
LON:AAS by siestainvestor 13th Jun '11 · 10 comments · 15835 reads · 8 votes
"There may be some merit in a mechanistic approach to portfolio adjustment for the following reasons: - Set at suitable review intervals, trading frequency and related costs can be minimised - The iner…"
Conygar Interim Results - Audio Transcript
LON:CIC by Edward Croft 8th Jun '11 · 0 comments · 4190 reads · 4 votes
"We published a podcast with Robert Ware and Preston Rabl, Chief Executive and Corporate Director of the Conygar Investment Company (LON:CIC) on Monday after the announcement of their recent interim r…"
Conygar - Investing in Real Estate - Interview Transcript
LON:CIC by Edward Croft 10th Sep '10 · 0 comments · 6086 reads · 14 votes
"Following is a transcript of the audio interview we conducted on Wednesday 1st September 2010 with Robert Ware, CEO,  and Preston Rabl, Corporate Director, of Conygar Investment Company PLC (LON:CIC)…"
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  • Tesco (TSCO)
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