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Displaying 25 of 25 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (16 Apr 2014) - ZZZ, LRM, RSTR
LON:ZZZ by Paul Scott 16th Apr '14 · 4 comments · 13920 reads · 16 votes
"Good morning!     Snoozebox Holdings (LON:ZZZ) This is an interesting company. If you cast your mind back to 2012, Panmure Gordon did the IPO for this innovative company. I remember reading the admis…"
Small Cap Value Report (20 Oct 2016) - G4M, LRM
LON:G4M by Paul Scott 20th Oct '16 · 31 comments · 16585 reads · 44 votes
"Good morning!Just a short report this morning, as I am heading into the city for a meeting at Panmures with management of my favourite GARP share at the moment, Gear4Music (G4M). As this is at noon, c…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 19 Apr 2017) - Election/forex, LRM, ALT
LON:LRM by Paul Scott 19th Apr '17 · 33 comments · 14834 reads · 66 votes
"Good morning!As we all know, political events can have a big influence on markets. So it was interesting to watch what happened yesterday, after Mrs May announced that she's holding a snap general ele…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 25 Oct 2017) - LRM, DFX, NEXS
LON:LRM by Paul Scott 25th Oct '17 · 26 comments · 11402 reads · 63 votes
"Good morning! It's Paul here. Drat, I've just realised that I forgot to put up a placeholder article last night - apologies. There's no way I'll remember reliably in future, so I've just set up a remi…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 19 Jul 2017) - LRM, HOTC, EYE
LON:LRM by Paul Scott 19th Jul '17 · 30 comments · 31766 reads · 49 votes
"Good morning everyone! It's Paul here. Many thanks to Graham for adding some extra sections to yesterday's report, as I had a busy afternoon dealing with other stuff. I think we'll work that way in fu…"
Hybridan Smallcap Wrap featuring Lombard Risk, Cashbox and Indox
LON:HER by Hybridan 18th Jan '10 · 0 comments · 3322 reads · 4 votes
" This week: Another win for Lombard Risk, Cashbox gets its foot in the door, and Idox wins over local authorities Cashbox (CBOX 2.875p/£4.32m) Cashbox, the UK’s leading independent ATM operator, has…"
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