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Displaying 13 of 13 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Busy times ahead for Baobab Resources
LON:BAO^J17 by The Prospector 23rd Feb '10 · 0 comments · 1884 reads · 2 votes
" Baobab Resources Plc (LON:BAO) is a mining exploration company with an exclusive focus on Mozambique. It was formed in 2005 to acquire Capitol Resources, a Mozambique-based company, which held 16 exp…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap: Animalcare purrs along, Lo-Q moves forward, magnesium hydroxide is a Sirius by-product and Encore soon to repeat
LON:PHC by Hybridan 23rd Feb '11 · 0 comments · 4172 reads · 3 votes
"3D Diagnostic Imaging (LON:3DD) (3DD 6.5p / £11.08m) This week 3D Diagnostic Imaging, a recent transfer from PLUS to AIM, announced that it had signed an exclusive European distribution deal for its…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap: Chariot races ahead, Lifelines preservation, Monitise starts monetising and Sirius gets serious on Potash
LON:PHC by Hybridan 18th Jan '11 · 0 comments · 4957 reads · 4 votes
"This week: Chariot races ahead, Lifelines preservation, Monitise starts monetising and Sirius gets serious on Potash African Eagle Resources (LON:AFE) (AFE 16P / £61.56M) African Eagle announced (11t…"
Hybridan Smallcap Wrap: See the face of Seeing, Delcam delivers results and Medicsight offers insight
LON:LGT by Hybridan 29th Mar '11 · 0 comments · 5719 reads · 2 votes
"Baobab Resources (LON:BAO) (BAO 39p/£68.24m)  Baobab Resources has a portfolio of mineral projects in Mozambique, the flagship asset of which is the Tete iron/vanadium/titanium project. In November l…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap: Better view ahead for Clarity, good all round picture from DDD and US health insurers get the Fitbug
LON:ELCO by Hybridan 7th Sep '11 · 0 comments · 6192 reads · 4 votes
"Welcome back to the Small Cap Wrap, which returns after the Summer break… hope it was a good one . August was a pretty turbulent month in the financial markets, and September continues with the theme.…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap: Baobab moves the goal posts, Herencia goes for Golder, National Milk delivers and Sinclair’s growing success
LON:HSBA by Hybridan 23rd Nov '10 · 1 comment · 7654 read · 1 vote
"3D Diagnostic Imaging (LON:3DD) (3DD 8.5p/£14.49m) 3D Diagnostics which owns the protected rights to a technology platform with a number of significant potential commercial products, announced its mo…"
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