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REG - Wilmington PLC - Financial results for the year ended 30 June 2024

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RNS Number : 2203E  Wilmington PLC  16 September 2024

16 September 2024

Wilmington plc


Sustained double digit profits growth


Wilmington plc, (LSE: WIL, 'Wilmington' or 'the Group') the provider of data,
information, education and training services in the global Governance, Risk
and Compliance (GRC) markets, today announces its unaudited preliminary
results for the year ended 30 June 2024. The results are unaudited because the
auditors have requested extra time to complete their final audit procedures.


Financial performance


                                 2024     2023     Change
 Ongoing results 1  (#_ftn1)
 Revenue                         £89.7m   £78.7m   14%
 Adjusted PBT 2  (#_ftn2)        £24.1m   £16.9m   42%
 Adjusted PBT margin             26.8%    21.5%    25%
 Adjusted basic EPS 3  (#_ftn3)  19.81p   14.02p   41%

 Total results
 Net cash 4  (#_ftn4)            £67.8m   £42.2m   61%
 Total dividend                  11.3p    10.0p    13%
 Total adjusted PBT              £27.6m   £24.3m   13%
 Total adjusted PBT margin       22%      20%      11%
 Total basic EPS                 46.32p   22.94p   102%


 Statutory continuing results
 Revenue                       £98.3m   £93.1m   6%
 PBT                           £24.2m   £20.5m   17%
 Basic EPS                     19.33p   19.51p   (1%)




·      14% revenue growth from ongoing businesses. Organic growth of
9%(1). All ongoing businesses grew.


·      Annual recurring revenues up 16%, now 36% (2023: 33%) of Group
organic revenues, despite the sale of subscription-heavy businesses.


·      Adjusted profit before tax from ongoing businesses up 42% to
£24.1m (2023: £16.9m). Total adjusted profit before tax of £27.6m (2023:


·      Total adjusted PBT margin up to 22% from 20%. Operating margins
of ongoing businesses continue to increase.


·      Dividend increased by 13% to final dividend of 11.3p.


·      Robust balance sheet with net cash at 30 June 2024 £67.8m (2023:
£42.2m) reflecting strong trading performance and cash conversion as well as
the net cash received from portfolio changes.


·      Continued to enhance and streamline portfolio with acquisition of
Astutis, and disposals of European Healthcare & MiExact businesses.


·      Investment in the development of single technology platform for
the whole business.


Mark Milner, Chief Executive Officer, commented:


"We have delivered another strong year, in line with our strategy with notably
strong increases in revenues, profits and cash generation. Margins have also
continued to improve strongly.


"We continued to focus on consolidating our already strong presence in the
large, growing and rapidly evolving international GRC markets and
significantly enhanced our capabilities with the acquisition of Astutis in the
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) sector. We sold our European Healthcare
businesses and MiExact.


"We now have a higher quality portfolio of growing international businesses
and continue to pursue various opportunities to invest in acquisitions to
improve our growth and profitability. We have also started to transfer our
businesses onto our single operating platform, which will continue to improve
our performance.


"We have had a good start to the current financial year, with revenues and
profits in line with expectations."


The information contained within this announcement is deemed to constitute
inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No.
596/2014. Upon the publication of this announcement this inside information is
now considered to be in the public domain.


 For further information, please contact:

 Wilmington plc                            020 7490 0049

 Mark Milner, Chief Executive Officer

 Guy Millward, Chief Financial Officer

 Meare Consulting                          07990 858548

 Adrian Duffield


Notes to Editors


Wilmington plc is the recognised knowledge leader and partner of choice for
data, information, education and training in the global Governance, Risk and
Compliance (GRC) markets. Wilmington employs over 600 people and sells to
around 120 countries. Wilmington is listed on the main market of the London
Stock Exchange.


CEO's review




We are pleased to report another year of good progress and delivering on our
strategy with notably strong increases in revenues, profits and cash
generation. We continued to focus our portfolio of businesses on the
international Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) markets and significantly
enhanced our capabilities with the acquisition of Astutis in the Health,
Safety and Environment (HSE) sector. We sold our European Healthcare
businesses and MiExact.


We also continued to invest in our operational growth levers, sales,
marketing, product development and have moved decisively towards running all
our operations on a single platform, by merging the previous platforms built
for training and data operations. During the year, following the disposal of
the businesses that made up the majority of our Intelligence division, we have
reorganised our segmental reporting around the external markets addressed by
our brands from Training & Education and Intelligence to HSE, Legal and
Financial Services.




For the year ending 30 June 2024, the Group saw overall organic revenue growth
of 9%, with solid growth from all our ongoing businesses. We also achieved 16%
growth in Group recurring revenues, making up 36% of total revenues (2023:
33%). We have achieved organic revenue growth every year in the last four
financial years.


The increased revenues and a continued focus on operational efficiency
resulted in total adjusted PBT growth of 13% to £27.6m (2023: £24.3m) and a
corresponding improvement in adjusted PBT margin to 22% (2023: 20%). We have
also achieved this profit growth over the last four years, despite selling or
closing seven of the 15 businesses in the Group in 2020.


Profits from underlying operations (excluding the Astutis acquisition) were up
35%, driven by strong trading in our Financial Services businesses and net
interest income on our cash of £2.0m. This resulted in underlying adjusted
basic earnings per share being up 33%, which in turn has allowed us to propose
an increase in dividend to a final dividend of 8.3p (total of 11.3p).


Statutory revenue was up 6% to £98.3m (2023: £93.1m). Statutory PBT was up
17% to £24.2m (2023: £20.5m). Total Basic EPS increased to 46.32p (2023:


The Group again strengthened its balance sheet, increasing its net cash
position (excluding lease liabilities & including cash held for sale) to
£67.8m (2023: £42.2m) after another strong year of converting profits to
cash as well as the net cash received from portfolio changes. We have also
significantly reduced our future lease liabilities by downsizing office
footprints, including exiting our London offices. This will provide
significant cost savings going forward and better complement our hybrid
working policy, which has resulted in a need for far less office space.




Our strategy is delivering, so there is no change here. We continued to focus
on consolidating our already strong presence in the large, growing and rapidly
evolving international GRC markets. These markets are underpinned by strong
macro drivers, particularly the increasing volume and enforcement of
regulation, complex geopolitical landscape, increased importance of ESG and
widespread adoption of technological and data-driven compliance solutions, all
of which align strongly to Wilmington's core offering.


At the heart of this focus on the GRC markets is our ambition to help our
customers to do the right business in the right way, by providing a
complementary range of information & data and training & education
solutions. Our businesses focus on the financial services, legal and HSE
markets. We are looking to acquire further businesses in these and
complementary sectors.


Portfolio update


In November 2023, we completed the acquisition of Astutis, a training business
offering a range of globally recognised and regulated health, safety and
environmental qualifications, based in Cardiff. The business has achieved
strong growth in the growing HSE market and is highly complementary to our
existing portfolio. The acquisition of Astutis is consistent with our strategy
in the GRC market to broaden and strengthen our training and education


We continue to review all parts of the Group assessing businesses against six
key characteristics: organic growth opportunities; attractive markets; digital
and data capabilities; strong leadership; strategic fit to the GRC
marketplaces; and attractive product, revenue, and profitability


As part of this ongoing review, we determined that our Healthcare, Compliance
Week and MiExact businesses no longer met our criteria. MiExact, a UK
mortality data business, and the European Healthcare business were sold during
the year, Compliance Week is in a sale process. We also closed our operations
in Singapore and Malaysia due to continuing declining revenues, ongoing losses
and little prospect of recovery given the local market conditions. We now
serve the Singapore and Malaysia markets from the UK.


We continue to seek businesses to join the Group, with a highly active but
disciplined M&A function exploring many options. To date, we have
identified numerous businesses which meet our required characteristics.
However, valuation expectations continue to remain high and we continue to
take a very disciplined approach. Our priority is to allocate the capital
available to us, including our cash balance, cash we generate from our
profitable operations, and our borrowing capability, to acquisitions in the
next two years.




Our investment approach across the Group continues to be targeted at embedding
the unique characteristics that define our competitive advantage into each of
our brands. We are pleased with the progress we have made in developing a
single technology platform for our businesses, by merging our previous
platform investments and removing more of our legacy technology debt. We have
more work to do to achieve a single platform for everything we do but the
building blocks are in place and should deliver operational efficiencies in
FY25 as expected. The implementation of a single platform will also allow us
to efficiently expand our offering by creating a scalable portfolio to enhance
our growth potential.


We continue to invest organically in new products and strengthen our existing
product offerings, with the scope to monetise our solutions greatly enhanced
by our single platform approach. This strategy for maximising the value of our
technology and data assets, combined with our streamlined operating model,
provides the strong base to actively consider acquisition targets which
complement and/or extend our capabilities.


We reported last year that within the strategic framework of Wilmington,
deliberate measures are being put into action to navigate the risks that
accompany AI technology while simultaneously harnessing its opportunities.
Work continues to mitigate risks and incorporate AI into our products.


We also remain focused on investing in the many drivers of employee
engagement, which increased year on year as measured by our annual engagement
survey. Development is actioned by activities such as regular Town Halls, the
building and support of communities, and development of Working Groups to
focus on keys areas such as diversity and inclusion, reward strategies, talent
development and others.


Responsible business


We are committed to investing in the initiatives that support our colleagues
and our own responsible business culture.


We continue to make significant progress with our People Strategy. Our people
make our business, and our continued success in this financial year is down to
their hard work, ingenuity, skills and expertise, and I thank everyone for
their commitment to Wilmington.


We have achieved progress against our targets in all four areas of our
sustainability strategy, and this work continues to underpin our broader
strategic objectives and risk management processes. Full details of this work
can be found in our Sustainability report.


We implemented the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
recommendations in full two years ago, while still putting together some
further detail on the metric requirements. We concluded that we must continue
to monitor the impacts of climate change on the Group's risk profile, but that
the potential opportunities that may arise from the transition to a low-carbon
economy are well aligned to our core offering. We have committed to net-zero
carbon targets, with an ambition of absolute zero, producing no greenhouse gas
emissions, in respect of Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2028, and net zero in
respect of Scope 3 emissions by 2045.


Review of operations


                                   2024   2023   Absolute variance  Organic variance 5  (#_ftn5)
                                   £'m    £'m    %                  %
 HSE 6  (#_ftn6)                   4.8
 Legal 7  (#_ftn7)                 16.0   14.0   14%                14%
             Insurance             28.8   27.8   3%                 6%
             Other                 40.1   36.9   9%                 9%
 Financial Services 8  (#_ftn8)    68.9   64.7   6%                 7%
 Ongoing revenue                   89.7   78.7   14%                9%
 Ongoing operating profit          28.1   21.9   28%                24%
 Margin %                          31%    28%

 Total revenue 9  (#_ftn9)         126.0  123.5  2%
 Total operating profit            31.6   29.3   8%


Group performance


Revenues from ongoing businesses grew 14%, 9% excluding currency gains and the
Astutis acquisition. All eight of the ongoing businesses grew organically and
recurring subscription revenues grew 16%.


Astutis features for the first time so has no variances on last year, and the
numbers are for a partial year. The business grew significantly on its prior
year performance.


Group operating profits improved by 24% organically and operating margins for
ongoing businesses increased to 31% on the back of the revenue increases and
continued cost improvements.


Segmental reporting


Following the acquisition of Astutis, a training business in the HSE sector
and the disposal of the European Healthcare and MiExact businesses and the
decision to sell Compliance Week, which together made up the majority of what
was previously our Intelligence Division, we have reorganised our segmental
reporting around the external markets addressed by our brands.




The HSE segment comprises Astutis, acquired in November 2023. Astutis is a UK
training business which mixes face-to-face and online learning for various
industry standard qualifications and certificates in the HSE sector. The
business has experienced strong growth in recent years after switching focus
to more online training post-Covid and has a strong market position in a
growing marketplace.




The Legal segment comprises Bond Solon and Pendragon, whose customers are
predominantly in the legal market. Bond Solon is mainly UK based and trains
individuals involved in the legal system, including lawyers, helping them
train their clients for interaction with the legal system. Revenue is earned
through one off course attendance fees. Courses are typically single or half
day events, and content is a mix of owned and third-party intellectual
property. Courses are delivered either by in-house experts or a network of
independent tutors who are paid per course. The Law for Non-Lawyers market is
strong, with good ongoing demand for existing products as well as successful
launches of new training courses.


Pendragon operates in the UK pensions market, providing information products
and services with revenues generated primarily through subscription.


Legal revenues grew 14% organically, led by Bond Solon which had a significant
contract win in the public sector to give it a second consecutive year of
double-digit revenue growth. Pendragon had a strong year for subscription
revenue growth and again achieved very strong customer retention (99%).


Financial Services


Financial Services Insurance comprises Axco and FRA. Axco provides a broad
range of information products and services with revenues generated primarily
through subscription, and customers are spread globally.


FRA is predominantly events based. It serves the US Healthcare and Health
Insurance markets and, to a lesser extent, the US financial and legal service
communities. The prime brand is the RISE series of events that addresses the
Medicare and Medicaid markets and is attended by health plans, physician
groups and solution partners. The flagship event is RISE National which
normally takes place in March each year. Revenue from the US events is
generated from both sponsorship and delegate sales.


Financial Services Insurance revenues grew 6% overall. Axco grew revenues by
7%, excluding currency gains, and had a strong year for subscription revenue
growth. Recurring revenue retention rates were at 99%. FRA revenues were flat
in sterling terms but grew 4% in US dollars, delegate revenues were again


Financial Services Other comprises three businesses that operate in Compliance
markets. The largest business, which was developed organically within
Wilmington, is the International Compliance Association ('ICA'). It is an
industry body and training business that was created in 2002. It offers
professional development and support to compliance officers predominantly in
the financial services sector. It has offices in the UK and Dubai, and a
presence in India.


The material for ICA courses is developed by our own internal R&D team,
and external specialists. We own the associated intellectual property. Revenue
earned by ICA is primarily training income complemented by subscriptions paid
by the professional members for their ICA accreditations. The courses ICA run
usually extend over several weeks or even months. They traditionally mix
distance learning with face-to-face sessions. The distance learning element
has transitioned to online and digital variants, and virtual programmes have
been offered in place of face-to-face sessions.


The second business, CLTi, earns revenue from running professional development
programmes for wealth managers, in association with The Society of Trust and
Estate Practitioners. Wilmington has an international presence, with customers
in the UK, Europe, Asia Pacific and the US. Our consistent investment
programme in content and technology is maintaining our competitive


The third business, Mercia, provides training for accountants in practice and
in business. It runs a mix of face-to-face, online, and blended learning for
this community. It provides training at various levels including providing
continuing professional development for existing qualified accountants.
Additionally, it provides technical support to accountancy firms which enables
them to keep abreast of technical developments and changes to regulation, as
well as supporting them to promote the services they then offer to their


Mercia is predominantly UK and Ireland based reflecting the country specific
laws and accounting standards that govern the profession. Revenue in the unit
is earned through clients subscribing for ongoing training, support and other
related activities over a period of time (usually 12 months), with the rest
through one off course attendance fees. Courses are typically single or half
day events, and content is a mix of owned and third-party intellectual
property. Courses are delivered either by in-house experts or a network of
independent tutors who are paid per course that they deliver.


Financial Services Other, overall revenues grew 9%. CLTi and ICA UK and Middle
East revenues were up by double digit percentage points. ICA saw continued
revenue decline in Singapore and Malaysia and the business there became
loss-making. Without any sign of a return to profit or revenue growth in the
near future we took the decision to close our operations in Singapore and
Malaysia and to service the area from the UK. Mercia revenues grew 4% in the
year and significantly improved its recurring revenues.


Financial review



The Group performance was again strong during the year, driving organic growth
in revenue and profit and improving the balance sheet, reflected by the
increased closing net cash position and the reduced lease liabilities. We also
sold our Healthcare and MiExact businesses and acquired Astutis, all of which
have a significant effect on our balance sheet and trading.


Adjusting items, measures, and adjusted results

In this financial review reference is made to adjusted results as well as the
equivalent statutory measures. The Directors make use of adjusted results,
which are not considered to be a substitute for, or superior to, IFRS
measures, to provide stakeholders with additional relevant information and
enable an alternative comparison of performance over time. Adjusted results
exclude amortisation of intangible assets (excluding computer software),
impairments, other income (when material or of a significant nature) and other
adjusting items.



                                        2024   2023   Absolute variance       variance
                                        £'m    £'m    £'m         %           %
 Statutory continuing revenue           98.3   93.1   5.2         6%          7%
 Continuing Adjusted profit before tax  23.7   19.5   4.2         21%
 Continuing Adjusted profit margin %    24%    20%


Variances described as 'organic' are calculated by adjusting the revenue
change achieved year-on-year to exclude the impact of changes in foreign
currency exchange rates and also to exclude the impact of changes in the
portfolio from acquisitions and disposals.



Group revenue increased 6% on a statutory continuing basis and 9% on an
organic basis, the statutory continuing increase reflecting £0.9m of foreign
currency downside and the impact of disposals carried out part way through the
year. Full details can be found in the review of operations.


Operating expenses before amortisation of intangible assets (excluding
computer software), impairment and adjusting items

Operating expenses before amortisation of intangible assets (excluding
computer software) and impairments increased to £76.6m (2023: £73.8m).


Within operating expenses, staff costs were £43.6m (2023: £44.4m). This net
decrease reflects the reduced salary cost as a result of the decrease in
headcount post disposals which was partly offset by inflationary pay rises.
Share based payment costs increased £0.4m due to a full year of charge
relating to the 2023 SAYE scheme and the introduction of the 2024 SAYE scheme,
which commenced in the year.


Non-staff costs increased by £3.6m to £33.0m (2023: £29.4m), reflecting the
current year costs of Astutis from November and general inflationary


Unallocated central overheads

Unallocated central overheads, representing Board costs and head office
salaries, as well as other centrally incurred costs were £4.2m (2023:


Adjusted profit before tax ('adjusted PBT')

As a result of increased revenue and a continued focus on operational
efficiency, adjusted profit before tax, which eliminates the impact of
amortisation of intangible assets (excluding computer software), impairments,
other income and other adjusting items, was up 21% to £23.7m (2023: £19.5m).
Adjusted profit margin (adjusted PBT expressed as a percentage of revenue)
also increased to 24% (2023: 20%).


Total Group adjusted profit before tax was up 13% to £27.6m (2023: £24.3m)
and on a total basis the adjusted profit margin increased to 22% (2023: 20%).


Amortisation excluding computer software, impairment, adjusting charge and
other income

Amortisation of intangible assets (excluding computer software) was £2.1m
(2023: £1.1m) representing amortisation from acquired intangibles. The
increase year on year largely reflects the acquisition of Astutis made during
the year.


The non-cash impairment of £4.4m (2023: £nil) represents the impairment of
goodwill in Compliance Week. The adjusting charge of £0.6m (2023: £0.1m)
represents strategic costs for acquisitions.


Gain on disposals represents a total net gain of £26.8m consisting of £5.5m
included within other income largely relating to MiExact, and £21.3m gain
disposal of European Healthcare included within profit from discontinued
operations, see note 11 for further details. Other income also includes £2.2m
representing a gain on the sale of a building and the early exit of the head
office lease leading to a lease modification, see note 5a for further details.


Operating profit

Operating profit was £22.2m (2023: £20.3m), driven largely by the £5.5m
gain on disposal of subsidiaries (2023: £2.2m), the gain on disposal of
property, plant and equipment and lease modification of £2.2m, partially
offset by £4.4m of goodwill impairment.


Net finance income

Net finance income up £1.8m to £2.0m (2023: £0.2m), primarily related to
the interest received on the significant cash balance the Group maintained
during the year.


Profit before taxation

Profit before taxation was £24.2m (2023: £20.5m); a reconciliation of profit
before tax to adjusted profit before tax can be found in note 3.



The tax charge for the year was £7.0m (2023: £3.3m) reflecting an effective
tax rate of 29.4% (2023: 16.2%). The increase in the tax rate year-on-year
reflects an increase in the full year of UK corporation tax at 25%, offset by
the nature of other operating income with business disposals qualifying for
the SSE.


The underlying tax rate which ignores the tax effects of adjusting items
increased to 27.2% (2023: 25.2%). The increase reflects the full year of the
UK corporation tax increase from 19% to 25%, with only one quarter being
applied to FY23.


Earnings per share

Adjusted basic earnings per share increased by 17% to 19.38p (2023: 16.57p)
see note 9, due to the increase in adjusted profit before tax, offset by an
increase in the corporation tax rate causing an increase in the underlying tax
rate. The number of issued ordinary shares was essentially unchanged. Total
Basic earnings per share was 46.32p (2023: 22.94p) reflecting the increase in
profit after tax, see note 9.


Ongoing adjusted basic earnings per share, excluding the results of sold and
closed businesses, increased by 41% to 19.81p (2023: 14.02p), see
reconciliation below.


                                                        2024         2023

                                                        £'m          £'m
 Adjusted earnings (note 9)                             20.4         18.9
 Remove profit after tax of sold and closed businesses  (2.8)        (6.6)
 Ongoing adjusted earnings                              17.6         12.3

                                                        2024         2023        Variance

                                                        Number       Number
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares (note 9)                 88,027,119


 Ongoing adjusted basic earnings per share              19.81p       14.02p      41%



A final dividend of 8.3p per share (2023: 7.3p) will be proposed at the AGM.
This will give a full year dividend up 13% to 11.3p (2023: 10.0p) and dividend
cover of 2.0 times (2023: 2.1 times).


If approved it will be paid on 4 December 2024 to shareholders on the register
as at 1 November 2024 with an associated ex-dividend date of 31 October 2024.


Balance sheet

Non-current assets

Goodwill at 30 June 2024 was £52.8m (2023: £60.6m). The decrease is due to
disposals of £14.3m and impairment in the Compliance Week CGU of £4.4m,
following the decision to sell it, with the remaining goodwill in Compliance
Week of £0.4m transferred to held for sale, partly offset by the goodwill
arisen from the acquisition of Astutis of £11.2m.

Intangible assets increased by £4.5m to £10.2m (2023: £5.7m) due to the
acquisition of Astutis of £9.9m and additions of £0.2m within computer
software; partly offset by amortisation of £3.7m, and £1.8m of disposals
largely relating to the disposal of subsidiaries. The remaining £0.1m
variance reflects exchange translation differences.


Property, plant and equipment decreased by £3.9m to £3.1m (2023: £7.0m).
This is attributable to the £1.5m decrease from disposals largely relating to
the disposal of subsidiaries, £0.8m decrease due to the lease modification,
depreciation of £1.8m and an impairment of the assets associated with the
head office of £0.4m. Partly offset by additions of £0.1m and £0.4m
recognised from the acquisition of Astutis. The remaining £0.1m reflects
exchange translation differences.


Deferred consideration receivable

The deferred consideration receivable balance of £16.5m (2023: £1.9m)
relates to the disposal of ICP in July 2018, the disposal of MiExact in
January 2024 (see note 11), and the disposal of UK Healthcare in June 2024
(see note 11), with £14.8m recognised within non-current assets and the
remaining £1.7m recognised within current assets.


Trade and other receivables

Trade and other receivables reduced to £20.3m (2023: £27.4m) largely due to
the disposals of Healthcare and MiExact.


Current tax liability

At 30 June 2024 the Group recognised a liability relating to current tax of
£1.1m (2023: £0.1m).


Deferred tax

The deferred tax liability of £1.4m (2023: asset £0.3m) comprises the
deferred tax liability for acquired intangibles on acquisition of Astutis,
partly offset by a deferred tax credit for the change in corporation tax rate
and movement in capital allowances. The deferred tax expense in the P&L
£0.1m (2023: £1.1m credit) comprises the change in corporation tax rate and
movements in capital allowances.


Trade and other payables

Trade and other payables decreased by £5.5m to £50.5m (2023: £56.0m).
Within this, contract liabilities decreased by £5.8m to £27.9m (2023:
£33.7m) largely due to the disposals of Healthcare and MiExact.



Provisions were £0.2m (2023: £1.2m) in respect of anticipated future costs
in relation to the closed proportion of the head office until the end of the
contractual lease term. During the year, the lease term on the head office
building was renegotiated and we will exit the building in December 2024, the
provision was unwound by £0.8m, utilised by £0.2m, and the liability
reflects the term until December 2024.


Net cash, lease liabilities and cash flow

Net cash, which includes cash and cash equivalents, cash classified as held
for sale and lease liabilities, was £65.0m (2023: £35.0m). This significant
net cash position is driven by a strong trading performance delivering
improved profits and effective cash management as well as a cash inflow
associated with the disposal of businesses offset by the purchase of Astutis.
Please refer to note 15 for further information.

Lease liabilities decreased to £2.8m (2023: £7.2m). £0.9m (2023: £2.1m)
cash payments in relation to contractual lease obligations were made reducing
the balance, the lease modification reduced the balance by £2.7m, coupled
with disposals of £1.3m. The reduction is offset by £0.2m (2023: £0.2m) of
notional interest on lease liabilities reported within finance costs and
additions of £0.3m upon the acquisition of Astutis.


Cash conversion remained strong at 116% (2023: 138%). See note 14 for further

Share capital

In October 2023 Wilmington issued 823,568 ordinary voting shares of £0.05 to
satisfy the Company's obligations under its Performance Share Plan. In
December 2023 Wilmington issued 582,637 ordinary voting shares of £0.05 to
satisfy the Company's obligations under its SAYE Plan.


During the year 53,519 shares held by the Employee Share Ownership Trust
('ESOT') were used to satisfy the Company's obligations under the SAYE Plan
and 54,610 shares held by the ESOT to satisfy the Company's obligations under
its Performance Share Plan. At 30 June 2024, the ESOT held 244,522 shares
(2023: 352,651) in the Company, which represents 0.3% (2023: 0.4%) of the
called up share capital.


During the year 391 shares held in treasury were used to satisfy the Company's
obligations under the SAYE Plan. At 30 June 2024, 4,817 shares (2023: 5,208)
were held in treasury, which represents 0.1% (2023: 0.1%) of the share capital
of the Company.


Portfolio update

Acquisition of Astutis

In November 2023, we completed the acquisition of Astutis, a training business
offering a range of globally recognised and regulated health, safety and
environmental qualifications, based in Cardiff, for an initial consideration
of £16.8m, with contingent consideration of up to £4.7m based on Astutis'
performance in each of the two years ending 30 June 2025 and 30 June 2026. The
business has achieved strong growth in recent years in the growing HSE market
and is highly complementary to our existing portfolio. The acquisition of
Astutis, which is earnings enhancing, is consistent with our strategy in the
GRC market to broaden and strengthen our training and education capabilities.
Astutis embodies all of our six key business characterises in that it operates
in growing GRC focused regulated markets, has a strong and experienced
management team, a comprehensive products suite, growing revenues and profits,
and excellent digital capabilities. The fair value of the net assets acquired
in the business at acquisition date was £9.0m, resulting in goodwill on
acquisition of £11.2m. See note 10 for further details.



We continue to review all parts of the Group assessing businesses against six
key characteristics: organic growth opportunities; attractive markets; digital
and data capabilities; strong leadership; strategic fit to the GRC
marketplaces; and attractive product, revenue, and profitability
characteristics. As part of this ongoing review we determined that our
Healthcare, Compliance Week and MiExact businesses no longer met our criteria.
MiExact and Healthcare were sold during the year, Compliance Week is in a sale
process. We also took the decision to close our business in Singapore and
Malaysia due to continuing declining revenues, ongoing losses and little
prospect of recovery given the local market conditions. We will continue to
serve the Singapore and Malaysia markets from the UK.


MiExact, a UK mortality data business, was sold in January 2024 for £9.6m
recognising a gain of £5.9m included within other income. The European
Healthcare business was sold in two parts. The first was the disposal of APM,
a French healthcare business, for €26.0m in cash in April 2024 recognising a
gain on disposal of €23.3m (£19.9m) included within discontinued
operations. The second was the sale of the UK healthcare business for a
consideration of up to £26.3m recognising a gain on disposal of £1.5m
included within discontinued operations. See note 11 for further details.


Consolidated income statement

for the year ended 30 June 2024

                                                                               Notes  Year ended     Year ended

                                                                                      30 June 2024   30 June 2023

                                                                                      £'000          £'000
   Continuing operations
   Revenue                                                                     4      98,324         93,065
   Operating expenses before amortisation of intangibles excluding computer                          (73,792)
   software, impairment and adjusting items

   Impairment of goodwill                                                      5b     (4,434)        -
   Amortisation of intangible assets excluding computer software               5b     (2,090)        (1,078)
   Adjusting items                                                             5b     (598)          (147)
   Operating expenses                                                                 (83,767)       (75,017)
   Other income - gain on disposal of subsidiaries                             11     5,465          2,212
   Other income - gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment and lease  5a     2,189          -
   Operating profit                                                                   22,211         20,260
   Finance income                                                              6      2,172          478
   Finance expense                                                             6      (175)          (246)
   Profit before tax                                                                  24,208         20,492
   Taxation                                                                    7      (7,009)        (3,317)
   Profit for the year from continuing operations                                     17,199         17,175
   Profit for the year from discontinued operations                            11     24,011         3,020
   Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent                           41,210         20,195

   Earnings per share from continuing operations:
   Basic (p)                                                                   9      19.33          19.51
   Diluted (p)                                                                 9      18.96          19.03

   Earnings per share from continuing and discontinued operations:
   Basic (p)                                                                   9      46.32          22.94
   Diluted (p)                                                                 9      45.44          22.38

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

for the year ended 30 June 2024

                                                                                 Year ended  Year ended

                                                                                 30 June     30 June

                                                                                 2024        2023

                                                                                 £'000       £'000
   Profit for the year                                                           41,210      20,195
   Other comprehensive expense:
   Items that may be reclassified subsequently to the income statement
   -Currency translation differences                                             (238)       (991)
   Other comprehensive expense for the year, net of tax                          (238)       (991)
   Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to owners of the parent  40,972      19,204


Balance sheets

as at 30 June 2024

                                              Notes  2024      2023

                                                     £'000     £'000
 Non-current assets
 Goodwill                                            52,763    60,561
 Other intangible assets                             10,236    5,734
 Property, plant and equipment                       3,085     7,015
 Investment in subsidiaries                          -         -
 Deferred consideration receivable                   14,786    1,152
 Deferred tax assets                                 -         925
                                                     80,870    75,387
 Current assets
 Trade and other receivables                  12     20,339    27,391
 Deferred consideration receivable                   1,732     752
 Cash and cash equivalents                           67,515    42,173
 Assets of disposal group held for sale       11     1,196     -
                                                     90,782    70,316
 Total assets                                        171,652   145,703
 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                     13     (50,460)  (55,966)
 Lease liabilities                                   (1,257)   (975)
 Current tax liabilities                             (1,058)   (44)
 Provisions                                          (154)     (307)
 Liabilities of disposal group held for sale  11     (486)     -
                                                     (53,415)  (57,292)
 Non-current liabilities
 Lease liabilities                                   (1,571)   (6,235)
 Deferred tax liabilities                            (1,351)   (607)
 Provisions                                          -         (921)
                                                     (2,922)   (7,763)
 Total liabilities                                   (56,337)  (65,055)
 Net assets                                          115,315   80,648
 Share capital                                       4,478     4,408
 Share premium                                       47,463    45,553
 Treasury and ESOT reserves                          (617)     (786)
 Share based payments reserve                        2,889     2,635
 Translation reserve                                 3,193     3,431
 Retained earnings                                   57,909    25,407
 Total equity                                        115,315   80,648


Statements of changes in equity

for the year ended 30 June 2024

                                                                   Share capital,                    Share based  Translation  Retained earnings  Total equity

                                                                   share premium,                    payments     reserve      £'000              £'000

                                                                   treasury shares and ESOT shares   reserve      £'000

                                                                   £'000                             £'000
 At 1 July 2022                                                    48,851                            2,141        4,422        11,675             67,089
 Profit for the year                                               -                                 -            -            20,195             20,195
 Other comprehensive expense for the year                          -                                 -            (991)        -                  (991)
                                                                   48,851                            2,141        3,431        31,870             86,293
 Transactions with owners:
 Dividends paid                                                    -                                 -            -            (7,462)            (7,462)
 Issue of share capital                                            17                                -            -            -                  17
 Performance share plan awards vesting                             -                                 (717)        -            854                137
 Save As You Earn options settlement via ESOT                      154                               (11)         -            (16)               127
 Save As You Earn options settlement via treasury shares           153                               -            -            (64)               89
 Share based payments                                              -                                 1,222        -            -                  1,222
 Tax on share based payments                                       -                                 -            -            225                225
 At 30 June 2023                                                   49,175                            2,635        3,431        25,407             80,648
 Profit for the year                                               -                                 -            -            41,210             41,210
 Other comprehensive expense for the year                          -                                 -            (238)        -                  (238)
                                                                   49,175                            2,635        3,193        66,617             121,620
 Transactions with owners:
 Dividends paid                                                    -                                 -            -            (9,153)            (9,153)
 Issue of share capital                                            71                                -            -            -                  71
 Issue of share premium                                            1,910                             -            -            -                  1,910
 Performance share plan awards vesting settlement via share issue  -                                 (1,109)      -            (139)              (1,248)
 Performance share plan options settlement via ESOT                127                               (67)         -            -                  60
 Save As You Earn options vesting settlement via share issue       -                                 (174)        -            212                38
 Save As You Earn options settlement via treasury shares           1                                 -            -            -                  1
 Save As You Earn options settlement via ESOT                      40                                (29)         -            (7)                4
 Share based payments                                              -                                 1,633        -            -                  1,633
 Tax on share based payments                                       -                                 -            -            379                379
 At 30 June 2024                                                   51,324                            2,889        3,193        57,909             115,315


Cash flow statements

for the year ended 30 June 2024

                                                            Notes   Year ended    Year ended

                                                                   30 June 2024   30 June 2023

                                                                    £'000          £'000
   Cash flows from operating activities
   Cash generated from operations before adjusting items    14     29,747         33,205
   Cash flows for adjusting items - operating activities           (1,826)        (375)
   Cash flows from tax on share based payments                     (222)          (2)
   Cash generated from operations                                  27,699         32,828
   Interest received                                               1,946          344
   Tax paid                                                        (7,115)        (3,268)
   Net cash generated from operating activities                    22,530         29,904
   Cash flows from investing activities
   Disposal of subsidiaries net of cash                     11     26,561         1,549
   Purchase of subsidiary net of cash                       10     (15,923)       -
   Deferred consideration received                                 888            250
   Cash flows for adjusting items - investing activities           (59)           (6)
   Purchase of property, plant and equipment                       (132)          (461)
   Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment         884            13
   Purchase of intangible assets                                   (235)          (595)
   Net cash generated from investing activities                    11,984         750
   Cash flows from financing activities
   Dividends paid to owners of the parent                          (9,153)        (7,462)
   Cash received from sale of shares for share vesting             927            573
   Share issuance costs                                            (70)           (14)
   Payment of lease liabilities                                    (881)          (2,109)
   Net cash used in financing activities                           (9,177)        (9,012)
   Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                      21,642

   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year                             20,543

   Exchange gain/(loss) on cash and cash equivalents               5              (12)
   Cash classified as held for sale                                293            -
   Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year                                   42,173



Notes to the financial statements


1. Nature of the Financial Statements

The following financial information does not amount to full financial
statements within the meaning of Section 434 of Companies Act 2006.

Financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2023 have been delivered to
the Registrar of Companies; the report of the auditors on those accounts was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 498 of the Companies
Act 2006. The 2024 statutory accounts will be delivered in due course.
Information has been extracted from the draft statutory financial statements
for the year ended 30 June 2024 which will be delivered to the Registrar of
Companies in due course.  Accordingly, the financial information for 2024 is
presented unaudited in the preliminary announcement.


Copies of the Annual Report and Financial Statements will be made available to
shareholders shortly and printed copies will be available from the Company's
registered office at 10 Whitechapel High Street, London, E1 8QS.


2. Statement of accounting policies

The preliminary announcement for the year ended 30 June 2024 has been prepared
in accordance with UK adopted international accounting standards (UK adopted
IAS). The accounting policies applied in this preliminary announcement are
consistent with those reported in the Group's Annual Financial Statements for
the year ended 30 June 2023. There was no material effect from the adoption of
new standards or interpretations in the year ended 30 June 2024.


3. Measures of profit

Reconciliation to profit on continuing activities before tax

To provide shareholders with additional understanding of the trading
performance of the Group, adjusted EBITA has been calculated as profit before
tax after adding back:


•     impairment of goodwill;

•     amortisation of intangible assets excluding computer software;

•     adjusting items (included in operating expenses);

•     other income - gain on disposal of subsidiaries;

•     other income - gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment
and lease modification; and

•     net finance income.


Adjusted profit before tax, adjusted EBITA and adjusted EBITDA reconcile to
profit on continuing activities before tax as follows:


                                                                               Year ended  Year ended

                                                                                30 June     30 June

                                                                               2024        2023

                                                                               £'000       £'000
 Profit before tax                                                             24,208      20,492
 Impairment of goodwill                                                        4,434       -
 Amortisation of intangible assets excluding computer software                 2,090       1,078
 Adjusting items (included in operating expenses)                              598         147
 Other income - gain on disposal of subsidiaries                               (5,465)     (2,212)
 Other income - gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment and lease    (2,189)     -
 Adjusted profit before tax                                                    23,676      19,505
 Net finance income                                                            (1,997)     (232)
 Adjusted operating profit ('adjusted EBITA')                                  21,679      19,273
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment included in operating expenses  1,711       2,121
 Amortisation of intangible assets - computer software                         1,004       1,525
 Adjusted EBITA before depreciation ('adjusted EBITDA')                        24,394      22,919


 Adjusted EBITA                                    21,679  19,273
 Add EBITA from statutory discontinued operations  3,874   4,833
 Total Group adjusted EBITA                        25,553  24,106


 Adjusted profit before tax                                             23,676   19,505
 Add adjusted profit before tax from statutory discontinued operations  3,874    4,833
 Total Group adjusted profit before tax                                 27,550   24,338

 Remove operating profit from sold and closed businesses                (3,484)  (7,410)
 Ongoing adjusted profit before tax                                     24,066   16,928


4. Segmental information

In accordance with IFRS 8 the Group's operating segments are based on the
operating results reviewed by the Executive Board, which represents the chief
operating decision maker.


During the year, the Group reorganised its business into three Divisions (HSE,
Legal and Financial Services) to compliment the changes to the Group structure
as a result of the significant disposals and the acquisition, the segments
give greater focus to the customer base. These reportable segments reflect the
internal reporting provided to the Chief Operating Decision Maker (the
Executive Board) on a regular basis to assist in making decisions and to
assess performance. Segment information has been restated in the prior period
to align to the current reportable segments.


The Group's dynamic portfolio provides customers with a range of information,
data, training and education solutions. The Board considers the business from
both a geographic and product perspective. Geographically, management
considers the performance of the Group between the UK, Europe (excluding the
UK), the USA and the Rest of the World.


a) Business segments

                                                                             Revenue        Profit/(loss)  Revenue        Profit

                                                                             Year ended     Year ended     Year ended      Year ended

                                                                             30 June 2024   30 June 2024   30 June 2023   30 June 2023

                                                                             £'000          £'000          £'000          £'000
 HSE                                                                         4,837          1,201          -              -
 Legal                                                                       15,986         6,173          14,014         6,014
 Financial Services                                                          68,850         20,726         64,717         15,900
 Ongoing                                                                     89,673         28,100         78,731         21,914
 Non-core                                                                    8,651          (390)          14,334         2,577
 Group total                                                                 98,324         27,710         93,065         24,491
 Unallocated central overheads                                               -              (4,166)        -              (3,703)
 Share based payments                                                        -              (1,865)        -              (1,515)
                                                                             98,324         21,679         93,065         19,273
 Impairment of goodwill                                                                     (4,434)                       -
 Amortisation of intangible assets excluding computer software                              (2,090)                       (1,078)
 Adjusting items (included in operating expenses)                                           (598)                         (147)
 Other income - gain on disposal of subsidiaries                                            5,465                         2,212
 Other income - gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment and lease                 2,189                         -
 Net finance income                                                                         1,997                         232
 Profit before tax from continuing operations                                               24,208                        20,492
 Taxation                                                                                   (7,009)                       (3,317)
 Profit for the financial year from continuing operations                                   17,199                        17,175


There are no intra-segmental revenues which are material for disclosure.
Unallocated central overheads represent central costs that are not
specifically allocated to segments. Total assets and liabilities for each
reportable segment are not presented; as such information is not provided to
the Board.


b) Segmental information by geography

The UK is the Group's country of domicile and the Group generates the majority
of its revenue from external customers in the UK. The geographical analysis of
revenue is on the basis of the country of origin in which the customer is


                                     Year ended  Year ended

                                     30 June     30 June

                                     2024        2023

                                     £'000       £'000
 UK                                  52,353      49,441
 USA                                 25,761      24,050
 Europe (excluding the UK)           10,777      10,481
 Rest of the World                   9,433       9,093
 Revenue from continuing operations  98,324      93,065


c) Timing of revenue recognition

The timing of the Group's revenue recognition is as follows:


                                                                    Year ended  Year ended

                                                                    30 June     30 June

                                                                    2024        2023

                                                                    £'000       £'000
 Revenue from products and services transferred at a point in time  60,322      55,223
 Revenue from products and services transferred over time           38,002      37,842
 Revenue from continuing operations                                 98,324      93,065


During the year the Group recognised £33,659,000 of revenue that was held as
a contract liability at 30 June 2023 (2023: £31,405,000 related to amounts
held at 30 June 2022).

5. Profit from continuing operations

a) Profit for the year from continuing operations is stated after

                                                                                 Year ended  Year ended

                                                                                  30 June     30 June

                                                                                 2024        2023

                                                                                 £'000       £'000
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment - included in operating expenses  1,711       2,121
 Short-term and low-value leases                                                 143         94
 Amortisation of intangible assets - computer software                           1,004       1,525
 Non-adjusting profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment               -           (36)
 Share based payments (including social security costs)                          1,865       1,515
 Amortisation of intangible assets excluding computer software                   2,090       1,078
 Adjusting items (included in operating expenses)                                598         147
 Adjusting item - gain on disposal of subsidiaries                               (5,465)     (2,212)
 Adjusting item - gain on sale of property, plant and equipment and lease        (2,189)     -
 Research and development expenditure credit                                     -           (200)
 Impairment of goodwill                                                          4,434       -
 Foreign exchange loss                                                           87          179
 Fees payable to the auditor for the audit of the Company and consolidated       209         153
 financial statements
 Fees payable to the auditor and their associates for other services:
 - The audit of the Company's subsidiaries pursuant to legislation               241         240
 - Audit related other services                                                  17          17


The gain on property, plant and equipment and lease modification relates to
the sale of a building realising a gain of £0.9m, and an early exit of the
head office lease releasing a gain of £1.3m. The gain on exit of the head
office contains a lease modification. The right-of use asset was reduced by
£1.0m and the lease liability was reduced by £2.8m, property, plant and
equipment were impaired by £0.4m, a provision was unwound of £0.8m, and
professional fees and a lease surrender expense of £0.9m were recognised.


b) Adjusting items

The following items have been charged to the income statement during the year
but are considered to be adjusting so are shown separately:

                                                                Year ended  Year ended

                                                                30 June     30 June

                                                                2024        2023

                                                                £'000       £'000
 Expense relating to strategic activities                       598         147
 Other adjusting items (included in operating expenses)         598         147
 Impairment of goodwill                                         4,434       -
 Amortisation of intangible assets excluding computer software  2,090       1,078
 Total adjusting items (classified in profit before tax)        7,122       1,225


During the year, the Compliance Week CGU was impaired. Expenses related to
strategic activities represent acquisition costs of £0.6m.


6. Finance income and expense
                                                           Year ended  Year ended

                                                           30 June     30 June

                                                           2024        2023

                                                           £'000       £'000

 Interest receivable on cash and cash equivalents          1,953       373
 Unwinding of the discount on royalty payments receivable  219         105
 Finance income                                            2,172       478

 Interest expense for lease liabilities                    (175)       (246)
 Finance expense                                           (175)       (246)
 Net finance income                                        1,997       232


7. Taxation
                                                                 Year ended  Year ended

                                                                 30 June     30 June

                                                                 2024        2023

                                                                 £'000       £'000
 Current tax
 UK corporation tax at current rates on UK profits for the year  5,009       3,096
 Adjustments in respect of previous years                        394         (54)
                                                                 5,403       3,042
 Foreign tax                                                     1,568       1,291
 Adjustments in respect of previous years                        (19)        89
 Total current tax                                               6,952       4,422
 Total deferred tax                                              57          (1,105)
 Taxation from continuing operations                             7,009       3,317


Factors affecting the tax charge for the year:

The effective tax rate is higher (2023: lower) than the average rate of
corporation tax in the UK of 25.0% (2023: 20.5%). The differences are
explained below:


                                                                             Year ended  Year ended

                                                                             30 June     30 June

                                                                             2024        2023

                                                                             £'000       £'000
 Profit before tax                                                           24,208      20,492
 Profit before tax multiplied by the average rate of corporation tax in the              4,200
 year of 25.0% (2023: 20.5%)

 Tax effects of:
 Impairment of goodwill                                                      1,109       -
 Gain on disposal of subsidiaries                                            (1,367)     (453)
 Foreign tax rate differences                                                156         178
 Adjustment in respect of previous years                                     379         35
 Other items not subject to tax                                              623         462
 Deferred tax UK intangibles and capital allowances movement                 (88)        (904)
 Effect on deferred tax of a change in the corporation tax rate              408         (83)
 Other deferred tax movements                                                (263)       (118)
 Taxation from continuing operations                                         7,009       3,317


Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the rates that are
expected to apply in the periods of the reversal.


The Company's profits for this accounting year are taxed at an effective rate
of 29.4% (2023: 16.2%).


The tax effect of adjusting items as disclosed in note 9 is an expense of
£571,000 (2023: credit of £1,598,000).


8. Dividends

Amounts recognised as distributions to owners of the parent in the year:

                                                            Year ended  Year ended  Year ended  Year ended

                                                            30 June     30 June     30 June     30 June

                                                            2024        2023        2024        2023

                                                            Pence       Pence       £'000       £'000

                                                            per share   per share
 Final dividends recognised as distributions in the year                5.8                     5,091

                                                            7.3                     6,473
 Interim dividends recognised as distributions in the year              2.7                     2,371

                                                            3.0                     2,680
 Total dividends paid                                                               9,153       7,462
 Final dividend proposed                                    8.3         7.3         7,297       6,410


9. Earnings per share

Adjusted earnings per share has been calculated using adjusted earnings
calculated as profit after taxation but before:


•     impairment of goodwill;

•     amortisation of intangible assets excluding computer software;

•     adjusting items (included in operating expenses);

•     other income - gain on disposal of subsidiaries; and

•     other income - gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment
and lease modification.


The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the
following data:


                                                                             Year ended  Year ended

                                                                             30 June     30 June

                                                                             2024        2023

                                                                             £'000       £'000
 Continuing operations:
 Earnings from continuing operations for the purpose of basic earnings per   17,199      17,175
 Impairment of goodwill                                                      4,434       -
 Amortisation of intangible assets excluding computer software               2,090       1,078
 Adjusting items (included in operating expenses)                            598         147
 Other income - gain on disposal of subsidiaries                             (5,465)     (2,212)
 Other income - gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment and lease  (2,189)     -
 Tax effect of adjustments above and deferred tax                            571         (1,598)
 Adjusted earnings for the purposes of adjusted earnings per share           17,238      14,590

 Continuing and discontinued operations:
 Earnings from total operations for the purpose of basic earnings per share              20,195

 Impairment of goodwill                                                      4,434       -
 Amortisation of intangible assets excluding computer software               2,637       2,381
 Adjusting items (included in operating expenses)                            598         147
 Other income - gain on disposal of subsidiaries                             (26,831)    (2,212)
 Other income - gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment and lease  (2,189)     -
 Tax effect of adjustments above and deferred tax                            571         (1,598)
 Adjusted earnings for the purposes of adjusted earnings per share           20,430      18,913


                                                                             2024         2023

                                                                             Number       Number
 Continuing operations:
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of basic and                 88,027,119
 adjusted earnings per share

 Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares:
 Future exercise of share awards and options                                 1,722,761    2,217,174
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of diluted and               90,244,293
 adjusted diluted earnings per share


 Continuing and discontinued operations:
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of basic and                 88,027,119
 adjusted earnings per share

 Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares:
 Future exercise of share awards and options                                 1,722,761    2,217,174
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of diluted and               90,244,293
 adjusted diluted earnings per share


 Continuing operations:
 Basic earnings per share                                                    19.33p       19.51p
 Diluted earnings per share                                                  18.96p       19.03p
 Adjusted basic earnings per share ('adjusted earnings per share')           19.38p       16.57p
 Adjusted diluted earnings per share                                         19.01p       16.17p

 Continuing and discontinued operations:
 Basic earnings per share                                                    46.32p       22.94p
 Diluted earnings per share                                                  45.44p       22.38p
 Adjusted basic earnings per share ('adjusted earnings per share')           22.96p       21.49p
 Adjusted diluted earnings per share                                         22.53p       20.96p


10. Acquisition of Astutis

On 23 November 2023, the Group acquired 100% of the issued share capital of
Astutis Limited ("Astutis"), a Company based in the United Kingdom, for an
initial consideration of £16.8m. In addition, under the terms of the
acquisition, there are two potential deferred payments totalling up to £4.7m
based on Astutis' performance in each of the two years ending 30 June 2025 and
30 June 2026. As the deferred payments are linked to employment, they will be
recognised as a separate transaction in each period respectively as they fall


Astutis, which offers training for a range of globally recognised and
regulated health, safety and environmental qualifications, strengthens
Wilmington's portfolio of GRC training and education solutions by expanding
its capabilities into the health, safety and environmental markets. The
acquisition is part of Wilmington's strategy to focus on consolidating its
already strong presence in the large, growing and rapidly evolving GRC
markets. These markets are underpinned by strong macro drivers, particularly
the increasing volume and enforcement of regulation, complex geopolitical
landscape, increased importance of ESG and widespread adoption of
technological and data-driven compliance solutions. Goodwill acquired relates
to synergies and access to the health, safety and environmental markets.


The fair value of the net assets acquired in the business at acquisition date
was £9.0m, resulting in goodwill on acquisition of £11.2m. Acquisition
related charges include transaction costs of £0.6m relating to the
acquisition of Astutis. The results of the acquisition included in the Group's
consolidated results are revenue of £4.8m and an operating result of £1.2m.
Due to limitations in available data for the pre-acquisition period, the
Directors consider that it is impracticable to disclose the results of the
combined entity as though the acquisition had impacted the Group's
consolidated results for the full year. The goodwill recognised is not
deductible for tax purposes.


A summary of the acquisition is detailed below:

 Fair value of net assets acquired
 Intangibles                                     9,861
 Property, plant and equipment                   336
 Trade and other receivables                     1,880
 Cash and cash equivalents                       4,207
 Trade and other payables                        (4,510)
 Current tax liability                           (494)
 Deferred tax liability                          (1,995)
 Lease liability                                 (311)
 Net assets acquired                             8,974
 Goodwill                                        11,156
 Final working capital adjustments               (1,174)
 Total cash consideration                        18,956
 Final working capital adjustments paid in cash  1,174
 Cash acquired                                   (4,207)
 Total cash outflow                              15,923


11. Disposals, disposal group held for sale and discontinued operations

Disposal of MiExact

On 31 January 2024 the Group disposed of its mortality data business, MiExact
Limited, for consideration of £9.6m prior to working capital adjustments and
recognised a gain on disposal of £5.9m presented within other income.

Wilmington received cash of £6.9m on completion after working capital
adjustments, and the remaining £3.0m was issued as a loan note with a 7%
coupon, deferred for up to three years.

The disposal was executed by way of the sale of 100% of the equity shares. Net
assets on disposal were £2.9m, a breakdown can be found in the table below.


MiExact has not been classified as a discontinued operation under IFRS 5
because it does not meet the IFRS 5 criteria as a significant line of


Disposal of APM (part of the European Healthcare business)

On 26 April 2024 the Group disposed of its French Healthcare business, APM,
for consideration of €26.0m (£22.3m) in cash, prior to working capital
adjustments and recognised a gain on disposal of €23.3m (£19.9m) presented
within discontinued operations.


The disposal was executed by way of the sale of 100% of the equity shares. Net
assets on disposal were £1.9m, a breakdown can be found in the table below.

The European Healthcare business, consisting of APM and UK Healthcare, has
been classified as a discontinued operation under IFRS 5 because it meets the
IFRS 5 criteria as a significant line of business. Please see below for
further information.


Disposal of UK Healthcare (part of the European Healthcare business)

On 27 June 2024 the Group disposed of its UK Healthcare business for
consideration of up to £26.3m. The UK Healthcare business includes the entire
issued share capital of Wilmington Healthcare Limited and Interactive Medica
SL. This transaction completes Wilmington's sale of its European Healthcare
businesses, following the disposal of the Group's French Healthcare business,
APM, announced on 26 April 2024 for €26m.


The initial consideration of £21.3m comprises £4.8m in cash with the balance
of £16.5m satisfied through the issue by the purchaser of secured loan notes
for a term of up to four years, carrying a variable interest rate equal to the
Bank of England base rate with some principal repayments throughout the term.
The transaction realised a gain on disposal of £1.5m presented within
discontinued operations.


The total consideration of £21.3m will increase by up to approximately
£5.1m, subject to the UK Healthcare business achieving certain EBITDA targets
for the financial year ending 30 June 2025. This contingent consideration has
not been recognised as part of consideration because of the assessed
likelihood of meeting the specified targets.

The disposal was executed by way of the sale of 100% of the equity shares. Net
assets on disposal were £15.2m, a breakdown can be found in the table below.


The European Healthcare business, consisting of APM and UK Healthcare, has
been classified as a discontinued operation under IFRS 5 because it meets the
IFRS 5 criteria as a significant line of business. Please see below for
further information.


Revision of ICP

The disposal proceeds for the 2018 disposal of ICP were renegotiated to ensure
payment would actually be received, resulting in a reduction in the profit on
disposal of £414,000 presented within other income.


Net assets as at the disposal dates:

The disposals were executed by way of the sale of 100% of the equity shares
and as at each disposal date, the net assets were as follows:


                                                           MiExact  APM      UK Healthcare  ICP      Total

                                                           £'000    £'000    £'000          £'000    £'000
 Goodwill                                                  2,391    -        11,885
 Intangibles                                               -        89       1,734
 Property, plant and equipment                             13       1,435    3
 Deferred tax asset                                        -        -        33
 Current tax asset                                         -        392      95
 Trade and other receivables                               898      2,195    5,114
 Cash and cash equivalents                                 1,038    4,141    2,942
 Trade and other payables                                  (1,414)  (5,017)  (6,654)
 Lease liabilities                                         -        (1,300)  -
 Net assets disposed                                       2,926    1,935    15,152                  20,013
 Directly attributable costs of disposal                   638      1,104    1,618                   3,360
 Recycling of foreign exchange (gain)/loss                 -        25       (262)                   (237)
 Gain on disposal included within discontinued operations  -        19,912   1,454                   21,366
 Gain/(loss) on disposal included within other income      5,879    -        -              (414)    5,465
 Fair value of consideration during the year               9,443    22,976   17,962         (414)    49,967

 Satisfied by:
 Cash and cash equivalents                                 6,894    22,976   4,812                   34,682
 Fair value of deferred consideration                      2,549    -        13,150         (414)    15,285
                                                           9,443    22,976   17,962         (414)    49,967


 Cash received       6,894    22,976   4,812        34,682
 Less cash disposed  (1,038)  (4,141)  (2,942)      (8,121)
 Total cash inflow   5,856    18,835   1,870        26,561


The disposals reflect the Group's continued and active management of its
portfolio to assess the potential of each business to exhibit the six common
Wilmington characteristics that we recognise as key drivers of organic revenue
growth and profitability improvement.


European Healthcare business (UK Healthcare & APM) classified as a
discontinued operation

The European Healthcare business (consisting of APM and UK Healthcare) has
been classified as a discontinued operation in the year with the financial
results, including the comparatives, presented separately. The operation meets
the IFRS 5 definition as a discontinued operation due to it being a separate
major line of business and part of single coordinated disposal plan.


The table below shows the results of the discontinued operation, which is
included separately in the Consolidated Income Statement.


                                                                           Year ended  Year ended

                                                                           30 June     30 June

                                                                           2024        2023

                                                                           £'000       £'000
 European Healthcare
 Revenue                                                                   27,679      30,432
 Operating expenses before amortisation of intangibles excluding computer  (23,805)    (25,599)
 Amortisation of intangible assets excluding computer software             (547)       (1,303)
 Operating expenses                                                        (24,352)    (26,902)
 Operating profit                                                          3,327       3,530
 Profit before tax                                                         3,327       3,530
 Taxation                                                                  (682)       (510)
 Profit after tax                                                          2,645       3,020
 Gain on disposal                                                          21,366      -
 Profit after tax from discontinued operations                             24,011      3,020



                                               Year ended       Year ended

                                               30 June          30 June

                                               2024             2023

                                               £'000            £'000
 European Healthcare
 Net cash generated from operating activities  208              4,070
 Net cash used in investing activities         20,574           (164)
 Net cash used in financing activities         (151)            (176)
 Net increase in cash & cash equivalents            20,631      3,730



Compliance Week classified as a disposal group held for sale

During the year, the Compliance Week businesses, has been classified as a
disposal group held for sale under IFRS 5.


The Group is focused on actively managing our portfolio by assessing the
potential of each business to exhibit the six common Wilmington
characteristics that we recognise as key drivers of organic revenue growth and
profitability improvement. Consequently, as a result of this assessment, the
Board decided to exit the Compliance Week business. The disposal is expected
to be completed within one year by sale of equity shares.


The major classes of assets and liabilities comprising the disposal group held
for sale are as follows:

                                              30 June


 Goodwill                                     358
 Trade and other receivables                  545
 Cash and cash equivalents                    293
 Assets of disposal group held for sale       1,196

 Trade and other payables                     486
 Liabilities of disposal group held for sale  486


Compliance Week has not been classified as a discontinued operation under IFRS
5 because it does not meet the IFRS 5 criteria as a significant line of


12. Trade and other receivables
                                    30 June  30 June

                                    2024     2023

                                    £'000    £'000
 Trade receivables                  16,104   22,577
 Prepayments and other receivables  3,712    3,758
 Contract assets                    523      1,056
                                    20,339   27,391


Amounts due from all subsidiaries are interest free, unsecured and repayable
on demand with the intention to repay within the year. Expected credit losses
on amounts due from subsidiaries are immaterial.


13. Trade and other payables
                                  30 June  30 June

                                   2024    2023

                                  £'000    £'000
 Trade payables                   5,021    3,039
 Social security and other taxes  2,353    3,418
 Accruals                         14,499   15,425
 Contract liabilities             27,887   33,659
 Other payables                   700      425
                                  50,460   55,966


Amounts due to subsidiaries are interest free, unsecured and repayable on


14. Cash generated from operations
                                                                               Year ended  Year ended

                                                                               30 June     30 June

                                                                               2024        2023

                                                                               £'000       £'000
 From continuing and discontinued operations:
 Profit before tax from continuing operations                                  24,208      20,492
 Profit before tax from discontinued operations                                24,694      3,530
 Adjusting item - gain on disposal of subsidiaries included in continuing      (5,465)     (2,212)
 Adjusting item - gain on disposal of subsidiaries included in discontinued    (21,367)    -
 Adjusting item - gain on sale of property, plant and equipment and lease      (2,189)     -
 modification (see note 5a)
 Adjusting items                                                               598         147
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment included in operating expenses  1,851       2,321
 Amortisation of intangible assets (continuing and discontinued)               3,662       4,071
 Impairment of goodwill                                                        4,434       -
 Non-adjusting profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment             -           (36)
 Share based payments (including social security costs)                        1,865       1,515
 Net finance income                                                            (1,997)     (232)
 Operating cash flows before movements in working capital                      30,294      29,596
 Increase in trade and other receivables                                       (2,784)     (107)
 Increase in trade and other payables                                          2,545       4,023
 Decrease in provisions                                                        (308)       (307)
 Cash generated from operations before adjusting items                         29,747      33,205


Cash conversion is calculated as a percentage of cash generated by operations
to adjusted EBITA as follows:


                                                                              Year ended  Year ended

                                                                              30 June     30 June

                                                                              2024        2023

                                                                              £'000       £'000
 From continuing and discontinued operations:
 Funds from operations before adjusting items:
 Adjusted EBITA from continuing operations (note 3)                           21,679      19,273
 Adjusted EBITA from discontinued operations                                  3,874       4,833
 Share based payments (including social security costs)                       1,865       1,515
 Amortisation of intangible assets - computer software (continuing and        1,025       1,690
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (continuing and discontinued)  1,851       2,321
 Non-adjusting profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment            -           (36)
 Operating cash flows before movement in working capital                      30,294      29,596
 Net working capital movement                                                 (547)       3,609
 Funds from operations before adjusting items                                 29,747      33,205
 Cash conversion                                                              116%        138%


                                                          Year ended  Year ended

                                                          30 June     30 June

                                                          2024        2023

                                                          £'000       £'000
 Free cash flow:
 Operating cash flows before movement in working capital  30,294      29,596
 Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment    884         13
 Net working capital movement                             (547)       3,609
 Interest received                                        1,946       344
 Payment of lease liabilities                             (881)       (2,109)
 Tax paid                                                 (7,115)     (3,268)
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment                (132)       (461)
 Purchase of intangible assets                            (235)       (595)
 Free cash flow                                           24,214      27,129


15. Reconciliation of net cash movements
                                                           Year ended    Year ended

                                                          30 June 2024   30 June 2023

                                                           £'000          £'000
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year       42,173         19,785
 Cash classified as held for sale                         -              758
 Lease liabilities at beginning of the year               (7,210)        (7,510)
 Net cash at beginning of the year                        34,963         13,033
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                               21,630

 Movement in lease liabilities                            4,382          300
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year             67,515         42,173
 Cash classified as held for sale at end of the year      293            -
 Lease liabilities at end of the year                     (2,828)        (7,210)
 Net cash at end of the year                              64,980         34,963


16. Events after the reporting period

There were no events after the balance sheet date that require disclosure.


 1  (#_ftnref1) Ongoing - eliminating the effects of the impact of disposals,
closures and businesses held for sale; Organic - Ongoing, eliminating
acquisitions and exchange rate fluctuations.

 2  (#_ftnref2) Ongoing adjusted profit before tax and total adjusted profit
before tax - see note 3.

 3  (#_ftnref3) Ongoing adjusted basic earnings per share; Adjusted basic
earnings per share - see note 9.

 4  (#_ftnref4) Net cash includes cash and cash equivalents, bank loans
(excluding capitalised loan arrangement fees) and bank overdrafts but excludes
lease liabilities.

 5  (#_ftnref5) Ongoing - eliminating the effects of the impact of disposals,
closures and businesses held for sale; Organic - Ongoing, eliminating
acquisitions and exchange rate fluctuations.

 6  (#_ftnref6) The HSE division consists of the Astutis business.

 7  (#_ftnref7) The Legal division consists of the Bond Solon and Pendragon

 8  (#_ftnref8) The Financial Services division consists of Axco & FRA in
the Insurance subdivision and Mercia, CLTi & the ICA businesses within the
Other subdivision.

 9  (#_ftnref9) Total revenue & operating profit includes all results in
the Group including non-core businesses consisting of MiExact, Compliance
Week, Healthcare, APM, ICA Singapore & Malaysia. Non-core in FY23 also
includes Inese.

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