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REG-VK Company VK Company Limited audited IFRS results for Q4 and 2022


VK Company (VKCO)
VK Company Limited audited IFRS results for Q4 and 2022

16-March-2023 / 10:00 MSK
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


                VK Company Limited audited IFRS results for Q4 and 2022

March 16, 2023. VK Company Limited (LSE, MOEX: VKCO, hereinafter referred to as “VK”  or
“the Company”) releases audited  IFRS results and segment  financial information for  Q4
and 12 months of 2022.


  • VK revenue grew by  19% to RUB  97.8 bn in  2022. Revenue growth  was driven by  29%
    growth in online advertising sales in comparison with 2021. The main growth  drivers
    of advertising were:

       ◦ performance formats with 59% YoY growth;
       ◦ the SME segment with a 2.1x YoY growth.

  • Adjusted EBITDA rose by  8,9% YoY to RUB  20.0 bn in 2022  with an EBITDA margin  of
    20.4%. This was due  to the growth  in profitability of the  “EdTech” and “VK  Tech”
    segments – by 15 p.p. and 17 p.p. YoY, respectively.
  • Total comprehensive loss in 2022 fell by RUB 12.4 bn YoY from RUB 15.3 bn in 2021 to
    RUB 2.9 bn, in part due to restructuring and optimization of the Group's assets.
  • As of the end  of 2022, users  of VK services  accounted for over  90% of the  total
    Russian Internet monthly audience*.
  • VK continued to increase  the audience of its  platforms while also increasing  user

       ◦ In Q4 2022 the average DAU of all VK services reached a record of 73 mn users*;
       ◦ In Q4 2022 time spent across VK services increased by 18% YoY, averaging 3.4 bn
         minutes per day*.

The growth of key audience indicators was ensured by the implementation of VK's updated
strategy aimed at strengthening its leading position in the market of content focused
entertainment and educational IT products and active development in the segments of
innovative solutions for businesses.

* Source: Mediascope, Q4 2022, Russia 0+, age 12+, desktop and mobile devices


Segment performance for 2022

RUB billions,    Social networks                                Elimination of
                    & content    EdTech VK Tech New business      intragroup      Group
unless otherwise    services                       lines       transactions and
stated                                                       non-allocated costs
Revenue               75.1        11.3    5.8       6.3             (0.7)          97.8
YoY, %                21.8%       4.0%   82.6%     -5.9%            84.2%         19.3%
Operating            (49.8)      (10.9)  (4.6)     (10.6)           (7.0)         (83.0)
Share-based             -          -       -         -               5.2           5.2
Adjusted EBITDA       25.3        0.3     1.2      (4.3)            (2.5)          20.0
EBITDA margin, %      33.6%       3.0%   20.1%     -68.7%             -           20.4%

  • Taking into account the substantial business transformation and in order to  enhance
    the quality and transparency of the Group's financial reporting, VK has adjusted the
    provision of  key segmental  financial information  in accordance  with the  current
    asset composition starting from Q4 2022 reporting.
  • The “Communications  & Social”  segment has  been renamed  into “Social  networks  &
    content services” to reflect the increasing emphasis on media and content  projects,
    launches of  new  internal business  functions  for media  strategy  and  influencer
    activity, and the acquisition  of Dzen. Given the  similar nature of activities  and
    business drivers,  services such  as VK  Calls, VK  Clips, and  VK Video  have  been
    included  in  this  segment.  These  projects  were  previously  part  of  the  “New
    Initiatives” segment.

  • The revenue of VK's  key “Social networks &  content services” segment increased  by
    22% YoY in 2022 to RUB 75.1 bn, while its Q4 2022 revenue increased by 30% YoY.  The
    segment's EBITDA margin in 2022 stood at 34%. The main drivers of growth were:

  ◦ The growth of the VKontakte social network,  VK's biggest asset. Its average MAU  in
    Russia in Q4 2022 increased by 9.6% YoY to a record 79.5 mn users, while DAU grew by
    8.9% YoY to a record  51.1 mn users. The growth  of the audience and its  engagement
    led to a 29% increase in VKontakte's revenue in 2022. In Q4 2022 VKontakte's revenue
    grew by 31% YoY.
  ◦ The acquisition of the Dzen and News platforms in September 2022. The average MAU of
    Dzen’ newsfeed in 2022 was 70 mn, and the number of active creators doubled to
    100,000 per week.

  • “EdTech” segment revenue grew  by 4% in 2022  to RUB 11 bn.  At the end of  December
    2022, the number of registered students of VK’s education platforms rose by 28% YoY,
    reaching over 13  mn. Adjusted EBITDA  was positive  in 2022, reaching  RUB 337  mn,
    while EBITDA margin rose by 15 p.p. YoY to 3%.
  • Given VK's  increasing emphasis  on providing  technologies for  business and  their
    growing revenue share, a  number of B2B services  developed internally under the  VK
    Tech brand were moved from the “New Initiatives” to a standalone “VK Tech” segment.
  • “VK Tech” was the fastest growing VK  segment in 2022. Its revenue increased by  83%
    YoY to RUB 5.8  bn, with revenue more  than doubling in Q4  2022 YoY. The  segment's
    EBITDA margin increased by 17 p.p. YoY to 20% in 2022.
  • “New business lines” segment is in the active investment phase. It includes such new
    products and services such as VK Play and RuStore.


Social networks & content services segment performance - Q4 & 2022

RUB billions,
                        Q4 2021 Q4 2022 YoY, %   2021   2022  YoY, %
unless otherwise stated
Revenue                  18.4    24.0    30.3%   61.7   75.1  21.8%
Operating expenses      (11.0)  (17.7)   60.7%  (37.3) (49.8) 33.7%
EBITDA                    7.4     6.3   (15.1%)  24.4   25.3   3.6%
EBITDA margin, %         40.1%   26.2%  -14.0pp 39.5%  33.6%  -5.9pp

Main projects: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Dzen, Pulse, Portal, e-mail Mail.ru, VK  Music,
VK Clips, VK Video, VK Messenger

The revenue of the “Social networks & content services” segment in Q4 2022 increased by
30.3% YoY, reaching RUB 24.0 bn. The growth in online advertising income was the primary
driver of revenue growth. Revenue increase VKontakte, in particular, reached 31% YoY.
Revenue from the Dzen and News projects has been included in the segment revenue since
their purchase in early September 2022.

Adjusted EBITDA lost 15% YoY and reached RUB 6.3 bn in Q4 2022, with a margin of 26%
versus 40% in Q4 2021. EBITDA was impacted by major product launches and upgrades of
existing services, accompanied with growth in hiring and marketing activities.


VKontakte continued to strengthen  its leading position  among Russian social  networks:
the average MAU in Q4  2022 grew by 9.6%  YoY to a record of  79.5 mn users. The  global
average audience of  VKontakte in  Q4 2022  reached a record  high of  101.7 mn  monthly
active users, while the  average DAU in  Russia grew by  8,9% compared to  Q4 2021 to  a
record of 51.1 mn users. In Q4 2022, the average total time spent on VKontakte was  45.2
minutes per day*. VKontakte was reaching a  record 86% of the Russian internet  audience
in December 2022, with 54% of users visiting the platform daily**.

One of the most exciting launches in Q4 of 2022 with an emphasis on audience  engagement
was the development of  deepfake technology for UGC  content, where neural networks  can
replace users' faces  with celebrities' faces  in VK Clips  and VK Video  with a  single
click. VKontakte also actively implements Web3 technologies. NFT transactions can now be
carried out in the new VK NFT service without leaving the social network.

More than 6.3 bn units of content, including posts, clips, articles, videos, music,  and
other formats, were published on VKontakte in 2022. News feed views increased by 47%  in
Q4 2022 compared  to Q4  2021, owing to  improved recommendations  and greater  audience
engagement. The number of approved friend requests increased by 31% YoY.

VKontakte is actively developing Communities: the total number of active creator  public
pages in December 2022 increased by 13% YoY and reached 2 mn. VKontakte continues to add
new ways for communities and creators to monetize their content.

The number apps on the VK Mini Apps platform increased in Q4 2022 by 90% YoY to  75,380.
The platform's MAU increased by 8% to 44.6 mn people in Q4 2022 compared to Q4 2021, and
in-app ad revenue of mini apps increased by 95% over the same period.

The number of mobile games  in the VKontakte catalog in  Q4 2022 increased by 132%  YoY,
and revenue from in-game purchases on mobile devices increased by 91%.

* Source:  Mediascope, Q4  2022, Russia  0+, age  12+, desktop  and mobile  devices;  **
Source: Mediascope, December 2022, Russia 0+, age 12+, desktop and mobile devices.

Odnoklassniki (OK)

Average Russia MAU for  OK stood at  36.6 mn in Q4  2022. Audiences demonstrated  strong
engagement in Q4 by sending more than 8.3 bn virtual gifts, 614 mn postcards and 543  mn

OK continues to expand its content services within the social network. OK relaunched its
recommendation system with a focus  on creator content. As a  result, the time spent  on
the social network's feed increased by 28% YoY in Q4, while groups of bloggers and media
got an increase in reach  by 78% YoY. The reach  of bloggers’ content increased by  1.5x
YoY and the share of content made by communities in users' feeds grew from 31% to 46%.

OK was  updated in  September  as part  of the  social  network's new  positioning,  and
launched a  new service  called Hobbies,  which shows  content about  users’  particular
interests and hobbies. More than 21.4 mn people per month watched Hobbies in Q4 2022.

Moments (vertical, full-screen photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours)  average
MAU reached 28 mn  in Q4 2022  (+4.7% YoY). The number  of views stood  at 456 mn  (+11%


Dzen, a key multi-format platform for viewing  and distributing content on a variety  of
subjects, joined VK on September 12, 2022. Every month, over 70 mn people read  articles
and posts, watch vertical and long videos in the Dzen newsfeed.

Dzen relaunched its mobile app in Q4, added a  new way to sign in to the platform  using
VK ID,  and  also gave  creators  the option  to  transfer funds  earned  from  platform
monetization to bank cards and through the payment service VK Pay.

The platform's content will continue to grow with Pulse integrated into Dzen since March
2023. The  merger  is  taking  place  under a  single  Dzen  brand  and  its  technology
foundation, which includes a sophisticated recommendation system.

Furthermore, Dzen will serve as a unified entry point for all creators, providing simple
tools for making, distributing, and monetizing content. Every week, over 100,000  active
authors make content on the platform – their  number doubled in 2022, and the number  of
topics increased fivefold.

Email Mail.ru

Mail.ru remains the largest email service in Russia. The product’s audience continues to
grow, with DAU up by 5% YoY  in Q4 to 18 mn people and  average MAU up by 5% to 50  mn*.
The service's revenue exceeded  RUB 1 bn for  the first time in  Q4 2022, rising by  28%

VK Clips

Daily views of  VK Clips  reached 836  mn (+127% YoY)  in Q4.  The number  of new  Clips
published rose by 346% YoY and the number of content creators increased by 133% YoY.

VK Video

VK Video average daily views (not including VK Clips) reached 1.96 bn in Q4 (+36% YoY).

The platform's library of professional content continues to grow: by the end of 2022, VK
Video featured  around 100,000  titles  in films,  TV shows  and  series from  over  130
copyright owners.

*Source: Mediascope Cross Web, Q4 2022, Russia, age 12+, desktop and mobile devices;

In 2023, VK Video will continue to focus on attracting new users and developing the
platform both within the VKontakte and Odnoklassniki social networks and as a standalone

VK Music

Average MAU for VK Music stood at 46.5 mn in Q4 2022. The service's subscriber base grew
by 34% from September to December 2022. VK Records, a new business line, was launched in
September 2022, which will create and manage its own music labels. Two live music venues
were also opened in Q4 – VK STADIUM with a capacity of 7,000 people and VK Gipsy with  a
capacity of 2,500 people.

VK Messenger

The average MAU of VK Messenger in Q4 2022 grew by 3.7% to 66.2 mln users. VK  Messenger
was launched as a standalone app in  May 2022 with the number of installations  reaching
4.5 mn by the end of 2022.

New features have been added to Messenger – chats can now be organized into folders, and
multiple profiles can be created within the  same app. Users can now browse  communities
as channels, receive notifications from federal services portal Gosuslugi, and pay fines
without commission. VK Messenger has significantly accelerated the service’s performance
and the speed of video downloads, increased the maximum size of sent files to 4 GB,  and
introduced video messages with recording templates.

VK Calls

VKontakte introduced  shared  video content  streaming  in VK  Calls  in Q4  2022,  with
real-time reactions  and no  limit on  the  number of  viewers. The  service  introduced
animated vmoji,  allowing VK  Calls  users to  participate  in meetings  using  personal
avatars instead of live webcam videos.


EdTech segment performance – Q4 2022 & 2022

RUB billions,
                        Q4 2021 Q4 2022 YoY, %  12M 2021 12M 2022 YoY, %
unless otherwise stated
Revenue                   4.8     3.2   (33.0%)   10.8     11.3    4.0%
Operating expenses       (4.0)   (3.0)  (25.7%)  (12.2)   (10.9)  (10.3%)
EBITDA                    0.7     0.2   (73.7%)  (1.4)     0.3      n/a
EBITDA margin, %         15.1%   5.9%   -9.2pp   -12.5%    3.0%   15.4pp

Main projects: Skillbox, GeekBrains, SkillFactory, Mentorama, Lerna, Sferum

The “Education”  segment was  renamed into  “Educational Technologies”  or “EdTech”.  It
combines VK's  consolidated  online  learning  platforms  and  educational  technologies
providing services to individuals and businesses.

In 2022,  the segment  achieved a  sustained positive  Adjusted EBITDA.  In  particular,
EdTech delivered EBITDA of RUB 189 mn in Q4 2022 compared to RUB 719 mn in Q4 2021  with
EBITDA margin of 6%.

At the end of December 2022 VK education platforms saw the number of combined cumulative
registered students grow by 28% YoY to more than 13 mn, with 1.2 mn in new registrations
during Q4 2022. Cumulative  number of paying students  reached 519,000 (+49% YoY),  with
54,000 new paying students joining in Q4. The overall number of courses and programs  at
the end of  December 2022 was  1,641. The average  check in Q4  2022 reached RUB  67,000
(+11% YoY)*.

* Operating data covers only Skillbox Holding Limited companies.


VK Tech Segment Performance – Q4 2022 & 2022

RUB billions,
                        Q4 2021 Q4 2022 YoY, % 12M 2021 12M 2022 YoY, %
unless otherwise stated
Revenue                   1.2     2.8    2.4x    3.2      5.8    82.6%
Operating expenses       (0.8)   (1.5)  76.5%   (3.1)    (4.6)   51.2%
EBITDA                    0.3     1.4    4.2x    0.1      1.2    10.6x
EBITDA margin, %         27.9%   48.0%  20.0pp   3.4%    20.1%   16.6pp

Main projects: VK Cloud, communication services VK WorkSpace

VK Tech Q4  revenue more  than doubled  YoY and  reached RUB  2.8 bn,  driven mainly  by
corporate communication  services  on the  VK  WorkSpace platform.  Revenue  from  these
services more than tripled,  and the share  of services in  the segment's total  revenue
exceeded one third. Revenue from VK Cloud services doubled in Q4.

VK Tech posted positive Adjusted EBITDA in both Q4 2022 and 2022 with margins rising  by
20 p.p. to 48.0% in Q4.


New business lines segment performance – Q4 2022 & 2022

RUB billions,
                        Q4 2021 Q4 2022 YoY, %  12M 2021 12M 2022 YoY, %
unless otherwise stated
Revenue                   2.3     2.1   (8.5%)    6.7      6.3    (5.9%)
Operating expenses       (3.4)   (4.3)   26.5%   (9.3)    (10.6)   14.3%
EBITDA                   (1.0)   (2.1)  (2.0x)   (2.6)    (4.3)   (66.3%)
EBITDA margin, %        -45.0%  -100.5% -55.5pp  -38.9%   -68.7%  -29.8pp

Main projects: VK Play, RuStore, VK Pay, Youla, Marusia, Capsule, ESforce, Movika

The “New Initiatives” segment was reorganized  into “New business lines”. It  represents
recent launches  or  acquisitions,  as  well  as assets  that  are  not  significant  as
standalone assets when analyzing VK's business activities.

The segment’s revenue totaled RUB 2.1 bn (-9%  YoY) in Q4 2022. Adjusted EBITDA loss  in
Q4 amounted to RUB 2.1 bn (vs. the loss of RUB 1.0 bn in Q4 2021). EBITDA margin in  the
Q4 came in at negative 101% against negative 45% in Q4 2021. In Q4 2022 VK continued  to
invest in several  fast-growing services,  including the  VK Play  gaming platform,  the
RuStore app store and other initiatives.


The asset achieved a positive adjusted EBITDA margin for the full financial year for the
first time.

VK Play

VK Play ended its beta phase in October  2022. The number of developers on the  platform
doubled in the second half of 2022, reaching  600 in December 2022. Over 12 mn  accounts
were registered on the platform by the end of Q4 2022. Average MAU for the last 30  days
of 2022 exceeded 11 mn.

VK Play Live streaming platform, which was launched on VK Play in August 2022, completed
its closed beta test phase at the end  of November 2022. In November 2022, VK Play  Live
launched its mobile app. As a result, by the end of 2022, more than 52,000 streams  were
conducted on VK Play Live and more than 12,000  streamers were registered.

In 2023 VK Play  will continue focusing  on developing the  platform and attracting  new


RuStore is Russia's largest app store for Android devices. Its average MAU reached 7  mn
people in  4Q. As  of  December 2022,  RuStore  had around  3,700  apps and  over  2,000

In January 2023 average MAU reached 10 mln users. In February the product completed beta
testing and allowed international developers to  publish their apps. This year,  RuStore
plans to  continue  focusing  on  expanding  functionality,  attracting  new  users  and

Voice technologies (Marusia and VK Capsule)

In October  2022 VK  launched  its VK  Capsule (the  smart  speaker with  Marusia  voice
assistant) in new  color options and  presented a new  VK Capsule Neo  smart speaker  in
December 2022.

Marusia voice assistant DAU increased more than  1.5-fold at the end of 2022, thanks  in
part to greater integration with the company's various products.


On September 27, 2022 VK announced the sale of MY.GAMES. The deal included all  MY.GAMES
assets such as its studios and game products.  The total deal value amounted to USD  642
mn and was closed in Q4 2022. The segment and its performance figures were excluded from
financial statements for 2022, according to the  IFRS 5 requirements due to the sale  of
the asset.


VK exited from the O2O Holding. The deal was closed on September 29, 2022.


  • VK completed the sale of  MY.GAMES. The company continues  to develop its own  local
    gaming services under the VK Play brand.
  • In October 2022 VK's  subsidiary ITR acquired  87.2% in Movika,  the developer of  a
    platform for short videos, and in December 2022 VK announced it signed an  agreement
    to acquire  51% in  Medium Quality  Production, a  leader in  digital video  content
    creation in the CIS. Both deals were a part of the company's strategy to expand  its
    content services. In  December 2022, the  company opened VK  STADIUM, its first  own
    concert venue.
  • On November 10, 2022,  VK announced that  Prosus ceased to be  a shareholder in  the
    Company by way of renouncing its shares to the Company for nil consideration. Prosus
    held a 25.7% economic stake. This stake was subsequently sold to Singularity Lab  to
    support VK's future long-term management motivation programs.
  • VK bought back around 66% of its  total convertible bond issue with a nominal  value
    of ~$263 mn as part of the restructuring carried out before the end of 2022.


  • On February 13,  2023, the VK  Board of  Directors approved the  possibility of  the
    company’s  re-domiciliation  from  the  British   Virgin  Islands  to  the   Russian
    Federation, subject to the  company’s ability to meet  all the applicable legal  and
    regulatory requirements. VK  plans to maintain  its public company  status and  will
    provide regular updates on the re-domiciliation process;
  • On February  20, 2023,  VK consolidated  Uchi.ru, the  largest online  platform  for
    schoolchildren, by buying  out the remaining  75% of the  company. The deal’s  value
    reached RUB 8.7 bn. The acquisition will strengthen VK's foothold in the segment  of
    extracurricular education for schoolchildren;
  • On March 9,  2023, VK announced  an acquisition of  51% stake in  Didenok Star,  the
    largest communication agency specializing on working with celebrity bloggers

For further information please contact:

VK IR team

 1 ir@vk.team

VK PR team

 2 pr@vk.team


This release presents Adjusted EBITDA, which  is a non-IFRS financial measure.  MY.GAMES
has been excluded from all measures in accordance with IFRS 5 due to the disposal of the
asset at the end of Q3 2022.

Cautionary Statement regarding Forward Looking Statements and Disclaimers

This  press  release  contains  statements  of  expectation  and  other  forward-looking
statements regarding future events or the future financial performance of the Group. You
can  identify  forward  looking  statements  by  terms  such  as  "expect",   "believe",
"anticipate", "estimate", "forecast", "intend", "will",  "could", "may" or "might",  the
negative of such terms or other  similar expressions including "outlook" or  "guidance".
The forward-looking statements in this release  are based upon various assumptions  that
are  inherently  subject  to  significant  uncertainties  and  contingencies  which  are
difficult or impossible to predict and may be beyond the Group's control. Actual results
could differ materially from those discussed  in the forward looking statements  herein.
Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the
forward looking statements  included herein, including  competition in the  marketplace,
changes  in  consumer  preferences,  the  degree  of  Internet  penetration  and  online
advertising in Russia,  concerns about  data security, claims  of intellectual  property
infringement, adverse media speculation, changes in political, social, legal or economic
conditions in Russia, exchange rate fluctuations, and the Group's success in identifying
and responding  to these  and other  risks  involved in  its business,  including  those
referenced under  "Risk Factors"  in  the Group's  public filings.  The  forward-looking
statements contained herein speak only as of the date they were made, and the Group does
not intend to amend or update these statements  except to the extent required by law  to
reflect events and circumstances occurring after the date hereof.

About VK

VK is one of the largest technology  companies in Russia. Its products help millions  of
people with  their  day-to-day needs  online.  More than  90%  of the  Russian  internet
audience use VK services, which enable people to keep in touch, play video games, master
new skills, listen to  music, watch and  create video content, buy  and offer goods  and
services and  fulfill wide  range  of other  needs. The  company  provides a  number  of
solutions for  digitizing  business  processes, from  online  promotion  and  predictive
analytics to corporate social networks, cloud services and enterprise automation.

The information contained in this Announcement  is considered by the company as  insider
information, in accordance with the Regulation on Market Abuse (Regulation 596/2014/eu),
as it is part of the domestic legislation  of the United Kingdom in accordance with  the
European Union Act 2018 as amended.  After the publication of this announcement  through
the required  disclosure service,  this insider  information is  recognized as  publicly



The Group's consolidated financial statements for Q4 and twelve months ended 31 December
2022 prepared in accordance with IFRS and accompanied by an independent auditor's review
report have been filed on the National Storage Mechanism appointed by the Financial
Conduct Authority and can be accessed
at  3 https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism or on the Group’s website
at  4 https://vk.company/media/files/vkifrsfy2022eng.pdf.

                                            4Q       4Q                          
RUB millions                                             YoY, %                   YoY, %
                                          2021     2022             2021     2022
Online advertising                      13,659   19,316   41.4%   44,066   56,917  29.2%
Community IVAS                           4,915    4,298  -12.6%   17,924   17,008  -5.1%
Education technology services            4,727    3,156  -33.2%   10,651   11,190   5.1%
Other revenue                            3,239    4,942   52.6%    9,341   12,655  35.5%
Total Revenue                           26,540   31,712   19.5%   81,982   97,770  19.3%
Operating expenses                                                                      
Personnel expenses                     (9,004) (11,680)   29.7% (27,928) (38,847)  39.1%
Agent/partner fees                     (6,708)  (7,580)   13.0% (22,943) (23,988)   4.6%
Marketing expenses                     (2,879)  (5,712)   98.4%  (8,903) (14,018)  57.5%
Server hosting expenses                  (131)    (120)   -8.4%    (520)    (636)  22.3%
Professional services                    (342)    (478)   39.8%  (1,135)  (1,229)   8.3%
Other operating income                      76       31  -59.2%      570      792  38.9%
Other operating expenses               (1,998)  (1,847)   -7.6%  (4,879)  (5,055)   3.6%
Total operating expenses, net         (20,986) (27,386)   30.5% (65,738) (82,981)  26.2%
Share-based payment transactions         1,380      499  -63.8%    2,091    5,186   2.5x
Adjusted EBITDA                          6,934    4,825  -30.4%   18,335   19,975   8.9%
EBITDA margin, %                         26.1%    15.2% -10.9pp    22.4%    20.4% -1.9pp
Total comprehensive (loss)/profit      (5,204)    7,923     n/m (15,314)  (2,934) -80.8%
Total comprehensive (loss)/profit       -19.6%    25.0%  44.6pp   -18.7%    -3.0% 15.7pp
margin, %



  • Social networks & content services
  • EdTech
  • VK Tech
  • New business lines
  • Non-allocated items

The “Social  networks &  content  services” segment  includes email,  instant  messaging
services, News and Dzen platform, recommendation platform Pulse, as well as Portal (main
page and media  projects), VK  Music, VK  Calls, VK Videos,  VK Mini  Apps projects.  It
generates substantially all its revenues  fromadvertising. This segment also  aggregates
the Group’s  social  networks VKontakte,OK,My  World  and generates  revenues  from  (1)
commissions from application developers based  on the respective applications’  revenue,
(2) user payments for  virtual gifts, stickers and  music subscriptions, and (3)  online
advertising. The  businesses  within  this  segment have  similar  nature  and  economic
characteristics  as  they  are  associated   with  social  media,  content  and   online
communication services,  offer products  and services  to similar  customer groups,  and
regulated in a similar regulatory environment.

The “EdTech” segment includes  the Group’s online  education platforms with  educational
courses and programs (such as GeekBrains, Skillbox, Skillfactory and others), and  earns
substantially all revenue from  individuals paying for education  courses, as well as  a
small share of the B2B segment.

The “VK Tech” segment includes VK  Cloud platform, data management solutions,  corporate
communication services, tax monitoring platform, and other corporate software.

The “New business lines” segment represents separate operating segments aggregated  into
one reportable  segment because  of their  similar  nature of  newly acquired  or  newly
launched and dynamically developing businesses. This segment consists primarily of Youla
classifieds, which  derives  substantially all  of  its revenues  from  advertising  and
listing fees, the VK Play  gaming platform, the Marusia  voice assistant and VK  Capsule
smart speakers, and the RuStore app store for mobile devices.

The Group evaluates the operating performance  of its segments based on earnings  before
interest, taxes, depreciation  and amortization (Adjusted  EBITDA). Adjusted EBITDA  for
the  segments  is  calculated   as  revenues  net   of  operating  expenses   (excluding
depreciation, amortization, and  impairment of intangible  assets), taking into  account
the Group's corporate expenses allocated to the respective segment.



                  Social                        New                Elimination
RUB millions  networks &   EdTech  VK Tech business Non-allocated           of    Group 
                 content                      lines                 intragroup
               services                                           transactions
Revenue           23,989    3,187    2,838    2,130            16        (448)    31,712
operating       (17,715)  (2,998)  (1,477)  (4,271)       (1,373)          448  (27,386)
payment                -        -        -        -           499            -       499
Adjusted           6,274      189    1,361  (2,141)         (858)            -     4,825
EBITDA             26.2%     5.9%    48.0%  -100.5%                       0.0%     15.2%
margin, %
loss after                                                                         7,923
income tax
loss after
income tax                                                                         25.0%



                   Social                       New                Elimination
RUB millions   networks &   EdTech VK Tech business Non-allocated           of    Group 
                  content                     lines                 intragroup
                services                                          transactions
Revenue            18,416    4,756   1,161    2,329             -        (122)    26,540
operating        (11,022)  (4,037)   (837)  (3,377)       (1,835)          122  (20,986)
payment                 -        -       -        -         1,380            -     1,380
Adjusted            7,394      719     324  (1,048)         (455)            -     6,934
EBITDA margin,      40.1%    15.1%   27.9%   -45.0%                                26.1%
loss after                                                                       (5,204)
income tax
loss after                                                                        -19.6%
income tax
expense margin



                Social                          New                Elimination
RUB millions  networks    EdTech  VK Tech  business Non-allocated           of    Group 
             & content                        lines                 intragroup
             services                                             transactions
Revenue         75,116    11,274    5,778     6,300            31        (729)    97,770
operating     (49,847)  (10,937)  (4,618)  (10,628)       (7,680)          729  (82,981)
payment              -         -        -         -         5,186            -     5,186
Adjusted        25,269       337    1,160   (4,328)       (2,463)            -    19,975
EBITDA           33.6%      3.0%    20.1%    -68.7%                                20.4%
margin, %
loss after                                                                       (2,934)
income tax
loss after
income tax                                                                         -3.0%



                 Social                         New                Elimination
RUB millions   networks    EdTech  VK Tech business Non-allocated           of    Group 
              & content                       lines                 intragroup
              services                                            transactions
Revenue          61,662    10,841    3,164    6,694             -        (379)    81,982
operating      (37,277)  (12,191)  (3,055)  (9,297)       (4,297)          379  (65,738)
payment               -         -        -        -         2,091            -     2,091
Adjusted         24,385   (1,350)      109  (2,603)       (2,206)            -    18,335
EBITDA            39.5%    -12.5%     3.4%   -38.9%                                22.4%
margin, %
loss after                                                                      (15,314)
income tax
loss after
income tax                                                                        -18.7%



As at December 31, 2022, the Group had  RUB 48,759 mn of cash and cash equivalents,  RUB
124,517 mn  of  debt outstanding  (excluding  lease liabilities)  and  RUB 8,788  mn  of
financial liabilities  at  fair value  through  profit or  loss.  The Group’s  net  debt
position amounted to RUB 84,546 mn.


The Group evaluates the performance of  its operating segments based on earnings  before
interest, taxes,  depreciation  and  amortization (Adjusted  EBITDA).  Segment  Adjusted
EBITDA is  calculated  as the  segment's  revenue minus  operating  expenses  (excluding
amortization and impairment  of intangible  assets), but taking  into account  corporate
expenses allocated to the relevant segment.

A reconciliation  of the  adjusted EBITDA  of the  Group and  the Group's  comprehensive
profit/(loss) for the three months ended December 31, 2022, and December 31, 2021, under
IFRS is presented in the table below:

RUB millions                                                             4Q 2022 4Q 2021
Group adjusted EBITDA                                                      4,825   6,934
Share-based payment transactions                                           (499) (1,380)
Depreciation and amortisation                                            (4,811) (4,295)
Impairment of intangible assets                                                - (1,714)
Share of loss of equity accounted associates and joint ventures            (167) (6,986)
Finance income                                                             4,262     236
Finance expenses                                                         (2,169) (1,338)
Other non-operating gain / (loss)                                            224   (207)
Net (loss)/gain on financial assets and liabilities at fair value        (1,407)     677
through profit or loss
Net gain on disposal of subsidiaries                                          13       -
Impairment of equity accounted associates and joint ventures               (356)   (559)
Loss on remeasurement of assets held for sale                              (283)       -
Gain on remeasurement of previously held interest in joint ventures and      174       -
equity accounted associate
Loss on remeasurement of financial instruments                               (4)   (429)
Expected credit loss allowance on restricted cash                           (28)       -
Net foreign exchange gain/(loss)                                             703   (953)
Income tax expense                                                       (2,344)   (389)
Net profit from discontinued operations                                    8,051   4,494
Other comprehensive income                                                 1,739     705
Consolidated profit/(loss) after income tax expense under IFRS             7,923 (5,204)


Reconciliation of the adjusted EBITDA  of the Group to  comprehensive loss of the  Group
for the twelve  months ended December  31, 2022, and  December 31, 2021,  under IFRS  is
presented in the table below:

RUB millions                                                               2022     2021
Group adjusted EBITDA                                                    19,975   18,335
Share-based payment transactions                                        (5,186)  (2,091)
Depreciation and amortisation                                          (18,113) (16,131)
Impairment of intangible assets                                         (1,052)  (1,714)
Share of loss of equity accounted associates and joint ventures        (16,994) (21,167)
Finance income                                                            6,561      951
Finance expenses                                                       (12,379)  (4,229)
Other non-operating gain / (loss)                                           187    (182)
Goodwill impairment                                                     (9,681)        -
Net (loss)/gain on financial assets and liabilities at fair value      (10,486)    2,755
through profit or loss
Net gain on disposal of subsidiaries                                         13        -
Impairment of equity accounted associates and joint ventures           (13,973)    (559)
Loss on remeasurement of assets held for sale                             (283)        -
Gain on remeasurement of previously held interest in joint ventures      24,360      305
and equity accounted associate
Loss on remeasurement of financial instruments                            (123)    (819)
Expected credit loss allowance on restricted cash                       (2,190)        -
Net foreign exchange gain/(loss)                                          9,867  (1,042)
Income tax expense                                                      (3,149)    (757)
Net profit from discontinued operations                                  28,736   10,648
Other comprehensive income                                                  976      383
Consolidated loss after income tax expense under IFRS                   (2,934) (15,314)




                                                                    As of          As of
RUB millions                                                 December 31,   December 31,
                                                                     2022 2021 (restated
Non-current assets                                                                      
Investments in equity accounted associates and joint                4,585         48,921
Goodwill                                                          157,111        138,414
Right-of-use assets                                                 9,519         14,843
Other intangible assets                                            22,249         18,324
Property and equipment                                             39,250         15,798
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss                 350          6,903
Deferred income tax assets                                          2,293          5,157
Other financial assets                                              2,158             69
Advance under office lease contracts                                  437            462
Total non-current assets                                          237,952        248,891
Current assets                                                                          
Trade accounts receivable                                          20,533         20,688
Accounts receivable from the sale of a subsidiary                  43,739              -
Prepaid income tax                                                    262            359
Prepaid expenses and advances to suppliers                          1,965          2,353
Loans issued                                                        2,982            109
Inventories                                                           226            157
Other current assets                                                4,205          1,445
Cash and cash equivalents                                          48,759         23,737
Assets held for sale                                                  292              -
Total current assets                                              122,963         48,848
Total assets                                                      360,915        297,739
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                                  
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent                        
Issued capital                                                          -              -
Share premium                                                      81,872         79,397
Treasury shares                                                   (1,039)        (1,044)
Retained earnings                                                  86,841         89,985
Foreign currency translation reserve                                2,585          1,578
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the parent         170,259        169,916
Non-controlling interests                                         (2,147)            346
Total equity                                                      168,112        170,262
Non-current liabilities                                                                 
Deferred income tax liabilities                                     2,107          1,228
Deferred revenue                                                      793          1,455
Non-current lease liabilities                                       7,292         11,327
Non-current financial liabilities at fair value through             3,982            879
profit or loss
Long-term interest-bearing loans and bonds                         35,775         50,810
Other non-current liabilities                                         572            522
Total non-current liabilities                                      50,521         66,221
Current liabilities                                                                     
Trade accounts payable                                             17,121         14,541
Income tax payable                                                  2,689          3,208
VAT and other taxes payable                                         5,183          4,391
Deferred revenue and customer advances                              8,428         17,794
Short-term portion of long-term interest-bearing loans and         88,742          7,078
Current lease liabilities                                           3,216          4,121
Current financial liabilities at fair value through profit          4,806              -
or loss
Other payables and accrued expenses                                11,810         10,123
Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale             287              -
Total current liabilities                                         142,282         61,256
Total liabilities                                                 192,803        127,477
Total equity and liabilities                                      360,915        297,739




RUB millions                                                               2022     2021
Continuing operations                                                                   
Online advertising                                                       56,917   44,066
Community IVAS                                                           17,008   17,924
Education technology services                                            11,190   10,651
Other revenue                                                            12,655    9,341
Total revenue                                                            97,770   81,982
Personnel expenses                                                     (38,847) (27,928)
Agent/partner fees                                                     (23,988) (22,943)
Marketing expenses                                                     (14,018)  (8,903)
Server hosting expenses                                                   (636)    (520)
Professional services                                                   (1,229)  (1,135)
Other operating income                                                      792      570
Other operating expenses                                                (5,055)  (4,879)
Total operating expenses, net                                          (82,981) (65,738)
Depreciation and amortisation                                          (18,113) (16,131)
Impairment of intangible assets                                         (1,052)  (1,714)
Share of loss of equity accounted associates and joint ventures        (16,994) (21,167)
Finance income                                                            6,561      951
Finance expenses                                                       (12,379)  (4,229)
Other non-operating gain/loss                                               187    (182)
Goodwill impairment                                                     (9,681)        -
Net (loss)/gain on financial assets and liabilities at fair value      (10,486)    2,755
through profit or loss
Net gain on disposal of subsidiaries                                         13        -
Impairment of equity accounted associates and joint ventures           (13,973)    (559)
Loss on remeasurement of assets held for sale                             (283)        -
Gain on remeasurement of previously held interest in joint ventures      24,360      305
and equity accounted associate
Loss on remeasurement of financial instruments                            (123)    (819)
Expected credit loss allowance on restricted cash                       (2,190)        -
Net foreign exchange gain/(loss)                                          9,867  (1,042)
Loss before income tax expense from continuing operations              (29,497) (25,588)
Income tax expense                                                      (3,149)    (757)
Loss from continuing operations                                        (32,646) (26,345)
Discontinued operations                                                       -        -
Profit from discontinued operations                                      28,736   10,648
Net loss                                                                (3,910) (15,697)
Other comprehensive income                                                    -        -
Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified to profit or loss         -        -
in subsequent periods
Effect of translation to presentation currency of Group’s joint           1,002      132
Exchange difference on translation of foreign operations                   (26)      251
Total other comprehensive loss that may be reclassified to profit or        976      383
loss in subsequent periods
Total other comprehensive loss net of tax effect of 0                       976      383
Total comprehensive loss, net of tax                                    (2,934) (15,314)
Net loss, attributable to:                                                              
Equity holders of the parent                                            (3,144) (15,493)
Non-controlling interests                                                 (766)    (204)
Total comprehensive loss, net of tax, attributable to:                        -        -
Equity holders of the parent                                            (2,168) (15,110)
Non-controlling interests                                                 (766)    (204)
Loss per share, in RUB:                                                       -        -
Basic loss per share attributable to ordinary equity holders               (14)     (69)
of the parent
Diluted earnings per share attributable to ordinary equity holders          n/m      n/m
of the parent
Loss per share from continuing operations, in RUB:                            -        -
Basic loss per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of           (116)    (115)
the parent
Diluted earnings per share attributable to ordinary equity holders          n/m      n/m
of the parent
Profit per share from discontinued operations, in RUB:                        -        -
Basic profit per share attributable to ordinary equity holders              102       47
of the parent
Diluted earnings per share attributable to ordinary equity holders          100       45
of the parent




RUB millions                                                               2022     2021
Cash flows from operating activities                                                    
Loss before income tax from continuing operations                      (29,497) (25,588)
Profit before income tax from discontinued operations                    27,858   10,962
Loss before income tax                                                  (1,639) (14,626)
Adjustments to reconcile loss before income tax to cash flows                 -        -
Depreciation and amortisation                                            20,074   18,371
Impairment of intangible assets                                           1,052    1,714
Share of loss of equity accounted associates and joint ventures          16,994   21,167
Finance income                                                          (6,668)    (969)
Finance expenses                                                         12,388    4,253
Expected credit loss allowance on trade receivables                          89      418
Expected credit loss allowance on restricted cash                         2,911        -
Goodwill impairment                                                       9,681        -
Net loss/(gain) on financial assets and liabilities at fair value        11,067  (2,700)
through profit or loss
Net gain on disposal of subsidiaries                                   (27,143)        -
Impairment of equity accounted associates and joint ventures             13,973      559
Loss on remeasurement of assets held for sale                               283        -
Gain on remeasurement of previously held interest in equity accounted  (24,360)    (305)
Loss on remeasurement of financial instruments                              420      843
Net foreign exchange (gain)/loss                                        (9,391)      943
Сash settled and equity settled share-based payments                      2,480    2,091
Other non-cash items                                                       (82)      227
Change in operating assets and liabilities                                    -        -
Increase in accounts receivable                                         (5,792)  (3,912)
Increase in prepaid expenses and advances to suppliers                  (3,462)  (1,512)
Increase in inventories and other assets                                (2,863)    (960)
Increase in accounts payable and accrued expense                          9,604    5,700
Decrease in other non-current assets                                         25      205
(Decrease)/increase in deferred revenue and customer advances             (285)       86
Increase in financial assets at fair value through profit or loss         (570)  (5,129)
Operating cash flows before interest and income taxes                    18,786   26,464
Interest received                                                           724      393
Interest paid                                                           (4,969)  (2,977)
Income tax paid                                                         (1,992)  (2,968)
Net cash provided by operating activities                                12,549   20,912
Cash flows from investing activities                                          -        -
Cash paid for property and equipment from continuing operations        (14,143)  (8,640)
Cash paid for intangible assets from continuing operations              (6,189)  (4,017)
Cash paid for property and equipment from discontinued operations         (126)    (127)
Cash paid for intangible assets from discontinued operations            (2,132)  (2,329)
Dividends received from equity accounted associates                          76      891
Loans issued                                                            (8,713) (15,959)
Loans collected                                                             165      348
Cash paid for acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired          3,302  (3,503)
Cash outflow from sale of subsidiary                                    (1,743)        -
Cash paid for investments in equity accounted associates and joint      (2,834) (11,767)
Net cash used in investing activities                                  (32,337) (45,103)
Cash flows from financing activities                                          -        -
Payment of lease liabilities                                            (4,628)  (3,783)
Loans received                                                           82,226       21
Loans repaid                                                           (30,198)  (3,718)
Proceeds from bonds issued                                                    -   15,000
Cash received from disposal of non-controlling interests in                   -    1,486
Cash paid for non-controlling interests in subsidiaries                       -     (20)
Dividends paid by subsidiaries to non-controlling shareholders             (86)    (215)
Net cash provided by financing activities                                47,314    8,771
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                27,526 (15,420)
Effect of exchange differences on cash balances                           (664)    (140)
Change in expected credit loss allowance on restricted cash             (1,679)        -
Change in cash related to asset held for sale                             (161)        -
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                 23,737   39,297
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                       48,759   23,737




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   ISIN:          US5603172082
   Category Code: FR
   TIDM:          VKCO
   LEI Code:      2138009IXUP41SPL5B50
   Sequence No.:  230182
   News ID:       1583719

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