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REG - Subex Limited - Outcome of Board Meeting dated May 30, 2022

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RNS Number : 5839N  Subex Limited  01 June 2022


June 01, 2022



The London Stock Exchange

10 Paternoster Square




Dear Sir/Madam,


Sub: Subex Limited "The Company"-Outcome of the Board Meeting held on May 30,


Please be informed that the agenda items summarized hereunder were discussed
and approved at the Board Meeting held on May 30, 2022 at Bengaluru:


1.   Approval of the Audited Consolidated Financial Results of the Company
for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2022.

2.   Re-appointment of Ms. Poornima Prabhu (DIN: 06465957) as an Independent
Director of the Company for a period of 5 years with effect from July 28,
2022, subject to the approval of the members at the ensuing Annual General


Please find enclosed:


·      The Audited Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the
quarter and year ended March 31, 2022.


We request you to take on record the aforesaid information.


Thanking you


Yours truly,

For Subex Limited



Vinod Kumar Padmanabhan

Managing Director & CEO









 Registered office: Pritech Park - SEZ, Block-09, 4th Floor, B Wing, Survey No.
 51-64/4, Outer ring road, Bellandur Village,Varthur Hobli, Bangalore -560 103

 Statement of Consolidated Financial Results for quarter and year ended March
 31, 2022

 ( ₹ in Lakhs)
                                                                                    Quarter ended                                      Year Ended
     Particulars                                                                    March 31, 2022  December 31, 2021  March 31, 2021  March 31, 2022  March 31, 2021
                                                                                    Audited         Unaudited          Audited         Audited         Audited
 1   Revenue from operations                                                        7,880           8,774              9,616           33,344          37,203
 2   Other income                                                                   200             69                 172             1,037           474
 3   Total income (1+2)                                                             8,080           8,843              9,788           34,381          37,677
     Employee benefits expense (Refer note 4)                                       5,412           5,488              5,017           21,449          19,720
     Finance costs                                                                  32              88                 45              194             296
     Depreciation and amortization expense                                          248             252                223             988             1,378
     Other expenses                                                                 2,367           2,483              2,284           8,381           7,633
 4   Total expenses                                                                 8,059           8,311              7,569           31,012          29,027

 5   Profit before exceptional items and tax (3-4)                                  21              532                2,219           3,369           8,650

     Exceptional items

     Provision for service tax receivable                                           -               -                  -               -               (267)

     Gain on termination of lease agreement
                                                                                    -               -                  -               -               554
 6   Total exceptional items                                                        -               -                  -               -               287

 7   Net profit before tax (5+6)                                                    21              532                2,219           3,369           8,937
 8   Tax expense, net

     Current tax (reversal)/ charge

     Provision/ (reversal) - foreign withholding taxes (Refer note 5)

     Deferred tax charge/ (credit) (including MAT credit entitlement) (Refer note
                                                                                    (165)           160                639             251             696
                                                                                    85              281                (541)           593             399
                                                                                    40              (117)              561             426             2,670
     Total tax expense                                                              (40)            324                659             1,270           3,765

 9   Net profit for the period/ year (7-8)                                          61              208                1,560           2,099           5,172
 10  Other comprehensive income/ (loss) net of tax expense

     Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:

     Net exchange differences gain/ (loss) on translation of foreign operations

     Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:

     Re-measurement gain/(loss) on defined benefit plan
                                                                                    204             (54)               61              267             636

                                                                                    41              (35)               26              (64)            (12)
     Total other comprehensive income/ (loss)                                       245             (89)               87              203             624

 11  Total comprehensive income for the period/ year (9+10)                         306             119                1,647           2,302           5,796
 12  Paid up equity share capital                                                   28,100          28,100             28,100          28,100          28,100
     [face value of ₹ 5 (March 31, 2021: ₹ 5)]
 13  Other equity                                                                   -               -                  -               28,267          26,755
 14  Earnings per share (of ₹ 5/- each) (not annualised in case of the interim
     - Basic                                                                        0.01            0.04               0.29            0.38            0.96
     - Diluted                                                                      0.01            0.04               0.28            0.38            0.94



 Registered office: Pritech Park - SEZ, Block-09, 4th Floor, B Wing, Survey No.
 51-64/4, Outer ring road, Bellandur Village,Varthur Hobli, Bangalore -560 103

 Statement of Consolidated Assets and Liabilities

 (   in Lakhs)
                                                                                    As at


      Particulars                                                                   March 31, 2022  March 31, 2021
                                                                                    Audited         Audited
      Non-current assets
      Property, plant and equipment                                                 959             1,177
      Right-of-use assets                                                           1,386           1,962
      Goodwill on consolidation                                                     34,409          34,409
      Other intangible assets                                                       14              -
      Financial assets
      Other financial assets                                                        447             302
      Income tax asset (net)                                                        4,947           3,479
      Deferred tax asset (including MAT credit entitlement)                         148             125
      Other non-current assets                                                      42              -
                                                                                    42,352          41,454
      Current assets
      Financial assets
      Loans                                                                         161             220
      Investments                                                                   1,165           -
      Trade receivables                                                             9,681           9,956
      Cash and cash equivalents                                                     8,539           14,294
      Other balances with banks                                                     2,328           207
      Other financial assets                                                        7,003           5,896
      Other current assets                                                          779             639
                                                                                    29,656          31,212

      Total Assets                                                                  72,008          72,666
      Equity share capital                                                          28,100          28,100
      Other equity                                                                  28,267          26,755
      Total equity                                                                  56,367          54,855

      Non-current liabilities
      Financial liabilities
      Lease Liabilities                                                             998             1,575
      Provisions                                                                    304             275
      Deferred tax liabilities(net)                                                 6,742           6,289
                                                                                    8,044           8,139
      Current liabilities
      Financial liabilities
      Borrowings                                                                    -               584
      Lease Liabilities                                                             470             420
      Trade payable
      - total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises           276             66
      - total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small  1,396           1,245
      Other financial liabilities                                                   1,491           3,045
      Other current liabilities                                                     2,506           2,935
      Provisions                                                                    830             791
      Income tax liabilities (net)                                                  628             586
                                                                                    7,597           9,672
      Total liabilities                                                             15,641          17,811

      Total equity and liabilities                                                  72,008          72,666




 Registered office: Pritech Park - SEZ, Block-09, 4th Floor, B Wing, Survey No.
 51-64/4, Outer ring road, Bellandur Village,Varthur Hobli, Bangalore -560 103

 Consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended March 31, 2022

 (   in Lakhs)
                                                                                     Year ended
       Particulars                                                                   March 31, 2022  March 31, 2021
                                                                                     Audited         Audited
 (A)   Operating activities
       Profit before tax expense                                                     3,369           8,937
       Adjustments to reconcile profit/(loss) before tax expense to net cash flows:
       Depreciation of property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets         987             1,375
       Amortization of intangible assets                                             1               3
       Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment (net)                       -               (4)
       Interest income (including fair value changes)                                (266)           (374)
       Fair value gain on mutual fund at fair value through profit or loss           (7)             -
       Net gain on sale of investments                                               (15)            -
       Finance costs (including fair value changes)                                  194             296
       Allowance for expected credit losses                                          536             (153)
       Expense on share based payment                                                137             148
       Gain on termination/modification of lease agreement                           (12)            (554)
       Provision for service tax receivable                                          -               267
       Waiver of borrowings (PPP Loan and interest)                                  (584)           -
       Net foreign (gain)/ loss                                                      (165)           720
       Operating profit before working capital changes                               4,175           10,661
       Working capital adjustments:
       (Increase)/ decrease in loans                                                 76              299
       (Increase)/ decrease in trade receivables                                     (27)            (63)
       (Increase)/ decrease in other financial assets                                (1,006)         (1,010)
       (Increase)/ decrease in other assets                                          (185)           (43)
       Increase/ (decrease) in trade payables                                        329             (437)
       Increase/ (decrease) in other financial liabilities                           (1,375)         573
       Increase/ (decrease) in other current liabilities                             (551)           514
       Increase/ (decrease) in provisions                                            (34)            5
                                                                                     1,402           10,499
       Income tax paid (including TDS, net of refund)                                (2,278)         (1,404)
       Net cash flows (used in) / from operating activities                          (876)           9,095

 (B)   Investing activities
       Purchase of property, plant and equipment                                     (540)           (862)
       Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment                           -               7
       Purchase of Investments                                                       (9,672)         -
       Sales of investments                                                          8,529           -
       Movement in margin money deposit (net)                                        (2,111)         (154)
       Purchase of treasury shares by ESOP trust                                     -               (22)
       Interest received                                                             260             309
       Net cash flows used in investing activities                                   (3,534)         (722)

 (C)   Financing activities
       Proceeds from exercise of ESOP                                                440             141
       Proceeds from borrowings                                                      -               600
       Interest paid                                                                 (178)           (271)
       Repayment of lease liability                                                  (389)           (931)
       Payment of dividends                                                          (1,339)         (2,746)
       Net cash flows used in financing activities                                   (1,466)         (3,207)
 (D)   Net (decrease)/ increase in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C)                 (5,876)         5,166
       Net foreign exchange difference on cash and cash equivalents                  121             85
       Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year                        14,294          9,043
 (E)   Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year                              8,539           14,294









 1           The above results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by
             the Board of Directors in their meeting held on May 30, 2022.
 2           The financial results have been prepared in accordance with the recognition
             and measurement principles laid down in the applicable Indian Accounting
             Standards ("Ind AS") prescribed under section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013,
             read with relevant rules thereunder and in terms of Regulation 33 of the SEBI
             (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as
 3           The financial results of Subex Limited (Standalone information):
                                                                           Quarter ended                                                     Year Ended
             Particulars                                                   March 31, 2022        December 31, 2021     March 31, 2021        March 31, 2022               March 31, 2021
                                                                           Audited               Unaudited             Audited               Audited                      Audited
             Total income                                                  1,632                 2,080                 2,573                 6,842                        5,510

             Net (loss)/ profit before tax                                 (675)                 (91)                  1,186                 (448)                        2,651

             Net (loss)/ profit for the period/ year                       (675)                 (91)                  1,157                 (448)                        2,622

             Total comprehensive (loss)/ income for the period/ year       (653)                 (99)                  1,162                 (451)                        2,622
 4           Employee benefits expenses for the quarter ended March 31, 2022, December 31,
             2021 and March 31, 2021 are net of reversal of provision no longer required,
             in respect of employee incentives, amounting to ₹ 161 Lakhs, ₹ 184 Lakhs
             and ₹ 486 Lakhs, respectively, and that for the year ended March 31, 2022
             and March 31, 2021 amounting to ₹ 786 Lakhs and ₹ 333 Lakhs, respectively.
 5           Represents reversal/provision in respect of foreign withholding taxes
             deducted/ deductible by the overseas customers of the Group. Considering the
             expected utilisation of foreign withholding taxes, provision of ₹ 723 Lakhs
             made during the earlier quarters, has been reversed during the year ended
             March 31, 2021.
 6           Deferred tax charge/(credit), comprises of liability arising on account of tax
             benefits from amortisation of intangible assets of Subex Assurance LLP, net of
             deferred tax assets arising on account of carry forward losses and other
             taxable temporary differences, which arose mainly on account of business
             restructuring effected from November 1, 2017, wherein, the Company's RMS
             business and the Digital business was transferred on going concern basis to
             Subex Assurance LLP and Subex Digital LLP respectively. Effective April 1,
             2021 considering the favourable order received, no additional liability is
             created in respect of aforesaid tax benefits.
 7           The Group is engaged in the business of software products and related
             services, which are monitored as a single segment by the Chief Operating
             Decision Maker, accordingly, these, in the context of Ind AS 108 on Operating
             Segments Reporting are considered to constitute one segment and hence the
             Group has not made any additional segment disclosures.
 8           The US Federal government in the wake of COVID 19 pandemic provided support to
             business through Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Subex Inc. obtained a
             benefit under this scheme for ₹600 Lakhs during May 2020. During the nine
             months period  ended December  31, 2021, Subex Inc. obtained complete
             waiver of the loan  amount from Small Business  Administration, United
             States government agency and accordingly the loan and interest accrued thereon
             was recognised as other income.
 9           The Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held on October 28, 2021
             has approved the restructuring of the business, subject to all requisite
             approvals, wherein the business carried out by Subex Assurance LLP will be
             transferred to Subex Limited on a 'going concern' basis excluding Developed
             Technology and Investment in subsidiaries. The aforesaid restructuring is
             being carried out to achieve higher operational efficiencies upon integration
             and consolidation of business in the listed entity. On February 23, 2022, the
             shareholder of the Company approved the aforesaid restructuring through postal
             ballot. The aforesaid restructuring is likely to be completed over next few
 10          On December 6, 2021, the Group experienced a cybersecurity incident related to
             ransomware. The Group could contain the incident in a timely basis and has
             also ensured that all traces of the infection are completely cleared from the
             network. All affected systems were restored and brought back to normalcy in
             the order of priority. The management has assessed the impact of the incident
             on the control environment and the financial statement process and conclude
             there was no material impact on the financial results. Since then, the Group
             has also been focused on implementing significant improvements to its cyber
             and data security systems to safeguard from such risks in the future.

 Place: Bengaluru

 Date: May 30, 2022                                                                                                                          Vinod Kumar Padmanabhan Managing Director & CEO

                                            For further details on the results, please visit our website: www.subex.com


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