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SWEF Starwood European Real Estate Finance News Story

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REG-Starwood European Real Estate Finance Ltd SWEF: May 2024 NAV


   Starwood European Real Estate Finance Ltd (SWEF)
   SWEF: May 2024 NAV

   19-Jun-2024 / 07:00 GMT/BST


     Starwood European Real Estate Finance Limited (the “Company”) (Ticker:

                          Net Asset Value, 31 May 2024

   This announcement contains price sensitive information.

   As at the close of business on  31 May 2024 the unaudited net asset  value
   (NAV) of  the  Company’s  Ordinary  Shares was  104.29p  (30  April  2024:
   103.65p). Please refer to  the Reconciliation of  NAV per share  movements
   below for more information.

   Net Asset Value in total:


   Loans advanced                                        £221.8m
   Cash and cash equivalents                              £59.4m
   Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss   £0.7m
   Other net assets/(liabilities)                        (£0.1m)
   Net assets                                            £281.8m



   The Cash and cash equivalents balance  in the table above includes a  cash
   reserve to cover undrawn loan commitments in the portfolio, totaling £29.4
   million, as set out in the table below.


   Capital amounts drawn as at 31 May 2024 and amounts committed but  undrawn
   as at 31 May 2024 is shown below.


                                             Local Currency Sterling (2)
   Amounts drawn £m (1)                             £176.9m      £176.9m
   Amounts drawn €m (1)                              €51.0m       £43.3m
   Committed but undrawn cash amounts £m (3)         £29.4m       £29.4m


   (1) The balances shown corresponds to cash advanced.

   (2) Euro amounts drawn converted at the month end spot rate.

   (3) Excludes interest which may be capitalized.


   The difference  between  amounts  drawn  in the  table  above  and  “Loans
   advanced” in the first table is accrued income.



   Reconciliation of NAV per share movements for the month ended 31 May 2024:



                                                          May 2024 (pence)
   NAV at the beginning of period                                   103.65
         Operating Income available to distribute (4) (5)             0.80
         Unrealised FX gains / (losses) (6)                        (0.16)
   NAV at the end of the period                                     104.29


   (4)  Operating  Income  available  to  distribute  comprises  loan  income
   recognised in the period less the cost of debt facilities utilised by  the
   Group and  operating costs  incurred. The  Operating Income  available  to
   distribute also includes  any realised  foreign exchange  gains or  losses
   upon settlement of hedges, except those described in note 5.

   (5) On occasion, the Group may realise a gain or loss on the roll  forward
   of a hedge if it  becomes necessary to extend  a capital hedge beyond  the
   initial anticipated loan  term. If  this situation arises  the Group  will
   separate the realised  FX gain  or loss from  other realised  FX gains  or
   losses and not consider it available  to distribute (or as a reduction  in
   distributable profits). The FX gain or  loss will only be considered  part
   of distributable reserves when the rolled hedge matures or is settled  and
   the final net gain or loss on the capital hedges can be determined.

   (6) Unrealised foreign exchange  gain/losses relate to  the net impact  of
   changes in  the valuation  of  foreign exchange  hedges and  the  sterling
   equivalent value of Euro loan investments (using the applicable month  end
   rate). Mismatches between  the hedge valuations  and the loan  investments
   may occur depending on the shape of  the forward FX curve and this  causes
   some movement  in the  NAV. These  unrealised FX  gains /  losses are  not
   considered part of distributable reserves.


   All figures herein are published  based on current information,  estimates
   and judgements.




   Apex Fund and Corporate Services (Guernsey) Limited as Company Secretary


   Duke Le Prevost

   T: +44 203 5303 630

   E:  1 starwood@apexgroup.com


   Jefferies International Limited

   Gaudi Le Roux

   Harry Randall

   Ollie Nott

   T: +44 020 7029 8000



   Starwood European Real  Estate Finance  Limited is  an investment  company
   listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange with an  investment
   objective to conduct an orderly realisation of the assets of the Company. 
    2 www.starwoodeuropeanfinance.com.


   The Group's  assets  are managed  by  Starwood European  Finance  Partners
   Limited, an  indirect  wholly-owned  subsidiary of  the  Starwood  Capital


   Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement that contains inside
   information in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR),
   transmitted by EQS Group.
   The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


   ISIN:           GG00BRC3R375
   Category Code:  NAV
   TIDM:           SWEF
   LEI Code:       5493004YMVUQ9Z7JGZ50
   OAM Categories: 3.1. Additional regulated information required to be
                   disclosed under the laws of a Member State
   Sequence No.:   328758
   EQS News ID:    1927933

   End of Announcement EQS News Service


    3 fncls.ssp?fn=show_t_gif&application_id=1927933&application_name=news&site_id=reuters~~~787b94c3-8286-43cc-98b3-26b1dc52d810


   Visible links
   1. mailto:starwood@apexgroup.com
   2. https://eqs-cockpit.com/cgi-bin/fncls.ssp?fn=redirect&url=6c17e6900ed8c3b5447dc05b49ad61d8&application_id=1927933&site_id=reuters~~~787b94c3-8286-43cc-98b3-26b1dc52d810&application_name=news


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