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REG - Seed Capital Sltns. - Half-Year Report for Six Months Ending Dec 31 2023

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RNS Number : 1732B  Seed Capital Solutions PLC  29 January 2024

29 January 2024                          SEED CAPITAL


("Seed Capital", "SCSP" or the "Company")





 Seed Capital Solutions plc, formed in December 2017, which operates as a
special purpose acquisitions company (SPAC) to undertake one or more
acquisitions of target companies or businesses, announces its unaudited half
year report for the six months ended 31 December 2023.


Chairman's Statement


I have pleasure in presenting the interim results of Seed Capital Solutions
Plc for the six months ended 31 December 2023.


During the financial period under review, the Company reported a net loss of
£117,600 (December 2022: £25,800, year to 30 June 2023: £174,800), being
the administrative expenses incurred. As at 31 December 2023 the Company had a
cash in bank balance of £550,500 (December 2022: £2,400, 30 June 2023:


There have been no transactions or events post the balance sheet date that
require disclosure.


On 31 March 2023 the Company applied for Admission to Standard Listing on the
London Stock Exchange with effect from 11 April 2023 and raised £970,000
through a subscription for 185,406,000 new Ordinary shares at £0.0075 each.
The Directors have commenced a review for potential acquisition opportunities.
A further announcement will be made at such time as the Company is able to
provide further details on any proposed transaction.


Damion Greef, Chairman



Interim Management Report


Company Objective


The Company has been formed for the purpose of acquiring a business or
businesses operating in market sectors that display strong environmental,
social and governance ("ESG") credentials, thereby benefitting from the
current trend of superior performance aligned with increased investor
appetite. The Company is not geographically focused on any one or specific
country or region, but rather opportunity focused hence any potential
acquisition opportunities will not be limited by jurisdiction or geographic


The Company was Admitted to the Standard Listing of the London Stock Exchange
on 11 April 2023. Since listing, the Directors are targeting socially
conscious technology based organisations which are capable of generating
sustainable long term growth for investors. The Company's initial focus is to
identify opportunities to acquire companies with undervalued or
pre-commercialisation technologies, or current commercialisation technologies
which, when applied, produce cost savings or revenue enhancement for
customers. These commercial advantages could offer market and sector beating
performance potential whilst fulfilling the Company's ESG assessment criteria.


Principal Risks and Uncertainties


The Company's primary risk is that it may not be able to identify suitable
investment opportunities or there is no guarantee that the Company will be
able to secure an acquisition on commercially acceptable terms, and the
Company may incur costs in conducting due diligence into potential investment
opportunities that may not result in an investment being made. The directors
believe that their broad collective experience, together with their extensive
network of contacts will assist them in identifying, evaluating, and funding
suitable acquisition opportunities.


It may be necessary to raise additional funds in the future by a further issue
of new Ordinary Shares or by other means. However, the ability to fund future
investments and overheads as well as the ability of any acquisition to return
suitable profit cannot be guaranteed.


Related Parties Transactions


Details of related party transactions are set out in note 5 to these accounts.


Responsibility Statement


The Directors are responsible for preparing the Interim Report in accordance
with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial
Conduct Authority ('DTR') and with International Accounting Standard 34 on
Interim Financial Reporting (IAS 34).


The Directors (all non-executive) being John Zorbas, Segar Karupiah, Damion
Greef and Mike Hirschfield confirm that to the best of their knowledge:


   •    the interim financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable
        set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets,
        liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and

   •    the interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34
        and that as required by DTR 4.2.7 and DTR 4.2.8, the Interim Report gives a
        fair review of:

   -    important events that have occurred during the first six months of the year;
   -    the impact of those events on the financial statements;
   -    a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six
        months of the financial year;
   -    details of any related party transactions that have materially affected the
        Company's financial position or performance in the six months ended 31
        December 2023; and
   -    any changes in the related parties transactions described in the last annual
        report that could have a material effect on the financial position or
        performance of the enterprise in the first six months of the current financial


By order of the Board



Damion Greef



29 January 2024



Seed Capital Solutions plc



Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Income (unaudited)



                                                           6 months   6 months   12 months

                                                           31         31         30 June

                                                           December   December
                                                           2023       2022       2023
                                                     Note  Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited
                                                           £000       £000       £000
   Revenue                                                 -          -          -

   Administrative expenses                                 (117.6)    (25.8)     (152.3)
   Share based payments charge                             -          -          (22.5)

   Operating loss                                          (117.6)    (25.8)     (174.8)

   Loss on ordinary activities before taxation             (117.6)    (25.8)     (174.8)
   Income tax expense                                      -          -          -

   Loss after taxation                                     (117.6)    (25.8)     (174.8)
   Other comprehensive income                              -          -          -

   Total comprehensive loss attributable to                (117.6)    (25.8)     (174.8)
   owners of the parent

   Loss per share (EPS):
   Basic and diluted(pence)                          3     (0.06)     (0.06)     (0.23)




Seed Capital Solutions plc



Condensed Statement of Financial Position as at 31
December 2023 (unaudited)



                                          6 months   6 months   12 months

                                          31         31         30 June

                                          December   December
                                          2023       2022       2023
                                    Note  Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited
                                          £000       £000       £000
   Current assets
   Trade and other receivables            82.3       -          305.6
   Cash at bank and in hand               550.5      2.4        517.3
   Total assets                           632.8      2.4        822.9

   Current liabilities
   Trade and other payables               (28.0)     (27.3)     (100.5)
   Total current liabilities              (28.0)     (27.3)     (100.5)

   Total liabilities                      (28.0)     (27.3)     (100.5)
   Net assets/(liabilities)               604.8      (24.9)     722.4

   Share capital                    4     463.5      110.0      463.5
   Share premium                          539.3      -          539.3
   Share based payments reserve           22.5       -          22.5
   Reserves                               (420.5)    (134.9)    (302.9)
   Shareholders' funds / (deficit)        604.8      (24.9)     722.4




Seed Capital Solutions plc


Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity

For the six-month period ended 31 December 2023 (unaudited)



                                Share    Share    Share    Retained  Total

                                capital  premium  payment  profits   equity
                                £'000    £'000    £'000    £'000     £'000
   Balance at 1 July 2022       110.0    -        -        (128.1)   (18.1)
   Loss for the period          -        -        -        (6.8)     (6.8)
   Balance at 31 December 2022  110.0    -        -        (134.9)   (24.9)

   Issue of shares              353.5    647.0    -        -         1,000.5
   Costs of share issue         -        (107.7)  -        -         (107.7)
   Share based payments         -        -        22.5     -         22.5
   Loss for the period          -        -        -        (168.0)   (168.0)
   Balance at 30 June           463.5    539.3    22.5     (302.9)   722.4


   Loss for the period          -        -        -        (117.6)   (117.6)
   Balance at 31 December 2023  463.5    539.3    22.5     (420.5)   604.8




Seed Capital Solutions plc


Condensed Statements of Cash Flows

For the six-month period ended 31 December 2023 (unaudited)



                                                                  6 months     6 months     12 months

                                                                  31 December  31 December  30 June
                                                                  2023         2022         2023
 Note                                                             Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                                                  £000         £000         £000
 Cash flow from operating activities
 Loss before taxation                                             (117.6)      (25.8)       (174.8)
 Share based payments charge                                      -            -            22.5
 Change in prepayments                                            3.2          -            (10.5)
 Change in accruals                                               (42.9)       -            35.3

 Operating cash flows before movements in working capital         (157.3)      (25.8)       (127.5)

 Decease/(increase) in trade and other                            220.1        -            (295.1)


 (Decrease)/increase in trade and other                           (29.6)       (15.3)       3.6

 Cash generated from operations                                   33.2         (41.1)       (419.0)

 Cash flows from operating activities                             33.2         (41.1)       (419.0)

 Proceeds from share issue                                        -            -            1,000.5
 Share issue costs                                                -            -            (107.7)
 Net cash generated from financing activities                     -            -            892.8

 Net Increase/(decrease) in cash & cash equivalents               33.2         (41.1)       473.8
 Cash and equivalent at beginning of the period                   517.3        43.5         43.5
 Cash and equivalent at end of the period                         550.5        2.4          517.3



Seed Capital Solutions plc






The Company is incorporated in England and Wales as a public limited
company with company number 11115718. The registered office of the Company
is 80 Cheapside, London EC2V 6EE.


This financial information is for the Company only as there are no subsidiary


The principal place of business of the Company is in the United Kingdom.


The interim financial statements are presented in the nearest thousands of
Pound Sterling (£'000), which is the presentation currency of the company.





The interim financial statements for the six months ended 31 December 2023
have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting.


The principal accounting policies used in preparing the interim results are
the same as those applied in the Company's Financial Statements as at and for
the period ended 30 June 2023.


A copy of the audited financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2023,
which was prepared under IFRS, is available on the Company's website.


The interim report for the six months ended 31 December 2023 was approved by
the Directors on 29 January 2024.




The earnings per share information is as follows:



                                               6 months     6 months    12 months

                                               31           31          30 June

                                               December     December
                                               2023         2022        2023
                                               Unaudited    Unaudited   Audited
   (Loss) after taxation (Pound £)             (117.6)      (25.8)      (174.8)
   Weighted average number of ordinary shares  185,406,000  44,000,000  75,704,615
   Basic earnings per share (pence)            (0.06)       (0.06)      (0.23)


There are 8,313,532 warrants outstanding at 31 December 2023 and at 30 June
2023 (December 2022: nil). Their effect is anti-dilutive but is potentially
dilutive against future profits.





                                                               31 December  31 December  30 June
                                                               2023         2022         2023
                                                               Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                                               £000         £000         £000
   Ordinary shares allotted, called up and

   issued of £0.0025 each
   175,406,000 issued and fully paid                           438,515      -            438,515
   10,000,000 issued and not fully paid                        25,000       -            25,000
   44,000,000 issued and fully paid                            -            110,000      -


On 18 December 2017, the Company was incorporated with 100 shares of £0.01


On 26 January 2021, the 100 issued Ordinary shares of £0.01 each were
sub-divided into 400 new Ordinary shares of £0.0025 each.


On 29 January 2021, new subscribers applied for 15,999,600 new Ordinary shares
of £0.0025 each at par raising £39,999. On 10 March 2021, a further
24,000,000 new Ordinary shares of £0.0025 each were issued at par to raise a
further £60,000. On 10 August 2021, 4,000,000 new Ordinary shares of £0.0025
each were issued at par to raise £10,000.


On 23 March 2023 12,000,000 new Ordinary Shares of £0.0025 each were issued
at par to raise £30,000 and on Admission to trading on the London Stock
Exchange on 11 April 2023 129,406,000 new Ordinary Shares of £0.0025 each
were issued at £0.0075 per share to raise £970,545. The Company incurred
broker commission and legal costs amounting to £107,704 regarding the issue
of these shares and this amount has been charged against share premium during
the year.


Included in the new ordinary shares issued upon admission are 10,000,000
shares of £0.0025 each issued at £0.0075 to AMI Assets SA for £75,000 and
accounted for as receivables at the year end. The Directors are comfortable
that the balance will be recoverable.


At 31 December 2023, the Company had the following warrants in issue:


                                         31 December 2023 and 30 June      31 December 2022

                                         Weighted         Number           Weighted          Number

                                         Average                           Average

                                         exercise price                    exercise price

                                         (p)                               (p)
   Outstanding at the beginning of the   -                -                -                 -

   Granted during the period             0.0027           8,313,532        -                 -
   Exercised during the period           -                -                -                 -
   Outstanding at the end of the period  0.0027           8,313,532        -                 -
   Exercisable at the end of the period  0.0027           8,313,532        -                 -


All of these warrants have an exercise price of 1.125 pence per share, vested
immediately and have a five-year contractual life.


A share-based payments charge of £22,447 was calculated on the basis of a
Black Scholes valuation of £0.0027 per share. In calculating this grant date
11 April 2023 fair value the parameters used were a stock asset price of
£0.0075, an option strike price of £0.01125, a five year maturity period, a
risk free interest rate of 3.79% (based on five year Gilt yields) and a
volatility of 50% based on management assessment of the risk profile. No
dividend payments were factored in the model. As the warrants all vested
immediately, the full charge has been recognised in the year.


Nature and purpose of reserves


Share based payments


The share based payments reserve reflects the share based payments charge on
warrants granted by the Company as described earlier in this note.





Kitwell Administration Limited ("Kitwell"), a company wholly owned by Mr
Hirschfield, has provided Company Secretarial and accounting services to the
Company since incorporation. Mr Hirschfield agreed that Kitwell would not make
any charges for its services prior to listing. These accounts include an
accrual of £500 for Company Secretarial services for December 2023 (30 June
2023: £2,500 plus VAT in respect of accountancy services and £1,500 plus VAT
for Company Secretarial services for the year ended 30 June 2023).

Prior to being appointed a director on 5 June 2023, Segar Karupiah charged for
his services via Danmar Management Limited, a wholly owned service company.
These accounts include an accrual of £nil (30 June 2023: £2,000 plus VAT in
respect of services provided in May and June 2023).





There are no seasonal factors that materially affect the operations of the





There are no events since the reporting date which require reporting.


- ENDS -


This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of article 7 of EU Regulation 596/2014
(which forms part of domestic UK law pursuant to the European Union
(Withdrawal) Act 2018) ("UK MAR").





 Seed Capital Solutions plc                       Tel: +44 (0)1535 647 479
 Chairman Damion Greef

 Brand Communications                             Tel: +44 (0) 7976 431608
 Public & Investor Relations
 Alan Green




Seed Capital Solutions Plc (LON: SCSP) has been formed for the purpose of
acquiring a business or businesses operating in market sectors that can
display strong ESG credentials, thereby benefitting from the current trend of
superior performance and increased investor appetite.

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