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REG - Ross Group PLC - Half-year Report

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RNS Number : 2088U  Ross Group PLC  24 March 2023

 Ross Group Plc Half Yearly Financial Report  31(st) December 2022


 Financial Summary (12 months to 31 December 2022)

              2022           2021
                  £'000         £'000        Change

 Group Revenue               -              -            -

 Gross Profit/(Loss)         -              -            -

 Profit/(Loss) before tax    (854)          (85)         1,004.7%

 Basic earnings per share    -0.35p                      875.0%


 Diluted earnings per share  -0.29p         -0.03p       966.7%

Chairman's Statement

For the half year (interim) period to the 31(st) December 2022

I would like to report that, during this particular period, Ross Group PLC
 ("the Group") decided to change its financial year end to the 30th June and,
 as a result of this change, the reporting period from 1st January 2022 to 31st
 December 2022 is hereby termed as an interim or half year set of Accounts.
 This is primarily due to the Board of Directors' restructuring and
 implementation of its planned business strategy, notwithstanding continuing to
 endure exceptional and extended circumstances related to COVID and its
 consequential economic effects, all of which as a result has therefore
 subsequently resulted in a net loss after tax of £854,000 without revenue.

The Board during the last half of 2022 announced a specific Supply Chain
 Management Agreement ("SCMA") and is in the process of endeavouring to
 integrate this respective start-up business within the existing overall
 operations, since the AAG acquisition in 2019/2020 which was subsequently
 effected by COVID during the last 2 years and required restructuring.

Ross Diversified Ltd, a subsidiary, has been renamed as the Energy Group
 International Ltd ("EGIL") as a result of the SCMA and is in the process of
 becoming a more defined water, hydrogen, oil and gas specialist supply chain
 management and service-providing operation, including, but not limited to,
 supply chain financing.

Consequently, this division is currently in detailed discussions with a number
 of companies that are wanting to engage in such specialist supply chain
 management services and related operations.

As a result, the Group is therefore currently in the process of implementing
 and/or amending its specialistic supply chain management protocols, procedures
 and respective disciplines, in order to put in place a more appropriate robust
 financial and investment infrastructure through the adoption and application
 of a more horizontal integrational sub-strategy that will hopefully place the
 Group to be in a better position so as to try to provide more efficient and
 successful specialist supply chain management services in the foreseeable

 The Group has also recently approved and appointed Mr Stephen Johanns to
 become a Group Director and also the CEO of EGIL.  The Board believes that
 his specialist skill set in both the Group's supply chain management services
 and also in areas of energy and infrastructure, as well as his own expertise
 in critical mineral supply chain solutions, will help the Group through EGIL
 produce some exciting opportunities in the very near future.

Whilst there has been no revenue during this particular period from any
 outside third party contracts, it is now the Group's intention to
 significantly revert and re-implement resources that will enable the Group to
 grow its global supply chain services and produce a more substantial revenue
 stream in the future.

Business Outlook

For the first half of 2023 the Board will continue, along with our team of
 Advisors and Consultants, to work tirelessly with our specialist supply chain
 management team in trying to successfully build a business of a specialist
 supply chain strategy centered around its Standard Incorporate Coding of
 Mining & Mineral business in order to try and ensure that the Group has a
 more balanced structure that can allow and enable the exploring other
 opportunities that may also arise during this uncertain and unique time.

The Directors have prepared preliminary cashflow forecasts in accordance with
 the new financial year. These cashflows have been sensitized to assess the
 adequacy of cash and funding available should future economic effects of
 recession and/or inflation impinge the activities of the Group.  Certain
 Directors have also confirmed to be ably to provide additional independent
 financial support should additional resources be required. Based on the
 sensitivity testing and additional resources available the Directors are
 satisfied the Group can continue as a going concern for the foreseeable

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The main risk to the existing operations of the Group is the possibility of
 depleting necessary working capital in the event of not being able to achieve
 enough specialist supply chain management service revenues and/or incurring
 excessive expenses and/or overhead within a viable period of time. The Board
 is both fully aware of these risks and, as a result, has always endeavoured to
 managed its cash and cashflow conservatively and prudently; having already
 ensured that its exposure to any RGP-525 or AAG related liabilities in this
 instance are primarily limited to its initial investment.  In addition, the
 Board is equally endeavouring to ensure that funds are being made available to
 the Group, whilst also exploring other opportunities, specifically in the
 supply chain of water, hydrogen, oil and gas sectors for future growth.

Your Directors are therefore reasonably confident that the Group currently has
 both the financial resources and capability to fund existing expenses for
 future specialist supply chain management growth.


No ordinary interim dividend is proposed after considering the result for the
 first half of the year, and the existing deficiency of retained reserves.

I would very much like to thank the members of the Board of Directors, as well
 as our contractors, consultants and advisors for all their continued, and
 highly appreciated, support, expertise and hard work.

Finally, as always, on behalf of our Board of Directors, I would also like to
 personally extend my sincere thanks to our extraordinarily loyal and also new
 shareholders for all their continued confidence, patience and truly
 exceptional understanding.

Barry Richard Pettitt


Approved:  24th March 2023



                    12 months                     6 months                  Year
                    ended 31 December             ended 30 June             ended 31 Dec
                    2022                          2021                      2021
                       £'000                        £'000                     £'000

 Group Revenue                        -                             -                         -

 Gross Profit                         -                             -                         -

 Profit / (Loss) before Finance Cost  (571)                         131                       (1,873)

 Finance Cost                         283                           216                       703

 (Loss) before Taxation               (854)                         (85)                      (2,576)

 Taxation                             -                             -                         -

 (Loss) for the Period                (854)                         (85)                      (2,576)

 Earnings per share (pence)           -0.35                         -0.04                     -1.11
 Diluted earnings per share (pence)   -0.29                         -0.03                     -0.85


                      Share       Accumulated    Translation Reserve    Other Reserves

                      Capital     Losses
                            Restated       Restated

 Balance at 1 Jan 2021                     11,218      (39,820)       (199)                  15,384

 (Loss) / Profit for the period            -           (85)           -                      -
 Foreign exchange adjustment               -           -              (13)                   -
 Total comprehensive income / (deficit)    -           (85)           (212)                  -

 Balance at 30 June 2021                   11,218      (39,905)       (212)                  15,384

 (Loss) / Profit for the period            -           (2,491)        -                      -
 Foreign exchange adjustment               -           -              -                      -
 Total comprehensive income / (deficit)    -           (2,491)        -                      -

 Share issue                               14          -              -                      -
 Movement on convertible loans             -           453            -                      -

 Balance at 31 Dec 2021                    11,232      (41,943)       (212)                  15,384

 Balance at 1 Jan 2022                     11,232      (41,943)       (212)                  15,384

 (Loss) / Profit for the period            -           (854)          -                      -
 Foreign exchange adjustment               -           -              (387)                  -

 Total comprehensive income / (deficit)    -           (854)          (387)                  -

 Share issue                               10          -              -                      -
 Balance at 31 December 2022               11,242      (42,797)       (599)                  15,384


                 12 months            6 months         Year Ended
                 ended 31 December    ended 30 June    31 Dec
                 2022                 2021             2021
                 £'000                £'000            £'000

 Non Current Assets             32                   802              68

 Current Assets:
 Trade and Other Receivables    114                  129              117
 Cash and Cash Equivalents      1                    307              209

                 115                  436              326

 Total Assets                   147                  1,238            394

 Equity and Liabilities

 Shareholders' Equity:
 Share Capital                  11,242               11,218           11,232
 Share Premium Account           3,708                3,146            3,540
 Other Reserves                 15,384               15,384           15,384
 Convertible debentures         4,692                5,145            4,692
 Translation reserve            (599)                (212)            (212)
 Retained Earnings                (42,797)             (39,905)          (41,943)

 Total Equity                   (8,370)              (5,224)          (7,307)

 Non-Current Liabilities:
 Lease Liabilities              12                   28               10
 Long Term Borrowings           3,345                2,552            3,003
 Provisions                     813                  -                813

 Current Liabilities:
 Trade and Other Payables       3,716                3,178            3,315
 Shareholders funds in advance  -                    378              -
 Lease Liabilities              20                   35               37
 Bank Overdraft and Loans       611                  291              523

 Total Liabilities              8,517                6,462            7,701

 Total Equity and Liabilities   147                  1,238            394


                               12 months            6 months         Year Ended
                                ended 31 December    ended 30 June    31 Dec
                                2022                 2021             2021
                                   £'000                £'000           £'000

 Net Cash From/(Used In) Operating Activities                 (516)                (281)            (885)

 Net Cash Used In Investing Activities                        (1)                  567              793

 Cash Flows From Financing Activities:
 Amount withdrawn by Directors                                38                   5                -
 Issue of ordinary shares                                     178                  -                408
 Net Increase/(Decrease) In Borrowings and Lease Liabilities  389                  (75)             (198)
 Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities                            88             (70)             210

 Net Increase/(Decrease) In Cash and Cash Equivalents         (208)                216              118

 Cash and Cash Equivalent at Beginning of Period              209                  91               91

 Cash and Cash Equivalent at End of Period                    1                    307              209

Notes to the Interim Report

 (1)      The financial information contained in these statements for the
 twelve months ended 31 December 2022 and 30 June 2021 is unaudited and does
 not constitute statutory

 Accounts as defined in section 434 of the Companies Act 2006.

These statements are prepared in accordance with International Financial
 Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the UK.

The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the

 accounting policies set out in the audited statutory accounts for the year

 31 December 2021.

The comparative information at 30 June 2021 has been restated as detailed in
 note 11.

(2)      Reconciliation of Operating (Loss) / Profit to Net Cash Flows
 From Operating


                           12 months            6 months         Year Ended
                            ended 31 December    ended 30 June    31 Dec
                            2022                 2021             2021
                               £'000                £'000           £'000

 Operating Profit / (Loss)                            (571)                134              (1,873)

 Profit on sale of fixed assets                       -                    (578)            (337)
 Exchange differences                                 (391)                (13)             (4)
 Depreciation and Amortisation                        42                   260              525
 (Increase)/ Decrease In Trade and Other Receivables  3                    135              212
 Increase/(Decrease) In Trade and Other Payables      401                  (219)            592

 Net Cash Generated From/(Used In) Operations         (516)                (281)            (885)

 (3)       No ordinary interim dividend is proposed for 2022 (2021 -

 (4)      The comparative cash flow for the year ended 31 December 2021
 has been

 extracted from the audited accounts. The cash flows for the six months ended

 June 2021 and twelve months ended 31 December 2022 are unaudited.

(5)       Reconciliation of Movements In Equity

                         12 months            6 months         Year Ended
                          ended 31 December    ended 30 June    31 Dec
                          2022                 2021             2021
                             £'000               £'000            £'000
 Share Premium Account
 Brought Forward                                  3,540                3,146            3,146
 Movement                                         168                  -                394
 Carried Forward                                  3,708                3,146            3,540

 Other Reserves
 Brought Forward                                  15,384               15,384           15,384
 Movement                                         -                    -                -
 Carried Forward                                  15,384               15,384           15,384

 Translation Reserve
 Brought Forward                                  (212)                (199)            (199)
 Foreign exchange adjustment                      (387)                (13)             (13)
 Carried Forward                                  (599)                (212)            (212)

 Retained Earnings
 Brought Forward                                    (41,943)             (39,820)       (39,820)
 (Loss) / Profit for the Period                   (854)                (85)             (2,576)
 Value of conversion rights on convertible loans  -                    -                453

 Carried Forward                                  (42,797)             (39,905)         (41,943)

 Convertible Debenture
 Brought Forward                                    4,692                5,145          5,145
 Movement                                         -                    -                (453)

 Carried Forward                                  4,692                5,145            4,692

On 14 June 2022 the company made an announcement to the London Stock Exchange
 confirming the issue of 9,087,000 shares equivalent to 4% of its existing
 shareholding at a fixed price of 1.79 pence per new ordinary share.

 (6)       Non Current Assets

                 Right of use assets     Property, Plant &
                  Land & Buildings        Equipment                Total
                     £'000                  £'000                    £'000

 At 1 January 2022                138                     33                       171
 Foreign exchange adjustment      4                       1                        5
 Additions                        -                       1                        1
 At 31 Decembr 2022               142                     35                       177

 Depreciation / Amortisation
 At 1 January 2022                97                      6                        103
 Charge for the period            36                      6                        42
 On disposals                     -                       -                        -
 At 31 December 2022              133                     12                       145

 Net Book Value

 At 31 December 2022              9                       23                       32

 At 1 January 2022                41                      27                       68

(7)       Current Assets

                 31 Dec      31 Dec      30 June
                  2022        2021        2021
                  £'000       £'000       £'000

 Trade receivables                 -           -           -
 Prepayments and accrued income    14          9           11
 Other debtors                     62          45          47
 Directors loan                    38          63          58
 Loans to associated undertakings  -           -           13

                  114         117         129

Interest is charged on the Directors loan at a commercial rate.

(8)       Current Liabilities

                     31 Dec      31 Dec      30 June
                      2022        2021        2021
                      £'000       £'000       £'000

 Trade payables                           368         293         245
 Other creditors                          489         407         496
 Accruals and deferred income             253         280         191
 Amounts owed to associated undertakings  2,647       2,335       2,246
 Lease creditor                           20          37          35
 Other loans                              265         177         -
 Debentures                               346         346         291
 Shareholders funds in advance                        -           378

                      4,388       3,875       3,882

(9)       Non Current Liabilities

        31 Dec      31 Dec      30 June
         2022        2021        2021
         £'000       £'000       £'000

 Lease creditor  12          10          28
 Debentures      1,318       1,256       825
 Other loans     2,027       1,747       1,727
 Provision       813         813         -

         4,170       3,826       2,580

(10)  On 27 September 2018 two convertible loan debentures were issued for
 £4,010,000 and £2,062,172 with a coupon rate of 5%.

The loan notes are convertible into Ordinary shares of the parent entity in
 three years after the date of issue.

 At the Annual General Meeting on 31 December 2020 it was agreed to extend the
 conversion period to 26 September 2022.

 At the Annual General Meeting on 31 December 2021 it was agreed to extend the
 conversion period to 26 September 2025.

 The convertible loan debenture will give right to a percentage of the issued
 share capital of the parent company at the date of conversion. Each tranche of
 £1 million debenture owed by the long term holders correspond to 4.925% of
 the issued share capital at the date of conversion, resulting in a fixed
 percentage of the issued share capital of the company to be allotted to the
 loan holders regardless of the value / amount of the share capital of the

                    31 Dec      31 Dec
                     2022        2021
                     £'000       £'000
 Face value of notes issued             6,072       6,072
 Value of conversion rights             4,692       4,692

 Convertible loan debenture liability   1,380       1,380

 Interest expense recognized in period  123         222

 The other loans have been advanced to the company from One World Limited. The
 funding was provided for a three year period, and interest is charged on these
 loans at 6%.

 (11)  The Group has restated the condensed consolidated income statement,
 condensed consolidated statement of financial position, and condensed
 consolidated statement of changes in equity for 30 June 2021. This is due
 errors in the accounting treatment for convertible loan debentures, foreign
 exchange translation and recognition of a Group asset which was not owned by
 the Group. This has been considered as a prior year error and has been
 corrected in accordance with IAS 8 (Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting
 Estimates and Errors).Further details on the impact of the restatement were
 included in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021.

(12)  As no revenue has been generated throughout the group in this period
 nor the prior period, the Chief Operating Decision Maker believes the
 information already disclosed in the interim financial statements is adequate
 to fulfill the requirements of IFRS8 segmental reporting.  This will be
 reconsidered at the year end and in future periods as the group begins to

 (13)  The Interim Report will be sent by mail to all registered shareholders

 and copies will be available from the Company's registered office at 71-75
 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ. A downloadable copy will also be posted on
 the Company's website www.ross-group.co.uk

Responsibility statement:

    The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge: -

a)    the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in
 accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and IAS 34
 'Interim Financial Reporting';

b)    the financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets,
 liabilities, financial position and loss of the group:

c)    the interim management report includes a fair review of the
 information required by DTR 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the
 first twelve months and description of principal risks and uncertainties for
 the remaining six months of the year); and

d)    the interim management report includes a fair review of the
 information required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related parties'
 transactions and changes therein).

On behalf of the Board

B Pettitt

 Chief Executive Officer

Ross Group plc

Registered Office

71 - 75 Shelton Street

 London WC2H 9JQ

 Contact - S Mehta, Non Executive Director

 Tel. - 07973 848349

 Email - shashiuk@gmail.com

 Website - www.ross-group.co.uk (http://www.ross-group.co.uk)

Chairman's Statement

For the half year (interim) period to the 31(st) December 2022

I would like to report that, during this particular period, Ross Group PLC
("the Group") decided to change its financial year end to the 30th June and,
as a result of this change, the reporting period from 1st January 2022 to 31st
December 2022 is hereby termed as an interim or half year set of Accounts.
This is primarily due to the Board of Directors' restructuring and
implementation of its planned business strategy, notwithstanding continuing to
endure exceptional and extended circumstances related to COVID and its
consequential economic effects, all of which as a result has therefore
subsequently resulted in a net loss after tax of £854,000 without revenue.

The Board during the last half of 2022 announced a specific Supply Chain
Management Agreement ("SCMA") and is in the process of endeavouring to
integrate this respective start-up business within the existing overall
operations, since the AAG acquisition in 2019/2020 which was subsequently
effected by COVID during the last 2 years and required restructuring.

Ross Diversified Ltd, a subsidiary, has been renamed as the Energy Group
International Ltd ("EGIL") as a result of the SCMA and is in the process of
becoming a more defined water, hydrogen, oil and gas specialist supply chain
management and service-providing operation, including, but not limited to,
supply chain financing.

Consequently, this division is currently in detailed discussions with a number
of companies that are wanting to engage in such specialist supply chain
management services and related operations.

As a result, the Group is therefore currently in the process of implementing
and/or amending its specialistic supply chain management protocols, procedures
and respective disciplines, in order to put in place a more appropriate robust
financial and investment infrastructure through the adoption and application
of a more horizontal integrational sub-strategy that will hopefully place the
Group to be in a better position so as to try to provide more efficient and
successful specialist supply chain management services in the foreseeable

The Group has also recently approved and appointed Mr Stephen Johanns to
become a Group Director and also the CEO of EGIL.  The Board believes that
his specialist skill set in both the Group's supply chain management services
and also in areas of energy and infrastructure, as well as his own expertise
in critical mineral supply chain solutions, will help the Group through EGIL
produce some exciting opportunities in the very near future.

Whilst there has been no revenue during this particular period from any
outside third party contracts, it is now the Group's intention to
significantly revert and re-implement resources that will enable the Group to
grow its global supply chain services and produce a more substantial revenue
stream in the future.

Business Outlook

For the first half of 2023 the Board will continue, along with our team of
Advisors and Consultants, to work tirelessly with our specialist supply chain
management team in trying to successfully build a business of a specialist
supply chain strategy centered around its Standard Incorporate Coding of
Mining & Mineral business in order to try and ensure that the Group has a
more balanced structure that can allow and enable the exploring other
opportunities that may also arise during this uncertain and unique time.

The Directors have prepared preliminary cashflow forecasts in accordance with
the new financial year. These cashflows have been sensitized to assess the
adequacy of cash and funding available should future economic effects of
recession and/or inflation impinge the activities of the Group.  Certain
Directors have also confirmed to be ably to provide additional independent
financial support should additional resources be required. Based on the
sensitivity testing and additional resources available the Directors are
satisfied the Group can continue as a going concern for the foreseeable

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The main risk to the existing operations of the Group is the possibility of
depleting necessary working capital in the event of not being able to achieve
enough specialist supply chain management service revenues and/or incurring
excessive expenses and/or overhead within a viable period of time. The Board
is both fully aware of these risks and, as a result, has always endeavoured to
managed its cash and cashflow conservatively and prudently; having already
ensured that its exposure to any RGP-525 or AAG related liabilities in this
instance are primarily limited to its initial investment.  In addition, the
Board is equally endeavouring to ensure that funds are being made available to
the Group, whilst also exploring other opportunities, specifically in the
supply chain of water, hydrogen, oil and gas sectors for future growth.

Your Directors are therefore reasonably confident that the Group currently has
both the financial resources and capability to fund existing expenses for
future specialist supply chain management growth.


No ordinary interim dividend is proposed after considering the result for the
first half of the year, and the existing deficiency of retained reserves.

I would very much like to thank the members of the Board of Directors, as well
as our contractors, consultants and advisors for all their continued, and
highly appreciated, support, expertise and hard work.

Finally, as always, on behalf of our Board of Directors, I would also like to
personally extend my sincere thanks to our extraordinarily loyal and also new
shareholders for all their continued confidence, patience and truly
exceptional understanding.

Barry Richard Pettitt


Approved:  24th March 2023









                                      12 months                     6 months                  Year
                                      ended 31 December             ended 30 June             ended 31 Dec
                                      2022                          2021                      2021
                                         £'000                        £'000                     £'000

 Group Revenue                        -                             -                         -

 Gross Profit                         -                             -                         -

 Profit / (Loss) before Finance Cost  (571)                         131                       (1,873)

 Finance Cost                         283                           216                       703

 (Loss) before Taxation               (854)                         (85)                      (2,576)

 Taxation                             -                             -                         -

 (Loss) for the Period                (854)                         (85)                      (2,576)

 Earnings per share (pence)           -0.35                         -0.04                     -1.11
 Diluted earnings per share (pence)   -0.29                         -0.03                     -0.85


                                           Share       Accumulated    Translation Reserve    Other Reserves

                                           Capital     Losses
                                                       Restated       Restated

 Balance at 1 Jan 2021                     11,218      (39,820)       (199)                  15,384

 (Loss) / Profit for the period            -           (85)           -                      -
 Foreign exchange adjustment               -           -              (13)                   -
 Total comprehensive income / (deficit)    -           (85)           (212)                  -

 Balance at 30 June 2021                   11,218      (39,905)       (212)                  15,384

 (Loss) / Profit for the period            -           (2,491)        -                      -
 Foreign exchange adjustment               -           -              -                      -
 Total comprehensive income / (deficit)    -           (2,491)        -                      -

 Share issue                               14          -              -                      -
 Movement on convertible loans             -           453            -                      -

 Balance at 31 Dec 2021                    11,232      (41,943)       (212)                  15,384

 Balance at 1 Jan 2022                     11,232      (41,943)       (212)                  15,384

 (Loss) / Profit for the period            -           (854)          -                      -
 Foreign exchange adjustment               -           -              (387)                  -

 Total comprehensive income / (deficit)    -           (854)          (387)                  -

 Share issue                               10          -              -                      -
 Balance at 31 December 2022               11,242      (42,797)       (599)                  15,384


                                12 months            6 months         Year Ended
                                ended 31 December    ended 30 June    31 Dec
                                2022                 2021             2021
                                £'000                £'000            £'000

 Non Current Assets             32                   802              68

 Current Assets:
 Trade and Other Receivables    114                  129              117
 Cash and Cash Equivalents      1                    307              209

                                115                  436              326

 Total Assets                   147                  1,238            394

 Equity and Liabilities

 Shareholders' Equity:
 Share Capital                  11,242               11,218           11,232
 Share Premium Account           3,708                3,146            3,540
 Other Reserves                 15,384               15,384           15,384
 Convertible debentures         4,692                5,145            4,692
 Translation reserve            (599)                (212)            (212)
 Retained Earnings                (42,797)             (39,905)          (41,943)

 Total Equity                   (8,370)              (5,224)          (7,307)

 Non-Current Liabilities:
 Lease Liabilities              12                   28               10
 Long Term Borrowings           3,345                2,552            3,003
 Provisions                     813                  -                813

 Current Liabilities:
 Trade and Other Payables       3,716                3,178            3,315
 Shareholders funds in advance  -                    378              -
 Lease Liabilities              20                   35               37
 Bank Overdraft and Loans       611                  291              523

 Total Liabilities              8,517                6,462            7,701

 Total Equity and Liabilities   147                  1,238            394


                                                              12 months            6 months         Year Ended
                                                              ended 31 December    ended 30 June    31 Dec
                                                              2022                 2021             2021
                                                                 £'000                £'000           £'000

 Net Cash From/(Used In) Operating Activities                 (516)                (281)            (885)

 Net Cash Used In Investing Activities                        (1)                  567              793

 Cash Flows From Financing Activities:
 Amount withdrawn by Directors                                38                   5                -
 Issue of ordinary shares                                     178                  -                408
 Net Increase/(Decrease) In Borrowings and Lease Liabilities  389                  (75)             (198)
 Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities                            88             (70)             210

 Net Increase/(Decrease) In Cash and Cash Equivalents         (208)                216              118

 Cash and Cash Equivalent at Beginning of Period              209                  91               91

 Cash and Cash Equivalent at End of Period                    1                    307              209

Notes to the Interim Report

(1)      The financial information contained in these statements for the
twelve months ended 31 December 2022 and 30 June 2021 is unaudited and does
not constitute statutory

Accounts as defined in section 434 of the Companies Act 2006.

These statements are prepared in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the UK.

The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the

accounting policies set out in the audited statutory accounts for the year

31 December 2021.

The comparative information at 30 June 2021 has been restated as detailed in
note 11.

(2)      Reconciliation of Operating (Loss) / Profit to Net Cash Flows
From Operating


                                                      12 months            6 months         Year Ended
                                                      ended 31 December    ended 30 June    31 Dec
                                                      2022                 2021             2021
                                                         £'000                £'000           £'000

 Operating Profit / (Loss)                            (571)                134              (1,873)

 Profit on sale of fixed assets                       -                    (578)            (337)
 Exchange differences                                 (391)                (13)             (4)
 Depreciation and Amortisation                        42                   260              525
 (Increase)/ Decrease In Trade and Other Receivables  3                    135              212
 Increase/(Decrease) In Trade and Other Payables      401                  (219)            592

 Net Cash Generated From/(Used In) Operations         (516)                (281)            (885)

(3)       No ordinary interim dividend is proposed for 2022 (2021 -

(4)      The comparative cash flow for the year ended 31 December 2021
has been

extracted from the audited accounts. The cash flows for the six months ended

June 2021 and twelve months ended 31 December 2022 are unaudited.

(5)       Reconciliation of Movements In Equity

                                                  12 months            6 months         Year Ended
                                                  ended 31 December    ended 30 June    31 Dec
                                                  2022                 2021             2021
                                                     £'000               £'000            £'000
 Share Premium Account
 Brought Forward                                  3,540                3,146            3,146
 Movement                                         168                  -                394
 Carried Forward                                  3,708                3,146            3,540

 Other Reserves
 Brought Forward                                  15,384               15,384           15,384
 Movement                                         -                    -                -
 Carried Forward                                  15,384               15,384           15,384

 Translation Reserve
 Brought Forward                                  (212)                (199)            (199)
 Foreign exchange adjustment                      (387)                (13)             (13)
 Carried Forward                                  (599)                (212)            (212)

 Retained Earnings
 Brought Forward                                    (41,943)             (39,820)       (39,820)
 (Loss) / Profit for the Period                   (854)                (85)             (2,576)
 Value of conversion rights on convertible loans  -                    -                453

 Carried Forward                                  (42,797)             (39,905)         (41,943)

 Convertible Debenture
 Brought Forward                                    4,692                5,145          5,145
 Movement                                         -                    -                (453)

 Carried Forward                                  4,692                5,145            4,692

On 14 June 2022 the company made an announcement to the London Stock Exchange
confirming the issue of 9,087,000 shares equivalent to 4% of its existing
shareholding at a fixed price of 1.79 pence per new ordinary share.

(6)       Non Current Assets

                                  Right of use assets     Property, Plant &
                                  Land & Buildings        Equipment                Total
                                     £'000                  £'000                    £'000

 At 1 January 2022                138                     33                       171
 Foreign exchange adjustment      4                       1                        5
 Additions                        -                       1                        1
 At 31 Decembr 2022               142                     35                       177

 Depreciation / Amortisation
 At 1 January 2022                97                      6                        103
 Charge for the period            36                      6                        42
 On disposals                     -                       -                        -
 At 31 December 2022              133                     12                       145

 Net Book Value

 At 31 December 2022              9                       23                       32

 At 1 January 2022                41                      27                       68

(7)       Current Assets

                                   31 Dec      31 Dec      30 June
                                   2022        2021        2021
                                   £'000       £'000       £'000

 Trade receivables                 -           -           -
 Prepayments and accrued income    14          9           11
 Other debtors                     62          45          47
 Directors loan                    38          63          58
 Loans to associated undertakings  -           -           13

                                   114         117         129

Interest is charged on the Directors loan at a commercial rate.

(8)       Current Liabilities

                                          31 Dec      31 Dec      30 June
                                          2022        2021        2021
                                          £'000       £'000       £'000

 Trade payables                           368         293         245
 Other creditors                          489         407         496
 Accruals and deferred income             253         280         191
 Amounts owed to associated undertakings  2,647       2,335       2,246
 Lease creditor                           20          37          35
 Other loans                              265         177         -
 Debentures                               346         346         291
 Shareholders funds in advance                        -           378

                                          4,388       3,875       3,882

(9)       Non Current Liabilities

                 31 Dec      31 Dec      30 June
                 2022        2021        2021
                 £'000       £'000       £'000

 Lease creditor  12          10          28
 Debentures      1,318       1,256       825
 Other loans     2,027       1,747       1,727
 Provision       813         813         -

                 4,170       3,826       2,580

(10)  On 27 September 2018 two convertible loan debentures were issued for
£4,010,000 and £2,062,172 with a coupon rate of 5%.

The loan notes are convertible into Ordinary shares of the parent entity in
three years after the date of issue.

At the Annual General Meeting on 31 December 2020 it was agreed to extend the
conversion period to 26 September 2022.

At the Annual General Meeting on 31 December 2021 it was agreed to extend the
conversion period to 26 September 2025.

The convertible loan debenture will give right to a percentage of the issued
share capital of the parent company at the date of conversion. Each tranche of
£1 million debenture owed by the long term holders correspond to 4.925% of
the issued share capital at the date of conversion, resulting in a fixed
percentage of the issued share capital of the company to be allotted to the
loan holders regardless of the value / amount of the share capital of the

                                        31 Dec      31 Dec
                                        2022        2021
                                        £'000       £'000
 Face value of notes issued             6,072       6,072
 Value of conversion rights             4,692       4,692

 Convertible loan debenture liability   1,380       1,380

 Interest expense recognized in period  123         222

The other loans have been advanced to the company from One World Limited. The
funding was provided for a three year period, and interest is charged on these
loans at 6%.

(11)  The Group has restated the condensed consolidated income statement,
condensed consolidated statement of financial position, and condensed
consolidated statement of changes in equity for 30 June 2021. This is due
errors in the accounting treatment for convertible loan debentures, foreign
exchange translation and recognition of a Group asset which was not owned by
the Group. This has been considered as a prior year error and has been
corrected in accordance with IAS 8 (Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting
Estimates and Errors).Further details on the impact of the restatement were
included in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021.

(12)  As no revenue has been generated throughout the group in this period
nor the prior period, the Chief Operating Decision Maker believes the
information already disclosed in the interim financial statements is adequate
to fulfill the requirements of IFRS8 segmental reporting.  This will be
reconsidered at the year end and in future periods as the group begins to

(13)  The Interim Report will be sent by mail to all registered shareholders

and copies will be available from the Company's registered office at 71-75
Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ. A downloadable copy will also be posted on
the Company's website www.ross-group.co.uk

Responsibility statement:

    The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge: -

a)    the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and IAS 34
'Interim Financial Reporting';

b)    the financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets,
liabilities, financial position and loss of the group:

c)    the interim management report includes a fair review of the
information required by DTR 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the
first twelve months and description of principal risks and uncertainties for
the remaining six months of the year); and

d)    the interim management report includes a fair review of the
information required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related parties'
transactions and changes therein).

On behalf of the Board

B Pettitt

Chief Executive Officer

Ross Group plc

Registered Office

71 - 75 Shelton Street

London WC2H 9JQ

Contact - S Mehta, Non Executive Director

Tel. - 07973 848349

Email - shashiuk@gmail.com

Website - www.ross-group.co.uk (http://www.ross-group.co.uk)


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