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REG - Renishaw PLC - Final Results

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RNS Number : 8763D  Renishaw PLC  12 September 2024

Renishaw plc


12 September 2024


Preliminary announcement of results for the year ended 30 June 2024


Solid strategic progress in challenging market conditions

                                       FY2024   FY2023   Change

 Revenue (£m)                          691.3    688.6    +0.4%

 Adjusted* profit before tax (£m)      122.6    141.0    -13%

 Adjusted* earnings per share (pence)  133.2    155.1    -13%

 Dividend per share (pence)            76.2     76.2     0%

 Statutory profit before tax (£m)      122.6    145.1    -16%

 Statutory earnings per share (pence)  133.2    159.7    -16%


Performance highlights


·      Revenue of £691.3m (FY2023: £688.6m):

•     Record revenue, 0.4% higher than FY2023, boosted by a strong final

•     Revenue at constant exchange rates, excluding the impact of forward
contracts, was £25.4m (3.7%) higher than the previous year; and

•     Good revenue growth from systems sales, offset by weaker demand from
the semiconductor sector for Position Measurement products.

·      Manufacturing technologies revenue flat at £648.1m, with:

•     Record revenue for shop-floor gauging and co-ordinate measuring
machine (CMM) inspection systems;

•     Good growth in sales of multi-laser additive manufacturing (AM)
systems, with a strong second half for sales from key customers in the medical
sector; and

•     Weaker demand for Position Measurement products overall, but with
four quarters of sequential growth amid signs of recovering demand from the
semiconductor sector.

·      Analytical instruments and medical devices revenue increased by 7%
to £43.2m, with:

•     Record sales for our Spectroscopy product line, with stronger demand
in EMEA where we have expanded our sales team;

•     Growth for our Neurological product line, including sales of our
neuromate® surgical robot to diagnose patients with epilepsy.

·      Adjusted(*) profit before tax 13% lower at £122.6m (FY2023:

•     Profit reduction primarily resulting from a combination of the
impact of currency on revenues and increased employee pay, including £2.1m of
severance costs.

•     Gross engineering expenditure increased by 6% as we continue to
invest in innovation, whilst distribution cost were 2% higher and
administration costs were flat.

·    Statutory profit before tax of £122.6m (FY2023: £145.1m).

·    Strong balance sheet with cash and cash equivalents and bank deposit
balances of £217.8m, compared with £206.4m at 30 June 2023:

•     Invested £65.2m (FY2023: £73.8m) in capital expenditure, including
completion and occupation of the first phase of expansion of our production
facility in Miskin, Wales.

·    Proposed final dividend of 59.4p per share.


*Note 29, Alternative performance measures, defines how each of these measures
is calculated.

Strategic progress


·    Our ambition is to deliver high single-digit growth through the
business cycle, combined with >20% operating margins.  This year, we
introduced a long-term value creation model to explain how we will achieve
these goals, including three areas of strategic focus:

1.    Growing in our existing markets - aiming to increase revenue by
driving up probe fitment levels, offering higher value sensors, and by winning
more machine builder customers.

•       Launched the RMP24-micro, the world's smallest wireless machine
tool probe, designed for compact machine tools that make high-precision
miniature components, where probe fitment was not previously possible.

•       We also continued to grow revenue from our FORTiS™ enclosed
position encoders, where we see significant opportunities, and won new
business for our magnetic, optical and laser position encoders from machine
builders in a wide range of sectors.

2.     Increasing the value of the technology we sell - aiming to provide
our end-user customers with complete solutions to capture a greater proportion
of their investment.

•     Strong growth in sales of our Equator™ gauge, helped by the
continuing trend for greater automation of process control on shop-floor

•     Began rolling out our new generation of metrology software, MODUS™
IM Gauge & Control, which aims to simplify programming of our Equator
gauging system.

•     Launched the RenAM 500 Ultra additive manufacturing machine,
featuring our new TEMPUS™ technology, which reduces build times by up to

3.    Extending into new, high-growth markets - aiming to diversify into
close-adjacent markets where we have strong market understanding and brand

•     Our new industrial automation products, which we launched at the end
of FY2023, have generated a positive response from customers during the first
year, and we are now focused on expanding our sales teams and developing
routes to market.

·    Other strategic progress this year includes:

•     Completed the first phase of expansion of production facility at
Miskin on time and under budget.  The first of two new halls is now
operational, providing additional production capacity for our physically
larger CMM, AM and encoder products.

•     Established a comprehensive new ESG strategy and continued to make
progress on reducing carbon emissions in line with our Net Zero targets.


Will Lee, Chief Executive, commented:

"The start of FY2025 has seen continuing improvement in demand for our encoder
products from the semiconductor manufacturing sector, primarily in the APAC
region. This, together with a range of growth opportunities that we are
pursuing, especially for metrology and additive manufacturing systems, means
that we are expecting to achieve solid revenue growth in the year ahead.

We continue to focus on improving productivity in all areas. We expect these
efforts, together with higher sales volumes, to drive our operating profit
margin towards our target, although inflationary pressures, especially people
costs, will affect the rate of improvement in the near term.

The progress we've made against our three key strategic focus areas this year
gives me confidence in our organic growth strategy, and we continue to invest
for long-term success."




About Renishaw


We are a world leading supplier of measuring and manufacturing systems. Our
products give high accuracy and precision, gathering data to provide customers
and end users with traceability and confidence in what they're making. This
technology also helps our customers to innovate their products and processes.
We are a global business, with customer-facing locations across our three
sales regions; the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. Most of our R&D work takes
place in the UK, with our largest manufacturing sites located in the UK,
Ireland and India.


Further information can be found at www.renishaw.com (http://www.renishaw.com)


Results presentation


See below a video presentation of these results, presented by Will Lee, Chief
Executive, and Allen Roberts, Group Finance Director.

Live Q&A session

There will be a live audio-only question and answer session with Will and
Allen at 10:30 BST on 12 September 2024. Details of how to register for this
webcast are available at the following link:


Questions can be submitted in advance of the webcast either through the
webcast platform or to communications@renishaw.com
(mailto:communications@renishaw.com) (if sending by email, please submit by
9:30 BST on 12 September).

A recording of the Q&A session will be made available by 13 September 2024
at: www.renishaw.com/investors (https://www.renishaw.com/en/investors--22615)


Enquiries: communications@renishaw.com (mailto:communications@renishaw.com)




It's been another busy year for Renishaw, in which we achieved record sales
despite a challenging trading environment. We continued to make solid progress
against our long-term strategy, which includes delivering innovative new
products and developing our sales and manufacturing infrastructure to support
future growth. While profit is lower this year, we propose to maintain our
dividend. We remain committed to our growth strategy and are confident in our
future prospects.

Our progress this year was once again due to the talent and dedication of our
people, and I would like to thank them all for their hard work.

I am inspired by their passion and have always been impressed with their
pioneering spirit. And I am also proud that our collective determination to
push technological boundaries and help our customers solve problems is driven
by our purpose of Transforming Tomorrow Together, and built on our values of
innovation, inspiration, integrity and involvement. Our employees demonstrate
these values every day, as shown again this year by the excellent entries in
our annual global values competition.

At the end of our financial year, Sir David McMurtry informed the Board that
he was stepping down from his role as Executive Chairman. On behalf of all
Board members, employees, customers, shareholders, indeed all stakeholders, I
would like to thank him for his exceptional leadership of the Company.
Since co-founding Renishaw in 1973, he has been instrumental in building what
is today a world-class business, and we are delighted that we will retain the
benefit of his vast knowledge and experience as he remains on the Board as
a Non-executive Director. Recognising the huge achievements of Sir David and
John Deer, our founders, I am honoured to have been asked to take on the role
of Interim Chairman of the Board from 1 July 2024 while we search for a new
independent Non-executive Chair. We also welcomed Richard McMurtry to the
Board as a Non-executive Director, also with effect from 1 July 2024. Richard
is a highly experienced director and investor who supports start-ups
committed to developing the future of innovation in the UK. He trained as an
engineer with significant involvement in product development and robotic

Innovation: thinking creatively, and sparking new ideas

We put innovation at the heart of everything we do. It's what sparks new ideas
and leads to new products. That's why we continue to invest in research and
development and engineering, with total expenditure rising 6% this year to
£106.8m. We introduced a range of new products, many of them showcased at the
EMO Hannover and Formnext exhibitions. Having seen Sir David McMurtry work
alongside our Additive Manufacturing (AM) team this year, I was especially
pleased to see the launch of our TEMPUS technology, which helps significantly
reduce build times. This is a big step forward in an increasingly important
market for us. Sir David has told me how it has been a pleasure to work
alongside our AM team, and, in particular, to help our graduates and
apprentices develop their ideas and creative thinking.

Inspiring the next generation of engineers

I am also pleased to see the progress our Early Careers team is making in
their work to encourage and support the next generation of engineers and
scientists. Our company and the sector as a whole rely on a strong pipeline of
talent, and we need to help ensure that pipeline is filled from as wide a
pool as possible, since diversity of thought is essential for creativity and
innovation. So this year, our team has focused particularly on working with
all-girls' and special education needs and disability (SEND) schools, as well
as schools located in socio-economically disadvantaged areas. Meanwhile, our
new STEM Centre at our headquarters in Gloucestershire and established STEM
Centre at our site in Miskin, Wales, give us more opportunities to engage with
young people from underrepresented groups. The feedback we receive from
schools demonstrates why this work matters, with one teacher telling us that
her students are too often underestimated and that their visit to the Centre
had helped them "to look to their future and what they can achieve."

A responsible business that acts with integrity

We are committed to acting with integrity and doing the right thing - for our
people, customers, suppliers, shareholders and society. In November 2023, we
reinforced that commitment with the global launch of our new Code of Conduct.
Called 'Doing Business Responsibly', the Code is a guide to help our employees
and business partners to do business in line with our values.

Acting with integrity includes complying with all the relevant laws and
regulations wherever we work. With that in mind, the Board welcomes the
publication of the 2024 UK Corporate Governance Code and is now working on
plans to apply this new Code from FY2026, except for provision 29, which will
apply to us from 1 July 2026.

I am also delighted that we have a new environmental, social and governance
(ESG) strategy, and an ESG Steering Committee to oversee progress.
The strategy has three overarching goals: to work with our customers and
suppliers towards Net Zero; develop a diverse and inclusive team that
is inspired to work for a responsible business; and ensure we have the
appropriate governance arrangements in place to provide accountability,
transparency, compliance and integrity as a responsible business. We've
structured our sustainability-related information in this year's
Annual Report around our new strategy in our ESG review. We also provide
further details on our goals and progress.

Involving our stakeholders to create a stronger company

One of the most important aspects of our ESG strategy is its focus on our
people. Our employees are our most valuable asset and it is essential that
they feel able to share their views and are confident that we will respond.

As a Board, we regularly hear from employees, including through Catherine
Glickman, as our employee engagement ambassador. We also use site visits to
hear what's on people's minds and our engagement with some of our senior
leaders provides further opportunities to understand what employees think.

We are a growing, global organisation, and I was pleased to see the response
to our first global employee engagement survey in April 2024. Our overall
engagement score of 74% places us above the global average recorded by
our survey provider. We intend to use this as our benchmark in future
surveys and will respond to feedback over the coming year to ensure we
continue to attract and retain the most talented individuals.

That includes attracting diverse and experienced talent to support our Board.
So I am pleased to also welcome our newest independent Non-executive Director,
Professor Dame Karen Holford, who brings key engineering and research and
development skills to the Board.

Succession is an important topic for us, and following a review of our Board
composition, we've now begun work to identify and recruit a new independent
Non-executive Director, in addition to the independent Chair that I mentioned

One of the best ways we can retain people is with a supportive, inclusive
working environment, which is why we are focusing particularly on inclusion
in our ESG strategy. This year, we have continued to develop our equality,
diversity and inclusion programme including the launch of new UK employee-led
resource groups to support our neurodiverse and disabled colleagues and new
workshops for our growing network of 'allies'. We've also marked key events
to build a sense of global community, such as Deaf Awareness Week and various
religious festivals.

Effective leadership is critical to employee engagement and our long-term
success. This year, our Senior Leadership Team worked with a specialist
consultancy to strengthen their leadership and teamwork skills. They also set
ambitious internal targets to make changes in areas like product innovation
and employee productivity across the whole organisation, and are developing
a new framework to drive strategy delivery across the Group.

The views of all our stakeholder groups inform our decision-making. This year,
following feedback from shareholders, we made important changes in our
Investor Relations Policy to allow for more engagement about our strategy for
growth with key shareholders and potential investors. We also appointed Peel
Hunt as our new joint corporate broker to work alongside our existing broker,
UBS, to help us strengthen our links with the wider investment community. We
aim to provide attractive returns for our shareholders and pursue a
progressive dividend policy.

A strategy for the long term

Our business has always been focused on sustainable, long-term value creation.
The Board is confident that our strategy of organically growing in existing
markets, increasing the value of our technology and extending into adjacent
markets will continue to maximise the potential of our sensors
and software-enabled systems, and deliver further growth. It is an
ambitious strategy for a pioneering company. Our success will depend on all
our stakeholders, and our continuing determination to innovate in everything
we do.


Sir David Grant

Interim Non-executive Chairman



This has been a year of solid strategic progress, despite challenging
conditions in the semiconductor manufacturing equipment markets and currency
headwinds. We maintained our investments for long-term success and achieved
record revenue of £691.3m, boosted by a strong fourth quarter, with 0.4%
annual growth at actual exchange rates and underlying annual growth of 3.7% at
constant currency*. Adjusted* profit before tax of £122.6m was 13% lower than
last year, while statutory profit before tax of £122.6m was 16% lower, with
both measures primarily affected by currency movements and increased employee

Achieving these results in a challenging environment is testament to the skill
and efforts of our teams and I am fortunate to meet many of them during my
travels around the Group. I am always inspired by their passion, energy and
commitment to our purpose, and would like to thank them for their
contributions to our progress.

We again delivered good growth in systems sales - one of our strategic
priorities - including our Additive Manufacturing (AM) products and record
sales for our Spectroscopy product line. While we saw a gradual recovery in
our optical encoder sales as the year progressed, weaker demand from
the semiconductor sector affected sales of our laser encoder and calibration

At the end of the year, we announced some changes to the Board, including the
decision by Sir David McMurtry to step down from his role as Executive
Chairman. Since founding Renishaw with John Deer over 50 years ago, he has
been instrumental in driving the success of our business. Sir David has been a
constant inspiration throughout my own career, which is why I am delighted
that he is remaining on the Board as a Non-executive Director and that he will
continue to share his expertise in product innovation with us. I would like to
thank Sir David Grant for taking on the role of Interim Non-executive
Chairman while we appoint a permanent successor.

Group performance

Total revenue for the year was £691.3m, compared with £688.6m in FY2023.
Revenue at constant exchange rates, excluding the impact of forward contracts,
was £25.4m higher than the previous year. At actual and constant currency
rates we had growth in our APAC region, with growth in Manufacturing
technologies revenue, boosted by sales from the Industrial Metrology (IM)
product group. We continue to see pricing pressures in China from emerging
local competitors. The Americas also achieved growth at both actual and
constant currency rates. This followed a very strong second half of the year,
with constant currency growth from Manufacturing technologies, most notably
from the AM product group and shop-floor gauging and co-ordinate measuring
machine (CMM) systems product line. Our EMEA region had lower revenue
at both actual and constant currency rates, with lower Manufacturing
technologies revenue than FY2023. This was due to reduced sales from the IM,
AM and Position Measurement (PM) product groups, which offset strong growth in
the Analytical instruments and medical devices segment.

Revenue for our Manufacturing technologies segment was £648.1m, with no
growth over the previous year, but 3.4% higher at constant currency rates. All
our IM product lines grew, with record revenue for our shop-floor gauging and
CMM systems product line boosted by demand from the consumer electronics
sector. Our AM systems also had good growth, with a strong second half for
sales from key customers in the medical sector. PM revenue was lower compared
to FY2023, with weaker demand for laser encoders, which are supplied into
front-end semiconductor applications. Revenue was also lower in calibration
products, which saw lower demand from manufacturers of machine tools and
semiconductor equipment. However, during the year we saw four quarters of
sequential growth from PM, with signs of recovery in demand for our position
encoders from semiconductor equipment builders.

Meanwhile, our Analytical instruments and medical devices segment achieved
record revenue of £43.2m, delivering 7.2% growth at both actual and constant
currency. We have once again achieved record Spectroscopy revenue, with a
general market improvement within EMEA for sales of Raman spectrometers, where
we have expanded our sales team, and growing sales for our Virsa Raman
Analyser. This product, which is used for in-situ analysis, is being adopted
for a wide range of applications, from chemical processing to art restoration.
We are seeing increasing sales of our inLux interface, used inside scanning
electron microscopes (SEMs). Sales of our Neurological products also grew,
including sales of our neuromate surgical robot in EMEA, driven by its use in
stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) procedures to diagnose patients with

This year's Adjusted profit before tax was £122.6m, compared with £141.0m
last year. Adjusted* earnings per share was 133.2p, compared with 155.1p last
year. Adjusted measures are the ones we use as a Board to measure our
underlying trading performance.

This reduction in profit primarily relates to the impact of currency and
increased employee pay, including £2.1m of severance costs. Statutory profit
before tax was £122.6m, compared with £145.1m last year, leading to
Statutory earnings per share of 133.2p, compared with 159.7p last year. For
more details see the commentary by the Group Finance Director.


A strategy underpinned by our purpose and ambition

Our purpose of Transforming Tomorrow Together underpins our business. By
working closely with our customers to help them to achieve their goals,
we are well positioned to meet our growth ambitions, pursuing attractive
opportunities arising from global trends such as industrial automation and

For example, our products, such as Equator gauges, position encoders and AM
systems, support our customers to create the factories and products of
the future, helping them to automate repetitive tasks and use energy and
materials more efficiently.

We are a manufacturing technology powerhouse, developing and expanding into
new, close-adjacent markets. We are solving customer problems with innovative
products, delivered through world-class in-house manufacturing and global
service. Our portfolio includes market-leading sensors, which we are
augmenting with a growing range of high-value systems products, enabled by
innovative software.

In financial terms, our goal is to continue our track record of long-term
organic revenue growth. We operate in cyclical markets and are targeting
high single-digit average growth through these cycles, combined with
Adjusted* operating profit margins in excess of 20%. Our track record of
through-cycle growth over several decades gives us the confidence that we have
both the opportunity and the capability to continue to deliver at this rate in
the future.

Our long-term value creation model, detailed as part of the strategy,
explains our three areas of strategic focus, and the technical and commercial
activities that will drive our growth. These are:

1.   growing our existing markets;

2.   increasing the value to Renishaw of the technology that we sell; and

3.   extending into new, high-growth markets.

As I explain in the next sections, we have made good progress against each of
these during the year.

Growing our existing markets

Here, we are aiming to increase revenue by driving up probe fitment levels,
offering higher value sensors, and by winning more customers that build
machinery. This requires strong, ongoing investment in research and
development to keep creating the products that will differentiate us from our
competitors and help us to make the most of new opportunities as they arise.

This year, that continued investment led to the launch of the RMP24-micro, the
world's smallest wireless machine tool probe. This allows us to target
compact machine tools, used to make high-precision miniature components for
the medical, watchmaking and micro-mechanics sectors, where probe fitment
wasn't previously possible. This compact probe is the first of a new
generation of smart factory sensors to use our RMI-QE radio transmission
technology. Introduced in FY2022, this technology allows the use of much
smaller batteries due to its lower power consumption.

We continued to grow revenue from our FORTiS enclosed position encoders, where
we see significant opportunities. We also won new business for our position
encoders from machine builders in a wide range of sectors.

Increasing the value of the technology we sell

Our second strategic focus is designed to help us increase revenue by
providing our end-user customers with complete solutions to capture a greater
proportion of their investment. In IM, for example, we are focused
on growing our sales of systems like our AGILITY CMMs and Equator gauges and
expanding our metrology software offering. We are also developing our Renishaw
Central smart factory software platform, which helps users identify trends in
their measurement data and provides intelligent feedback to machining

As I mentioned earlier, we had a good year for systems sales, with
above-market rates of growth in some areas. Given our relatively low market
share in our newer markets, we see significant opportunities to continue this
growth. The strong growth we're seeing in our Equator gauge sales is helped
by the continuing trend for greater automation of process control on
shop-floor machinery.

During the year, we began rolling out our new generation of metrology
software, MODUS IM Gauge & Control, which aims to widen the process
control market for our Equator gauging system through simpler programming. A
number of customers have been trialling the software, and their feedback has
reinforced our confidence in the significant benefits that it delivers and
helped us further refine its capabilities. One US-based subcontract
manufacturer has been impressed with the ease with which it could quickly
develop its own programmes for gauging its precision bearings.

We've also seen some early market interest in Renishaw Central, which we
launched in FY2023. This is a conservative market that takes time to adopt
new ways of working, so early customer feedback is helping us learn the right
way to position and market this product.

It was a good year for AM systems sales growth, with a strong second half,
thanks to repeat business with key customers within the medical sector. We
also took an important step forward with the launch of our new TEMPUS
technology for our RenAM 500 series products, which allows a machine's lasers
to continue to operate, even while a new layer of metal powder is being laid
down. As a result, the technology can reduce the time it takes to build a
component by up to 50%, helping our customers to improve productivity and
reduce cost per part. Historically that cost has been a significant barrier
to AM adoption, so we see substantial opportunities for TEMPUS technology to
broaden AM's application, particularly since it is both a standard fitment on
the new RenAM 500 Ultra machine and available as a paid upgrade.

Extending into new, high-growth markets

Our third strategic focus is to diversify into close-adjacent markets where we
have strong market understanding and brand awareness. Our new industrial
automation products, which we launched at the end of FY2023, are a good
example. We have seen a positive response from customers during the first
year, and we are confident that we have an effective range of products to
enhance robot precision. That confidence was boosted when FANUC, one of the
world's largest manufacturers of industrial robots, chose to include our
products in a demonstration at Automatica, the world's leading trade show for
smart automation and robotics. Our current focus is to expand our regional
sales teams, continue to build relationships and develop routes to market.


We will only achieve our ambition, and deliver on our strategy and purpose, by
supporting our stakeholders, all of whom have a role to play in our
continuing success.

Increasingly, that engagement includes discussions on the part Renishaw can
play in supporting the transition to a more sustainable future. So, I was
very pleased to become Chair of our new ESG Steering Committee. This
formalises our management of sustainability-related issues, including our
climate-related financial disclosures. One of the Committee's first tasks was
to oversee the development of a new, comprehensive ESG strategy, with support
from specialist advisers, which we explain in more detail in our new ESG

We have continued to make strong progress towards our target of Net Zero for
Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2028. And we see significant commercial
opportunities as decarbonisation is one of the structural drivers that
underpin our markets, with more of our customers pursuing their own
Net Zero goals.

Outlook for the next 12 months

The start of FY2025 has seen continuing improvement in demand for our encoder
products from the semiconductor manufacturing sector, primarily in the APAC
region. This, together with a range of growth opportunities that we are
pursuing, especially for metrology and additive manufacturing systems, means
that we are expecting to achieve solid revenue growth in the year ahead.

We continue to focus on improving productivity in all areas. We expect these
efforts, together with higher sales volumes, to drive our operating profit
margin towards our target, although inflationary pressures, especially people
costs, will affect the rate of improvement in the near term.

The progress we've made against our three key strategic focus areas this year
gives me confidence in our organic growth strategy, and we continue to invest
for long-term success.


Will Lee

Chief Executive


*Note 29, Alternative performance measures, defines how each of these measures
is calculated.




Following a strong final quarter, we have achieved record revenue for the year
of £691.3m (FY2023: £688.6m). We have continued to invest in our people,
increasing employee pay, which together with adverse currency effects, is the
main reason for the reduction in Adjusted* profit before tax to £122.6m
(FY2023: £141.0m).

We have maintained our strong financial position, with cash and cash
equivalents and bank deposit balances at the year end of £217.8m (30 June
2023: £206.4m), and net current assets of £485.7m (30 June
2023: £470.8m). Our inventory holding has been a focus area in working
capital this year, which we reduced by £23.8m over the year, as explained
in more detail below.

We've continued to invest in capital expenditure that supports our long-term
growth plans, with additions to property, plant and equipment this year of
£65.2m (FY2023: £73.8m), and continued to apply our treasury strategy to
mitigate near-term market risk.


As Will has explained in the Chief Executive's review, we achieved 0.4% growth
in our revenue to £691.3m (FY2023: £688.6m). Despite challenging market
conditions at the beginning of the year, we have seen recovering demand from
our key semiconductor market towards the end of the year, and good growth in
our systems sales.

At constant exchange rates*, revenue would have been 3.7% higher than the
previous year. This is mostly as a result of an appreciation of GBP relative
to USD, from an average of 1.21 in FY2023 to 1.26 in FY2024. The effect of
currency has been partly mitigated by our treasury strategy. Without our
forward cash flow hedging contracts, revenue would have reduced by 0.7%

The below table shows revenue by geographic region.



 Region               FY2024       FY2023       Actual FX  Constant FX

revenue at

            revenue at   variance   variance

exchange    actual       %          %


£m          exchange


 APAC                 318.8        310.6        +3         +8
 EMEA                 208.0        216.5        -4         -1
 Americas             164.4        161.5        +2         +2
 Total Group revenue  691.3        688.6        0          +4


Operating costs

As noted last year, our labour costs are our largest cost and this year
we've focused on striking the right balance of investing in our people to
retain, reward and motivate while seeking sustainable profit growth. Salary
increases, in addition to an increase in average headcount of 77, are the
main drivers for total labour costs (excluding bonuses) increasing by 4%
to £279.5m from £268.2m last year. This also includes severance costs of
£2.1m, which mostly related to a mutually agreed severance scheme in the UK,
and a £4.6m currency translation benefit.

This year's gross margin (excluding engineering costs), as a percentage of
revenue, was 61%, compared with 64% last year. This change is mostly due to
the adverse impact of currency on revenue, combined with higher labour pay
rates. We have made targeted price rises, although this has been offset by
pricing pressures, particularly in the APAC region.

Supporting our strategy of delivering growth by developing innovative and
patented products, we invested £71.1m in research and development
expenditure, compared with £72.5m last year (see Note 4 to the Financial
statements). We also incurred £35.7m (FY2023: £28.1m) of other engineering
expenditure, to support existing products and technologies. Net engineering
spend also includes a £2.7m reduction in capitalised development
expenditure, net of amortisation and impairments, as explained in Note 12.
This is partly offset by a £1.1m year-on-year increase in the R&D tax
credit, totalling £7.7m for FY2024, which is primarily as a result of the
rate applicable to qualifying spend increasing from 13% to 20% in April 2023.

In distribution and administrative expenses, we have also spent an additional
£4.7m in consultancy and software this year, notably on our new global ERP
system and an upgraded e-commerce platform, as part of our initiative to
improve productivity across the business. We deployed the first instance of
the new ERP system during the year and have developed in-house expertise to
reduce third-party costs as we deploy this globally over the next few years.

Profit and tax

As a result of the increased costs and impact of currency in a year of
marginal revenue growth, Adjusted* operating profit was 16.7% lower this year
at £108.7m (FY2023: £130.4m). At constant exchange rates*, Adjusted
operating profit would have been 8.8% lower than the previous year.

Adjusted* operating profit in our Manufacturing technologies segment was
£103.2m, compared with £125.5m last year. In our Analytical instruments and
medical devices segment, Adjusted* operating profit was £5.5m, compared with
£4.9m last year.

Financial income for the year was £12.3m, compared with £9.7m last year, and
includes a £2.8m increase in interest on bank deposits mainly due to higher
interest rates.

Adjusted profit before tax was £122.6m, compared with £141.0m in FY2023.
Statutory profit before tax was also £122.6m, compared with £145.1m in the
previous year.

Certain infrequent events can sometimes affect our financial statements,
prepared according to applicable International Financial Reporting Standards.
We exclude these events from adjusted profit and earnings measures to give the
Board and other stakeholders another useful metric to understand and compare
our underlying performance. This year, there were no items excluded from
Adjusted profit before tax, while additional items excluded in the previous
year are detailed in Note 29.

The FY2024 effective tax rate has increased to 21.0% (FY2023: 20.0%) mostly as
a result of an increase in the effective UK tax rate from 20.5% to 25.0%. Note
7 provides further analysis of the effective tax rate.

Consolidated balance sheet

We have invested £65.2m (FY2023: £73.8m) in capital expenditure, which
mostly relates to new production plant and equipment, and the expansion of our
Miskin production facility in Wales, UK. The Miskin project will ultimately
increase our global manufacturing floorspace by 50%, with the first of the two
new halls becoming operational during the year. I would like to thank the
project team who were responsible for delivering the first phase of this
project on time and within budget. We have also purchased a distribution
facility in the United Arab Emirates and completed the construction of
a distribution facility in Brazil.

As I mentioned earlier, we've focused this year on reducing our inventory
holding. Whilst we continue to recognise the importance to our current and
potential customers of holding sufficient finished products to meet their
needs, we have reduced both finished good and component inventories following
the easing of supply chain challenges experienced in recent years. This has
meant we've reduced inventory from £185.8m at the start of the year to

Trade receivables increased from £123.4m to £134.1m due to increased trading
in the fourth quarter of FY2024 relative to the previous year. With good
credit management practices across the Group, debtor days remained constant
year-on-year at 63 days. We continue to experience low levels of defaults,
and hold a provision for expected credit losses at 0.5% of trade receivables
(FY2023: 0.4%).

Total equity at the end of the year was £902.8m, compared with £896.7m at 30
June 2023. This is primarily a result of profit for the year of £96.9m, less
dividends paid of £55.4m and the remeasurement of defined benefit (DB)
pension scheme liabilities of £36.3m.

Cash flow and liquidity

We continue to have a strong liquidity position, with cash and cash
equivalents and bank deposit balances at 30 June 2024 of £217.8m (30 June
2023: £206.4m). This is a result of our cash flows from operating activities
of £124.1m, partly offset by our previously noted capital investments and
dividends paid of £55.4m.

We have introduced a new key performance indicator (KPI) this year relating
to cash flow. Adjusted cash flow conversion* from operating activities
assesses our efficiency at converting operating profit into cash. We achieved
our target of 70% this year, which was a significant improvement from the
previous year (FY2023: 26%).


At the end of the year, our defined benefit pension schemes showed a net
surplus of £10.8m, compared with £57.4m at 30 June 2023.

During the year, the Trustee of the UK defined benefit pension scheme
('UK scheme') undertook a buy-in and insured around 99% of the Scheme's
liabilities by purchasing an insurance policy. This contract was effective
from 19 October 2023 and the value of the contract is recognised as a UK
scheme asset. For a buy-in insurance contract such as this, where the income
received from the policy matches exactly the benefit payments due to
the members it is covering, the value attributable to the contract recognised
as an asset is the equivalent IAS 19 value of the corresponding liabilities.

The IAS 19 liabilities in respect of the buy-in policy were lower than the
transaction price of the insurance contract. Consequently, the value
attributable to the insurance contract reduced from the actual price paid,
and the resulting remeasurement loss of £31.9m was recognised in the
remeasurement of defined benefit pension scheme liabilities element in the
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income and Expense. See Note 23 for
further detail.

Treasury strategy

Our treasury policies are designed to manage the financial risks that arise
from operating in multiple foreign currencies. The majority of sales are made
in these currencies, while most manufacturing and engineering is carried out
in the UK, Ireland and India.

We use forward exchange contracts to hedge both a proportion of anticipated
foreign currency cash inflows and the translation of foreign
currency-denominated intercompany balances. There are forward contracts in
place to hedge against our Euro, US Dollar and Japanese Yen cash inflows over
a two-year forward period, where our forward rate cap policy allows, and to
offset movements on Renishaw plc's Euro, US Dollar and Japanese Yen
intercompany balances. We do not speculate with derivative financial

Our treasury policies are also designed to maximise interest income on our
cash and bank deposits and to ensure that appropriate funding arrangements are
available for each of our companies.


We continue to progress with our transition to Net Zero. Our five-year
financial plan includes estimates of the capital expenditure needed to deliver
this plan, and at this stage we have not identified a material effect of
other climate-related matters on our financial statements.

Capital allocation strategy

Our Board regularly reviews the capital requirements of the Group, to maintain
a strong financial position to protect the business and provide flexibility
to fund future growth. We've consistently applied our capital allocation
strategy for many years. Organic growth is our first priority and we're
committed to R&D investment for new products, manufacturing processes and
global support infrastructure to generate growth in future returns and improve
productivity, as well as committing to the investment needed to transition to
Net Zero. We demonstrated this during the year through our capital expenditure
and investments in R&D.

We introduced Return on invested capital* as a new KPI this year. This
assesses our efficiency in allocating capital to profitable investments. We
achieved 12.3% this year, which was lower than last year (FY2023: 16.1%), due
to a combination of lower pre-tax profits, higher tax rates and recent
increases in our non-current asset base. We expect to drive this metric back
towards our target of 15% with higher profits and lower levels of future
capital expenditure.

We may supplement organic growth with acquisitions in current and adjacent
market niches that are aligned to our strategy.

We have always valued having cash in the bank to protect the core business
from downturns, and we monitor our cash against a minimum holding according
to forecast overheads and revenue downturn scenarios. This cash also allows us
to react swiftly as investment or market capture opportunities arise. Actual
and forecast returns, along with our strong financial position, support our
progressive dividend policy, which aims to increase the dividend per share
while maintaining a prudent level of dividend cover.

Earnings per share and dividend

Adjusted* earnings per share is 133.2p, compared with 155.1p last year, while
Statutory earnings per share is 133.2p, compared with 159.7p last year.
We paid an interim dividend of 16.8 pence per share (FY2023: 16.8 pence) on 9
April 2024 and are pleased to propose a final dividend of 59.4 pence per share
in respect of the year (FY2023: 59.4 pence). This would bring the overall
dividend per share to 76.2 pence, equal to the total dividend for FY2023.
Despite lower profit this year, we have considered the Company's future growth
plans and strong cash reserves, and so have proposed to maintain the
dividend per share this year.

Looking forward

We remain committed to our organic growth strategy and will continue to invest
in our people, infrastructure and product innovation.

In recent years we have made significant investments in our manufacturing
capacity and our global ERP system to position the business for long-term
growth and improved productivity. We expect these investments to drive a
higher return on invested capital in the years ahead.

As we reduce capital expenditure from its recent exceptional levels and
continue to focus on controlling working capital, we aim to further improve
cash flow conversion.

With the infrastructure in place to deliver growth, we are targeting an
improved Adjusted operating profit margin this year.


Allen Roberts

Group Finance Director

*Note 29, 'Alternative performance measures', defines how each of these
measures is calculated.

Principal risks and uncertainties

Our performance is subject to a number of risks - the principal risks, factors
impacting on them and mitigations are listed in the table below, as well as an
indication of the movement of the risk in the last year, our appetite towards
that risk, and how the risk links to our strategy. The Board has conducted a
robust assessment of the principal risks facing the business.


 Appetite:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Link to strategy:

 - Low: Minimal risk exposure is considered the safest approach, which may mean                                                                                                                                                                                      - G: Growth in existing markets
 lower returns.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - I: Increasing technology value
 - Medium: A balanced approach which carefully considers the risks and rewards.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - E: Extending into new markets
 - High: Greater risk tolerance, which may involve maximum risk for maximum

                   Economic and political uncertainty
                   Increased risk                                                                   Risk description

                                                                                                    As an international business, we may be affected by global political, economic

                                                                                or regulatory developments. This could include a global recession, changes in
                   Appetite                                                                         USA-China trade relations, or the ongoing war in Ukraine and conflict in the

                                                                                Middle East. This risk can also drive industry fluctuations.

                   Link to strategy


                   Risk owner

                   Chief Executive

                                                                                                                                                                                 Potential impact                                                                    What we are doing to manage this risk

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Loss of financial and physical assets in a region.                           ·      Monitoring external economic and commercial environments and

                                                                                   markets in which we operate, and identifying relevant headwinds.
                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Supply issues leading to failures to meet contractual obligations.

                                                                                   ·      Maintaining sufficient headroom in our cash balances.
                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Reduced revenue, profit and cash generation.

                                                                                   ·      Maintaining appropriate levels of buffer inventory.
                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Increased risk to credit, liquidity and currency.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ·      Resilient business model and clear strategy, both of which are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     subject to regular scrutiny.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ·      Our internationally diverse business helps to spread risk.
                   Innovation strategy
                   Stable risk                                                                      Risk description

                                                                                                    Our success depends on innovation to create new, cutting-edge, sustainable and

                                                                                high-quality products. Failure to make these products or protect the
                   Appetite                                                                         intellectual property that underpins them could affect our ability to

                                                                                differentiate ourselves from our competitors. There is also a higher risk
                   HIGH                                                                             associated with venturing outside our traditional field of expertise, where

                                                                                the science and engineering are less proven.

                   Link to strategy


                   Risk owners

                   Directors of Industrial Metrology, Position Measurement and Additive
                                                                                                                                                                                 Potential impact                                                                    What we are doing to manage this risk

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Failure to lead the market with innovative products in our core and          ·      Continuing to invest in new product development and in the
                                                                                                                                                                                 adjacent sectors.                                                                   innovation talent we need.

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Loss of market share.                                                        ·      Regular reviews of flagship projects and key technologies with a

                                                                                   focus on strategic fit and improving time to market.
                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Reduced revenue, profit and cash generation.

                                                                                   ·      Designing sustainability into our products. To help, we're aiming
                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Failure to recover investment in R&D.                                    to implement a methodology to quantify the sustainability benefits from

                                                                                   all aspects of our products.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ·      Continuing to drive incremental development and more open customer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     collaboration in the early stages of our R&D projects to ensure our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     innovations are successful in the market.
                   Industry fluctuations
                   Increased risk                                                                   Risk description

                                                                                                    We're exposed to the cyclical nature of demand in some of our key markets,

                                                                                including aerospace, automotive, semiconductor and consumer electronics, which
                   Appetite                                                                         can affect our profitability. That impact could be more severe if downcycles

                                                                                in these key industries coincided. Economic and political uncertainty can also
                   HIGH                                                                             affect these markets and our business.

                   Link to strategy

                   G, I

                   Risk owner

                   Chief Executive

                                                                                                                                                                                 Potential impact                                                                    What we are doing to manage this risk

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Reduced revenue, profit and cash generation.                                 ·      Closely monitoring market developments.

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Increased pricing competition.                                               ·      Expanding our product range to serve different industry sectors and

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Loss of market share if unable to meet rapid increases in demand.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ·      Identifying and meeting the needs of rapidly growing markets, for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     example in robotic automation.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ·      Maintaining a strong balance sheet and strategic inventories with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the ability to adapt our manufacturing resource levels.
                   Capital products growth (formerly Route to market/customer satisfaction model)
                   Increased risk                                                                   Risk description

                                                                                                    Our growth opportunities could be restricted if we fail to implement

                                                                                appropriate and efficient sales and support processes relating to systems
                   Appetite                                                                         integration and the sale of capital goods.


                   Link to strategy


                   Risk owner

                   Chief Executive
                                                                                                                                                                                 Potential impact                                                                    What we are doing to manage this risk

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Low capital efficiency - high people costs and low productivity.             ·      Focusing on key customers to generate repeat business and revenue.

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      High engineering and distribution costs.                                     ·      Closely monitoring customer feedback so that we can keep adapting

                                                                                   our approach according to their needs.
                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Adverse impact on customer satisfaction levels, revenue

                                                                                                                                                                                 and profits.                                                                        ·      Collaborating with complementary third parties to make our CMM and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     gauging systems compatible with a range of metrology software.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ·      Improving the usability of our own metrology software to streamline
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     application development times.
                   Competitor activity
                   Increased risk                                                                   Risk description

                                                                                                    Failure to adapt to market and/or technological changes, including those

                                                                                associated with growing demand for products with sustainability benefits,
                   Appetite                                                                         could mean losing customers to competitors who have adapted their approach.


                   Link to strategy

                   G, I

                   Risk owner

                   Chief Executive
                                                                                                                                                                                 Potential impact                                                                    What we are doing to manage this risk

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Reduced revenue, profit and cash generation.                                 ·      Ensuring we are diversified across a range of products, industries

                                                                                   and geographies.
                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Loss of market share, particularly as more customers set

                                                                                                                                                                                 sustainability goals.                                                               ·      Closely monitoring market developments, including the emergence of

                                                                                   new competitors.
                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Price erosion.

                                                                                   ·      Strengthening our local sales and engineering support in China,
                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Loss of reputation as a leader in innovation.                                where we are seeing emerging competitors.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ·      Continuing to build our product portfolio through our ongoing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     commitment to R&D (see Note 4 to the Financial statements for details of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     R&D expenditure).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ·      Continuing to monitor and understand our customers' sustainability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and Net Zero goals to deliver products that meet these needs.
                   Stable risk                                                                      Risk description

                                                                                                    The number of sophisticated external phishing attacks against our business is

                                                                                rising and we also face the risk of internal cyber and data security threats.
                   Appetite                                                                         A successful external or internal attack could severely affect our ability

                                                                                to operate, or lead to the loss of personal and commercial data.

                   Link to strategy


                   Risk owner

                   Group Operations Director
                                                                                                                                                                                 Potential impact                                                                    What we are doing to manage this risk

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Loss of intellectual property and/or commercially sensitive and/or           ·      Ensuring we build substantial resilience and back-up into our
                                                                                                                                                                                 personal data.                                                                      systems. We also continuously update our systems to mitigate current threats

                                                                                   and align with good industry practice. This includes regular back-up
                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Reduced customer service due to disruption or a lack of access to            schedules and, where possible, duplication of hardware and
                                                                                                                                                                                 our systems.                                                                        diverse/dual connections.

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Financial loss and reputational damage.                                      ·      Regularly discussing cyber, security and privacy risks at Board

                                                                                   and/or Audit Committee meetings, including the strength of our control
                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Adverse impact on business decision-making due to lack of clear              environment.
                                                                                                                                                                                 and accurate data, or disruption caused by the lack of service.

                                                                                   ·      Deploying physical and logical control measures to protect our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     information and systems. This includes alerting, monitoring, and automated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     containment and remediation. We regularly rehearse real-life restores of data
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and services.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ·      Conducting regular security awareness training, including phishing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     simulation exercises. We also conduct external penetration testing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     as appropriate, and continue to evaluate additional security solutions.
                   Decreased risk                                                                   Risk description

                                                                                                    Our people are fundamental to the success of our business. Failure to attract,

                                                                                retain and develop key talent at all levels of the organisation, as well as
                   Appetite                                                                         ensure we have appropriate succession plans in place, could adversely affect

                                                                                our ability to deliver our strategic objectives.

                   Link to strategy


                   Risk owner

                   Group Human Resources Director
                                                                                                                                                                                 Potential impact                                                                    What we are doing to manage this risk

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Delays in product delivery and ability to deliver                            ·      Continuing to focus on attracting, rewarding and retaining
                                                                                                                                                                                 strategic objectives due to loss of expertise and specialist talent.                our people globally. This includes building a more inclusive working

                                                                                   environment as part of our new ESG strategy.
                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Failure to develop future leaders and insufficient talent

                                                                                                                                                                                 progression to support Renishaw's future.                                           ·      Using the results of our first global employee engagement survey in

                                                                                   FY2024 to inform the next stages of our people strategy.
                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Loss of market share, reduced revenue, poor customer service and

                                                                                                                                                                                 reduced profit.                                                                     ·      Continuing to invest in our education outreach and early careers

                                                                                   programmes, talent development and succession planning.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ·      Promoting an inclusive culture by growing our network of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     employee-led resource groups and allyship training to help employees connect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     with and support each other.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ·      Identifying 'critical' roles that have a high impact on our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     business resilience, and that require skills and knowledge that are either
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     scarce or hard to develop, to help us build continuity plans.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ·      We now have succession plans in place for management grades and key
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     critical roles globally and we intend to use a nine-box approach to talent

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ·      Promoting our new ESG strategy to help attract and retain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     a diverse pool of talent within the business.
                   Non-compliance with laws and regulations
                   Increased risk                                                                   Risk description

                                                                                                    As a global business working in some highly regulated sectors, we are subject

                                                                                to a wide variety of laws and regulations, including anti-bribery, anti-money
                   Appetite                                                                         laundering, human rights, sanctions and export control, competition law,

                                                                                privacy, health and safety, sustainability and climate change, and product
                   LOW                                                                              safety and medical devices. Failure to comply could result in criminal or

                                                                                civil liabilities and/or individual or corporate fines, and could affect our

                   Link to strategy


                   Risk owners

                   Group General Counsel & Company Secretary and Managing Director - Renishaw
                                                                                                    Potential impact                                                             What we are doing to manage this risk

                                                                                                    ·      Damage to reputation and loss of future business.                     ·      Maintaining our Speak Up whistleblowing hotline, available to all

                                                                            employees and third parties who provide services for or on behalf of the
                                                                                                    ·      Potential penalties and fines, and cost of investigations.            Group.

                                                                                                    ·      Management time and attention diverted to deal with reports of        ·      Improving global compliance programmes for all high-risk areas,
                                                                                                    non-compliance.                                                              including policies, key controls (including 'Know Your Customer' procedures)

                                                                            and effective communication, including refreshing our mandatory anti-bribery
                                                                                                    ·      Inability to attract and retain talent.                               and anti-corruption training modules.

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Maintaining our global compliance brand 'Responsible Renishaw',
                                                                                                                                                                                 raising awareness and making it easier for our people to find compliance

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Launching our new Code of Conduct.

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Maintaining our global privacy programme.

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Establishing our ESG Steering Committee, which oversees our
                                                                                                                                                                                 Sustainability team in their responsibility for assessing and complying with
                                                                                                                                                                                 ESG regulations.
                   IT transformation failure
                   Stable risk                                                                      Risk description

                                                                                                    We need a modern IT system to support a more integrated global business.

                                                                                However, technical issues associated with upgrading our Sage CRM and Sage ERP
                   Appetite                                                                         systems to D365, or poor integration with existing systems, could negatively

                                                                                affect our ability to operate. This risk could also result in problems if
                   LOW                                                                              there are significant delays to the programme or an increase in the cost of

                                                                                implementing D365.

                   Link to strategy


                   Risk owner

                   Group Operations Director
                                                                                                    Potential impact                                                             What we are doing to manage this risk

                                                                                                    ·      Major systems disruption causing operational delays.                  ·      Maintaining good engagement between ourselves, Microsoft and our

                                                                            system integrator.
                                                                                                    ·      Delays in processing or issuing invoices and customer orders,

                                                                                                    or in procuring goods and services.                                          ·      Working to a clear, risk-elimination-based roadmap with measurable

                                                                                                    ·      Increased costs, including costs to fix technical issues and

                                                                                                    restore or upgrade other affected systems.                                   ·      Strengthening the deployment team to accelerate roll out, with
                                                                                                                                                                                 commitment from the Board to invest in targeted recruitment of technical,
                                                                                                                                                                                 functional and project management roles.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Upskilling the team, transferring knowledge from our system integrator,
                                                                                                                                                                                 and taking on more configuration and customisation tasks ourselves.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Risks reduced through learning valuable lessons from our first deployments
                                                                                                                                                                                 regarding data migration, role permissions, user training and system
                                                                                                                                                                                 integration. These are informing our future deployment plans.
                   Supply chain dependencies
                   Decreased risk                                                                   Risk description

                                                                                                    We rely on a range of components to make our products, some of them critical

                                                                                to our operations and some that we can only source from specific parts of the
                   Appetite                                                                         world. A shortage of critical components, or a change in the geopolitical

                                                                                landscape or availability of single-sourced components, could make us
                   LOW                                                                              vulnerable to supply interruptions.

                   Link to strategy


                   Risk owner

                   Group Manufacturing Director
                                                                                                    Potential impact                                                             What we are doing to manage this risk

                                                                                                    ·      Inability to fulfil customer orders, leading to a reduction in        ·      Maintaining a risk dashboard for our key manufacturing sites, to
                                                                                                    revenue and profits, and damage to reputation.                               help us prioritise and determine stock levels.

                                                                                                    ·      Failure to meet contractual requirements.                             ·      Adapting stock levels for high-risk items, to account for supply

                                                                            lead times and time to redesign in the event of loss of supply. We seek
                                                                                                    ·      Increased cost of alternative sourcing or redesign.                   cost-effective alternative sources of supply (including in-house

                                                                            manufacturing), to reduce dependency on single-source suppliers, with
                                                                                                    ·      Loss of market share.                                                 continued focus on key components.

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Ongoing collaboration with product groups to review risks and,
                                                                                                                                                                                 where appropriate, review and update specifications to facilitate alternative
                                                                                                                                                                                 sourcing or redesign.

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Assessing our supply chain for potential supply interruptions due
                                                                                                                                                                                 to climate change risks or geopolitical factors.
                   Exchange rate fluctuations
                   Stable risk                                                                      Risk description

                                                                                                    We report our results and pay dividends in Sterling and, with more than 90% of

                                                                                our revenue generated outside the UK, we're exposed to volatility in exchange
                   Appetite                                                                         rates that could have a significant impact on our results. Movements of

                                                                                Sterling against our major trading currencies cause cash flow, currency
                   Medium                                                                           translation, and intercompany balance translation risks.

                   Link to strategy

                   G, I

                   Risk owner

                   Group Finance Director
                                                                                                    Potential impact                                                             What we are doing to manage this risk

                                                                                                    ·      Significant variations in profit.                                     ·      Maintaining rolling forward contracts for cash-flow hedges in

                                                                            accordance with Board-approved policy, and one-month forward contracts to
                                                                                                    ·      Reduced cash generation.                                              manage risks on intercompany balances.

                                                                                                    ·      Increased competition on product prices.                              ·      Tracking overseas net assets value compared to the market

                                                                                                    ·      Increased costs.

                                                                                                                                                                                 ·      Obtaining input from external sources, including our banks.




for the year ended 30 June 2024


                                                             2024       2023
 from continuing operations                           notes  £'000      £'000

 Revenue                                              2      691,301    688,573

 Cost of sales                                        4      (367,658)  (337,908)

 Gross profit                                                323,643    350,665

 Distribution costs                                          (139,901)  (137,744)
 Administrative expenses                                     (75,075)   (74,894)
 US defined benefit pension scheme past service cost  23     -          (2,139)
 Losses from the fair value of financial instruments  25     -          (1,399)

 Operating profit                                            108,667    134,489

 Financial income                                     5      12,336     9,669
 Financial expenses                                   5      (2,289)    (1,861)
 Share of profits of joint ventures                   13     3,880      2,768

 Profit before tax                                           122,594    145,065

 Income tax expense                                   7      (25,705)   (28,963)

 Profit for the year                                         96,889     116,102



 Profit attributable to:
 Equity shareholders of the parent company      96,889  116,102
 Non-controlling interest                   26  -       -
 Profit for the year                            96,889  116,102


                                                        pence  pence
 Dividend per share arising in respect of the year  26  76.2   76.2
 Dividend per share paid in the year                26  76.2   73.4

 Earnings per share (basic and diluted)             8   133.2  159.7



Adjusted profit before tax for the year was £122,594,000 (2023:
£140,983,000). See note 29 Alternative performance measures for more details.








for the year ended 30 June 2024


                                                                                        2024      2023
                                                                                 notes  £'000     £'000
 Profit for the year                                                                    96,889    116,102

 Other items recognised directly in equity:

 Items that will not be reclassified to the Consolidated income statement:
 Remeasurement of defined benefit pension scheme assets/liabilities              23     (48,688)  13,612
 Deferred tax on remeasurement of defined benefit pension scheme                        12,424    (3,071)
 Total for items that will not be reclassified                                          (36,264)  10,541

 Items that may be reclassified to the Consolidated income statement:
 Exchange differences in translation of overseas operations                      26     (4,038)   (8,000)
 Exchange differences in translation of overseas joint venture                   26     (311)     -
 Current tax on translation of net investments in foreign operations             26     57        313
 Effective portion of changes in fair value of cash flow hedges, net of          26     5,812     23,167
 Deferred tax on effective portion of changes in fair value of cash flow hedges  7,26   (1,453)   (5,692)
 Total for items that may be reclassified                                               67        9,788

 Total other comprehensive income and expense, net of tax                               (36,197)  20,329

 Total comprehensive income and expense for the year                                    60,692    136,431

 Attributable to:
 Equity shareholders of the parent company                                              60,692    136,431
 Non-controlling interest                                                        26     -         -
 Total comprehensive income and expense for the year                                    60,692    136,431






 at 30 June 2024

                                                                       2024     2023*
                                                                notes  £'000    £'000
 Property, plant and equipment                                  9      325,040  286,085
 Right-of-use assets                                            10     14,746   8,402
 Investment properties                                          11     10,285   10,323
 Intangible assets                                              12     47,343   46,468
 Investments in joint ventures                                  13     25,485   22,414
 Finance lease receivables                                      14     11,944   9,935
 Employee benefits                                              23     10,845   57,416
 Deferred tax assets                                            7      17,690   19,944
 Derivatives                                                    25     1,387    9,443
 Total non-current assets                                              464,765  470,430

 Current assets
 Inventories                                                    16     161,928  185,757
 Trade receivables                                              25     134,073  123,427
 Finance lease receivables                                      14     3,861    3,764
 Current tax                                                           21,298   19,558
 Other receivables                                              25     34,076   28,840
 Derivatives                                                    25     13,547   5,373
 Bank deposits                                                  15     95,542   125,000
 Cash and cash equivalents                                      15,25  122,293  81,388
 Total current assets                                                  586,618  573,107

 Current liabilities
 Trade payables                                                 25     21,330   21,551
 Contract liabilities                                           18     10,880   9,971
 Current tax                                                           1,767    7,118
 Provisions                                                     17     2,997    2,758
 Derivatives                                                    25     448      5,089
 Lease liabilities                                              21     3,960    3,009
 Amount payable to joint venture                                13     8,475    -
 Borrowings                                                     20     747      4,694
 Other payables                                                 19     50,344   48,130
 Total current liabilities                                             100,948  102,320
 Net current assets                                                    485,670  470,787

 Non-current liabilities
 Lease liabilities                                              21     11,062   5,624
 Borrowings                                                     20     2,775    -
 Employee benefits                                              23     -        45
 Deferred tax liabilities                                       7      33,600   38,770
 Derivatives                                                    25     177      120
 Total non-current liabilities                                         47,614   44,559
 Total assets less total liabilities                                   902,821  896,658

 Share capital                                                  26     14,558   14,558
 Share premium                                                         42       42
 Own shares held                                                26     (2,963)  (2,963)
 Currency translation reserve                                   26     2,480    6,772
 Cash flow hedging reserve                                      26     10,911   6,552
 Retained earnings                                                     876,990  871,777
 Other reserve                                                  26     1,380    497
 Equity attributable to the shareholders of the parent company         903,398  897,235
 Non-controlling interest                                       26     (577)    (577)
 Total equity                                                          902,821  896,658

*2023 Other receivables have been reclassified to include Contract assets. See
Note 25.








for the year ended 30 June 2024

                                                                                       Own      Currency     flow                         Non-
                                                                     Share    Share    Shares   translation  hedging   Retained  Other    controlling
                                                                     capital  premium  Held     reserve      reserve   earnings  reserve  interest     Total
 Year ended 30 June 2023                                             £'000    £'000    £'000    £'000        £'000     £'000     £'000    £'000        £'000

 Balance at 1 July 2022                                              14,558   42       (750)    14,459       (10,923)  798,541   (180)    (577)        815,170

 Profit for the year                                                 -        -        -        -            -         116,102   -        -            116,102

 Other comprehensive income and expense (net of tax)
 Remeasurement of defined benefit pension scheme liabilities         -        -        -        -            -         10,541    -        -            10,541

 Foreign exchange translation differences                            -        -        -        (7,687)      -         -         -        -            (7,687)

 Changes in fair value of cash flow hedges                           -        -        -        -            17,475    -         -        -            17,475
 Total other comprehensive income and expense                        -        -        -        (7,687)      17,475    10,541    -        -            20,329
 Total comprehensive income and expense                              -        -        -        (7,687)      17,475    126,643   -        -            136,431

 Share-based payments charge                                         -        -        -        -            -         -         677      -            677
 Own shares purchased                                                -        -        (2,213)  -            -         -         -        -            (2,213)
 Dividends paid                                                      -        -        -        -            -         (53,407)  -        -            (53,407)
 Balance at 30 June 2023                                             14,558   42       (2,963)  6,772        6,552     871,777   497      (577)        896,658

 Year ended 30 June 2024
 Profit for the year                                                 -        -        -        -            -         96,889    -        -            96,889

 Other comprehensive income and expense (net of tax)
 Remeasurement of defined benefit pension scheme assets/liabilities  -        -        -        -            -         (36,264)  -        -            (36,264)

 Foreign exchange translation differences                            -        -        -        (3,981)      -         -         -        -            (3,981)

 Foreign exchange related to joint venture                           -        -        -        (311)        -         -         -        -            (311)

 Changes in fair value of cash flow hedges                           -        -        -        -            4,359     -         -        -            4,359
 Total other comprehensive income and expenses                       -        -        -        (4,292)      4,359     (36,264)  -        -            (36,197)
 Total comprehensive income and expenses                             -        -        -        (4,292)      4,359     60,625    -        -            60,692

 Share-based payments charge                                         -        -        -        -            -         -         883      -            883
 Dividends paid                                                      -        -        -        -            -         (55,412)  -        -            (55,412)
 Balance at 30 June 2024                                             14,558   42       (2,963)  2,480        10,911    876,990   1,380    (577)        902,821


More details of share capital and reserves are given in Note 26.



for the year ended 30 June 2024


                                                                                   2024      2023
                                                                          notes    £'000     £'000
 Cash flows from operating activities
 Profit for the year                                                               96,889    116,102
 Adjustments for:
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment, right-of-use assets, and  9,10,11  24,195    24,105
 investment properties
 (Profit)/Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment                   9        (1,199)   155
 Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets                         12       8,633     7,773
 Loss on disposal of intangible assets                                             -         550
 Share of profits from joint ventures                                     13       (3,880)   (2,768)
 Defined benefit pension schemes past service and administrative costs    23       907       2,437
 Financial income                                                         5        (12,336)  (9,669)
 Financial expenses                                                       5        2,289     1,861
 Gains from the fair value of financial instruments                       25       -         (5,504)
 Share-based payment expense                                              24       883       677
 Tax expense                                                              7        25,705    28,963
                                                                                   45,197    48,580
 Decrease/(increase) in inventories                                                23,829    (23,275)
 Increase in trade, finance lease and other receivables                            (23,719)  (12,379)
 Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables                                   3,557     (15,013)
 Increase/(decrease) in provisions                                                 239       (1,486)
                                                                                   3,906     (52,153)
 Defined benefit pension scheme contributions                             23       (161)     (2,341)
 Income taxes paid                                                                 (21,752)  (25,891)
 Cash flows from operating activities                                              124,079   84,297

 Investing activities
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment, and investment properties     9,11     (65,518)  (74,024)
 Sale of property, plant and equipment                                             4,475     7,948
 Development costs capitalised                                            12       (9,281)   (10,448)
 Purchase of other intangibles                                            12       (246)     (379)
 Decrease/(increase)in bank deposits                                      15       29,458    (25,000)
 Interest received                                                        5        9,110     6,302
 Dividend received from joint ventures                                    13       498       924
 Cash flows from investing activities                                              (31,504)  (94,677)

 Financing activities
 Repayment of borrowings                                                  20       (799)     (914)
 Amounts received as deposit from joint venture                           13       8,475     -
 Interest paid                                                            5        (608)     (656)
 Repayment of principal of lease liabilities                              22       (4,359)   (4,206)
 Own shares purchased                                                     26       -         (2,213)
 Dividends paid                                                           26       (55,412)  (53,407)
 Cash flows from financing activities                                              (52,703)  (61,396)

 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                              39,872    (71,776)
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year                                81,388    153,162
 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held                                 1,033     2
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year                             15       122,293   81,388


Cash and cash equivalents and bank deposits at the end of the year were
£217.8m (2023: £206.4m). See Note 15 for more details.





1. Accounting policies


This section sets out our significant accounting policies that relate to the
financial statements as a whole, along with the critical accounting judgements
and estimates that management has identified as having a potentially material
impact on the Group's consolidated financial statements. Where an accounting
policy is applicable to a specific note in the financial statements, the
policy is described within that note.


Basis of preparation

Renishaw plc (the Company) is a company incorporated in England and Wales. The
Group financial statements consolidate those of the Company and its
subsidiaries (together referred to as the Group, and 'we') and equity account
the Group's interest in joint ventures. The parent company financial
statements present information about the Company as a separate entity and not
about the Group.


The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the
Group's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 June 2024 or 30 June 2023.
The financial information for the year ended 30 June 2023 is derived from the
statutory accounts for that year, which have been delivered to the Registrar
of Companies. The auditor reported on those accounts; their report was
unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis without
qualifying their report and did not contain a statement under s498 (2) or (3)
Companies Act 2006. In respect of the year ended 30 June 2024, an unqualified
auditor's report was signed on 11 September 2024. The statutory accounts will
be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Group's annual
general meeting.


The consolidated financial statements are presented in Sterling, which is the
Company's functional currency and the Group's presentational currency, and all
values are rounded to the nearest thousand (£'000).


The accounting policies set out below have, unless otherwise stated, been
applied consistently to all periods presented in these Group financial
statements. Judgements made by the Directors, in the application of these
accounting policies, that have a significant effect on the financial
statements and estimates with a significant risk of material adjustment in
the next year are noted below.


Basis of consolidation

Subsidiaries are entities controlled by the Group. The Group controls an
entity when it is exposed to or has rights to variable returns from its
involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns
through its power over the entity. In assessing control, the Group takes into
consideration potential voting rights that are exercisable. The acquisition
date is the date on which control is transferred to the acquirer. The
financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated
financial statements from the date that control commences until the date that
control ceases. Losses applicable to the non-controlling interests in a
subsidiary are allocated to the non-controlling interests even if doing so
causes the non-controlling interests to have a deficit balance.


Joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method ('equity-accounted
investees') and are initially recognised at cost. The Group's investment
includes goodwill identified on acquisition, net of any accumulated impairment


The consolidated financial statements include the Group's share of the total
comprehensive income and equity movements of equity accounted investees, from
the date that significant influence commences until the date that significant
influence ceases. When the Group's share of losses exceeds its interest in an
equity accounted investee, the Group's carrying amount is reduced to nil and
recognition of further losses is discontinued (except to the extent that the
Group has incurred legal obligations or made payments on behalf of an


Intragroup balances and transactions, and any unrealised income and expenses
arising from intragroup transactions, are eliminated on consolidation.
Unrealised gains arising from transactions with equity accounted investees are
eliminated against the investment to the extent of the Group's interest in the
investee. Unrealised losses are eliminated in the same way as unrealised
gains, but only to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment.


Foreign currencies


On consolidation, overseas subsidiaries' results are translated into Sterling
at weighted average exchange rates for the year by translating each overseas
subsidiary's monthly results at exchange rates applicable to the respective
months. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the
balance sheet date are translated into Sterling at the foreign exchange rates
prevailing at that date. Differences on exchange resulting from the
translation of overseas assets and liabilities are recognised in Other
comprehensive income and are accumulated in equity.


Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are reported
at the rates prevailing at the time, with any gain or loss arising from
subsequent exchange rate movements being included as an exchange gain or loss
in the Consolidated income statement. Foreign currency differences arising
from transactions are recognised in the Consolidated income statement.

New, revised or changes to existing accounting standards

The following accounting standard amendments became effective as at 1 January
2023 and have been adopted in the preparation of these financial statements,
with effect from 1 July 2023:

- IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts;

- amendments to IAS 1 and IFRS Practice Statement 2, Disclosure of Accounting

- amendments to IAS 1, Classification of Liabilities as Current or

- amendments to IAS 8, Definition of Accounting Estimates;

- amendments to IAS 12, Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising
from a Single Transaction; and

- amendments to IAS 12, International Tax Reform Pillar Two Model Rules;


These have not had a material effect on these financial statements.


At the date of these financial statements, the following amendments that are
potentially relevant to the Group, and which have not been applied in these
financial statements, were in issue but not yet effective:


- IFRS 18 Presentation and Disclosures in Financial Statements (not yet
endorsed by the UK);

- amendments to IAS 7 and IFRS 7, Supplier Finance Arrangements; and

- amendments to IFRS 16, Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback.


The adoption of these Standards and Interpretations in future periods is not
expected to have a material impact on the financial statements of the Group.


The Finance (No 2) Bill 2023, that includes Pillar Two legislation, was
substantively enacted on 20 June 2023 for IFRS purposes. The Group has
performed an analysis of the potential exposure to Pillar Two income taxes,
which is presented in Note 7 Taxation.


As permitted by the amendments to IAS 12 International Tax Reform Pillar Two
Model Rules, the Group has applied the exemption from recognising and
disclosing information about deferred tax assets and liabilities related to
Pillar Two income taxes.


Alternative performance measures

The financial statements are prepared in accordance with adopted IFRS and
applied in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2006. In
measuring our performance, the financial measures that we use include those
which have been derived from our reported results, to eliminate factors which
distort year-on-year comparisons.


These are considered non-GAAP financial measures. We believe this information,
along with comparable GAAP measurements, is useful to stakeholders in
providing a basis for measuring our operational performance. The Board uses
these financial measures, along with the most directly comparable GAAP
financial measures, in evaluating our performance (see Note 29).


Separately disclosed items

The Directors consider that certain items should be separately disclosed to
aid understanding of the Group's performance.


Gains and losses from the fair value of financial instruments are therefore
separately disclosed in the Consolidated income statement, where these gains
and losses relate to certain forward currency contracts that are not effective
for hedge accounting. Restructuring costs are also separately disclosed where
significant costs have been incurred in rationalising and reorganising our
business as part of a Board-approved initiative, and relate to matters that do
not frequently recur.


In the previous period, a change to the US defined benefit pension scheme
rules resulted in a significant non-recurring amount being recognised in the
Consolidated income statement. This was also separately disclosed.


These items are also excluded from Adjusted profit before tax, Adjusted
operating profit and Adjusted earnings per share measures, as explained in
Note 29 Alternative performance measures.


Critical accounting judgements and estimation uncertainties

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with UK-adopted IAS
requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect
the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities,
income and expenses. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on
historical experience and other factors that are believed to be reasonable
under the circumstances. The results of this form the basis of making the
judgements about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not
readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may therefore differ from
these estimates. The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an
ongoing basis.


The areas of key estimation uncertainty and critical accounting judgement that
have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying
amount of assets and liabilities in the next financial year are summarised
below, with further details included within accounting policies as indicated.

 Item                                        Key judgements (J) and estimates (E)
 Research and development costs              J - Whether a project meets the criteria for capitalisation
 Goodwill and capitalised development costs  E - Estimates of future cash flows for impairment testing
 Inventories                                 E - Determination of net realisable value
 Defined benefit pension schemes             E - Valuation of defined benefit pension schemes' liabilities
 Defined benefit pension schemes             J - Whether past service costs need to be recognised
 Cash flow hedges                            E - Estimates of highly probable forecasts of the hedged item


Climate change

We have considered the potential effect of physical and transitional climate
change risks when preparing these consolidated financial statements and have
also considered the effect of our own Net Zero commitments. Our consideration
of the potential effect of climate change on these consolidated financial
statements included reviewing:


- discounted cash flow forecasts, used in accounting for goodwill, capitalised
development costs, and deferred tax assets;

- useful economic lives and residual values of property, plant and equipment;

- planned use of right-of-use assets; and

- expected demand for inventories.


We also considered the estimated capital expenditure needed in the next five
years to deliver our Net Zero plan.


Overall, we do not believe that climate change has a material effect on our
accounting judgements and estimates, nor in the carrying value of assets and
liabilities in the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30
June 2024. We will continue to review the effect of climate change on
financial statements in the future, and update our accounting and disclosures
as the position changes.


Going concern

In preparing these financial statements, the Directors have adopted the going
concern basis. The decision to adopt the going concern basis was made after

- the Group's business model and key markets;

- the Group's risk management processes and principal risks;

- the Group's financial resources and strategies; and

- the process undertaken to review the Group's viability, including scenario


The financial models for the viability review were based on the pessimistic
version of the five-year business plan, but covering a period to 30 September
2027. For context, revenue in the first year of this pessimistic base scenario
is similar to FY2024 revenue of £691.3m, while costs and other cash outflows
still reflect ambitious growth plans. In the going concern assessment, the
Directors reviewed this same version of the plan but to 30 September 2025, as
well as the 'severe but plausible' scenarios used in the viability review,
again to 30 September 2025. These scenarios reflected a significant reduction
in revenue, a significant increase in costs, and a third scenario
incorporating both a reduction to revenue and an increase in costs but to a
lesser degree than the first two scenarios. In each scenario the Group's cash
balances remained positive throughout the period to 30 September 2025.


The Directors also reviewed a reverse stress test for the period to 30
September 2025, identifying what would need to happen in this period for the
Group to deplete its cash and cash equivalents and bank deposit balances. This
identified a trading level so low that the Directors feel that the events
that could trigger this would be remote. The Directors also concluded that
the risk of a one-off cash outflow that would exhaust the Group's cash and
cash equivalents and bank deposits balances in the assessment period was also

Based on this assessment, incorporating a review of the current position, the
scenarios, the principal risks and mitigation, the Directors have a reasonable
expectation that the Group will be able to continue operating and meet its
liabilities as they fall due over the period to 30 September 2025.


2.         Revenue disaggregation and segmental analysis

We manage our business by segment, comprising Manufacturing technologies and
Analytical instruments and medical devices, and by geographical region. The
results of these segments and regions are regularly reviewed by the Board to
assess performance and allocate resources, and are presented in this note.

Accounting policy

The Group generates revenue from the sale of goods, capital equipment and
services. These can be sold both on their own and together.

a) Sale of goods, capital equipment and services

The Group's contracts with customers consist both of contracts with one
performance obligation and contracts with multiple performance obligations.

For contracts with one performance obligation, revenue is measured at the
transaction price, which is typically the contract value except for customers
entitled to volume rebates, and recognised at the point in time when control
of the product transfers to the customer. This point in time is typically when
the products are made available for collection by the customer, collected by
the shipping agent, or delivered to the customer, depending upon the shipping
terms applied to the specific contract.

Contracts with multiple performance obligations typically exist where, in
addition to supplying products, we also supply services such as user training,
servicing and maintenance, and installation. Where the installation service is
simple, does not include a significant integration service and could be
performed by another party then the installation is accounted for as a
separate performance obligation. Where the contracts include multiple
performance obligations, the transaction price is allocated to each
performance obligation based on the relative stand-alone selling prices. The
revenue allocated to each performance obligation is then recognised when, or
as, that performance obligation is satisfied. For installation, this is
typically at the point in time in which installation is complete. For
training, this is typically the point in time at which training is delivered.
For servicing and maintenance, the revenue is recognised evenly over the
course of the servicing agreement except for ad-hoc servicing and maintenance
which is recognised at the point in time in which the work is undertaken.

b) Sale of software

The Group provides software licences and software maintenance to customers,
sold both on their own and together with associated products. For software
licences, where the licence and/or maintenance is provided as part of a
contract that provides customers with software licences and other goods and
services then the transaction price is allocated on the same basis as
described in a) above.

The Group's distinct software licences provide a right of use, and therefore
revenue from software licences is recognised at the point in time in which the
licence is supplied to the customer. Revenue from software maintenance is
recognised evenly over the term of the maintenance agreement.

c) Extended warranties

The Group provides standard warranties to customers that address potential
latent defects that existed at point of sale and as required by law
(assurance-type warranties). In some contracts, the Group also provides
warranties that extend beyond the standard warranty period and may be sold to
the customer (service-type warranties).

Assurance-type warranties are accounted for by the Group under IAS 37
'Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets'. Service-type
warranties are accounted for as separate performance obligations and therefore
a portion of the transaction price is allocated to this element, and then
recognised evenly over the period in which the service is provided.

d) Contract balances

Contract assets represent the Group's right to consideration in exchange for
goods, capital equipment and/or services that have been transferred to a
customer, and mainly includes accrued revenue in respect of goods and services
provided to a customer but not yet fully billed. Contract assets are distinct
from receivables, which represent the Group's right to consideration that is

Contract liabilities represent the Group's obligation to transfer goods,
capital equipment and/or services to a customer for which the Group has either
received consideration or consideration is due from the customer.

e) Disaggregation of revenue

The Group disaggregates revenue from contracts with customers between: goods,
capital equipment and installation, and aftermarket services; reporting
segment; and geographical location.

Management believe these categories best depict how the nature, amount, timing
and uncertainty of the Group's revenue is affected by economic factors.


Within the Manufacturing technologies business there are multiple product
offerings with similar economic characteristics, similar production processes
and similar customer bases. Our Manufacturing technologies business consists
of industrial metrology, position measurement and additive manufacturing (AM)
product groups. Analytical instruments and medical devices represents all
other operating segments within the Group, which consists of spectroscopy and
neurological product lines.


 Year ended 30 June 2024                                                                                                                                                   Analytical instruments and medical devices

                                                                                                                                              Manufacturing technologies

                                                                                                                                              £'000                        £'000                                              £'000

 Revenue                                                                                                                                      648,063                      43,238                                             691,301
 Depreciation, amortisation and impairment                                                                                                    31,374                       1,454                                              32,828
 Operating profit                                                                                                                             103,181                      5,486                                              108,667
 Share of profits from joint ventures                                                                                                         3,880                        -                                                  3,880
 Net financial income/(expense)                                                                                                               -                            -                                                  10,047
 Profit before tax                                                                                                                            -                            -                                                  122,594

 Year ended 30 June 2023                                                                                                                                                   Analytical instruments and medical devices £'000

                                                                                                                                              Manufacturing technologies

                                                                                                                                              £'000                                                                           Total

 Revenue                                                                                                                                      648,240                      40,333                                             688,573
 Depreciation, amortisation and impairment                                                                                                    28,431                       3,447                                              31,878
 Operating profit, before losses from fair value of financial instruments        and US defined benefit pension scheme past service cost

                                                                                                                                              132,843                      5,184                                              138,027
 Share of profits from joint ventures                                                                                                         2,768                        -                                                  2,768
 Net financial income/(expense)                                                                                                               -                            -                                                  7,808
 US defined benefit pension scheme past service cost                                                                                          -                            -                                                  (2,139)
 Losses from the fair value of financial instruments                                                                                          -                            -                                                  (1,399)
 Profit before tax                                                                                                                            -                            -                                                  145,065


There is no allocation of assets and liabilities to the segments identified
above. Depreciation, amortisation and impairments are allocated to segments on
the basis of the level of activity.


The following table shows the analysis of non-current assets, excluding
deferred tax, derivatives and employee benefits, by geographical region:

                               2024     2023
                               £'000    £'000
 UK                            268,027  231,619
 Overseas                      166,816  152,008
 Total non-current assets      434,843  383,627


No overseas country had non-current assets amounting to 10% or more of the
Group's total non-current assets.


The following table shows the disaggregation of group revenue by category:

                                                2024     2023
                                                £'000    £'000
 Goods, capital equipment and installation      624,491  624,992
 Aftermarket services                           66,810   63,581
 Total Group revenue                            691,301  688,573


Aftermarket services include repairs, maintenance and servicing, programming,
training, extended warranties, and software licences and maintenance. There is
no significant difference between our two operating segments as to their split
of revenue by type.


The analysis of revenue by geographical market was:

                               2024     2023
                               £'000    £'000
 APAC total                    318,836  310,637
 UK (country of domicile)      37,956   38,899
 EMEA, excluding UK            170,077  177,582
 EMEA total                    208,033  216,481
 Americas total                164,432  161,455
 Total Group revenue           691,301  688,573


Revenue in the previous table has been allocated to regions based on the
geographical location of the customer. Countries with individually significant
revenue figures in the context of the Group were:

              2024     2023
              £'000    £'000
 China        177,155  155,360
 USA          138,836  138,721
 Germany      54,572   61,565
 Japan        49,329   67,915


There was no revenue from transactions with a single external customer which
amounted to more than 10% of the Group's total revenue.


3.         Personnel expenses

The remuneration costs of our people account for a significant proportion of
our total expenditure, which are analysed in this note.


The aggregate payroll costs for the year were:

                                                            2024     2023
                                                            £'000    £'000
 Wages and salaries                                         233,536  226,126
 Compulsory social security contributions                   27,130   26,579
 Contributions to defined contribution pension schemes      27,851   26,142
 Share-based payment charge                                 883      677
 Total payroll costs                                        289,400  279,524


Wages and salaries and compulsory social security contributions include
£10.0m (2023: £11.3m) relating to performance bonuses.


The average number of persons employed by the Group during the year was:

                              2024    2023
                              Number  Number
 UK                           3,400   3,332
 Overseas                     1,813   1,804
 Average number of employees  5,213   5,136


Key management personnel have been assessed to be the Directors of the Company
and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), which includes an average of 22 people
(2023: 21 people).


The total remuneration of the Directors and the SLT was:

                                                 2024    2023
                                                 £'000   £'000
 Short-term employee benefits                    6,139   5,659
 Post-employment benefits                        529     511
 Share-based payment charge                      883     677
 Total remuneration of key management personnel  7,551   6,847


Short-term employee benefits include £0.2m (2023: nil) relating to
performance bonuses payable in cash.


The share-based payment charge relates to share awards granted in previous
years, not yet vested. Shares equivalent to £0.2m (2023: nil equivalent) are
to be awarded in respect of FY2024 (see Note 24).


4.         Cost of sales

Our cost of sales includes the costs to manufacture our products and our
engineering spend on existing and new products, net of capitalisation and
research and development tax credits.

Included in cost of sales are the following amounts:

                                                            2024     2023
                                                            £'000    £'000
 Production costs                                           269,562  247,665
 Research and development expenditure                       71,060   72,500
 Other engineering expenditure                              35,723   28,063
 Gross engineering expenditure                              106,783  100,563
 Development expenditure capitalised (net of amortisation)  (4,287)  (5,298)
 Development expenditure impaired                           3,299    1,611
 Research and development tax credit                        (7,699)  (6,633)
 Total engineering costs                                    98,096   90,243
 Total cost of sales                                        367,658  337,908


Production costs includes the raw material and component costs, payroll costs
and sub-contract costs, and allocated overheads associated with manufacturing
our products.


Research and development expenditure includes the payroll costs, material
costs and allocated overheads attributed to projects identified as relating to
new products or processes. Other engineering expenditure includes the payroll
costs, material costs and allocated overheads attributed to projects
identified as relating to existing products or processes.


5.         Financial income and expenses

Financial income mainly arises from bank interest on our deposits, while we
are exposed to realised currency gains and losses on translation of foreign
currency denominated intragroup balances and offsetting financial instruments.

Included in financial income and expenses are the following amounts:

                                                                 2024    2023
 Financial income                                                £'000   £'000
 Bank interest receivable                                        9,110   6,302
 Interest on pension schemes' assets                             2,908   1,639
 Fair value gains from one-month forward currency contracts      318     1,728
 Total financial income                                          12,336  9,669
 Financial expenses
 Interest on pension schemes' liabilities                        -       29
 Currency losses                                                 1,645   1,130
 Lease interest                                                  537     348
 Interest payable on amounts owed to joint ventures              55      -
 Interest payable on borrowings                                  36      46
 Other interest payable                                          16      308
 Total financial expenses                                        2,289   1,861


Currency losses relate to revaluations of foreign currency-denominated
balances using latest reporting currency exchange rates. The losses
recognised in FY2023 and FY2024 largely related to an appreciation of Sterling
relative to the US dollar affecting US dollar-denominated intragroup balances
in the Company.


Rolling one-month forward currency contracts are used to offset currency
movements on certain intragroup balances, with fair value gains and losses
being recognised in financial income or expenses. See Note 25 for further


6.         Profit before tax

Detailed below are other notable amounts recognised in the Consolidated income


Included in the profit before tax are the following costs/(income):

                                                                                                                        2024     2023
                                                                                                               notes    £'000    £'000
 Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment, right-of-use assets, and investment properties  9,10,11  24,195   24,105
 (Profit)/loss on sale of property, plant and equipment                                                        9        (1,199)  155
 Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets                                                              12       8,633    7,773
 Grant income                                                                                                           (2,816)  (3,017)


These costs/(income) can be found within cost of sales, distribution costs and
administrative expenses in the Consolidated income statement. Further detail
on each element can be found in the relevant notes.


Grant income relates to government grants, for R&D activities, which are
recognised in the Consolidated income statement as a deduction against
expenditure. Where grants are received in advance of the related expenses,
they are initially recognised in the Consolidated balance sheet and released
to match the related expenditure. Where grants are expected to be received
after the related expenditure has occurred, and there is reasonable assurance
that we will comply with the grant conditions, amounts are recognised to
offset the expenditure and an asset recognised. Research and development tax
credit (RDEC) is accounted for in accordance with IAS 20 Accounting for
Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance.


Costs within Administrative expenses relating to auditor fees included:


                                                               2024    2023
                                                               £'000   £'000
 Audit of these financial statements                           873     707
 Audit of subsidiary undertakings pursuant to legislation      606     576
 Other assurance                                               27      6
 All other non-audit fees                                      -       -
 Total auditor fees                                            1,506   1,289


7.         Taxation

The Group tax charge is affected by our geographic mix of profits and other
factors explained in this note. Our expected future tax charges and related
tax assets are also set out in the deferred tax section, together with our
view on whether we will be able to make use of these in the future.

Accounting policy

Tax on the profit for the year comprises current and deferred tax. Tax is
recognised in the Consolidated income statement except to the extent that it
relates to items recognised directly in Other comprehensive income, in which
case it is recognised in the Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
and expense. Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income
for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the balance
sheet date, and any adjustment to tax payable in previous years.

Deferred tax is provided on temporary differences between the carrying amounts
of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts
used for taxation purposes. The following temporary differences are not
provided for:

- the initial recognition of goodwill;

- the initial recognition of assets or liabilities that affect neither
accounting nor taxable profit other than in a business combination; and

- differences relating to investments in subsidiaries, to the extent that they
will probably not reverse in the foreseeable future.

The amount of deferred tax provided is based on the expected manner of
realisation or settlement of the carrying amount of assets and liabilities,
using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.

Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent it is probable that future
taxable profits (including the future release of deferred tax liabilities)
will be available, against which the deductible temporary differences can be
used, based on management's assumptions relating to the amounts and timing of
future taxable profits. Estimates of future profitability on an entity basis
are required to ascertain whether it is probable that sufficient taxable
profits will arise to support the recognition of deferred tax assets relating
to the corresponding entity.

 The following table shows an analysis of the tax charge:

                                                                            2024    2023
                                                                            £'000   £'000
 Current tax:
 UK corporation tax on profits for the year                                 3,748   5,814
 UK corporation tax - prior year adjustments                                (693)   (1,307)
 Overseas tax on profits for the year                                       14,497  14,161
 Overseas tax - prior year adjustments                                      105     291
 Total current tax                                                          17,657  18,959
 Deferred tax:
 Origination and reversal of temporary differences                          8,613   9,140
 Prior year adjustments                                                     (473)   (1,052)
 Derecognition of previously recognised tax losses and excess interest      427     439
 Recognition of previously unrecognised tax losses and excess interest      (519)   (591)
 Effect on deferred tax for changes in tax rates                            -       2,068
                                                                            8,048   10,004
 Tax charge on profit                                                       25,705  28,963


The tax for the year is lower (2023: lower) than the UK standard rate of
corporation tax of 25% (2023: 20.5% weighted). The differences are explained
as follows:

                                                                        2024     2023
                                                                        £'000    £'000
 Profit before tax                                                      122,594  145,065
 Tax at 25% (2023: 20.5%)                                               30,649   29,738
 Effects of:
 Different tax rates applicable in overseas subsidiaries                (4,866)  (1,695)
 Permanent differences                                                  1,028    1,595
 Companies with unrelieved tax losses                                   93       292
 Share of profits of joint ventures                                     (970)    (567)
 Tax incentives (patent box and capital allowances super-deduction)     -        (679)
 Prior year adjustments                                                 (1,061)  (2,068)
 Effect on deferred tax for changes in tax rates                        -        2,068
 Recognition of previously unrecognised tax losses and excess interest  (519)    (591)
 Derecognition of previously recognised tax losses and excess interest  427      439
 Irrecoverable withholding tax                                          447      609
 Deferred tax on unremitted earnings                                    425      -
 Other differences                                                      52       (178)
 Tax charge on profit                                                   25,705   28,963
 Effective tax rate                                                     21.0%    20.0%


We operate in many countries around the world and the overall effective tax
rate (ETR) is a result of the combination of the varying tax rates applicable
throughout these countries. The FY2024 ETR has increased mainly due to the
increase in the UK tax rate from 19.0% to 25.0% in April 2023. The UK standard
rate of corporation tax applicable to Renishaw is 25.0% (2023: 20.5%


The Group's future ETR largely depends on the geographic mix of profits and
whether there are any changes to tax legislation in the Group's most
significant countries of operations.

The Finance (No 2) Bill 2023, that includes Pillar Two legislation, was
substantively enacted on 20 June 2023 for IFRS purposes. The Group has
performed an analysis of the potential exposure to Pillar Two income taxes
based on the Country by Country Report for the constituent entities in the
Group for the financial year ended 30 June 2023. The analysis indicates the
transitional safe harbour relief should apply in respect of the majority of
jurisdictions in which the Group operates. The Group expects Pillar Two income
taxes to arise in Ireland due to its statutory tax rate on trading income
being lower than the global minimum tax rate of 15%. Based on the FY2023
analysis and initial assessment for FY2024, the impact of the Pillar Two rules
is not expected to exceed a 0.7% increase to the Group's Effective Tax Rate
in FY2025.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset where there is a legally
enforceable right of offset and there is an intention to net settle the
balances. After taking these offsets into account, the net position of £15.9m
liability (2023: £18.8m liability) is presented as a £17.7m deferred tax
asset (2023: £19.9m asset) and a £33.6m deferred tax liability (2023:
£38.8m liability) in the Consolidated balance sheet.

Where deferred tax assets are recognised, the Directors are of the opinion,
based on recent and forecast trading, that the level of profits in current and
future years make it more likely than not that these assets will be recovered.

Balances at the end of the year were:

                                    2024                           2023
                                    Assets  Liabilities  Net       Assets  Liabilities  Net
                                    £'000   £'000        £'000     £'000   £'000        £'000
 Property, plant and equipment      549     (29,946)     (29,397)  735     (25,124)     (24,389)
 Intangible assets                  -       (4,067)      (4,067)   -       (3,922)      (3,922)
 Intragroup trading (inventories)   15,147  -            15,147    16,765  -            16,765
 Intragroup trading (fixed assets)  1,101   -            1,101     1,770   -            1,770
 Defined benefit pension schemes    -       (2,445)      (2,445)   6       (14,354)     (14,348)
 Derivatives                        -       (3,637)      (3,637)   -       (2,184)      (2,184)
 Tax losses                         1,823   -            1,823     2,281   -            2,281
 Other                              6,895   (1,330)      5,565     5,894   (693)        5,201
 Balance at the end of the year     25,515  (41,425)     (15,910)  27,451  (46,277)     (18,826)


Other deferred tax assets include temporary differences relating to inventory
provisions totalling £2.9m (2023: £2.3m), other provisions (including bad
debt provisions) of £1.0m (2023: £0.9m), and employee benefits relating to
Renishaw plc of £1.1m (2023: £0.8m) and Renishaw KK of £0.8m (2023:
£0.8m), with the remaining balance relating to several other smaller
temporary differences.


The movements in the deferred tax balance during the year were:

                                                                                     2024      2023
                                                                                     £'000     £'000
 Balance at the beginning of the year                                                (18,826)  78
 Movements in relation to property, plant and equipment                              (5,008)   (4,940)
 Movements in relation to intangible assets                                          (145)     (942)
 Movements in relation to intragroup trading (inventories)                           (1,618)   (3,393)
 Movements in relation to intragroup trading (fixed assets)                          (669)     313
 Movements in relation to defined benefit pension schemes                            (521)     (229)
 Movements in relation to tax losses                                                 (458)     (1,612)
 Movement in relation to other                                                       371       799
 Movements in the Consolidated income statement                                      (8,048)   (10,004)
 Movements in relation to the cash flow hedging reserve                              (1,453)   (5,692)
 Movements in relation to the defined benefit pension scheme assets/liabilities      12,424    (3,071)
 Movements in the Consolidated statement of comprehensive income and expense         10,971    (8,763)
 Currency adjustment                                                                 (7)       (137)
 Balance at the end of the year                                                      (15,910)  (18,826)


Deferred tax assets of £1.8m (2023: £2.3m) in respect of losses are
recognised where it is considered likely that the business will generate
sufficient future taxable profits. Deferred tax assets have not been
recognised in respect of tax losses carried forward of £6.1m (2023: £6.6m),
due to uncertainty over their offset against future taxable profits and
therefore their recoverability. These losses are held by Group companies in
Brazil, Australia, Canada, UAE and the US, where for 77% of losses there are
no time limitations on their utilisation.


In determining profit forecasts for each Group company, the key variable is
the revenue forecasts, which have been estimated using consistently applied
external and internal data sources. Sensitivity analysis indicates that a
reduction of 5% to relevant revenue forecasts would result in an impairment to
deferred tax assets recognised in respect of losses and intragroup trading
(inventories) of around £0.3m. An increase of 5% to relevant revenue
forecasts would result in additions to deferred tax assets in respect of tax
losses not recognised of around £0.5m.


It is likely that the majority of unremitted earnings of overseas subsidiaries
would qualify for the UK dividend exemption. However, £68.3m (2023: £65.6m)
of those earnings may still result in a tax liability principally as a result
of withholding taxes levied by the overseas jurisdictions in which those
subsidiaries operate. These tax liabilities are not expected to exceed £4.3m
(2023: £4.3m), of which £0.4m (2023: nil) has been provided on the basis
that the Group expects to remit these amounts.


8.         Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is the amount of profit generated in a financial year
attributable to equity shareholders, divided by the weighted average number of
shares in issue during the year.

Basic and diluted earnings per share are calculated on earnings of
£96,889,000 (2023: £116,102,000) and on 72,719,565 shares (2023: 72,719,565
shares), being the number of shares in issue. The number of shares excludes
68,978 (2023: 68,978) shares held by the Employee Benefit Trust (EBT). On
this basis, earnings per share (basic and diluted) is calculated as 133.2
pence (2023: 159.7 pence).

There is no difference between the weighted average earnings per share and the
basic and diluted earnings per share.

There is no difference between statutory and adjusted earnings per share in
FY2024. For the calculation of adjusted earnings per share in FY2023, per Note
29, earnings of £116,102,000 were adjusted by post-tax amounts for:

- fair value (gains)/losses on financial instruments not eligible for hedge
accounting (reported in Revenue), which represents the amount by which revenue
would change had all the derivatives qualified as eligible for hedge
accounting, £5,488,000 gain;

- fair value (gains)/losses on financial instruments not eligible for hedge
accounting (reported in Gains/(losses) from the fair value of financial
instruments), £1,133,000 loss;

- a revised estimate of 2020 restructuring costs, £570,000 gain; and

- a US defined benefit pension scheme past service cost, £1,626,000 loss.

9.         Property, plant and equipment

The Group makes significant investments in distribution and manufacturing
infrastructure. During the year we have completed the expansion of our
production facility in Wales, UK, invested in our manufacturing equipment,
and purchased distribution facilities in Brazil and the United Arab Emirates

Accounting policy

Freehold land is not depreciated. Other assets are stated at cost less
accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any.
Depreciation is provided to write off the cost of assets less their estimated
residual value on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful economic
lives as follows: freehold buildings, 50 years; building infrastructure, 10 to
50 years; plant and equipment, 3 to 25 years; and vehicles, 3 to 4 years.

                          Freehold                        Assets in the
                          land and   Plant and  Motor     course of
                          buildings  equipment  vehicles  construction   Total
 Year ended 30 June 2023  £'000      £'000      £'000     £'000          £'000
 At 1 July 2023           213,385    273,156    7,112     53,469         547,122
 Reclassification         3,669      (3,669)    -         -              -
 Additions                2,412      10,615     308       51,912         65,247
 Transfers                42,637     6,151      -         (48,788)       -
 Disposals                (2,916)    (6,810)    (1,245)   -              (10,971)
 Currency adjustment      (3,651)    (1,254)    (76)      -              (4,981)
 At 30 June 2024          255,536    278,189    6,099     56,593         596,417
 At 1 July 2023           45,647     209,546    5,844     -              261,037
 Reclassification         540        (540)      -         -              -
 Charge for the year      4,378      14,526     382       -              19,286
 Disposals                (658)      (5,951)    (1,086)   -              (7,695)
 Currency adjustment      (447)      (743)      (61)      -              (1,251)
 At 30 June 2024          49,460     216,838    5,079     -              271,377

 Net book value
 At 30 June 2024          206,076    61,351     1,020     56,593         325,040
 At 30 June 2023          167,738    63,610     1,268     53,469         286,085


Profit/loss on disposals of Property, plant and equipment amounted to £1.2m
profit (2023: £0.2m loss).


Additions to assets in the course of construction comprise £36.5m (2023:
£42.6m) for land and buildings and £15.4m (2023: £11.4m) for plant and


At 30 June 2024, properties with a net book value of £45.9m (2023: £88.8m)
were subject to a fixed charge to secure the UK defined benefit pension
scheme liabilities.


                          Freehold                            Assets in the
                          land and   Plant and  Motor         course of
                          buildings  equipment  vehicles      construction   Total
 Year ended 30 June 2023  £'000      £'000      £'000         £'000          £'000
 At 1 July 2022           217,820    263,557    7,520         7,481          496,378
 Additions                1,730      16,934     1,033         54,075         73,772
 Transfers                3,240      4,847      -             (8,087)        -
 Disposals                (5,383)    (9,681)    (1,369)       -              (16,433)
 Currency adjustment      (4,022)    (2,501)    (72)          -              (6,595)
 At 30 June 2023          213,385    273,156    7,112         53,469         547,122
 At 1 July 2022           43,816     202,214    6,495         -              252,525
 Charge for the year      4,175      14,891     576           -              19,642
 Disposals                (1,619)    (5,544)    (1,167)       -              (8,330)
 Currency adjustment      (725)      (2,015)    (60)          -              (2,800)
 At 30 June 2023          45,647     209,546    5,844         -              261,037

 Net book value
 At 30 June 2023          167,738    63,610     1,268         53,469         286,085
 At 30 June 2022          174,004    61,343     1,025         7,481          243,853


10.        Right-of-use assets

The Group leases mostly properties and cars from third parties and recognises
an associated right-of-use asset where we are afforded control and economic
benefit from the use of the asset.

Accounting policy

At the commencement date of a lease arrangement the Group recognises a
right-of-use asset for the leased item and a lease liability for any payments
due. Right-of-use assets are initially measured at cost, being the present
value of the lease liability plus any initial costs incurred in entering the
lease and less any incentives received. See Note 21 for further detail on
lease liabilities. Right-of-use assets are subsequently depreciated on a
straight-line basis from the commencement date to the earlier of the end
of the useful life or the end of the lease term.


                          Leasehold property  Plant and equipment  Motor vehicles  Total
 Year ended 30 June 2024  £'000               £'000                £'000           £'000
 Net book value
 At 1 July 2023           5,069               89                   3,244           8,402
 Additions                7,320               51                   3,843           11,214
 Reductions               -                   -                    (3)             (3)
 Depreciation             (2,434)             (73)                 (2,416)         (4,653)
 Currency adjustment      (56)                (1)                  (157)           (214)
 At 30 June 2024          9,899               66                   4,781           14,746


                          Leasehold property  Plant and equipment  Motor vehicles  Total
 Year ended 30 June 2023  £'000               £'000                £'000           £'000
 Net book value
 At 1 July 2022           8,055               117                  1,778           9,950
 Additions                261                 64                   2,907           3,232
 Reduction                (308)               -                    (13)            (321)
 Depreciation             (2,737)             (93)                 (1,392)         (4,222)
 Currency adjustment      (202)               1                    (36)            (237)
 At 30 June 2023          5,069               89                   3,244           8,402



11.        Investment properties

The Group's investment properties consist of five properties in the UK,
Ireland and India, which are occupied by rent-paying third parties.

Accounting policy

Where property owned by the Group is deemed to be held to earn rentals or for
long-term capital appreciation it is recognised as investment property.

Where a property is part-occupied by the Group, portions of the property are
recognised as investment property if they meet the above description and if
these portions could be sold separately and reliably measured. If the portions
could not be sold separately, the property is recognised as an investment
property only if a significant proportion is held for rental or appreciation

The Group has elected to value investment properties on a cost basis,
initially comprising an investment property's purchase price and any directly
attributable expenditure. Depreciation is provided to write off the cost of
assets on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful economic lives,
being 50 years. Amounts relating to freehold land is not depreciated.


                                       2024    2023
                                       £'000   £'000
 Balance at the beginning of the year  11,896  11,905
 Additions                             271     252
 Currency adjustment                   (64)    (261)
 Balance at the end of the year        12,103  11,896
 Balance at the beginning of the year  1,573   1,337
 Charge for the year                   256     240
 Currency adjustment                   (11)    (4)
 Balance at the end of the year        1,818   1,573
 Net book value                        10,285  10,323


The Group has no restrictions on the realisability of its investment
properties and no contractual obligations to purchase, construct or develop
investment properties.

Amounts recognised in the Consolidated income statement relating to investment

                                                                2024    2023
                                                                £'000   £'000
 Rental income derived from investment properties               829     915
 Direct operating expenses (including repairs and maintenance)  247     258
 Profit arising from investment properties                      582     657


The fair value of the Group's investment properties totalled £14.7m at 30
June 2024 (2023: £14.7m). Fair values of each investment property have been
determined within the last three years by independent valuers who hold
recognised and relevant professional qualifications and have recent experience
in the location and category of each investment property being valued. These
valuations have been assessed to be materially appropriate at 30 June 2024.


12.        Intangible assets

Our Consolidated balance sheet contains significant intangible assets, mostly
in relation to goodwill, which arises when we acquire a business and pay a
higher amount than the fair value of its net assets, and capitalised
development costs. We make significant investments into the development of new
products, which is a key part of our business model, and some of these costs
are initially capitalised and then expensed over the lifetime of future sales
of that product.

Accounting policy

Goodwill arising on acquisition represents the difference between the cost of
the acquisition and the fair value of the net identifiable assets acquired,
net of deferred tax. Identifiable intangibles are those which can be sold
separately or which arise from legal rights regardless of whether those
rights are separable.

Goodwill is stated at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. It is not
amortised but is tested annually for impairment or earlier if there are any
indications of impairment. The annual impairment review involves comparing the
carrying amount to the estimated recoverable amount and recognising an
impairment loss if the recoverable amount is lower. Impairment losses are
recognised in the Consolidated income statement.

Intangible assets such as customer lists, patents, trade marks, know-how and
intellectual property that are acquired by the Group are stated at cost less
amortisation and impairment losses. Amortisation is charged to the
Consolidated income statement on a straight-line basis over the estimated
useful lives of the intangible assets. The estimated useful lives of the
intangible assets included in the Consolidated balance sheet reflect the
benefit derived by the Group and vary from five to 10 years.

Expenditure on research activities is recognised in the Consolidated income
statement as an expense as incurred. Expenditure on development activities is
capitalised if: the product or process is technically and commercially
feasible; the Group intends and has the technical ability and sufficient
resources to complete development; future economic benefits are probable; and
the Group can measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible
asset during its development.

Development activities involve a plan or design for the production of new or
substantially improved products or processes. The expenditure capitalised
includes the cost of materials, direct labour and an appropriate proportion of
overheads. Other development expenditure is recognised in the Consolidated
income statement as an expense as incurred.

Capitalised development expenditure is amortised over the useful economic life
appropriate to each product or process, ranging from five to 10 years, and is
stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and less accumulated impairment
losses. Amortisation commences when a product or process is available for use
as intended by management. Capitalised development expenditure is removed
from the balance sheet 10 years after being fully amortised.

All non-current assets are tested for impairment whenever there is an
indication that their carrying value may be impaired. An impairment loss is
recognised in the Consolidated income statement to the extent that an asset's
carrying value exceeds its recoverable amount, which represents the higher of
the asset's fair value less costs to sell and its value-in-use. An asset's
value-in-use represents the present value of the future cash flows expected to
be derived from the asset or from the cash generating unit to which it
relates. The present value is calculated using a discount rate that reflects
the current market assessment of the time value of money and the risks
specific to the asset concerned.

Goodwill and capitalised development costs are subject to an annual impairment

Key judgement - Whether a project meets the criteria for capitalisation

Product development costs are capitalised once a project has reached a certain
stage of development, being the point at which the product has passed testing
to demonstrate it meets the technical specifications of the project and it
satisfies all applicable regulations. Judgements is required to assess whether
the new product development has reached the appropriate point for
capitalisation of costs to begin. These costs are subsequently amortised over
their useful economic life once ready for use. Should a product become
obsolete, the accumulated capitalised development costs would need to be
immediately written off in the Consolidated income statement.

Key estimate - Estimates of future cash flows used for impairment testing.

Determining whether goodwill and capitalised development costs are impaired
requires an estimation of the value-in-use of cash-generating units (CGUs) to
which goodwill has been allocated. To calculate the value-in-use we need to
estimate the future cash flows of each CGU and select the appropriate discount
rate for each CGU.

                                    Internally   Software licences and  Intellectual property and

                                    development  Intellectual           other intangible
                          Goodwill  costs        property               assets                     Total
 Year ended 30 June 2024  £'000     £'000        £'000                  £'000                      £'000
 At 1 July 2023           20,261    178,660      11,978                 4,875                      215,774
 Additions                -         9,281        246                    -                          9,527
 Currency adjustment      (3)       -            (27)                   (11)                       (41)
 At 30 June 2024          20,258    187,941      12,197                 4,864                      225,260
 At 1 July 2023           9,028     146,221      11,605                 2,452                      169,306
 Charge for the year      -         5,011        165                    158                        5,334
 Impairment               -         3,299        -                      -                          3,299
 Currency adjustment      -         -            (19)                   (3)                        (22)
 At 30 June 2024          9,028     154,531      11,751                 2,607                      177,917
 Net book value
 At 30 June 2024          11,230    33,410       446                    2,257                      47,343
 At 30 June 2023          11,233    32,439       373                    2,423                      46,468

                                     Internally generated development costs  Software licences and intellectual property  Intellectual property and other intangible assets


 Year ended 30 June 2023  £'000      £'000                                   £'000                                        £'000                                              £'000
 At 1 July 2022           20,475     168,212                                 22,379                                       4,629                                              215,695
 Additions                -          10,448                                  125                                          254                                                10,827
 Disposals                -          -                                       (10,518)                                     -                                                  (10,518)
 Currency adjustment      (214)      -                                       (8)                                          (8)                                                (230)
 At 30 June 2023          20,261     178,660                                 11,978                                       4,875                                              215,774
 At 1 July 2022           9,028      139,460                                 20,749                                       2,240                                              171,477
 Charge for the year      -          5,150                                   833                                          179                                                6,162
 Impairment               -          1,611                                   -                                            -                                                  1,611
 Disposals                -          -                                       (9,969)                                      -                                                  (9,969)
 Currency adjustment      -          -                                       (8)                                          33                                                 25
 At 30 June 2023          9,028      146,221                                 11,605                                       2,452                                              169,306
 Net Book value
 At 30 June 2023          11,233     32,439                                  373                                          2,423                                              46,468
 At 30 June 2022          11,447     28,752                                  1,630                                        2,389                                              44,218






Goodwill has arisen on the acquisition of several businesses and has an
indeterminable useful life. It is therefore not amortised but is instead
tested for impairment annually and at any point during the year when an
indicator of impairment exists. Goodwill is allocated to cash generating units
(CGUs), as set out below. This is the lowest level in the Group at which
goodwill is monitored for impairment.


The analysis of goodwill according to business acquired is:

                                        2024    2023
                                        £'000   £'000
 itp GmbH                               2,934   2,985
 Renishaw Mayfield S.A.                 2,089   2,089
 Renishaw Fixturing Solutions, LLC      5,497   5,454
 Other smaller acquisitions             710     705
 Total goodwill                         11,230  11,233


The recoverable amounts of acquired goodwill are based on value-in-use
calculations. These calculations use cash flow projections based on the
financial business plans approved by management for the next five financial
years. The cash flows beyond this forecast are extrapolated to perpetuity
using a nil growth rate on a prudent basis, to reflect the uncertainties over
forecasting beyond five years.

The following pre-tax discount rates have been used in discounting the
projected cash flows:

                                                                                2024           2023
 Business acquired                  CGU                                         Discount rate  Discount rate
 itp GmbH                           itp GmbH entity ('ITP')                     13.6%          13.2%
 Renishaw Fixturing Solutions, LLC  Renishaw plc ('PLC')                        14.6%          14.3%
 Renishaw Mayfield S.A.             Renishaw Mayfield S.A. entity ('Mayfield')  24.6%          26.3%


The Group post-tax weighted average cost of capital, calculated at 30 June
2024, is 10.7% (2023: 10.7%). Pre-tax discount rates for Manufacturing
technologies CGUs (ITP and PLC) are calculated from this basis, given that
they are aligned with the wider Group's industries, markets and processes. The
Analytical instruments and medical devices' CGU (Mayfield) has a higher risk
weighting, reflecting the less mature nature of this segment.

CGU specific five-year business plans have been used in determining cash flow
projections. Within these plans, revenue forecasts are calculated with
reference to external market data, past outperformance, and new product
launches, consistent with revenue forecasts across the Group. Production
costs, engineering costs, distribution costs and administrative expenses are
calculated based on management's best estimates of what is required to support
revenue growth and new product development. Estimates of capital expenditure
and working capital requirements are also included in the cash flow
projections. The key estimate within these business plans is the forecasting
of revenue growth, given that the cost bases of the businesses can be flexed
in line with revenue performance. Given the average revenue growth assumptions
included in the five-year business plans, management's sensitivity analysis
involves modelling a reduction in the forecast cash flows utilised in those
business plans and therefore into perpetuity.

For there to be an impairment in the PLC, ITP or Mayfield CGUs, the discount
rate would need to increase to at least 17%, 23% and 42% respectively, or
there would need to be a reduction to forecast cash flows of 16%, 44% and 43%


Internally generated development costs


The key assumption in determining the value-in-use for internally generated
development costs is the forecast unit sales over the useful economic life,
which is determined by management using their knowledge and experience with
similar products and the sales history of products already available in the
market. Resulting cash flow projections over five to 10 years, the period over
which product demand forecasts can be reasonably predicted and internally
generated development costs are written off, are discounted using pre-tax
discount rates, which are calculated from the Group post-tax weighted average
cost of capital of 10.7% (2023: 10.7%).

There were impairments of internally generated development costs in the year
of £3.3m (2023: £1.6m). This includes a £2.0m impairment for Renishaw
Central, our smart manufacturing data platform for industrial process control,
where the near-term cash flows are uncertain in a market new to Renishaw. The
remaining £1.3m covers two lower value impairments where revenue growth
is now expected to be lower than previously forecast.

For the largest projects, comprising 94% of the net book value at 30 June
2024, a 10% reduction to forecast unit sales, or an increase in the discount
rate by 5%, would result in an impairment of less than £0.4m.


13.        Investments in joint ventures

Where we make an investment in a company which gives us significant influence
but not full control, we account for our share of their post-tax profits in
our financial statements. We have joint venture arrangements with two
companies, RLS and MSP.


The Group's investments in joint ventures (all investments being in the
ordinary share capital of the joint ventures), whose accounting years end on
30 June, were:

                                                              Country of                    Ownership  Ownership

                                                              incorporation and             2024       2023

                                                              principal place of business   %          %
 RLS Merilna tehnika d.o.o. ('RLS') - joint venture           Slovenia                      50.0       50.0
 Metrology Software Products Limited ('MSP') - joint venture  England & Wales               70.0       70.0


Although the Group owns 70% of the ordinary share capital of MSP, this is
accounted for as a joint venture as the control requirements of IFRS 10 are
not satisfied. This is because the shareholders agreement includes that for so
long as the Group's holding is less than 75% of the total shares of MSP,
Renishaw plc agrees to exercise its voting rights such that it only votes as
if it has the same aggregate shareholding as the remaining Management


 Movements during the year were:       2024    2023
                                       £'000   £'000
 Balance at the beginning of the year  22,414  20,570
 Dividends received                    (498)   (924)
 Share of profits of joint ventures    3,880   2,768
 Currency differences                  (311)   -
 Balance at the end of the year        25,485  22,414


During FY2024, Renishaw International Limited ('RIL') entered into a 14-day
notice deposit agreement with RLS. Interest is payable by RIL to RLS at a
market rate on a monthly basis. As at 30 June 2024, according to this
agreement RIL had received EUR 10.0m (£8.5m equivalent), which is recognised
as 'amounts payable to joint venture' in the Consolidated balance sheet.


Summarised financial information for joint ventures:


                                                 RLS               MSP
                                                 2024     2023     2024    2023
                                                 £'000    £'000    £'000   £'000
 Assets                                          49,295   43,168   5,470   4,539
 Liabilities                                     (6,167)  (4,969)  (442)   (378)
 Net assets                                      43,128   38,199   5,028   4,161
 Group's share of net assets                     21,564   19,100   3,520   2,913
 Revenue                                         38,548   35,764   2,947   2,554
 Profit/(loss) for the year                      6,546    5,162    867     264
 Group's share of profit/(loss) for the year     3,273    2,583    607     185


The financial statements of RLS have been prepared on the basis of Slovenian
Accounting Standards.

The financial statements of MSP have been prepared on the basis of FRS 102.


14.        Leases (as lessor)

The Group acts as a lessor for Renishaw-manufactured equipment on finance and
operating lease arrangements. This is principally for high-value capital
equipment such as our additive manufacturing machines.


Accounting policy


Where the Group transfers the risks and rewards of ownership of lease assets
to a third party, the Group recognises a receivable in the amount of the net
investment in the lease. The lease receivable is subsequently reduced by the
principal received, while an interest component is recognised as financial
income in the Consolidated income statement. Standard contract terms are up to
five years and there is a nominal residual value receivable at the end of the


Where the Group retains the risks and rewards of ownership of lease assets, it
continues to recognise the leased asset in Property, plant and equipment.
Income from operating leases is recognised on a straight-line basis over the
lease term and recognised as revenue rather than other revenue as such income
is not material. Operating leases are on one to five year terms.


The total future lease payments are split between the principal and interest
amounts below:

                                                                   2024                                                2023
                                                 Gross investment             Net investment  Gross investment £'000              Net investment

                                                 £'000             Interest   £'000                                    Interest   £'000

                                                                   £'000                                               £'000
 Receivable in less than one year                4,761             900        3,861           4,375                    611        3,764
 Receivable between one and two years            5,903             765        5,138           3,600                    447        3,153
 Receivable between two and three years          4,038             347        3,691           3,283                    289        2,994
 Receivable between three and four years         2,072             138        1,934           2,478                    151        2,327
 Receivable between four and five years          1,264             83         1,181           1,502                    41         1,461
 Total future minimum lease payments receivable  18,038            2,233      15,805          15,238                   1,539      13,699


Finance lease receivables are presented as £11.9m (2023: £9.9m) non-current
assets and £3.9m (2023: £3.8m) current assets in the Consolidated balance


The total of future minimum lease payments receivable under non-cancellable
operating leases were:


                                                 2024    2023
                                                 £'000   £'000
 Receivable in less than one year                1,042   1,394
 Receivable between one and four years           707     1,569
 Total future minimum lease payments receivable  1,749   2,963


During the year, £1.2m (2023: £1.0m) of operating lease income was
recognised in revenue.



15.        Cash and cash equivalents and bank deposits

We have always valued having cash in the bank to protect the Group from
downturns and enable us to react swiftly to investment or market capture
opportunities. We currently hold significant cash and cash equivalents and
bank deposits, mostly in the UK and spread across several banks with high
credit ratings.

Accounting policy

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash balances, and deposits with an
original maturity of less than three months or with an original maturity date
of more than three months where the deposit can be accessed on demand without
significant penalty for early withdrawal and where the original deposit amount
is recoverable in full.

Cash and cash equivalents

An analysis of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year was:

                                     2024     2023
                                     £'000    £'000
 Bank balances and cash in hand      75,090   80,196
 Short-term deposits                 47,203   1,192
 Balance at the end of the year      122,293  81,388


Short-term deposits includes a short-term bank deposit in Renishaw plc of
£47.1m which matured on 8 July 2024.

Bank deposits

Bank deposits at the end of the year amounted to £95.5m (2023: £125.0m), of
which £50.0m matures in December 2024, and £43.0m matures in May 2025.



16.        Inventories

We have reduced our inventories in the year, as global supply challenges faced
during the previous year have eased, and remain committed to high customer
delivery performance.


Accounting policy


Inventory and work in progress is valued at the lower of actual cost on a
first-in, first-out (FIFO) basis and net realisable value. In respect of work
in progress and finished goods, cost includes all production overheads and the
attributable proportion of indirect overhead expenses that are required to
bring inventories to their present location and condition. Overheads are
absorbed into inventories on the basis of normal capacity or on actual hours
if higher.


Key estimate - Determination of net realisable inventory value


Determining the net realisable value of inventory requires management to
estimate future demand, especially in respect of provisioning for slow moving
and potentially obsolete inventory. When calculating an inventory provision
management generates an estimate of future demand for individual inventory
items (capped at 3 years) based upon the higher of 12 months of historic usage
or 12 months of demand from customer orders and manufacturing build plans. A
50% provision is calculated where actual holdings represent between 3 to 5
years' worth of future demand, and 100% is calculated where actual holdings
represent over 5 years' worth of future demand. Adjustments are made where
needed, for example where it is highly likely that there will be an increase
in sales beyond the 12-month demand period or where there are obsolescence


This reflects a change from our previous accounting estimate, whereby up to 18
months was used as an initial estimate of future demand for the majority of
products. This change to 3 years has been based on our experience of
previously recognising significant exceptions to the initial calculation, our
obsolescence programmes are typically planned at least three years in advance,
and our inventories are not perishable. We have not disclosed the effect of
this change in estimate, as it is not practical to calculate a provision on
the previous basis at 30 June 2024, due to the level of adjustments which
varies based on the nature of inventory on-hand at each year-end.


An analysis of inventories at the end of the year was:

                                     2024     2023
                                     £'000    £'000
 Raw materials                       53,542   66,210
 Work in progress                    32,840   35,354
 Finished goods                      75,546   84,193
 Balance at the end of the year      161,928  185,757


At the end of the year, the gross cost of inventories which had provisions
held against them totalled £29.6m (2023: £24.5m). During the year, the
amount of write-down of inventories recognised as an expense in the
Consolidated income statement was £6.2m (2023: £8.2m).


Inventories in Renishaw plc account for 63% of the total Inventories of the
Group. A 10% reduction in the estimate of future demand for all Renishaw plc
inventory items would result in an increase in the write-down of inventories
of £0.6m.


17.        Provisions

A provision is a liability recorded in the Consolidated balance sheet, where
there is uncertainty over the timing or amount that will be paid. The main
provision we hold relates to warranties provided with the sale of our


Accounting policy


The Group provides a warranty from the date of purchase, except for those
products that are installed by the Group where the warranty starts from the
date of completion of the installation. This is typically for a 12-month
period, although up to three years is given for a small number of products. A
warranty provision is included in the Group financial statements, which is
calculated on the basis of historical returns and internal quality reports.


Warranty provision movements during the year were:

                                       2024     2023
                                       £'000    £'000
 Balance at the beginning of the year  2,758    4,244
 Created during the year               2,633    2,382
 Unused amounts reversed               -        (717)
 Utilised in the year                  (2,394)  (3,151)
                                       239      (1,486)
 Balance at the end of the year        2,997    2,758


The warranty provision has been calculated on the basis of historical
return-in-warranty information and other internal reports. It is expected
that most of this expenditure will be incurred in the next financial year and
all expenditure will be incurred within three years of the balance
sheet date.


18.        Contract liabilities

Contract liabilities represent the Group's obligation to transfer goods,
capital equipment and/or services to a customer for which the Group has either
received consideration or consideration is due from the customer. Our balances
mostly comprise advances received from customers and payments for services yet
to be completed.

 Balances at the end of the year were:      2024    2023
                                            £'000   £'000
 Goods, capital equipment and installation  210     615
 Aftermarket services                       6,955   4,793
 Deferred revenue                           7,165   5,408
 Advances received from customers           3,715   4,563
 Balance at the end of the year             10,880  9,971


The aggregate amount of the transaction price allocated to performance
obligations that are unsatisfied at the end of the year is £10.9m (2023:
£10.0m). Of this, £1.4m (2023: £2.2m) is not expected to be recognised in
the next financial year.


19.        Other payables

Separate to our trade payables and contract liabilities, which directly relate
to our trading activities, our Other payables mostly comprises amounts payable
to employees, or relating to employees.


Balances at the end of the year were:

                                          2024    2023
                                          £'000   £'000
 Payroll taxes and social security        6,477   6,677
 Performance bonuses                      9,990   11,338
 Holiday pay and retirement accruals      9,397   7,383
 Indirect tax payable                     5,163   4,486
 Other creditors and accruals             19,317  18,246
 Total other payables                     50,344  48,130


Holiday pay accruals are based on a calculation of the number of days' holiday
earned during the year, but not yet taken. Other creditors and accruals
includes a number of other individually smaller accruals.


20.        Borrowings

The Group's only source of external borrowing is a fixed-interest loan
facility in our Japanese subsidiary, entered into to directly finance the
purchase of a new distribution facility in Japan in FY2019.


Third-party borrowings at 30 June 2024 consist of a loan entered into on 31
May 2019 by Renishaw KK, with original principal of JPY 1,447,000,000
(£10,486,000). Principal of JPY 12,000,000 is repayable each month, with a
fixed interest rate of 0.81% also paid on monthly accretion for the first five
years. This loan was extended for an additional five years in May 2024, with a
fixed interest rate of 1.41% payable for the remaining term, at which time the
principal will have been repaid in full. There are no covenants attached
to this loan.


Movements during the year were:

                                           2024    2023
                                           £'000   £'000
 Balance at the beginning of the year      4,694   6,079
 Interest                                  36      46
 Repayments                                (799)   (914)
 Currency adjustment                       (409)   (517)
 Balance at the end of the year            3,522   4,694


Borrowings are held at amortised cost. There is no significant difference
between the book value and fair value of borrowings, which is estimated by
discounting contractual future cash flows, which represents level 2 of the
fair value hierarchy defined in Note 25.


21.        Leases (as lessee)

The Group leases mostly distribution properties and cars from third parties
and recognises an associated lease liability for the total present value of
payments the lease contracts commit us to.


Accounting policy


At the commencement date of a lease arrangement the Group recognises a
right-of-use asset for the leased item and a lease liability for any payments
due. Lease liabilities are initially measured at the present value of the
lease payments that are not paid at the commencement date, discounted using
the incremental borrowing rate of the applicable entity. The lease liability
is subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method
and is remeasured if there is a change in future lease payments arising from a
change in an index or rate (such as an inflation-linked increase) or if there
is a change in the Group's assessment of whether it will exercise an extension
or termination option. When this happens there is a corresponding adjustment
to the right-of-use asset. Where the Group enters into leases with a lease
term of 12-months or less, these are treated as 'short-term' leases and are
recognised on a straight-line basis as an expense in the Consolidated income
statement. The same treatment applies to low-value assets, which are typically
IT equipment and office equipment.


Lease liabilities are analysed as below:

 2024                                         Leasehold property   Plant and equipment   Motor

                                              £'000                £'000                 vehicles   Total

                                                                                         £'000      £'000
 Due in less than one year                    2,396                36                    2,161      4,593
 Due between one and two years                2,137                22                    1,816      3,975
 Due between two and three years              1,862                7                     1,035      2,904
 Due between three and four years             1,549                1                     205        1,755
 Due between four and five years              1,001                -                     8          1,009
 Due in more than five years                  4,454                -                     -          4,454
 Total future minimum lease payments payable  13,399               66                    5,225      18,690
 Effect of discounting                        (3,311)              (2)                   (355)      (3,668)
 Lease liability                              10,088               64                    4,870      15,022



2023                                        Leasehold property   Plant and equipment   Motor

                                              £'000                £'000                 vehicles   Total

                                                                                         £'000      £'000
 Due in less than one year                    1,737                21                    1,520      3,278
 Due between one and two years                691                  13                    1,192      1,896
 Due between two and three years              510                  13                    858        1,381
 Due between three and four years             351                  6                     387        744
 Due between four and five years              110                  1                     66         177
 Due in more than five years                  3,481                -                     -          3,481
 Total future minimum lease payments payable  6,880                54                    4,023      10,957
 Effect of discounting                        (1,566)              (1)                   (756)      (2,324)
 Lease liability                              5,314                53                    3,267      8,633


Lease liabilities are also presented as a £4.0m (2023: £3.0m) current
liability and a £11.1m (2023: £5.6m) non-current liability in the
Consolidated balance sheet.


Amounts recognised in the Consolidated income statement relating to leases

                                                                    2024    2023
                                                                    £'000   £'000
 Depreciation of right-of-use assets                                4,653   4,223
 Interest expense on lease liabilities                              537     348
 Expenses relating to short-term and low-value leases               138     471
 Total expense recognised in the Consolidated income statement      5,328   5,042
 Total cash outflows for leases                                     5,034   5,025


22.        Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities

 £000               1 July 2023   Cash flows   Other   Currency   30 June 2024
 Lease liabilities  8,633         (4,359)      10,967  (219)      15,022
 Borrowings         4,694         (799)        36      (409)      3,522
                    13,327        (5,158)      11,003  (628)      18,544


                    1 July 2022   Cash flows   Other   Currency   30 June 2023
 Lease liabilities  10,180        (4,206)      2,918   (259)      8,633
 Borrowings         6,079         (914)        46      (517)      4,694
                    16,259        (5,120)      2,964   (776)      13,327


See Notes 20 and 21 for further details on borrowing and leasing activities.


23.        Employee benefits

The Group operates contributory pension schemes, largely for UK and Ireland
employees, which were of the defined benefit type up to 5 April 2007 and 31
December 2007 respectively, at which time they ceased any future accrual for
existing members and were closed to new members. The Group's largest defined
benefit scheme is in the UK.


Accounting policy


Defined benefit pension schemes are administered by trustees who are
independent of the Group finances. Investment assets of the schemes are
measured at fair value using the bid price of the unitised investments, quoted
by the investment manager, at the reporting date. For buy-in insurance
contracts, where the income received from a policy matches exactly the benefit
payments due to the members it is covering, the value attributable to the
contract to be recognised as an asset is the equivalent IAS 19 value of the
corresponding liabilities.


Pension scheme liabilities are measured using a projected unit method and
discounted at the current rate of return on a high-quality corporate bond
of equivalent term and currency to the liability. Remeasurements arising from
defined benefit schemes comprise actuarial gains and losses, the return on
scheme assets (excluding interest) and the effect of the asset ceiling
(if any, excluding interest). The Company recognises them immediately in
Other comprehensive income and all other expenses related to defined benefit
schemes are included in the Consolidated income statement.


The pension schemes' surpluses, to the extent that they are considered
recoverable, or deficits are recognised in full and presented on the face of
the Consolidated balance sheet under Employee benefits. Where a guarantee is
in place in relation to a pension scheme deficit, liabilities are reported in
accordance with IFRIC 14 'The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum
Funding Requirements and their Interaction'. To the extent that contributions
payable will not be available as a refund after they are paid into the plan, a
liability is recognised at the point the obligation arises, which is the point
at which the minimum funding guarantee is agreed. Overseas-based employees are
covered by a combination of state, defined benefit and private pension schemes
in their countries of residence. Actuarial valuations of overseas pension
schemes were not obtained, apart from Ireland.


For defined contribution schemes, the amount charged to the Consolidated
income statement represents the contributions payable to the schemes in
respect of the accounting period.


Key estimate - Valuation of defined benefit pension schemes' liabilities


Determining the value of the future defined benefit obligation requires
estimation in respect of the assumptions used to determine the present values.
These include future mortality, discount rate and inflation. Management makes
these estimates in consultation with independent actuaries.


Key judgement - Whether past service costs need to be recognised


Management also need to determine the appropriate accounting treatment for
past service costs, and do so in consultation with independent legal advisors
and actuaries.


The total pension cost of the Group for the year was £27.9m (2023: £26.1m),
of which £0.1m (2023: £0.1m) related to Directors and £6.5m (2023: £6.2m)
related to overseas schemes.


The latest full actuarial valuation of the UK defined benefit pension scheme
('UK scheme') was carried out as at 30 September 2021 and updated to 30 June
2024 by a qualified independent actuary. The mortality assumption used for
FY2024 is the S3PxA base tables and CMI 2023 model, with long-term
improvements of 1% per annum. Adjustments have been made to both the core base
tables and CMI 2023 model to allow for the scheme's membership profile and
best estimate assumptions of future mortality improvements.


Major assumptions used by actuaries for the UK, Ireland and US schemes were:


                                       30 June 2024                   30 June 2023
                                       UK scheme  Ireland scheme      UK scheme  Ireland scheme
 Rate of increase in pension payments  2.95%                2.50%     3.05%      2.70%
 Discount rate                         5.10%                3.75%     5.10%      3.60%
 Inflation rate (RPI)                  3.25%                2.50%     3.25%      2.70%
 Inflation rate (CPI)                  2.25%1                         2.25%1
                                       3.25%2               2.50%     3.25%2     2.70%
 Retirement age                        64                   65        64         65

1. pre-2030     2. post-2030


The life expectancies from the retirement age of 65 for the UK scheme implied
by the mortality assumption at age 65 and 45 are:

                               2024   2023
                               years  years
 Male currently aged 65        21.1   21.1
 Female currently aged 65      23.5   23.5
 Male currently aged 45        21.8   21.8
 Female currently aged 45      24.4   24.3


The weighted average duration of the UK scheme obligation is around 17 years
(2023: 17 years).


The assets and liabilities in the defined benefit schemes at the end of the
year were:


                                   30 June 2024 £'000   % of total assets  30 June 2023 £'000   % of total assets
 Market value of assets:
   Insurance contract              129,207              84                 -                    -
   Credit and fixed income funds   9,268                6                  54,656               28
   Equities                        6,861                4                  5,729                3
   Multi-asset funds               5,869                4                  26,966               14
   Index linked gilts              1,269                1                  55,183               28
   Fixed interest gilts            -                    -                  13,219               7
   Cash and other                  660                  -                  40,576               20
                                   153,134              100                196,329              100
 Actuarial value of liabilities    (142,289)            -                  (138,958)            -
 Surplus/(deficit) in the schemes  10,845               -                  57,371               -
 Deferred tax thereon              (2,445)              -                  (14,348)             -


Note C.43, within the Annual Report, gives the analysis of the UK scheme. For
the other schemes, the market value of assets at the end of the year was
£14.0m (2023: £14.6m) and the actuarial value of liabilities was £11.9m
(2023: £14.7m). The UK scheme was in a net surplus position at 30 June 2024
totalling £8.7m (2023: surplus £57.4m), and is therefore presented in
non-current assets in the Consolidated balance sheet. The Ireland scheme was
in a net asset position at 30 June 2024 totalling £2.1m (2023: £0.1m
deficit), and is therefore also presented in non-current assets.


During FY2024, the Trustee of the UK scheme undertook a buy-in and insured
around 99% of the UK scheme's liabilities by purchasing an insurance policy.
This contract was effective from 19 October 2023 and is held in the name of
the Trustee. The value of the contract is recognised as a UK scheme asset for
the purposes of IAS 19. In line with IAS 19.115, for a buy-in insurance
contract such as this, where the income received from the policy matches
exactly the benefit payments due to the members it is covering, the value
attributable to the contract to be recognised as an asset is the equivalent
IAS 19 value of the corresponding liabilities.


The value of the corresponding IAS 19 liabilities for the members covered by
the buy-in contract was calculated based on individual member data as at 27
January 2023, allowing for known deaths and transfer-outs between 27 January
2023 and 19 October 2023. The IAS 19 liabilities in respect of the buy-in
policy were lower than the transaction price of the insurance contract.
Consequently, the value attributable to the insurance contract has reduced
from the actual price paid, and the resulting remeasurement loss is recognised
in the 'Return on plan assets' item in the Consolidated statement of
comprehensive income and expense. The IAS 19 liabilities as at 19 October 2023
were £118.5m. The final premium paid for the buy-in was £150.4m, and
therefore a loss of £31.9m has been reflected in the Consolidated statement
of comprehensive income and expense.


Equities are held in externally-managed funds and primarily relate to UK and
US equities. Credit and fixed income funds, and index linked gilts relate to
UK, US and Eurozone government-linked securities, again held in
externally-managed funds. The fair values of these equity and fixed income
instruments are determined using the bid price of the unitised investments,
quoted by the investment manager, at the reporting date and therefore
represent level 2 of the fair value hierarchy defined in Note 25. Multi-asset
funds are also held in externally-managed funds, with active asset allocation
to diversify growth across asset classes such as equities, bonds and
money-market instruments. The fair value of these funds is determined on a
comparable basis to the equity and fixed income funds, and therefore are also
level 2 assets. Cash and other at 30 June 2024 mostly comprises amounts held
in a Sterling bank account, in which the principal is preserved and same day
liquidity is available.


No scheme assets are directly invested in the Group's own equity.


The movements in the schemes' assets and liabilities were:


                                         Assets    Liabilities  Total
 Year ended 30 June 2024                 £'000     £'000        £'000
 Balance at the beginning of the year    196,329   (138,958)    57,371
 Contributions paid                      161       -            161
 Interest on pension schemes             9,581     (6,673)      2,908
 Remeasurement gain/(loss) under IAS 19  (45,054)  (3,634)      (48,688)
 Scheme administration expenses          (907)     -            (907)
 Benefits paid                           (6,976)   6,976        -
 Balance at the end of the year          153,134   (142,289)    10,845


                                                                 Assets    Liabilities  Total
 Year ended 30 June 2023                                         £'000     £'000        £'000
 Balance at the beginning of the year                            216,749   (174,504)    42,245
 Contributions paid                                              2,341     -            2,341
 Interest on pension schemes                                     7,745     (6,135)      1,610
 Remeasurement loss from augmentation of members' benefits (US)  -         (1,930)      (1,930)
 Remeasurement gain/(loss) under IAS 19                          (16,722)  30,334       13,612
 Scheme administration expenses                                  (398)     -            (398)
 (Loss)/gain on settlements                                      (1,098)   989          (109)
 Benefits paid                                                   (12,288)  12,288       -
 Balance at the end of the year                                  196,329   (138,958)    57,371


The analysis of the amount recognised in the Consolidated statement of
comprehensive income and expense was:

                                                                                            2024      2023
                                                                                            £'000     £'000
 Actuarial gain/(loss) arising from:
 - Changes in demographic assumptions                                                       35        2,028
 - Changes in financial assumptions                                                         863       37,318
 - Experience adjustment                                                                    (4,532)   (9,012)
 Return on plan assets excluding interest income                                            (45,054)  (16,722)
 Total amount recognised in the Consolidated statement of comprehensive income and expense  (48,688)  13,612


The cumulative amount of actuarial gains and losses recognised in the
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income and expense was a loss of
£57.5m (2023: loss of £8.8m).


The net surplus of the Group's defined benefit pension schemes, on an IAS 19
basis, has decreased from £57.4m at 30 June 2023 to £10.8m at 30 June 2024,
primarily as a result of the buy-in remeasurement loss.


For the UK scheme, the latest actuarial report prepared in September 2021
shows a deficit of £52.8m, which is based on funding to self-sufficiency and
uses prudent assumptions. IAS 19 requires best estimate assumptions to be
used, resulting in the IAS 19 net surplus being higher than the actuarial


The existing deficit funding plan for the UK scheme is in place until 30 June
2031, at which time any outstanding deficit will be paid. The agreement will
end sooner if the actuarial deficit (calculated on a self-sufficiency basis)
is eliminated in the meantime. The net book value of properties subject to
fixed charges under this agreement at 30 June 2024 was £45.9m (2023:


The charges may be enforced by the Trustees if one of the following occurs:
(a) the Company does not pay funds into the scheme in line with the agreed
plan; (b) an insolvency event occurs in relation to the Company; or (c) the
Company does not pay any deficit at 30 June 2031.


Under the Ireland defined benefit pension scheme deficit funding plan, a
property owned by Renishaw Ireland (DAC) is subject to a registered fixed
charge to secure the Ireland defined benefit pension scheme's deficit.


Benefits in the UK scheme are subject to a DC underpin at the point of
retirement or transfer out. Historically, this has been allowed for in the
accounts in a consistent manner to current administrative practice and the
triennial funding valuations. During the buy-in process, it was identified
that the drafting of the DC underpin in the UK scheme Rules may require that
the DC underpin is applied in a manner which is different to the
administrative practice which has been applied. The Trustee and Company are
currently seeking legal clarification and advice on this issue, with the
intention of correcting the Rules to match administrative practice. No
allowance for this matter has been made at 30 June 2024, as management have
assessed it to be unlikely that there will be an increase in liabilities, and
due to the uncertainty of legal treatment and therefore any potential impact
on liabilities.


In June 2023, the High Court ruled that certain historic amendments made to
the rules of the Virgin Media pension scheme were invalid without the scheme's
actuary having provided the associated Section 37 certificates. This judgement
was upheld by the Court of Appeal in July 2024, which has implications on
other schemes that were contracted-out on a salary-related basis, and made
amendments between April 1997 and April 2016. The UK scheme was contracted out
until 5 April 2007 and amendments were made during the relevant period and as
such the ruling could have implications for the UK scheme. The Directors
sought initial professional advice on this after June 2023 and our expectation
is that proper procedures would have been undertaken at the time of changes by
the Trustees, actuaries and administrators. However, as of the date of
approving these financial statements, the possible implications, if any, for
the UK Scheme not having all Section 37 certificates have not been
investigated in detail. The Trustee and Company will now seek further legal
advice on this matter and will act appropriately. Accordingly, no amendments
for this matter have been included in the IAS 19 actuarial valuation as the
impact, if any, cannot be reliably assessed.


For the UK scheme, a guide to the sensitivity of the value of the respective
liabilities is as follows:


                        Variation                             effect on liabilities
 UK - discount rate     Increase/decrease by 0.5%             -£9.2m/+£10.3m
 UK - future inflation  Increase/decrease by 0.5%             +£7.7m/-£6.6m
 UK - mortality         Increased/decreased life by one year  +£4.0m/-£4.1m


24.        Share-based payments

The Group provides share-based payment arrangements to certain employees in
accordance with the Renishaw plc deferred annual equity incentive plan. The
Governance section provides information of how these awards are determined.

Accounting policy

Renishaw shares are granted in accordance with the Renishaw plc deferred
annual equity incentive plan (the DAEIP). The share awards are subject only to
continuing service of the employee and are equity settled. The fair value of
the awards at the date of grant, which is estimated to be equal to the market
value, is charged to the Consolidated income statement on a straight-line
basis over a three-year vesting period, with appropriate adjustments made to
reflect expected or actual forfeitures. The corresponding credit is to Other


The number of shares to be awarded is calculated by dividing the relevant
amount of annual bonus under the DAEIP by the average price of a share during
a period determined by the Remuneration Committee of not more than five
dealing days ending with the dealing day before the award date. These shares
must be purchased on the open market and cannot be satisfied by issuance of
new shares or transfer of existing treasury shares.


The Renishaw Employee Benefit Trust (EBT) is responsible for purchasing shares
on the open market on behalf of the Company to satisfy the DAEIP awards. These
are held by the EBT until transferring to the employee, which will normally be
on the third anniversary of the award date, subject to continued employment.
Malus and clawback provisions can be operated by the Committee within five
years of the award date. During the vesting period, no dividends are payable
on the shares. However, upon vesting, employees will be entitled to additional
shares or cash, equivalent to the value of dividends paid on the awarded
shares during this period. This amount is accrued over the vesting period.


Own shares held are recognised as an element in equity until they are
transferred at the end of the vesting period, and such shares are excluded
from earnings per share calculations.


The total cost recognised in the FY2024 Consolidated income statement in
respect of the DAEIP was £0.9m (2023: £0.7m). See Note 26 for
reconciliations of amounts recognised in Equity.


In accordance with the DAEIP, shares equivalent to £0.2m (2023: nil) are to
be awarded in respect of FY2024.



25.        Financial instruments


The Group has exposure to credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk arising
from its use of financial instruments. This note presents information about
the Group's exposure to these risks, along with the Group's objectives,
policies and processes for measuring and managing the risks.


Accounting policy


The Group measures financial instruments such as forward exchange contracts at
fair value at each balance sheet date in accordance with IFRS 9 'Financial
Instruments'. Fair value, as defined by IFRS 13 'Fair Value Measurement', is
the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a
liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the
measurement date. This note provides detail on the IFRS 13 fair value


Trade and other current receivables are initially recognised at fair value and
are subsequently held at amortised cost less any provision for bad and
doubtful debts and expected credit losses according to IFRS 9. Trade and other
current payables are initially recognised at fair value and are subsequently
held at amortised cost.


Financial liabilities in the form of loans are initially recognised at fair
value and are subsequently held at amortised cost. Financial liabilities are
assessed for embedded derivatives and whether any such derivatives are closely
related. If not closely related, such derivatives are accounted for at fair
value in the Consolidated income statement.


Foreign currency derivatives are used to manage risks arising from changes in
foreign currency rates relating to overseas sales and foreign
currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Group does not enter into
derivatives for speculative purposes. Foreign currency derivatives are stated
at their fair value, being the estimated amount that the Group would pay or
receive to terminate them at the balance sheet date, based on prevailing
foreign currency rates.


Changes in the fair value of foreign currency derivatives which are designated
and effective as hedges of future cash flows are recognised in Other
comprehensive income and in the Cash flow hedging reserve, and subsequently
transferred to the carrying amount of the hedged item or the Consolidated
income statement. Realised gains or losses on cash flow hedges are therefore
recognised in the Consolidated income statement within revenue in the same
period as the hedged item.


Hedge accounting is discontinued when the hedging instrument expires or when
the hedging instrument or hedged item no longer qualify for hedge accounting.
If the forecast transaction is still expected to occur, but is no longer
highly probable, the cumulative gain or loss in the cash flow hedge reserve
remains in that reserve until the transaction occurs. If the forecast
transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss in the
cash flow hedge reserve is immediately reclassified to the Consolidated income


Changes in fair value of foreign currency derivatives, which are ineffective
or do not meet the criteria for hedge accounting in IFRS 9, are recognised in
the Consolidated income statement within Gains/losses from the fair value of
financial instruments.


In addition to derivatives held for cash flow hedging purposes, the Group uses
short-term derivatives not designated as hedging instruments to offset gains
and losses from exchange rate movements on foreign currency-denominated assets
and liabilities. Gains and losses from currency movements on underlying assets
and liabilities, realised gains and losses on these derivatives, and fair
value gains and losses on outstanding derivatives of this nature are all
recognised in financial income and expenses in the Consolidated income


Key estimate - Estimates of highly probable forecasts of the hedged item.


Derivatives are effective for hedge accounting to the extent that the hedged
item is 'highly probable' to occur, with 'highly probable' indicating a much
greater likelihood of occurrence than the term 'more likely than not'.
Determining a highly probable sales forecast for Renishaw plc and Renishaw UK
Sales Limited, being the hedged item, over a multiple year time period,
requires judgement of the suitability of external and internal data sources
and estimations of future sales.



Fair value


There is no significant difference between the fair value of financial assets
and financial liabilities and their carrying value in the Consolidated balance
sheet. All financial assets and liabilities are held at amortised cost, apart
from the forward foreign currency exchange contracts, which are held at fair
value, with changes going through the Consolidated income statement unless
subject to hedge accounting.


The fair values of the forward foreign currency exchange contracts have been
calculated by a third-party expert, discounting estimated future cash flows on
the basis of market expectations of future exchange rates, representing level
2 in the IFRS 13 fair value hierarchy. The IFRS 13 level categorisation
relates to the extent the fair value can be determined by reference to
comparable market values. The classifications are: level 1 where instruments
are quoted on an active market; level 2 where the assumptions used to arrive
at fair value have comparable market data; and level 3 where the assumptions
used to arrive at fair value do not have comparable market data.


Credit risk


The Group's liquid funds are substantially held with banks with high credit
ratings and the credit risk relating to these funds is therefore limited. The
Group carries a credit risk relating to non-payment of trade receivables by
its customers. The Group's policy is that credit evaluations are carried out
on all new customers before credit is given above certain thresholds. Risk is
spread across a large number of customers with no significant concentration
with one customer or in any one geographical area. The Group establishes an
allowance for impairment in respect of trade receivables where recoverability
is considered doubtful.


An analysis by currency of the Group's financial assets at the year end is as


                 Trade and finance lease receivables     Other receivables     Cash and cash equivalents and bank deposits
                 2024                2023                2024       2023       2024                    2023
 Currency        £'000               £'000               £'000      £'000      £'000                   £'000
 Pound Sterling  17,258              17,530              24,807     20,592     168,781                 161,489
 US Dollar       57,209              49,609              1,613      814        8,261                   12,465
 Euro            30,699              28,418              2,320      1,433      10,532                  6,481
 Japanese Yen    13,135              16,555              144        137        3,358                   6,481
 Other           31,577              25,014              5,192      5,003      26,903                  19,472
                 149,878             137,126             34,076     27,979     217,835                 206,388


The above Trade and finance lease receivables, Other receivables and Cash and
cash equivalents bank deposits are predominately held in the functional
currency of the relevant entity, with the exception of £21.3m (2023: £19.7m)
of US Dollar-denominated trade receivables being held in Renishaw (Hong Kong)
Limited and £1.6m (2023: £1.7m) of Euro-denominated trade receivables being
held in Renishaw UK Sales Limited, along with some foreign currency cash
balances which are of a short-term nature.


The ageing of trade receivables past due, but not impaired, at the end of the
year was:

                                     2024    2023
                                     £'000   £'000
 Past due zero to one month          13,250  11,808
 Past due one to two months          7,763   3,880
 Past due more than two months       13,041  9,732
 Balance at the end of the year      34,054  25,420


Movements in the provision for impairment of trade receivables during the year

                                           2024     2023
                                           £'000    £'000
 Balance at the beginning of the year      3,438    2,540
 Changes in amounts provided               2,264    1,784
 Amounts used                              (1,223)  (886)
 Balance at the end of the year            4,479    3,438


The Group applies the simplified approach when measuring the expected credit
loss for trade receivables, with a provision matrix used to determine a
lifetime expected credit loss.


For this provision matrix, trade receivables are grouped into credit risk
categories, with category 1 being the lowest risk and category 5 the highest.
Risk scores are allocated to the customer's country of operation, their type
(such as distributor, end user and OEM), their industry and the proportion of
their debt that was past due at the year-end. These scores are then weighted
to produce an overall risk score for the customer, with the lowest scores
being allocated to category 1 and the highest scores to category 5. The matrix
then applies an expected credit loss rate to each category, with this rate
being determined by adjusting the Group's historic credit loss rates to
reflect forward-looking information.


Where certain customers have been identified as having a significantly
elevated credit risk these have been provided for on a specific basis. Both
elements of expected credit loss are shown in the matrix below and have been
shown separately so as not to distort the expected credit loss rate.


                                 Risk category 1  Risk category 2  Risk category 3  Risk category 4  Risk category 5  2024

 Year ended 30 June 2024         £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000
 Gross trade receivables         14,215           38,781           84,049           1,508            -                138,553
 Expected credit loss rate       0.46%            0.50%            0.54%            0.58%            -                0.52%
 Expected credit loss allowance  65               193              447              9                -                714
 Specific loss allowance         -                4                3,440            322              -                3,766
 Total expected credit loss      65               197              3,887            331              -                4,480
 Net trade receivables           14,150           38,584           80,162           1,177            -                134,073


                                 Risk category 1  Risk category 2  Risk category 3  Risk category 4  Risk category 5  2023

 Year ended 30 June 2023         £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000
 Gross trade receivables         3,126            60,826           57,991           4,922            -                126,865
 Expected credit loss rate       0.34%            0.38%            0.41%            0.44%            -                0.39%
 Expected credit loss allowance  11               228              240              22               -                501
 Specific loss allowance         -                219              1,313            1,405            -                2,937
 Total expected credit loss      11               447              1,553            1,427            -                3,438
 Net trade receivables           3,115            60,379           56,438           3,495            -                123,427


Finance lease receivables are subject to the same approach as noted above for
trade receivables.

Derivative assets are assessed based on the credit risk of the banks
counterparty to the forward contracts.

Other receivables include mostly prepayments and indirect tax receivables.
Prepayment balances are reviewed at each reporting date to confirm that
prepaid goods or services are still expected to be received, while tax
balances are reviewed for recoverability.

Other receivables at the year end comprised:

                                                      2024    2023*
                                                      £'000   £'000
 Indirect tax receivable                              7,206   9,304
 Software maintenance                                 7,816   5,857
 Grants                                               875     1,426
 Research and development tax credit recoverable      4,969   351
 Contract assets                                      309     861
 Other prepayments                                    12,901  11,041
 Total other receivables                              34,076  28,840

The maximum exposure to credit risk is £416.7m (2023: £387.2m*), comprising
the Group's trade, finance and other receivables, cash and cash equivalents
and bank deposits, and derivative assets.

*2023 other receivables have been reclassified to include Contract assets,
given the relatively low value of this line item.


The maturities of non-current other receivables, being only derivatives, at
the year end were:

                                            2024    2023
                                            £'000   £'000
 Receivable between one and two years       1,387   9,443
 Receivable between two and five years      -       -
                                            1,387   9,443


Liquidity risk


Our approach to managing liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that we
will always have sufficient liquidity to meet our liabilities when due,
without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to the Group's
reputation. We use monthly cash flow forecasts on a rolling 12-month basis to
monitor cash requirements.


With Cash and cash equivalents and bank deposits at 30 June 2024 totalling
£217.8m and £124.1m cash flows generated from operating activities in the
period, the Group remains in a strong liquidity position.


In respect of Cash and cash equivalents and bank deposits, the carrying value
is materially the same as fair value because of the short maturity of the bank
deposits. Bank deposits are affected by interest rates that are either fixed
or floating, which can change over time, affecting the Group's interest
income. A decrease of 1% in interest rates would result in a reduction in
interest income of approximately £2m.


The contractual maturities of financial liabilities at the year end were:


                                                                                       Contractual cash flows
                             Carrying amount  Effect of discounting  Gross maturities  Up to     1-2       2-5

                                                                                       1 year    years     years
 Year ended 30 June 2024     £'000            £'000                  £'000             £'000     £'000     £'000
 Trade payables              21,330           -                      21,330            21,330    -         -
 Other payables              50,344           -                      50,344            50,344    -         -
 Borrowings                  3,522            138                    3,660             756       745       2,159
 Forward exchange contracts  625              -                      625               448       177       -
                             75,821           138                    75,959            72,878    922       2,159



                                                                           Contractual cash flows
                             Carrying  Effect of discounting  Gross        Up to     1-2       2-5

                             amount                           maturities   1 year    years     years
 Year ended 30 June 2023     £'000     £'000                  £'000        £'000     £'000     £'000
 Trade payables              21,551    -                      21,551       21,551    -         -
 Other payables              48,130    -                      48,130       48,130    -         -
 Borrowings                  4,694     36                     4,730        4,730     -         -
 Forward exchange contracts  5,209     -                      5,209        5,089     120       -
                             79,584    36                     79,620       79,500    120       -


Market risk


The Group operates in several foreign currencies with the majority of sales
being made in these non-Sterling currencies, but with most manufacturing being
undertaken in the UK, Ireland and India.


A large proportion of sales are made in US Dollar, Euro and Japanese Yen,
therefore the Group enters into US Dollar, Euro and Japanese Yen derivative
financial instruments to manage its exposure to foreign currency risk,


i.    forward foreign currency exchange contracts to hedge a significant
proportion of the Group's forecasted US Dollar, Euro and Japanese Yen revenues
over the next 24 months; and

ii.   One-month forward foreign currency exchange contracts to offset the
gains/losses from exchange rate movements arising from foreign
currency-denominated intragroup balances of the Company,



The amounts of foreign currencies relating to these forward contracts and
options are, in Sterling terms:


               2024                       2023
               Nominal value  Fair value  Nominal value  Fair value

               £'000          £'000       £'000          £'000
 US Dollar     332,679        7,388       345,010        5,009
 Euro          173,089        4,661       179,992        1,389
 Japanese Yen  15,581         2,260       30,318         3,209
               521,349        14,309      555,320        9,607


The following are the exchange rates which have been applicable during the
financial year.


                              2024                                                             2023
            Average forward contract rates      Year end exchange rate  Average exchange rate  Average forward contract rates  Year end exchange rate  Average exchange rate

 US Dollar                    1.25              1.27                    1.26                   1.24                            1.27                    1.21
 Euro                         1.13              1.18                    1.17                   1.13                            1.16                    1.15
 Japanese Yen                 140               203                     189                    141                             183                     166





In relation to the forward currency contracts in a designated cash flow hedge,
the hedged item is a layer component of forecast sales transactions. Forecast
transactions are deemed highly probable to occur and Group policy is to hedge
around 75% of net foreign currency exposure for USD, EUR and JPY. The hedged
item creates an exposure to receive USD, EUR or JPY, while the forward
contract is to sell USD, EUR or JPY and buy GBP. Therefore, there is a strong
economic relationship between the hedging instrument and the hedged item. The
hedge ratio is 100%, such that, by way of example, £10m nominal value of
forward currency contracts are used to hedge £10m of forecast sales. Fair
value gains or losses on the forward currency contracts are offset by foreign
currency gain or losses on the translation of USD, EUR and JPY based sales
revenue, relative to the forward rate at the date the forward contracts were
arranged. Foreign currency exposures in HKD and USD are aggregated and only
USD forward currency contracts are used to hedge these currency exposures.
Sources of hedge ineffectiveness according to IFRS 9 Financial Instruments


- changes in timing of the hedged item;

- reduction in the amount of the hedged sales considered to be highly

- a change in the credit risk of Renishaw or the bank counterparty to the
forward contract; and

- differences in assumptions used in calculating fair value.


No contracts have become ineffective during the period. A decrease of 10% in
the highly probable forecasts would result in around £0.5m nominal value of
forward contracts becoming ineffective.


The following table details the fair value of these forward foreign currency
derivatives according to the categorisations of instruments noted previously:



                                                                               2024                           2023
                                                                               Nominal value  Fair value      Nominal value  Fair value

                                                                               £'000          £'000           £'000          £'000
 Forward currency contracts in a designated cash flow hedge (i)
 Non-current derivative assets                                                 140,109        1,387           268,908        9,443
 Current derivative assets                                                     245,577        13,338          118,271        4,461
 Current derivative liabilities                                                790            -               109,434        (5,048)
 Non-current derivative liabilities                                            54,852         (177)           21,148         (120)
                                                                               441,328        14,548          517,761        8,736

 Amounts recognised in the Consolidated statement of comprehensive income and

                                                                               -              5,812           -              23,167

 Forward currency contracts ineffective as a cash flow hedge (i)
 Current derivative liabilities                                                -              -               -              -
 Amounts recognised in Losses from the fair value of financial instruments in
 the Consolidated income statement

                                                                                                              -              (1,399)

                                                                               -              -

 Forward currency contracts not in a designated cash flow hedge (iii)
 Current derivative assets                                                     17,614         209             17,134         912
 Current derivative liabilities                                                62,407         (448)           20,425         (41)
                                                                               80,021         (239)           37,559         871

 Amounts recognised in Financial income/(expense) in the Consolidated income

                                                                               -              318             -              1,728

 Total forward contracts and options
 Non-current derivative assets                                                 140,109        1,387           268,908        9,443
 Current derivative assets                                                     263,191        13,547          135,405        5,373
 Current derivative liabilities                                                63,197         (448)           129,859        (5,089)
 Non-current derivative liabilities                                            54,852         (177)           21,148         (120)
                                                                               521,349        14,309          555,320        9,607


The total recognised in Revenue in the Consolidated income statement relating
to cash flow hedges previously recognised through Other comprehensive income
amounted to £0.1m gain (2023: £7.7m loss).


For the Group's foreign currency forward contracts at the balance sheet date,
if Sterling appreciated by 5% against the US Dollar, Euro and Japanese Yen,
this would increase pre-tax equity by £21.0m and increase profit before tax
by £3.8m, while a depreciation of 5% would decrease pre-tax equity by £23.2m
and decrease profit before tax by £4.2m.


26.        Share capital and reserves


The Group defines capital as being the equity attributable to the owners of
the Company, which is captioned on the Consolidated balance sheet. The Board's
policy is to maintain a strong capital base, ensuring the security of the
Group, and to maintain a balance between returns to shareholders, with a
progressive dividend policy. This note presents figures relating to this
capital management, along with an analysis of all elements of Equity
attributable to shareholders and non-controlling interests.


Share capital

                                                                            2024    2023
                                                                            £'000   £'000
 Allotted, called-up and fully paid 72,788,543 ordinary shares of 20p each  14,558  14,558


The ordinary shares are the only class of share in the Company. Holders of
ordinary shares are entitled to vote at general meetings of the Company and
receive dividends as declared. The Articles of Association of the Company do
not contain any restrictions on the transfer of shares nor on voting rights.



Dividends paid

Dividends paid comprised:

                                                                2024    2023
                                                                £'000   £'000
 2023 final dividend paid of 59.4p per share (2022: 56.6p)      43,195  41,190
 Interim dividend paid of 16.8p per share (2023: 16.8p)         12,217  12,217
 Total dividends paid                                           55,412  53,407


A final dividend of 59.4p per share is proposed in respect of FY2024, which
will be payable on 5 December 2024 to shareholders on the register on 1
November 2024.


Own shares held


The EBT is responsible for purchasing shares on the open market on behalf of
the Company to satisfy the Plan awards, see Note 24 for further detail. Own
shares held are recognised as an element in equity until they are transferred
at the end of the vesting period.


Movements during the year were:

                                           2024     2023
                                           £'000    £'000
 Balance at the beginning of the year      (2,963)  (750)
 Acquisition of own shares                 -        (2,213)
 Balance at the end of the year            (2,963)  (2,963)


In November 2021, 14,396 shares were purchased on the open market by the EBT
at a price of £52.10, costing a total of £750,017. The fair value of these
awards at the grant date, being 28 October 2021, was £734,317. These shares
will vest on 28 October 2024, with no forfeitures expected at 30 June 2024.


In November 2022, 54,582 shares were purchased on the open market by the EBT
at a price of £40.24, costing a total of £2,212,831. The fair value of these
awards at the grant date, being 26 October 2022, was £1,915,000. These shares
will vest on 26 October 2025, with no forfeitures expected at 30 June 2024.


Other reserve


The other reserve relates to share-based payments charges according to IFRS 2
in relation to the Plan, along with historical amounts relating to investments
in subsidiary undertakings not eliminated on consolidation.


Movements during the year were:

                                                                   2024    2023
                                                                   £'000   £'000
 Balance at the beginning of the year                              497     (180)
 Share-based payments charge in respect of share vesting in 2024   245     245
 Share-based payments charge in respect of shares vesting in 2025  638     432
 Balance at the end of the year                                    1,380   497


Currency translation reserve


The currency translation reserve comprises all foreign exchange differences
arising from the translation of the financial statements of the overseas
operations and currency movements on intragroup loan balances classified as
net investments in overseas operations.


 Movements during the year were:                                               2024     2023
                                                                               £'000    £'000
 Balance at the beginning of the year                                          6,772    14,459
 Loss on net assets of foreign currency operations                             (3,811)  (5,905)
 Loss on intragroup loans classified as net investments in foreign operations  (227)    (2,095)
 Tax on translation of net investments in foreign operations                   57       313
 Loss in the year relating to subsidiaries                                     (3,981)  (7,687)
 Currency exchange differences relating to joint ventures                      (311)    -
 Balance at the end of the year                                                2,480    6,772


See Note 5 for further information on intragroup loans classified as net


Cash flow hedging reserve


The cash flow hedging reserve, for both the Group and the Company, comprises
all foreign exchange differences arising from the valuation of forward
exchange contracts which are effective hedges and mature after the year end.
These are valued on a mark-to-market basis, are accounted for in Other
comprehensive income and expense and accumulated in Equity, and are recycled
through the Consolidated income statement and Company income statement when
the hedged item affects the income statement, or when the hedging relationship
ceases to be effective. See Note 25 for further detail.


 Movements during the year were:

                                                                    2024     2023
                                                                    £'000    £'000
 Balance at the beginning of the year                               6,552    (10,923)
 Losses on contract maturity recognised in revenue during the year  133      (21,553)
 Revaluations during the year                                       5,679    44,720
 Deferred tax movement                                              (1,453)  (5,692)
 Balance at the end of the year                                     10,911   6,552


Non-controlling interest


 Movements during the year were:

                                       2024    2023
                                       £'000   £'000
 Balance at the beginning of the year  (577)   (577)
 Share of profit for the year          -       -
 Balance at the end of the year        (577)   (577)


The non-controlling interest represents the minority shareholdings in Renishaw
Diagnostics Limited - 7.6%.


27.        Capital commitments

At the end of a financial year, we typically have obligations to make payments
in the future, for which no provision is made in the financial statements. In
FY2022, we committed to the expansion of one of our production facilities in
Wales, UK, which is expected to cost an additional £12.4m over the next year.
We have recently committed £11.4m to renovating and expanding our warehousing
operation in Germany, which includes expenditure on sustainability

Authorised and committed capital expenditure at the end of the year were:

                                          2024    2023
                                          £'000   £'000
 Freehold land and buildings              26,199  35,607
 Plant and equipment                      16,206  11,423
 Motor vehicles                           135     14
 Total committed capital expenditure      42,540  47,044


28.        Related parties

We report our two joint venture companies, RLS and MSP, as related parties.


Joint ventures and other related parties had the following transactions and
balances with the Group:


                                                              Joint ventures
                                                              2024      2023
                                                              £'000     £'000
 Purchased goods and services from the Group during the year  250       117
 Sold goods and services to the Group during the year         23,026    24,271
 Paid dividends to the Group during the year                  498       924
 Amounts owed to the Group at the year end                    243       35
 Amounts owed by the Group at the year end                    11,422    2,837


Amounts owed by the Group include a 14-day notice deposit agreement with RLS
for EUR 10.0m (£8.5m equivalent) (2023: nil), see Note 13 for further


There were no bad debts relating to related parties written off during FY2024
or FY2023.


By virtue of their long-standing voting agreement, Sir David McMurtry
(Executive Chairman 36.23% shareholder) and John Deer (Non-executive Deputy
Chairman, together with his wife, 16.59%), are the ultimate controlling party
of the Group. The only significant transactions between the Group and these
parties are in relation to their respective remuneration.


29. Alternative performance measures

In accordance with Renishaw's alternative performance measures (APMs) policy
and ESMA Guidelines on Alternative Performance Measures (2015), this section
defines non-IFRS measures that we believe give readers additional useful and
comparable views of our underlying performance.


We continue to report Revenue at constant exchange rates, Adjusted profit
before tax, Adjusted earnings per share and Adjusted operating profit
(including by segment) as APMs, which are calculated consistently with
previous years. In addition, this year we have added Adjusted operating profit
at constant exchange rates, Adjusted cash flow conversion from operating
activities, and Return on invested capital. Aside from Revenue at constant
exchange rates, all other APMs exclude infrequently occurring events which
impact our financial statements, recognised according to applicable IFRS, that
we believe should be excluded from these APMs to give readers additional
useful and comparable views of our underlying performance.

Revenue at constant exchange rates is defined as revenue recalculated using
the same rates as were applicable to the previous year and excluding forward
contract gains and losses.

                                                                     2024     2023
 Revenue at constant exchange rates                                  £'000    £'000
 Statutory revenue as reported                                       691,301  688,573
 Adjustment for forward contract (gains)/losses                      (133)    7,815
 Adjustment to restate current year at previous year exchange rates  30,664   -
 Revenue at constant exchange rates                                  721,832  696,388
 Year-on-year revenue growth at constant exchange rates              3.7%     -


Year-on-year revenue growth at constant exchange rates for FY2023 was -1.1%.


Adjusted profit before tax, Adjusted earnings per share and Adjusted operating
profit are defined as the profit before tax, earnings per share and operating
profit after excluding:


- costs relating to a revision to a provision made in FY2020 relating to
restructuring (a);

- a US defined benefit pension scheme past service cost (b); and

- gains and losses in fair value from forward currency contracts which did not
qualify for hedge accounting and which have yet to mature (c).


a)    Restructuring costs, where applicable during a year, are reported
separately in the Consolidated income statement and excluded from adjusted
measures on the basis that they relate to matters that do not frequently
recur. During FY2022, a revised estimate of a warranty provision relating to
restructuring in FY2020 resulted in a reduction to this provision of
£1,688,000, then in FY2023 a further revision resulted in a reduction of
£717,000. As this provision was initially excluded from adjusted measures,
the revised estimates have also been excluded.

b)    In FY2023, a termination of the US plan (other than distribution of
surplus) was completed, with most members opting for lump sum payments. It was
agreed that the surplus will be distributed to qualifying scheme members.
Accordingly, the surplus of £2,139,000 has been treated as an augmentation to
member benefits, reported separately in the Consolidated income statement and
excluded from adjusted profit measures.

c)     Gains and losses which recycle through the Consolidated income
statement as a result of contracts deemed ineffective during FY2020 are also
excluded from adjusted profit measures, on the basis that all forward
contracts were still expected to be effective hedges for Group revenue. This
is classified as 'Fair value (gains)/losses on financial instruments not
eligible for hedge accounting (ii)' in the following reconciliations.



                                                                                                 2024     2023
 Adjusted profit before tax:                                                                     £'000    £'000
 Statutory profit before tax                                                                     122,594  145,065
 Revised estimate of FY2020 restructuring provisions                                             -        (717)
 US defined benefit pension scheme past service cost                                             -        2,139
 Fair value (gains)/losses on financial instruments not eligible for hedge accounting (ii):
 - reported in revenue                                                                           -        (6,903)
 - reported in (gains)/losses from the fair value of financial instruments                       -        1,399
 Adjusted profit before tax                                                                      122,594  140,983


                                                                                                 2024   2023
 Adjusted earnings per share:                                                                    Pence  pence
 Statutory earnings per share                                                                    133.2  159.7
 Revised estimate of FY2020 restructuring provisions                                             -      (0.8)
 US defined benefit pension scheme past service cost                                             -      2.2
 Fair value (gains)/losses on financial instruments not eligible for hedge accounting (ii):
 - reported in revenue                                                                           -      (7.5)
 - reported in (gains)/losses from the fair value of financial instruments                       -      1.5
 Adjusted earnings per share                                                                     133.2  155.1


                                                                                                 2024     2023
 Adjusted operating profit:                                                                      £'000    £'000
 Statutory operating profit                                                                      108,667  134,489
 Revised estimate of FY2020 restructuring provisions                                             -        (717)
 US defined benefit pension scheme past service cost                                             -        2,139
 Fair value (gains)/losses on financial instruments not eligible for hedge accounting (ii):
 - reported in revenue                                                                           -        (6,903)
 - reported in (gains)/losses from the fair value of financial instruments                       -        1,399
 Adjusted operating profit                                                                       108,667  130,407



Adjustments to the segmental operating profit:

                                                                                                                                               2024      2023
 Manufacturing technologies                                                                                                                    £'000     £'000
 Operating profit before losses from fair value of financial instruments and UK and US defined benefit pension schemes' past service cost

                                                                                                                                               103,181   132,843
 Revised estimate of FY2020 restructuring provisions                                                                                           -         (717)
 Fair value (gains)/losses on financial instruments not eligible for hedge accounting (ii):
 - reported in revenue                                                                                                                         -         (6,644)
 Adjusted manufacturing technologies operating profit                                                                                          103,181   125,482


                                                                                                                                               2024    2023
 Analytical instruments and medical devices                                                                                                    £'000   £'000
 Operating profit before losses from fair value of financial instruments and UK and US defined benefit pension schemes' past service cost

                                                                                                                                               5,486   5,184
 Fair value (gains)/losses on financial instruments not eligible for hedge accounting (ii):
 - reported in revenue                                                                                                                         -       (259)
 Adjusted analytical instruments and medical devices operating profit                                                                          5,486   4,925

Adjusted operating profit at constant exchange rates is defined as Adjusted
operating profit recalculated using the same rates as to the previous year and
excluding forward contract gains and losses.


                                                                                  2024     2023
 Adjustments to operating profit at constant exchange rates:                      £'000    £'000
 Adjusted operating profit                                                        108,667  130,407
 Adjustment for forward contract (gains)/losses                                   (133)    14,649
 Adjustment to restate current year at previous year exchange rates               23,725   -
 Adjusted operating profit at constat exchange rates                              132,259  145,056
 Year-on-year adjusted operating profit reduction at constant exchange rates      -8.8%    -

Adjusted cash flow conversion from operating activities is calculated as
Adjusted cash flow from operating activities as a proportion of Adjusted
operating profit. This is useful for the Board to measure how efficient we are
at converting operating profit into cash.

                                                                                2024      2023
 Adjusted cash flow conversion from operating activities:                       £'000     £'000
 Cash flows from operating activities                                           124,079   84,297
 Income taxes paid                                                              21,752    25,891
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets                (74,774)  (84,599)
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets      4,475     7,948
 Adjusted cash flow from operating activities                                   75,532    33,537
 Adjusted cash flow conversion from operating activities                        69.5%     25.7%

Return on invested capital is the Adjusted profit after tax before bank
interest receivable as a percentage of the Average invested capital in the
year. This is useful for the Board to measure our efficiency in allocating
capital to profitable activities.

Adjusted profit after tax before bank interest receivable is calculated as

                                                                                                 2024     2023
                                                                                                 £'000    £'000
 Statutory profit after tax                                                                      96,889   116,102
 Revised estimate of FY2020 restructuring provisions (net of tax)                                -        (570)
 US defined benefit pension scheme past service cost (net of tax)                                -        1,626
 Fair value (gains)/losses on financial instruments not eligible for hedge accounting (ii):
      - reported in revenue (net of tax)                                                         -        (5,488)
      - reported in losses from the fair value of financial instruments (net of tax)             -        1,133
 Adjusted profit after tax                                                                       96,889   112,803
 Bank interest receivable (net of tax)                                                           (6,832)  (5,010)
 Adjusted profit after tax before bank interest received                                         90,057   107,793


                                     2024       2023       2022
 Return on invested capital (ROIC):  £'000      £'000      £'000
 Total non-current assets            464,765    470,430    402,254
 Total current assets                586,618    573,107    590,513
 Total current liabilities           (100,948)  (102,320)  (132,697)
 Less cash and cash equivalents      (122,293)  (81,388)   (153,162)
 Less bank deposits                  (95,542)   (125,000)  (100,000)
 Invested capital                    732,600    734,829    606,908
 Average invested capital            733,715    670,869    -
 Return on invested capital          12.3%      16.1%      -

Average invested capital in the year is the average of the invested capital at
the beginning of the year and at the end of the year.


Cautionary statement

This document contains statements about Renishaw plc that are or may be
forward-looking statements.

These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance.
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regarding the present and future business strategies of such persons and the
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and are based on information then available to Renishaw plc. Investors should
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 LEI number:         21380048ADXM6Z67CT18


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 Email:      communications@renishaw.com
 Website:    www.renishaw.com


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