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REG - Quilter PLC Smith (DS) PLC - Form 8.3 - DS Smith PLC

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RNS Number : 5543S  Quilter PLC  14 June 2024

 FORM 8.3




Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the "Code")





 (a) Full name of discloser:                                                      Quilter PLC (and subsidiaries)
 (b) Owner or controller of interests and short positions disclosed, if
 different from 1(a):

      The naming of nominee or vehicle companies is insufficient.  For a
 trust, the trustee(s), settlor and beneficiaries must be named.
 (c) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose relevant securities this form   DS Smith PLC

      Use a separate form for each offeror/offeree
 (d) If an exempt fund manager connected with an offeror/offeree, state this
 and specify identity of offeror/offeree:
 (e) Date position held/dealing undertaken:                                       13/06/2024

      For an opening position disclosure, state the latest practicable date
 prior to the disclosure
 (f)  In addition to the company in 1(c) above, is the discloser making           No
 disclosures in respect of any other party to the offer?

      If it is a cash offer or possible cash offer, state "N/A"




If there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one
class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy
table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant


(a)        Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of
the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing
(if any)


 Class of relevant security:                                          10p ordinary

                                                                      Interests          Short positions

                                                                      Number      %      Number    %
 (1) Relevant securities owned and/or controlled:                     25,254,223  1.83
 (2) Cash-settled derivatives:

 (3) Stock-settled derivatives (including options) and agreements to
                                                                      25,254,223  1.83








All interests and all short positions should be disclosed.


Details of any open stock-settled derivative positions (including traded
options), or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should be
given on a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions).


(b)        Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors'
and other employee options)


 Class of relevant security in relation to which subscription right exists:
 Details, including nature of the rights concerned and relevant percentages:





Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities
of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 3(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as
appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security dealt in.


The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.


(a)        Purchases and sales


 Class of relevant security  Purchase/sale  Number of securities  Price per unit
 10p ordinary                Purchase       583                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       334                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       180                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       201                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       371                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       530                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       354                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       323                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       1,291                 3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       365                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       2,978                 3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       174                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       117                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       59                    3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       60                    3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       576                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       93                    3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       193                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       341                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       357                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       388                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       124                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       230                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       536                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       429                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       1,252                 3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       1,231                 3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       743                   3.558
 10p ordinary                Purchase       510                   3.57308
 10p ordinary                Purchase       247                   3.571204
 10p ordinary                Purchase       400                   3.604
 10p ordinary                Purchase       280                   3.567018
 10p ordinary                Purchase       150                   3.567018
 10p ordinary                Purchase       1,500                 3.56902
 10p ordinary                Purchase       740                   3.563018
 10p ordinary                Purchase       712                   3.506
 10p ordinary                Purchase       470                   3.506
 10p ordinary                Purchase       250                   3.57128
 10p ordinary                Sale           333                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           400                   3.524482
 10p ordinary                Sale           161                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           590                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           205                   3.574491
 10p ordinary                Sale           509                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           512                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           312                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           284                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           539                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,650                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           258                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           162                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           274                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,307                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           216                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           79                    3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           106                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           485                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           828                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,104                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           124                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           2,250                 3.56336
 10p ordinary                Sale           483                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           507                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           652                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           198                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,098                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           92                    3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           2,544                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,346                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,073                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,019                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           496                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,164                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           160                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           162                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           886                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           114                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,836                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           299                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           450                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           965                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,698                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           348                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           749                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           560                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,160                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           187                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           253                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           512                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           358                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           701                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           72                    3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           375                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           82                    3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           345                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           286                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           301                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           396                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           160                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           153                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           185                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           527                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           563                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           243                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           176                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           310                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           292                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           106                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           294                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           281                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           371                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           841                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,753                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           534                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           173                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           624                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           308                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           938                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           78                    3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           143                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           387                   3.55932
 10p ordinary                Sale           151                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           534                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           484                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           194                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,324                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           502                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           334                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,540                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           269                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           264                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           436                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           129                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           140                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           663                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           75                    3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           247                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           307                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           247                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           468                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           359                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           403                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           123                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           195                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           110                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           400                   3.563082
 10p ordinary                Sale           717                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           215                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           268                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,438                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,135                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           267                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           497                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           721                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           99                    3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           330                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           222                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           394                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           310                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           155                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           260                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           156                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           138                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           156                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           138                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           148                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           138                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           148                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           525                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           172                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           654                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           599                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           329                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           497                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           257                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           172                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           95                    3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           389                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,110                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,315                 3.57448
 10p ordinary                Sale           712                   3.506
 10p ordinary                Sale           647                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           470                   3.506
 10p ordinary                Sale           349                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           650                   3.51972
 10p ordinary                Sale           117                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           179                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           390                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           477                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           401                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           532                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           376                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           160                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           521                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           312                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           256                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           397                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           304                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           268                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           295                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           775                   3.57112
 10p ordinary                Sale           250                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           142                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           189                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           234                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           650                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           383                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           360                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           96                    3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           345                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           157                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           418                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           119                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           220                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           628                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           322                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           265                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           273                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           150                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           626                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           392                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           191                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           520                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           458                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           553                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,223                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,400                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,038                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           85                    3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,106                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           658                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           452                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           103                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           201                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           183                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           697                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           241                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           417                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           451                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           440                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           559                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           332                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           777                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           576                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,097                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           1,111                 3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           490                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           182                   3.55805033
 10p ordinary                Sale           830                   3.56516



 (b)       Cash-settled derivative transactions


 Class of relevant security  Product description  Nature of dealing                                                              Number of reference securities  Price per unit

                             e.g. CFD             e.g. opening/closing a long/short position, increasing/reducing a long/short



(c)        Stock-settled derivative transactions (including options)


(i)         Writing, selling, purchasing or varying


 Class of relevant security  Product description e.g. call option  Writing, purchasing, selling, varying etc.  Number of securities to which option relates  Exercise price per unit  Type                           Expiry date  Option money paid/ received per unit

                                                                                                                                                                                      e.g. American, European etc.



(ii)        Exercise


 Class of relevant security  Product description  Exercising/ exercised against  Number of securities  Exercise price per unit

                             e.g. call option


(d)        Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)


 Class of relevant security  Nature of dealing               Details  Price per unit (if applicable)

                             e.g. subscription, conversion
 10p ordinary                Transfer out                    2,500





(a)        Indemnity and other dealing arrangements


 Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or
 understanding, formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may
 be an inducement to deal or refrain from dealing entered into by the person
 making the disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting in
 concert with a party to the offer:

 Irrevocable commitments and letters of intent should not be included.  If
 there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none"



(b)        Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to
options or derivatives


 Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal,
 between the person making the disclosure and any other person relating to:

 (i)  the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or

 (ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant
 securities to which any derivative is referenced:

 If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none"






(c)        Attachments


 Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attached?  NO



 Date of disclosure:  14/06/2024
 Contact name:        Jenny Kan
 Telephone number:    +44 (0)207 002 5630


Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory
Information Service.


The Panel's Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation
to the Code's disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.


The Code can be viewed on the Panel's website at www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk
(http://www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk/) .

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact
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