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REG - Quartix Technologies - Interim Results

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RNS Number : 0986Y  Quartix Technologies PLC  29 July 2024

29 July 2024

Quartix Technologies plc

("Quartix", "the Group" or "the Company")

Interim Results


Quartix Technologies plc (AIM:QTX), a leading supplier of subscription-based
vehicle tracking systems, analytical software and services, is pleased to
announce its unaudited results for the half year ended 30 June 2024.


Financial highlights:

·    Group revenue increased by 10% to £16.1m (2023: £14.6m)

o  Fleet revenue increased by 10% to £16.0m (2023: £14.5m)

o  Fleet revenue represented 99.3% of total revenue (2022: 98.9%)

·    Adjusted EBITDA(1) remained constant at £2.7m (2023: £2.7m)

·    Operating profit increased by 13% to £2.7m (2023: £2.4m)

·    Profit before tax increased by 13% to £2.7m (2023: £2.4m)

·    Diluted earnings per share of 4.49p (2023: 4.16p)

·    Free cash flow(2) decreased by 21% to £1.1m (2023: £1.4m)

·    Interim dividend of 1.50p per share proposed (2023: 1.50p)

(1 ) Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization and share
based payment expense (see note 4)

(2 ) Cash flow from operations after tax and investing activities



Principal activities and performance measures


The Group's main strategic objective is to grow its subscription base
profitably and develop the associated annualised recurring revenue.


Annualised recurring revenue has increased by 11% year on year (see definition
in KPI table below). Annualised recurring revenue is a forward-looking key
performance measure, and it is pleasing that it grew by £3.04m on a constant
exchange rate to £30.94m at 30 June 2024, compared to 30 June 2023.


The Key Performance Indicators used by the Board to assess the performance of
the business are listed below and discussed in the Chairman's Statement.




Key Performance Indicators ("KPIs")

 Period ended 30 June                          2024     2023     % change
 Fleet subscriptions1 (new units)              37,863   33,547   13
 Fleet subscription base(2) (units)            282,922  251,787  12
 Fleet customer base(3)                        28,586   26,337   8
 Fleet gross attrition (annualised)(4) (%)     14.0     13.5
 Annualised recurring revenue(5) (£'000)       30,940   27,972   11
 Fleet invoiced recurring revenue(6) (£'000)   15,080   13,788   9
 Fleet revenue (£'000)                         16,052   14,456   11
 Change in ASP(7) (%)                          (1.3)    (4.6)

( )

(1) New vehicle tracking units subscriptions added to the subscription base in
6 months to 30 June before any attrition

(2) The number of vehicle tracking units subscribed to the Group's fleet
tracking services, including units waiting to be installed for which
subscription payments have started or are committed

(3) The number of customers associated with the fleet subscription base

(4) The number of new vehicle tracking unit subscriptions, less the increase
in the subscription base, expressed as a percentage of the mean subscription
base between 30 June 2023 and 30 June 2024

(5) Annualised data services revenue for the subscription base at 30 June,
before deferred revenue, including revenue for units waiting to be installed
for which subscription payments have already started or are committed, with
comparative June 2023 measured at a constant exchange rate.

(6) Invoiced subscription charges before provision for deferred revenue

7 The change in average subscription price of the base expressed as a
percentage of the average subscription price at 30 June, with comparative June
2023 measured at a constant exchange rate.


Overheads on the face of the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
have been split between Sales & Marketing expenses and Administration
expenses, with Sales & Marketing expenses including the costs of customer
acquisition being the investment in marketing expenditure and payroll costs
for the sales teams.


Andrew Walters, Executive Chairman of Quartix, commented:

"The Company made very substantial progress in the first half of the year: new
subscriptions increased by 13% compared to 2023 and this led to record growth
in annualised recurring revenues ("ARR"), which increased by 11% to £30.9m
over the past year. Two thirds of this increase in ARR was achieved since
January 1st.

Remaining operating and liquidation costs associated with the Konetik
acquisition were all taken in the first half and other administrative and
operating costs have been controlled well during the period. The issues faced
by the Company in 2023 have now been put behind it, enabling it to refocus
strongly on its core business and to structure for further growth.

The Board is confident in the outlook for the remainder of the year and now
believes that both revenue and profit will moderately exceed market
expectations*. The Company looks forward to 2025 and the future with

(*)Note: the Company believes that, prior to this announcement, market
expectations for 2024 performance in terms of revenue, adjusted EBITDA and
unadjusted free cashflow were £32.1m, £5.4m and £1.5m respectively.



For further information, please contact:

Quartix (www.quartix.com (http://www.quartix.com)
01686 806 663

Andrew Walters, Executive Chairman

Cavendish (Nominated Adviser and Broker)
                  020 7200 0500

Matt Goode / Seamus Fricker (Corporate Finance)

Sunila de Silva (Corporate Broking)


The information communicated in this announcement is inside information for
the purposes of Article 7 of Regulation 596/2014.


Interim Financial Results Report

The Group's Interim Financial Statements for the 6 months ended 30 June 2024
are available in the "Investors" section of our website at:

About Quartix

Founded in 2001, Quartix is a leading supplier of subscription-based vehicle
tracking systems, software and services. The Group provides an integrated
tracking and telematics data analysis solution for fleets of commercial
vehicles and motor insurance providers which improves productivity and safety
and which lowers costs by capturing, analysing and reporting vehicle and
driver data.

Quartix is based in the UK and is listed on the AIM market of the London Stock
Exchange (AIM:QTX).

Chairman's Statement



Renewed focus on the Company's core business drives strong growth in recurring
revenues and operating profit.


The Company's Annualised Recurring Revenue ("ARR") increased by £3.04m (+11%)
in the 12 months from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. Two thirds of this increase
(£2.04m) was achieved during the Period. ARR is the key forward-looking
measure of growth and financial performance for the Company.


Operating profit and profit before tax for the Period increased by 13% to
£2.7m (2023: £2.4m) despite the Company incurring significant operating
costs associated with the liquidation of Konetik Deutschland GmbH ("Konetik")
- as noted later in this section. Without the operating costs of Konetik
pre-tax profit would have been 30% ahead of last year.


Company revenue grew by 10% to £16.1m and the subscription base and new
subscriptions increased by 12% and 13% respectively.


Pricing, revenue retention and attrition.


Average revenue per unit subscription (average pricing) increased by 1% during
the Period, as inflationary price adjustment across the base offset the
effects of price erosion in some areas. The principal inflationary pressure
faced by the Company is that of wage growth in the service sector and it will
therefore review whether an index reflecting this factor would be a more
appropriate benchmark for future adjustments (particularly as the cost
benefits delivered by our systems for customers are also linked to this).


Net revenue retention* was 98.9% in the 6-month period to 30 June 2024 (2023:
96.5%). This result for 2024 would be 99.4% excluding the effects of the
fixed-term UK contract mentioned below.


Although attrition across the Company rose to 14% the rise was attributable
mainly to two factors: the termination of a very large UK contract, installed
in 2022, which had a fixed term of 2 years and which was not expected to
renew; and organisational issues in the USA which are discussed below. The
Board is not aware of any other large fixed-term contracts in the base and is
addressing the issues in the USA.


*Note - Net revenue retention is calculated by dividing the ARR of the
remaining customer base at the end of a period by the ARR value of that base
at the start of the period. It excludes the effects of new customer
acquisition during the period but includes the effects of upgrades and
additions to existing fleets and price changes.


Market performance


The key metrics shown below include growth expressed as a percentage since 1
July 2023, with the exception of the figures given for new subscriptions and
new customers, for which the growth shown is for the Period compared to the
same period in 2023.


 Country  ARR (£m)   %     Subscription Base (units)  %     Customer Base  %     New Subscriptions (units)  %     New Customers  %
 UK/EI    17.27      +6%   151,477                    +7%   11,457         +0%   15,786                     +17%  792            +6%
 France   8.01       +20%  74,740                     +22%  8,708          +14%  11,842                     +0%   1,246          +4%
 USA      3.14       -2%   28,843                     -5%   3,752          -6%   3,144                      -17%  352            -29%
 Italy    1.14       +62%  12,240                     +56%  1,925          +47%  3,181                      +56%  482            +88%
 Spain    0.79       +41%  9,650                      +46%  1,825          +37%  2,217                      +30%  422            +28%
 Germany  0.56       +61%  5,468                      +50%  828            +40%  1,603                      +98%  221            +73%
 Other    0.05             574                              91                   90                               3
 Total    30.94      +11%  282,992                    +12%  28,586         +9%   37,863                     +13%  3,518          +11%




The UK was the principal beneficiary of renewed focus on the Company's core
business following the termination of the Evolve product line, and this led to
17% growth in new subscriptions and a 7% increase in the subscription base on
a trailing-12-months' ("TTM") basis. Notable successes were achieved in
medium-sized fleets where the Company's reputation for strong customer service
played a significant role. A return to growth in the customer base, albeit at
a modest level, was delivered in the period and strong emphasis on increasing
growth in customer acquisition rates is beginning to show positive results.




The subscription and customer bases grew by 22% and 14% respectively on a TTM
basis. Customer acquisition rates increased by 4% compared with the prior
period. New subscriptions were, however, flat on the same period last year but
14% ahead of the second half of 2023, and good progress is now being made
through all channels.


ARR in France increased by 20% in the 12 months to 30 June 2024.




Performance in the USA has continued to be adversely affected by
organisational and marketing changes made during 2022 and 2023. As a
consequence, progress in ARR reduced growth from +$0.5m in 2021 to a deficit
of -$0.2m in 2023. Recruitment is progressing to support the US business,
return the subscription and customer bases to growth and to return attrition
rates to former levels. Enquiry levels are very encouraging and customer
acquisition rates are improving.


Italy, Spain and Germany


Strong growth was recorded on all key performance measures in each of these
countries. The combined ARR of these three territories grew by 54% to £2.49m.
 New customer acquisition rates in Italy were particularly strong, as was
growth in new installations in Germany. All three countries offer substantial
opportunities for business development and further investment is planned for
the second half of 2024 and into 2025.


Product development, systems and overheads


4G upgrades in Europe


The cost of upgrading our subscription base in France was provided for in the
Company's accounts for 2023. £0.4m of the original provision (£3.8m) was
used in the Period and a further 41,000 units remain to be completed.


Our principal UK provider of mobile data services is currently reviewing the
size and usage of its 2G customer network before considering the transition to
4G. We believe that the UK 2G network is fundamentally different to that in
France in that it has been extensively used for a broad range of fixed and
mobile data services, particularly smart meters. Since the beginning of 2023
Quartix has only used SIM cards in its systems which have the capability of
using any available 2G network in the UK, as it is expected that 2G capacity
will be necessary for both smart meters and other remote monitoring
applications for at least the next five years.


Telematics developments


Quartix introduced a dashboard camera option in March which provides both
forward and driver-facing camera options. It is fully integrated with
Quartix's telematics system and tracking application and has gained good
traction with a number of medium-sized fleets in the UK.


Development of the next generation of telematics system is progressing well,
with significant enhancements to satellite positioning capabilities and
reduction in manufacturing cost. A further update on this will be provided in
the autumn.


Software and mobile applications


The Company's next generation of browser-based user application will be
launched to all users within the next month for the main tracking functions.
Development will continue over the next 18 months in migrating the whole
application to this new user interface.


A similar fundamental upgrade to the technology used in the Company's mobile
applications will commence by the end of the year. The project is in the
architectural design phase currently.


Systems and overhead effectiveness


Over the past 5 years the Company has integrated new accounting, CRM, business
and marketing systems with its core SQL databases. The hosting of these
databases has, in turn, been transitioned to managed services in the Cloud
(notably with Microsoft Azure). Whilst these system changes offer operational
and maintenance advantages, the costs have been higher than originally
expected and steps will now be taken to ensure that we optimise our use of


We continue to adapt our organisational structure to focus on growth in our
core telematics business and have made some overhead cost reductions during
the Period, particularly in administrative functions.




Quartix acquired Konetik in September 2023 for a consideration of up to
€3.9m. Konetik was a company specialising in consultancy services for fleets
making the transition to electric vehicles. It had substantial operating costs
but insignificant revenues and the growth anticipated at the time of
acquisition was not delivered in the initial period post-acquisition. As noted
in March, and having exhausted all other options including returning the
business to its former owners at nil cost, the Board decided to liquidate
Konetik and its Hungarian branch subsidiary.



The liquidation is well underway, with all employment agreements, save for
that for the administrative managing director, terminated and settled.
Termination notices to Konetik's two external customers were given in February
and its limited trading activities have ceased.


Operating costs of £0.28m for Konetik were recorded in the Period, and a
further provision of £0.15m has been included in the Interim results for
final costs. A further payment of approximately £0.2m will be due in
September under the terms of the acquisition agreement.


Financial Performance


Group revenue for the period increased by 10% to £16.1m (2023: £14.6m); the
Company's core fleet business represents more than 99% of revenues, 94% of
this revenue derives from recurring subscriptions. Operating profit and profit
before tax for the period increased by 13% to £2.7m (2023: £2.4m). Adjusted
EBITDA remained constant at £2.7m. The Company incurred approximately £0.6m
of operating costs associated with the liquidation of Konetik and other items
which are not expected to recur in the second half of the year. Cash flow from
operations after tax and investing activities or free cash flow, fell to


Net cash decreased to £2.7m at 30 June 2024 (June 2023: £3.2m; 31 Dec 2023:
£2.4m), following the acquisition, operating and liquidation costs of


Basic earnings per share were 4.49p (2023: 4.21p). On a diluted basis earnings
per share were 4.37p (2023: 4.16p).


Dividend Policy and Recommended Interim Dividend


Subject to satisfactory performance and market conditions, the Board will
consider a final dividend for the year with the aggregate of the interim and
final dividend set at approximately 50% of cash flow from operating activities
less the cost of the 4G upgrade in France, this will be calculated after
taxation paid but before capital expenditure. The Board will also consider
distributing the excess of cash balances over £2m by way of supplementary
dividends. The surplus cash would be calculated by taking the year end cash
balance and deducting the proposed regular dividend. The policy will be
subject to review. The Board has recommended an interim dividend of 1.50p
(2023: 1.50p) per share, £0.7m in aggregate. The amount is in line with the
Group's stated policy on ordinary dividend payment. This was approved by the
Board on 26 July 2024. The interim dividend will be paid on 30 September 2024
to shareholders on the register on 30 August 2024. The ex-dividend date is
therefore 29 August 2024.


Governance and the Board


The Board is comprised of two Non-Executive Directors: Alison Seekings and Ian
Spence and myself as Executive Chairman. The appropriate executive management
structure of the Board for the future of the Company is currently under


For further details regarding Corporate governance, please see the Company's
investor website (search: "Quartix investors").




The Company has made very substantial progress in the first half of the year,
and the outlook for the remainder of the year is positive. Remaining costs
associated with the Konetik acquisition have been incurred or provided for in
these accounts and costs have been controlled well during the period. The
issues faced by the Company in 2023 have now been put behind it, enabling it
to structure for further growth. The Company will make targeted investments
for growth in each of its 6 geographic markets. This is expected to underpin
further significant financial progress in 2025 and beyond.


The Board is confident in the outlook for the remainder of the year and now
believes that both revenue and profit will moderately exceed market
expectations*. The Company looks forward to 2025 and the future with


(*)Note: the Company believes that, prior to this announcement, market
expectations for 2024 performance in terms of revenue, adjusted EBITDA and
unadjusted free cashflow were £32.1m, £5.4m and £1.5m respectively.



Andrew Walters

Executive Chairman

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

                                                                                          30 June    30 June                31 December

                                                                                          2024       2023                  2023
                                                                                          Unaudited      Unaudited         Audited
                                                                                Notes     £'000      £'000                 £'000

 Revenue                                                                        2    16,105                     14,623              29,882
 Cost of sales                                                                       (4,959)                    (4,477)             (12,904)

 Gross profit                                                                        11,146                     10,146              16,978

 Sales & Marketing expenses                                                          (3,367)                    (3,182)             (6,366)
 Administrative expenses                                                             (5,065)                    (4,549)             (9,285)
 Impairment                                                                          -                          -                   (2,695)
 Fair value gain                                                                     -                          -                   312

 Operating profit / (loss)                                                           2,714                      2,415               (1,056)

 Finance income receivable                                                           1                          9                   10
 Finance costs payable                                                               (19)                       (15)                (31)

 Profit / (loss) for the period before taxation                                      2,696                      2,409               (1,077)

 Tax (expense) /credit                                                               (521)                      (373)               169

 Profit /(loss) for the period                                                       2,175                      2,036               (908)

 Other Comprehensive income:
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
 Exchange difference on translating foreign operations                               104                        3                   43
 Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax                                 104                        3                   43
 Total comprehensive income attributable to the equity shareholders of Quartix       2,279                      2,039               (865)
 Technologies plc

 Adjusted EBITDA                                                                3    2,732                      2,689               5,397

 Earnings per ordinary share (pence)                                            4
 Basic                                                                               4.49                       4.21                (1.88)
 Diluted                                                                             4.37                       4.16                (1.88)



Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

Company registration number: 06395159


                                                                                      30 June    Restated   31 December 2023

                                                                                       2024      30 June

                                                                                      Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited
 Assets                                                                        Notes  £'000      £'000      £'000
 Non-current assets
 Goodwill                                                                             14,029     14,029     14,029
 Property, plant and equipment                                                        599        786        684
 Deferred tax assets                                                                  1,146      236        1,144
 Contract cost assets                                                                 1,099      927        894
 Total non-current assets                                                             16,873     15,978     16,751

 Current assets
 Inventories                                                                          1,802      1,585      1,411
 Contract cost assets                                                                 4,784      4,259      4,550
 Trade and other receivables                                                          4,282      3,730      4,186
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                            2,671      3,249      2,380
 Total current assets                                                                 13,539     12,823     12,527

 Total assets                                                                         30,412     28,801     29,278

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                                                             4,383      3,509      3,955
 Provisions                                                                           2,042      147        2,775
 Contract liabilities                                                                 3,688      3,870      3,679
 Current tax liabilities                                                              354        629        557
                                                                                      10,467     8,155      10,966

 Non-current liabilities
 Lease liabilities                                                                    446        589        520
 Non-current provisions                                                               1,679      -          1,443
                                                                                      2,125      589        1,963

 Total liabilities                                                                    12,592     8,744      12,929

 Net assets                                                                           17,820     20,057     16,349

 Called up share capital                                                       6      484        484        484
 Share premium account                                                         6      6,332      6,332      6,332
 Equity reserve                                                                       310        470        392
 Capital redemption reserve                                                           4,663      4,663      4,663
 Translation reserve                                                                  (191)      (335)      (295)
 Retained earnings                                                                    6,222      8,443      4,773
 Total equity attributable to equity shareholders of Quartix Technologies plc         17,820     20,057     16,349

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                                                           Share capital  Share premium account  Capital redemption reserve  Equity reserve  Translation reserve  Retained earnings  Total equity
                                                           £'000          £,000                  £'000                       £'000           £'000                £'000              £'000
 Restated balance at 31 December 2022                      484            6,332                  4,663                       342             (338)                9,428              20,911
 Increase in equity reserve in relation to options issued  -              -                      -                           156             -                    -                  156
 Adjustment for exercised options                          -              -                      -                           (28)            -                    28                 -
 Dividends paid                                            -              -                      -                           -               -                    (3,049)            (3,049)
 Transactions with owners                                  -              -                      -                           128             -                    (3,021)            (2,893)
 Foreign currency translation differences                  -              -                      -                           -               3                    -                  3
 Profit for the period                                     -              -                      -                           -               -                    2,036              2,036
 Total comprehensive income                                -              -                      -                           -               3                    2,036              2,039
 Restated balance at 30 June 2023                          484            6,332                  4,663                       470             (335)                8,443              20,057
 Shares issued                                             -              -                      -                           -               -                    -                  -
 Increase in equity reserve in relation to options issued  -              -                      -                           (78)            -                    -                  (78)
 Dividend paid                                             -              -                      -                           -               -                    (726)              (726)
 Transactions with owners                                  -              -                      -                           (78)            -                    (726)              (804)
 Foreign currency translation differences                  -              -                      -                           -               40                   -                  40
 Loss for the period                                       -              -                      -                           -               -                    (2,944)            (2,944)
 Total comprehensive income                                -              -                      -                           -               40                   (2,944)            (2,904)
 Balance at 31 December 2023                               484            6,332                  4,663                       392             (295)                4,773              16,349
 Adjustment for forfeited options                          -              -                      -                           (82)            -                    -                  (82)
 Dividend paid                                             -              -                      -                           -               -                    (726)              (726)
 Transactions with owners                                  -              -                      -                           (82)            -                    (726)              (808)
 Foreign currency translation differences                  -              -                      -                           -               104                  -                  104
 Profit for the period                                     -              -                      -                           -               -                    2,175              2,175
 Total comprehensive income                                -              -                      -                           -               104                  2,175              2,279
 Balance at 30 June 2024                                   484            6,332                  4,663                       310             (191)                6,222              17,820




Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows


                                                                                   30 June    30 June      31 December 2023

                                                                                   2024       2023
                                                                                   Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited
                                                                            Notes  £'000      £'000       £'000

 Cash generated from operations                                             5      1,837      2,090      4,465
 Taxes paid                                                                        (723)      (711)        (1,181)
 Cash flow from operating activities                                               1,114      1,379      3,284

 Investing activities
 Additions to property, plant and equipment                                        (21)       (5)        (17)
 Interest received                                                                 1          8          10
 Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired                                   -          -          (1,986)
 Cash flow from investing activities                                               (20)       3          (1,993)

 Cash flow from operating activities after investing activities (free cash         1,094      1,382      1,291

 Financing activities
 Repayment of lease liabilities                                                    (84)       (82)       (172)
 Interest paid                                                                     (5)        -          -
 Dividend paid                                                                     (726)      (3,049)    (3,775)
 Cash flow from financing activities                                               (815)      (3,131)    (3,947)

 Net changes in cash and cash equivalents                                          279        (1,749)    (2,656)
 Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                                    2,380      5,062      5,063
 Exchange differences on cash & cash equivalents                                   12         (64)       (27)
 Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                                          2,671      3,249      2,380

Notes to the Financial Statements (unaudited)

1              Significant accounting policies

Basis of preparation


The financial information has been prepared in accordance with recognition and
measurement principles of International accounting standards in conformity
with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 ("IFRS (UK)") and in
accordance with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 that are relevant to
companies which report under IFRS (UK). The accounting policies adopted are
consistent with those of the financial statements for the year ended 31
December 2023, as described in those financial statements. In preparing these
interim financial statements, the Board has not sought to adopt IAS 34
"Interim financial reporting".


The figures for the six-month periods ended 30 June 2024 and 30 June 2023 have
not been audited. The comparatives for 30 June 2023 have been restated for the
amendment for IAS12: Income Taxes which required a deferred tax asset and
liability to be recognised for IFRS 16 leases, as reflected in the
consolidated financial statements of Quartix Technologies plc for the year
ended 31 December 2023.


The figures for the year ended 31 December 2023 have been extracted from, but
do not constitute, the consolidated financial statements of Quartix
Technologies plc for that year. The original financial statements for the year
ended 31 December 2023 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and
included an Auditors' Report, which was unqualified and did not contain a
statement under section 498(2) or section 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.


Going concern


Global events continue to contribute to adverse economic pressures and
economic uncertainties. The Company is taking appropriate action to monitor,
address and mitigate the uncertainties and increased risks facing the Company
as a result and have taken these additional uncertainties into account in
assessing the going concern position.


The Board takes all reasonable steps to review and consider any factors that
may affect the ability of the Group to continue as a going concern. The
Group's forecasts and projections, taking account of reasonably possible
changes in trading performance, show that the Group is able to generate
sufficient liquidity. The Group enjoys a strong income stream from its
subscription base while current liabilities include a substantial provision
for deferred revenue which is a non-cash item.


After assessing the forecasts and liquidity of the business, for the next 18
months and the longer-term strategic plans, the Directors have a reasonable
expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational
existence for the foreseeable future. The Group therefore continues to adopt
the going concern basis in preparing consolidated financial statements.


Contract Cost Assets


The Group incurs costs to fulfil its customer contracts, which include
commission costs, equipment costs, installation costs and carriage costs
amongst other costs. Costs to fulfil a customer contract are divided into:

·    costs that give rise to an asset; and

·    costs that are expensed as incurred.

When determining the appropriate accounting treatment for such costs, the
Group firstly considers any other applicable standards. If those standards
preclude capitalisation of a particular costs, then an asset is not recognised
under IFRS 15.


If other standards are not applicable to costs to fulfil a customer contract,
the Group applies the following criteria which, if met, result in
capitalisation of costs that:

·    directly relate to a contract;

·    generate or enhance resources that will be used in satisfying (or in
continuing to satisfy)

performance obligations in the future; and

·    are expected to be recovered

The Group has determined that, where the relevant criteria are met, that the
commission costs, equipment costs, installation costs and carriage costs are
likely to qualify to be capitalised as costs to fulfil a customer contract.


The Contract Cost Assets are amortised over the expected contract period on a
systematic basis that reflects the revenue stream generated by them, and this
cost is included in cost of sales. The expected contract term has been
calculated as an average of the population of new orders in the year, and this
calculation will be reviewed annually.


At each reporting date, the Group determines whether or not the Contract Cost
Assets are impaired by comparing the carrying amount of the asset with the
remaining amount of consideration that the Group expects to receive less the
costs that relate to providing services under the relevant contract.


2              Revenue

Revenues from external customers in the Group's major markets have been
identified based on the customer's geographical location and are disclosed

                                          30 June 2024    30 June 2023  31 December 2023
                                       Unaudited          Unaudited     Audited
                                        £'000             £'000         £'000
 Geographical analysis by destination
 United Kingdom                        9,497              9,136         17,997
 France                                3,891              3,269         6,882
 Other European territories            1,092              527           1,674
 United States of America              1,625              1,691         3,329
                                       16,105             14,623        29,882


3              Adjusted earnings before interest, tax,
depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA)

                                                                 30 June 2024    30 June 2023  31 December 2023
                                                              Unaudited          Unaudited     Audited
                                                               £'000             £'000         £'000

 Operating profit/(loss)                                      2,714              2,415         (1,056)
 Depreciation on property, plant and equipment, owned         24                 41            76
 Depreciation on property, plant and equipment, right of use  76                 77            157
 EBITDA                                                       2,814              2,533         (823)
 Share-based payment expense (incl. cash settled)             (82)               156           78
 Impairment of intangible asset: goodwill                     -                  -             2,464
 Impairment of intangible asset: software                     -                  -             231
 Fair value gain on re-estimate of future earn-out payments   -                  -             (312)
 Provision for replacement of 2G units in France              -                  -             3,759
 Adjusted EBITDA                                              2,732              2,689         5,397


4              Earnings per share

The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the profits
attributable to the shareholders of Quartix Technologies plc divided by the
weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. The earnings per
share calculation relates to continuing operations of the Group.


                                       Profits attributable to shareholders  Weighted average number of shares  Basic profit per share amount     Fully diluted                            Diluted profit per share amount

                                                                                                                                                  weighted average number of shares
                                       £'000                                                                    in pence                                                                  in pence
 Earnings per ordinary share
 Period ended 30 June 2024             2,175                                 48,382,178                         4.49                              49,726,850                              4.37
 Period ended 30 June 2023             2,036                                 48,382,178                         4.21                              49,025,795                              4.16
 Year ended 31 December 2023           (908)                                 48,392,178                         (1.88)                            49,088,054                              (1.88)

 Adjusted earnings per ordinary share
 Year ended 31 December 2023           4,294                                 48,392,178                           8.87                                    49,088,054                      8.75


For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares
is adjusted to assume the conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary
shares. Dilutive potential ordinary shares are those share options where the
exercise price is less than the average market price of the Company's ordinary
shares during the period.


To illustrate the underlying earnings for the year, the table above includes
adjusted earnings per ordinary share, which for 31 December 2023 excludes the
£3.8m re-estimate of the France 2G replacement unit provision recognised in
the year with its associated tax impact and the impairment on the goodwill and
other intangibles recognised on acquisition on Konetik of £2.7m offset by the
fair value gain on the re-estimate of the future earn-out payments due under
the share purchase agreement for the purchase of Konetik.


5              Note to the cash flow statement

Cash flow adjustments and changes in working capital:

                                                         30 June 2024  30 June 2023  31 December

                                                         Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited
                                                         £'000         £'000         £'000
 Profit / (loss) before tax                              2,696         2,409         (1,077)

 Foreign exchange                                        73            78            25
 Depreciation                                            100           118           233
 Interest income                                         (1)           (8)           (10)
 Lease interest expense                                  19            15            31
 Share based payment expense                             (82)          156           78
 Impairment                                              -             -             2,695
 Operating cash flow before movement in working capital  2,805         2,768         1,975

 (Increase)/ decrease in trade and other receivables     (124)         (268)         (599)
 (Increase)/ decrease in contract cost assets            (439)         (899)         (1,157)
 (Increase) / decrease in inventories                    (391)         405           579
 (Decrease) / increase in trade and other payables       (22)          (312)         3,504
 Increase in contract liabilities                        8             396           163
 Cash generated from operations                          1,837         2,090         4,465


6              Equity

 Allotted, called up and fully paid  Number of ordinary shares of £0.01 each   Share capital £'000   Share premium £'000

 At 1 January 2023                   48,392,178                                484                   6,332
 Shares issued                       -                                         -                     -
 At 30 June 2023                     48,392,178                                484                   6,332
 Shares issued                       -                                         -                     -
 At 31 December 2023                 48,392,178                                484                   6,332
 Shares issued                       -                                         -                     -
 At 30 June 2024                     48,392,178                                484                   6,332


There were no shares issued in the period to 30 June 2024.




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