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PLUS Plus500 News Story

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FinancialsBalancedMid CapSuper Stock

REG - Plus500 Ltd - Transaction in Own Shares

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RNS Number : 2282E  Plus500 Limited  16 September 2024

16 September 2024

Plus500 Ltd.

("Plus500" or "the Company")

 Transaction in Own Shares

Plus500, a global multi-asset fintech group operating proprietary
technology-based trading platforms, announces that, in accordance with the
terms of its share buyback programme announced on 19 August 2024 and commenced
on 27 August 2024 (the "Share Buyback Programme"), the Company purchased the
following number of its ordinary shares of ILS 0.01 each through Panmure
Liberum Limited.

 Date of purchase:                                                13 September 2024
 Aggregate number of ordinary shares of ILS 0.01 each purchased:  22,500
 Lowest price paid per share (GBp):                               2,532.00
 Highest price paid per share (GBp):                              2,554.00
 Volume weighted average price paid per share (GBp):              2,545.02

The Company will hold the repurchased shares in treasury. Following the
purchase of these shares the remaining number of ordinary shares in issue will
be 75,114,731 (excluding treasury shares), and the Company will hold
39,773,646 ordinary shares in treasury. Therefore, the total voting rights in
Plus500 will be 75,114,731. This figure for the total number of voting rights
may be used by shareholders as the denominator for the calculations by which
they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a
change to their interest in, the Company under the FCA's Disclosure Guidance
and Transparency Rules.

In accordance with Article 5(1)(b) of the UK version of Regulation (EU) No.
596/2014 which is part of UK law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal)
Act 2018, the table below contains detailed information of the individual
trades made by Panmure Liberum Limited as part of the Share Buyback

Aggregate Information:

 Venue  Volume-weighted average price (pence per share)  Aggregated volume
 XLON   2,542.67                                         9,150
 CHIX   2,540.91                                         1,500
 BATE   2,547.55                                         11,396
 TRQX   2,542.49                                         454

For further details

  Plus500 Ltd.
 Elad Even-Chen, Chief Financial Officer  +972 4 8189503

 Owen Jones, Head of Investor Relations   +44 (0) 7551 654208

                                          ir@Plus500.com (mailto:ir@Plus500.com)
 DGA Group
 James Melville-Ross                      +44 (0)20 7664 5095

 James Styles                             plus500@dgagroup.com

 Methuselah Tanyanyiwa



Individual transactions:

 Number of shares purchased  Transaction price (pence per share)  Time of transaction  Venue
 32                          2,552.00                             08:12:12             XLON
 255                         2,552.00                             08:12:12             XLON
 15                          2,552.00                             08:12:12             BATE
 24                          2,552.00                             08:12:12             BATE
 252                         2,552.00                             08:12:12             BATE
 248                         2,552.00                             08:12:12             XLON
 33                          2,542.00                             08:15:33             XLON
 100                         2,542.00                             08:15:33             XLON
 162                         2,542.00                             08:15:33             XLON
 3                           2,542.00                             08:15:33             XLON
 90                          2,542.00                             08:15:33             TRQX
 273                         2,540.00                             08:19:32             CHIX
 258                         2,538.00                             08:20:03             XLON
 32                          2,538.00                             08:20:03             XLON
 70                          2,540.00                             08:31:41             XLON
 273                         2,538.00                             08:34:32             BATE
 115                         2,536.00                             08:34:33             XLON
 129                         2,536.00                             08:34:33             XLON
 261                         2,534.00                             08:35:32             XLON
 8                           2,534.00                             08:35:32             XLON
 2                           2,538.00                             09:23:32             XLON
 299                         2,538.00                             09:23:32             BATE
 262                         2,538.00                             09:23:32             CHIX
 277                         2,538.00                             09:23:32             XLON
 286                         2,544.00                             11:14:09             XLON
 16                          2,544.00                             11:14:09             TRQX
 74                          2,544.00                             11:14:09             TRQX
 14                          2,542.00                             11:14:09             CHIX
 21                          2,542.00                             11:14:09             CHIX
 91                          2,542.00                             11:14:09             CHIX
 142                         2,542.00                             11:14:09             CHIX
 293                         2,540.00                             11:14:10             XLON
 13                          2,538.00                             11:14:13             XLON
 231                         2,538.00                             11:14:13             XLON
 64                          2,540.00                             11:23:32             BATE
 222                         2,540.00                             11:23:32             BATE
 239                         2,540.00                             11:23:32             XLON
 29                          2,540.00                             11:44:33             XLON
 209                         2,540.00                             11:44:33             XLON
 59                          2,540.00                             11:44:33             TRQX
 48                          2,540.00                             11:44:33             TRQX
 255                         2,542.00                             11:59:26             XLON
 317                         2,542.00                             11:59:26             BATE
 65                          2,548.00                             13:17:17             XLON
 64                          2,548.00                             13:17:17             XLON
 96                          2,546.00                             13:29:13             BATE
 161                         2,546.00                             13:29:13             BATE
 255                         2,548.00                             13:43:32             XLON
 290                         2,548.00                             13:43:32             BATE
 105                         2,548.00                             13:43:32             TRQX
 172                         2,548.00                             13:44:00             CHIX
 59                          2,544.00                             13:51:57             XLON
 121                         2,546.00                             13:56:30             XLON
 54                          2,544.00                             13:56:31             XLON
 221                         2,544.00                             13:56:31             XLON
 161                         2,544.00                             13:56:31             CHIX
 49                          2,540.00                             14:02:29             XLON
 21                          2,540.00                             14:03:38             XLON
 100                         2,540.00                             14:03:45             XLON
 145                         2,540.00                             14:03:45             XLON
 150                         2,540.00                             14:03:45             CHIX
 294                         2,536.00                             14:11:32             XLON
 12                          2,532.00                             14:15:53             XLON
 278                         2,532.00                             14:20:03             XLON
 36                          2,542.00                             14:29:07             XLON
 90                          2,542.00                             14:29:07             XLON
 362                         2,542.00                             14:29:07             XLON
 56                          2,542.00                             14:29:07             XLON
 83                          2,542.00                             14:29:07             XLON
 60                          2,542.00                             14:29:07             XLON
 4                           2,538.00                             14:32:30             XLON
 54                          2,538.00                             14:42:47             XLON
 212                         2,538.00                             14:42:47             XLON
 252                         2,538.00                             14:42:47             BATE
 81                          2,538.00                             14:42:47             CHIX
 10                          2,538.00                             14:42:47             CHIX
 10                          2,538.00                             14:42:47             BATE
 27                          2,536.00                             14:47:32             XLON
 200                         2,536.00                             14:47:32             XLON
 44                          2,536.00                             14:47:32             XLON
 84                          2,536.00                             14:47:32             BATE
 35                          2,536.00                             14:47:32             BATE
 100                         2,536.00                             14:47:32             BATE
 80                          2,536.00                             14:47:32             BATE
 87                          2,536.00                             14:47:32             CHIX
 62                          2,536.00                             14:47:32             TRQX
 2                           2,538.00                             15:02:07             BATE
 222                         2,536.00                             15:07:32             XLON
 36                          2,536.00                             15:07:32             CHIX
 41                          2,536.00                             15:07:32             XLON
 76                          2,536.00                             15:07:32             XLON
 54                          2,536.00                             15:08:47             XLON
 122                         2,536.00                             15:10:08             BATE
 22                          2,536.00                             15:10:09             XLON
 87                          2,536.00                             15:10:11             XLON
 178                         2,536.00                             15:10:11             BATE
 28                          2,536.00                             15:10:11             BATE
 245                         2,536.00                             15:10:11             BATE
 116                         2,536.00                             15:10:11             BATE
 238                         2,536.00                             15:22:26             XLON
 248                         2,536.00                             15:22:26             BATE
 20                          2,536.00                             15:22:26             BATE
 3                           2,534.00                             15:31:04             XLON
 146                         2,536.00                             15:31:47             XLON
 3                           2,534.00                             15:33:32             XLON
 25                          2,536.00                             15:33:32             XLON
 25                          2,536.00                             15:33:32             XLON
 266                         2,546.00                             15:51:32             BATE
 28                          2,544.00                             15:51:33             XLON
 240                         2,546.00                             15:58:43             BATE
 52                          2,546.00                             15:58:43             BATE
 1                           2,544.00                             15:59:52             XLON
 115                         2,550.00                             16:12:52             XLON
 5                           2,550.00                             16:12:52             XLON
 1                           2,550.00                             16:12:52             XLON
 16                          2,550.00                             16:12:52             XLON
 100                         2,552.00                             16:12:52             XLON
 22                          2,552.00                             16:12:52             XLON
 26                          2,552.00                             16:12:52             XLON
 160                         2,552.00                             16:12:52             XLON
 100                         2,554.00                             16:12:52             XLON
 24                          2,554.00                             16:12:52             XLON
 27                          2,554.00                             16:12:52             XLON
 57                          2,554.00                             16:12:52             XLON
 160                         2,554.00                             16:12:52             XLON
 860                         2,554.00                             16:12:52             XLON
 44                          2,550.00                             16:13:00             BATE
 600                         2,552.00                             16:13:15             BATE
 74                          2,552.00                             16:13:15             BATE
 100                         2,552.00                             16:13:15             BATE
 30                          2,552.00                             16:13:15             BATE
 400                         2,552.00                             16:13:15             BATE
 15                          2,552.00                             16:13:15             BATE
 78                          2,552.00                             16:13:15             BATE
 100                         2,552.00                             16:13:15             BATE
 300                         2,552.00                             16:13:15             BATE
 87                          2,552.00                             16:13:15             BATE
 285                         2,550.00                             16:13:15             BATE
 286                         2,550.00                             16:13:15             BATE
 54                          2,552.00                             16:13:15             BATE
 2,000                       2,550.00                             16:19:47             BATE
 19                          2,552.00                             16:24:23             BATE
 18                          2,552.00                             16:24:23             BATE
 5                           2,552.00                             16:24:23             BATE
 1,158                       2,552.00                             16:24:33             BATE
 705                         2,552.00                             16:24:33             BATE
 100                         2,552.00                             16:24:33             BATE
 100                         2,552.00                             16:24:33             BATE
 5                           2,552.00                             16:24:33             BATE
 99                          2,552.00                             16:24:33             BATE
 143                         2,552.00                             16:24:33             BATE
 26                          2,550.00                             16:27:44             BATE
 8                           2,550.00                             16:27:52             BATE
 2                           2,550.00                             16:28:03             BATE
 3                           2,550.00                             16:28:12             BATE
 66                          2,550.00                             16:28:12             BATE
 358                         2,550.00                             16:28:12             BATE
 14                          2,550.00                             16:28:16             BATE
 21                          2,550.00                             16:28:19             BATE
 2                           2,550.00                             16:28:25             BATE


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