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REG - Origin Enterprises - Final Results

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RNS Number : 3320F  Origin Enterprises Plc  24 September 2024

Origin Enterprises plc



Solid Q4 operating performance underpins full year adjusted EPS of 48.06 cent,

 at upper end of guidance range


Dublin, London, 24 September 2024: Origin Enterprises plc ('Origin' or 'the
Group'), the international group championing sustainable land use solutions,
announces results for the financial year ended 31 July 2024 ('FY24').


Financial Summary

·     Operating profit(1) of €83.5 million and adjusted EPS(3) of
48.06 cent at upper end of guidance range, back 8.0% and 9.6% respectively on
prior year

·      Decrease in Group revenue of 16.7% to €2.0 billion, reflecting
lower global feed and fertiliser raw materials pricing, partly offset by a
7.1% volume increase driven by a recovery in fertiliser volumes and strong
feed volumes

·     Volume growth improved to 12.7% in H2 as demand for feed and
fertiliser improved and crop protection volumes benefited from strong late
season applications

·      Strong balance sheet at year end with net debt(4) of €71.7
million and key EBITDA:Net Debt covenant at 0.66x

·      Agriculture

o  Operating profit(1) from Agriculture of €71.6 million, a reduction of
10.1% year on year, as a result of adverse weather during key application
periods, primarily in the UK and Ireland

o  Continental Europe and Latin America delivered a good performance with
volume growth across both regions resulting in operating profits of €17.5
million and €15.1 million respectively

·      Living Landscapes

o  Operating profit(1) of €11.9 million, representing a 7.1% increase on
FY23 supported by the performance from recent acquisitions

o  Living Landscapes now represents 14.2% of Group operating profit(1)


Capital Allocation Summary

·     Cumulative acquisition spend of €44.3 million in FY24, primarily
driven by the completion of the put/call option for the residual 35% interest
in Fortgreen in Latin America of €30.9 million

·      Strategic capital expenditure of €34.1m, primarily in
Agriculture, including:

o  New FoliQ fertiliser plant in Poland

o  Investment programme to expand micropack production facility in Agrii

o  Build of a new blending plant and warehouse at the Port of Tyne in our
Origin Fertiliser UK business

o  Continued expansion of production facilities in Brazil

o  Continued rollout of our new ERP D365 platform across the Ireland and UK

·      Further expansion of Living Landscapes with acquisition of Avian
Ecology and Bowland Ecology, two UK based specialist ecological consultancy
businesses, post year end

·      €20 million share buyback completed on 13 September 2024;
average price of €3.17 per share

·      Proposed final dividend of 13.65 cent per share; total FY24
dividend of 16.80 cent, in line with prior year


Origin's Chief Executive Officer, Sean Coyle, commented:

"Following a solid Q4 performance, supported by strong late applications,
Origin delivered an FY24 operating profit of €83.5 million and an adjusted
earnings per share of 48.06 cent, which is at the upper end of our Q3 guidance
range. This result is a significant improvement on the last challenging
weather year experienced in FY20 and that is testament to the growth in
Fertiliser and Feed operations, Central Europe and LATAM performance and the
Group's ongoing diversification and expansion into Living Landscapes.


Our Agriculture businesses delivered an operating profit of €71.6 million, a
10.1% reduction on the prior year primarily driven by the UK market which
experienced a reduced planted area and delayed on-farm activity as a result of
challenging early season drilling and application window. To ensure the
business is better aligned to the future margin opportunity, we had to take
the difficult decision to reduce staff numbers in our UK agronomy business.


Our animal feed joint ventures in Ireland delivered strong results, largely as
a result of the increased demand for feed due to the poor weather. The Group's
performance was supported by the growth of our newly branded 'Living
Landscapes' operations, which includes our amenity, ecology, and environmental
businesses. We made progress on our strategic objective of expanding our
footprint in this space, with the completion of two complementary acquisitions
during the year and a further two subsequent to year end. Living Landscapes
now accounts for 14.2% of the Group's operating profit, up from 12.2% last
year and we remain ambitious for further acquisition and organic growth in the
coming years. We were delighted to appoint TJ Kelly, former Group CFO, as
Managing Director of Living Landscapes and overseeing its development and
expansion, with Colm Purcell joining as Group CFO on 15 July 2024.


We continue to pursue a disciplined approach to capital allocation. During the
year we returned €36.7 million to shareholders though the share buyback
programme and dividends. Total shareholder returns for the last 3 years
amounts to €128.1 million, or 36% of our current market capitalisation. We
have invested €44.3 million in acquisition growth including the completion
of the acquisition of the residual 35% interest in Fortgreen in Latin America
for €30.9 million, while maintaining a year end EBITDA:Net Debt ratio of
 less than 1x.


While trading conditions have been particularly challenging throughout FY24,
the resilience of our business model and increased diversity of our earnings
profile is evident in our solid full year performance. The Group remains well
on track to deliver the strategic, operational and financial goals outlined in
our 2022 Capital Markets Day. Consistent with previous years, the Group will
issue a Q1 Trading Update for FY25 on the date of the AGM, 21 November 2024."


 Financial Review - Summary                                              Constant

                                     FY24       FY23       Change        Currency

                                     €'000      €'000      %             %

 Group revenue                       2,045,701  2,456,168  (16.7%)       (18.0%)
 Operating profit(1)                 83,516     90,791     (8.0%)        (8.7%)
 Associates and joint venture(2)     6,421      4,040      58.9%         56.7%
 Total group operating profit(1)     89,937     94,831     (5.2%)        (5.9%)
 Finance expense, net                (18,566)   (12,963)   43.2%         42.2%
 Profit before tax(1)                71,371     81,868     (12.8%)       13.5%
 Taxation                            (16,180)   (19,230)   (15.9%)
 Adjusted net profit                 55,191     62,638     (11.9%)
 Basic EPS (cent)                    36.73      45.24      (18.8%)
 Adjusted diluted EPS (cent)(3)      48.06      53.16      (9.6%)
 Return on capital employed (%)      11.2%      12.6%      (140bps)
 Group net (debt)/cash(4)            (71,686)   53,175     (124,861)
 Operating margin(1) (%)             4.1%       3.7%       40bps
 Free cash flow (€'000)              6,175      104,418    (98,243)
 Dividend per ordinary share (cent)  16.80c     16.80c     -



 Adjusted net profit reconciliation                        FY24                      FY23

                                                           €'000                    €'000

 Reported net profit                                       40,428                 51,032
 Amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets                 13,312                 13,435
 Tax on amortisation of non-ERP related intangible assets  (2,864)                (2,460)
 Exceptional items (net of tax)                            4,315                      631
 Adjusted net profit                                       55,191                 62,638

Group revenue

Group revenue decreased by 16.7% to €2,045.7 million on a reported basis and
18.0% on a constant currency basis. Excluding crop marketing, revenue reduced
by 17.1%, with price reductions of 26.1%, reflecting expected global commodity
price movements, partially offset by volume increases of 7.8% and acquisitions
of 1.2%.


Operating profit(1)

Operating profit(1) amounted to €83.5 million compared to €90.8 million in
FY23, a reduction of 8.0%. Overall, our Agriculture businesses saw a 10.1%
reduction in operating profit to €71.6 million, while Living Landscapes saw
a 7.1% increase to €11.9 million. Group operating margin increased from 3.7%
to 4.1% in FY24, principally driven by margin improvements in our Agriculture


Associates and joint venture(2)

Origin's share of the profit after taxation from associates and joint venture
amounted to €6.4 million in the period (FY23: €4.0 million). The FY24
performance reflects a stronger feed commodity market largely driven by the
increased demand for feed due to the poor weather during the year.


Finance costs and net bank debt(4)

Net debt(4) at 31 July 2024 was €71.7 million (FY23: Net cash(4) of €53.2
million), a movement of €124.9 million on the prior year. The movement
reflects an acquisition spend of €44.3 million, including the settlement of
the Fortgreen put/call option of €30.9 million, a net working capital
outflow during the year of €62.9 million (including sanction payments
amounting to €37.5 million), growth related capital expenditure of €34.1
million and returns to shareholders through share buy backs and dividends of
€36.7 million.


Net finance costs amounted to €18.6 million, which represents an increase of
€5.6 million on the prior year, reflecting increased interest rates and
average debt, year-on-year, across the Group.


At 31 July 2024, the Group had unsecured committed banking facilities of
€400.0 million (2023: €400.0 million), with pricing linked to ESG
performance, which will expire in 2026.


At year end the Group's key banking covenants were as follows:


                         Banking Covenant

                                           FY24   FY23

 Net debt to EBITDA      Maximum 3.5       0.66   -

 EBITDA to net interest  Minimum 3.0       6.51   8.57


Working capital

For the year ended 31 July 2024, there was a working capital outflow of
€62.9 million. The increase in working capital investment was primarily
driven by higher debtors as a result of delayed applications due to weather
and a reduction in creditors following the payment of c.50% of outstanding
suspended supplier amounts in compliance with sanctions regimes amounting to
€37.5 million.


The period end working capital position includes the residual net impact of
trade payables which have been suspended in accordance with international
sanctions imposed by authorities in response to the Russian invasion of
Ukraine in 2022. We continue to closely monitor the situation with regard to
sanctions and act accordingly.



Adjusted diluted earnings per share ('EPS')(3)

Adjusted diluted EPS(3) amounted to 48.06 cent per share (FY23: 53.16 cent), a
decrease of 9.6% on a reported basis and 10.3% on a constant currency basis.


Free cash flow

                                   FY24    FY23

                                   €'m     €'m

 Free cash flow                    6.2     104.4
                                   12.7%   178.2%

 Free cash flow conversion ratio


The Group generated free cash flow in the year of €6.2 million (FY23:
€104.4 million). The movement in the free cash flow is primarily due to the
timing of suspended sanction payments year on year and the timing of receipts
with higher sales later in the year as a result of delayed applications.


Free cash flow means the total of earnings before interest, tax, depreciation
(excluding depreciation of IFRS 16 Right of Use leased assets), amortisation
of non-ERP related intangible assets and exceptional items of wholly owned
businesses ('EBITDA') adjusted to take account of interest, tax, routine
capital expenditure, working capital cash flows and dividends received.


Free cash flow conversion ratio means free cash flow as a percentage of profit
after tax of wholly owned businesses, excluding exceptional items and
amortisation of non-ERP related intangible assets.



 Return on capital employed           FY24   FY23

 Return on capital employed ('ROCE')  11.2%  12.6%


The Group delivered a ROCE of 11.2%. The Group's operating performance decline
resulted in a ROCE of 11.2%, below our target range of 12-15%. Return on
capital employed is a key performance indicator for the Group and represents
Group earnings before interest, tax and amortisation of non-ERP related
intangible assets from continuing operations ('EBITA') taken as a percentage
of the Group Net Assets. For the purposes of this calculation:


 (i)   EBITA includes the net profit contribution from associates and joint venture
       (after interest and tax) and excludes the impact of exceptional and
       non-recurring items; and

 (ii)  Group Net Assets means total assets less total liabilities as shown in the
       annual report excluding net debt, derivative financial instruments, put option
       liabilities, accumulated amortisation of non-ERP related intangible assets and
       taxation related balances. Net Assets are also adjusted to reflect the average
       level of acquisition investment spend and the average level of working capital
       for the accounting period.



Exceptional items

Exceptional items net of tax amounted to a charge of €4.3 million in the
year (FY23: €0.6 million), and are summarised in the table below:


                                          FY24        FY23

                                          €'m         €'m

 Acquisition related items                (2.0)       2.3
 Ukraine related costs                    4.5         2.0
 Redundancy and restructuring costs       3.5         -
 Arising in associates and joint venture  (1.7)       (3.7)
 Total exceptional items, net of tax      4.3         0.6


Acquisition-related items include adjustments to the fair value of contingent
consideration during the year. Operations in Ukraine were closed down in Q3
FY24 with associated costs and costs relating sanction payments included
above. Redundancy and restructuring costs are largely driven by restructuring
within the Agrii UK business to position the Group for future growth.
Associates and joint venture costs include the gain on disposal of property
and settlement of an insurance claim.




The Directors are proposing a final dividend of 13.65 cent per ordinary share
for approval at the AGM in November 2024, bringing the total dividend payment
for FY24 to 16.80 cent. Subject to shareholder approval at the AGM, this final
dividend will be paid on 14 February 2025 to shareholders on the register on
24 January 2025.

Board changes

Mr Dick Hordijk (Netherlands), Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the
Executive board of Royal Agrifirm Group, a global agricultural cooperative,
will be appointed to the Board as an independent Non-Executive Director, with
effect from 16 October 2024.


Colm Purcell joined the Group as Chief Financial Officer on 15 July 2024. Colm
will be co-opted to the Board on 25 September 2024 following the publication
of the Group's full year results for 2024.



Share buyback programme

On 21 November 2023 the Group commenced a share buyback programme to
repurchase up to €20 million of ordinary shares. At 31 July 2024, the Group
had spent €18.2 million on the programme and it was successfully completed
on 13 September 2024.



ESG Update

In FY24, Origin advanced its ESG agenda through ongoing portfolio
diversification and a commitment to the Science Based Targets initiative
(SBTi), which was validated in November 2023. Our approach aims to address
climate challenges and geopolitical shifts, promote biodiversity, sustainable
land practices, and innovation. By reducing emissions, protecting and
conserving resources, Origin seeks to enhance food security, optimise
sustainable land use, and promote inclusive growth.



Corporate development

During the year, the Group continued to strengthen its offering in the Living
Landscapes space. The Group acquired Groundtrax Systems Limited ('Groundtrax')
and the business and operating assets of Suregreen Limited ('Suregreen') from
its administrators. Groundtrax is a leading supplier of ground protection and
sustainable urban drainage systems and Suregreen is a UK based landscape and
gardening products supplier for trade professionals and DIY customers. The
Group also completed the Fortgreen put/call option which is the final payment
for the Latin America business within the Agriculture segment.


Subsequent to year end, the Group completed the acquisition of Avian Ecology
Limited ('Avian') and Bowland Ecology Limited ('Bowland'). Both Avian and
Bowland are specialist ecological consultancy businesses in the UK.



Investor relations

Our strategy aims to create long-term shareholder value and we support this
strategy through regular and open communication with all capital market
participants. Contact with institutional shareholders is the responsibility of
the executive management team including the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief
Financial Officer and the Head of Investor Relations.


We engage with institutional investors in numerous one-on-one meetings, as
well as at roadshows and equity conferences. During FY24, meetings were held
with 145 institutional investors. Engagement was facilitated through a
combination of in-person meetings and remotely using virtual conferences and
video calls.


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM is scheduled to be held on 21 November 2024 at 11.00am (UK/Ireland
time) in the Merrion Hotel, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2.


 (1)  Before amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets and exceptional items
 (2)  Profit after interest and tax before exceptional items
 (3)  Before amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets, net of related deferred tax
      (2024: €10.4m, 2023: €11.0m) and exceptional items, net of tax (2024:
      €4.3m, 2023: €0.6m)
 (4)  Group net cash/(bank debt) before impact of IFRS 16 Leases

Cautionary statement


This Preliminary Results Statement contains forward looking statements. These
statements have been made by the Directors in good faith based on the
information available to them up to the time of the preparation of this
document. Due to the inherent uncertainties, including both economic and
business risk factors underlying such forward-looking information, actual
results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by these
forward-looking statements.


The Directors undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements
contained in this document, whether as a result of new information, future
events or otherwise.



Conference Call and Webcast details:


The management team will host a live conference call and webcast, for analysts
and institutional investors today, 24 September 2024, at 08:30 (Irish/UK
time). Registration details for the Conference Call and Webcast can be
accessed at: www.originenterprises.com (http://www.originenterprises.com)


Alternatively, please contact FTI Consulting by email at


Participants are requested to dial in 5 to 10 minutes prior to the scheduled
start time.



 Origin Enterprises plc
 Colm Purcell
 Chief Financial Officer                             Tel:  +353 (0)1 563 4900

 Brendan Corcoran
 Head of Investor Relations                          Tel:  +353 (0)1 563 4900

 Goodbody (Euronext Growth (Dublin) Adviser)

 Joe Gill                                            Tel:  +353 (0)1 641 9449

 Davy (Nominated Adviser)
 Anthony Farrell                                     Tel:  +353 (0)1 614 9993

 Berenberg (Corporate Broker)
 Clayton Bush                                        Tel:  +44 (0)20 3207 7800

 FTI Consulting (Financial Communications Advisers)
 Jonathan Neilan / Patrick Berkery                   Tel:  +353 (86) 602 5988



 About Origin Enterprises plc

 Origin Enterprises plc champions sustainable land use through technically-led
 solutions, empowering our customers to enrich their land so it can achieve its
 true potential. The Group has leading market positions in Ireland,
 the United Kingdom, Brazil, Poland and Romania, and is listed on the
 Euronext Growth Dublin market and the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.

 Euronext Growth (Dublin) ticker symbol:               OIZ
 AIM ticker

 www.originenterprises.com (http://www.originenterprises.com)

Review of Operations

Group Overview



                     FY24      FY24               FY24               FY23      FY23               FY23

                     Revenue   Operating profit   Operating margin   Revenue   Operating profit   Operating margin

                               €'m                %                            €'m                %

                     €'m                                             €'m

 Ireland and the UK  1,208.6   39.0               3.2%               1,513.2   46.7               3.1%
 Continental Europe  557.7     17.5               3.1%               696.3     17.3               2.5%
 Latin America       130.1     15.1               11.6%              118.1     15.7               13.3%
 Total               1,896.4   71.6               3.8%               2,327.6   79.7               3.4%

 Living Landscapes   149.3     11.9               8.0%               128.6     11.1               8.6%

 Group               2,045.7   83.5               4.1%               2,456.2   90.8               3.7%


 (1)  Before amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets and exceptional items
 (2)  Excluding currency movements




Agriculture delivered a robust performance during the year despite the
significant challenges of adverse weather and commodity price movements. This
challenging operating environment resulted in a decrease in revenues and
operating profit of 18.5% and 10.1% respectively. Geographical analysis is set
out below:



Ireland and the UK


                                                        Change on the prior year
                                                                       Constant Currency(3)

                                      FY24     FY23     Change         %

                                      €'m      €'m      %

 Revenue                              1,208.6  1,513.2  (20.1%)                   (21.1%)
 Operating profit(1)                  39.0     46.7     (16.6%)        (17.7%)
 Operating margin(1)                  3.2%     3.1%     10bps          10bps

 Associates and joint venture(2)      6.4      4.0      58.9%          57.6%


 (1)  Before amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets and exceptional items
 (2)  Profit after interest and tax before exceptional items
 (3)  Excluding currency movements


Ireland and the UK delivered a reduced operating profit contribution in FY24,
primarily driven by the UK market where sales of crop protection and other
farm inputs were impacted by adverse weather conditions. While revenues
declined by 20.1%, the impact on operating profit was somewhat mitigated by
operational efficiencies and cost control initiatives. Overall operating
margins increased from 3.1% to 3.2%.



Sustainable Agronomy

Our Sustainable Agronomy business delivers agronomy services and sales of
inputs direct to farmers, predominantly in the UK. During the year,
performance was impacted by difficult weather and in-field conditions that saw
an 8.5% reduction in the overall planted area to 3.9 million hectares. This
resulted in curtailed investment by growers that directly impacted our revenue
and operating profit.



Soil Nutrition

Our Soil Nutrition business largely encompasses the Ireland and UK
business-to-business fertiliser operations. Overall Soil Nutrition performance
was in line with expectations. The operating profit reduction, driven by
falling commodity markets, more than offset volume increases, with volumes
making some recovery from recent historical lows and pricing now returning to
more normalised levels.



Animal Nutrition

Origin's Feed Ingredients business delivered a strong performance in FY24,
benefitting from increased demand given the challenging in-field conditions
experienced on the island of Ireland.


The Group's animal feed manufacturing associate, John Thompson & Sons
Limited, in which the Group has a 50% shareholding, delivered a good
performance in the period.



Continental Europe


                                                                 Change on prior year
                                                                              Constant Currency(2)

                                                 FY24    FY23    Change       %

                                                 €'m     €'m     %

 Revenue                                         557.7   696.3   (19.9%)      (22.3%)
 Revenue (excl. crop marketing)                  378.2   464.6   (18.6%)      (20.0%)
 Operating profit(1)                             17.5    17.3    1.3%         (0.4%)
 Operating profit(1) (excl. crop marketing)      16.5    15.8    4.6%         3.2%
 Operating margin(1)                             3.1%    2.5%    60bps        70bps
 Operating margin(1) (excl. crop marketing)      4.4%    3.4%    100bps       100bps


 (1)  Before amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets and exceptional items
 (2)  Excluding currency movements


Continental Europe ('CE') delivered a good performance in FY24, with operating
profit of €16.5 million, an increase of 4.6% on FY23. The Group completed
the closure of the Ukraine business in Q3 with no material impact to Group
operating profit.


Overall revenue, excluding crop marketing, declined by 18.6% in the year which
represents commodity pricing reductions. Overall sales volumes increased by
7.9%, with both geographies showing growth, and a favourable product mix
contributing to margin enhancement. Operating margin increased from 3.4% to
4.4% in the year.




Poland delivered a good performance in FY24, supported by a cropping area in
line with FY23 and higher disease pressure during the key application windows.


The completion and commissioning of the new FoliQ foliar fertiliser plant
occurred during the year, with a ramp-up of production now underway.

The harvest is now complete, with average yields lower than FY23 due to dry
conditions during the season and reduced on-farm spend in some regions.
Current farm sentiment remains cautious due to commodity price volatility and
dry conditions in some areas.




Romania reported a solid performance in FY24, with a planted area broadly in
line with FY23, however drought conditions did impact product demand in
certain regions and mix of product.


During the year we enhanced our micro-pack facility with new bottling
capabilities to meet growing demand.


The harvest is largely complete, with average yields below last year due to
soil moisture deficits in some areas. The reduced yields have impacted farm
sentiment negatively, with planting decisions for the FY25 season being
delayed in some areas while soil moisture deficits remain.



Latin America


                                              Change on prior period
                                              Change        Constant Currency(2)

                              FY24    FY23    %              %

                              €'m     €'m

 Revenue                      130.1   118.1   10.1%         11.7%
 Operating profit(1)          15.1    15.7    (3.3%)        (1.8%)
 Operating margin(1)          11.6%   13.3%   (170bps)      (160bps)


 (1)  Before amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets and exceptional items
 (2)  Excluding currency movements


Latin America delivered a solid performance in FY24, ahead of expectations in
a challenging macro environment, with operating profit of €15.1 million.


There was an underlying increase in volumes of 37.4% in the year. The
sustained volume growth across all product portfolios is driven by continued
investment in the sales organisation and operations infrastructure. The
reduction in operating margin reflects the impact of the deflationary
environment within Brazilian fertiliser markets versus a strong comparative
prior year, together with the mix effect of a greater increase in CRF sales
compared to speciality products.


The overall result was supported by the total cropping area dedicated to soya,
Brazil's principal crop, increasing by 4.0% on the prior year to 45.4 million
hectares. However, the expected soya harvest is currently estimated to be
148.5 million tonnes, down from the 154.6 million tonnes in the prior year due
to a hot and dry growing season. The total production for Brazil's second corn
crop, known as 'safrinha', is forecasted to decrease by 9.4% to 119.5 million
tonnes due to a reduction in planted area, coupled with lower projected



Living Landscapes


                                                                 Change on prior year
                                                                              Constant Currency(2)

                                       FY24         FY23         Change       %

                                       €'m          €'m          %

 Revenue                               149.3        128.6        16.1%        14.7%
 Operating profit(1)                   11.9         11.1         7.1%         5.8%
 Operating margin(1)                   8.0%         8.6%         (60bps)      (70bps)
 (1)         Before amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets and exceptional items
 (2)         Excluding currency movements


Living Landscapes delivered a good performance during the year, supported by
the positive impact of acquisitions over the current and prior year. This
segment now accounts for 14.2% of the Group's operating profit, up from 12.2%
last year, demonstrating the effectiveness of our strategy and its
contribution to a more diversified and resilient earnings base.


During the year, the Group completed two acquisitions, Groundtrax and
Suregreen, for initial consideration of €5.3 million. These acquisitions
complement Origin's growth strategy and extends our product range and service
offering in the Living Landscapes sector.




Our Sports businesses provide agronomic advice, supporting technically-led
retail sales of the inputs required to help each playing or recreational space
achieve its true potential. Performance during the year was impacted by
prolonged wet conditions across the UK, which impacted application windows for
sports turf products.




Our Landscapes businesses provide professional-grade landscaping, tree
planting and forestry services and products to developers, construction
contractors, architects, and custodians of land across all types of land
development. The division continues to benefit from ongoing investment within
urban greening and infrastructure projects.




Our environmental businesses offer ecological and environmental services to
organisations involved in land management, development, restoration, and
conservation. We continue to grow our footprint through ongoing investment.


Subsequent to year end, the Group completed two further bolt-on acquisitions
in the environmental space - Avian Ecology and Bowland Ecology. These
specialist consultancies further strengthen the Group's environmental services
and complement our Neo Environmental and Keystone Environmental businesses.









Origin Enterprises plc


Consolidated Income Statement

For the financial year ended 31 July 2024


                                                                  Pre-                                             Pre-
                                                                  exceptional      Exceptional      Total          exceptional    Exceptional    Total
                                                                  2024             2024             2024           2023           2023           2023
                                                                  €'000            €'000            €'000          €'000          €'000          €'000
                                                  Notes                            (Note 3)                                       (Note 3)

 Revenue                                          2               2,045,701        -                2,045,701      2,456,168      -              2,456,168
 Cost of sales                                                    (1,701,665)      -                (1,701,665)    (2,122,029)    -              (2,122,029)

 Gross profit                                                     334,036          -                334,036        334,139        -              334,139

 Operating costs                                                  (273,832)        (7,318)          (281,150)      (256,783)      (4,489)        (261,272)

 Share of profit of associates and joint venture

                                                                  6,421            1,653            8,074          4,040          3,692          7,732

 Operating profit                                                 76,625           (5,665)          70,960         81,396         (797)          80,599

 Finance income                                                   3,386            -                3,386          2,080          -              2,080
 Finance expense                                                  (21,952)         -                (21,952)       (15,043)       -              (15,043)

 Profit before income tax

                                                                  58,059           (5,665)          52,394         68,433         (797)          67,636

 Income tax (expense)/credit

                                                                  (13,316)         1,350            (11,966)       (16,770)       166            (16,604)

 Profit for the year                                              44,743           (4,315)          40,428         51,663         (631)          51,032

 Earnings per share for the year                                                                    2024                                         2023

 Basic earnings per share                                         4                                 36.73c                                       45.24c

 Diluted earnings per share                                       4                                 35.21c                                       43.31c

Origin Enterprises plc


Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the financial year ended 31 July 2024


                                                                                 2024          2023
                                                                                 €'000         €'000

 Profit for the year                                                             40,428        51,032

 Other comprehensive (expense) / income

 Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to the Consolidated Income
 Group/Associate defined benefit pension obligations
 -remeasurements on Group's defined benefit pension schemes                      3,154         (6,103)
 -deferred tax effect of remeasurements                                          (836)         1,506
 -share of remeasurements on associate's defined benefit pension schemes         (79)          (53)
 -share of deferred tax effect of remeasurements - associates                    20            13

 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to the Consolidated Income
 Group foreign exchange translation details
 -exchange difference on translation of foreign operations                       (12,089)      (1,580)

 Group/Associate cash flow hedges
 -effective portion of changes in fair value of cash flow hedges                 (3,608)       7,387
 -fair value of cash flow hedges transferred to operating costs and other        (414)         (7,801)
 -deferred tax effect of cash flow hedges                                        250           394
 -share of associates and joint venture cash flow hedges                         295           (1,960)
 -deferred tax effect of share of associates and joint venture cash flow hedges  (37)          245

 Other comprehensive expense for the year, net of tax                            (12,804)      (7,952)

 Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to equity shareholders     27,624        43,080


Origin Enterprises plc


Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at 31 July 2024


                                                     2024                                      2023
                                              Notes  €'000                                     €'000


 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                5      132,665                                   118,107
 Right-of-use-asset                                  59,834                                    54,037
 Investment properties                               2,270                                     2,270
 Goodwill and intangible assets               6      308,852                                   299,906
 Investments in associates and joint venture  7      44,484                                    52,387
 Other financial assets                              913                                       898
 Deferred tax assets                                 6,866                                     8,737
 Post employment benefit schemes surplus      9      6,715                                     2,579
 Derivative financial instruments                                    2,760                                     6,960

 Total non-current assets                            565,359                                   545,881

 Current assets
 Assets classified as held for sale                  5,800                                     5,800
 Inventory                                           228,132                                   232,167
 Trade and other receivables                         477,851                                   440,398
 Derivative financial instruments                    634                                       118
 Cash and cash equivalents                    11     124,540                                   151,237

 Total current assets                                836,957                                   829,720

 TOTAL ASSETS                                        1,402,316                                 1,375,601

Origin Enterprises plc


Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (continued)

As at 31 July 2024


                                                               2024         2023
                                              Notes            €'000        €'000


 Called up share capital presented as equity         12        1,253        1,253
 Share premium                                                 160,526      160,526
 Retained earnings and other reserves                          243,151      248,814

 TOTAL EQUITY                                                  404,930      410,593


 Non-current liabilities
 Interest bearing loans and borrowings        11               196,225      96,964
 Lease liabilities                                             47,184       42,835
 Deferred tax liabilities                                      21,732       20,720
 Provisions for liabilities                   8                9,419        11,331
 Derivative financial instruments                              538          25

 Total non-current liabilities                                 275,098      171,875

 Current liabilities
 Interest bearing loans and borrowings        11               1            1,098
 Lease liabilities                                             14,348       12,081
 Trade and other payables                                      693,992      722,605
 Corporation tax payable                                       6,538        11,937
 Put option liability                                          -            32,382
 Provisions for liabilities                   8                6,455        11,987
 Derivative financial instruments                              954          1,043

 Total current liabilities                                     722,288      793,133

 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                             997,386      965,008

 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                  1,402,316    1,375,601

Origin Enterprises plc


Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the financial year ended 31 July 2024

                                                                                                                                                Share-                             Foreign
                                                                                               Capital         Cash flow                        based                              currency
                                                      Share        Share        Treasury       redemption      hedge           Revaluation      payment       Re-organisation      translation      Retained
                                                      capital      Premium      shares         reserve         reserve         reserve          reserve       reserve              reserve          earnings      Total
                                                      €'000        €'000        €'000          €'000           €'000           €'000            €'000         €'000                €'000            €'000         €'000

 At 1 August 2023                                     1,253        160,526      (51,689)       145             2,869           12,843           6,226         (196,884)            (45,328)         520,632       410,593

 Profit for the year                                  -            -            -              -               -               -                -             -                    -                40,428        40,428
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income for the year    -            -            -              -               (2,974)         -                -             -                    (12,089)         2,259         (12,804)
 Total comprehensive income / (expense) for the year  -            -            -              -               (2,974)         -                -             -                    (12,089)         42,687        27,624

 Share-based payment charge                           -            -            -              -               -               -                2,439         -                    -                -             2,439

 Share buyback                                        -            -            (18,150)       -               -               -                -             -                    -                -             (18,150)

 Re-issue of treasury shares                          -            -            2,270          -               -               -                -             -                    -                (1,306)       964
 Dividend paid to shareholders                        -            -            -              -               -               -                -             -                    -                (18,540)      (18,540)

 Transfer of share based payment reserve              -            -            -              -               -               -                (1,063)       -                    -                1,063         -

 to retained earnings

 At 31 July 2024                                      1,253        160,526      (67,569)       145             (105)           12,843           7,602         (196,884)            (57,417)         544,536       404,930

Origin Enterprises plc


Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the financial year ended 31 July 2024



                                                                            2024        2023
                                                                            €'000       €'000

 Cash flows from operating activities
 Profit before tax                                                          52,394      67,636
 Exceptional items                                                          5,665       797
 Finance income                                                             (3,386)     (2,080)
 Finance expense                                                            21,952      15,043
 Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                          (79)        718
 Share of profit of associates and joint venture                            (6,421)     (4,040)
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                              8,822       8,678
 Depreciation of right of use assets                                        14,320      12,810
 Amortisation of intangible assets                                          15,002      14,218
 Employee share-based payment charge                                        2,439       2,550
 Pension contributions in excess of service costs and administration costs  (803)       (834)
 Settlement of non-trade related item                                       (7,205)     -
 Payment of exceptional Ukraine related costs                               (4,043)     (1,918)
 Payment of exceptional acquisition and disposal related costs              (4,669)     (1,537)

 Operating cash flow before changes in working capital                      93,998      112,041

 Movement in inventory                                                      3,809       146,884
 Movement in trade and other receivables                                    (40,449)    19,845
 Movement in trade and other payables                                       (26,249)    (122,835)

 Cash generated from operating activities                                   31,099      155,935

 Interest paid                                                              (14,466)    (11,526)
 Income tax paid                                                            (16,064)    (19,631)

 Cash inflow from operating activities                                      569         124,778

Origin Enterprises plc


Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (continued)

For the financial year ended 31 July 2024



                                                                2024           2023
                                                                €'000          €'000

 Cash flows from investing activities
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment            924            235
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment                      (23,542)       (18,567)
 Additions to intangible assets                                 (19,831)       (17,683)
 Consideration relating to acquisitions (net of cash acquired)  (5,302)        (30,112)
 Payment of contingent acquisition consideration                (8,084)        (115)
 Net proceeds from disposal of subsidiary                       -              705
 Purchase of other financial assets                             -              (345)
 Payment of put option liability                                (30,912)       -
 Dividends received from associates                             16,596         144

 Cash outflow from investing activities                         (70,151)       (65,738)

 Cash flows from financing activities
 Drawdown of bank loans                                         423,226        334,599
 Repayment of bank loans                                        (325,966)      (369,244)
 Lease liability payments                                       (15,955)       (14,810)
 Share buyback                                                  (18,150)       (20,000)
 Issue of share capital                                         -              5
 Proceeds from re-issue of treasury shares                      1,608          1,654
 Payment of dividends to equity shareholders                    (18,540)       (17,990)

 Cash inflow / (outflow) from financing activities              46,223         (85,786)

 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                      (23,359)       (26,746)
 Translation adjustment                                         (2,241)        515
 Cash and cash equivalents at start of year                     150,139        176,370

 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year (Note 11)             124,539        150,139


Origin Enterprises plc


Notes to the preliminary results statement

                For the financial year ended 31 July 2024


1       Basis of preparation


The financial information included on pages 12 to 32 of this preliminary
results statement has been extracted from the Group financial statements for
the year ended 31 July 2024 on which the auditor has issued an unqualified
audit opinion.


The financial information has been prepared in accordance with the accounting
policies set out in the Group's consolidated financial statements for the year
ended 31 July 2024, which were prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU.


The consolidated financial information is presented in Euro, rounded to the
nearest thousand, which is the functional currency of the parent.


2       Segment information


IFRS 8, 'Operating Segments', requires operating segments to be identified on
the basis of internal reports that are regularly reviewed by the Chief
Operating Decision Maker ('CODM') in order to allocate resources to the
segments and to assess their performance.


The Group performed a review of operating segments during the year. Given the
recent acquisitions in the Ecology and Environmental sector and the Group's
strategic objective to expand further into this sector, the Group has
determined there are two operating segments as follows:




This segment includes the Group's wholly owned Business-to-Business
Agri-Inputs operations, Integrated Agronomy and On-Farm Services operations in
Ireland, the United Kingdom, Poland, Romania, and Brazil. In addition, this
segment includes the Group's associate and joint venture undertakings.


Living Landscapes


This segment includes the Group's wholly owned Amenity, Environmental and
Ecology operations, providing a range of consultancy, inputs and technical
solutions in sports turf management, landscaping, and environmental


Prior year comparative information has been presented on a consistent basis to
reflect the changes in our reporting segments.


Information regarding the results of each reportable segment is included
below. Performance is measured based on segment operating profit as included
in the internal management reports that are reviewed by the Group's CODM,
being the Origin Executive Directors. Segment operating profit is used to
measure performance, as this information is the most relevant in evaluating
the results of the Group's segments.


Segment results, assets and liabilities include all items directly
attributable to a segment.


Segment capital expenditure is the total amount incurred during the period to
acquire segment assets that are expected to be used for more than one
accounting period.


Origin Enterprises plc


Notes to the preliminary results statement (continued)

                For the financial year ended 31 July 2024


2              Segment information (continued)


(i) Segment revenue and results


                                                Agriculture                           Living Landscapes            Total Group
                                                2024             2023           2024                  2023         2024             2023
                                                €'000            €'000          €'000                 €'000        €'000            €'000
 Ireland & UK                                   1,208,575        1,513,176      149,288               128,588      1,357,863        1,641,764
 Continental Europe                             557,742          696,268         -                     -           557,742          696,268
 Latin America                                  130,096          118,136         -                     -           130,096          118,136
 Total                                          1,896,413        2,327,580      149,288               128,588      2,045,701        2,456,168
 Segment Result
 Ireland & UK                                   38,957           46,736         11,898                11,105       50,855           57,841
 Continental Europe                             17,523           17,297          -                     -           17,523           17,297
 Latin America                                  15,138           15,653          -                     -           15,138           15,653
 Total                                          71,618           79,686         11,898                11,105       83,516           90,791
 Profit from associate & joint venture          6,421            4,040          -                     -            6,421            4,040
 Amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets      (10,603)         (11,500)       (2,709)               (1,935)      (13,312)         (13,435)
 Operating profit before exceptional items      67,436           72,226         9,189                 9,170        76,625           81,396
 Exceptional items                              (7,528)          524            1,863                 (1,321)      (5,665)          (797)
 Operating profit                               59,908           72,750         11,052                7,849        70,960           80,599

Origin Enterprises plc


Notes to the preliminary results statement (continued)

For the financial year ended 31 July 2024


2       Segment information (continued)


(ii) Segment earnings before financing costs and tax is reconciled to reported
profit before tax and profit after tax as follows:

                                                                                 2024        2023
                                                                                 €'000       €'000

                 Segment earnings before financing costs and tax                 70,960      80,599

                 Finance income                                                  3,386       2,080
                 Finance expense                                                 (21,952)    (15,043)

  Reported profit before tax                                                     52,394      67,636

                 Income tax expense                                              (11,966)    (16,604)

                 Reported profit after tax                                       40,428      51,032



3        Exceptional items


Exceptional items are those that, in management's judgement, should be
separately presented and disclosed by virtue of their nature or amount.  Such
items are included within the Consolidated Income Statement caption to which
they relate.  The following exceptional items arose during the year:


                                                                       2024                            2023
                                                                       €'000                           €'000
 Ukraine related costs (i)                                             4,755                           2,226
 Acquisition, disposal and other related (credit) / costs (ii)         (1,951)                         2,263
 Redundancy & restructuring costs (iii)                                4,514                           -

 Exceptional costs before tax and before associates and joint venture  7,318                           4,489
 Tax credit on exceptional items                                       (1,350)                         (166)
                                                                                   5,968                           4,323

 Exceptional costs before associates and joint venture
 Arising in associates and joint venture, net of tax (iv)              (1,653)                         (3,692)
 Total exceptional costs after tax                                     4,315                           631

Origin Enterprises plc


Notes to the preliminary results statement (continued)

For the financial year ended 31 July 2024


3        Exceptional items (continued)


(i)   Ukraine related costs

Ukraine related costs comprise of rationalisation costs attributable to
termination payments from restructuring programmes in Ukraine along with costs
associated with international sanctions imposed by authorities in response to
the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The tax impact of this exceptional item in
the year was a tax credit of €0.4 million.


(ii)  Acquisition, disposal and other related costs / (credit)

Acquisition, disposal and other related costs principally comprised of
transaction costs incurred in relation to the acquisitions completed during
the current year, offset by a credit for excess deferred consideration. The
tax impact of this exceptional item in the current year was a charge of


(iii) Redundancy & restructuring costs

Redundancy & restructuring costs relate to termination payments from
restructuring programmes across the Group. The tax impact of this exceptional
item in the current year was a tax credit of €1.0 million.


(iv) Arising in associates and joint venture

During 2021 the R&H Hall storage facility in Ringaskiddy suffered fire
damage. A credit of €1.0 million represents the excess of the insurance
claim proceeds over the net book value of the assets destroyed and other
restructuring costs incurred. Also included is a credit of €0.7 million
related to an exceptional gain on disposal of property. The tax impact of
these exceptional items in the current year was a tax charge of €0.7





Origin Enterprises plc


Notes to the preliminary results statement (continued)

For the financial year ended 31 July 2024



4      Earnings per share


        Basic earnings per share

                                                                         2024       2023
                                                                         €'000      €'000

         Profit for the year attributable to equity shareholders         40,428     51,032

                                                                         '000       '000
         Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the year         110,068    112,791

                                                                         Cent       Cent

         Basic earnings per share                                        36.73      45.24


        Diluted earnings per share

                                                                              2024         2023
                                                                              €'000        €'000

         Profit for the year attributable to equity shareholders              40,428       51,032

                                                                              '000         '000

         Weighted average number of ordinary shares used in basic             110,068      112,791
         Impact of shares with a dilutive effect                              3,927        2,671
         Impact of the SAYE scheme                                            832          2,379
         Weighted average number of ordinary shares (diluted) for the         114,827      117,841

                                                                              Cent         Cent

         Diluted earnings per share                                           35.21        43.31

Origin Enterprises plc


Notes to the preliminary results statement (continued)

For the financial year ended 31 July 2024


4      Earnings per share (continued)

                                                                         2024       2023
                                                                         '000       '000
         Adjusted basic earnings per share

         Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the year         110,068    112,791



                                                                            2024         2023
                                                                            €'000        €'000

         Profit for the year                                                40,428       51,032

         Amortisation of non-ERP related intangible assets (Note 6)         13,312       13,435
         Tax on amortisation of non-ERP related intangible assets           (2,864)      (2,460)
         Exceptional items, net of tax                                      4,315        631
         Adjusted profit for the year                                       55,191       62,638

                                                                            Cent         Cent

         Adjusted basic earnings per share                                  50.14        55.53


        Adjusted diluted earnings per share

                                                                              2024       2023
                                                                              '000       '000

         Weighted average number of ordinary shares used in basic             110,068    112,791
         Impact of shares with a dilutive effect                              3,927      2,671
         Impact of the SAYE scheme                                            832        2,379
         Weighted average number of ordinary shares (diluted) for the         114,827    117,841



                                                         2024         2023
                                                         €'000        €'000

         Adjusted profit for the year (as above)         55,191       62,638

                                                         Cent         Cent

         Adjusted diluted earnings per share             48.06        53.16

Origin Enterprises plc


Notes to the preliminary results statement (continued)

             For the financial year ended 31 July 2024


5    Property, plant and equipment


                                   2024         2023
                                   €'000        €'000

 At 1 August                       118,107      107,906
 Arising on acquisition (Note 10)  799          1,459
 Additions                         23,519       18,891
 Disposals                         (812)        (1,014)
 Depreciation charge for the year  (8,822)      (8,678)
 Translation adjustments           (126)        (457)
 At 31 July                        132,665      118,107




6    Goodwill and intangible assets


                                            2024          2023
                                            €'000         €'000

 At 1 August                                299,906       251,999
 Arising on acquisition (Note 10)           7,165         46,650
 Additions                                  19,835        17,683

 Disposals                                  (20)          (886)
 Purchase adjustment                        -             (58)
 Amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets  (13,312)      (13,435)
 ERP intangible amortisation                (1,690)       (783)
 Translation adjustments                    (3,032)       (1,264)
 At 31 July                                 308,852       299,906

Origin Enterprises plc


Notes to the preliminary results statement (continued)

             For the financial year ended 31 July 2024


7    Investments in associates and joint venture


                                                            2024          2023
                                                            €'000         €'000

    At 1 August                                             52,387        47,053
    Share of profits after tax, before exceptional items    6,421         4,040
    Share of exceptional items, net of tax (Note 3)         1,653         3,692
    Dividends received                                      (16,596)      (144)
    Share of other comprehensive income / (expense)         199           (1,755)
    Translation adjustments                                 420           (499)
                 At 31 July                                 44,484        52,387
                 Split as follows:
                 Total associates                           25,359        27,219
                 Total joint venture                        19,125        25,168
                                                            44,484        52,387




8    Provisions for liabilities


      The estimate of provisions is a key judgement in the preparation of
the financial statements.

                                                         2024                                                      2023

                                                                           €'000                                                     €'000

 At 1 August                                             23,318                                                    5,612

 Arising on acquisition (Note 10)                        2,001                                                     15,199
 Provided in year                                                      2,458                                                     2,738
 Paid / utilised in year                                 (9,385)                                                   (115)
 Released in the year                                    (2,703)                                                   (290)
 Translation adjustments                                 185                                                       174
 At 31 July                                              15,874                                                    23,318
                 Split as follows:
                 Current liabilities                     6,455                                                     11,987
                 Non-current liabilities                 9,419                                                     11,331
                                                         15,874                                                    23,318

Provisions primarily relate to contingent acquisition consideration arising on
a number of acquisitions completed during the current and prior years.

Origin Enterprises plc


Notes to the preliminary results statement (continued)

For the financial year ended 31 July 2024


9    Post employment benefit obligations


The Group operates a number of defined benefit pension schemes and defined
contribution schemes with assets held in separate trustee administered funds.
All of the defined benefit schemes are closed to new members.


The valuations of the defined benefit schemes used for the purposes of the
following disclosures are those of the most recent actuarial valuations
carried out at 31 July 2024 by an independent, qualified actuary.  The
valuations have been performed using the projected unit method.



Movement in net asset recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Financial


                                                  2024           2023
                                                  €'000          €'000

   At 1 August                                    2,579          7,767
   Current service cost                           (150)          (414)
   Administrative expenses paid from plan assets  (246)          -
   Employer contributions                         1,199          1,248
   Other finance income                           124            255
   Remeasurements                                 3,154          (6,103)
   Translation adjustments                        55             (174)
                                                           ( )
   At  31 July                                    6,715          2,579


10 Acquisition of subsidiary undertakings


On 25 August 2023, the Group acquired the business and operating assets of
Suregreen Limited, a UK based landscape and gardening products supplier for
trade professionals and DIY customers from its administrators.


On 1 February 2024, the Group acquired 100% of the share capital of Groundtrax
Systems Limited in the UK, a leading specialist supplier of ground protection
and reinforcement systems.





Origin Enterprises plc


Notes to the preliminary results statement (continued)

For the financial year ended 31 July 2024


10       Acquisition of subsidiary undertakings - continued


 Property, plant & equipment                            799
 Right of use leased assets                             199
 Intangible assets                                      719
 Total non-current assets                               1,717

 Current assets
 Inventory                                              691
 Trade and other receivables                            565
 Cash and cash equivalents                              3,360
 Total current assets                                   4,616

 Trade and other payables                               (1,581)
 Lease Liabilities                                      (199)
 Corporation tax                                        (197)
 Deferred tax liability                                 (139)
 Total liabilities                                      (2,116)

 Total identifiable net assets at fair value            4,217

 Goodwill arising on acquisition                        6,446
 Total net assets acquired                              10,663

 Consideration satisfied by:

 Cash consideration                                     8,662
 Contingent consideration arising from acquisition      2,001
 Total consideration related to acquisitions            10,663

 Net cash outflow - arising on acquisitions
 Cash consideration                                     8,662
 Less cash and cash equivalents acquired                (3,360)
 Total consideration related to acquisitions            5,302

        Details of the net assets acquired and goodwill arising from the
business combinations are as follows:


(i)   Trade Receivables acquired were €0.6 million. All amounts deemed

Origin Enterprises plc


Notes to the preliminary results statement (continued)

For the financial year ended 31 July 2024


11  Analysis of net cash / (debt)


                                2023          Cash flow      Non-cash        Translation adjustments      2024

                                €'000         €'000          €'000           €'000                        €'000

     Cash                       151,237       (24,426)       -               (2,271)                      124,540
     Overdrafts                 (1,098)       1,067          -               30                           (1)

     Cash and cash equivalents  150,139       (23,359)       -               (2,241)                      124,539

     Loans                      (96,964)      (97,260)       (534)           (1,467)                      (196,225)

     Net cash / (debt)          53,175        (120,619)      (534)           (3,708)                      (71,686)

     Lease liabilities          (54,916)      15,955         (21,867)        (704)                        (61,532)

     Net debt including         (1,741)       (104,664)      (22,401)        (4,412)                      (133,218)

     lease liabilities





Origin Enterprises plc


Notes to the preliminary results statement (continued)

For the financial year ended 31 July 2024


12  Share capital


                                                                                 2024         2023
                                                                                 €'000        €'000
         250,000,000 ordinary shares of €0.01 each (i)                           2,500        2,500

         Allotted, called up and fully paid
         125,320,375 (2023: 125,320,375) ordinary shares of €0.01 each           1,253        1,253
 (i) (ii)


                                                   Number of treasury shares      Nominal value of shares      Carrying value of shares
                                                                                  €'000                        €'000
         Treasury shares in issue
         At 1 August 2023                          13,558,484                     135                          51,689
         Share buyback (ii)                        5,759,134                      58                           18,150
         Re-issue of treasury shares (iii)         (627,983)                      (6)                          (2,270)

                                                   18,689,635                     187                          67,569



(i)    Ordinary shareholders are entitled to dividends as declared and each
ordinary share carries equal voting rights at meetings of the Company.


(ii)    During the financial year, the Group commenced a share buyback
programme. The total number of ordinary shares purchased by the Group was
5,759,134 for a total consideration before expenses of €18.2 million. The
re-purchased shares are held as treasury shares.


(iii)   During the financial year, the Group re-issued 627,983 treasury
shares to satisfy the exercise of share options granted under the Company's
Long-Term Incentive Plan (2015) and the exercise of share options granted
under the Group's UK ad ROI Savings Related Share Option Scheme.

Origin Enterprises plc


Notes to the preliminary results statement (continued)

For the financial year ended 31 July 2024


        13    Return on capital employed


Return on capital employed is a key performance indicator for the Group and
represents Group earnings before interest, tax and amortisation of non-ERP
related intangible assets taken as a percentage of Group net assets and is
consistent with the definition approved as part of the 2015 Long Term
Incentive Plan.


                                                                    2024         2023

                                                                    €'000        €'000

 Total assets                                                       1,402,316    1,375,601
 Total liabilities                                                  (997,386)    (965,008)
 Adjusted for:
 Net debt                                                           133,218      1,741
 Tax, put option and derivative financial instruments, net          19,419       50,292
 Accumulated amortisation of non-ERP related intangible assets      96,590       84,557
 Capital employed                                                   654,157      547,183
 Average capital employed                                           800,653      754,287

 Operating profit (excluding exceptional items)                     70,204       77,356
 Amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets                          13,312       13,435
 Share of profit of associates and joint venture                    6,421        4,040
 Return                                                             89,937       94,831

 Return on capital employed                                         11.2%        12.6%


In years where the Group makes significant acquisitions or disposals, the
return on invested capital calculation is adjusted accordingly to ensure that
the impact of the acquisition or disposal is time apportioned appropriately.



14     Related party transactions


Related party transactions occurring in the year were similar in nature to
those described in the 2023 Annual Report.



15     Dividend


The Directors are proposing a final dividend of 13.65 cent per ordinary share
for approval at the AGM in November   2024, bringing the total dividend
payment to 16.80 cent. Subject to shareholder approval at the AGM, this final
dividend will be paid on 14 February 2025 to shareholders on the register on
24 January 2025.



Origin Enterprises plc


Notes to the preliminary results statement (continued)

For the financial year ended 31 July 2024


16     Subsequent events


        In September 2024, the Group announced the acquisition of Avian
Ecology, a company providing a broad range of services, particularly
specialising in the areas of ornithology and renewable energy issues.


        In addition, the Group also announced the acquisition Bowland
Ecology, specialising in terrestrial and freshwater ecology, delivering a full
range of ecological technical solutions.


        There have been no other material events subsequent to 31 July
2024 that would require adjustment to or disclosure in this report.









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