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REG - Brown (N.) Group PLC - Interim Results

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RNS Number : 8507P  Brown (N.) Group PLC  12 October 2023

12 October 2023





Further strategic progress and robust liquidity, H1 Adjusted EBITDA in line
with Board expectations


                                       26 weeks to 2 September 2023 (H1 24)  26 weeks to 27 August 2022        (H1 23)         % Change

 Group revenue                         297.0                                 331.5                                             (10.4)%
 Product revenue                       187.5                                 211.2                                             (11.2)%
 Financial Services revenue            109.5                                 120.3                                              (9.0)%
 Adjusted EBITDA(1)                    17.5                                  27.9                                               (37.3)%
   Adjusted EBITDA margin              5.9%                                  8.4%                                               (2.5)ppts
   Adjusted profit before tax(1)       0.1                                   4.3                                               (97.7)%
 Statutory (loss) / profit before tax  (4.1)                                 7.2                                               N/A
 Cash and cash equivalents             49.1                                  47.2                                               4.0%
 Adjusted net debt(1)                   (258.4)                              (243.5)                                            (6.1)%



·  Revenue reflective of market conditions; progress on gross margin

o  Group revenue contracted 10.4%, reflecting the challenging market
conditions including unseasonable weather through Spring and July to August:

§ Improvement in product revenue trend in Q2, with a decline of 11.2% for H1.
Strategic brands down 7.4%, tracking ahead of the online pureplay market(2)

§ Lower retail sales and opening debtor book, resulted in lower FS revenue,
down 9.0%

o  Adjusted group gross profit margin increased 0.4ppts to 47.6%:

§ Product margin rate continued to improve, up 1.6ppts and benefiting from
normalised freight rates

§ FS margin rate broadly in line with normalised FY23, whilst we have seen a
lower underlying level of arrears

·  H1 Adjusted EBITDA in line with Board expectations

o  Despite the continued macro-economic challenges that saw softer trading
and higher costs, H1 adjusted EBITDA performance was in line with the Board's
expectations, supported by disciplined management of areas within the
business' direct control

o  Adjusted profit before tax of £0.1m. Following the impairment of
non-financial assets in FY23, depreciation and amortisation has reduced by
£7.2m against H1 last year

o  Statutory loss before tax includes adjusting items of £4.5m relating to
restructuring activities to right-size the cost base

·  Continued to deliver strategic and operational progress

o  Successful launch of new mobile-first website for Jacamo, the second of
our three strategic brands to have transitioned to the new platform, and a key
transformational priority

o  Good traction in Net Promoter Score (NPS), up 5pts against full year FY23,
benefitting from continued focus on operational improvements including
extension in order cut off for next day delivery to 11pm

o  Building on recent strategic progress, a clear set of priorities is in
train for the year ahead to set the business up for 2024 peak trading

·  Cost inflation offset successfully through ongoing mitigating actions

o  Adjusted operating costs reduced by £4.7m, with volume-related savings
and management actions more than offsetting c. £7m of inflationary pressures

o  Cost base inflation increased in H2 23, and has flowed through into FY24
as previously flagged. Combined with negative operational leverage on fixed
costs, this has resulted in an increase of 2.9ppts in adjusted operating costs
as a percentage of group revenue

·  Robust balance sheet and available liquidity

o  Net cash generation of £13.6m in the period, after further investment of
c. £9m in the transformation of the business

o  Proactive moderation of intake and clearance of older stock items has
driven a c. 20% reduction (£20m) in stock balances compared to H1 23,
improving working capital efficiency

o  Strong balance sheet with significant cash and cash equivalents, and total
accessible liquidity of £133.1m. RCF and overdraft remain undrawn with limits
of £75m and £12.5m respectively

·  Current trading, outlook and guidance

o  FY24 Adjusted EBITDA expected to be in line with market expectations(3)

o  Trading during the first five weeks of Q3 reflects a further improvement
over the Q2 run rate

o  Macro-economic challenges of a high inflationary environment and low
consumer confidence expected to persist throughout FY24

o  Benefits from cost actions taken in H1, and planned for H2, are expected
to mitigate the impact of slightly moderated full year revenue expectations,
with H2 24 adjusted EBITDA margin expected to be marginally higher than
achieved in full year FY23

o  FY24 year end adjusted net debt expected to be better than FY23's closing
position. Strategic investment will continue to be self-funded through
carefully managed cash flows

o  Continued confidence in strategic direction and in the benefits of the
ongoing investment in our digital transformation, with a focus on delivering
sustainable profitable growth

Steve Johnson, Chief Executive, said:

"We expected external market conditions to remain soft and for the first half
of FY24 to be particularly challenging. In response, we acted decisively to
adapt to the trading environment and maintain real focus and discipline in
areas which we can directly control, remaining on track to deliver full year
adjusted EBITDA in line with the Board's expectations.

"Alongside this, we're pleased with the delivery of our strategy as we
position the business for medium-term growth. Our investment across JD
Williams, Simply Be and Jacamo has led to new commercial partnerships and
technology upgrades to drive performance. We have a clear set of
transformational priorities in train and expect to continue to deliver further
progress during the second half of the year.

"Good work by our teams, including more efficient stock management, has helped
generate cash and further improve our liquidity position in the half,
providing a solid base for the continued investment in our priorities."


Webcast for analysts and investors:

A webcast presentation of these results will take place at 9am on 12 October
2023 followed by a Q&A conference call for analysts and investors.
Please contact Nbrown@mhpgroup.com for details.



For further information:


 N Brown Group
 David Fletcher, Head of Investor Relations       +44 (0)7876 111 242

 James McFarlane / Eleni Menikou / Charles Hirst  +44 (0) 20 3128 8789


 Shore Capital - Nomad and Broker
 Stephane Auton / Daniel Bush / Rachel Goldstein  +44 (0) 20 7408 4090

 Fiona Conroy (Corporate Broking)



About N Brown Group:

N Brown is a top 10 UK clothing & footwear digital retailer, with a home
proposition. Our retail brands include JD Williams, Simply Be and Jacamo, and
our financial services proposition allows customers to spread the cost of
shopping with us. We are headquartered in Manchester where we design, source
and create our product offer and we employ over 1,700 people across the UK.


(1) A full reconciliation of statutory to adjusted measures is included in the
Financial Review.

(2) For the 26 weeks ended 2 September 2023, the online pureplay market
according to IMRG declined by 9%.

(3) The market consensus for FY24 Adjusted EBITDA was £44.7m as at 11 October


As set out within our guidance at the start of the year, the macro-economic challenges of a high inflationary environment and low consumer confidence persisted in the first half of FY24. Contraction in the online market, cautious consumer behaviour and unseasonable weather conditions, are reflected in a lower level of website sessions and orders for the period. However, our discipline and focus on factors we can directly control means that we have been able to deliver H1 Adjusted EBITDA in line with Board expectations, leaving us on track to meet our full year expectations.
Our strategy is predicated on five pillars and a short update on progress made against each is set out below. Our five pillars are underpinned by two key enablers: our people and talent, and a sustainable and efficient operating model. We have continued to invest in our strategic transformation, which aims to deliver value faster, through a simpler and more focused business. We are pleased to have launched our new Jacamo website, the second of our three strategic brands to transition to the new platform and one of the key transformational priorities outlined in FY23 results in June 2023.
In an unpredictable market, we are concentrating on elements we can directly control as a business, ensuring we deliver value for our customers in the most effective way possible. We expect the macro-economic challenges of a high inflationary environment and low consumer confidence to continue throughout the second half of FY24, but our balance sheet liquidity ensures we are well positioned for investing in the future. It provides a foundation from which we can continue to execute our strategy, and the Board remains confident in achieving the Group's medium-term objective of delivering sustainable profitable growth.

Strategic update

We outlined within our FY23 results the five transformational priorities which
we would focus investment on to provide the capabilities required to enable us
to grow in more favourable market conditions:


-      New websites for all strategic brands - roll out our new
mobile-first website experience and continuously iterate site launches with
new features.

-      A technology platform to support our Financial Services
proposition - the platform will enhance the ways in which customers can choose
to pay for the products they love and will be supported by the launch of a new
FS brand.

-      Data culture - further empower our colleagues to engage with data
to identify and leverage analytical opportunities.

-      A Product Information Management ('PIM') system - providing a
single place to collect, manage and enrich product data, to provide a better
experience for customers and a more efficient process for colleagues.

-      A fully embedded agile operating model - evolving our
organisational design so that all relevant colleagues will have moved to an
agile way of working.


The progress which has been made against these transformational priorities is
included within the following update against our strategic pillars. We are
confident in making further progress during the second half of the year.

1.    Build a Differentiated Brand Portfolio

Strategic objective: Build two multi brand and category platforms, one for
women (JD Williams) and one for men (Jacamo), as well as one inclusive fashion
brand for young women (Simply Be).

Our differentiated brand portfolio has progressed on our creative and
marketing platforms, as we continue to concentrate on our target brand

Simply Be embarked on a journey of empowerment, focusing on fashionable fit
with the introduction of the 'Serious about Shape' campaign, with a core group
of diverse affiliates (our 'fit muses') to demonstrate 'Every body deserves
fashion that fits'. This message was further reaffirmed by the launch of a new
podcast hosted by the influential Fleur East. Our customers are more engaged
and feel emotionally connected to our brand position, which is displayed
through our Excellent rating on Trustpilot.

JD Williams set out to continue its transformative journey and drive customer
engagement. During September, JD Williams partnered with ITV and Global as
headline sponsor of My Mum Your Dad, a prime-time TV show. This vision was
brought to life by brand ambassador Davina McCall, with the goal of driving
greater brand awareness as we lead up to JD Williams' peak period of trade.

Jacamo led a transformative partnership with LADbible and paved the way for
connection with where Jacamo's customers spend their time. This approach
allows us to engage with our customers, through social media outlets, aligning
with their passion points, and increasing the ability of the brand to drive
more loyalty and retention. The outcome allows Jacamo to drive engagement and
has heightened the brand's unique visibility.

2.    Elevate the fashion and fintech proposition
Strategic objective: Elevate the fashion assortment, integrate the credit offer into the journey and create a credit brand.
Reflecting further progress within our own brand proposition, Anthology, a JD Williams own premium line, designed with an elevated approach to dressing which offers versatile quality fabrics, was launched in early September.
Our commitment to providing propositions that are inclusive for all, through diversity of choice, was demonstrated through the continued onboarding of successful third party brands onto our category platforms. Both the men's and women's branded offering continues to grow, with a good performance from our latest brands including FatFace and TALA, enriching our third-party offerings and elevating our fashion assortment.
The selling of our clothing ranges via partnerships with other retailers has also continued to gain momentum, providing additional exposure for our product, with Simply Be's swimwear proposition now a leading category in Next. The launch of Simply Be on Sainsbury's online platform during the first half and selected stores in early September, marked another significant milestone and provides enhanced exposure to a variety of different customer segments.
We developed a new credit limit strategy to ensure we continue to lend to our customers responsibly, minimising the impact of write offs and arrears on the business. Simultaneously, our innovative payment arrangement, providing extended reduced payment periods for those in need, demonstrated its worth by enhancing customer retention.

In line with the transformational priority set out previously, our new FS
platform has progressed as expected through H1, proceeding through initial
discovery phases. The platform is anticipated to give us further product
flexibility to provide our customers with a choice of how they manage their

3.    Transform the customer experience
Strategic objective: Transform the customer experience, pre and post purchase, and drive conversion at checkout through a personalised experience.
We continue to make good progress in transforming the customer experience, with the launch of our new mobile-first website for Jacamo, the second of our three strategic brands to move to the new platform. The build and rollout were executed in less than a third of the time taken to deliver the new Simply Be website, the first brand to transfer to the new platform. This was a testament to our commitment to agile working and executing against our transformational priorities. We have seen positive initial performance of the Jacamo site, and each of the new Jacamo and Simply Be sites are 20% faster than legacy sites and have doubled Google lighthouse scores (an open-source measure of site performance). In tandem with the iterative improvements of our Jacamo and Simply Be sites' capability, we also intend to launch the new JD Williams site in FY24.

A significant milestone was reached with the validation of our Product
Information Management (PIM) solution, another of our transformational
priorities, and we remain on track for the integration of our first brand. The
goal of the project is to provide our customers with a consistent offering
regarding products sizing, fabric and specifications.  It will elevate and
ensure that our pre-purchase communication with customers remains effective
and pertinent. Greater consistency in distributing enhanced content across all
channels is anticipated to reduce returns rates, leading to a better customer

4.    Win with our Target Customer
Strategic objective: Grow our customer base through our existing core customer, high value lapsed customers and a new, younger generation.
To engage our target customer in an ever-challenging consumer landscape, we continue to foster close collaboration with strategic partners. By striking a balance between securing visibility to build our brand awareness and facilitating conversion in driving purchase, we have continued to integrate the capability of AI and Machine Learning in our marketing campaigns. By leveraging the data processing proficiency of AI systems, we ensure that campaigns are targeted to consumers with a high probability of purchase, further streamlining our customer proposition.
We continue to optimise our Customer Relationship Management levers, with an emphasis on acknowledging and rewarding our valued customers for their repeat purchases. With a focus on customer engagement, we have seen an increase in the number of customers opting into our loyalty programmes.
5.    Establish Data as an Asset to Win

Strategic objective: Establish data as an asset to drive top line and margin

We have leveraged data-driven insights from the analysis of customer lifetime
value models. We have used this to shape our prediction models for customer
behaviour, ensuring customer benefit through a more personalised marketing
approach and consistent experience. We have also used this insight to send
targeted onsite messaging to customers who might benefit from using our credit

We have expanded the application of PriceTagger, our in-house tool which helps
us optimally promote product using pricing elasticity. PriceTagger has allowed
for AI driven pricing, by measuring how sensitive the demand and supply of
products are to price changes. We continue to advance our prediction models to
cater for seasonal trends in customer behaviour, and the impact this has on
rate of sale, ultimately increasing our agility of price within the market

Key Enablers

The five pillars are underpinned by two enablers, the foundations of our
strategy: a sustainable and efficient operating model, and our People and

The Financial Conduct Authority's Consumer Duty regulations have been
delivered, through the continuous evaluation of all our products, services,
policies and processes, ensuring all our colleagues understand their role in
protecting customers.

Our employees are vital enablers of our success. We continue to nurture an
inclusive culture celebrating diversity through our Embrace Strategy.
Colleague-led communities help to make change happen within the business to
further our inclusivity. To promote this, we are delivering a week of events
in line with national inclusion week. Our commitment to progression is shown
in our Employee Net Promoter Score scores, over-indexing the UK retail
benchmark by 16 points in Q1 FY24, with one of our highest scoring statements
being 'People of all cultures and backgrounds are respected and valued here'.

Our proud partnership with the Prince's Trust continues, including integrating
Prince's Trust programmes and connecting those with disadvantages with real
job opportunities.

Key Performance Indications ('KPIs')(1)
As a digital retailer committed to accelerating our strategy, we continue to report various digital customer metrics, which provide operational measures of how our strategy is progressing. The following disclosure reflects our performance in the half.




                            26 weeks to  26 weeks to   Change

                            2 Sep 2023   27 Aug 2022

 Total website sessions(2)  95m          109m          (12.8)%

 Conversion(2)              3.6%         3.8%          (0.2)ppts

 Total Orders(3)            3.7m         4.5m          (17.8)%

 AOV                        £83.3        £78.7         5.8%

 Items per order            2.8          2.9           (3.4)%

 AIV                        £29.2        £27.5         6.2%

 Total active customers     2.4m         2.8m          (14.3)%

 FS arrears(4)              9.8%         9.9%          (0.1)ppts

 NPS                        62           59            3

(1 KPIs are defined on page 21.)

(2 H1 23 website sessions and conversion restated to match definition post
roll-out of new Simply Be website. The restatement is estimated based on brand
specific metrics,  with actuals using the new session definition.)

(3 Total orders includes online and offline orders.)

(4 H1 23 now presented on comparable basis with H1 24, including insolvency
accounts now classified in arrears rather than written-off.)

( )

Consistent with the broader market, we have continued to see the impact of
macro-economic challenges and consumer behaviour, including a rebalancing of
spend between offline and online channels.

This is reflected in broad trends in customers, sessions and ordering
continuing from FY23. The lower active customers trend includes our Heritage
portfolio of brands where our focus is on stabilisation and value protection
rather than growth.

The reduction in orders has been partially offset by an increase in Average
Item Value ('AIV') as we have seen a continuation of more intentional
behaviour from customers, which has included buying into more premium ranges,
and measured price increases supported by data tools, which have, in turn,
offset an element of the  inflationary impacts on our product costs. However,
at the same time, we also invested in opening price points to drive value for
money for our customers.

The Financial Services arrears rate is slightly lower than prior year,
reflecting the resilience of the customer base despite cost of living

Our Net Promoter Score ('NPS') improved in the half and is significantly ahead
of FY23's full year score of 57. This has been driven by a number of
operational improvements including better delivery timeliness, an extension in
order cut off for next day deliveries to 11pm, sharper opening price points,
new "value" ranges and the launch of the new mobile-first website for Jacamo
unlocking new features.

As we look forward, we are pleased with the strategic execution demonstrated
through an efficient and successful launch of our new mobile-first website for
Jacamo, with the initial site performance being positive. We are confident
that the combination of delivering against our transformational priorities
whilst seeking incremental improvements in all areas of the business will move
us towards unlocking progress in our KPIs alongside an improvement in the
macro-economic environment.

Environment, Social and Governance

We have continued to embed our Environmental, Social and Governance strategy
into the business. Our sustainability plan, SUSTAIN, fully aligns our ethical
policies with our commercial activities and our commitment to Our People and
Our Planet.

A key pillar of SUSTAIN is our commitment to responsibly source own-brand
product, and we have reached 44% of own brand designed Clothing and Home
textile ranges with sustainable properties (from 0% in 2019) as we target
growing this to 100% by FY30 in line with our Textiles 2030 commitment. From
understanding our Textiles 2030 reporting data and our commitment towards
addressing climate change, we have developed additional targets for each
product division to further enhance our approach. We have implemented circular
design workshops to educate internal teams on designing for longevity, with a
reduced environmental impact, and we are developing a circular design handbook
to illustrate the importance of our 2030 commitments.

Alongside mapping our Tier 2 supply base (currently at 66%) we have
implemented our Supplier Sustainability Questionnaire for the first time to
enable further understanding of how our suppliers are addressing the social
and environmental impacts associated with their business and the industry (now
implemented by over 50% of Tier 1 suppliers).

In continuing our commitment to increasing socioeconomic diversity and making
a difference in the communities we serve, we engaged six colleagues with The
Prince's Trust Mosaic Mentoring programme. The programme aims to help students
build employability skills, raise their aspirations, and get excited about
their futures. The colleagues volunteered their time over eight weeks to
mentor groups of up to 30 Year 10 students across two schools identified in
lower socioeconomic areas in Greater Manchester. Simply Be also released an
International Women's Day edit, in collaboration with The Prince's Trust,
which raised £19,091 by donating £1 from the sale of each item from the edit
across an eight week period.

As part of our DEI & B (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging)
strategy, EMBRACE, we proudly sponsored Manchester Pride in August, with
colleagues taking part in the Pride parade. We have also joined Manchester
Pride's All Equals Charter. The All Equals Charter is a programme to help
businesses understand, recognise and challenge any form of discrimination in
the workplace.

Following the launch of our two new corporate charity partners, the Retail
Trust and FareShare Greater Manchester, colleagues have so far raised over
£30,000. Colleagues have also given over 500 hours of their time to charities
through our Make A Difference Day scheme which encourages every colleague to
give back to a charity close to their hearts.

FY24 Outlook

Trading during the first five weeks of Q3 reflects a further improvement over
the Q2 run rate.

We continue to expect the macro-economic challenges of a high inflationary
environment and low consumer confidence to persist throughout FY24.

FY24 adjusted EBITDA is expected to be in line with market expectations(1),
reflecting slightly moderated full year product and Financial Services revenue
expectations; offset by benefits in H2 from:

1. cost actions undertaken in H1 and also planned for H2;

2. better operational leverage through normal seasonality leading to greater
weighting of sales towards H2;

3. year-on-year retail margin rate improvements, with H2 24 retail gross
margin similar to that achieved in H1 24; and

4. improvement in FS margin rate driven by initiatives.

As a result, the H2 24 EBITDA margin rate is expected to be marginally higher
than achieved in full year FY23.

As reflected in H1, depreciation and amortisation reduced following the £53m
impairment of non-financial assets in FY23, with a full year reduction of
around £15m against FY23. H2 24 finance costs are expected to be broadly in
line with H1 24.

The business continues to be well positioned to invest in and deliver
strategic change, with full year investment continuing at a similar level to
that seen in FY23, aligned to our transformational priorities. We will
continue to self-fund investment through carefully managed cash flows
including tight control of stock. At the end of FY24, we expect adjusted net
debt to be lower than FY23's closing position. We remain confident in our
strategic direction and our digital transformation as we focus on driving
sustainable profitable growth.


(1) The market consensus for FY24 Adjusted EBITDA was £44.7m as at 11 October




Financial KPIs

Our non-financial KPIs are contained in the Performance Review. We also use a
number of financial KPIs to manage the business. These are shown below and
will continue to be reported going forwards.


                                               H1 24     H1 23     Change
 Product revenue                               £187.5m   £211.2m   (11.2)%
 Adjusted EBITDA                               £17.5m    £27.9m    (37.3)%
 Adjusted EBITDA margin(1)                     5.9%      8.4%      (2.5)ppts
 Adjusted operating costs to Group revenue(1)  41.7%     38.8%     (2.9)ppts
 Cash and cash equivalents(2)                  £49.1m    £47.2m    4.0%
 Total Accessible Liquidity(1,3)               £133.1m   £201.1m   (33.8)%
 Statutory (loss) / profit before tax          £(4.1)m   £7.2m     N/A
 Adjusted EPS(1)                               0.15p     0.72p     (79.2)%

1 A full glossary of Alternative Performance Measures and their definitions is
included on page 22.

2 During FY22 we agreed with our banks that the securitisation facility does
not need to be fully drawn and that surplus cash can be used to repay drawings
from time to time. The securitisation facility was fully drawn at H1 24. H1 23
excludes accessible amounts voluntarily undrawn against the securitisation
facility of £45.5m.

3 Reduction includes £49.5m settlement of Allianz litigation in H2 23.


Reconciliation of Statutory financial results to adjusted results

The reporting includes Alternative Performance Measures ('APMs'), which are
not defined or specified under the requirements of IFRS. These APMs are
consistent with how the Group measures performance internally and are also
used in assessing performance under the Group's incentive plans. Therefore,
the Directors believe that these APMs provide stakeholders with additional,
useful information on the Group's performance.

The adjusted figures are presented before the impact of adjusting items. These
are items of income and expenditure which are one-off in nature and material
to the current financial year, or represent true ups to items presented as
adjusting in prior periods. These are detailed in note 5.

A full glossary of Alternative Performance Measures and their definitions is
included on page 22.





                                                                             H1 24         H1 24               H1 24                   H1 23             H1 23                   H1 23
 £m                                                                          Statutory     Adjusting items     Adjusted                Statutory         Adjusting items         Adjusted

 Group Revenue                                                               297.0                             297.0                   331.5                                     331.5

 Group cost of sales                                                         (156.6)        1.0                (155.6)                 (175.0)                                   (175.0)

 Gross Profit                                                                140.4         1.0                 141.4                   156.5                                     156.5
 Gross profit margin                                                         47.3%                             47.6%                   47.2%                                     47.2%
 Operating costs                                                             (127.4)       3.5                 (123.9)                 (128.6)           -                       (128.6)
 Adjusted operating costs to Group revenue ratio                                                               41.7%                                                             38.8%

 Adjusted EBITDA                                                                                               17.5                                                              27.9
 Adjusted EBITDA margin                                                                                        5.9%                                                              8.4%

 Depreciation & amortisation                                                 (9.9)                             (9.9)                   (17.1)                                    (17.1)
 Operating profit                                                            3.1           4.5                 7.6                     10.8              -                       10.8
 Finance costs                                                               (7.5)                             (7.5)                   (6.5)                                     (6.5)
 (Loss) / Profit before taxation and fair value adjustment to financial      (4.4)         4.5                 0.1                     4.3               -                       4.3
 Fair value adjustments to financial instruments                             0.3                               0.3                     2.9               -                       2.9
 (Loss) / Profit before taxation                                             (4.1)         4.5                 0.4                     7.2               -                       7.2

 Taxation credit / (charge)                                                  1.6           (1.1)               0.5                     (1.6)             -                       (1.6)

 (Loss) / Profit for the year                                                (2.5)         3.4                 0.9                     5.6               -                       5.6

 (Loss) / Earnings per share                                                 (0.54)p                           0.15p                   1.22p                                     0.72p

Reconciliation of Cash and cash equivalents and Unsecured debt and bank overdrafts to Unsecured Net Cash / (Debt) and Adjusted Net Debt
 £m                                                    H1 24    H1 23
 Cash and cash equivalents                             49.1     47.2

 Unsecured debt and bank overdrafts                    -        -
 Unsecured Net Cash / (Debt)                           49.1     47.2

 Secured debt facility linked to eligible receivables  (307.5)  (290.7)
 Adjusted Net Debt                                     (258.4)  (243.5)



Reconciliation of Net movement in Cash and cash equivalents and bank
overdrafts to Net Cash generation / (utilisation)


 £m                                                            H1 24  H1 23
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents and bank overdraft  13.6   4.1

 Voluntary flexible drawdown of securitisation loan            -      (14.6)
 Net Cash generation / (utilisation)                           13.6   (10.5)



The first half of FY24 has seen both our customers and N Brown continue to
face a challenging environment, in part due to  elevated levels of inflation.
We had anticipated and planned for conditions during FY24 to remain
challenging, particularly in H1, and our Adjusted EBITDA of £17.5m and
Adjusted Profit before Tax of £0.1m leave us on track for our full year

The continued softer market dynamics and cautious customer behaviour, combined
with unseasonable weather conditions, led to product revenue down 11.2% or
£23.7m, with the ongoing impact on the debtor book from lower product revenue
leading to FS revenue down 9.0%. Group gross margin progressed versus the
prior year, reflecting further growth in the retail gross margin rate driven
by freight rate normalisation, offset by slightly lower FS margin rate, which
remains broadly in line with normalised levels.

Adjusted operating costs were £4.7m lower than H1 23 with cost inflation of
c. £7m being offset by volume savings and management actions. This has
partially offset the impact of lower revenue. The  continuation of
significant pressures on the cost base and lower operational leverage resulted
in an increase in the adjusted operating cost to revenue ratio of 2.9ppts in
H1. We have, and continue to, put in place actions to mitigate these

Interest costs were £1.0m higher than prior year due to greater utilisation
of the securitisation facility. The interest rate payable has benefitted from
the interest rate hedge in place and we also remain well hedged on foreign
exchange. Depreciation and amortisation reduced by £7.2m following the
impairment of non-financial assets in FY23.

We generated £13.6m of cash in H1 after investing a further £8.9m in the
transformation of the business. Given the softer trading environment,
proactive intake reductions and clearance of older stock items has taken
place, driving a reduction of c. 20% (£20m) against the stock balance at the
end of H1 23. Stock and wider working capital efficiency will remain a key
focus area, freeing up cash and further improving the overall relevance and
quality of the stock package which we hold.

Cash and cash equivalents amounted to £49.1m with Total Accessible Liquidity
of £133.1m, which includes the fully undrawn RCF of £75.0m and overdraft of
£12.5m, net of a low level of restricted cash. Our balance sheet remains
strong, allowing us to continue to take a measured and well-managed approach
to capital investment, with strategic progress made in the half including the
launch of the new mobile-first website for Jacamo.




 £m                          H1 24  H1 23  Change
    Strategic brands(1)      139.4  150.6  (7.4)%
    Heritage brands(2)       48.1   60.6   (20.6)%
 Total product revenue       187.5  211.2  (11.2)%
 Financial services revenue  109.5  120.3  (9.0)%
 Group revenue               297.0  331.5  (10.4)%

(1 JD Williams, Simply Be, Jacamo.)

(2 Ambrose Wilson, Home Essentials, Fashion World, Marisota, Oxendales and
Premier Man.)


Group revenue declined 10.4% to £297.0m reflecting a 11.2% decline in product
revenue and a 9.0% decline in FS revenue.

The product revenue trend for H1 24 in total was in line with that seen in H2
23 but includes an improvement in trajectory in Q2. The H1 24 performance
reflects the continued challenging market for online pureplay retailers, which
declined by 9%(1), and unseasonable weather conditions for selling summer
ranges through Spring and July to August. Against this market backdrop, our
strategic brands saw a decline of 7.4%. Our heritage brands, which are managed
for contribution as opposed to growth, saw product revenue down 20.6%.

Looking ahead to H2, we continue to evolve our offering by ensuring our own
designed product delivers the versatility required for our customers, both
within our lead in price propositions as well as our more premium offering
such as Anthology. At the same time we continue to evolve our 3rd party offer
to complement the uniqueness of product we design in-house, by launching new
3rd party brands our customers are asking for such as Ted Baker, Fat Face,
TALA and others, alongside those already in place. We have also strengthened
transitional ranges between seasons and have an elevated focus on layering of
products. Campaigns in place across our strategic brands reflect an increased
focus on areas which matter most to our customers, such as Christmas, and
offer more reasons to update their wardrobe.

The reduced level of product sales from this fiscal year and prior years
resulted in a smaller customer receivables loan book, down 7.5% at the end of
the half.  This in turn drove lower FS revenue, down 9.0%.

Our responsible and flexible credit offering remains an integral part of our
customer proposition, particularly in the current macro-economic environment.

(1 IMRG view of online  pureplay market.)



Adjusted Gross profit(1)

 £m                                  H1 24  H1 23  Change
 Product gross profit                88.4   96.2   (8.1)%
 Product gross margin %              47.1%  45.5%  1.6ppts
 Financial services gross profit     53.0   60.3   (12.1)%
 Financial services gross margin %   48.4%  50.1%  (1.7)ppts
 Adjusted Group gross profit(1)      141.4  156.5  (9.6)%
 Adjusted Group gross profit margin  47.6%  47.2%  0.4ppts

(1) A reconciliation of statutory measures to adjusted measures is included on page 12. A full glossary of Alternative Performance Measures and their definitions is included on page 22.


Adjusted gross profit margin progressed over prior year to 47.6%, reflecting
continued growth in retail margin, partially offset by slightly lower FS

Product gross margin improved 1.6ppts to 47.1% despite unfavourable trading
impacts including lower full price mix and additional clearance activity of
aged stock which adversely impacted the gross margin rate by c. 0.4ppts. c.
1.3ppt of the improvement came from normalisation of freight rates and c.
0.7ppt reflected a benefit from higher VAT bad debt relief due to the timing
of debt sales(1).

The FX contracts used to hedge US $ spend are described in Note 6 to the
financial statements and we remain well hedged through the remainder of FY24
with over 95% of the US $ cash spend hedged.

FS gross margin rate returned to more normal levels in FY23 (49.3%), with the
rate broadly continuing into H1 24. H1 24 FS gross margin was 1.7ppts lower
than H1 23 largely reflective of timing impacts between provisioning and write
offs following the change in payment arrangement ('PA') strategy in FY23, with
a stable level of PAs in H1 24 annualising against PAs building in H1 23.

(1) Included in product gross margin as they are only recoverable as we are a combined retail and financial services business, and they would not be recoverable as a standalone credit business.



Adjusted operating costs(1)

 £m                                                H1 24      H1 23    Change
 Warehouse & fulfilment costs                       (27.8)    (31.7)   12.3%
 Marketing & production costs(2)                    (32.7)    (35.6)   8.1%
 Admin & payroll costs(2)                           (63.4)    (61.3)   (3.4)%
 Adjusted operating costs(1)                        (123.9)   (128.6)  3.7%
 Adjusted operating costs as a % of Group Revenue  41.7%      38.8%    2.9ppts

(1) A reconciliation of statutory measures to adjusted measures is included on
page 12. A full glossary of Alternative Performance Measures and their
definitions is included on page 22.

(2) H1 23 FS statement costs re-presented from Marketing & production into
Admin & payroll costs, consistent with updated classification used in H1


Total operating costs excluding adjusting items reduced £4.7m to £123.9m
through a real focus and discipline in areas which the business can directly
control. This included a headwind of c. £7m cost inflation being offset by
volume savings and management initiatives.  The inflationary pressure had
increased the cost base in H2 23 against H1 23, for both supplier costs and
internal pay awards, and this has flowed through and annualised into FY24 as
previously flagged.

Adjusted operating costs as a percentage of Group revenue increased 2.9ppts to
41.7% reflecting the negative operational gearing on fixed costs. Although
management actions have helped to mitigate the increase, we expect further
benefits from actions taken in H1, and further actions planned in H2, to
benefit the full year position, along with greater operational leverage in H2
due to sales seasonality.

Warehouse and fulfilment costs were £3.9m or 12.3% lower than the prior year,
benefiting from the flexible cost base, with c. £6m of savings from lower
core volumes. This was partially offset by a headwind of c. £2m across fuel
surcharges and inflationary price impacts on carrier and resource costs.

Marketing and production costs were £2.9m or 8.1% lower than prior year
reflecting the continued benefit from lower order volumes on performance
marketing costs, more than offsetting cost inflation of c. £2m.

Admin and payroll costs increased by £2.1m or 3.4%, driven predominantly by
the continuation of inflationary price increases, totaling c. £3m, including
utilities, technology contracts and pay awards, as well as additional
transformation investment of c. £1m, partially offset by cost savings.

Statutory operating costs, including adjusting items reduced by 0.1%.

Depreciation and amortisation

Depreciation and amortisation of £9.9m, down £7.2m versus £17.1m in the
prior year. This was driven by the non-cash impairment of £53.0m against
non-financial assets which took place in FY23.

Finance costs

Net finance costs of £7.5m, were higher than £6.5m in the prior year
reflecting higher utilisation of the securitisation facility, with lower
voluntarily undrawn amounts during the half than prior year. The Group has
limited its exposure to interest rate movements through interest rate hedging
which it continues to have in place.


Adjusting items

The multi-year transformation of the business has continued including the
ongoing review of the operating model. A restructuring programme of the
Group's operational and head office headcount to reflect the lower sales
orders, was initiated at the end of FY23 and continued through the half with
total redundancy costs of £1.3m incurred in the period.

During the period, the Board also approved the rationalisation of the Group's
warehousing facilities following a review of the overall warehouse portfolio
capacity, utilisation and associated operational cost base resulting in a
£3.3m charge across provisioning and onerous lease impairment. Further
details can be found in note 5.


 £m                                  H1 24  H1 23
 Strategic change                    4.6    -
 Other                               (0.1)  -
 Items charged to profit before tax  4.5    -


Profit and earnings per share

Driven by the trading environment remaining challenging and lower retail
volumes, as anticipated, Adjusted EBITDA decreased by £10.4m to £17.5m and
Adjusted EBITDA margin decreased by 2.5ppts to 5.9%.

Statutory operating profit decreased by £7.7m against the prior year, to
£3.1m, reflecting the reduction in Adjusted EBITDA and £4.5m of Adjusting
items, partially offset by lower depreciation and amortisation.

Statutory loss before tax of £(4.1)m, down £(11.3)m year on year (H1 23:
profit before tax of £7.2m), reflecting the reduction in statutory operating
profit, higher interest costs, and a lower fair value gain on financial
instruments as a result of the movement in the US dollar driving lower foreign
exchange mark to market gains.

The taxation credit for the year is based on the underlying estimated
effective tax rate for the full year of 39.0%, and reflects movement in
deferred tax in the year and prior year adjustments. Further tax analysis is
contained in note 7.

Statutory earnings per share decreased to a loss of (0.54)p (H1 23: 1.22p).
Adjusted earnings per share decreased to 0.15p (H1 23: 0.72p).

Financial services customer receivables and impairment charge on customer

Gross customer trade receivables at H1 24 reduced by 7.5% against H1 23 to
£528.9m, driven by the reduced level of product sales in the prior year and
H1 of this year.

Arrears rates reduced by 0.1%pts against prior year to 9.8%, based on H1 23
being presented on a comparable basis, including insolvency accounts now
classified in arrears rather than written-off. Macro conditions have resulted
in pressure on customers, which is being carefully monitored and support is
provided where required.  Our customers have proved resilient to the
conditions with book performance better than expected.  Our macro-economic
overlay held at FY23 year-end has reduced from £2.5m to £1.1m to reflect

The change in the payment arrangements debt sale strategy at the end of FY23
has meant that we have maintained a higher stock of customers who are on
forbearance measures. The change in debt sale strategy is the main driver
behind the expected credit loss ('ECL') provision ratio increasing to 14.3%
from 13.9% in H1 23 as these payment arrangement balances are provided for at
a higher rate than the receivables not on a payment arrangement.  However,
provisions on the normal book are lower at 11.6% compared to 11.8% in H1 23,
reflecting improved book performance.

 £m                              H1 24   H1 23   Change
 Gross customer loan balances    528.9   571.7   (7.5)%
 ECL provision                   (75.8)  (79.7)  (4.9)%
 Normal account provisions       (54.3)  (62.5)  0.7ppts
 Payment arrangement provisions  (20.4)  (17.1)  (0.9)ppts
 Inflationary impacts            (1.1)   -       (0.2)ppts
 ECL provision ratio             14.3%   13.9%   (0.4)ppts
 Net customer loan balances      453.1   492.0   (7.9)%


The profit and loss net impairment charge on customer receivables for H1 24
was £56.1m, £3.2m lower than last year, driven by lower write-offs, fraud
and macro-economic releases.

 H1 23 impairment charge on customer receivables      59.3

 Lower write-offs due to book size                    (2.6)
 Macro-economic releases                              (1.4)
 Lower fraud                                          (1.4)

 Lower recoveries and timing of sales                 1.2
 Payment arrangement strategy                         1.0
 H1 24 net impairment charge on customer receivables   56.1



Funding and total accessible liquidity ('TAL')

The Group has the following arrangements in place:

·    A £400m securitisation facility (H1 23: £400m) committed until
December 2024, drawings on which are linked to prevailing levels of eligible
receivables but with flexibility around the level which the Group chooses to
draw. As previously disclosed, in February 2023 the Group chose to proactively
reduce the lender commitment from £400m to £340m to reflect the accessible
funding level and reduce ongoing fees;

·    A RCF of £75m, and an overdraft facility of £12.5m, both fully
undrawn at 2 September 2023. As previously disclosed, these facilities were
refinanced following the FY23 year end to a maximum limit of £75m and £12.5m
respectively, and are both committed to December 2026;

·    At 2 September 2023 Group TAL was £133.1m, comprising cash of
£49.1m including restricted cash of £3.5m, the fully undrawn RCF of £75.0m
and overdraft of £12.5m.


Net Cash Generation / (Utilisation)

 £m                                                                  H1 24   H1 23
 Adjusted EBITDA                                                     17.5    27.9

 Inventory working capital movement                                  11.6    (15.6)

 Other working capital, operating cash flows and provision movement  2.3     19.8
 Cash flow adjusted for working capital                              31.4    32.1
 Adjusting items                                                     (3.1)   (3.3)

 Capital investing activities                                        (8.9)   (11.2)
 Non-operating tax & treasury                                        1.4     (0.6)
 Interest paid                                                       (8.1)   (6.5)
 Non-operational cash outflows                                       (18.7)  (21.6)
 Gross customer loan book repayment                                  26.3    5.4
 Decrease in securitisation debt in line with customer loan book(1)  (25.4)  (26.4)
 Net cash inflow from the customer loan book(1)                      0.9     (21.0)
 Net cash generation / (utilisation)                                 13.6    (10.5)

(1) H1 23 excludes voluntary flexible drawdown of the securitisation facility
of £14.6m. The net movement in Cash and cash equivalents, including the
voluntary flexible drawdown, is shown on page 13.

The business generated cash of £13.6m in the half, closing with £49.1m net
unsecured cash. The inflow was driven by positive EBITDA generation and work
undertaken to right-size the stock balance.

Capital expenditure of £8.9m (H1 23: £11.2m) has continued to be self-funded
as we invest in delivering the ongoing digital transformation of the business.
We expect higher capital investment in H2 than H1 as part of the continued
transformation of the business, with full year investment expected to be
broadly in line with FY23.

Net inventory levels at the end of the half were down 19.8%, at £82.6m (H1
23: £103.0m), driving a net improvement in working capital. We have been
executing against our previously flagged plans to carefully manage inventory
intake and reduce stock holding, with units at the end of the half nearly 1m
below H1 23.

The net inflow from the customer loan book reflects the reduction in the
customer loan book, partially offset by associated lower securitisation

Adjusted net debt

Unsecured net cash / (debt), which is defined as the amount drawn on the
Group's unsecured borrowing facilities less cash balances, closed the half in
a positive position with unsecured net cash of £49.1m (H1 23: unsecured net
cash £47.2m plus an additional £45.5m which was voluntarily underdrawn on
the securitisation funding facility to optimise interest costs).

Adjusted net debt reduced by £39.0m in the half against FY23 year end, to
£258.4m (FY23: £297.4m; H1 23: £243.5m). This is the net amount of £49.1m
of unsecured net cash and £307.5m of debt drawn against the securitisation
funding facility which is backed by eligible customer receivables. The
£453.1m net customer loan book significantly exceeds this adjusted net debt
figure. The reduction in net debt in the half reflects the net cash generation
described above and lower securitised borrowings.

Dividend and capital allocation

As previously announced in the Group's FY23 results and in light of the
macro-economic environment, our clear set of investment plans and the number
of competing demands on our cash resources, the Board decided not to
re-introduce a dividend in FY23 or FY24.

Pension scheme

The Group's defined benefit pension scheme had a surplus of £20.0m at the end
of the half, which has reduced over the prior year (H1 23: £31.4m surplus)
driven by lower returns on the scheme assets, offset partly by the increase in
corporate yields and reduced long-term inflation expectations, remaining in
line with the FY23 year end position.




 Measure                 Definition
 Total website sessions  Total number of sessions across N Brown apps, mobile and desktop websites in
                         the 12 month period
 Total active customers  Customers who placed an accepted order in the 12 month period to reporting
 Total orders            Total accepted orders placed in the 12 month period.  Includes online and
                         offline orders.
 AOV                     Average order value based on accepted demand(1)
 AIV                     Average item value based on accepted demand(1)
 Items per order         Average number of items per accepted order
 Orders per customer     Average number of orders placed per ordering customer
 Conversion              % of app/web sessions that result in an accepted order
 NPS                     Customers asked to rate likelihood to "recommend the brand to a friend or
                         colleague" on a 0-10 scale (10 most likely). NPS is (% of 9-10) minus (% of
                         0-6). NPS is recorded on JD Williams, Simply Be, Jacamo and Ambrose Wilson
 FS Arrears              Arrears are stated including both customer debts with two or more missed
                         payments, or customer debts on a payment hold




(1)Accepted demand is defined as the value of Orders from customers (including
VAT) that we accept, i.e. after our credit assessment processes.




The Preliminary Results statement includes alternative performance measures ('APMs'), which are not defined or specified under the requirements of IFRS. These APMs are consistent with how the Group measures performance internally and are also used in assessing performance under the Group's incentive plans. Therefore, the Directors believe that these APMs provide stakeholders with additional, useful information on the Group's performance.



 Alternative Performance Measure            Definition
 Adjusted gross profit                      Gross profit excluding adjusting items.
 Adjusted gross profit margin               Adjusted gross profit as a percentage of Group Revenue.
 Adjusted EBITDA                            Operating profit, excluding adjusting items, with depreciation and amortisation added back.
 Adjusted EBITDA margin                     Adjusted EBITDA as a percentage of Group Revenue.
 Adjusted profit before tax                 Profit before tax, excluding adjusting items and fair value movement on financial instruments.
 Adjusted profit before tax margin          Profit before tax, excluding adjusting items and fair value movement on financial instruments expressed as a percentage of Group Revenue.
 Net Cash generation                        Net cash generated from the Group's underlying operating activities.
 Adjusted Operating costs                   Operating costs less depreciation, amortisation and adjusting items.
 Adjusted Operating costs to revenue ratio  Operating costs less depreciation, amortisation and adjusting items as a percentage of Group revenue.
 Adjusted Net debt                          Total liabilities from financing activities less cash, excluding lease liabilities.
 Net debt                                   Total liabilities from financing activities less cash.
 Unsecured net cash / (debt)                Amount drawn on the Group's unsecured debt facilities less cash balances. This measure is used to calculate the Group's leverage ratio, a key debt covenant measure.
 Total Accessible Liquidity                 Total cash and cash equivalents, less restricted amounts, and available headroom on secured and unsecured debt facilities.
 Adjusted Earnings per share                Adjusted earnings per share based on earnings before adjusting items and fair value adjustments, which are those items that do not form part of the recurring operational activities of the Group.


The reconciliation of the statutory measures to adjusted measures is included
in the Financial Review on page 12.





Unaudited Condensed consolidated income statement

for the 26 weeks ended 2 September 2023


                                                                                       26 weeks to             26 weeks to      26 weeks to        26 weeks to 27 August 2022  26 weeks to      26 weeks to 27 August 2022

                                                                                       2 September 2023        2 September      2 September 2023                                27 August

                                                                                                                2023                                                           2022
                                                                                       Before adjusting items  Adjusting items  Total              Before adjusting items      Adjusting items  Total

                                                                                                                (Note 5)                                                       (Note 5)
                                                  Note                                 £m                      £m               £m                 £m                          £m               £m

 Revenue                                                                               197.1                   -                197.1              222.1                       -                222.1
 Credit account interest                          4                                    99.9                    -                99.9               109.4                       -                109.4

 Total revenue                                    4                                    297.0                   -                297.0              331.5                       -                331.5

 Cost of sales                                                                         (99.5)                  (1.0)            (100.5)            (115.7)                     -                (115.7)
 Impairment losses on customer receivables        4                                    (56.1)                  -                (56.1)             (59.3)                      -                (59.3)

                                                  4                                    141.4                   (1.0)            140.4              156.5                       -                156.5

 Gross profit

 Operating profit                                 4                                    7.6                     (4.5)            3.1                10.8                        -                10.8

 Finance costs                                                                         (7.5)                   -                (7.5)              (6.5)                       -                (6.5)

 Profit/(Loss) before taxation and fair value adjustments to financial                 0.1                     (4.5)            (4.4)              4.3                         -                4.3

 Fair value adjustments to financial instruments  6                                    0.3                     -                0.3                2.9                         -                2.9

 Profit/(Loss) before taxation                                                         0.4                     (4.5)            (4.1)              7.2                         -                7.2

 Taxation                                         7                                    0.5                     1.1              1.6                (1.6)                       -                (1.6)

 Profit/(Loss) for the period                                                          0.9                     (3.4)            (2.5)              5.6                                          5.6
 ( )

 (Loss)/Earnings per share from continuing operations
 Basic                                            8                                                                             (0.54)p                                                         1.22p
 Diluted                                          8                                                                             N/A                                                             1.21p

Unaudited condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income

for the 26 weeks ended 2 September 2023


                                                                          26 weeks to 2 September 2023  26 weeks to 27

                                                                                                         August 2022
                                                                          £m                            £m
 (Loss)/Profit for the period                                             (2.5)                         5.6

 Items that will not be classified subsequently to profit or loss:
 Actuarial losses on defined benefit pension schemes                      (0.8)                         (6.8)
 Tax relating to items not reclassified                                   0.3                           2.5
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
 Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations                (0.6)                         0.1
 Fair value movements of cash flow hedges                                 0.7                           27.3
 Reclassified from OCI to profit & loss                                   (5.0)                         (0.2)
 Tax relating to these items                                              1.0                           (5.7)
 Other comprehensive (loss)/income for the period                         (4.4)                         17.2
 Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the period attributable to equity  (6.9)                         22.8
 holders of the parent


Condensed consolidated balance sheet

As at 2 September 2023

                                             As at 2 September 2023 (unaudited)  As at 27 August 2022 (unaudited)  As at 4 March 2023 (audited)
                                       Note  £m                                  £m                                £m

 Non-current assets
 Property, plant & equipment           10    50.8                                58.6                              50.9
 Intangible assets                     9     58.4                                108.3                             58.3
 Right-of-use assets                         1.2                                 0.7                               0.5
 Retirement benefit surplus                  20.0                                31.4                              20.0
 Derivative financial instruments      6     3.2                                 10.3                              7.6
 Deferred tax assets                         29.2                                11.5                              29.2
                                             162.8                               220.8                             166.5

 Current assets
 Inventories                                 82.6                                103.0                             94.1
 Trade and other receivables           11    477.8                               516.3                             504.7
 Derivative financial instruments      6     16.5                                21.1                              19.1
 Current tax asset                           1.8                                 0.4                               0.1
 Cash and cash equivalents             13    49.1                                47.2                              35.5
                                             627.8                               688.0                             653.5

 Total assets                                790.6                               908.8                             820.0

 Current liabilities

 Trade and other payables              12    (75.1)                              (103.8)                           (72.5)
 Lease liability                             (0.6)                               (0.6)                             (0.3)
 Provisions                            16    (10.8)                              (27.6)                            (10.1)
 Derivative financial instruments      6     (0.4)                               -                                 (0.1)
                                             (86.9)                              (132.0)                           (83.0)

 Net current assets                          540.9                               556.0                             570.5

 Non-current liabilities
 Bank loans                            14    (307.5)                             (290.7)                           (332.9)
 Lease liability                             (0.5)                               (0.2)                             (0.2)
 Provisions                                  (0.3)                               -                                 -
 Derivative financial instruments      6     (0.1)                               -                                 -
 Deferred tax liabilities                    (11.5)                              (24.0)                            (13.2)
                                             (319.9)                             (314.9)                           (346.3)

 Total liabilities                           (406.8)                             (446.9)                           (429.3)

 Net assets                                  383.8                               461.9                             390.7

 Share capital                               51.2                                50.9                              50.9
 Share premium                               85.7                                85.0                              85.7
 Own shares                                  (0.1)                               -                                 (0.2)
 Cash flow hedge reserve                     11.5                                22.7                              15.7
 Foreign currency translation reserve        1.2                                 1.1                               1.8
 Retained earnings                           234.3                               302.2                             236.8
 Total equity                                383.8                               461.9                             390.7
 ( )

Condensed consolidated cash flow statement

For the 26 weeks ended 2 September 2023


                                                                             26 weeks to 2 September 2023 (unaudited)  26 weeks to 27 August 2022 (unaudited)  53 weeks to 4 March 2023 (audited)
                                                                             £m                                        £m                                      £m

 Net cash inflow from operating activities                                   52.6                                      34.3                                    5.8

 Investing activities
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment                                   (1.2)                                     (1.9)                                   (5.8)
 Expenditure on intangible assets                                            (7.7)                                     (9.3)                                   (19.8)
 Net cash used in investing activities                                       (8.9)                                     (11.2)                                  (25.6)

 Financing activities
 Interest paid                                                               (8.1)                                     (6.5)                                   (15.0)
 (Decrease)/Increase in bank loans                                           (25.4)                                    (11.8)                                  30.4
 Principal elements of lease payments                                        (0.5)                                     (0.5)                                   (1.0)
 Proceeds from foreign exchange contracts                                    3.4                                       0.8                                     (1.2)
 Proceeds on issue of share capital                                          0.3                                       -                                       -
 Purchase of shares by ESOT                                                  (0.3)                                     -                                       -

 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing activities                         (30.6)                                    (18.0)                                  13.2

 Net foreign exchange difference                                             0.5                                       (1.0)                                   (1.0)
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents and bank overdraft     13.6                                      4.1                                     (7.6)
 Cash and cash equivalents and bank overdraft at beginning of period         35.5                                      43.1                                    43.1
 Cash and cash equivalents and bank overdraft at end of period               49.1                                      47.2                                    35.5
 ( )





Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash from operating activities


                                                             26 weeks to        26 weeks to 27 August 2022 (unaudited)  53 weeks to

                                                             2 September                                                4 March

                                                             2023 (unaudited)                                           2023

                                                             £m                 £m                                      £m

 (Loss)/Profit for the period                                (2.5)              5.6                                     (51.4)

 Adjustments for:
 Taxation (credit)/charge                                    (1.6)              1.6                                     (19.7)
 Fair value adjustments to financial instruments             (0.3)              (2.9)                                   (8.9)
 Net foreign exchange (loss) /gain                           (0.5)              1.0                                     1.0
 Finance costs                                               7.5                6.5                                     14.1
 Depreciation of right-of-use assets                         0.4                0.4                                     0.8
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment               1.2                2.1                                     4.3
 Loss on disposal of intangible assets                       -                  -                                       0.8
 Impairment of non-financial assets                          -                  -                                       53.0
 Amortisation of intangible assets                           8.3                14.6                                    30.6
 Share option charge                                         0.9                1.1                                     1.5
 Operating cash flows before movements in working capital    13.4               30.0                                    26.1

 Decrease / (Increase) in inventories                        11.6               (15.6)                                  (6.7)
 Decrease in trade and other receivables                     26.7               16.3                                    28.3
 Increase /(decrease) in trade and other payables            1.6                8.2                                     (22.3)
 Increase / (decrease) in provisions                         1.1                (3.3)                                   (20.9)
 Pension obligation adjustment                               (0.4)              (0.3)                                   (1.0)

 Cash generated by operations                                54.0               35.3                                    3.5

 Taxation (paid) / received                                  (1.4)              (1.0)                                   2.3

 Net cash inflow from operating activities                   52.6               34.3                                    5.8

 Changes in liabilities from financing activities            26 weeks to        26 weeks to 27 August 2022 (unaudited)  53 weeks to

                                                             2 September                                                4 March

                                                             2023 (unaudited)                                           2023

                                                             £m                 £m                                      £m

 Loans and borrowings balance brought forward                333.4              303.8                                   303.8

 Changes from financing cashflows
 Net repayment on loans and borrowings(1)                    (25.4)             (11.8)                                  30.4
 New leases entered in the year                              1.1                -                                       -
 Lease payments in the period                                (0.5)              (0.5)                                   (0.8)
 Increase/(Decrease) in loans and borrowings                 (24.8)             (12.3)                                  29.6
 Loans and borrowings balance carried forward                308.6              291.5                                   333.4

(1)Repayments relating to the Group's securitisation facility are represented
net of cash receipts in respect of the customer book collections. The
Directors consider that the net representation more accurately reflects the
way the securitisation cashflows are managed.




Unaudited consolidated statement of changes in equity

                                                                  Share Capital  Share premium  Own shares  Cash Flow Hedge Reserve  Foreign currency translation Reserve  Retained earnings  Total
                                                                  £m             £m             £m          £m                       £m                                    £m                 £m

 Balance at 26 February 2022                                      50.9           85.0           (0.2)       5.5                      1.0                                   300.1              442.3

 Total comprehensive income for the period
 Profit for the period                                            -              -              -           -                        -                                     5.6                5.6
 Other items of comprehensive income /(loss) for the period       -              -              -           21.4                     0.1                                   (4.3)              17.2
 Total comprehensive income for the period                        -              -              -           21.4                     0.1                                   1.3                22.8

 Hedging gains & losses transferred to the cost of inventory      -              -              -           (4.2)                    -                                     -                  (4.2)
 Transactions with owners recorded directly in equity
 Issue of own shares by ESOT                                      -              -              0.2         -                        -                                     (0.3)              (0.1)
 Share option charge                                              -              -              -           -                        -                                     1.1                1.1
 Total contributions by and distributions to the owners           -              -              0.2         -                        -                                     0.8                1.0

 Balance at 27 August 2022                                        50.9           85.0           -           22.7                     1.1                                   302.2              461.9

 Total comprehensive income for the period
 Loss for the period                                              -              -              -           -                        -                                     (57.1)             (57.1)
 Other items of comprehensive income/(loss) for the period        -              -              -           (3.5)                    0.7                                   (8.3)              (11.1)
 Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the period                 -              -              -           (3.5)                    0.7                                   (65.4)             (68.2)

 Hedging gains and losses transferred to the cost of inventory    -              -              -           (3.5)                    -                                     -                  (3.5)

 Transactions with owners recorded directly in equity
 Issue of own shares by ESOT                                      -              -              0.1         -                        -                                     0.3                0.4
 Share option charge                                              -              -              -           -                        -                                     0.4                0.4
 Historic adjustment to equity for share payments                 -              0.7            (0.3)       -                        -                                     (0.4)              -
 Adjustment to equity for share payments                          -              -              -           -                        -                                     (0.3)              (0.3)

 Total contributions by and distributions to the owners           -              0.7            (0.2)       (3.5)                    -                                     -                  (3.0)

 Balance at 4 March 2023                                          50.9           85.7           (0.2)       15.7                     1.8                                   236.8              390.7

 Total comprehensive income for the period
 Loss for the period                                              -              -              -           -                        -                                     (2.5)              (2.5)
 Other items of comprehensive loss for the period                 -              -              -           (3.3)                    (0.6)                                 (0.5)              (4.4)
 Total comprehensive loss for the period                          -              -              -           (3.3)                    (0.6)                                 (3.0)              (6.9)

 Hedging gains and losses transferred to the cost of inventory    -              -              -           (0.9)                    -                                     -                  (0.9)
 Transactions with owners recorded directly in equity
 Issue of shares                                                  0.3            -              -           -                        -                                     -                  0.3
 Issue of own shares by ESOT                                      -              -              0.1         -                        -                                     -                  0.1
 Share option charge                                              -              -              -           -                        -                                     0.9                0.9
 Adjustment to equity for share payments                          -              -              -           -                        -                                     (0.4)              (0.4)
 Total contributions by and distributions to the owners           0.3            -              0.1         -                        -                                     0.5                0.9

 Balance at 2 September 2023                                      51.2           85.7           (0.1)       11.5                     1.2                                   234.3              383.8

Notes to the unaudited consolidated financial statements

For the 26 weeks ended 2 September 2023


1.            Basis of preparation

This condensed set of consolidated interim financial statements has been
prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting in conformity
with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006. They do not include all the
information required for full annual financial statements and should be read
in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of the Group as at
and for the 53 weeks ended 4 March 2023. The annual financial statements of
the Group are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRSs) in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act


The comparative figures for the 53 weeks ended 4 March 2023 are extracted from
the Company's statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accounts have
been reported on by the Company's auditor and delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The report of the auditor was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include
a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of
emphasis of matter, and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 498
(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.


After making appropriate enquiries, the Directors have a reasonable
expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational
existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the
going concern basis in the preparation of these financial statements. This is
explained in further detail in note 3.


The accounting policies and presentation adopted in the preparation of these
consolidated interim financial statements are consistent with those disclosed
in the published annual report and accounts for the 53 weeks ended 4 March


At the date of issue of these interim financial statements the following
standards and interpretations became effective in the current financial year,
and have been applied for the first time in these financial statements:


Definition of Accounting Estimates (Amendments to IAS 8)

Disclosure of Accounting Policies (Amendments to IAS 1 and IFRS Practice
Statement 2)

Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising from a Single
Transaction (Amendments to IAS 12)

IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts


None of these new standards and interpretations have had any material impact
on these financial statements.


Critical judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty

In preparing the condensed interim financial statements, the areas of critical
judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting policies and
the key sources of estimation uncertainty related to the same areas as those
applied to the consolidated financial statements for the 53 weeks ended 4
March 2023.


The key areas of significant judgements made by management in applying the
Group's accounting policies during the period were as follows:


·    Impairment of customer receivables (critical judgement and estimation

·    Software and development costs (critical judgement and estimation

·    Impairment of non-financial assets (critical judgement and estimation

·    Other litigation (critical judgement and estimation uncertainty)

·    Defined benefit plan (estimation uncertainty)



2.            Key risks and uncertainties

The Group continues to enhance and embed risk management practices in support
of the N Brown Enterprise Risk Management Framework ("RMF"). The RMF enables
the Group to maintain robust governance and oversight of risk management
activities across the business to underpin a standardised approach to managing
risks and to consider the commercial and regulatory impacts of internal and
external risk events.

Principal risk categories with the potential to impact on performance and the
delivery of the strategic roadmap in year or through the planning cycle are
defined in the RMF as:

 1.    Customer and Conduct                           6. Strategic
 2.    Credit Risk                                    7. Financial
 3.    Financial Crime                                8. Business Resilience
 4.    People                                         9. Legal and Regulatory Compliance
 5.    Supplier and Outsourcing                       10. Information, Technology and Cybersecurity

The Group Risk Profile remains challenging, principally due to the moving and
uncertain UK economy and related volatilities. Significant activity to manage
the impacts has been established and continues to be delivered across the

Although recently less severe, significant increases in energy prices, general
price increases and interest rate increases over the period has put pressure
on household budgets and adversely impacting consumer confidence and,
consequently, on spending on non-essential items.

The Group continues to manage currency and interest rate fluctuations through
hedging in the near term. Currency arrangements expire on a rolling basis with
reducing hedging levels up to 24 months. We continue to monitor rates to
identify the most appropriate hedging strategy going forward.

The cost pressures noted above may create affordability challenges for our
credit customers. Leading indicators are tracked to enable the Group to react
to changes in the lending market. We also ensure that appropriate forbearance
options are in place to ensure good customer outcomes for those impacted by
these issues.

The Board maintains a continuous process for identifying, evaluating and
managing risk as part of its overall responsibility for maintaining internal
controls and the RMF. This process is intended to provide reasonable assurance
regarding compliance with laws and regulations as well as commercial and
operational risks.

Specific review and identification of existing and emerging risks is
facilitated by routine Board-level risk assessment cycles completed during the
year, as informed by a routine of regular risk assessments at business unit
level. Outputs are reported to the Audit and Risk Committee.

In setting strategy, the Board considers Environmental, Social and Governance
("ESG") factors, drivers and impacts on the health and sustainability of the
business. Furthermore, in general terms the strategy is designed to deliver
long term sustainable business success. The RMF has been established to
provide an overview of strategic risk and as such incorporates assessments of
risks that have the potential to create ESG exposures. During the period ESG
risks have been further considered and their potential impacts on the broader
Group Risk environment are being assessed.



ESG and related risks will be embedded in the RMF and will be evaluated and
reported as part of the existing Governance routines and managed accordingly.


In spite of increased risk in the external environment of many of our
principal risks, enhancements to the internal control environment are
successfully mitigating many of the threats. This is resulting in a broadly
stable net risk position and has created a positive risk outlook for when the
economic conditions improve. Control enhancements are identified routinely and
we continue to implement Control Development Plans. On a continuous basis as
we test controls, review operational issues and perform assurance activities.


The Group recognises that no system of controls can provide absolute assurance
against material misstatement, loss or failure to meet its business

3.  Going Concern

After reviewing the Group's forecasts and risk assessments, including
assumptions around capital and operating expenditure and their impact on cash
flows, the Directors have formed a judgement at the time of approving the
interim financial statements, that there is a reasonable expectation that the
Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the 12
months from the date of signing these financial statements.

In reaching their conclusions, the Directors have considered the Group's
cashflow and revenue projections for the 12 months following the date of
signing these results, which have been borne out of extensive scenario
testing, based on a variety of end market assumptions, while taking account of
appropriate mitigating actions within the direct control of the Group. The
Directors have had regard to the implications of ongoing market movements, and
in particular, the effect of the rising interest rates on consumer confidence
and the health of its debtor book which affects its ability to draw down on
the securitisation facility and the impact of severe but plausible downside
scenarios on the cash flows. Under the severe but plausible downside scenario,
the Group continues to be in compliance with all relevant covenants associated
with its available facilities.

For this reason, the Directors continue to adopt the going concern basis in
preparing the financial statements.

As at 2 September 2023, the Group had cash of £45.6m, net of restricted cash
of £3.5m. In addition, the Group had £87.5m of accessible unsecured
facilities that were not drawn. This gives rise to total accessible liquidity
("TAL") of £133.1m (FY23 year end at £143.9m and £112.0m following
refinancing on 14 April 2023).



4.    Business Segments

The Group has identified two operating segments in accordance with IFRS 8 -
Operating segments, Product Revenue and Financial Services ("FS"). The Board
receives monthly financial information at this level and uses this information
to monitor the performance of the Group, allocate resources and make
operational decisions. Internal reporting focuses and tracks revenue, cost of
sales and gross margin performance across these two segments separately.
However, it does not track operating costs or any other income statement items
by segment.


Revenues and costs associated with the product segment relate to the sale of
goods through various brands. The Product cost of sales is inclusive of VAT
bad debt relief claimed of £9.8m (H1 23: £9.0m) as a consequence of customer
debt write off, with the write off presented in Financial Services cost of
sales. The revenue and costs associated with the Financial Services segment
relate to the income from provision of credit terms for customer purchases,
and the costs to the business of providing such funding. To increase
transparency, the Group has included additional voluntary disclosure analysing
product revenue within the relevant operating segment, by strategic and other
brand categorisation.

                                                         26 weeks to 2 September 2023  26 weeks to 27 August 2022

                                                         £m                            £m
 Analysis of revenue:
 Sale of goods                                           178.3                         200.7
 Postage and packaging                                   9.2                           10.5
 Product - total revenue                                 187.5                         211.2
 Other financial services revenue                        9.6                           10.9
 Credit account interest                                 99.9                          109.4
 Financial Services - total revenue                      109.5                         120.3
 Total Group Revenue                                     297.0                         331.5

 Analysis of cost of sales:
 Product - total cost of sales                           (99.1)                        (115.0)
 Impairment losses on customer receivables               (56.1)                        (59.3)
 Other financial services cost of sales                  (0.4)                         (0.7)
 Financial Services - total cost of sales                (56.5)                        (60.0)
 Cost of sales before adjusting items                    (155.6)                       (175.0)
                                                         141.4                         156.5

 Adjusted Gross profit(1)
 Adjusted Gross profit margin(1)                         47.6%                         47.2%
 Adjusted Gross margin - Product(1)                      47.1%                         45.5%
 Adjusted Gross margin - Financial Services(1)           48.4%                         50.1%

 Warehouse and fulfilment                                (27.8)                        (31.7)
 Marketing and production(2)                             (32.7)                        (35.6)
 Other administration and payroll(2)                     (63.4)                        (61.3)
 Adjusted operating costs(1)                             (123.9)                       (128.6)
 Adjusted EBITDA(1)                                      17.5                          27.9
 Adjusted EBITDA margin(1)                               5.9%                          8.4%
 Depreciation and amortisation                           (9.9)                         (17.1)
 Adjusting items charged to operating profit (note 5)    (4.5)                         -
 Operating profit                                        3.1                           10.8
 Finance costs                                           (7.5)                         (6.5)
 Fair value adjustments to financial instruments         0.3                           2.9
 Profit before taxation                                  (4.1)                         7.2

 (1)A reconciliation of statutory measures to adjusted measures is included on
 page 12. A full glossary of Alternative Performance Measures and their
 definitions is included on page 22.

 (2) Financial Services statement costs have been re-presented from marketing
 and production and  into Other admin and payroll for both the current and
 prior periods

                                                         26 weeks to 2 September 2023  26 weeks to 27 August 2022
                                                         £m                            £m
 Analysis of Product revenue:
 Strategic brands(1)                                     139.4                         150.6
 Heritage brands(2)                                      48.1                          60.6
 Total Product revenue                                   187.5                         211.2
 Financial Services revenue                              109.5                         120.3
 Total Group revenue                                     297.0                         331.5

(1)Strategic brands include JD Williams, Simply Be and Jacamo.

(2)Heritage brands include Ambrose Wilson, Home Essentials, Fashion World,
Marisota, Oxendales and Premier Man.


The Group has one significant geographical segment, which is the United
Kingdom. Revenue derived from Ireland amounted to £7.8m (H1 23: £8.6m).
Operating results from international markets amounted to £0.5m profit (H1 23,
£0.8m profit). All segment assets are located in the UK and Ireland. All
non-current assets are located in the UK.


For the purposes of monitoring segment performance, assets and liabilities are
not measured separately for the two reportable segments of the Group.
Impairments of tangible and intangible assets in the current period were £nil
(H1 23: £nil).


5.    Adjusting items

                       26 weeks to 2 September 2023  26 weeks to 27 August 2022

                       £m                            £m
 Allianz litigation    (0.1)                         -
 Strategic change      4.6                           -
 Total adjusted items  4.5                           -



As previously reported, the Group was involved in a legal dispute with Allianz
Insurance Plc ('Allianz').  The matter related to a claim issued against JD
Williams & Company Limited ('JDW'), a subsidiary of the Group, by the
Insurer in January 2020 (claim number CL-2020-000004) and JDW's counterclaims
in that litigation (the 'Dispute'). The Dispute related to significant amounts
of redress previously paid to customers by JDW and the Insurer in respect of
certain historic insurance products, including payment protection insurance.


In January 2023 the Board agreed to the Settlement. Under the Settlement,
which is a negotiated settlement and made without admission of liability, JDW
paid the Insurer a sum of £49.5m in full and final settlement of the
Dispute, below the sums claimed by the Insurer (which
exceeded £70m inclusive of interest and costs). The Dispute has been
brought to an end and this removes a significant element of uncertainty for
all stakeholders and allows the Group to focus on creating shareholder value
through its core business activities as it continues its transformation.


The provision outstanding at 2 September 2023 was £0.2m, relating to amounts
payable to Allianz following closure of the joint redress account. The release
of £0.1m in the period relates to amounts previously provided in respect of
legal costs that are no longer required.



During the current year, the Group continued the multi-year transformation of
the business and the ongoing review of the operating model. Specifically, a
restructuring program of the Group's operational and head office headcount to
reflect the lower sales orders, was initiated at the end of FY23 and continued
through the half year period. Total redundancy costs of £1.3m were incurred
in the period. A provision of £0.5m was outstanding at 2 September 2023
relating to payments made in the months following the period end.


During the period, the Board also approved the rationalisation of the Group's
warehousing facilities following a review of the overall warehouse portfolio
capacity, utilisation and associated operational cost base. Accordingly a
provision of £3.2m was booked at half year end relating to £2.2m of
incremental costs associated with staff exits, onerous contracts and the
expected dual running of warehouses, and £1.0m of incremental stock provision
arising from the rationalisation of terminal stock due to reduced storage
capacity across the warehouse portfolios. The remaining £0.1m charge in the
period relates to the onerous impairment in respect of one of the Group's
leased warehouses.


6.    Derivative financial instruments


At the balance sheet date, details of outstanding forward foreign exchange
contracts that the Group has committed to are as follows:


                                                                           2 September 2023  27 August 2022
                                                                           £m                £m
 Notional amount - Sterling contract value (designated cash flow hedges -  250.0             250.0
 Interest rate swap)
 Notional amount - Sterling contract value (designated cash flow hedges -  80.6              120.9
 Foreign exchange forwards)
 Notional amount - Sterling contract value (FVPL)                          160.0             15.0
 Total notional amount                                                     490.6             385.9


The Group has fair value amounts held for derivative financial liabilities in
the following line items on the Balance Sheet:

                                                                 2 September 2023  27 August 2022
 Current Assets                                                  £m                £m
 Interest rate swap - cash flow hedges                           11.8              7.7
 Interest rate caps - non designated instruments at FVPL         2.2               -
 Foreign currency forwards - cash flow hedges                    2.2               11.8
 Foreign currency forwards - non designated instruments at FVPL  0.3               1.6
 Total                                                           16.5              21.1


                                                          2 September 2023  27 August 2022
 Non-current Assets                                       £m                £m
 Interest rate swap - cash flow hedges                    2.7               7.3
 Interest rate caps - non designated instruments at FVPL  0.4               -
 Foreign currency forwards - cash flow hedges             0.1               3.0
 Total                                                    3.2               10.3


                                                                 2 September 2023  27 August 2022
 Current liabilities                                             £m                £m
 Foreign currency forwards - cash flow hedges                    (0.3)             -
 Foreign currency forwards - non designated instruments at FVPL  (0.1)             -
 Total                                                           (0.4)             -


                                               2 September 2023  27 August 2022
 Non-current liabilities                       £m                £m
 Foreign currency forwards - cash flow hedges  (0.1)             -
 Total                                         (0.1)             -



The fair value of foreign currency and interest rate derivative contracts is
the market value of the instruments as at the balance sheet date. Market
values are calculated with reference to the duration of the derivative
instrument together with the observable market data such as spot and forward
interest rates, foreign exchange rates and market volatility at the balance
sheet date.

Changes in the fair value of derivatives not designated for hedge accounting
amounted to a gain of £0.5m (H1 23: £2.9m), recognised through the Income
statement in the period.

Changes in the fair value of derivatives designated for hedging purposes
amounted to a gain of £0.7m (H1 23: £27.3m) recognised through the cash flow
hedge reserve.

Fair value movements previously held within the hedge reserve were released as
the hedged future cash flows were no longer expected to occur. This resulted
in one off fair value losses of £0.2m (H1 23: £nil) recognised in the income
statement within the fair value adjustments to financial instruments line and
also included within amounts reclassified from other comprehensive income to
profit and loss line in the statement of other comprehensive income.


There are no balances remaining within the closing hedge reserve balance in
respect of previous hedge relationships where hedge accounting is no longer
applied. There were no amounts recognised in the income statement in the
period (H1 23: £nil) for hedge ineffectiveness on either foreign exchange or
interest rate hedges.


Financial instruments that are measured subsequent to initial recognition at
fair value are all grouped into Level 2 (H1 23: Level 2).


Level 2 fair value measurements are those derived from inputs other than
quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or
liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from


There were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 during the current or
prior period.


7.    Taxation


The underlying effective tax rate for the full year is estimated to be 39% (FY
23 27.7%) and this rate has been applied to the loss for the 26 weeks ended
2nd September 2023.  In the Spring Budget on 15 March 2023, it was confirmed
that the UK tax rate would increase from 19% to 25% from 1 April 2023, so the
effective tax rate has been calculated based on the enacted UK rate of 25%
(other than 35% on the retirement benefit scheme) and taxation for other
jurisdictions at the rates prevailing in those jurisdictions.


The current period effective tax rate is higher than the statutory UK tax rate
of 25% due to the impact of prior year adjustments on deferred tax charge in
the half year following agreement of FY22 tax returns and the deferred tax
charge resulting from the continued unwinding of the deferred tax asset
recognised on adoption of IFRS 9 in FY2019 and spread over 10 years. Without
the impact of these factors the underlying effective tax rate would be below


As previously reported, the Group continues to provide a total of £0.7m
(2023: £0.7m) for potential future corporation tax charges based upon the
Group's best estimate and the outcome from discussions with HMRC. In the prior
year, HMRC notified the Group of a previously unidentified and unpaid historic
tax balance, relating to years 2010-2015, which HMRC had stood over awaiting
resolution of other historic tax matters. The matter related to tax
liabilities in Ambrose Wilson Limited and Oxendales & Company Limited from
transfer pricing adjustments calculated on intercompany balances with JD
Williams & Company Limited for the years in question. The Group believed
the tax had previously been paid, however, following a detailed internal
investigation, it was agreed with HMRC in May 2023 that this balance was
outstanding. Accordingly, a tax provision of £0.7m was included as a prior
year adjustment in the 2023 tax calculation, with a provision


for related interest estimated at £0.3m included in finance charges. In
September 2023 the steps to settle this liability and potential interest were
agreed with HMRC, and the principal liability of £0.7m has now been fully


8.            (Loss) / earnings per share

The calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based on earnings after tax
and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.


The adjusted earnings per share figures have also been calculated based on
adjusted earnings, after adjusting for those items of income and expenditure
which are one-off in nature and material to the current financial year, and
for which the Directors believe that they require separate disclosure to avoid
distortion of  underlying performance (see note 5), and fair value
adjustments to derivative instruments. These have been calculated to allow the
shareholders to gain an understanding of the underlying trading performance of
the Group. For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive
potential ordinary shares. Earnings per share for the current year have not
been diluted following the loss after tax in the period.


 (Loss) /earnings for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings per share:  26 weeks to        26 weeks to

                                                                             2 September 2023   27 August 2022
                                                                             £m                 £m
 Total net (loss)/profit attributable to equity holders of the parent        (2.5)              5.6
 Fair value adjustment to financial instruments (net of tax)                 (0.2)              (2.3)
 Adjusting items (net of tax)                                                3.4                -
 Adjusted profit for the period as used in headline earnings per share       0.7                3.3

 Number of shares for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings per share:  26 weeks to        26 weeks to

                                                                             2 September 2023   27 August 2022
                                                                             m                  m
 Weighted average number of shares in issue - basic                          459.9              459.3
 Dilutive effect of share options                                            4.5                2.6
 Weighted average number of shares in issue - diluted                        464.4              461.9

 (Loss)/earnings per share
 Basic                                                                       (0.54)             1.22
 Diluted                                                                     N/A                1.21

 Adjusted earnings per share
 Basic                                                                       0.15               0.72
 Diluted                                                                     N/A                0.71






9.    Intangible assets



                         Brands  Software  Customer database  Total

                         £m      £m        £m                 £m
 As at 26 February 2022  16.9    373.3     1.9                392.1
 Additions               -       9.9       -                  9.9
 As at 27 August 2022    16.9    383.2     1.9                402.0
 Additions               -       10.2      -                  10.2
 Disposals               -       (0.9)     -                  (0.9)
 As at 4 March 2023      16.9    392.5     1.9                411.3
 Additions               -       8.5       -                  8.5
 Disposals               -       (0.1)     -                  (0.1)
 As at 2 September 2023  16.9    400.9     1.9                419.7

 As at 26 February 2022  16.9    260.3     1.9                279.1
 Charge for the period   -       14.6      -                  14.6
 As at 27 August 2022    16.9    274.9     1.9                293.7
 Charge for the period   -       16.0      -                  16.0
 Impairment              -       43.4      -                  43.4
 Disposals               -       (0.1)     -                  (0.1)
 As at 4 March 2023      16.9    334.2     1.9                353.0
 Charge for the period   -       8.3       -                  8.3
 As at 2 September 2023  16.9    342.5     1.9                361.3

 Carrying amounts
 As at 2 September 2023  -       58.4      -                  58.4
 As at 4 March 2023      -       58.3      -                  58.3
 As at 27 August 2022    -       108.3     -                  108.3
 As at 26 February 2022  -       113.0     -                  113.0


Assets in the course of development included in intangible assets at the
period end total £9.3m (H1 23: £8.8m). No amortisation is charged on these



At the end of the last financial year (53 weeks ended 4 March 2023), the Group
recognised a £53m impairment loss against its intangible and tangible assets,
following an assessment of the discounted value of the Group's latest
financial forecasts using a value in use model ("VIU") against the carrying
value of the Group's net assets.


At half year end, the Group has performed a review in line with the
requirements of IAS 36 Impairment of Assets and IAS 34 Interim Financial
Reporting, for any new indications of a significant increase or reversal of
the impairment loss previously recognised. The assessment took into
consideration both internal and external factors as guided by IAS 36, and has
concluded that there have been no significant changes in any of the factors
that would indicate the requirement of a full reassessment of the VIU model at
half year end. Management considers that the impairment loss of £53m
recognised at the previous financial year end continues to represent a
reasonable estimate of the impairment to the Group's net assets.



10.  Property, plant and equipment

Additions to tangible fixed assets during the period of £1.1m (H1 23: £2.1m)
primarily relate to warehousing improvement projects. Depreciation of £1.2m
(H1 23: £2.0m) was charged during the period. Additionally, depreciation
relating to IFRS 16 right of use assets amounted to £0.4m (H1 23: £0.4m)
during the period.

Assets in the course of construction included in fixtures and equipment at the
period end total £1.5m (H1 23: £1.3m), and in land and buildings total £nil
(H1 23: £nil). No depreciation is charged on these assets until they are
available for commercial use.


11.   Trade and other receivables


                                                          2 September 2023  27 August 2022  4 March

                                                          £m                £m              £m
 Amounts receivable for the sale of goods and services    528.9             571.7           555.2
 Allowance for expected credit losses                     (75.8)            (79.7)          (74.6)
 Net trade receivables                                    453.1             492.0           480.6
 Other receivables and prepayments                        24.7              24.3            24.1
  Trade and other receivables                             477.8             516.3           504.7

 Income statement impairment charge
 Provision movements                                      1.2               11.0            5.9
 Gross write-offs                                         55.8              52.7            131.2
 Recoveries                                               (5.6)             (7.1)           (21.0)
 Other items                                              4.7               2.7             6.2
 Net impairment charge                                    56.1              59.3            122.3


Other receivables and prepayments include a balance of £1.2m (H1 23: £0.8m)
relating to amounts due from wholesale partners.


Trade receivables are measured at amortised cost.


 As at 2 September 2023
                              Stage 1        Stage 2  Stage 3  Total
 Gross trade receivables      351.7          88.5     88.7     528.9
 Allowance for ECL            (14.9)         (20.0)   (40.9)   (75.8)
 Net trade receivables        336.8          68.5     47.8     453.1
 ECL %                        (4.2%)         (22.6%)  (46.1%)  (14.3%)

 As at 27 August 2022
                                    Stage 1  Stage 2  Stage 3  Total
 Gross trade receivables            388.1    99.7     83.9     571.7
 Allowance for ECL                  (7.6)    (25.2)   (46.9)   (79.7)
 Net trade receivables              380.5    74.5     37.0     492.0
 ECL %                              (2.0%)   (25.2%)  (55.9%)  (13.9%)





12.  Trade and other payables


                                 2 September 2023  27 August 2022  4 March 2023
                                 £m                £m              £m
  Trade payables                 40.3              61.6            40.2
  Other payables                 5.2               6.4             3.6
  Accruals and deferred income   29.6              35.8            28.7
 Trade and other payables        75.1              103.8           72.5


Trade payables and accruals principally comprise amounts outstanding for trade
purchases and ongoing costs. The average credit period taken for trade
purchases, based on invoice date, at H1 24 is 48 days (H1 23: 50 days).


The Group has financial risk management policies in place to ensure that all
payables are paid within agreed credit terms.


The Group continues to have a supplier financing arrangement which is
facilitated by HSBC. The principal purpose of this arrangement is to enable
the supplier, if it so wishes, to sell its receivables due from the Group to a
third party bank prior to their due date, thus providing earlier access to
liquidity. From the Group's perspective, the invoice payment due date remains
unaltered and the payment terms of suppliers participating in the programme
are similar to those suppliers that are not participating.


The maximum facility limit as at 2 September 2023 was £15m (H1 23: £15m). At
2 September  2023, total of £6.8m (H1 23: £11.9m) had been funded under the
programme. The scheme is based around the principle of reverse factoring
whereby the bank purchases from the suppliers approved trade debts owed by the
Group. Access to the supplier finance scheme is by mutual agreement between
the bank and supplier, where the supplier wishes to be paid faster than
standard Group payment terms; the Group is not party to this contract. The
scheme has no cost to the Group as the fees are paid by the supplier directly
to the bank. The bank has no special seniority of claim to the Group upon
liquidation and would be treated the same as any other trade payable. As the
scheme does not change the characteristics of the trade payable, and the
Group's obligation is not legally extinguished until the bank is repaid, the
Group continues to recognise these liabilities within trade payables and all
cash flows associated with the arrangements are included within operating cash
flow as they continue to be part of the normal operating cycle of the Group.
There is no fixed expiry date on this facility.



13.  Cash and cash equivalents


        Cash and cash equivalents (which are presented as a single
class of assets on the face of the balance sheet) comprise cash at bank and
other short-term highly liquid investments with a maturity of three months or
less. Included in the amount below is £1.0m (H1 23: £1.0m) of restricted
cash which is held in respect of the Group's customer redress programmes and
£2.5m (H1 23: £3.0m) in respect of our securitisation reserve account. This
cash is available to access by the Group for restricted purposes.


        A breakdown of significant cash and cash equivalent balances by
currency is as follows:


                                                    2 September 2023  27 August 2022  4 March 2023
                                                    £m                £m              £m
 Sterling                                           26.9              19.6            24.9
 Euro                                               4.1               10.8            2.9
 US dollar                                          18.1              16.8            7.7
 Net cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts  49.1              47.2            35.5
 Made up of:
 Cash and cash equivalents                          49.1              47.2            35.5
 Bank overdrafts                                    -                 -               -


        The Group operates a notional pooling and net overdraft
facility whereby cash and overdraft balances held with the same bank have a
legal right of offset. In line with the requirements of IAS 32, gross balance
sheet presentation is required where there is no intention to settle any
amounts net. The balance has therefore been separated between overdrafts and
cash balances.



14.          Bank Borrowings


                                                       2 September 2023  27 August 2022  4 March 2023
                                                       £m                £m              £m
 Bank loans                                            (307.5)           (290.7)         (332.9)
 Repayable as follows:
 -    Within one year                                  -                 -               -
 -    In the second year                               (307.5)           -               (332.9)
 -    In the third to fifth year                       -                 (290.7)         -
 Amounts due for settlement after 12 months            (307.5)           (290.7)         (332.9)

                                                       2 September 2023  27 August 2022  4 March 2023
                                                       %                 %               %
 The weighted average interest rates were as follows:
 Net overdraft facility                                6.1               1.7             3.5
 Bank loans                                            6.1               2.9             3.6


All borrowings are held in sterling.


The principal features of the Group's borrowings are as follows:


During April 2023, the Group completed the refinancing of its unsecured
Revolving Credit Facility ('RCF'). The new RCF facility has a maximum limit of
£75m (H1 23: £100m) and an overdraft facility of £12.5m (H1 23: £25m) both
respectively committed to December 2026. The full £87.5m was accessible but
undrawn at 2 September 2023 (H1 23: £nil).


The key covenants in respect of the new RCF continue to be as follows:

(a)  Leverage less than 1.5 - representing the ratio of unsecured net
cash/(debt)(1) , over Adjusted EBITDA(1) after the deduction of Securitisation
interest; and

(b)  Interest cover greater than 4.0 - representing the ratio of Adjusted
EBITDA(1) over finance costs after excluding Securitisation interest and
adding back pension interest credit.

Throughout the reporting period all covenants have been complied with.

The Group has a bank loan of £307.5m (H1 23: £290.7m) secured by a charge
over certain "eligible" trade debtors (current and 0-28 days past due) of the
Group and is without recourse to any of the Group's other assets. The facility
has a current limit of £400m and is committed to December 2024. In February
2023, whilst not reducing the £400m facility limit, the Group pro-actively
reduced the lenders' commitment to £340m from £400m to reflect the smaller
customer receivables book and subsequent reduction in the accessible funding
level, so optimising funding costs by reducing non-utilisation costs. This has
not changed the Group's total accessible funding levels. The securitisation
facility allows the Group to draw down cash, based on set criteria linked to
eligible customer receivables which move flexibly in line with business
volumes. Accordingly, the net cashflows of the facility are treated within
working capital rather than financing cashflows. Unamortised fees relating to
this facility of £1.2m are offset against the carrying amount of the loan.

The key covenants applicable to the securitisation facility include three
month average default, return and collection ratios, and a net interest margin
ratio on the total and eligible pool. Through the reporting period all
covenants have been complied with.

There is no material difference between the fair value and carrying amount of
the Group's borrowings.

(1) A full glossary of Alternative Performance Measures and their definitions
is included on page 22. A reconciliation of statutory measures to adjusted
measures is included on page 12.


15.       Dividends

No dividends were paid or proposed in either the current period or prior



16.       Provisions


                                               Other Litigation  Strategic Change  Allianz Litigation  Other  Total
                                               £m                £m                £m                  £m     £m
 Balance as at 4 March 2023                    6.9               2.2               0.3                 0.7    10.1
 Provisions made/(reversed) during the period  0.1               4.0               (0.1)               -      4.0
 Provisions used during the period             (0.1)             (2.5)             -                   (0.4)  (3.0)
 Balance as at 2 September 2023                6.9               3.7               0.2                 0.3    11.1
 Non-current                                   -                 0.3               -                   -      0.3
 Current                                       6.9               3.4               0.2                 0.3    10.8
 Balance as at 2 September 2023                6.9               3.7               0.2                 0.3    11.1



During the prior year, the Group reached full and final settlement in respect
of the legal dispute with Allianz Insurance plc. Further detail provided in
note 5 and in the FY23 Annual Report and accounts. The provision outstanding
at 2 September 2023 was £0.2m, relating to amounts payable to Allianz
following closure of the joint redress account. The release of £0.1m in the
period relates to amounts previously provided in respect of legal costs that
are no longer required.



During the prior year, the Group made a provision of £5.5m, as an estimate of
litigation costs. This is principally committed external legal costs
associated with legacy customer claims. This is not a new exposure and in
prior years the Group has handled such claims on a case by case basis and the
costs incurred have not been material. The Group will continue to defend such
claims of unfair relationships and the Board supports a strategy to robustly
defend any past and future claims. The Group has engaged external counsel
which is reflected in the provision recorded. £0.1m of the provision has been
utilised in respect of legal costs incurred in the period. The remaining
provision of £5.4m is expected to be paid in the next 12 months.

The provision outstanding at 2 September 2023 of £6.9m also includes a
provision of £1.5m recognised in prior periods in relation to certain PPI
related customer redress complaints which are expected to be paid in the next
12 months.


During the prior year, the Group commenced a restructuring exercise to 'right
size' its headcount and payroll overhead, following the contraction in
revenues and profitability during the Covid-19 pandemic and the more recent
downturn in retail market performance as a result of the cost-of-living
crisis. The Group has continued with this exercise in the current period,
resulting in additional provision of £0.8m booked in the period. A provision
of £0.5m relating to restructuring costs was outstanding at 2 September which
is expected to be fully paid in the months following the period end.

During the period, the Board also approved the rationalisation of the Group's
warehousing facilities following a review of the overall warehouse portfolio
capacity, utilisation and associated operational cost base. Accordingly a
provision of £3.2m was booked at half year end relating to £2.2m of
incremental costs associated with staff exits, onerous contracts and the
expected dual running of warehouses, £1.0m of incremental stock provision
arising from the rationalisation of terminal stock due to reduced storage
capacity across the warehouse portfolios.



The provision held at 2 September 2023 of £0.3m relates to costs and interest
in relation to matters under discussion with HMRC relating to prior years.
Agreement on this matter is still pending with HMRC as of the date of this
financial report. The utilisation of £0.4m in the period relates to the
settlement of a legal claim that existed at FY23 year end.




Responsibility statement of the directors in respect of the half-yearly
financial report


We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:


·   the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in
accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted with the
requirements of the Companies Act 2006


This report was approved by the Board of Directors on 12 October 2023






Dominic Appleton

Chief Executive
                       Chief Financial Officer





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