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REG-Metro Bank Holdings PLC Metro Bank Holdings PLC: Interim results for half year ended 30 June 2024


   Metro Bank Holdings PLC (MTRO)
   Metro Bank Holdings PLC: Interim results for half year ended 30 June 2024

   31-Jul-2024 / 07:00 GMT/BST


                                                      Metro Bank Holdings PLC

                                                              Interim results

                                                       Trading update H1 2024

                                                                 31 July 2024


                     Metro Bank Holdings PLC (LSE: MTRO LN)

                Interim results for half year ended 30 June 2024



   Financial Results:

     • Underlying loss  before tax  of  £26.8 million  (H2 2023:  loss  £33.0
       million) is primarily driven by a  lower net interest margin of  1.64%
       (H2 2023: 1.85%, Q2 2024 NIM of 1.74%) due to a transient higher  cost
       of deposits at 2.18% following  the successful deposit campaign in  Q4
       2023 (H2 2023:1.29%).


     • Upgraded Guidance includes profitability during Q4 2024,  mid-to-upper
       single digit RoTE in 2025, double digit RoTE in 2026 and  mid-to-upper
       teens thereafter. This  is driven by  cost discipline, asset  rotation
       and the mortgage portfolio sale.


     • New  stores:  Began  construction  in  Chester  and  signed  lease  in
       Gateshead. Looking for more  new store sites in  North of England  and
       East Midlands.


     • Total underlying operating expenses reduced  6% or £17 million HoH  to
       £255 million (H2 2023: £272  million), with £80 million of  annualised
       run-rate savings on track to be delivered by December 2024.


     • Total net  loans  as at  30  June 2024  were  £11.5 billion,  down  6%
       compared to full year  position (31 December  2023: £12.3 billion)  as
       the bank strategically  repositions its balance  sheet towards  higher
       yielding commercial, corporate, SME and specialist mortgage lending.


     • Metro Bank has a solid  credit approved commercial pipeline across  H1
       2024 equivalent to  116% of total  new lending in  2023, with H1  2024
       drawdowns c.81% of total new lending in 2023.


     • Customer deposits of £15.7 billion at 30 June 2024, down £0.8  billion
       on February  2024 peak  of c.£16.5  billion (31  December 2023:  £15.6
       billion), reflecting the  deliberate focus on  reducing liquidity  and
       cost of deposits.


     • Metro Bank’s MREL ratio was  22.2% as at 30  June 2024, up 20bps  from
       22.0% as  at 31  December 2023,  reflecting ongoing  focus on  capital
       management  whilst  optimising  risk-adjusted  returns  on  regulatory
       capital. Year-on-year MREL increased c.410bps from 18.1% as at 30 June
       2023. On  completion 1  of the  mortgage sale,  there is  a pro  forma
       improvement in Metro Bank's total capital plus MREL ratio of  c.122bps
       from 22.2% to 23.4%, c.530bps higher than 30 June 2023.


   Post-period end developments:

     • £2.5 billion mortgage portfolio sale, announced post-period end,  with
       the  transaction  earnings,  NIM  and  capital  ratio  accretive.  The
       additional lending capacity created by  this sale enables a  continued
       shift into higher yielding assets.


     • TFSME to  be repaid  from proceeds  of mortgage  sale eliminating  any
       industry wide deposit funding headwinds going forward.

   Upgraded Guidance:

     • Expect return to profitability during Q4 2024
     • RoTE guidance increased to mid-to-upper  single digit in 2025,  double
       digit in 2026 and mid-to-upper teens thereafter
     • Continued NIM expansion driven by  asset rotation, and expect NIMs  in
       2024,  2025  and  2026  to  be  approaching  2.50%,  3.25%  and  4.00%
     • Continued cost discipline and control,  with cost to income ratios  in
       2026, 2027 and 2028 to be approaching 70%, 60% and 50% respectively


   Daniel Frumkin, Chief Executive Officer at Metro Bank, said:

   “Metro Bank has made significant underlying progress during the first half
   of 2024. We have built real  momentum in credit approved pipelines  across
   commercial, corporate and SME lending, whilst expanding spreads in  retail
   mortgages and repricing  deposits. At  the same time,  our continued  cost
   discipline is creating  a simpler,  more agile bank  that is  fit for  the

   “Our upgraded  guidance  today  reflects progress  against  our  strategy,
   including the recent residential mortgage portfolio sale. We expect  these
   actions to positively impact on our balance sheet in the fourth quarter of
   the current financial year, delivering a return to profitability.”

   “We look  to  the  future  with renewed  confidence,  as  we  continue  to
   strengthen and  deepen  our  people-people  banking  and  relationship-led
   services in areas our FANS value the most.”


   Key Financials

                             30 Jun  31 Dec  Change from 30 Jun  Change from

   £ in millions              2024    2023     H2 2023    2023     H1 2023
   Assets                    £21,489 £22,245    (3%)     £21,747    (1%)
   Loans                     £11,543 £12,297    (6%)     £12,572    (8%)
   Deposits                  £15,726 £15,623     1%      £15,529     1%
   Loan to deposit ratio       73%     79%      (6pp)      81%      (8pp)
   CET1 capital ratio         12.9%   13.1%    (20bps)    10.4%    250bps
   Total capital ratio (TCR)  15.0%   15.1%    (10bps)    13.2%    180bps
   MREL ratio1                22.2%   22.0%     20bps     18.1%    410bps
   Liquidity coverage ratio   365%    332%      33pp      214%      151pp



                                 H1      H2    Change from   H1   Change from

   £ in millions                2024    2023     H2 2023    2023    H1 2023
   Total underlying revenue2   £234.0  £260.9     (10%)    £285.6    (18%)
   Underlying profit/(loss)    (£26.8) (£33.0)     19%     £16.1    (266%)
   before tax3
   Statutory profit/(loss)     (£33.5)  £15.1    (322%)    £15.4    (318%)
   before tax
   Net interest margin          1.64%   1.85%    (21bps)   2.14%    (50bps)
   Lending yield                5.18%   4.91%     27bps    4.50%     68bps
   Cost of deposits             2.18%   1.29%     89bps    0.66%    152bps
   Cost of risk                 0.10%   0.34%    (24bps)   0.18%    (8bps)
   Underlying EPS              (3.9p)  (12.2p)    8.3p      7.8p    (11.7p)
   Tangible book value per      £1.37   £1.40     (2%)     £4.42     (69%)



    1. The mortgage portfolio sale  has been excluded  from this figure.  Pro
       forma on  completion of  the residential  mortgage portfolio  sale  is
       estimated to  result  in  a  23.4%  total  capital  plus  MREL  ratio.
       Completion  of  the  transaction  is  conditional  on  a  satisfactory
       response from the Competition & Markets Authority
    2. Underlying revenue excludes  grant income recognised  relating to  the
       Capability & Innovation fund.
    3. Underlying loss before tax is  an alternative performance measure  and
       excludes impairment and write-off of property, plant & equipment (PPE)
       and intangible assets, transformation costs, remediation costs,  costs
       incurred as part  of the holding  company insertion and  costs of  the
       capital raise and refinancing in H2 2023.


   Investor presentation

   A presentation for investors and analysts will be held at 9AM (UK time) on
   31 July 2024. The presentation will be webcast on:

    1 https://webcast.openbriefing.com/metrobank-jul24/

   For those wishing to dial-in:

   From the UK dial: 0800 358 1035

   From the US dial: +1 855 979 6654

   Access code: 191899

   Other global dial-in numbers:
    2 https://www.netroadshow.com/events/global-numbers?confId=67110


   Financial performance for the half year ended 30 June 2023


                            30 Jun     31 Dec     Change    30 Jun    Change
   £ in millions                                   from                from
                             2024       2023                 2023
                                                 H2 2023             H1 2023
   Demand: current          £5,662     £5,696      (1%)     £7,106    (20%)
   Demand: savings          £8,108     £7,827       4%      £7,218     12%
   Fixed term: savings      £1,956     £2,100      (7%)     £1,205     62%
   Deposits from           £15,726    £15,623       1%      £15,529     1%
   Deposits from customers includes:                                     
   Retail customers
   (excluding retail        £7,170     £7,235      (1%)     £5,647     27%
   SMEs4                    £4,224     £3,782      12%      £5,066    (17%)
                           £11,394    £11,017       3%      £10,713     6%
   Retail partnerships      £1,734     £1,708       2%      £1,910     (9%)
   Commercial customers     £2,598     £2,898     (10%)     £2,906    (11%)
   (excluding SMEs4)
                            £4,332     £4,606      (6%)     £4,816    (10%)


    4. SME defined as  enterprises which  employ fewer than  250 persons  and
       which have an  annual turnover  not exceeding €50  million, and/or  an
       annual  balance  sheet  total  not  exceeding  €43  million  and  have
       aggregate deposits less than €1 million.

     • Customer deposits reduced by 1% at H1 2024 to £15.7 billion, down £0.8
       billion on  February 2024  peak of  £16.5 billion  (31 December  2023:
       £15.6 billion) reflecting the  deliberate focus on reducing  liquidity
       and cost of deposits. The core  customer deposit base continues to  be
       predominantly Retail and SME. Fixed  term deposits have increased  62%
       year-on-year reflecting the success of the Q4 2023 deposit campaign.
     • Cost of deposits was 2.18% for H1 2024 (H2 2023: 1.29%) reflecting the
       impact of the deposit  campaign in Q4 2023.  Monthly cost of  deposits
       has been reducing since its peak in  February 2024 and is 2.12% in  Q2
     • Stores remain a key element to the Group’s service offering and  Metro
       Bank has changed  store hours and  reprioritised in-store services  to
       align with customer activity. 
     • Metro Bank plans  to open two  new stores  in Q2 2025  in Chester  and
       Gateshead for  further  market  coverage  in  the  North  of  England.
        Locations are being prioritised  to support Metro Bank’s  commercial,
       corporate and SME banking offering.


                             30 Jun    31 Dec    Change    30 Jun    Change
   £ in millions                                  from                from
                              2024      2023                2023
                                                 H2 2023             H1 2023
   Gross loans and advances  £11,739   £12,496    (6%)     £12,769    (8%)
   to customers
   Less: allowance for       (£196)    (£199)      2%      (£197)      1%
   Net loans and advances    £11,543   £12,297    (6%)     £12,572    (8%)
   to customers
   Gross loans and advances
   to customers consists                                                 
   Retail mortgages          £7,512    £7,818     (4%)     £7,591     (1%)
   Commercial lending5       £2,437    £2,443      0%      £2,659     (8%)
   Consumer lending          £1,003    £1,297     (23%)    £1,410     (29%)
   Government-backed          £787      £938      (16%)    £1,109     (29%)


    5. Includes CLBILS.
    6. BBLS, CBILS and RLS.

     • Total net  loans  as at  30  June 2024  were  £11.5 billion,  down  6%
       compared to £12.3  billion at  31 December  2023 as  focus remains  on
       optimising the mix for risk-adjusted return on regulatory capital. The
       Consumer and Government-backed  lending portfolios are  in run-off  as
       the  Group  continues  to  pivot  its  strategy  towards   commercial,
       corporate and SME lending,  and specialist mortgages. Yields  continue
       to improve despite the Bank of England base rate remaining stable. The
       loan to deposit ratio reduced to 73% (31 December 2023: 79%).


     • Retail mortgages decreased 4% to £7.5 billion (31 December 2023:  £7.8
       billion) and remain the largest component  of the lending book at  64%
       (31 December 2023: 63%). The Debt  to Value (DTV) of the portfolio  at
       31 June 2024 was 61% (31 December  2023: 58%) as a result of  observed
       house price falls over the  period. The pivot towards more  specialist
       mortgages continues  following recent  investment to  enhance  product
       offerings. Metro Bank’s  operating model is  tailored to more  complex
       underwriting which  enables  the  Group  to meet  the  needs  of  more
       customers and  scale  underserved  markets  whilst  offering  improved
       risk-adjusted returns.
     • Commercial loans  (excluding  BBLS,  CBILS and  RLS)  remained  stable
       during H1 2024 at  £2,437 million (31  December 2023: £2,443  million)
       reflecting continued focus  on commercial  customers whilst  shrinking
       commercial real  estate  to  £440  million  (31  December  2023:  £509
       million) and portfolio buy-to-let to  £365 million (31 December  2023:
       £465 million). The DTV of  the portfolio at 31  June 2024 was 57%  (31
       December 2023: 55%) and  the portfolio has a  coverage ratio of  2.08%
       (31 December 2023: 2.13%). Metro Bank is committed to supporting local
       businesses as we continue to  pivot towards commercial, corporate  and
       SME lending.
     • Cost of risk decreased  to 0.10% for the  half year (H2 2023:  0.34%).
       The  overall   impact  of   risk  profile,   credit  performance   and
       macroeconomic outlook has  resulted in  a lower  cost of  risk in  the
       first half. The credit quality of  new lending continues to be  strong
       through the current  macro-economic environment and  the bank  retains
       its prudent approach to provisioning.
     • Overall arrears levels  have remained  broadly stable  and there  have
       been no  material  signs  of increased  stress.  Non-performing  loans
       increased to 3.75%  (31 December  2023: 3.11%) driven  largely by  the
       maturity profile of  the consumer  portfolio that  is in  run off  and
       reduced commercial lending volumes,  partly offset by successful  BBLS
       claims  and  repayments  of  a  few  large  commercial  and   mortgage
       exposures. Excluding government-backed  lending, non-performing  loans
       were 3.13% at 31 June 2024 (31 December 2023: 2.58%).
     • The  loan  portfolio  remains  highly  collateralised  and   prudently
       provisioned. The ECL  provision as at  30 June 2024  was £196  million
       with a  coverage ratio  of  1.67%, compared  to  £199 million  with  a
       coverage ratio  of  1.59%  as  at  31  December  2023.  The  level  of
       post-model overlays remained at 10% of  the ECL stock, or £20  million
       which has reduced since 31 December  2023 (12% of ECL stock, or  £23.4
       million) is mainly due to a more  up to date impact assessment of  the
       new IFRS9 commercial models.

   Profit and Loss Account

     • Net interest margin (NIM) of 1.64% for the half is down 21bps compared
       to 1.85% in H2 2023 as a result of a higher cost of deposits at  2.18%
       (H2 2023:  1.29%, H1  2023:  0.66%) and  reduction of  lower  yielding
     • Underlying net interest income  decreased by 10%  HoH at £172  million
       (H2 2023: £190 million)  driven by reductions  in net interest  margin
       (NIM) reflecting the  impact of increased  cost of deposits  following
       the successful  deposit  campaign in  Q4  2023, and  the  lag  between
       underwrite to  completion;  as the  bank  pivots its  lending  towards
       higher yielding lending assets.
     • Underlying net fee and other income  decreased HoH to £62 million  (H2
       2023: £69  million). The  HoH decrease  of 10%  reflects the  seasonal
       nature  of  fee  income  largely  driven  by  customer  activity   and
       transactional volumes.
     • Underlying costs reduced 6% to  £255 million (H2 2023: £272  million).
       The Group  has  delivered  £50 million  of  annualised  run-rate  cost
       savings and is  on track to  deliver the additional  £30 million  cost
       savings on an annualised run-rate basis by December 2024.
     • Underlying loss before tax of £27  million achieved in the first  half
       (H2 2023: loss of £33 million) reflecting the NIM and cost of  funding
       impact in the first half of the year.
     • Statutory loss  before tax  of £34  million (H2  2023: profit  of  £15
       million) HoH movement a  function of the  £74 million one-off  benefit
       resulting from the capital raise and refinancing in H2 2023.

   Capital, Funding and Liquidity


                           Position  Position     Minimum        Minimum

                           30 June  31 December requirement    requirement

                             2024      2023      including  excluding buffers
   Common Equity Tier 1     12.9%      13.1%       9.2%           4.7%
   Tier 1                   12.9%      13.1%       10.8%          6.3%
   Total Capital            15.0%      15.1%       12.9%          8.4%
   Total Capital + MREL     22.2%      22.0%       21.2%          16.7%

    7. CRD IV buffers

     • Total RWAs as  at 30 June  2024 were £7.2  billion (31 December  2023:
       £7.5 billion). The movement reflects the actions taken to optimise the
       balance sheet, with a lag between  pipeline to conversion as we  pivot
       our lending mix.  RWA density  was 29.7% compared  to 30.2%  as at  31
       December 2023 and the movement  HoH continues to reflect the  elevated
       liquidity position.
     • The £2.5 billion mortgage asset sale post-period is expected to reduce
       RWAs by c.  £824 million  and results in  a pro  forma improvement  in
       total capital plus MREL of c122 bps to 23.4% (31 December 2023: 22.0%,
       30 June 2023: 18.1%).
     • Strong liquidity and funding  position maintained. All customer  loans
       are fully funded by customer deposits with a loan-to-deposit ratio  of
       73% compared to 79% at the end of 2023. Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
       was 365% compared to 332% as  at 31 December 2023, with cash  balances
       at c£4 billion. Net Stable Funding  Ratio (NSFR) was 153% compared  to
       145% as at 31 December 2023.
     • The Treasury  portfolio  of  £8.8 billion  includes  £4.7  billion  of
       investment securities, of which  79% are rated AAA  and 21% are  rated
       AA. Of the total investment securities, 93% is held at amortised  cost
       and 7% is held at fair value through other comprehensive income.


     • Over the next 3  years more than £2.0  billion of fixed rate  treasury
       assets will mature at an average blended yield of just over 1%,  these
       will be replaced by asset with yields in line with or greater than the
       prevailing base rate.
     • UK leverage  ratio was  5.5% as  at 30  June 2024  (31 December  2023:

   Outlook revised upwards


                                    Updated Guidance
   ROTE       • Increased to mid-to-upper single digit in 2025, double  digit
                in 2026 and mid-to-upper teens thereafter
              • Continued NIM expansion driven by asset rotation, and NIMs in
                2024, 2025 and 2026 to be approaching 2.5%, 3.25% and  4.00%,
              • Mortgage  lending  originations  >  200bps  above  prevailing
   NIM          reference rate SWAP from H1 2025
              • Commercial  lending  originations  already  >  350bps   above
                prevailing Bank of England base rate
              • Benefit from  fixed  rate treasury  and  mortgage  maturities
                across 2025-2028
              • £80m of  annualised  run-rate cost  savings  on track  to  be
                delivered by Q4 2024
              • 2024 costs  are  expected  to be  below  2023,  with  further
   Costs        reductions in 2025  reflecting the  benefit of  the full  £80
                million annualised cost savings
              • Cost  to  income  ratios  in  2026,  2027  and  2028  to   be
                approaching 70%, 60% and 50%, respectively
              • Total lending to grow at an 8  – 11% CAGR (after drop due  to
                mortgage portfolio sale) over the next few years
              • Future lending book composition by early 2029:

   Lending         ◦ Back book mortgages (c.£5bn) will run-off
                   ◦ Mortgages as a % of total lending balances reduces to
                   ◦ Commercial as a % of total lending balances grows to
                   ◦ All other lending broadly runs-off during the period
              • Ongoing optimisation on  deposits to reduce  cost of  funding
                continues, with CoD expected to consistently reduce across H2
   Deposits     2024
              • Deposits  broadly  flat  from  2024  to  2026,  followed   by
                mid-to-upper single digit growth thereafter



   Metro Bank Holdings PLC

   Summary Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account


                                    HoH      30 Jun    31 Dec    30 Jun
   Balance Sheet                           
                                   change     2024      2023      2023
                                            £'million £'million £'million
   Loans and advances to customers  (6%)     £11,543   £12,297   £12,572
   Treasury assets8                  1%      £8,819    £8,770    £8,023
   Other assets9                    (4%)     £1,127    £1,178    £1,152
   Total assets                     (3%)     £21,489   £22,245   £21,747
   Deposits from customers           1%      £15,726   £15,623   £15,529
   Deposits from central banks       0%      £3,050    £3,050    £3,800
   Debt securities                  (3%)      £675      £694      £573
   Other liabilities               (46%)      £934     £1,744     £875
   Total liabilities                (3%)     £20,385   £21,111   £20,777
   Total shareholder's equity       (3%)     £1,104    £1,134     £970
   Total equity and liabilities     (3%)     £21,489   £22,245   £21,747



    8. Comprises investment securities and cash & balances with the Bank of
    9. Comprises property, plant & equipment, intangible assets and other

                                        HoH           Half year ended
                                                30 Jun     31 Dec    30 Jun
   Profit & Loss Account              change
                                                 2024       2023      2023
                                               £'million  £'million £'million
   Underlying net interest income      (10%)    £171.9     £190.4    £221.5
   Underlying net fee and other        (10%)     £62.0      £68.6     £63.3
   Underlying net gains on sale of               £0.1       £1.9      £0.8
   Total underlying revenue            (10%)    £234.0     £260.9    £285.6
   Underlying operating costs          (6%)    (£254.6)   (£272.0)  (£258.2)
   Expected credit loss expense                 (£6.2)     (£21.9)   (£11.3)
   Underlying profit/(loss) before              (£26.8)    (£33.0)    £16.1
   Impairment and write-off of
   property plant & equipment and               (£0.3)     (£4.6)       -
   intangible assets
   Transformation costs                         (£4.5)     (£20.2)      -
   Remediation costs                            (£1.8)     (£0.8)     £0.8
   Capital raise and refinancing                   -        £74.0       -
   Holding company insertion                    (£0.1)     (£0.3)    (£1.5)
   Statutory profit/(loss) before tax           (£33.5)     £15.1     £15.4
   Statutory taxation                            £0.4       £1.7     (£2.7)
   Statutory profit/(loss) after tax            (£33.1)     £16.8     £12.7
                                                    Half year ended
                                           30 Jun     31 Dec       30 Jun
   Key metrics
                                            2024       2023         2023
   Underlying earnings per share –         (3.9p)     (12.2p)       7.8p
   Number of shares                        672.7m     672.7m       172.6m
   Net interest margin (NIM)                1.64%      1.85%        2.14%
   Cost of deposits                         2.18%      1.29%        0.66%
   Cost of risk                             0.10%      0.34%        0.18%
   Arrears rate                             3.8%       3.8%         3.5%
   Underlying cost: income ratio            109%       104%          90%
   Tangible book value per share            £1.37      £1.40        £4.42




   For more information, please contact:


   Metro Bank PLC Investor Relations

   Paul Beaumont / Stella Gavaletakis

   +44 (0) 20 3402 8900

    3 IR@metrobank.plc.uk


   Metro Bank PLC Media Relations

   Mona Patel

   +44 (0) 7815 506845

    4 pressoffice@metrobank.plc.uk



   Haya Herbert-Burns/ Anthony Di Natale

   +44 (0) 7342 031051/ +44 (0) 7880 715975

    5 Metrobank@teneo.com



   About Metro Bank

   Metro Bank services over three million customer accounts and is celebrated
   for its exceptional  customer experience.  It remains one  of the  highest
   rated  high  street  banks  for  overall  service  quality  for   personal
   customers, the best bank for  service in-store for business customers  and
   joint top for service in-store for personal customers, in the  Competition
   and Markets Authority’s Service Quality Survey in February 2024.

   Metro Bank  has also  been awarded  “Large Loans  Mortgage Lender  of  the
   Year”, 2024 and 2023 Mortgage Awards,  accredited as a top ten Most  Loved
   Workplace 2023, “2023  Best Lender of  the Year  – UK” in  the M&A  Today,
   Global Awards,  the  “Inclusive  Culture Initiative  Award”  in  the  2023
   Inclusive Awards, “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award” and “Leader of the
   Year Award 2023”  at the  Top 1%  Workplace Awards,  “Best Women  Mortgage
   Leaders in the UK”  from Elite Women 2023,  “Diversity Lead of the  Year”,
   2023 Women  in Finance,  Best Large  Loan Lender,  2023 Mortgage  Strategy
   Awards,, “Best Business Credit Card”, Forbes Advisor Best of 2023  Awards,
   “Best Business Credit Card”, 2023 Moneynet Personal Finance Awards.

   The community bank offers retail, business, commercial and private banking
   services, and  prides  itself  on  giving customers  the  choice  to  bank
   however, whenever and wherever they  choose, and supporting the  customers
   and communities  it  serves. Whether  that’s  through its  network  of  76
   stores; on  the phone  through  its UK-based  contact centres;  or  online
   through its internet banking or award-winning mobile app, the bank  offers
   customers real choice.

   Metro Bank  Holdings PLC  (registered in  England and  Wales with  company
   number 14387040, registered office: One Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5HA)
   is the listed entity and holding company of Metro Bank PLC.

   Metro Bank  PLC  (registered in  England  and Wales  with  company  number
   6419578, registered  office: One  Southampton Row,  London, WC1B  5HA)  is
   authorised by the  Prudential Regulation  Authority and  regulated by  the
   Financial  Conduct   Authority   and  Prudential   Regulation   Authority.
   ‘Metrobank’ is a registered trademark of Metro Bank PLC. Eligible deposits
   are protected by the Financial  Services Compensation Scheme. For  further
   information about the Scheme refer to the FSCS website  6 www.fscs.org.uk.
   All Metro Bank products are subject to status and approval. Metro Bank  is
   an independent UK  bank –  it is  not affiliated  with any  other bank  or
   organisation (including the METRO newspaper or its publishers) anywhere in
   the world. Please refer to Metro Bank using the full name.


   Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group.
   The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


   ISIN:          GB00BMX3W479
   Category Code: IR
   TIDM:          MTRO
   LEI Code:      984500CDDEAD6C2EDQ64
   Sequence No.:  337467
   EQS News ID:   1957493

   End of Announcement EQS News Service


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   Visible links
   1. https://eqs-cockpit.com/cgi-bin/fncls.ssp?fn=redirect&url=4c7fb49676bb32148132043ae55132c3&application_id=1957493&site_id=refinitiv~~~790ea929-3c21-49b8-8ff9-1aed464daef1&application_name=news
   2. https://eqs-cockpit.com/cgi-bin/fncls.ssp?fn=redirect&url=68c8ad0a11a58040757d0d8913ebc176&application_id=1957493&site_id=refinitiv~~~790ea929-3c21-49b8-8ff9-1aed464daef1&application_name=news
   3. mailto:IR@metrobank.plc.uk
   4. mailto:pressoffice@metrobank.plc.uk
   5. mailto:Metrobank@teneo.com
   6. https://eqs-cockpit.com/cgi-bin/fncls.ssp?fn=redirect&url=5bcd998b650b8ab26541e03036097ffc&application_id=1957493&site_id=refinitiv~~~790ea929-3c21-49b8-8ff9-1aed464daef1&application_name=news


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