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REG - Macfarlane Group PLC - Half-year Report

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RNS Number : 3185B  Macfarlane Group PLC  22 August 2024


22 August 2024






Resilient performance in the period; trading broadly in line for the full year


Aleen Gulvanessian, Chair of Macfarlane Group PLC, commented on the interim
results: "As outlined in our AGM trading update in May, the challenging market
conditions experienced in the latter part of 2023 have continued in 2024.

The management team has responded effectively through an improvement in new
business growth, the management of price deflation and actions to control
operating costs.  In addition, the Group continues to execute its strategy,
making two further high-quality acquisitions.

The strength of our balance sheet and the cash generative nature of our
business underpins our ongoing investment in actions to grow sales both
organically and through acquisition and increase the interim dividend.

Despite market headwinds, our operational and strategic performance is
progressing, and the Group is well-positioned to benefit as the macroeconomic
outlook improves."

                                                       Increase/ (decrease)

 Financial Highlights              H1 2024   H1 2023   %

                                   £000      £000
 Statutory Measures
 Revenue                           129,598   141,612   (8)%
 Gross Profit                      51,458    51,320    0%
 Operating profit                  10,606    10,800    (2)%
 Profit before tax                 9,701     9,987     (3)%
 Profit for the period             7,237     7,510     (4)%
 Interim dividend (pence)          0.96p     0.94p     2%
 Basic earnings per share (pence)  4.55p     4.74p     (4)%
 Alternative performance measures
 Adjusted operating profit(1)      12,533    12,839    (2)%
 Adjusted profit before tax        11,628    12,026    (3)%

1    See note 2 for reconciliation of Alternative Performance Measures
(before charging amortisation and deferred contingent consideration
adjustments) to Statutory Measures.


Key Financial Highlights

·   Group revenue reduced by 8% to £129.6m (H1 2023: £141.6m).

·   Group profit before tax reduced by 3% to £9.7m (H1 2023: £10.0m).

·   Group adjusted operating profit as a percentage of revenue improved to
9.7% (H1 2023: 9.1%).

·   Basic and diluted earnings per share were 4.55p per share (H1 2023:
4.74p per share) and 4.51p per share (H1 2023: 4.70p per share) respectively.

Packaging Distribution

·   Packaging Distribution revenue decreased by 11% to £110.9m (H1 2023:

·   Continued weak customer demand and price deflation have been partially
offset by the benefit of the acquisitions of Gottlieb in April 2023 and
Allpack Direct in March 2024.

·   Adjusted operating profit decreased by 1% to £9.3m (H1 2023: £9.4m)
through effective management of input pricing and control of operating


Manufacturing Operations

·   Manufacturing Operations achieved revenue growth of 6% to £18.7m (H1
2023: £17.7m).

·   Contributions from B&D Group and Suttons, both acquired 2023, have
been partially offset by price deflation.

·   Adjusted operating profit decreased 5% to £3.2m (H1 2023: £3.4m) due
to higher operating expenses.

·   The acquisition of Polyformes completed in early July 2024 and will be
earnings enhancing in H2 2024.


·   Effective management of working capital resulted in net cash inflow
from operating activities of £14.0m (H1 2023: £20.3m).

·   Net bank funds on 30 June 2024 of £0.8m - this reflects a cash inflow
of £0.3m since 31 December 2023, after £3.6m of investment in acquisitions
and £1.4m of capital expenditure.  The Group is operating well within its
bank facility of £35.0m which runs until 31 December 2025.

·   The pension scheme surplus increased to £10.2m at 30 June 2024 (31
December 2023: £9.9m).  The improvement is due to an increase in the
discount rate, offset by lower investment returns in H1 2024.

·   Interim dividend of 0.96p per share (H1 2023: 0.94p per share) - to be
paid on 10 October 2024 to shareholders on the register as at 13 September
2024 (ex-dividend date 12 September 2024).


The actions taken in H1 2024 and continuing through the remainder of the year
should enable the performance of the Group to be broadly in line with market
expectations for 2024.

 Further enquiries:  Macfarlane Group                                                         Tel: 0141 333 9666
                     Aleen Gulvanessian             Chair
                     Peter Atkinson                     Chief Executive
                     Ivor Gray
                     Finance Director
                     Spreng Thomson
                     Callum Spreng                                                            Mob: 07803 970103


Legal Entity Identifier (LEI):  213800LVRYDERSJAAZ73

Notes to Editors:

·              Macfarlane Group PLC has been listed on the
Premium segment of the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange (LSE: MACF)
since 1973 with over 70 years' experience in the UK packaging industry.

·              Through its two divisions, Macfarlane Group
services a broad range of business customers, supplying them with high quality
protective packaging products which help customers reduce supply chain costs,
improve operational efficiencies and sustainability and enhance their brand
presentation. The divisions are:

o    Packaging Distribution - Macfarlane Packaging Distribution is the
leading UK distributor of a comprehensive range of protective packaging
products; and

o    Manufacturing Operations - Macfarlane Design and Manufacture is a UK
market leader in the design and production of protective packaging for high
value and fragile products.

·              Headquartered in Glasgow, Scotland, Macfarlane
Group employs over 1,000 people at 40 sites, principally in the UK, as well as
in Ireland, Germany and the Netherlands.

·              Macfarlane Group supplies more than 20,000
customers, principally in the UK and Europe.

·              In partnership with 1,700 suppliers, Macfarlane
Group distributes and manufactures 600,000+ lines supplying to a wide range of
sectors, including: retail e-commerce; consumer goods; food; logistics; mail
order; electronics; defence; medical; automotive; and aerospace.


Interim Results - Management Report

Macfarlane Group's trading activities comprise Packaging Distribution and
Manufacturing Operations.

Macfarlane's Packaging Distribution business is the UK's leading specialist
distributor of protective packaging materials, with a growing presence in
Europe. Macfarlane operates in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Germany
from 27 Regional Distribution Centres ("RDCs") and three satellite sites,
supplying industrial and retail customers with a comprehensive range of
protective packaging materials on a local, regional, and national basis.

Competition in the packaging distribution market is from local and regional
protective packaging specialist companies as well as national and
international distribution generalists who supply a range of products,
including protective packaging materials.

Macfarlane competes effectively on a local basis through its strong focus on
customer service, its breadth and depth of product offering and through the
recruitment and retention of high-quality staff with good local market
knowledge. On a national and international basis, Macfarlane has market focus,
expertise and a breadth of product and service knowledge, all of which enable
it to compete effectively against non-specialist packaging distributors.

Packaging Distribution benefits its customers by enabling them to ensure their
products are cost-effectively protected in transit and storage through the
supply of a comprehensive product range, single source stock and serve supply,
just-in-time delivery, tailored stock management programmes, electronic
trading and independent advice on both packaging materials and packing
processes. Through the 'Significant Six' sales approach we reduce our
customers' 'Total Cost of Packaging', improve their sustainability performance
and reduce their carbon footprint. This is achieved through supplying
effective packaging solutions, optimising warehousing and transportation,
reducing damages and returns, and improving packaging efficiency.

"Significant Six" represents the six key costs in a customers' packing process
being transport, warehousing, administration, damages and returns,
productivity and customer experience.


                                                H1 2024   H1 2023
                                                £000      £000
 Revenue                                        110,902   123,955
 Cost of sales                                  (68,888)  (81,563)

 Gross margin                                   42,014    42,392
 Overheads                                      (32,705)  (32,954)

 Adjusted operating profit (1)                  9,309     9,438
 Amortisation                                   (1,516)   (1,461)
 Deferred contingent consideration adjustments  (12)      -

 Operating profit                               7,781     7,977

1.   See note 2 for reconciliation of Alternative Performance Measures
(before charging amortisation and deferred contingent consideration
adjustments) to Statutory Measures.

The main features of Packaging Distribution performance in H1 2024 were:

·   Weak demand and price deflation resulting in lower organic revenue than
the same period in 2023.

·   Revenue growth from the acquisitions of Allpack Direct in March 2024
and Gottlieb in April 2023.

·   New business in H1 2024 10% higher than H1 2023, with continued success
from our Innovation Labs and Significant Six programme.

·   Effective management of input prices and control of costs.

·   Marginal reduction in adjusted operating profit of 1%.

·   Improvement in adjusted operating profit as a percentage of revenue to
8.4% (H1 2023: 7.6%).

The key areas we will focus on in H2 2024 are to:

·   Accelerate new business momentum through effective use of our leading
sales tools and processes - "Packaging Optimiser" ', Significant Six and our
Innovation Labs.

·   Accelerate the progress we have made in Europe through our "Follow the
Customer" programme and the PackMann acquisition.

·   Preparation for the second major site consolidation in the East

·   Progress further high-quality acquisitions in the UK and Europe.

·   Support our customers to reduce their carbon footprint through offering
more sustainable packaging solutions.

·   Continue to effectively manage input price changes.

·   Strengthen our key supplier relationships.

·   Develop both sales and cost synergies through the relationship with our
Manufacturing Operations.

·   Achieve benefits from our information technology investments in
Microsoft Dynamics, and Warehouse Management.

·   Relaunch our web-based solutions offer to provide customers with more
effective online access to our full range of products and services.

·   Reduce operating costs through efficiency programmes in sales,
logistics and administration.

·   Maintain our focus on working capital management to facilitate future
investment and manage effectively the ongoing bad debt risk within the current
economic environment.

'   Packaging Optimiser is a Macfarlane developed software tool that measures
the financial and carbon benefits of the Significant Six selling approach.


Manufacturing Operations comprises our Macfarlane Packaging Design and
Manufacture business, GWP acquired in February 2021, Suttons acquired in March
2023, B&D Group acquired in September 2023 and Polyformes acquired in July

Manufacturing Operations designs, manufactures, assembles, and distributes
bespoke protective packaging solutions for customers requiring cost-effective
methods of protecting high value products in storage and transit. The primary
components we use are corrugate, timber, foam and specialist cases. The
businesses operate from six manufacturing sites, in Grantham, Westbury,
Swindon, Salisbury, Chatteris and Leighton Buzzard, and a sales/design office
in Barnstaple supplying both directly to customers and through the national
RDC network of the Packaging Distribution business.

Key market sectors are aerospace, space, medical equipment, electronics,
automotive, e-commerce retail and household equipment. The markets we serve
are highly fragmented, with a range of locally based competitors. We
differentiate our market offering through technical expertise, design
capability, industry accreditations and national coverage through the
Packaging Distribution business.

                                                    H1 2024  H1 2023
                                                    £000     £000
     Revenue                                        21,329   20,194
     Inter-segment revenue                          (2,633)  (2,537)

     External revenue                               18,696   17,657
     Cost of sales                                  (9,252)  (8,729)

     Gross margin                                   9,444    8,928
     Overheads                                      (6,220)  (5,527)

     Adjusted operating profit (1)                  3,224    3,401
     Amortisation                                   (638)    (578)
     Deferred contingent consideration adjustments  239      -

     Operating profit                               2,825    2,823


1.   See note 2 for reconciliation of Alternative Performance Measures
(before charging amortisation and deferred contingent consideration
adjustments) to Statutory Measures.

Interim Results - Management Report (continued)

The main features of Manufacturing Operations performance in H1 2024 were:

·   Increase in revenue with growth from Suttons and B&D Group acquired
in 2023 being offset by price deflation.

·   Effective management of input pricing, maintaining strong gross

·   Higher operating expenses, due to the impact of the acquisitions.

·   Decrease in adjusted operating profit of 5%.

·   Reduction in adjusted operating profit as a percentage of revenue to
15.1% (H1 2023: 16.8%).

The priorities for Manufacturing Operations in the second half of 2024 are to:

·   Increase momentum of new business growth in target sectors, e.g.
medical, aerospace and space.

·   Prioritise new sales activity in our higher added-value bespoke
composite pack product range.

·   Work with our customers to effectively manage material price changes.

·   Continue to strengthen the relationship with our Packaging Distribution
businesses to create both sales and cost synergies.

·   Achieve both sales and cost synergies through closer working with the
recently acquired businesses - Suttons and B&D Group, acquired in 2023,
and Polyformes, acquired in July 2024.

·   Supplement organic growth through progressing further high-quality
acquisitions in the UK.

Summary and Future Prospects

The Group continues to invest in actions to grow sales both organically and
through acquisition.  Despite the challenging market conditions our
operational and strategic performance is progressing.  The Group is well
positioned to benefit from improvements in the macroeconomic outlook.

Risks and Uncertainties

The Group operates a formal framework for the identification and evaluation of
the major business risks faced by each business and determines an appropriate
course of action to manage these risks.

The principal risks and uncertainties which could impact on the performance of
the Group, together with the mitigating actions, were outlined on pages 26 to
30 in our Annual Report and Accounts for 2023 (available on our website at
www.macfarlanegroup.com (http://www.macfarlanegroup.com) ).  These remain the
same for the remaining six months of the current financial year and are
summarised below:

·   Failure to respond to strategic shifts in the market, including the
impact of weaknesses in the economy as well as disruptive behaviour from
competitors and changing customer needs (e.g. changing customer priorities
between online and physical buying) could limit the Group's ability to
continue to grow revenues.

·   The markets we operate in are changing, with: customers increasingly
aware of the environmental impact of their packaging; increasing environmental
regulatory requirements for packaging suppliers, such as the Plastic Tax
introduced from April 2022 and the introduction of the Extended Producer
Responsibility ("EPR") requirements; increasing likelihood of disruption to
the operations of the Group through extreme weather events such as flooding,
storm damage and water stress, impacting the business directly and disrupting
supply chains; investors looking to invest in companies that demonstrate
strong environmental credentials; and UK Government's commitment to net zero
carbon emissions by 2050 and the profound changes this will drive across the

·   The Group's businesses are impacted by commodity-based raw material
prices and manufacturer energy costs, with profitability sensitive to input
price changes including currency fluctuations. The principal components are
corrugated paper, polythene films, timber, and foam, with changes to paper and
oil prices having a direct impact on the price we pay to our suppliers.

·   The Group's growth strategy has included a number of acquisitions in
recent years. There is a risk that such acquisitions may not be available on
acceptable terms in the future. It is possible that acquisitions will not be
successful due to the loss of key people or customers following acquisition or
acquired businesses not performing at the level expected. This could
potentially lead to impairment of the carrying value of the related goodwill
and other intangible assets. Execution risks around the failure to
successfully integrate acquisitions following conclusion of the earn-out
period also exist.

·   The Group has a property portfolio comprising 1 owned site and 52
leased sites. This multi-site portfolio gives rise to risks in relation to
ongoing lease costs, dilapidations, and fluctuations in value.

·   The increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber-attacks is a risk
which potentially threatens the confidentiality, integrity and availability of
the Group's data and IT systems. These attacks could also cause reputational
damage and fines in the event of personal data being compromised.

·   The Group needs access to funding to meet its trading obligations and
to support organic growth and acquisitions. There is a risk that the Group may
be unable to obtain funds and that such funds will only be available on
unfavourable terms. The Group's borrowing facility comprises a committed
facility of up to £35m. This includes requirements to comply with specified
covenants, with a breach potentially resulting in Group borrowings being
subject to more onerous conditions.

·   The Group has a significant investment in working capital in the form
of trade receivables and inventories. There is a risk that this investment is
not fully recovered.

·   The Group's defined benefit pension scheme is sensitive to a number of
key factors including volatility in equity and bond/gilt markets, the discount
rates used to calculate the scheme's liabilities and mortality assumptions.
Small changes in these assumptions could cause significant movements in the
pension surplus.

·   Given the range of prolonged geopolitical and economic uncertainties
within the UK and other markets, there is an ongoing risk this will adversely
affect our ability to deliver upon agreed strategic initiatives. We may also
need to adapt our business quickly in order to limit the impact upon the
Group's results, prospects and reputation.

Cautionary Statement

This announcement has been prepared solely to provide additional information
to shareholders to assess the Group's strategy and the potential for the
strategy to succeed.  It should not be relied on by any other party or for
any other purpose.

This report and the condensed financial statements contain certain
forward-looking statements relating to operations, performance and financial
status.  By their nature, such statements involve risk and uncertainty
because they relate to events and depend upon circumstances that will occur in
the future.  There are a number of factors, including both economic and
business risk factors that could cause actual results or developments to
differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking
statements.  These statements are made by the Directors in good faith based
on the information available to them up to the time of their approval of this
report.  Nothing in this Interim Results Statement should be construed as a
profit forecast or an invitation to deal in the securities of the Group.

Responsibility Statement

The Directors of Macfarlane Group PLC during the first six months of 2024 were

A. Gulvanessian

P.D. Atkinson       Chief Executive

I. Gray                     Finance Director

J.W.F. Baird           Non-Executive

L.D. Whyte            Non-Executive Director


The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:-

(i)            the condensed set of financial statements has been
prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting;

(ii)           the interim management report includes a fair review
of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency
Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the
first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set
of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and
uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and

(iii)          the interim management report includes a fair review
of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency
Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six
months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the
financial position or performance of the entity during that period; and any
changes in the related party transactions described in the last annual report
that could do so.


Approved by the Board of Directors on 22 August 2024 and signed on its behalf





Peter D. Atkinson                            Ivor Gray
Chief Executive                                                Finance Director






                                Six           Six           Year

                                months to     months to     to 31

                                30 June       30 June       December

                                2024          2023          2023

                                £000          £000          £000
 Continuing operations
 Revenue                  4     129,598       141,612       280,714
 Cost of sales                  (78,140)      (90,292)      (175,033)

 Gross profit                   51,458        51,320        105,681
 Distribution costs             (5,609)       (5,265)       (10,485)
 Administrative expenses        (35,243)      (35,255)      (73,128)

 Operating profit         4     10,606        10,800        22,068
 Finance costs            5     (905)         (813)         (1,788)

 Profit before tax              9,701         9,987         20,280
 Tax                      6     (2,464)       (2,477)       (5,306)

 Profit for the period          7,237         7,510         14,974

 Earnings per share       8
   Basic                        4.55p         4.74p         9.44p

   Diluted                      4.51p         4.70p         9.34p






                                                              Six           Six           Year

                                                              months to     months to     to 31

                                                              30 June       30 June       December

                                                              2024          2023          2023

                                                              £000          £000          £000
 Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss       Note
 Foreign currency translation differences                     (76)          (64)          (45)
 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
 Remeasurement of pension scheme liability              11    270           1,700         (1,967)
 Tax recognised in other comprehensive income
 Tax on remeasurement of pension scheme liability       12    (68)          (425)         492

 Other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax

                                                              126           1,211         (1,520)
 Profit for the period                                        7,237         7,510         14,974

 Total comprehensive income for the period                    7,363         8,721         13,454




                               Note              Share     Share     Revaluation  Own      Translation  Retained

                                                 Capital   Premium   Reserve      Shares   Reserve      Earnings   Total

                                                 £000      £000      £000         £000     £000         £000       £000
 At 1 January 2024                               39,738    13,981    70           (16)     171          60,632     114,576

 Comprehensive income
 Profit for the period                           -         -         -            -        -            7,237      7,237
 Foreign currency

   translation differences                       -         -         -            -        (76)         -          (76)
 Remeasurement of

   pension scheme liability    11                -         -         -            -        -            270        270
 Tax on remeasurement of

   pension scheme liability    12                -         -         -            -        -            (68)       (68)

 Total comprehensive income                      -         -         -            -        (76)         7,439      7,363

 Transactions with shareholders
 Dividends                     7                 -         -         -            -        -            (4,221)    (4,221)
 New shares issued                               162       515       -            (21)     -            (656)      -
 Purchase of own shares                          -         -         -            (392)    -            -          (392)
 Share-based payments                            -         -         -            -        -            74         74

 Total transactions with

   shareholders                                  162       515       -            (413)    -            (4,803)    (4,539)

 At 30 June 2024                                 39,900    14,496    70           (429)    95           63,268     117,400





                               Note              Share     Share     Revaluation  Own      Translation  Retained

                                                 Capital   Premium   Reserve      Shares   Reserve      Earnings   Total

                                                 £000      £000      £000         £000     £000         £000       £000
 At 1 January 2023                               39,584    13,573    70           (7)      216          52,584     106,020

 Comprehensive income
 Profit for the period                           -         -         -            -        -            7,510      7,510
 Foreign currency

   translation differences                       -         -         -            -        (64)         -          (64)
 Remeasurement of

   pension scheme liability    11                -         -         -            -        -            1,700      1,700
 Tax on remeasurement of

   pension scheme liability    12                -         -         -            -        -            (425)      (425)

 Total comprehensive income                      -         -         -            -        (64)         8,785      8,721

 Transactions with shareholders
 Dividends                     7                 -         -         -            -        -            (3,990)    (3,990)
 Share-based payments                            -         -         -            -        -            254        254

 Total transactions with

   Shareholders                                  -         -         -            -        -            (3,736)    (3,736)

 At 30 June 2023                                 39,584    13,573    70           (7)      152          57,633     111,005






                               Note              Share     Share     Revaluation  Own      Translation  Retained

                                                 Capital   Premium   Reserve      Shares   Reserve      Earnings   Total

                                                 £000      £000      £000         £000     £000         £000       £000
 At 1 January 2023                               39,584    13,573    70           (7)      216          52,584     106,020

 Comprehensive income
 Profit for the period                           -         -         -            -        -            14,974     14,974
 Foreign currency

   translation differences                       -         -         -            -        (45)         -          (45)
 Remeasurement of

   pension scheme liability    11                -         -         -            -        -            (1,967)    (1,967)
 Tax on remeasurement of

   pension scheme liability    12                -         -         -            -        -            492        492

 Total comprehensive income                      -         -         -            -        (45)         13,499     13,454

 Transactions with shareholders
 Dividends                     7                 -         -         -            -        -            (5,484)    (5,484)
 New shares issued                               154       408       -            (9)      -            (553)      -
 Share-based payments                            -         -         -            -        -            586        586

 Total transactions with

   shareholders                                  154       408       -            (9)      -            (5,451)    (4,898)

 At 31 December 2023                             39,738    13,981    70           (16)     171          60,632     114,576




                                             30 June      30 June      31 December

                                             2024         2023         2023
                                       Note  £000         £000         £000
 Non-current assets
 Goodwill and other intangible assets        88,674       86,531       87,495
 Property, plant and equipment               9,713        9,076        9,210
 Right of use assets                         42,105       35,287       35,001
 Trade and other receivables                 35           35           35
 Deferred tax assets                   12    172          106          335
 Retirement benefit surplus            11    10,164       12,771       9,921

 Total non-current assets                    150,863      143,806      141,997

 Current assets
 Inventories                                 18,626       19,929       17,523
 Trade and other receivables                 51,012       54,878       53,792
 Current tax asset                           1,175        540          225
 Cash and cash equivalents             10    9,782        5,863        7,691

 Total current assets                        80,595       81,210       79,231

 Total assets                          4     231,458      225,016      221,228

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                    49,023       53,176       50,623
 Provisions                                  366          723          401
 Current tax liabilities                     1,563        1,024        983
 Lease liabilities                     10    7,487        7,042        7,307
 Bank borrowings                       10    8,977        9,190        7,164

 Total current liabilities                   67,416       71,155       66,478

 Net current assets                          13,179       10,055       12,753

 Non-current liabilities
 Deferred tax liabilities              12    9,527        10,517       9,472
 Deferred contingent consideration           -            1,576        504
 Provisions                                  1,239        1,583        1,329
 Lease liabilities                     10    35,876       29,180       28,869

 Total non-current liabilities               46,642       42,856       40,174

 Total liabilities                           114,058      114,011      106,652

 Net assets                            4     117,400      111,005      114,576

 Share capital                               39,900       39,584       39,738
 Share premium                               14,496       13,573       13,981
 Revaluation reserve                         70           70           70
 Own shares                                  (429)        (7)          (16)
 Translation reserve                         95           152          171
 Retained earnings                           63,268       57,633       60,632

 Total equity                                117,400      111,005      114,576




                                                                                        Six           Six   months to        Year

                                                                                        months to     30 June                to 31

                                                                                        30 June                              December
                                                                                        2024          2023                   2023

                                                           Note                         £000          £000                   £000
 Profit before tax                                                                      9,701         9,987                  20,280
 Adjustments for:
    Amortisation of intangible assets                                                   2,154         2,039                  4,034
    Depreciation of property, plant, equipment                                          887           814                    1,720
    Depreciation of right-of-use assets                                                 4,263         3,843                  7,854
    Deferred contingent consideration                                                   (227)         -                      1,535
    Loss/(gain) on disposal of property,plant,equipment                                 33            (4)                    (3)
    Share-based payment expense                                                         74            254                    586
    Finance costs                                                                       905           813                    1,788

 Operating cash flows before movements in working capital

                                                                                        17,790        17,746                 37,794
    (Increase)/decrease in inventories                                                  (918)         3,253                  5,733
    Decrease in receivables                                                             3,079         5,994                  7,453
    Decrease in payables                                                                (1,015)       (1,793)                (7,021)
    Decrease in provisions                                                              (125)         (1,023)                (1,599)
    Pension administration costs                                                        244           (625)                  (1,179)

 Cash generated from operations                                                         19,055        23,552                 41,181
    Deferred contingent consideration paid                 9                            (470)         -                      -
    Income taxes paid                                                                   (3,401)       (2,192)                (5,374)
    Interest paid                                                                       (1,122)       (1,060)                (2,298)

 Net cash inflow from operating activities                                              14,062        20,300                 33,509

 Investing activities
 Acquisitions                                              9                            (3,598)       (11,370)               (14,466)
 Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                  16            60                     90
 Purchases of property, plant and equipment                                             (1,416)       (1,366)                (2,175)

 Net cash flows from investing activities                                               (4,998)       (12,676)               (16,551)

 Financing activities
 Dividends paid                                            7                            (4,221)       (3,990)                (5,484)
 Purchase of own shares                                                                 (392)         -                      -
 Drawdown/(repayment) of bank borrowings                                                146           (316)                  (2,323)
 Repayment of lease obligations                            10                           (4,173)       (3,524)                (7,510)

 Net cash flows from financing activities                                               (8,640)       (7,830)                (15,317)

 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                   424           (206)                  1,641

 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                       6,987         5,346                  5,346

 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                             7,411         5,140                  6,987





 Reconciliation to condensed consolidated cash flow statement
                                                        Six months to 30 June 2024    Six months to 30 June 2023    Year to 31 December 2023

                                                        £000                          £000                          £000

                                                        9,782                         5,863                         7,691

 Cash and cash equivalents per the balance sheet   10
 Bank overdraft                                         (2,371)                       (723)                         (704)

 Balances per the cash flow statement                   7,411                         5,140                         6,987


1.         Basis of preparation

Macfarlane Group PLC is a public company listed on the London Stock Exchange,
incorporated and domiciled in the United Kingdom and registered in Scotland.

The Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023
were prepared in accordance with United Kingdom adopted international
accounting standards.  This condensed set of interim financial statements has
been prepared in accordance with United Kingdom adopted International
Financial Reporting Standard IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting.

This condensed set of interim financial statements has been prepared applying
the accounting policies that were applied in the preparation of the company's
published consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December
2023.  There were no major changes from the adoption of new IFRS's in 2024.

Key sources of estimation uncertainty

The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the amounts reported for assets and liabilities as
at the balance sheet date and the amounts reported for revenues and expenses
during the year. Due to the nature of estimation, the actual outcomes may well
differ from these estimates. The directors have assessed the impact of climate
change and consider that this does not have a significant impact on these
financial statements. The key sources of estimation uncertainty that have a
significant effect on the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities are
discussed below:

Retirement benefit obligations

The determination of any defined benefit pension scheme liability is based on
assumptions determined with independent actuarial advice. The key assumptions
used include discount rate and inflation rate, for which a sensitivity
analysis is provided in Note 11. The directors consider that those
sensitivities represent reasonable sensitivities which could occur in the next
financial period.

Valuation of deferred contingent consideration

The valuation of deferred contingent consideration at both acquisition date
and the balance sheet date is measured at fair value. This involves the
assessment of forecast future cash flows against earn-out targets agreed with
the sellers of acquired businesses over a period of up to two years. This
assessment is based on the directors' best estimate using the information
available at the effective dates outlined above. However, there remains a risk
that the actual payment differs from the amount assumed as consideration
within the PPA accounting as detailed in note 9 and from the amount recorded
as a liability at the balance sheet date. Deferred contingent considerations
are recognised as a liability in trade and other payables and are remeasured
to fair value of £2.5m at the balance sheet date, all due within one year,
based on a range of outcomes between £Nil and £4.1m. Trading in the
post-acquisition period supports the remeasured value of £2.5m.

Critical accounting judgements

Property provisions

Property provisions of £1.6m have been recognised as at 30 June 2024 (2023:
£2.3m), representing the directors' best estimate of dilapidations on
property leases. The directors have made the judgement that no provision is
required for certain property leases where there is no intention to exit,
having considered a number of factors including the extent of modifications to
the property, the terms of the lease agreement, and the condition of the

No other significant critical judgements have been made in the current or
prior year.

Business activities, risks and financing

The Group's business activities, together with the factors likely to affect
its future development, performance and financial position, are set out in the
Interim Management Report.

The Group's principal financial risks in the medium term relate to liquidity
and credit risk.  Liquidity risk is managed by ensuring that the Group's
day-to-day working capital requirements are met by having access to committed
banking facilities with suitable terms and conditions to accommodate the
requirements of the Group's operations.  Credit risk is managed by applying
considerable rigour in managing the Group's trade receivables. Although the
current economic climate indicates an increased level of risk, the Directors
believe that the Group is adequately placed to manage its financial risks

The Group's banking arrangement with Bank of Scotland PLC comprises a
committed facility of £35m, expiring in December 2025, secured over the
assets of Macfarlane Group UK Limited, GWP Group Limited and GWP Holdings
Limited subsidiaries of Macfarlane Group PLC and bearing interest at
commercial rates.  The facility has financial covenants for interest cover
and trade receivables headroom.

The Directors have reviewed the Group's cash and profit projections, which
they believe are based on prudent market data and past experience taking
account of reasonably possible changes in trading performance given current
market and economic conditions. The Directors are of the opinion that these
projections show that the Group should be able to operate within its current
facilities and comply with its banking covenants.

In assessing the going concern basis, the Directors have considered the
Group's business activities, the financial position of the Group and the
Group's risks and uncertainties.  The Directors have a reasonable expectation
that the Company and the Group have adequate resources to continue in
operational existence for the foreseeable future, a period of not less than 12
months from the date of this report.  For this reason, this condensed set of
financial statements has been prepared on the going concern basis.

Approval and review of condensed financial statements

These condensed financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors
on 22 August 2024.  As in previous years, the set of condensed financial
statements for the half-year is unaudited.

2.         Alternative performance measure

In addition to the various performance measures defined under IFRS, the Group
reports adjusted operating profit and adjusted profit before tax as measures
to assist in understanding the underlying performance of the Group and its
businesses when compared to similar companies. Adjusted operating profit and
adjusted profit before tax are not defined under IFRS and, as a result, do not
comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ("GAAP") and are therefore
known as APMs. Accordingly, these measures, which are not designed to be a
substitute for any of the IFRS measures of performance, may not be directly
comparable with other companies' APMs.

Adjusted operating profit is defined as operating profit before customer
relationships and brand values amortisation, and deferred contingent
consideration adjustments.

Adjusted profit before tax is defined as profit before tax, customer
relationships and brand values amortisation, and deferred contingent
consideration adjustments.


                                           Customer relationship/ brand values  Deferred

                             Alternative   amortisation                         contingent

                             performance   £000                                 consideration   Statutory

                             measures                                           adjustments     measures

                             £000                                               £000            £000
 Year to 30 June 2024
 Adjusted operating profit   12,533        (2,154)                              227             10,606      Operating profit
 Adjusted profit before tax  11,628        (2,154)                              227             9,701       Profit before tax

 Year to 30 June 2023
 Adjusted operating profit   12,839        (2,039)                              -               10,800      Operating profit
 Adjusted profit before tax  12,026        (2,039)                              -               9,987       Profit before tax

 Year to 31 December 2023
 Adjusted operating profit   27,637        (4,034)                              (1,535)         22,068      Operating profit
 Adjusted profit before tax  25,849        (4,034)                              (1,535)         20,280      Profit before tax

3.         General information

Comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 2023 are extracted from
Macfarlane Group's statutory accounts for 2023.  The information for the year
ended 31 December 2023 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in
Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006.  A copy of the statutory accounts for
that year has been reported on by the Company's auditor and delivered to the
Registrar of Companies.  The report of the auditor on 29 February 2024 was
(i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the
auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and
(iii) did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 2006.


4.         Segmental information

The Group's principal business segment is Packaging Distribution, comprising
the distribution of packaging materials in the UK, Ireland and Europe. This
comprises 86% of Group revenue and 73% of Group operating profit. The Group's
Manufacturing Operations segment comprises the design, manufacture and
assembly of timber, corrugated and foam-based packaging materials in the UK.
This comprises 14% of Group revenue and 27% of Group operating profit.

                                                                         Six months   Six months   Year to 31

                                                                         to 30 June   to 30 June   December

                                                                         2024         2023         2023

                                                                         £000         £000         £000
                          Group segment - total revenue
                          Packaging Distribution                         110,902      123,955      244,938
                          Manufacturing Operations                       21,329       20,194       40,929
                          Inter-segment revenue                          (2,633)      (2,537)      (5,153)

                          Revenue                                        129,598      141,612      280,714

                          Trading results - continuing operations
                          Packaging Distribution
                          Total and external revenue                     110,902      123,955      244,938
                          Cost of sales                                  (68,888)     (81,563)     (157,458)

                          Gross profit                                   42,014       42,392       87,480
                          Net operating expenses                         (32,705)     (32,954)     (66,436)

                          Adjusted operating profit                      9,309        9,438        21,044
                          Amortisation                                   (1,516)      (1,461)      (2,983)
                          Deferred contingent consideration adjustments  (12)         -            (1,550)

                          Operating profit                               7,781        7,977        16,511

                          Manufacturing Operations
                          Total revenue                                  21,329       20,194       40,929
                          Inter-segment revenue                          (2,633)      (2,537)      (5,153)

                          External revenue                               18,696       17,657       35,776
                          Cost of sales                                  (9,252)      (8,729)      (17,575)

                          Gross profit                                   9,444        8,928        18,201
                          Net operating expenses                         (6,220)      (5,527)      (11,608)

                          Adjusted operating profit                      3,224        3,401        6,593
                          Amortisation                                   (638)        (578)        (1,051)
 Deferred contingent consideration adjustments                           239          -            15

                          Operating profit                               2,825        2,823        5,557


                                                                                      Six months   Six months   Year to 31

                                                                                      to 30 June   to 30 June   December

                                                                                      2024         2023         2023

                                                                                      £000         £000         £000
 Operating profit - continuing operations
 Packaging Distribution                                                               7,781        7,977        16,511
 Manufacturing Operations                                                             2,825        2,823        5,557

 Operating profit                                                                     10,606       10,800       22,068
 Finance costs                     (note 5)                                           (905)        (813)        (1,788)

 Profit before tax                                                                    9,701        9,987        20,280
 Tax                                                                                  (2,464)      (2,477)7,    (5,306)
 (note 6)

 Profit for the period                                                                7,237        7,510        14,974


                                     30 June                                          30 June      31 December

                                     2024                                             2023         2023

                                     £000                                             £000         £000
 Total assets
 Packaging Distribution              189,454                                          183,439      176,740
 Manufacturing Operations            42,004                                           41,577       44,488

 Total assets                        231,458                                          225,016      221,228

 Net assets
 Packaging Distribution              86,809                                           81,094       81,983
 Manufacturing Operations            30,591                                           29,911       32,593

 Net assets                          117,400                                          111,005      114,576

 5.         Finance costs                                                Six months   Six months   Year to 31

                                                                         to 30 June   to 30 June   December

                                                                         2024         2023         2023

                                                                         £000         £000         £000

 Interest on bank borrowings                                             342          399          878
 Interest on leases                                                      780          661          1,420
 Finance income relating to defined benefit pension scheme (note 11)     (217)        (247)        (510)

 Total finance costs from continuing operations                          905          813          1,788

 6.         Tax                                                                                                            Six months   Six months   Year to 31

                                                                                                                           to 30 June   to 30 June   December

                                                                                                                           2024         2023         2023

                                                                                                                           £000         £000         £000
 Current tax
    UK corporation tax                                                                                                     2,390        2,376        5,615
    Foreign tax                                                                                                            461          291          460
    Prior year adjustments                                                                                                 -            24           (38)

 Total current tax                                                                                                         2,851        2,691        6,037

 Total deferred                                                                                                            (387)        (214)        (731)
 (note 12)

 Total tax                                                                                                                 2,464        2,477        5,306

Tax for the six months ended 30 June 2024 has been charged at 25.00% (2023 -
23.50%) representing the best estimate of the effective tax charge for the
full year.  Deferred tax assets and liabilities at 30 June 2024 have been
calculated based on the long-term corporation tax rate of 25%, which had been
substantively enacted at that date.

 7.         Dividends                                                                                 Six months                          Six months   Year to 31

                                                                                                      to 30 June                          to 30 June   December

                                                                                                      2024                                2023         2023

                                                                                                      £000                                £000         £000
 Amounts recognised as distributions to equity holders in the period
 Final dividend                    2.65p per share (2023:                                             4,221                               3,990        3,990
 2.52 per share)
 Interim                                                                                              -                                   -            1,494
 (2023: 0.94p per share)

 Distributions in the period                                                                          4,221                               3,990        5,484

An interim dividend of 0.96p per share, payable on 10 October 2024, was
declared on 22 August 2024 and has therefore not been included as a liability
in these condensed financial statements.

     8.         Earnings per share                       Six months   Six months   Year to 31

                                                         to 30 June   to 30 June   December

                                                         2024         2023         2023

     Earnings                                            £000         £000         £000
     Profit for the period                               7,237        7,510        14,974

                                                         30 June      30 June      31 December 2023

     Number of shares '000                               2024         2023
     Weighted average number of shares in issue          159,321      158,337      158,542
     Less shared held by the EBT                         (226)        -            -

     Weighted average number of shares- basic            159,095      158,337      158,542
     Effect of Long-Term Incentive Plan awards in issue  1,475        1,574        1,788

     Weighted average number of shares - diluted         160,570      159,911      160,330

     Basic earnings per share                            4.55p        4.74p        9.44p

     Diluted earnings per share                          4.51p        4.70p        9.34p

9.         Acquisitions

On 13 March 2024, MGUK acquired 100% of Allpack Packaging Supplies Limited
("Allpack Direct"), for a total potential consideration of £4.7m and
inherited net cash/bank balances of £1.9m. Full potential contingent
consideration of £0.75m is payable in the second quarter of 2025, subject to
certain trading targets being met in the twelve-month period ending on 28
February 2025.

£0.5m was paid in 2024 to the sellers of PackMann Gesellschaft für
Verpackungen und Dienstleistungen mbH ("PackMann"), acquired in 2022, as the
profit target was met for the twelve-month period ending 31 May 2023.

£1.25m was paid in 2024 to the sellers of A.E. Sutton Limited ("Suttons"),
acquired in 2023, as the profit target was met for the twelve-month period
ending 29 February 2024.

£0.25m was paid in 2024 to the sellers of A & G Holdings Limited
("Gottlieb"), acquired in 2023, as the profit target was met for the
twelve-month period ending 30 April 2024.

Contingent considerations are recognised as a liability in trade and other
payables and are remeasured to fair value of £2.5m at the balance sheet date,
all due within one year, based on a range of outcomes between £Nil and
£4.1m. Trading in the post-acquisition period supports the remeasured value
of £2.5m. The £2.5m relates to the acquisitions of PackMann (£1.0m),
Gottlieb (£0.5m), B&D Group (£0.3m) and Allpack Direct (£0.7m).  The
settlement of the amount initially recognised upon acquisition is reflected in
cash flows from investing activities, with the element of the payment relating
to any subsequent remeasurement included within cash flows from operating

Fair values assigned to net assets acquired and consideration paid and payable
are set out below:

                                                                   Allpack  Prior Year     2024

                                                                   Direct   Acquisitions   Total

                                                                   £000     £000           £000
                         Net assets acquired
                         Other intangible assets                   2,128    -              2,128
                         Tangible assets                           24       -              24
                         Inventories                               185      -              185
                         Trade and other receivables               299      -              299
                         Cash and bank balances                    1,862    -              1,862
                         Trade and other payables                  (325)    -              (225)
                         Current tax liabilities                   (185)    -              (285)
                         Deferred tax liabilities (note 11)        (537)    -              (537)

                         Net assets acquired                       3,451    -              3,451
                         Goodwill arising on acquisition           1,205    -              1,205

                         Total consideration                       4,656    -              4,656
                         Contingent consideration on acquisitions
                            Current year                           (701)    -              (701)
                            Prior years                            -        1,975          1,975

                         Total cash consideration                  3,955    1,975          5,930

                         Net cash outflow arising on acquisitions
                         Cash consideration                        (3,955)  (1,975)        (5,930)
                         Cash and bank balances acquired           1,862    -              1,862

                         Net cash outflow - acquisitions           (2,093)  (1,975)        (4,068)

 Per Cash Flow Statement
 Net cash outflow from operating activities                        -        (470)          (470)
 Net cash outflow from investing activities                        (2,093)  (1,505)        (3,598)

 Net cash outflow - acquisitions                                   (2,093)  (1,975)        (4,068)


 10.       Analysis of changes in net debt
                                                     Cash and

                                                     cash          Bank        Lease         Total

                                                     equivalents   borrowing   liabilities   debt

                                                     £000          £000        £000          £000
 Total debt
 At 1 January 2023                                   5,706         (9,143)     (34,569)      (38,006)
 Non-cash movements
           Acquisitions                              -             -           (1,521)       (1,521)

           Disposals                                 -             -           52            52
           New leases                                -             -           (634)         (634)

           Exchange movements                        -             -           57            57

           Lease modifications                       -             -           (3,131)       (3,131)
 Cash movements                                      157           (47)        3,524         3,634

 At 30 June 2023                                     5,863         (9,190)     (36,222)      (39,549)
 Non-cash movements
                 Acquisitions                        -             -           (280)         (280)
                 Disposals                           -             -           175           175
                 New leases                          -             -           (2,387)       (2,387)
                 Exchange movements                  -             -           (17)          (17)
                 Lease modifications                 -             -           (1,431)       (1,431)
 Cash movements                                      1,828         2,026       3,986         7,840

 At 31 December 2023                                 7,691         (7,164)     (36,176)      (35,649)
 Non-cash movements
           Disposals                                 -             -           108           108
           New leases                                -             -           (11,504)      (11,504)

           Exchange movements                        -             -           36            36
 Cash movements                                      2,091         (1,813)     4,173         4,451

 At 30 June 2024                                     9,782         (8,977)     (43,363)      (42,558)


 Total cash movements for 2023  1,985  1,979  7,510  11,474


 Net bank funds                            Net bank



 At 30 June 2024      9,782  (8,977)       805

 At 31 December 2023  7,691  (7,164)       527


Cash and cash equivalents (which are presented as a single class of asset on
the balance sheet) comprise cash at bank and other short-term highly liquid
investments with maturity of three months or less.


11.       Retirement benefit obligations

The figures below have been prepared by Aon based on the results of the
triennial actuarial valuation as at 1 May 2023 updated to 30 June 2023, 31
December 2023 and 30 June 2024.  The scheme investments and the scheme's net
surplus position as calculated under IAS 19 are as follows:

                                                     30 June   30 June   31 December

               Investment class                      2024      2023      2023

                                                     £000      £000      £000
               UK equity funds                       -         6,005     -
               Overseas equity funds                 -         15,608    -
               Multi-asset diversified growth funds  4,897     12,259    10,198
               Liability-driven Investment funds     34,690    20,956    32,052
               Other investments
               European loan fund                    -         7,024     -
               Secured property income fund          -         5,638     -
 Multi asset credit fund                             10,041    1,024     9,824
               Securitised credit funds              17,343    -         13,047
               Cash                                  1,305     736       7,402

               Fair value of Scheme investments      68,276    69,250    72,523
               Present value of Scheme liabilities   (58,112)  (56,479)  (62,602)

               Pension scheme surplus                10,164    12,771    9,921

These amounts were calculated using the following principal assumptions as
required under IAS 19:

 Assumptions                                                                                                                     30 June 2024                                                      30 June 2023          31 December 2023
 Discount rate                                                                                                                   5.10%                                                             5.30%                 4.50%
 Rate of increase in pensionable salaries                                                                                        0.00%                                                             0.00%                 0.00%
 Rate of increase in pensions in payment                                                                                         3% or 5%                                                          3% or 5%              3% or 5%

                                                                                                                                 for fixed increases                                               for fixed increases   for fixed increases

                                                                                                                                 or 3.10% for LPI                                                  or 3.17% for LPI      or 3.03% for LPI
 PIE take up rate                                                                                                                60%                                                               65%                   60%
 Inflation assumption (RPI)                                                                                                      3.30%                                                             3.40%                 3.20%
 Inflation assumption (CPI)                                                                                                      2.80%                                                             2.80%                 2.70%
 Life expectancy beyond normal retirement age of 65
 Scheme member aged 55                                                                                                                                                                             22.6 years            22.3 years
 Male                      22.4 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                   24.3 years            24.0 years
 Female                 24.1 years
 Scheme member aged 65            Male                                                                                           21.9 years                                                        22.1 years            21.8 years
                                                                                                                                 23.4 years                                                        23.5 years            23.3 years
 Average uplift for GMP service                                                                                                  0.40%                                                             0.40%                 0.40%


                                                           Six months   Six months   Year to 31 December

                                                           to 30 June   to 30 June   2023

                                                           2024         2023         £000

                                                           £000         £000
 Movement in scheme surplus in the period
 At start of period                                        9,921        10,199       10,199
 Administration costs incurred                             (244)        -            (71)
 Employer contributions                                    -            625          1,250
 Net finance income                                        217          247          510
 Re-measurement of pension scheme liability in the period  270          1,700        (1,967)

 At end of period                                          10,164       12,771       9,921

Sensitivity to key assumptions

Key assumptions used for IAS 19 are discount rate, inflation and mortality.
If different assumptions were used, then this could have a material effect on
the surplus.  Assuming all other assumptions are held static then a movement
in the following key assumptions would affect the level of the surplus as
shown below:-

                                                30 June  30 June  31 December

 Assumptions                                    2024     2023     2023

                                                £000     £000     £000

 Discount rate movement of +3.0%                20,915   20,327   22,531
 Inflation rate movement of +0.25%              (556)    (541)    (599)
 Mortality movement of +0.1 year in age rating  131      127      141

Positive figures reflect a reduction in scheme liabilities and therefore an
increase in the scheme surplus.

                                                                 Six months   Six months   Year to 31

                                                                 to 30 June   to 30 June   December

                                                                 2024         2023         2023

                                                                 £000         £000         £000
 Movement in fair value of Scheme investments
 Scheme investments at start of period                           72,523       70,486       70,486
 Interest income                                                 1,582        1,645        3,313
 Return on scheme assets (exc. amount shown in interest income)  (3,504)      (1,800)      1,543
 Contributions from sponsoring companies                         -            625          1,250
 Administration costs incurred                                   (244)        -            (71)
 Benefits paid                                                   (2,081)      (1,706)      (3,998)

 Scheme investments at end of period                             68,276       69,250       72,523

 Movement in present value of Scheme liabilities
 Scheme liabilities at start of period                           (62,602)     (60,287)     (60,287)
 Interest cost                                                   (1,365)      (1,398)      (2,803)
 Actuarial gain due to the changes in financial and experience   3,774        3,500        (3,510)
 Benefits paid                                                   2,081        1,706        3,998

 Scheme liabilities at end of period                             (58,112)     (56,479)     (62,602)

Basis of recognition of surplus

Macfarlane Group PLC, based on legal opinion provided, has an unconditional
right to a refund of surplus assets assuming the full settlement of plan
liabilities in the event of a wind up of the Macfarlane Group PLC Pension
& Life Assurance Scheme (1974) (the 'Scheme').  Furthermore, in the
ordinary course of business the trustees have no rights to unilaterally wind
up the Scheme, or otherwise augment the benefits due to members of the
Scheme.  Based on these rights, any net surplus in the Scheme is recognised
in full.


The Trustees review the Scheme investments regularly and consult with the
Company regarding any changes.


Following the completion of the triennial actuarial valuation at 1 May 2023,
Macfarlane Group PLC is not required to pay further deficit reduction

In June 2023, the UK High Court issued a ruling in the case of Virgin Media
Limited v NTL Pension Trustees II Limited and other ("the Virgin Media case")
relating to the validity of certain historical pension changes.  The ruling
was upheld at the Court of Appeal in July 2024.  At 30 June 2024, it was
unknown if, or to what extent, this ruling would impact the Scheme and
therefore no adjustment was made in accounting for the pension surplus.  The
implications of the ruling, if any, are being assessed and, if required, any
adjustment will be made in the Annual Report and Accounts 2024.

 12.       Deferred tax                         Tax losses less

                                                accelerated capital allowances   Other intangible assets   Retirement

                                                £000                             £000                      Benefit

                                                                                                           Obligations   Total

                                                                                                           £000          £000

 At 1 January 2023                              (803)                            (4,763)                   (2,551)       (8,117)
 Acquisitions                                   (124)                            (1,959)                   -             (2,083)
 Credited/(charged) in income statement
       Current period                           (31)                             462                       (217)         214
 Charged in other comprehensive income          -                                -                         (425)         (425)

 At 30 June 2023                                (958)                            (6,260)                   (3,193)       (10,411)
 Acquisitions                                   -                                (160)                     -             (160)
 Credited/(charged) in income statement
       Current period                           221                              501                       (205)         517
 Credited in other comprehensive income         -                                -                         917           917

 At 1 January 2024                              (737)                            (5,919)                   (2,481)       (9,137)
 Acquisitions                                   (5)                              (532)                     -             (537)
 Credited/(charged) in income statement
                 Current period                 (159)                            539                       7             387
 Charged in other comprehensive income          -                                -                         (68)          (68)

 At 30 June 2024                                (901)                            (5,912)                   (2,542)       (9,355)

 Deferred tax assets                            172                              -                         -             172
 Deferred tax liabilities                       (1,073)                          (5,912)                   (2,542)       (9,527)

 At 30 June 2024                                (901)                            (5,912)                   (2,542)       (9,355)

13.          Related party transactions

Related party transactions for 2023 are disclosed in note 26 of the 2023
Annual Report.  The directors are satisfied that, other than the changes in
the Retirement Benefit Obligations disclosed in note 11 above, there have been
no changes which could have a material effect on the financial position of the
Group in the first six months of the financial year.

Transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries have been eliminated on
consolidation and are not disclosed.

Details of individual and collective remuneration of the Company's Directors
and dividends received by the Directors for calendar year 2024 will be
disclosed in the Group's 2024 Annual Report.  Peter Atkinson and Ivor Gray
hold option awards over 1,064,021 and 526,706 ordinary shares respectively
under the Macfarlane Group PLC Long Term Incentive Plan awarded in 2022, 2023
and 2024.

There are no other related party transactions during the six-month period
which require disclosure.

14.          Post balance sheet events

On 6 July 2024, the Group's subsidiary, Macfarlane Group UK Limited acquired
the protective packaging manufacturer Polyformes Limited, based in
Bedfordshire, United Kingdom for a maximum cash consideration of £11.5m,
including an earn-out of up to £4.8m over two years.  The net assets
acquired amounted to £1.8m.

As disclosed in note 11, the Group is currently assessing the implications, if
any, of the post balance sheet ruling in the Virgin Media case on the pension
surplus recorded.  Any adjustment required will be made in the Annual Report
and Accounts 2024.

15.          Interim Report

The interim report will be posted to shareholders on 9 September 2024.
Copies will be available from the registered office, 3 Park Gardens, Glasgow
G3 7YE and available on the Company's website, www.macfarlanegroup.com
(http://www.macfarlanegroup.com) , from that date.

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