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C07 Jardine Cycle & Carriage News Story

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REG - Jardine StrategicJardine Cycle&CarrgeJardine Matheson Hdg - Jardine Cycle & Carriage - Half Year Statements <Origin Href="QuoteRef">JARD.SI</Origin> <Origin Href="QuoteRef">JCYC.SI</Origin> <Origin Href="QuoteRef">JSH.SI</Origin> - Part 2

- Part 2: For the preceding part double click  ID:nRSA0210Oa 

out in the 2013 audited accounts which have been prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). There have been no changes to the accounting policies
described in the 2013 audited accounts except for the adoption of the following amendments and interpretation: 
 Amendments to IAS 32Amendments to IAS 36Amendments to IAS 39IFRIC 21  Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial LiabilitiesRecoverable Amount Disclosures for Non-Financial AssetsNovation of Derivatives and Continuation of Hedge AccountingLevies  
The adoption of these amendments and interpretation did not have any impact on the results of the Group. 
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates.
It also requires management to exercise its judgment in the process of applying the Group's accounting policies.  Estimates
and judgments used in preparing the financial statements are regularly evaluated and are based on historical experience and
other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.  The
resulting accounting estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the related actual results. 
The exchange rates used for translating assets and liabilities at the balance sheet date are US$1=S$1.2492 (2013:
US$1=S$1.2656), US$1=RM3.2100 (2013: US$1=RM3.2815), US$1=IDR11,969 (2013: US$1=IDR12,189) and US$1=VND21,330 (2013:
The exchange rates used for translating the results for the period are US$1=S$1.2608 (2013: US$1=S$1.2467), US$1=RM3.2645
(2013: US$1=RM3.1001), US$1=IDR11,729 (2013: US$1=IDR9,756) and US$1=VND21,148 (2013: US$1=VND20,973). 
2      Net operating costs and operating profit 
                                                  Three months ended         Six months ended          
                                                  30.6.2014                  30.6.2013         Change  30.6.2014    30.6.2013  Change  
                                                  US$m                       US$m              %       US$m         US$m       %       
 Cost of sales                                    (3,953.3)                  (4,294.7)         -8      (7,773.8)    (8,630.7)  -10     
 Other operating income                           76.1                       80.4              -5      144.7        166.9      -13     
 Selling and distribution expenses                (206.7)                    (223.2)           -7      (411.5)      (446.8)    -8      
 Administrative expenses                          (241.8)                    (262.0)           -8      (463.3)      (513.7)    -10     
 Other operating expenses                         (13.9)                     (4.8)             190     (29.8)       (7.1)      320     
 Net operating costs                              (4,339.6)                  (4,704.3)         -8      (8,533.7)    (9,431.4)  -10     
 Operating profit is determined after including:                                                                               
 Depreciation of property, plant and                                                                                                   
 equipment                                        (147.8)                    (173.3)           -15     (293.9)      (346.9)    -15     
 Amortisation of intangible assets and                                                                                                 
 leasehold land use rights                        (22.4)                     (21.1)            6       (42.8)       (41.0)     4       
 Profit/(loss) on disposal of:                                                                                                         
 - property, plant and equipment                  6.0                        3.8               58      12.1         6.3        92      
 - investments                                    (0.2)                      2.4               nm      (0.2)        11.7       nm      
 - associate and joint venture                    8.6                        -                 100     8.6          -          100     
 Write-down of stocks                             (12.7)                     (7.8)             63      (12.7)       (11.8)     8       
 Loss on disposal/write-down of                                                                                                        
 repossessed assets                               (11.7)                     (15.6)            -25     (22.1)       (29.5)     -25     
 Impairment of debtors                            (31.0)                     (33.5)            -7      (55.3)       (57.8)     -4      
 Dividend and interest income from                                                                                                     
 investments                                      8.4                        10.0              -16     19.0         22.6       -16     
 Foreign exchange gain/(loss) (1)                 (11.1)                     0.9               nm      (2.8)        14.7       nm      
Foreign exchange gain/(loss) (1) 
nm: not meaningful 
(1) Changes due mainly to the effect of Rupiah exchange rates on assets/liabilities denominated in US Dollars 
3      Tax 
The provision for income tax is based on the statutory tax rates of the respective countries in which the companies operate
after taking into account non-deductible expenses and group tax relief. 
4      Earnings per share 
                                                 Three months ended    Six months ended  
                                                 30.6.2014             30.6.2013           30.6.2014    30.6.2013  
                                                 US$m                  US$m                US$m         US$m       
 Basic earnings per share                                                                                          
 Profit attributable to shareholders             215.0                 221.7               433.2        452.6      
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares                                                                        
 in issue (millions)                             355.7                 355.7               355.7        355.7      
 Basic earnings per share                        US¢60.44              US¢62.33            US¢121.79    US¢127.24  
 Diluted earnings per share                      US¢60.44              US¢62.33            US¢121.79    US¢127.24  
 Underlying earnings per share                                                                                     
 Underlying profit attributable to shareholders  194.6                 221.7               412.8        452.6      
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares                                                                        
 in issue (millions)                             355.7                 355.7               355.7        355.7      
 Basic earnings per share                        US¢54.71              US¢62.33            US¢116.05    US¢127.24  
 Diluted earnings per share                      US¢54.71              US¢62.33            US¢116.05    US¢127.24  
A reconciliation of the profit attributable to shareholders and underlying profit attributable to shareholders is as
                                                 Three months ended    Six months ended  
                                                 30.6.2014             30.6.2013           30.6.2014    30.6.2013  
                                                 US$m                  US$m                US$m         US$m       
 Profit attributable to shareholders             215.0                 221.7               433.2        452.6      
 Non-trading items (net of tax and non-                                                                            
 controlling interests)                                                                                            
 Negative goodwill on acquisition of business    18.8                  -                   18.8         -          
 Gain on disposal of a joint venture             3.1                   -                   3.1          -          
 Loss on dilution of interest in an associate    (1.5)                 -                   (1.5)        -          
                                                 20.4                  -                   20.4         -          
 Underlying profit attributable to shareholders  194.6                 221.7               412.8        452.6      
The profit attributable to shareholders by business is shown below: 
                                                 Three months ended         Six months ended          
                                                 30.6.2014                  30.6.2013         Change  30.6.2014    30.6.2013  Change  
                                                 US$m                       US$m              %       US$m         US$m       %       
 Automotive                                      79.5                       112.5             -29     165.1        220.7      -25     
 Financial services                              45.2                       56.6              -20     87.0         110.3      -21     
 Heavy equipment and mining                      44.1                       36.7              20      85.0         72.4       17      
 Agribusiness                                    20.0                       14.6              37      46.6         29.3       59      
 Infrastructure and logistics                    3.6                        5.1               -29     7.3          11.5       -37     
 Information technology                          1.3                        1.8               -28     2.4          2.8        -14     
                                                 193.7                      227.3             -15     393.4        447.0      -12     
 Less: Withholding tax on dividend               (12.2)                     (13.9)            -12     (12.2)       (13.9)     -12     
                                                 181.5                      213.4             -15     381.2        433.1      -12     
 Other motor interests                                                                                                                
 Singapore                                       7.6                        5.6               36      16.1         12.4       30      
 Malaysia                                        0.4                        0.2               100     0.7          0.2        250     
 Indonesia (Tunas Ridean)                        2.3                        2.3               -       5.2          6.9        -25     
 Vietnam                                         7.5                        4.0               88      14.9         5.0        198     
 Myanmar                                         (0.1)                      -                 nm      (0.2)        -          nm      
                                                 17.7                       12.1              46      36.7         24.5       50      
 Corporate costs                                 (4.6)                      (3.8)             21      (5.1)        (5.0)      2       
 Underlying profit attributable to shareholders  194.6                      221.7             -12     412.8        452.6      -9      
5      Borrowings 
                          At           At          
                          30.6.2014    31.12.2013  
                          US$m         US$m        
 Long-term borrowings:                             
 - secured                1,842.4      1,792.8     
 - unsecured              289.8        432.1       
                          2,132.2      2,224.9     
 Current borrowings:                               
 - secured                1,979.0      1,881.8     
 - unsecured              1,312.6      1,266.4     
                          3,291.6      3,148.2     
 Total borrowings         5,423.8      5,373.1     
Certain subsidiaries of the Group have pledged their assets in order to obtain bank facilities from financial institutions.
 The value of assets pledged was US$2,346.8 million (31st December 2013: US$2,323.8 million). 
6      Share capital 
                                                     2014       2013   
                                                     US$m       US$m   
 Three months ended 30th June                                          
 Issued and fully paid:                                                
 Balance at 1st April and 30th June                                    
 - 355,712,660 (2013:  355,712,660) ordinary shares  632.6      632.6  
 Six months ended 30th June                                            
 Issued and fully paid:                                                
 Balance at 1st January and 30th June                                  
 - 355,712,660 (2013:  355,712,660) ordinary shares  632.6      632.6  
The Company did not hold any treasury shares as at 30th June 2014 (30th June 2013: Nil). 
The Company did not have any unissued shares under convertibles as at 30th June 2014 (30th June 2013: Nil). 
There were no other rights, bonus or equity issues during the period between 1st April 2014 and 30th June 2014. 
7      Revenue reserve 
                                                     Group      Company  
 Three months ended 30th June                        2014       2013       2014       2013     
                                                     US$m       US$m       US$m       US$m     
 Balance at 1st April                                4,571.7    4,000.9    521.0      508.5    
 Defined benefit pension plans                                                                 
 - actuarial loss                                    (0.1)      (1.2)      -          -        
 - deferred tax                                      0.1        0.2        -          -        
 Share of associates' and joint ventures' actuarial                                            
 gain/(loss) on defined benefit pension plans        0.3        (0.8)      -          -        
 Profit attributable to shareholders                 215.0      221.7      251.1      288.9    
 Dividends paid by the Company                       (317.6)    (373.1)    (317.6)    (373.1)  
 Change in shareholding                              23.7       77.8       -          -        
 Other                                               -          (1.1)      -          -        
 Balance at 30th June                                4,493.1    3,924.4    454.5      424.3    
                                                     Group      Company  
 Six months ended 30th June                          2014       2013       2014       2013     
                                                     US$m       US$m       US$m       US$m     
 Balance at 1st January                              4,329.9    3,786.7    525.1      512.2    
 Defined benefit pension plans                                                                 
 - actuarial gain/(loss)                             2.2        (6.2)      -          -        
 - deferred tax                                      (0.5)      1.4        -          -        
 Share of associates' and joint ventures' actuarial                                            
 gain/(loss) on defined benefit pension plans        1.3        (3.1)      -          -        
 Profit attributable to shareholders                 433.2      452.6      247.0      285.2    
 Dividends paid by the Company                       (317.6)    (373.1)    (317.6)    (373.1)  
 Change in shareholding                              44.7       67.2       -          -        
 Other                                               (0.1)      (1.1)      -          -        
 Balance at 30th June                                4,493.1    3,924.4    454.5      424.3    
8      Other reserves 
                                        Group        Company  
                                        2014         2013       2014     2013    
                                        US$m         US$m       US$m     US$m    
 Asset revaluation reserve              338.8        333.7      -        -       
 Translation reserve                    (1,009.1)    (263.6)    434.7    416.7   
 Fair value reserve                     29.5         25.5       0.1      (1.2)   
 Hedging reserve                        (12.0)       1.5        -        -       
 Other reserve                          3.3          3.3        -        -       
 Balance at 30th June                   (649.5)      100.4      434.8    415.5   
                                        Group        Company  
 Three months ended 30th June           2014         2013       2014     2013    
                                        US$m         US$m       US$m     US$m    
 Asset revaluation reserve                                                       
 Balance at 1st April and at 30th June  338.8        333.7      -        -       
 Translation reserve                                                             
 Balance at 1st April                   (810.2)      (168.0)    420.6    442.4   
 Translation difference                 (198.9)      (95.6)     14.1     (25.7)  
 Balance at 30th June                   (1,009.1)    (263.6)    434.7    416.7   
                                                Group        Company  
 Three months ended 30th June                   2014         2013       2014     2013    
                                                US$m         US$m       US$m     US$m    
 Fair value reserve                                                                      
 Balance at 1st April                           41.5         29.1       0.1      (1.2)   
 Available-for-sale investments                                                          
 - fair value changes                           (11.8)       (2.3)      -        -       
 - deferred tax                                 (0.1)        -          -        -       
 - transfer to profit and loss                  -            (1.0)      -        -       
 Share of associates' and joint ventures' fair                                           
 value changes of available-for-sale                                                     
 investments, net of tax                        (0.1)        (0.3)      -        -       
 Balance at 30th June                           29.5         25.5       0.1      (1.2)   
 Hedging reserve                                                                         
 Balance at 1st April                           (1.9)        (9.0)      -        -       
 Cash flow hedges                                                                        
 - fair value changes                           (15.4)       8.0        -        -       
 - deferred tax                                 2.2          (2.6)      -        -       
 - transfer to profit and loss                  5.4          2.6        -        -       
 Share of associates' and joint ventures' fair                                           
 value changes of cash flow hedges, net of tax  (2.3)        2.5        -        -       
 Balance at 30th June                           (12.0)       1.5        -        -       
 Other reserve                                                                           
 Balance at 1st April and 30th June             3.3          3.3        -        -       
                                                Group        Company  
 Six months ended 30th June                     2014         2013       2014     2013    
                                                US$m         US$m       US$m     US$m    
 Asset revaluation reserve                                                               
 Balance at 1st January and 30th June           338.8        333.7      -        -       
 Translation reserve                                                                     
 Balance at 1st January                         (1,078.8)    (143.5)    414.7    469.6   
 Translation difference                         69.7         (120.1)    20.0     (52.9)  
 Balance at 30th June                           (1,009.1)    (263.6)    434.7    416.7   
 Fair value reserve                                                                      
 Balance at 1st January                         31.1         28.9       0.1      (1.2)   
 Available-for-sale investments                                                          
 - fair value changes                           (2.3)        3.1        -        -       
 - deferred tax                                 (0.1)        -          -        -       
 - transfer to profit and loss                  -            (5.9)      -        -       
 Share of associates' and joint ventures' fair                                           
 value changes of available-for-sale                                                     
 investments, net of tax                        0.8          (0.6)      -        -       
 Balance at 30th June                           29.5         25.5       0.1      (1.2)   
 Hedging reserve                                                                         
 Balance at 1st January                         4.2          (8.4)      -        -       
 Cash flow hedges                                                                        
 - fair value changes                           (39.5)       1.9        -        -       
 - deferred tax                                 4.0          (2.4)      -        -       
 - transfer to profit and loss                  22.7         7.4        -        -       
 Share of associates' and joint ventures' fair                                           
 value changes of cash flow hedges, net of tax  (3.4)        3.0        -        -       
 Balance at 30th June                           (12.0)       1.5        -        -       
 Other reserve                                                                           
 Balance at 1st January and 30th June           3.3          3.3        -        -       
9      Non-controlling interests 
 Three months ended 30th June                                         2014       2013     
                                                                      US$m       US$m     
 Balance at 1st April                                                 6,392.7    6,236.7  
 Available-for-sale investments                                                           
 - fair value changes                                                 1.3        (10.5)   
 - deferred tax                                                       (0.2)      0.1      
 - transfer to profit and loss                                        -          (1.2)    
 Share of associates' and joint ventures' fair value changes of                           
 available-for-sale investments, net of tax                           (0.1)      (0.3)    
 Cash flow hedges                                                                         
 - fair value changes                                                 (12.9)     6.9      
 - deferred tax                                                       1.8        (2.4)    
 - transfer to profit and loss                                        5.4        2.4      
 Share of associates' and joint ventures' fair value changes of cash                      
 flow hedges, net of tax                                              (2.3)      2.4      
 Defined benefit pension plans                                                            
 - actuarial loss                                                     (0.2)      (2.7)    
 - deferred tax                                                       0.2        0.5      
 Share of associates' and joint ventures' actuarial gain/(loss) on                        
 defined benefit pension plans                                        0.5        (1.3)    
 Translation difference                                               (281.4)    (124.4)  
 Profit for the period                                                302.9      295.0    
 Issue of shares                                                      -          19.3     
 Dividends paid                                                       (344.3)    (410.2)  
 Change in shareholding                                               24.3       206.6    
 Acquisition/disposal of subsidiaries                                 -          67.8     
 Other                                                                -          (1.1)    
 Balance at 30th June                                                 6,087.7    6,283.6  
 Six months ended 30th June                                           2014       2013     
                                                                      US$m       US$m     
 Balance at 1st January                                               5,621.9    6,064.7  
 Available-for-sale investments                                                           
 - fair value changes                                                 7.0        (8.9)    
 - deferred tax                                                       (0.2)      0.1      
 - transfer to profit and loss                                        -          (6.5)    
 Share of associates' and joint ventures' fair value changes of                           
 available-for-sale investments, net of tax                           0.8        (0.6)    
 Cash flow hedges                                                                         
 - fair value changes                                                 (36.5)     1.8      
 - deferred tax                                                       3.5        (2.4)    
 - transfer to profit and loss                                        22.6       7.3      
 Share of associates' and joint ventures' fair value changes of cash                      
 flow hedges, net of tax                                              (3.4)      2.9      
 Defined benefit pension plans                                                            
 - actuarial gain/(loss)                                              3.4        (9.0)    
 - deferred tax                                                       (0.7)      1.9      
 Share of associates' and joint ventures' actuarial gain/(loss) on                        
 defined benefit pension plans                                        0.8        (3.6)    
 Translation difference                                               85.6       (154.9)  
 Profit for the period                                                586.0      579.9    
 Issue of shares                                                      -          19.3     
 Dividends paid                                                       (345.3)    (411.6)  
 Change in shareholding                                               142.3      137.2    
 Acquisition/disposal of subsidiaries                                 -          67.1     
 Other                                                                (0.1)      (1.1)    
 Balance at 30th June                                                 6,087.7    6,283.6  
10    Cash flows from operating activities 
                                                    Three months ended    Six months ended  
                                                    30.6.2014             30.6.2013           30.6.2014    30.6.2013  
                                                    US$m                  US$m                US$m         US$m       
 Profit before tax                                  662.1                 642.8               1,280.5      1,267.9    
 Adjustments for:                                                                                                     
 Financing income                                   (28.9)                (18.4)              (53.1)       (31.3)     
 Financing charges                                  22.6                  30.9                42.7         58.8       
 Share of associates' and joint ventures' results                                                                     
 after tax                                          (164.8)               (168.5)             (301.5)      (323.5)    
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment      147.8                 173.3               293.9        346.9      
 Amortisation of intangible assets and leasehold                                                                      
 land use rights                                    22.4                  21.1                42.8         41.0       
 (Profit)/loss on disposal of:                                                                                        
 - property, plant and equipment                    (6.0)                 (3.8)               (12.1)       (6.3)      
 - investments                                      0.2                   (2.4)               0.2          (11.7)     
 - plantations                                      1.2                   -                   -            -          
 - subsidiaries                                     -                     -                   -            (1.0)      
 - associate and joint venture                      (8.6)                 -                   (8.6)        -          
 Loss on disposal/write-down of repossessed assets  11.7                  15.6                22.1         29.5       
 Write-down of stocks                               12.7                  7.8                 12.7         11.8       
 Impairment of debtors                              31.0                  33.5                55.3         57.8       
 Changes in provisions                              6.5                   9.8                 14.6         16.4       
 Foreign exchange loss                              3.6                   7.6                 17.4         2.6        
                                                    51.4                  106.5               126.4        191.0      
 Operating profit before working capital changes    713.5                 749.3               1,406.9      1,458.9    
 Changes in working capital:                                                                                          
 Stocks (1)                                         (233.3)               1.8                 (416.3)      48.9       
 Financing debtors (2)                              (147.7)               (252.8)             (277.4)      (399.8)    
 Debtors  (3)                                       (64.6)                (85.5)              (468.2)      (283.5)    
 Creditors (4)                                      287.1                 173.8               625.3        525.9      
 Pensions                                           5.6                   10.7                11.0         19.2       
                                                    (152.9)               (152.0)             (525.6)      (89.3)     
 Cash flows from operating activities               560.6                 597.3               881.3        1,369.6    
(1)   Increase mainly due to slower sales of certain inventories 
(2)   Increase mainly due to higher financing activities 
(3)   Increase mainly due to higher sales volume and prepayments for purchase of assets 
(4)   Increase mainly due to purchases to support sales activities and accrual for operating expenses 
11    Dividend and closure of books 
The Board has declared an interim one-tier tax exempt dividend of US¢18 per share (2013: US¢18 per share). 
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Transfer Books and the Register of Members will be closed from 5.00 pm on Friday, 29th
August 2014 ("Books Closure Date") up to, and including Monday, 1st September 2014 for the purpose of determining
shareholders' entitlement to the interim dividend. 
Duly completed transfers of shares in physical scrip received by Jardine Cycle & Carriage Limited's Share Registrar, M&C
Services Private Limited at 112 Robinson Road #05-01, Singapore 068902 up to 5.00 pm on the Books Closure Date will be
registered before entitlements to the interim dividend are determined.  Shareholders (being Depositors) whose securities
accounts with The Central Depository (Pte) Limited are credited with shares as at the Books Closure Date will rank for the
interim dividend. 
The interim dividend will be paid on or about Thursday, 9th October 2014.  Shareholders will have the option to receive the
interim dividend in Singapore dollars and in the absence of an election, the interim dividend will be paid in US dollars. 
Details on this elective will be furnished to shareholders in due course. 
12     Interested person transactions 
                                              Aggregate value of all     Aggregate value of all  
                                              interested person          interested person       
                                              transactions (excluding    Transactions            
                                              transactions less than     conducted under         
                                              S$100,000 and              shareholders'           
                                              transactions conducted     mandate pursuant to     
                                              under shareholders'        Rule 920 (excluding     
                                              mandate pursuant to        transactions less than  
 Name of interested person                    Rule 920)                  S$100,000)              
                                              US$m                       US$m                    
 Three months ended 30th June 2014                                                               
 Jardine Matheson Limited                                                                        
 - management support services                -                          1.1                     
 PT Hero Supermarket Tbk                                                                         
 - provision of transportation services       -                          0.4                     
 Hongkong Land (Singapore) Pte Ltd                                                               
 - sale of a motor vehicle                    -                          0.2                     
 - purchase of a used motor vehicle           -                          0.1                     
                                              -                          1.8                     
 Six months ended 30th June 2014                                                                 
 Jardine Matheson Limited                                                                        
 - management support services                -                          2.3                     
 PT Hero Supermarket Tbk                                                                         
 - provision of transportation services       -                          0.9                     
 Hongkong Land Group Limited                                                                     
 - interest on loan                           -                          0.3                     
 Hongkong Land (Singapore) Pte Ltd                                                               
 - sale of a motor vehicle                    -                          0.2                     
 - purchase of a used motor vehicle           -                          0.1                     
 PT Brahmayasa Bahtera                                                                           
 - loan and interest on loan from PT Astra                                                       
 International Tbk                            5.5                        -                       
 Director of the Company, Lim Hwee Hua                                                           
 - sale of a motor vehicle                    -                          0.3                     
 - purchase of a used motor vehicle           -                          0.1                     
                                              5.5                        4.2                     
13     Others 
The results do not include any pre-acquisition profits and have not been affected by any item, transaction or event of a
material or unusual nature. 
No significant event or transaction has occurred between 1st July 2014 and the date of this report. 
- end - 
For further information, please contact: 
Jardine Cycle & Carriage Limited 
 Ho Yeng Tat  Tel:  65  64708108  
The full text of the Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement for the six months ended 30th June 2014 can be accessed
through the internet at 'www.jcclgroup.com'. 
Corporate Profile 
Jardine Cycle & Carriage ("JC&C") is a leading Singapore-listed company and a member of the Jardine Matheson Group.  It has
an interest of just over 50% in Astra, a premier listed Indonesian conglomerate, as well as other motor interests in
Southeast Asia. Together with its subsidiaries and associates, JC&C employs around 235,000 people across Indonesia,
Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Myanmar. 
Astra is the largest independent automotive group in Southeast Asia, with further interests in financial services, heavy
equipment and mining, agribusiness, infrastructure and logistics, and information technology. JC&C has motor businesses
operating in Singapore, Malaysia and Myanmar under the Cycle & Carriage banner, as well as other motor interests through
Tunas Ridean in Indonesia and Truong Hai Auto Corporation in Vietnam. The JC&C Group represents some of the world's leading
motoring marques including Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Honda and Kia. 
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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