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REG - IP Group PLC - Transaction in Own Shares

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RNS Number : 6571D  IP Group PLC  11 September 2024

Transaction in Own Shares


IP Group plc (LSE: IPO) ("IP Group" or "the Group"), today announces that
Numis Securities Limited (which is trading for these purposes as Deutsche
Numis) ("Deutsche Numis"), purchased on behalf of IP Group the number of
ordinary shares of 2 pence each on the London Stock Exchange as set out in the
table below (the Repurchased Shares) pursuant to the IP Group share buyback
programme announced on 18(th) December 2023 (the Buyback Programme).


 Date of purchase:                                               10/09/2024
 Number of ordinary shares purchased:                            650,000
 Highest price paid per ordinary share (GBp):                    45.00
 Lowest price paid per ordinary share (GBp):                     44.30
 Volume weighted average price paid per ordinary share (GBp):    44.6697


The Group will hold the Repurchased Shares in treasury. Following the above
transaction, the Group holds 64,832,374 of its ordinary shares in treasury and
has 1,063,188,005 ordinary shares in issue (including treasury shares).
Therefore, the total number of ordinary shares with voting rights will be
998,355,631 which may be used by shareholders as the denominator for the
calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their
interest in, or a change to their interest in, IP Group under the FCA's
Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.


IP Group will make further announcements following the completion of any
additional purchases pursuant to the Buyback Programme.


In accordance with Article 5(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (the Market
Abuse Regulation), the schedule below contains detailed information about the
purchases made by Deutsche Numis on behalf of IP Group as part of the Buyback


Both aggregate data in respect of the Repurchased Shares as well as the
individual purchases are set out below.


Aggregate information:


Issuer name and ISIN: IP Group plc (ISIN: GB00B128J450)


 Date of purchases:                      10/09/2024
 Number of ordinary shares purchased:    650,000
 Volume weighted average price (pence):  44.6697


Individual transactions:


 Number of ordinary shares purchased  Transaction price  Time of transaction (UK Time)  Trading venue

(GBp share)
 999                                  44.50               08:49:24                      XLON
 11000                                44.75               09:09:03                      XLON
 26641                                44.75               09:09:03                      XLON
 1030                                 45.00               09:09:33                      XLON
 99                                   45.00               09:09:33                      XLON
 9584                                 45.00               09:09:33                      XLON
 10109                                45.00               09:10:30                      XLON
 6905                                 45.00               09:22:10                      XLON
 4574                                 45.00               09:22:10                      XLON
 1337                                 44.75               09:34:39                      XLON
 51                                   44.75               09:34:39                      XLON
 1221                                 44.75               09:34:39                      XLON
 82                                   44.75               09:35:16                      XLON
 164                                  44.75               09:35:16                      XLON
 2488                                 44.75               09:35:16                      XLON
 52                                   44.75               09:44:20                      XLON
 8300                                 44.75               09:46:15                      XLON
 2437                                 44.75               09:46:15                      XLON
 4                                    44.90               09:50:43                      XLON
 75                                   44.90               09:50:43                      XLON
 5220                                 44.95               09:55:55                      XLON
 2235                                 44.95               09:55:55                      XLON
 3365                                 44.95               09:55:55                      XLON
 9722                                 44.80               10:00:25                      XLON
 71                                   44.85               10:26:50                      XLON
 11388                                44.95               10:28:30                      XLON
 1239                                 44.95               10:28:30                      XLON
 5299                                 44.95               10:28:48                      XLON
 1244                                 44.95               10:28:48                      XLON
 175                                  45.00               10:29:26                      XLON
 486                                  45.00               10:29:30                      XLON
 68                                   45.00               10:35:23                      XLON
 11122                                45.00               10:35:23                      XLON
 7100                                 45.00               10:45:07                      XLON
 2686                                 45.00               10:45:07                      XLON
 9200                                 44.85               10:56:08                      XLON
 820                                  44.85               10:56:08                      XLON
 10227                                44.90               11:32:32                      XLON
 5113                                 44.90               11:32:32                      XLON
 859                                  44.95               11:33:24                      XLON
 1700                                 44.95               11:33:28                      XLON
 3400                                 44.95               11:33:28                      XLON
 1700                                 44.95               11:33:28                      XLON
 4034                                 44.95               11:33:28                      XLON
 789                                  44.95               11:35:47                      XLON
 8000                                 45.00               11:41:48                      XLON
 1700                                 45.00               11:41:48                      XLON
 164                                  45.00               11:41:48                      XLON
 8500                                 44.95               11:51:01                      XLON
 1700                                 44.95               11:51:01                      XLON
 21                                   44.95               11:51:01                      XLON
 1472                                 44.95               11:51:27                      XLON
 6900                                 44.95               11:51:27                      XLON
 227                                  44.95               11:51:27                      XLON
 9825                                 44.75               11:59:59                      XLON
 554                                  44.75               12:00:00                      XLON
 9663                                 44.50               12:11:43                      XLON
 7798                                 44.35               12:23:22                      XLON
 2082                                 44.35               12:23:22                      XLON
 5100                                 44.40               12:23:22                      XLON
 5100                                 44.40               12:23:22                      XLON
 568                                  44.40               12:23:22                      XLON
 6500                                 44.35               12:37:28                      XLON
 3808                                 44.35               12:37:28                      XLON
 29                                   44.30               12:46:34                      XLON
 601                                  44.30               12:50:25                      XLON
 10574                                44.30               12:50:31                      XLON
 7474                                 44.35               13:24:50                      XLON
 8438                                 44.35               13:24:50                      XLON
 283                                  44.35               13:24:50                      XLON
 10417                                44.60               13:30:54                      XLON
 11517                                44.60               13:30:54                      XLON
 66                                   44.50               13:31:40                      XLON
 69                                   44.50               13:36:45                      XLON
 17                                   44.50               13:36:45                      XLON
 9349                                 44.50               13:39:54                      XLON
 484                                  44.50               13:39:54                      XLON
 3400                                 44.50               13:39:54                      XLON
 6213                                 44.50               13:39:54                      XLON
 49                                   44.45               13:42:36                      XLON
 46                                   44.70               13:45:26                      XLON
 3349                                 44.75               13:50:28                      XLON
 186                                  44.75               13:50:28                      XLON
 6510                                 44.75               13:51:14                      XLON
 390                                  44.75               13:51:14                      XLON
 80                                   44.75               13:51:15                      XLON
 10007                                44.75               13:51:15                      XLON
 56                                   44.80               13:58:29                      XLON
 9788                                 44.80               14:02:21                      XLON
 11024                                44.65               14:17:08                      XLON
 10302                                44.65               14:17:08                      XLON
 7379                                 44.85               14:30:16                      XLON
 4058                                 44.85               14:30:16                      XLON
 3626                                 44.85               14:30:16                      XLON
 3994                                 44.85               14:30:16                      XLON
 2259                                 44.85               14:30:16                      XLON
 10106                                44.60               14:37:16                      XLON
 89                                   44.50               14:40:17                      XLON
 9803                                 44.50               14:40:17                      XLON
 9807                                 44.60               14:48:19                      XLON
 5902                                 44.45               14:51:47                      XLON
 4087                                 44.45               14:51:47                      XLON
 9906                                 44.40               15:05:41                      XLON
 10278                                44.40               15:05:41                      XLON
 8505                                 44.40               15:05:41                      XLON
 33                                   44.40               15:05:41                      XLON
 2049                                 44.40               15:10:42                      XLON
 2200                                 44.40               15:10:42                      XLON
 174                                  44.40               15:10:42                      XLON
 5569                                 44.40               15:10:42                      XLON
 174                                  44.40               15:18:08                      XLON
 609                                  44.50               15:21:44                      XLON
 74                                   44.50               15:21:44                      XLON
 13692                                44.50               15:21:46                      XLON
 6905                                 44.50               15:24:17                      XLON
 2984                                 44.50               15:24:17                      XLON
 1422                                 44.55               15:26:52                      XLON
 1166                                 44.55               15:28:41                      XLON
 85                                   44.55               15:28:42                      XLON
 89                                   44.65               15:30:37                      XLON
 914                                  44.65               15:30:37                      XLON
 3400                                 44.65               15:30:59                      XLON
 5100                                 44.65               15:30:59                      XLON
 2541                                 44.65               15:30:59                      XLON
 5782                                 44.65               15:39:09                      XLON
 1700                                 44.65               15:39:09                      XLON
 1700                                 44.65               15:39:09                      XLON
 1363                                 44.65               15:39:09                      XLON
 1700                                 44.65               15:41:09                      XLON
 4752                                 44.65               15:41:09                      XLON
 1700                                 44.65               15:41:09                      XLON
 2957                                 44.65               15:41:09                      XLON
 956                                  44.60               15:55:33                      XLON
 4180                                 44.60               15:55:33                      XLON
 13343                                44.60               15:55:33                      XLON
 1284                                 44.60               15:55:33                      XLON
 930                                  44.60               15:55:33                      XLON
 11444                                44.55               15:55:36                      XLON
 6134                                 44.50               16:00:36                      XLON
 164                                  44.50               16:00:36                      XLON
 4247                                 44.50               16:00:36                      XLON
 4667                                 44.50               16:04:36                      XLON
 183                                  44.50               16:04:36                      XLON
 39                                   44.50               16:04:36                      XLON
 3761                                 44.50               16:04:36                      XLON
 1252                                 44.50               16:04:36                      XLON
 9384                                 44.60               16:09:38                      XLON
 2658                                 44.60               16:12:00                      XLON
 6369                                 44.60               16:12:00                      XLON
 1179                                 44.60               16:12:00                      XLON
 3231                                 44.60               16:15:25                      XLON
 1172                                 44.60               16:15:25                      XLON
 3612                                 44.60               16:15:25                      XLON
 2596                                 44.60               16:15:25                      XLON
 3400                                 44.60               16:18:25                      XLON
 109                                  44.60               16:18:25                      XLON
 5229                                 44.60               16:18:25                      XLON
 1789                                 44.60               16:18:25                      XLON
 8600                                 44.55               16:22:25                      XLON
 641                                  44.55               16:22:25                      XLON



 For more information, please contact:
 IP Group plc                           www.ipgroupplc.com
 Liz Vaughan-Adams, Communications      +44 (0) 20 7444 0062/+44 (0) 7967 312125
 Alex Donaldson                         +44 (0) 7516 729702


Further information on IP Group is available on our website:
www.ipgroupplc.com (http://www.ipgroupplc.com)

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