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REG - Inspired PLC - Results for the six months ended 30 June 2024

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RNS Number : 8531D  Inspired PLC  12 September 2024

12 September 2024

Inspired PLC

("Inspired" or the "Group")


Results for the six months ended 30 June 2024

Underlying growth across all four divisions in the period with a focus on cash


Inspired (AIM: INSE), a leading technology-enabled service provider delivering
solutions to enable businesses to transition to net-zero and manage their
response to climate change, announces its consolidated, unaudited half-year
results for the six-months ended 30 June 2024.


Financial Highlights
                                               H1 2024     H1 2023     % change
 Revenue                                       £45.02m     £44.63m     0.9%
 Gross profit                                  £33.96m     £30.99m     9.6%
 Adjusted EBITDA*                              £10.94m     £10.57m     3.5%
 Adjusted profit before tax (PBT)**            £5.73m      £6.24m      (8.2)%
 Underlying cash generated from operations***  £9.14m      £3.40m      168.8%
 Adjusted diluted EPS****                      4.37p       4.84p       (9.7)%
 Net debt                                      £(57.57)m   £(49.10)m   17.3%
 Interim dividend per share                    1.45p       1.40p       3.6%


 ·         Growth in Group revenues with all four of the Group's divisions delivering
           growth in gross profit and Adjusted EBITDA reflecting robust trading.
 ·         Adjusted PBT of £5.7m (H1 2023: £6.2m), with the increase in adjusted EBITDA
           offset by an increase in finance costs to £2.6m (H1 2023: £2.0m). Finance
           costs were higher than in H1 2023 reflecting a higher level of debt over the
           period and increased interest rates.
 ·         Underlying operating cash conversion was 88% (H1 2023: 32%), benefiting from
           the profile of trade and the unwinding of the working capital investment in H2
           2023 within the Optimisation Division in the period.
 ·         Paid £8.6m (H1 2023: £8.6m) in contingent consideration fees in the period,
           relating to the achievement of earnout targets by prior acquisitions. The
           Group has £2.2m in contingent consideration due in H2 2024, following which
           the Group will have no further contingent consideration payments to fund.
 ·         The Board's stated objective is to maintain net debt at less than 2.00x
           Adjusted EBITDA subject to the short-term impact of acquisition payments.
           Following the payment of the £8.6m contingent consideration in the period,
           net debt increased to £57.6m equating to 2.29x FY23 Adjusted EBITDA but it is
           the Board's intention to reduce this nearer to 1.00x Adjusted EBITDA.
 ·         Interim dividend increased 3.6% to 1.45p (H1 2023: 1.40p).


Divisional highlights


Assurance Services

 ·         Continued high levels of new business generation, improved churn rates and
           stabilisation of margins as expected.
 ·         Revenue growth of 3% to £18.9m (H1 2023: £18.3m) and Adjusted EBITDA of
           £7.8m (H1 2023: £7.7m), at a margin of 41% (FY 2023: 41%).
 ·         Secured several new client wins, including Young & Co Brewery, Student
           Roost, Paddy Power, Ideal Standard, Eurosport, IMO Car Wash Group, Total
           Fitness Health Clubs, Special Melted Products, European Tyre Enterprise and
           Aspire Housing.


ESG Services

 ·         Revenue increased 17% to £2.8m (H1 2023: £2.4m) with Adjusted EBITDA
           contribution to the Group of £0.7m (H1 2023: £0.0m).
 ·         ESG Services remains an exciting opportunity for the Group as it brings in new
           clients and helps to meet increasing statutory requirements.
 ·         Secured several new client wins, including Crest Nicholson Holdings plc,
           Siemens Mobility, and Leonardo Hotel Management, alongside cross sells from
           Assurance Services clients such as Headlam Group, McAlpine & Co and
           British Car Auctions.


Optimisation Services

 ·         Revenue declined 4% however gross profit grew 21% to £12.6m (H1 2023:
           £10.4m) reflecting a change in mix of products and services in the period.
           The Group focuses on gross profit as the KPI, in light of the ongoing
           fluctuations in mix.
 ·         Margins remain robust, with management continuing to focus on working capital
           cycles and improving payment terms.
 ·         Repeatable demand from existing Optimisation Services clients alongside cross
           sells from Assurance Services including Gold Medal Travel, Aldi stores and
           Nuffield Health.


Software Services

 ·         Revenues up 17% to £1.8m (H1 2023: £1.5m). This was driven by new client
           acquisition and an increase in revenue generated from existing customers; in
           excess of 80% of expected revenues in 2024 coming through renewals of existing
           customer licenses.
 ·         Planned launches of new modules in 2024 will help enhance the platform's
           capabilities and provide scope for further revenue growth within the division.


Current trading and outlook

 ·         Momentum in the business has continued into H2 2024 and trading is in line
           with expectations. Guidance for full year Adjusted EBITDA remains unchanged.

 ·         A record level pipeline across all divisions both in terms of size and number
           of projects provides confidence on the Group's performance into FY25.
           Management remains focused on diversifying its pipeline in Optimisation
           Services with the integration of the Inspired Optimisation and Ignite
 ·         As announced in H1 trading update on 16 August 2024, delivering full year
           results in line with market consensus is dependent on delivering a small
           number of significant optimisation services projects, which are expected to be
           contracted and commence on-site in Q4 2024. Inspired continues to make
           progress towards the delivery of the three most significant projects expected
           in Q4 2024; one of these projects has now commenced, the second and  third
           are awaiting final confirmation. If there are delays in the start time of the
           other two projects, the result could be a significant portion of their profit
           contribution shifting into H1 2025.


Commenting on the results, Mark Dickinson, CEO of Inspired, said: "The Group
performed in line with management expectations in the first half of the
financial year, driven by our strategy focused on cross-selling and upselling
to existing customers and new client acquisition. We are better placed than
ever as a full-service sustainability provider to support UK businesses to
deliver net-zero and manage the estimated £138bn costs of doing so between
2024 and 2050.


"The timing of Optimisation projects commencement in Q3 2024 highlights the
strategic challenges of managing the phasing of certain projects that help
clients implement their net-zero solutions across reporting periods. We are
working to get these underway in Q4.


"Looking ahead, our pipeline across the four divisions is at a record level
both in terms of size and number of projects. Having accelerated the
integration of Ignite with the Inspired Optimisation business we have an
opportunity to significantly increase the overall capacity of our delivery
engine to reduce client concentration in FY25 and beyond."



*Adjusted EBITDA is earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation, and
amortisation, excluding exceptional items and share-based payments.

**Adjusted profit before tax is earnings before tax, amortisation of
intangible assets (excluding internally generated amortisation related to
computer software and customer databases), exceptional items, share-based
payments, the change in fair value of contingent consideration and foreign
exchange gains/(losses) (A reconciliation of adjusted profit before tax to
reported profit before tax can be found in note 4)

***Underlying cash generated from operations is cash generated from
operations, as adjusted to remove the impact of restructuring costs and fees
associated with acquisitions.

****Adjusted diluted earnings per share represents the diluted earnings per
share, as adjusted to remove amortisation of intangible assets (excluding
internally generated amortisation related to computer software and customer
databases), exceptional items, share-based payments, the change in fair value
of contingent consideration and foreign exchange gains/(losses)


An overview video of the results, by CEO Mark Dickinson, is available to watch
here: https://bit.ly/Inspired_H124_overview


For further information, please contact:

 Inspired PLC                               www.inspiredplc.co.uk
 Mark Dickinson, Chief Executive Officer    +44 (0) 1772 689 250
 Paul Connor, Chief Financial Officer
 David Cockshott, Chief Commercial Officer

 Shore Capital (Nomad and Joint Broker)     +44 (0) 20 7408 4090
 Patrick Castle

 James Thomas

 Rachel Goldstein

 Panmure Liberum (Joint Broker)             +44 (0) 20 3100 2000

 Edward Mansfield

 Satbir Kler

 Alma Strategic Communications              +44 (0) 20 3405 0205
 Justine James                              +44 (0) 7525 324431

 Hannah Campbell                            Inspired@almastrategic.com

 Will Ellis Hancock


Chair's Statement


Inspired has made robust progress in the first half of the financial year, as
the secular demand from companies to reduce energy consumption, drive
efficiencies and report against progress continues. We have seen interest in
our services continue to grow across all four divisions during the period,
particularly in ESG Services and Optimisation Services, with demand for our
Assurance Services expanding as new business opportunities remain high.


The Group performed in line with management expectations in the first half of
the financial year, reflecting the resilience of our business. We remain
focused on cash generation. Following the termination of the Deed of Variation
in relation to Ignite Energy LTD, and the final contingent consideration
payment relating to the Businesswise Solutions Ltd transaction of £2.2m in H2
2024, the Group will have no further contingent consideration payments to


The Board's objective is to maintain net debt to less than 2.00x Adjusted
EBITDA, subject to the short-term impact of acquisition payments.  Noting
£8.6m of contingent consideration payments made in H1 2024, at the period
end, we were slightly above this target. However, through cash generation and
the absence of any contingent consideration payments, it is the Board's
intention to begin reducing net debt to nearer 1.00x Adjusted EBITDA.
Accordingly, cash generated from operations will now primarily be allocated
towards reducing the Group's net debt position and the pursuit of organic
growth opportunities, particularly those in Optimisation Services.


We have a resilient business model thanks to the strategy we adopted to
diversify our product offering in 2019. This diverse offering has underpinned
our performance in the first half of the financial year and is the framework
that gives us the ability to work towards our strategic objectives.


Deed of Termination - Ignite Energy LTD ("Ignite")


As announced in the Group's H1 trading update in August, Inspired has
accelerated the integration of Ignite and terminated the Deed of Variation,
eliminating any remaining contingent payment obligations related to the Ignite
acquisition. The Group now anticipates a full transition of senior leadership
of Ignite will be completed by 31 May 2025, two years earlier than previously
expected. The Group has entered into consultancy agreements with David Higgins
and Benjamin Higgins, vendors of Ignite. Based on management's current
expectations for the Ignite business, the total "on target" performance fee
payable would be £2.3m, payable in two instalments in H1 2025 which would be
satisfied from existing cash resources.




Inspired has established a track record of delivering profitable and
cash-generative growth which has facilitated a consistent and progressive
dividend policy. Accordingly, the Board is pleased to announce an interim
dividend of 1.45 pence (H1 2023: 1.40 pence). The dividend aligns with the
Board's stated policy of a dividend cover of at least 3x earnings, with the
objective of delivering progressive dividend growth over time. The dividend
will be payable on 13 December 2024 to all shareholders on the register on 11
October 2024 and the shares will go ex-dividend on 10 October 2024.


Our People


On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank our colleagues, who continue to
work tirelessly to support our customers. The Group's priority remains to help
customers mitigate the rising cost of energy, manage their energy consumption
and continue to reduce carbon emissions.


Richard Logan


11 September 2024


Chief Executive Officer's Statement


The Group performed in line with management expectations in the first half of
the financial year, driven by our strategy focused on cross-selling and
upselling to existing customers and new client acquisition. As we stand today,
we are positioned better than ever as a full-suite sustainability service
provider, as managing energy costs and ESG considerations continue to be
operationally and commercially critical for most businesses, leading to
sustained and increasing demand for Inspired's products and services.




The delivery of net-zero is a critical requirement for society and Inspired
has worked hard to successfully position the Group as a leading provider of
practical sustainability solutions to help businesses meet this challenge in a
structured and pragmatic way over the next 25 years. To maintain this leading
position, our strategy is focused on our client lifetime value ("CLV") by
ensuring that our customers have access to, and make use of, our full suite of
services, which is driving a step change in our business.


Our strategy is based on three key macro themes:


 1.        To help clients manage their costs in the face of volatile and ever-increasing
           utility costs ("Energy Crisis Defence").
 2.        To deliver ESG disclosures to ensure clients comply with their regulatory
           obligations and support them with protecting their revenues as such
           disclosures increasingly become a prerequisite for protecting revenues ("ESG
 3.        To provide and implement the solutions that actually remove units of carbon
           and energy consumption from their business operations ("net-zero").


The last twelve months have seen clients develop their approach to managing
net-zero; as the ESG targets they have previously declared, be they
science-based targets or net-zero commitments, evolve. We are seeing our
clients start to implement solutions that are based on delivering carbon
savings as opposed to simple return on investment criteria.


Assurance Services


Assurance Services helps businesses manage all aspects of energy and utility
pricing data and accounting. In H1 2024, the division delivered highly
encouraging momentum in new business generation, with churn rates continuing
to improve to deliver revenue growth, and margins stabilising as expected.
Assurance Services provides access to some of the largest, most exciting
companies, which, when coupled with the interconnectivity of our divisions,
helps boost our cross-selling opportunities to win further ESG reporting and
Optimisation work with clients.


Assurance Services generated 42% of Group revenues and with its higher
margins, remained the largest contributor to the Group's financial
performance. During H1 2024 and we have been delighted with some new Assurance
client wins including: Young & Co Brewery, Student Roost, Paddy Power,
Ideal Standard and Eurosport.


The focus of Assurance Services is first and foremost to deliver a quality
service to our clients, which creates the right environment and opportunity to
introduce the wider service offering of the Group at the appropriate time.


ESG Services


ESG Services helps businesses make revenue-critical ESG disclosures to retain
their customers, to comply with regulations and attract investment. The Group
is uniquely positioned to implement the decarbonisation solutions they design
through the Optimisation Services division, allowing our clients to achieve
their net-zero ambitions.


ESG Services delivered 17% revenue growth with new client wins in H1
including: Crest Nicholson Holdings plc, Siemens Mobility and Leonardo Hotel
Management, alongside cross sells from Assurance Services clients such as
Headlam Group, McAlpine & Co, and British Car Auctions.


As we progress into H2 2024, in addition to growing the number of clients
served by the ESG division, we are focused on developing new services which
will support clients with the challenges and opportunities presented by the
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the Taskforce on
Nature Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).


Optimisation Services


Optimisation Services enhances client value by meeting the growing need for
net-zero solutions and cost reduction, aligning with ESG and climate change


During H1 2024, the division delivered 48% of total Group revenues for the
period, with 21% Gross profit growth compared to H1 2023. This was achieved by
increasing levels of repeatable demand from existing clients alongside cross
selling opportunities from Assurance Services, with highlights including Gold
Medal Travel, Aldi stores and Nuffield Health.


A key focus following on the H1 2024 period end has been on the strategic
challenges of managing the timing of delivering significant Optimisation
projects for clients as they manage the practicalities of their own business
performance in a changing macro environment.


As highlighted in the Group's H1 2024 trading update there are three
significant projects due for delivery in H2 2024. The team has made progress
on these projects with one having now commenced and being delivered in H2
2024. The second was pending a tender decision, which has now been verbally
awarded to the Group. The first phase delivery is targeted for Q4 2024 (which
is a multi-phase project extending throughout FY25), albeit a commencement
date is still to be agreed. The third, which is a fourth phase of a
multi-phase roll out, is anticipated to commence in Q4 2024 (also with further
phases scheduled throughout FY25), although this is pending confirmation.
The latter two projects have a total estimated gross margin of c. £5m, most
of which will fall through to adjusted EBITDA, which is currently anticipated
to be received in Q4 2024. Any delay in the phasing of delivery of such
projects would be expected to move some of this contribution into FY 2025.
Whilst the gross margin and Adjusted EBITDA impact of these projects could be
substantial in FY24 the net debt impact would be much lower since there would
be no requirement to fund the working capital on the projects.


Noting the inter-period uncertainty created by these large projects, the focus
is on increasing the number of pilot solutions delivered for clients to
further broaden the pipeline and reduce client concentration with respect to
implementing optimisation projects. Management has accelerated the integration
of Ignite (c.100 people) with the Inspired Optimisation division (c.120
people) creating a common operating model. This significantly boosts resources
for implementation of the Ignite solution, enhancing our data driven, solution
led optimisation service for net-zero delivery and increasing our capacity to


The work undertaken has created a substantial pipeline of opportunities for
FY25 which we expect to mitigate the concentration risk of specific projects
and the timing of their financial contribution to the Group in future periods.


Looking forward, noting the proven capability of expanding our cross-sell
opportunities, this division provides a gateway to the £138bn opportunity
over the next 25 years for the delivery of net-zero for commercial buildings
and industrial processes for the UK market.


Software Services


Inspired's Assurance, ESG and Optimisation Services rely heavily on managing
and processing unstructured data which underpins our service delivery. The
technology enablement of these solutions is provided by 'Unify', our
proprietary software platform which has been significantly developed over
recent years and provides a market leading platform.


Unify is helping to technologically enable a market and industry that has in
the past been slow to react and incorporate digital solutions to improve
efficiency and performance. The Software division has delivered growth
consistent with prior period, with new client wins and its position of
underpinning the Group's broader service delivered.


The Software division delivered 17% revenue growth and 9% growth in EBITDA.


We continue to be delighted by the divisions success in becoming the go-to
software platform of choice for large assurance providers and we continue to
focus on increasing the number of meters served by our SaaS platform.


Inspired's own ESG


In H1 2024, the Group has made progress with its ESG programmes:


 1.        We submitted our notification of compliance for ESOS phase 3 to the
           Environmental Agency.
 2.        We set up our site survey schedule to survey the rest of the Inspired estate.
 3.        As an early TNFD adopter, we have conducted Biodiversity site surveys of our
           in-scope sites.
 4.        We started to prepare reporting under the new Corporate Sustainability
           Reporting Directive (CSRD).




We are better placed than ever as a full-service sustainability provider to
support UK businesses to deliver net-zero and manage the estimated £138bn
costs of doing so between 2024 and 2050.


The Q4 2024 weighting of optimisation projects highlights the strategic
challenges of managing the phasing of certain projects that help clients
implement their net-zero solutions across reporting periods. We are working to
get these underway in Q4 2024, noting a possibility they move into Q1 2025.


Looking ahead, our pipeline across the four divisions is at a record level
both in terms of size and number of projects. Having accelerated the
integration of Ignite with the Inspired Optimisation business we have an
opportunity to significantly increase the overall capacity of our delivery
engine in order to reduce client concentration in FY25 and beyond.
Assurance, ESG and Software Services continue to perform in line with


Mark Dickinson

Chief Executive Officer

11 September 2024



Chief Financial Officer's Statement


We are pleased to report robust financial results for the six-month period
ended 30 June 2024, whilst also making clear strategic and financial progress.


In H1 2024 the Group delivered revenue of £45.0m (H1 2023: £44.6m),
achieving 10% gross profit growth at £34.0m (H1 2023: £31.0m) with improved
gross profit percentage margins of 75% (H1 2023: 69%). Group Adjusted EBITDA
increased by 4% to £10.9m (H1 2023: £10.6m) with the percentage margin
remaining stable and in-line with management expectations at 24% (H1 2023:


Divisional performance


Assurance Services


Assurance Services remains the biggest contributor to Group profits delivering
revenue growth of 3%, in line with management expectations, generating 42% of
total Group revenues in H1 2024 (H1 2023: 41%) at £18.9m (H1 2023: £18.3m).


Assurance Services contributed Adjusted EBITDA in line with expectations of
£7.8m (H1 2023: £7.7m), and the Adjusted EBITDA percentage margin was 41%
(FY 2023: 41%), with margins stabilising.


We continue to focus on providing a first-class level of service to our
Assurance clients, which we believe is essential to retain our market
leadership position in Assurance Services and to generate client lifetime
value for the Group.


ESG Services


ESG Services generated revenues of £2.8m (H1 2023: £2.4m), delivering 17%
growth. The ESG Services division contributed Adjusted EBITDA of £0.7m (H1
2023: £0.0m).


Within ESG Services, delivery of services in relation to Energy Savings
Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Phase 3 contributed £0.8m of revenue (H1 2023:
£0.8m). The Group's exceptional performance in ESOS delivery during 2023 and
2024 provides a platform to deliver significant Optimisation Services to
clients and we note that ESOS Phase 4 will contribute to Group revenues in


The increasing focus of investors and businesses on net-zero targets, combined
with mandatory requirements for businesses to make ESG disclosures, provides a
favourable backdrop to continue to invest in the strategy for the ESG Services


Optimisation Services


Optimisation Services generated 48% of total Group revenues in H1 2024 (H1
2023: 50%), amounting to £21.5m (H1 2023: £22.4m), achieving 21% Gross
profit growth at £12.6m (H1 2023: £10.4m). This is reflective of the product
mix in the six-month trading period, noting that Optimisation Services
includes a range of products and services to customers. The mix of these in
any period can lead to significant fluctuations in the levels of revenue and
cost of sales. As a result of this, the Group focuses on absolute gross profit
growth within this division.


The division continues to benefit from cross-selling and repeat demand from
customers, with clients focusing on the beneficial impact of energy usage and
demand reduction. Optimisation Services contributed Adjusted EBITDA of £5.4m
(H1 2023: £5.1m), and Adjusted EBITDA margin of 25% (H1 2023: 23%) driven by
product mix. Subject to product mix in any period, management's expectation is
that the division will consistently generate Adjusted EBITDA margins of


In the financial years 2022 and 2023, Optimisation Services experienced higher
activity levels in H2 compared to H1, caused by the timing of large customers'
financial year ends and budget timings, which drive spending patterns
throughout the year. This expected weighting of contribution towards Q4 2024
in delivery of a small number of significant optimisation projects, will
result in a subsequent working capital investment into the period end. As
there is a timing risk that contribution could extend beyond the current
fiscal year, any such slippage would result in a positive impact on H1 2025
financial performance. The Board estimate that c.£5.0m of gross margin is
attributable to the two projects scheduled for Q4 2024 which remain to be
fully confirmed.


Demand for Optimisation Services continues to increase, with strong underlying
drivers, including the drive to net-zero. As the division continues to
increase its share of the Group's operations, Group revenues and more
importantly Group gross margins will be impacted by this change in business


Software Services


The Group's Software Services division continues to develop well, with
revenues growing by 17% to £1.8m (H1 2023: £1.5m), with the growth driven by
new client acquisition and an increase in revenue generated from existing
customers. Over 80% of expected revenues in 2024 are through renewals of
existing customer licenses.


In H1 2024 Software Services generated Adjusted EBITDA of £1.1m (H 2023:
£1.0m) and produced an Adjusted EBITDA margin of 65% (FY 2023: 59%).


Group results


Group central PLC costs were £4.0m (H1 2023: £3.3m), driven by an increase
in staff costs (both from an FTE and cost per head perspective), and an
underlying increase in non-employment related overheads in the period due to
the increase in the size of the Group. Investment in overhead costs has laid a
solid foundation for Group growth and provides the required resources to
underpin that growth. In 2023, the Group invested to make planned process
changes, with a view to improving margins across all divisions. The Group
expects a deceleration of PLC cost growth from FY 2025 onwards, as we look to
recognise the benefits of operating leverage and improved productivity.


Overall, the Group generated adjusted EBITDA of £10.9m in H1 2024 (H1 2023:
£10.6m); the adjusted EBITDA margin was 24% (H1 2023: 24%).


After deducting charges for depreciation, amortisation of internally generated
intangible assets and finance expenditure, the adjusted profit before tax for
the period was £5.7m (H1 2023: £6.2m). The increase of £0.3m in adjusted
EBITDA was offset by an increase of £0.6m in finance costs to £2.6m (H1
2023: £2.0m). Finance costs were higher than in H1 2023 due to a combination
of a higher level of debt over the period and increased interest rates.
Finance costs are expected to remain higher in H2 2024 due to the profile of
trade and working capital within Optimisation Services.


Under International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) measures, the Group
reported a profit before tax for the period of £8.4m (H1 2023: £0.2m), with
reported profit before tax impacted significantly by changes in the fair value
of contingent consideration, the amortisation of intangible assets as a result
of acquisitions, share-based payment charges and restructuring costs. A
reconciliation of reported loss before tax to adjusted profit before tax is
calculated in the table below.


                                                   Six months ended 30 June 2024 (unaudited)      Six months ended 30 June 2023 (unaudited)      Year ended 31 December 2023

                                                   £000                                           £000                                           (audited)


 Profit/(loss) before tax                          8,398                                          190                                            (6,169)
 Share-based payments costs                        434                                            521                                            1,187
 Amortisation of acquired intangible assets        765                                            1,178                                          2,272
 Foreign exchange variation                        3                                              6                                              (257)
 Exceptional costs:
 Restructuring costs                               1,340                                          459                                            3,620
 Exceptional finance costs                         -                                              120                                            482
 Change in fair value of contingent consideration  (5,213)                                        3,764                                          14,621

 Adjusted profit before tax                        5,727                                          6,238                                          15,756


Acquisition activity, non-recurring items and material items can significantly
distort underlying financial performance from IFRS measures. The Board
therefore considers it appropriate to report adjusted metrics, as well as IFRS
measures, for the benefit of primary users of the Group's financial
statements. Reconciliations to Adjusted Profit Before Tax and Adjusted Fully
Diluted EPS can be found in note 4.


Exceptional costs


Exceptional costs of £1.3m (H1 2023: £0.5m) incurred in the period related
to restructuring programmes associated with the integration of businesses
acquired prior to 2022, plus the restructuring of the Group's Irish trading
subsidiary during the period.


Change in fair value of contingent consideration


Within the balance sheet as at 30 June 2024, the Group has a current
contingent consideration liability of £2.2m relating to the final payment to
be made in H2 2024 in relation to Businesswise Solutions Ltd.


Inspired has accelerated the integration of Ignite and terminated its Deed of
Variation in relation to Ignite Energy LTD, and as a result has no outstanding
contingent consideration payment obligations in relation to the Ignite Energy
LTD transaction. As a result, the Group recognised a total credit £5.2m to
the Income Statement (H1 2023: charge of £3.8m) in the period as a result of
changes in the fair value of contingent consideration which was treated as
exceptional, with a £5.4m credit relating to the cancellation of the Deed of
Variation, and an additional £0.2m debit relating to the final payments in
concluding all other contingent consideration payments under the Ignite Energy
LTD and Businesswise Solutions Ltd Share Purchase Agreements which was
confirmed post the Company's August trading update.


Following the execution of the Deed of Termination in relation to Ignite
Energy LTD, and the final contingent consideration payment relating to the
Businesswise Solutions Ltd transaction of £2.2m in H2 2024, the Group will
have no further contingent consideration payments to fund.


Accordingly, cash generated from operations will now primarily be allocated
towards reducing the Group's net debt position and the pursuit of organic
growth opportunities, particularly those in the Optimisation Services


Exceptional costs, amortisation and impairment of internally generated
intangible assets, share based payment charges and changes in fair value of
contingent consideration are considered by the Directors to be material and
exceptional in nature; they, therefore, merit separate identification to give
a true and fair view of the Group's result for the period.


Cash and working capital


Group cash generated from operations during H1 2024 was £7.8m (H1 2023:
£2.9m). Excluding exceptional costs, cash generated from operations was
£9.1m (H1 2023: £3.4m), a 169% increase.  This significant improvement was
almost entirely driven by favourable working capital movements related to the
timing of the delivery of optimisation projects.


Underlying operating cash conversion ratios remain a key focus for management,
acknowledging the impact of the irregularity of trading patterns within
Optimisation Services. The Group reviews underlying operating cash conversion
ratios on a Last Twelve Months (LTM) basis each month noting the impact the
irregularity of Optimisation Services working capital movement can have on
month- by- month cash conversion metrics. The LTM underlying operating cash
conversion, excluding exceptional items, in the 12 months to 30 June 2024 was
in excess of 85%.


Due to the high levels of expected Optimisation project activity in Q4 2024,
and the associated investment in working capital into the financial year end,
underlying operating cash conversion for the 12 months to 31 December 2024 is
expected to be reduced to c.60% (FY 2023: 75%) with an associated impact on
the expected net debt outturn. This working capital investment is expected to
unwind during H1 2025 accelerating the deleveraging of the Group.


Trade and other receivables and deferred consideration decreased 5% in the
period to £44.0m (FY 2023: £46.5m), with invoiced trade receivables
decreasing 31% to £12.1m (FY 2023: £17.6m) as a result of the very high
levels of project activity in Q4 2023 within the Optimisation Services
division, with the balance unwinding in early 2024 as expected. Accrued income
increased in the period by 15% to £22.9m (FY 2023: £19.9m). Working capital
management remains a key focus for the Group in sustaining strong cash


Trade and other payables decreased 20% to £16.0m (FY 2023: £19.9m), with the
majority of the decrease being in trade payables of £2.6m to £3.7m (FY 2023:
£6.3m) reflecting the high levels of project activity in Q4 2023 within
Optimisation Services Division the costs of which were settled in cash in H1
2024. Accruals increased by 21% to £5.6m (FY 2023: £4.6m).


The Group made payments to acquire intangible assets of £3.2m in H1 2024 (H1
2023: £3.0m), and payments to acquire property, plant and equipment of £0.4m
(H1 2023: £0.2m).


The Group's net debt (defined as bank borrowings less cash and cash
equivalents) increased in line with management expectations in the six month
period by £8.9m (17%) to £57.6m (31 December 2023: £48.7m), equating to
2.30x FY23 Adjusted EBITDA.


The Board's near-term objective is to maintain net debt to less than 2.00x
Adjusted EBITDA, subject to the short-term impact of acquisition payments,
noting £8.6m of contingent consideration payments made in H1 2024. In FY25,
through organic cash generation, it is the Board's intention to begin reducing
the level of net debt to Adjusted EBITDA to nearer to a 1 to 1 ratio.


Financial position and liquidity


At 30 June 2024, the Group's net debt, excluding the impact of IFRS16, was
£57.6m (31 December 2023: £48.7m). Cash and cash equivalents were £6.6m (31
December 2023: £8.8m).


On refinancing its banking facilities in November 2023, the Group entered a
£60.0m Revolving Credit Facility with an initial term to October 2026, with
an additional £25.0m Accordion options available to the Group, subject to
covenant compliance. In May 2024, the Group agreed an increase in the
Revolving Credit Facility to £65.0m until 30 April 2025 to provide additional
liquidity in the period in which the Group pays the final outstanding
contingent consideration payments.


The Group's £65.0m Revolving Credit Facility was fully drawn at 30 June 2024.


In summary


Inspired has traded in line with expectations over the period ensuring the
Group is well placed to deliver our strategic growth plan. With a strengthened
platform capable of generating long-term growth positioning Inspired is
positioned to achieve its long-term financial goals of reducing net debt to
near 1.0x adjusted EBITDA by the end of FY25 and the doubling of adjusted
EBITDA between FY22 and FY27.


Paul Connor

Chief Financial Officer

11 September 2024


Group Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the six months ended 30 June 2024
                                                                                       Six months ended 30 June 2024 (unaudited)      Six months ended 30 June 2023 (unaudited)      Year ended 31 December 2023

                                                                                       £000                                           £000                                           (audited)


 Revenue                                                                               45,023                                         44,634                                         98,757

 Cost of sales                                                                         (11,060)                                       (13,648)                                       (31,460)

 Gross profit                                                                          33,963                                         30,986                                         67,297

 Administrative expenses                                                               (22,920)                                       (28,755)                                       (69,000)

 Operating profit/(loss)                                                               11,043                                         2,231                                          (1,703)

 Analysed as:
 Earnings before exceptional costs, depreciation, amortisation and share-based         10,939                                         10,568                                         25,212
 payment costs
 Restructuring costs                                                                   (1,340)                                        (459)                                          (3,620)
 Change in fair value of contingent consideration                                      5,213                                          (3,764)                                        (14,621)
 Depreciation, impairment and loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment        (625)                                          (839)                                          (1,920)
 Amortisation of acquired intangible assets                                            (765)                                          (1,178)                                        (2,272)
 Amortisation of internally generated intangible assets                                (1,945)                                        (1,576)                                        (3,295)
 Share-based payment costs                                                             (434)                                          (521)                                          (1,187)
                                                                                       11,043                                         2,231                                          (1,703)

 Finance expenditure                                                             3     (2,645)                                        (2,058)                                        (4,483)
 Other financial items                                                                 -                                              17                                             17

 Profit/(loss) before income tax                                                       8,398                                          190                                            (6,169)

 Income tax expense                                                                    (795)                                          (858)                                          (993)

 Profit/(loss) for the period                                                          7,603                                          (668)                                          (7,162)
 Attributable to:
 Equity owners of the company                                                          7,603                                          (668)                                          (7,162)

 Other comprehensive income:
 Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations                             (84)                                           (120)                                          (32)

 Total other comprehensive expense for the year                                        (84)                                           (120)                                          (32)
 Total comprehensive income/(expense) for the year                                     7,519                                          (788)                                          (7,194)
 Attributable to:
 Equity owners of the company                                                          7,519                                          (788)                                          (7,194)

 Diluted earnings/(loss) per share attributable to the equity holders of the     4     7.00                                           (0.75)                                         (7.20)
 Company (pence)
 Adjusted diluted earnings per share attributable to the equity holders of the   4     4.37                                           4.84                                           13.38
 Company (pence)


Group Statement of Financial Position
At 30 June 2024
                                    Note  Six months ended 30 June 2024 (unaudited)      Six months ended 30 June 2023 (unaudited)      Year ended 31 December 2023 (audited)

                                          £000                                           £000                                           £000
 Non-current assets
 Investments                              2,030                                          1,830                                          1,930
 Goodwill                           7     76,861                                         76,901                                         76,913
 Other intangible assets            7     18,317                                         17,972                                         17,792
 Property, plant and equipment      5     2,837                                          3,079                                          2,804
 Right of use assets                6     2,146                                          1,509                                          2,291
 Trade and other receivables        8     4,883                                          2,459                                          4,082
                                          107,074                                        103,750                                        105,812
 Current assets
 Trade and other receivables        8     38,511                                         42,378                                         41,837
 Deferred contingent consideration  8     615                                            1,002                                          615
 Inventories                              1,130                                          668                                            633
 Cash and cash equivalents                6,633                                          8,416                                          8,782
                                          46,889                                         52,464                                         51,867

 Total assets                             153,963                                        156,214                                        157,679

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables           9     16,024                                         17,996                                         19,946
 Lease liabilities                        539                                            439                                            604
 Current tax liability                    3,111                                          3,835                                          3,488
 Contingent consideration                 2,200                                          11,273                                         13,200
                                          21,874                                         33,543                                         37,238
 Non-current liabilities
 Bank borrowings                          64,205                                         57,520                                         57,541
 Lease liabilities                        1,725                                          940                                            1,649
 Contingent consideration                 -                                              -                                              5,458
 Deferred tax liability                   719                                            838                                            910
                                          66,649                                         59,298                                         65,558

 Total liabilities                        88,523                                         92,841                                         102,796

 Net assets                               65,440                                         63,373                                         54,883

 Share capital                            1,316                                          1,256                                          1,260
 Share premium account                    60,930                                         63,498                                         60,930
 Merger relief reserve                    26,111                                         20,995                                         23,563
 Retained earnings                        (20,760)                                       (19,115)                                       (28,363)
 Share based payments reserves            9,732                                          8,632                                          9,298
 Investment on own shares                 (28)                                           (28)                                           (28)
 Translation reserve                      (478)                                          (482)                                          (394)
 Reverse acquisition reserve              (11,383)                                       (11,383)                                       (11,383)

 Total equity                             65,440                                         63,373                                         54,883

Group Statement of Cash Flows
For the six months ended 30 June 2024
                                                                    Six months ended 30 June 2024 (unaudited)      Six months ended 30 June 2023 (unaudited)      Year ended 31 December 2023 (audited)

                                                                    £000                                           £000                                           £000
 Cash flows from operating activities

 Profit/(loss) before income tax                                    8,398                                          190                                            (6,169)

 Depreciation and impairment                                        625                                            839                                            1,920
 Amortisation and impairment                                        2,710                                          2,754                                          5,567
 Share based payment costs                                          434                                            521                                            1,187
 Finance expenditure                                                2,645                                          2,041                                          4,483
 Exchange rate variances                                            93                                             (133)                                          222
 Change in fair value of contingent consideration                                                                                                                 14,621

                                                                    (5,213)                                        3,764

 Cash flows before changes in working capital                       9,692                                          9,976                                          21,831

 Movement in working capital

 Increase in inventories                                            (497)                                          (457)                                          (422)
 Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables                 2,526                                          (7,490)                                        (8,328)
 (Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables                    (3,922)                                        916                                            2,867
 Cash generated from operations                                     7,799                                          2,945                                          15,948

 Income taxes paid                                                  (1,359)                                        (460)                                          (774)

 Net cash flows from operating activities                           6,440                                          2,485                                          15,174

 Cash flows from investing activities
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment                          (370)                                          (242)                                          (930)
 Payments to acquire intangible assets                              (3,234)                                        (3,001)                                        (5,644)
 Contingent consideration paid                                      (8,645)                                        (8,646)                                        (12,102)
 Repayment of working capital facility to discontinued operation    -                                              250                                            375
 Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash                             (100)                                          (93)                                           (193)
 Net cash flows from investing activities                           (12,349)                                       (11,732)                                       (18,494)

 Cash flows from financing activities
 New bank loans                                                     6,575                                          8,000                                          7,850
 Interest paid on financing activities                              (2,557)                                        (2,000)                                        (4,254)
 Repayment of lease liabilities                                     (253)                                          (589)                                          (1,013)
 Proceeds from issue of new shares                                  4                                              4                                              16
 Dividends paid                                                     -                                              -                                              (2,754)
 Net cash flows from financing activities                           3,769                                          5,415                                          (155)

 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                          (2,140)                                        (3,832)                                        (3,475)

 Cash and cash equivalents brought forward                          8,782                                          12,270                                         12,270
 Exchange differences on cash and cash equivalents                  (9)                                            (22)                                           (13)

 Cash and cash equivalents carried forward                          6,633                                          8,416                                          8,782


Group Statement of Changes in Equity
For the six months ended 30 June 2024
                                            Share capital      Share premium account      Merger relief reserve      Share-based payment reserve      Retained earnings                                                               Reverse acquisition reserve      Total shareholders' equity

                                            £000               £000                       £000                       £000                             £000                   Investment in own shares                                 £000                             £000

                                                                                                                                                                             £000                           Translation reserve


 Balance at 1 January 2023                  1,220              60,930                     20,995                     8,111                            (18,447)               (36)                           (362)                     (11,383)                         61,028
 Loss for the year                          -                  -                          -                          -                                (7,162)                -                              -                         -                                (7,162)
 Other comprehensive income                 -                  -                          -                          -                                -                      -                              (32)                      -                                (32)
 Total comprehensive expense for the year   -                  -                          -                          -                                (7,162)                -                              (32)                      -                                (7,194)
 Share-based payment cost                   -                  -                          -                          1,187                            -                      -                              -                         -                                1,187
 Shares issues (5 May 2023)                 3                  -                          -                          -                                -                      -                              -                         -                                3
 Shares issued (25 May 2023)                32                 -                          2,568                      -                                -                      -                              -                         -                                2,600
 Shares issued (21 June 2023)               1                  -                          -                          -                                -                      -                              -                         -                                1
 Shares issued (5 October 2023)             3                  -                          -                          -                                -                      -                              -                         -                                3
 Shares issued (17 November 2023)           1                  -                          -                          -                                -                      -                              -                         -                                1
 Shares issued (21 December 2023)           -                  -                          -                          -                                -                      -                              -                         -                                -
 Shares transferred                         -                  -                          -                          -                                -                      8                              -                         -                                8
 Dividends paid                             -                  -                          -                          -                                (2,754)                -                              -                         -                                (2,754)
 Total transactions with owners             40                 -                          2,568                      1,187                            (9,916)                8                              (32)                      -                                (6,145)
 Balance at 31 December 2023                1,260              60,930                     23,563                     9,298                            (28,363)               (28)                           (394)                     (11,383)                         54,883
 Profit for the period                      -                  -                          -                          -                                7,603                  -                              -                         -                                7,603
 Other comprehensive expense                -                  -                          -                          -                                -                      -                              (84)                      -                                (84)
 Total comprehensive income for the period  -                  -                          -                          -                                7,603                  -                              (84)                      -                                7,519
 Share-based payment cost                   -                  -                          -                          434                              -                      -                              -                         -                                434
 Shares issued (22 January 2024)            1                  -                          -                          -                                -                      -                              -                         -                                1
 Shares issued (28 March 2024)              52                 -                          2,548                      -                                -                      -                              -                         -                                2,600
 Shares issued (22 May 2024)                2                  -                          -                          -                                -                      -                              -                         -                                2
 Shares issued (24 June 2024)               1                  -                          -                          -                                -                      -                              -                         -                                1
 Total transactions with owners             56                 -                          2,548                      434                              7,603                  -                              (84)                      -                                10,557
 Balance at 30 June 2024                    1,316              60,930                     26,111                     9,732                            (20,760)               (28)                           (478)                     (11,383)                         65,440


1.     Accounting Policies

Basis of preparation

The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the
statutory accounts of the Group for the period ended 30 June 2024. The
financial information included in this interim announcement has been computed
in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by
the European Union (IFRS). They have been prepared on an accrual basis and
under the historical cost convention except for certain financial instruments
measured at fair value. This announcement in itself does not contain
sufficient information to comply with IFRS.

Details of the accounting policies are those set out in the annual report for
the year ended 31 December 2023. The accounting policies in this announcement
are consistent with those set out in the annual report for the year ended 31
December 2023.

2. Segmental information


Revenue and segmental reporting

The chief operating decision maker, who is responsible for allocating
resources and assessing performance of the operating segments, has been
identified as the Group's Executive Directors. The Group reports under four
reporting segments, namely Assurance, Optimisation, Software and ESG.

                              Six months ended 30 June 2024                                      Six months ended 30 June 2023
                              Assurance  Optimisation  Software  ESG      PLC      Total                Assurance  Optimisation  Software  ESG      PLC      Total

                              £000       £000          £000      £000     £000     £000                 £000       £000          £000      £000     £000     £000
    Revenue                   18,904     21,527        1,767     2,825    -        45,023               18,343     22,372        1,507     2,412    -        44,634
    Cost of sales             (1,558)    (8,963)       (79)      (460)    -        (11,060)             (1,233)    (11,991)      (56)      (368)    -        (13,648)
    Gross profit              17,346     12,564        1,688     2,365    -        33,963               17,110     10,381        1,451     2,044    -        30,986
    Overheads                 (10,582)   (7,333)       (543)     (1,753)  626      (19,585)             (9,566)    (5,234)       (397)     (2,085)  (7,880)  (25,162)
    EBITDA                    6,764      5,231         1,145     612      626      14,378               7,544      5,147         1,054     (41)     (7,880)  5,824
 -  Analysed as:                                                                                                                                                       -
    Adjusted EBITDA           7,753      5,352         1,145     653      (3,964)  10,939               7,670      5,148         1,054     (41)     (3,263)  10,568
    Share-based payments      -          -             -         -        (434)    (434)                -          -             -         -        (521)    (521)
    Exceptional costs         (989)      (121)         -         (41)     5,024    3,873                (126)      (1)           -         -        (4,096)  (4,223)
                              6,764      5,231         1,145     612      626      14,378               7,544      5,147         1,054     (41)     (7,880)  5,824
    Depreciation                                                                   (625)                                                                     (839)
    Amortisation                                                                   (2,710)                                                                   (2,754)
    Finance expenditure                                                            (2,645)                                                                   (2,058)
    Other financial items                                                          -                                                                         17
    Profit before income tax                                                       8,398                                                                     190



3.     Finance Expenditure
                                        Six months ended 30 June 2024 (unaudited)      Six months ended 30 June 2023 (unaudited)      Year ended 31 December 2023

                                        £000                                           £000                                           (audited)


 Interest payable on bank borrowings    2,439                                          1,930                                          4,214
 Interest payable on lease liabilities  30                                             41                                             90
 Foreign exchange variance              3                                              6                                              (239)
 Other interest                         3                                              23                                             80
 Loan facility fees                     12                                             -                                              80
 Amortisation of debt issue costs       158                                            58                                             258

                                        2,645                                          2,058                                          4,483


4.     Earnings Per Share

The earnings per share is based on the net profit for the period attributable
to ordinary equity holders divided by the weighted average number of ordinary
shares outstanding during the period.

                                                                    Six months ended 30 June 2024 (unaudited)      Six months ended 30 June 2023 (unaudited)      Year ended 31 December 2023

                                                                    £000                                           £000                                           (audited)


 Profit/(loss) attributable to equity holders of the Group          7,519                                          (788)                                          (7,162)
 Amortisation of acquired intangible assets                         765                                            1,178                                          2,272
 Deferred tax in respect of amortisation of intangible assets       (191)                                          (294)                                          (568)
 Changes in fair value of contingent consideration                  (5,213)                                        3,764                                          14,621
 Foreign exchange variation                                         87                                             126                                            (257)
 Share-based payments costs                                         434                                            521                                                        1,187
 Restructuring costs                                                1,340                                          459                                            3,620
 Exceptional finance costs                                          -                                              120                                            482

 Adjusted profit attributable to equity holders of the Group        4,741                                          5,086                                          14,195

 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue (000)          101,544                                        98,277                                         99,422
 Dilutive effect of share options (000)                             7,009                                          6,749                                          6,698
 Diluted weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue (000)  108,553                                        105,026                                                    106,120

 Basic earnings/(loss) per share (pence)                            7.49                                           (0.80)                                         (7.20)
 Diluted earnings/(loss) per share (pence)                          7.00                                           (0.80)                                         (7.20)
 Adjusted basic earnings per share (pence)                          4.67                                           5.18                                           14.28
 Adjusted diluted earnings per share (pence)                        4.37                                           4.84                                           13.38


The weighted average number of shares in issue for the adjusted diluted
earnings per share include the dilutive effect of the share options in issue
to senior staff of Inspired.

Adjusted earnings per share represents the earnings per share, as adjusted to
remove the effect of the fees associated with acquisition, amortisation of
intangible assets (excluding amortisation related to computer software and
customer databases), share-based payments and exceptional items which have
been expensed to the income statement in the period. Adjusted profit before
tax is calculated as follows:

                                                              Six months ended 30 June 2024 (unaudited)         Six months ended 30 June 2023 (unaudited)                               Year ended 31 December 2023

                                                              £000                                              £000                                                                    (audited)


 Profit/(loss) before tax                            8,398                                               190                                               (6,169)
 Share-based payments costs                          434                                                 521                                               1,187
 Amortisation of acquired intangible assets          765                                                 1,178                                             2,272
 Foreign exchange variation                          3                                                   6                                                 (257)
 Exceptional costs:
  Restructuring costs                                1,340                                               459                                               3,620
  Exceptional finance costs                          -                                                   120                                               482
  Change in fair value of contingent consideration   (5,213)                                             3,764                                             14,621

 Adjusted profit before tax                          5,727                                               6,238                                             15,756

Acquisitional activity can significantly distort underlying financial
performance from IFRS measures and therefore the Board deems it appropriate to
report adjusted metrics as well as IFRS measures for the benefit of primary
users of the Group financial statements.


5.     Property, plant and equipment
                             Fixtures and fittings      Motor          Computer equipment      Leasehold improvements      Office equipment £000       Total

                             £000                       vehicles       £000                    £000                                                    £000

 As at 1 January 2023        335                        115            4,134                   1,192                       418                         6,194
 Foreign exchange variances  (2)                        (2)            (3)                     -                           (2)                         (9)
 Additions                   153                        -              697                     79                          1                           930
 Disposals                   (58)                       (41)           -                       (977)                       (323)                       (1,399)
 At 31 December 2023         428                        72             4,828                   294                         94                          5,716
 Foreign exchange variances  (3)                        (1)            (1)                     -                           (3)                         (8)
 Additions                   37                         -              131                     202                         -                           370
 Disposals                   (65)                       (54)           (41)                    -                           -                           (160)
 At 30 June 2024             397                        17             4,917                   496                         91                          5,918
 As at 1 January 2023        224                        95             1,763                   605                         291                         2,978
 Foreign exchange variances  (1)                        (2)            (2)                     -                           -                           (5)
 Charge for the year         77                         6              660                     119                         72                          934
 Disposals                   (26)                       (29)           (12)                    (611)                       (317)                       (995)
 At 31 December 2023         274                        70             2,409                   113                         46                          2,912
 Charge for the period       30                         1              235                     24                          4                           294
 Foreign exchange variance   (2)                        -              (2)                     -                           -                           (4)
 Disposals                   (52)                       (55)           (14)                    -                           -                           (121)
 At 30 June 2024             250                        16             2,628                   137                         50                          3,081
 Net Book Value
 At 30 June 2024             147                        1              2,289                   359                         41                          2,837
 At 31 December 2023         154                        2              2,419                   181                         48                          2,804



6.     Right of use assets
                             Fixtures and fittings      Motor   vehicles        Property      Intangibles      Total

                             £000                       £000                    £000          £000             £000
 As at 1 January 2023        255                        421                     3,334         301              4,311
 Foreign exchange variances  -                          -                       18            -                18
 Additions                   116                        47                      1,683         -                1,846
 Disposals                   -                          (283)                   (2,329)       -                (2,612)
 At 31 December 2023         371                        185                     2,706         301              3,563
 Foreign exchange variances  -                          1                       (11)          -                (10)
 Additions                   -                          113                     -             56               169
 Disposals                   (59)                       (87)                    -             -                (146)
 At 30 June 2024             312                        212                     2,695         357              3,576
 As at 1 January 2023        158                        310                     2,252         50               2,770
 Foreign exchange variances  -                          -                       3             -                3
 Charge for the year         103                        87                      696           100              986
 Disposals                   -                          (271)                   (2,329)       -                (2,600)
 At 31 December 2023         261                        126                     622           150              1,159
 Foreign exchange variances  -                          -                       (4)           -                (4)
 Charge for the period       46                         29                      174           60               309
 Disposals                   (59)                       (88)                    -             -                (147)
 At 30 June 2024             248                        67                      792           210              1,317
 As at 1 January 2023        -                          -                       113           -                113
 Impairment for the year     -                          -                       -             -                -
 At 31 December 2023         -                          -                       113           -                113
 Impairment for the period   -                          -                       -             -                -
 At 30 June 2024             -                          -                       113           -                113
 Net Book Value
 At 30 June 2024             64                         145                     1,790         147              2,146
 At 31 December 2023         110                        59                      1,971         151              2,291



7.     Intangible assets and goodwill
                                                                           Computer software - external                                           Customer contracts                                                                 Goodwill      Total

                                                                           £000                                                                   £000                                                                               £000          £000

                             Computer software -internally generated

                             £000                                                                            Trade name        £000

                                                                                                                                                                          Customer relationships       Total other intangibles

                                                                                                                                                                          £000                         £000
 At 1 January 2023           21,146                                        4,822                             160                                  21,575                  7,511                        55,214                        76,960        132,174
 Additions                   3,242                                         2,402                             -                                    -                       -                            5,644                         -             5,644
 Foreign exchange variances

                             -                                             -                                 -                                    (255)                   -                            (255)                         (47)          (302)
 At 31 December 2023         24,388                                        7,224                             160                                  21,320                  7,511                        60,603                        76,913        137,516
 Additions                   2,237                                         997                               -                                    -                       -                            3,234                         -             3,234
 Foreign exchange variances

                             -                                             (1)                               -                                    -                       -                            (1)                           (52)          (53)
 At 30 June 2024             26,625                                        8,220                             160                                  21,320                  7,511                        63,836                        76,861        140,697
 As at 1 January 2023        12,668                                        1,651                             45                                   18,327                  4,807                        37,498                        -             37,498
 Charge for the year         2,562                                         814                               8                                    1,429                   754                          5,567                         -             5,567
 Foreign exchange variances

                             -                                             -                                 -                                    (254)                   -                            (254)                         -             (254)
 At 31 December 2023         15,230                                        2,465                             53                                   19,502                  5,561                        42,811                        -             42,811
 Charge for the period       1,325                                         618                               4                                    386                     377                          2,710                         -             2,710
 Foreign exchange variances

                             -                                             (2)                               -                                    -                       -                            (2)                           -             (2)
 At 30 June 2024             16,555                                        3,081                             57                                   19,888                  5,938                        45,519                        -             45,519
 Net Book Value
 At 30 June 2024             10,070                                        5,139                             103                                  1,432                   1,573                        18,317                        76,861        95,178
 At 31 December 2023         9,158                                         4,759                             107                                  1,818                   1,950                        17,792                        76,913        94,705


Computer software is a combination of assets internally generated and assets
acquired through business combinations.


8. Trade and other receivables

                                    30 June 2024

                                                                 31 December 2023

                                                  30 June 2023
                                    £000          £000           £000
 Trade receivables                  12,116        18,695         17,550
 Other receivables                  762           900            861
 Deferred contingent consideration  615           1,002          615
 Prepayments                        7,601         6,990          7,596
 Accrued income                     22,915        18,252         19,912
                                    44,009        45,839         46,534


9. Trade and other payables

                                  30 June 2024

                                                               31 December 2023

                                                30 June 2023
                                  £000          £000           £000
 Trade payables                   3,726         5,240          6,261
 Social security and other taxes  3,655         4,514          6,393
 Accruals                         5,559         2,463          4,595
 Deferred income                  2,503         4,912          2,095
 Other payables                   581           867            602
                                  16,024        17,996         19,946


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