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REG-HMS Group HMS Group Reports Rub 6.7 billion EBITDA for FY 2021


   HMS Group (HMSG)
   HMS Group Reports Rub 6.7 billion EBITDA for FY 2021

   29-Apr-2022 / 13:16 MSK
   Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group.
   The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


   HMS Group Reports Rub 6.7 billion EBITDA for FY 2021


   Moscow, Russia - April 29, 2022 - HMS Hydraulic Machines & Systems Group
   Plc (the "HMS Group", or the "HMS", or the "Group") (LSE, MOEX: HMSG), the
   leading pump, oil & gas equipment and compressor manufacturer and provider
   of flow control solutions and related services in Russia and the CIS,
   today announces its financial results for the full year ended December 31,


   Financial highlights FY 2021:

     • Revenue: Rub 57.2 bn (+23% yoy)
     • EBITDA 1  1 : Rub 6.7 bn (+36% yoy), EBITDA margin at 11.8%
     • Operating profit: Rub 3.8 bn (+116% yoy)
     • Profit for the period: Rub 1.2 bn 
     • Total debt: Rub 22.7 bn (+2% yoy)
     • Net debt: Rub 13.9 bn (+18% yoy)
     • Net debt-to-EBITDA LTM ratio: 2.07x 

   Operational highlights FY 2021:

     • Order intake 2  2 : Rub 47.7 bn (-12% yoy)
     • Backlog 3  3 : Rub 42.3 bn (-22% yoy)




   FY 2021 financial Results

     • Order intake was down to Rub 47.7 billion, by 12% yoy, compared with
       Rub 54.2 billion for FY 2020, mainly due to less large contracts
       signed in the reporting period.  All business segments grew except the
       compressors. In terms of contracts type, large contracts were down. 
     • Backlog was Rub 42.3 billion, down by 22% yoy, compared with Rub 53.9
       billion at the end of 2020, but in the same time the company is
       working on a number of opportunities in 2022.  In terms of contracts
       type, both recurring business and large contracts decreased.
     • Revenue grew to Rub 57.2 billion by 23% yoy, compared with Rub 46.5
       billion for FY 2020, based on revenue growth in all business segments
       except the pumps.
     • EBITDA was Rub 6.7 billion, up by 36% yoy, implying EBITDA margin of
     • Revenue from large contracts grew 66% yoy, and revenue from recurring
       business was up by 5% yoy.  EBITDA from large contracts increased 91%
       yoy, while EBITDA from recurring business declined 12% yoy. 
     • Profit for the period was Rub 1.2 billion, compared with loss for the
       period at Rub 816 million for FY 2020.
     • Free cash outflow was Rub 1.0 billion, compared with free cash inflow
       of Rub 3.0 billion for FY 2020, due to the higher working capital
       requirements for execution of large contracts that are within the
       normal quarterly volatility.


   in millions of         2021       2020    Change 4Q 2021 3Q 2021    Change
   Rub                                          yoy                       qoq
   Orders               47,680     54,205      -12%  10,846   5,951       82%
   Backlog              42,264     53,851      -22%  42,264  47,259      -11%
   Revenue              57,159     46,476       23%  16,038  15,326        5%
   EBITDA                6,723      4,947       36%   1,526   2,341      -35%
   EBITDA margin         11.8%      10.6%              9.5%   15.3%          
   Profit for the        1,241                   na      32     831      -96%
   year/period                   (816)
   Free cash flow                   2,958        na   3,491     231    1,414%


   Expenses and Operating profit

     ▪ Cost of sales was Rub 45.7 billion, up by 23% yoy, in line with
       revenue growth, compared with Rub 37.1 billion for FY 2020, mainly due
       to the growth in materials and components costs (+26% yoy).

   in millions of Rub        2021   2020 Change yoy Share of  FY  Share of FY
                                                    2021 revenue 2020 revenue
   Cost of sales           45,737 37,071        23%        80.0%        79.8%
   Materials and           30,023 23,760        26%        52.5%        51.1%
   Labour costs incl        7,673  6,906        11%        13.4%        14.9%
   Social taxes
   Depreciation and         2,087  2,122        -2%         3.7%         4.6%
   Construction and design  3,643  2,557        42%         6.4%         5.5%
    4  4 
   Others                   2,310  1,726        34%         4.0%         3.7%


     ▪ Gross profit grew to Rub 11.4 billion, by 21% yoy, compared with Rub
       9.4 billion for FY 2020.
     ▪ SG&A expenses 5  5  were up 4% yoy.

   Distribution & transportation expenses were down 9% yoy due to lower
   transportation costs (-28% yoy).  As a share of revenue, distribution &
   transportation expenses declined to 3.1%, compared with 4.3% for FY 2020.

   General & administrative expenses were up to Rub 5.7 billion (+9% yoy)
   mainly due the growth in labour costs incl. social taxes (+15% yoy). As a
   share of revenue, general & administrative expenses were down to 10.0%,
   compared with 11.3% for FY 2020.  

     ▪ Operating profit was up to Rub 3.8 billion (+185% yoy), compared with
       Rub 1.3 billion for FY 2020. 

   in millions of Rub             2021  2020 Change Share of  FY  Share of FY
                                                yoy 2021 revenue 2020 revenue
   Gross profit                 11,423 9,405    21%        20.0%        20.2%
    Distribution &               1,799 1,986    -9%         3.1%         4.3%
    General & administrative     5,704 5,243     9%        10.0%        11.3%
   SG&A expenses                 7,503 7,228     4%        13.1%        15.6%
    Other operating expenses       111   412   -73%         0.2%         0.9%
   Operating expenses ex. Cost   7,614 7,641     0%        13.3%        16.4%
   of sales
   Operating profit              3,809 1,338   185%         6.7%         2.9%
   Finance costs                 1,976 1,926     3%         3.5%         4.1%


     ▪ Finance costs increased to Rub 2.0 billion, up by 3% yoy, mainly due
       to a growth in interest expenses (+2% yoy) because of higher interest
       rates, compared with FY 2020. 
     ▪ Average interest rate grew to 9.91% p.a., compared with 8.00% p.a.
       last year.

   in millions of Rub           2021  2020 Change yoy
   Finance costs               1,976 1,926         3%
   Interest rate, average      9.91% 8.00%           
   Interest rate Rub, average 10.03% 8.12%  



   Industrial pumps

     ▪ Order intake was Rub 22.2 billion, up by 25% yoy, compared with Rub
       17.8 billion for FY 2020, due to both the large long-term contract
       signed in 2Q 2021 and a growth in recurring orders.
     ▪ Backlog was Rub 20.9 billion, up 14% yoy, compared with Rub 18.2
       billion at the end of FY 2020, based on large contracts and recurring
     ▪ Revenue was down to Rub 20.0 billion (-2% yoy), compared with Rub 20.3
       billion for FY 2020.
     ▪ EBITDA was down 16% yoy to Rub 2.5 billion, compared with Rub 2.9
       billion for FY 2020, due to less revenue generated by both recurring
       business and large contracts. EBITDA margin was 12.3%, compared with
       14.5% during FY 2020.

   in millions of Rub   2021   2020 Change yoy 4Q 2021 3Q 2021 Change qoq
   Orders             22,245 17,773        25%   5,747   4,003        44%
   Backlog            20,851 18,227        14%  20,851  21,753        -4%
   Revenue            19,951 20,256        -2%   6,804   5,157        32%
   EBITDA              2,455  2,931       -16%     910     711        28%
   EBITDA margin       12.3%  14.5%              13.4%   13.8%  

   Oil and Gas equipment & projects (OGEP)

     ▪ Order intake grew to Rub 17.9 billion, up by 32% yoy, compared with
       Rub 13.6 billion during FY 2020, due to large contracts signed in the
       reporting period.
     ▪ Backlog stayed almost unchanged at Rub 9.3 billion, supported by large
     ▪ Revenue grew to Rub 18.4 billion, up by 63% yoy, compared with Rub
       11.3 billion for FY 2020, due to large contracts. 
     ▪ EBITDA increased to Rub 1.8 billion, up by 653% yoy, compared with Rub
       241 million for FY 2020 mainly due to a larger share of large
       contracts in the reporting period. EBITDA margin was 9.9%, compared
       with 2.1% for FY 2020.

   in millions of Rub   2021   2020 Change yoy 4Q 2021 3Q 2021 Change qoq
   Orders             17,886 13,568        32%   2,511   1,348        86%
   Backlog             9,278  9,318         0%   9,278  11,697       -21%
   Revenue            18,425 11,284        63%   5,057   5,027         1%
   EBITDA              1,818    241       653%     425     575       -26%
   EBITDA margin        9.9%   2.1%               8.4%   11.4%  



     ▪ Order intake declined to Rub 5.5 billion, down by 76% yoy, compared
       with Rub 22.6 billion for FY 2020, due to less large contracts signed
       in the reporting period.
     ▪ Backlog was Rub 11.4 billion, down by 54% yoy, compared with Rub 24.8
       billion at the end of 2020.
     ▪ Revenue grew to Rub 19.9 billion, up by 33% yoy, compared with Rub
       14.9 billion for FY 2020.
     ▪ EBITDA increased to Rub 2.5 billion, up by 31% yoy, compared with Rub
       1.9 billion for FY 2020. EBITDA margin was down to 12.8%, compared
       with 13.0% for FY 2020.

   in millions of Rub   2021   2020 Change yoy 4Q 2021 3Q 2021 Change qoq
   Orders              5,533 22,617       -76%   2,570     581       342%
   Backlog            11,419 24,765       -54%  11,419  12,897       -11%
   Revenue            19,891 14,947        33%   4,634   5,330       -13%
   EBITDA              2,537  1,939        31%     488   1,071       -54%
   EBITDA margin       12.8%  13.0%              10.5%   20.1%  



     ▪ Order intake equaled Rub 2.0 billion. Backlog was down to Rub 0.7
     ▪ Revenue was up to Rub 898 million, compared with Rub 718 million for
       FY 2020.  EBITDA was Rub 51 million, compared with Rub (63) million
       last year.

   in millions of Rub  2021  2020 Change yoy 4Q 2021 3Q 2021 Change qoq
   Orders             2,017   247       718%      17      19        -8%
   Backlog              716 1,541       -54%     716     911       -21%
   Revenue              898   718        25%     221     319       -31%
   EBITDA                51  (63)         na      24      48       -50%
   EBITDA margin       5.7% -8.8%              10.9%   15.1%  

   Working capital and Capital expenditures

     ▪ Working capital increased to Rub 10.0 billion (+49% yoy), compared
       with Rub 6.8 billion at the end of 2020. Working capital changes are
       within the normal quarterly volatility.
     ▪ As a share of revenue, working capital was at 17.6% vs. 14.5% at the
       end of 2020.
     ▪ Maintenance capex was Rub 1.4 billion, down by 1% yoy.

   in millions of Rub        2021  2020 Change yoy 4Q 2021 3Q 2021 Change qoq
   Working capital         10,047 6,752        49%  10,047  13,390       -25%
   Working capital /        17.6% 14.5%              17.6%   23.9%           
   Revenue LTM
   Maintenance  capex       1,384 1,392        -1%     374     353         6%
   Acquisitions                 -     -                  -       -           



     ▪ Total debt was up 2% yoy to Rub 22.7 billion, compared with Rub 22.2
       billion at the end of 2020.
     ▪ Net debt was Rub 13.9 billion (+18% yoy), compared with Rub 11.8
       billion at the end of 2020. 
     ▪ Net debt to EBITDA LTM ratio was 2.07x, down from 2.39x at the end of

   in millions of Rub      2021   2020 Change yoy 4Q 2021 3Q 2021 Change qoq
   Total debt            22,668 22,175         2%  22,668  22,642         0%
   Net debt              13,896 11,814        18%  13,896  16,771       -17%
   Net debt / EBITDA LTM   2.07   2.39               2.07    2.48           



     ▪ On March 3, 2022, the London Stock Exchange has suspended the
       admission to trading of the Company's GDRs.


     ▪ In March 2022, based on the Federal Law № 71-FZ dated 26 March 2022,
       the Group fixed for the three months the interest rates of its total
       Rub-denominated floating rate borrowing portfolio in amount of Rub 3.9
       billion at 12.5%, 13.5% and 16.5% per annum for the April, May and
       June 2022, respectively.
     ▪ In April 2022, the Group signed preferential credit facility
       agreements in the total amount of Rub 4.9 billion at 11% per annum
       with 1-year maturity for financing its operational needs.
     ▪ As of April 1, 2022, HMS Group has only Rub 187 million to be repaid
       in 2022.
     ▪ The average interest rate grew to 10.15% per annum as of April 1,

   in millions of Rub                    2022  2023   2024 2025
   Debt to be repaid as of April 1, 2022  187 9,994 11,517  281



     ▪ In February 2022, HMS Group announced the signing of Rub 7.0 billion
       contract to manufacture and deliver oil & gas equipment in 2023-2025.
     ▪ In April 2022, HMS Group announced the signing of Rub 3.3 billion
       contract to manufacture and deliver gas transportation units in
       2023-2024 to a gas condensate field located in Russia.


     ▪ After the reporting date, no GDRs have been purchased under the
       buyback program. The company holds 257,960 of its GDRs in treasury
       (1.1% of its issued share capital).



   No Webcast will be hold



   Investor Relations,  6 ir@hms.ru



   HMS Group is the leading pump and compressor manufacturer, as well as
   provider of flow control solutions and related services to the oil and
   gas, nuclear and thermal power generation and water utilities sectors in
   Russia and the CIS. HMS Group's products are mission-critical elements of
   projects across a diverse range of industries. It has participated in a
   number of large-scale infrastructure projects in Russia, including
   providing pumps and modular equipment to the Vankor oil field and pumping
   stations on recent trunk pipelines projects linking Russia's core oil
   producing areas to export ports on the Pacific Ocean and Baltic Sea. HMS
   Group's global depositary receipts ("GDRs") are listed under the symbol
   "HMSG" on the London Stock Exchange and the Moscow Exchange.


   Press Release Information Accuracy Disclaimer

   Information published in press releases was accurate at the time of
   publication but may be superseded by subsequent releases or other


   LEI: 254900DDFETNLASV8M53


   HMS Hydraulic Machines & Systems Group plc

   Consolidated Statement of Financial Position at 31 December 2021        

   (in thousands of Russian Roubles, unless otherwise stated)
                                                                  31 December
                                                 31 December 2021        2020
     Non-current assets:                                                     
     Property, plant and equipment                     14,045,362  14,684,279
     Other intangible assets                            1,429,904   1,743,399
     Goodwill                                           3,159,502   3,255,984
     Right-of-use assets                                  414,861     183,211
     Investments in associates                             95,358      94,307
     Deferred income tax assets                           827,200     786,455
     Other long-term assets                                21,606      42,252
     Investment property                                  140,598     176,833
     Total non-current assets                          20,134,391  20,966,720
     Current assets:
     Inventories                                        9,067,145   8,847,749
     Trade and other receivables and                   17,050,792  15,598,766
     other financial assets
     Contract assets                                    9,718,947   6,201,354
     Current income tax receivable                         72,588      94,972
     Cash and cash equivalents                          8,771,642  10,360,588
     Total current assets                              44,681,114  41,103,429
     TOTAL ASSETS                                      64,815,505  62,070,149
     Share capital                                         48,329      48,329
     Share premium                                      3,523,535   3,523,535
     Treasury shares                                     (93,775)    (33,055)
     Other reserves                                       129,392     129,392
     Currency translation reserve                         566,766     646,427
     Retained earnings                                  5,856,944   5,510,974
     Equity attributable to the                        10,031,191   9,825,602
     shareholders of the Company
     Non-controlling interests                          3,699,312   3,518,674
     TOTAL EQUITY                                      13,730,503  13,344,276
     Non-current liabilities:                                                
     Long-term borrowings                              21,649,561  20,452,736
     Deferred income tax liability                      1,445,176   1,421,489
     Retirement benefit obligations                       612,140     646,213
     Provisions for liabilities and                       316,506     228,199
     Lease liabilities                                    346,376     153,048
     Other long-term payables                             228,282     230,581
     Total non-current liabilities                     24,598,041  23,132,266
     Current liabilities:
     Trade and other payables                          21,729,699  17,969,950
     Contract liabilities                               2,323,511   4,304,845
     Short-term borrowings                                611,966   1,548,574
     Provisions for liabilities and                       599,184     589,762
     Retirement benefit obligations                        73,582      77,859
     Lease liabilities                                     59,928      20,440
     Current income tax payable                           240,953     134,080
     Other taxes payable                                  848,138     948,097
     Total current liabilities                         26,486,961  25,593,607
     TOTAL LIABILITIES                                 51,085,002  48,725,873
     TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                      64,815,505  62,070,149
   HMS Hydraulic Machines & Systems Group plc

   Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive

   for the year ended 31 December 2021 

   (in thousands of Russian Roubles, unless otherwise stated)
                                                       2021              2020
     Revenue                                     57,159,315        46,476,487
     Cost of sales                             (45,736,646)      (37,071,430)
     Gross profit                                11,422,669         9,405,057
     Distribution and transportation            (1,798,784)       (1,985,928)
     General and administrative                 (5,704,013)       (5,242,566)
     Other operating expenses, net                (110,916)         (412,472)
     Impairment of goodwill                               -         (425,668)
     Operating profit                             3,808,956         1,338,423
     Finance income                                 181,591           251,571
     Finance costs                              (1,976,275)       (1,926,310)
     Share of results of associates                   (470)             (161)
     Profit/(loss) before income tax              2,013,802         (336,477)
     Income tax expense                           (772,783)         (479,814)
     Profit/(loss) for the year                   1,241,019         (816,291)
     Profit/(loss) attributable to:                                          
     Shareholders of the Company                                    (971,996)
     Non-controlling interests                      208,817           155,705
     Profit/(loss) for the year                   1,241,019         (816,291)
     Other comprehensive (loss)/income:                                      
     Items that will not be
     subsequently reclassified to                                            
     profit or loss
     Remeasurement of post-employment                49,232           (5,321)
     benefit obligations
     Items that may be reclassified                                          
     subsequently to profit or loss
     Currency translation differences              (71,684)           693,105
     Currency translation differences                 1,521              (21)
     of associates
     Other comprehensive (loss)/income             (20,931)           687,763
     for the year
     Total comprehensive income/(loss)            1,220,088         (128,528)
     for the year
     Total comprehensive income/(loss)
     attributable to:
                                                    981,741         (288,238)
     Shareholders of the Company
     Non-controlling interests                      238,347           159,710
     Total comprehensive income/(loss)            1,220,088         (128,528)
     for the year

     Basic and diluted profit/(loss)      
     per ordinary share for                            8.90            (8.50)
     profit/(loss) attributable to the    
     ordinary shareholders (RR per


   HMS Hydraulic Machines & Systems Group plc

   Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 31 December    

   (in thousands of Russian Roubles, unless otherwise stated)
                                                            2021         2020
   Cash flows from operating activities                                      
   Profit/(loss) before income tax                     2,013,802    (336,477)
   Adjustments for:                                                          
   Depreciation and amortisation                       2,424,217    2,451,191
   Gain from disposal of property, plant and            (84,044)      (1,821)
   equipment and intangible assets
   Finance income                                      (181,591)    (251,571)
   Finance costs                                       1,976,275    1,926,310
   Change in retirement benefits obligations              36,821       82,075
   Change in warranty provision                          112,329      136,752
   Change in expected credit losses allowances
   for financial assets and allowance for                 50,299      104,002
   impairment of non-financial assets
   Change in allowance for obsolete inventories          146,044       10,598
   Change in provision for legal claims                   58,846       83,987
   Share-based compensation                               25,000       58,921
   Foreign exchange (gain)/loss, net                    (76,165)       73,534
   Amortisation of government grants                    (37,528)     (36,048)
   Impairment of taxes                                         -       10,418
   Impairment of goodwill                                      -      425,668
   Impairment of property, plant and equipment                 -       13,936
   Change in provision for tax risks, other than          15,667        9,898
   income tax
   Share of results of associates                            470          161
   Operating cash flows before working capital         6,480,442    4,761,534
   Increase in inventories                             (325,574)    (869,830)
   (Increase)/decrease in trade and other            (1,281,589)    2,967,741
   (Increase)/decrease in contract assets            (3,506,361)    1,916,049
   Increase/(decrease) in accounts payable and         3,397,639  (3,361,448)
   accrued liabilities
   (Decrease)/increase in contract liabilities       (1,947,373)    2,056,816
   Decrease in taxes payable                           (101,761)    (683,045)
   Cash from operations                                2,715,423    6,787,817
   Income tax paid                                     (644,282)    (820,008)
   Interest paid                                     (1,952,685)  (1,887,821)
   Interest received                                     178,458      259,533
   Net cash from operating activities                    296,914    4,339,521
   Cash flows from investing activities                                      
   Repayment of loans advanced                             5,172        6,953
   Loans advanced                                       (39,879)     (20,203)
   Proceeds from sale of property, plant and             140,659       55,948
   equipment and intangible assets, net
   Purchase of property, plant and equipment, net    (1,075,212)    (937,132)
   of VAT
   Acquisition of intangible assets, net of VAT        (309,217)    (454,417)
   Repayment of contingent consideration                       -     (33,000)
   Net cash used in investing activities             (1,278,477)  (1,381,851)
   Cash flows from financing activities                                      
   Repayments of borrowings                         (13,534,754) (11,478,749)
   Proceeds from borrowings                           13,820,510    9,127,605
   Proceeds from government grant                              -       28,092
   Repayment of the lease liabilities principal         (24,852)     (35,905)
   Buy back of issued shares                            (60,720)      (1,705)
   Dividends related to Long-term Incentive                    -      (5,660)
   Dividends paid to non-controlling shareholders       (56,909)     (55,162)
   of subsidiaries
   Dividends paid to the shareholders of the           (740,432)    (391,942)
   Net cash used in financing activities               (597,157)  (2,813,426)
   Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash          (1,578,720)      144,244
   Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and
   cash equivalents and effect of translation to        (10,226)      296,076
   presentation currency
   Effect of changes in expected credit losses                 -     (31,850)
   allowance for cash and cash equivalents
   Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of      10,360,588    9,952,118
   the year
   Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the         8,771,642   10,360,588



    7  1  EBITDA is defined as operating profit/(loss) adjusted for other
   operating income/expenses, depreciation and amortisation, amortisation of
   government grants, impairment of assets, excess of fair value of net
   assets acquired over the cost of acquisition, defined benefits scheme
   expense and provisions (including provision for obsolete inventory, ECL
   allowance and provision for impairment of trade and other receivables and
   other financial assets, unused vacation allowance, warranty provision,
   provision for legal claims, tax provision and other provisions). This
   measurement basis, therefore, excludes the effects of a number of
   non-recurring income and expenses on the results of the operating

    8  2  Order intake - Portfolio of contracts and orders signed for a

    9  3  Backlog - Portfolio of uncompleted orders and contracts

    10  4  Construction and design and engineering services of subcontractors

    11  5  SG&A expenses - Selling, General and Administrative Expenses,
   compiled of distribution & transportation expenses plus general &
   administrative ones


   ISIN:           US40425X4079
   Category Code:  ACS
   TIDM:           HMSG
   LEI Code:       254900DDFETNLASV8M53
   OAM Categories: 1.1. Annual financial and audit reports
   Sequence No.:   158691
   EQS News ID:    1339849

   End of Announcement EQS News Service


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   1. file:///data/ucdp/tmp/xhtmlconvert_parsn_eqs_6HWZefkz.html#_ftn1
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