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REG - Harworth Group PLC - Results for the six months ended 30 June 2024

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RNS Number : 8602D  Harworth Group PLC  12 September 2024


 12 September 2024
 Harworth Group plc
 ("Harworth" or "the Group")

 Results for the six months ended 30 June 2024

 Strong NDV and Total Return growth; well positioned for increased development
 and investment activity in Industrial & Logistics sector


 ·             EPRA NDV((1)) increased 3.5% to £687.0 million (31 December 2023: £662.9
        million) with the Group on track to reach £1 billion by the end of 2027
 ·             Total return of 4.0% (H1 2023: 0.1%)
 ·             Operating profit increased 164% to £21.1 million (H1 2023: £8.0 million)
 ·             Net LTV of 9.8%, available liquidity of £154.2 million and net debt of £80.5
        million reflecting the profile of higher drawdown mid-year
 ·             Extensive existing land pipeline has the potential to deliver 38.8 million sq.
        ft. of Industrial & Logistics space and 26,639 plots for new homes
 ·             Planning permission achieved for 1.8 million sq. ft. and 500 plots, plus a
        further 1.5 million sq. ft. and 500 plots post period end, alongside new draft
        allocations or allocations in local plans for 5.7 million sq. ft. and 2,875
 ·             Completed, exchanged, or in heads of terms on 145% of budgeted land sales for
        the year

 Key financials

 Key statutory measures         H1 2024          H1 2023          FY 2023
 Operating profit               £21.1 million    £8.0 million     £54.2 million
 Net asset value                £650.0 million   £603.1 million   £637.7 million
 Total dividend per share((3))  0.489p           0.444p           1.466p
 Net debt                       £80.5 million    £63.7 million    £36.4 million

 Key non-statutory measures((2))  H1 2024         H1 2023        FY 2023
 Total return                     4.0%            0.1%           5.1%
 EPRA NDV per share               212.3p          195.7p         205.1p
 Value gains                      £47.0 million   £7.5 million   £58.1 million
 Net loan to portfolio value      9.8%            8.6%           4.7%

 Lynda Shillaw, Chief Executive of Harworth, commented: "Harworth continues to
 consistently deliver strong progress against its strategic objectives and we
 remain on track to reach £1 billion EPRA NDV by the end of 2027. In June we
 announced that the Group would increase its focus on Industrial &
 Logistics direct development, with an intention to grow the Investment
 Portfolio, through direct development and selective acquisitions, to £0.9
 billion by the end of 2029. This reflects the opportunity we see to deliver
 into a sector which is key to economic growth and where there is critical
 undersupply of high-quality space, in order to grow recurring income and
 underpin sustainable shareholder returns.

 "The first half saw significant progress on planning approvals, adding further
 capacity to our near-term Industrial & Logistics pipeline and driving a
 strong revaluation performance. We are ahead of budget for land sales, with
 the standout transaction, as well as our largest sale to date, being the
 conditional £106.6 million serviced land sale to Microsoft at Skelton Grange,
 announced in June. The sale of serviced land provides a stable funding channel
 for the planned growth in our Industrial & Logistics development

 "Sustained demand for Harworth's serviced land and employment spaces,
 alongside management actions, has underpinned EPRA NDV growth of 3.5% and we
 expect further growth in the second half as we continue to develop out our
 existing sites.

 "Our current Industrial & Logistics pipeline has the potential to deliver
 future Gross Development Value((5)) of £5 billion which contributes
 significantly to the £1 billion EPRA NDV target. The near term pipeline has
 the ability to deliver up to £0.8 billion of Gross Development Value by the
 end of 2027. Our recent transactions, both for Commercial and Residential use,
 are evidence of the underlying market demand for Harworth's high-quality land
 and property.

 "We are cautiously optimistic that a combination of improving economic
 stability and supportive government policy will be beneficial for both the
 real estate sector and Harworth. In the near term we recognise market
 confidence could potentially be tempered by the extent of the steps taken by
 the Government to address the public funding deficit, but as a long-term
 investor Harworth is well versed in delivering performance through different
 policy environments.

 "Ultimately, Harworth is a long-term through-the-cycle business and its
 extensive land pipeline, track record, specialist skillset and strong balance
 sheet sets us apart from our peers and enables us to maximise the value
 created from our sites for our shareholders."

 Management actions drive enhanced value gains and profitability

 ·             Value gains totalled £47.0 million (H1 2023: £7.5 million), driven by sales,
        development of sites and planning permissions against the backdrop of
        relatively stable markets
 ·             Operating profit increased 164% to £21.1 million (H1 2023: £8.0 million),
        reflecting increased land sales, revenue from development management, and
        other gains relating to the valuations of investment properties and assets
        held for sale
 ·             Annualised rental income for the Investment Portfolio increased to £14.4
        million, growth of 2.4% on a like-for-like basis
 ·             Dividend per share up 10% at 0.489p (H1 2023: 0.444p), consistent with the
        Group's existing dividend policy

 Robust cash generation from residential land sales and strong balance sheet

 ·             Completed 357 plot sales of serviced land for proceeds of £24.0 million, in
        line with December 2023 book values, and a further 132 plots post period end
 ·             Net debt of £80.5 million (31 December 2023: £36.4 million), representing a
        Net LTV of 9.8% (31 December 2023: 4.7%)
 ·             Available liquidity of £154.2 million (31 December 2023: £192.2 million),
        with no major refinancing requirements until 2027
 ·             Continuing to use capital light funding structures, including Option and
        Planning Promotion Agreements ("PPAs"), to facilitate growth and maximise

 Growth targets underpinned by strong planning progress and extensive land

 ·             Land pipeline now has the potential to deliver 38.8 million sq. ft. of
        Industrial & Logistics space and 26,639 plots for new homes, the largest
        Industrial & Logistics pipeline in the Group's history
 ·             Planning permission secured for 1.8 million sq. ft. and 500 plots, plus a
        further 1.5 million sq. ft. and 185 plots post period end
 ·             New draft allocations or allocations in local plans for 5.7 million sq. ft.
        and 2,875 plots
 ·             An additional 6.4 million sq. ft. and 2,269 plots progressing through the
        planning system and awaiting determination

 Increased strategic focus on Industrial & Logistics Major Developments

 ·             As at 30 June 2024, the consented Industrial & Logistics land portfolio
        increased to 8.1 million sq. ft., of which 5.9 million sq. ft. is in Major
        Developments (31 December 2023: 4.6 million sq. ft.), following transfers of
        1.3 million sq. ft. from Strategic Land
 ·             0.5 million sq. ft. of Grade A space is currently in development or expected
        to start in the next 12 months, following practical completion post period end
        of 0.1 million sq. ft. of pre-let space
 ·             Enabling works currently underway for 2.2 million sq. ft. of direct
        development on several Major Development sites, plus further enabling works
        underway at Skelton Grange in relation to the Microsoft serviced land sale
 ·             The current Industrial & Logistics land pipeline has the potential to
        deliver £5 billion of Gross Development Value (GDV)((5))
 ·             By the end of 2027 the consented Industrial & Logistics pipeline has the
        ability to deliver £0.8 billion of GDV

 On track to achieve 100% Grade A core Investment Portfolio by the end of 2027;
 targeting £0.9 billion portfolio by the end of 2029

 ·             The Investment Portfolio value increased 4.4% to £231.2 million, of which 37%
        is Grade A (31 December 2023: £221.4 million and 37% Grade A)
 ·             Net initial yield increased to 5.9% (2023: 5.7%) whilst net equivalent yield
        reduced marginally to 7.0% (2023: 7.1%) continuing to provide reversion
 ·             83,000 sq. ft. of Grade A Industrial & Logistics development completed in
        the 12 months prior to 30 June 2024 was retained in the Investment Portfolio,
        with 100% now let, exchanged or in heads of terms, broadly in line with or at
        apremium to, December 2023 estimated rental values (ERV)
 ·             94% of the 0.5 million sq. ft. of Grade A space currently in development, or
        due to start in the next 12 months, is expected to be retained in the Group's
        Investment Portfolio, of which 38% is pre-let or being constructed for an
        owner-occupier, and is anticipated to generate additional annualised rental
        income of £5.4 million
 ·             EPRA vacancy rate of 6.3% (31 December 2023: 9.9%), reduces to 3.9% excluding
        units completed in the last 12 months (31 December 2023: 1.2%), and 98% of
        rent due in H1 2024 collected

 Committed to sustainable development

 ·             In April, Harworth published its 2023 Net Zero Carbon (NZC) Pathway Progress
        report, alongside its Communities Framework, laying out its commitment to
        local communities and the progress made against its sustainability target of
        being operationally NZC by 2030 and NZC for all emissions by 2040
 ·             Completed the planting of over 108,000 trees in collaboration with the
        Forestry Commission at its Chevington North site in Northumberland and
        recently opened a new 350-acre Country Park in Thoresby Vale

 Strategy evolution

 Evolution of strategy to increase the focus on Industrial & Logistics
 development and retain more prime Grade A properties in the Group's Investment
 Portfolio, which is now targeted to grow to £0.9 billion by the end of 2029,
 with growth accelerating from 2026 onwards as the next generation of
 Industrial & Logistics sites move through the cycle.

 ·             Increased retention of directly developed Grade A properties will be the main
        driver of growth in the Investment Portfolio, supplemented by selective
        acquisitions to support this strategy and accelerate the transition to Grade A
        across the existing portfolio
 ·             As the Investment Portfolio grows the Group expects the increase in recurring
        earnings to allow increased dividends to be declared in future years
 ·             Whilst the Board intends to continue to review the dividend policy annually,
        anticipated dividend growth is not expected to impact the Group's ability to
        deliver capital growth and maximise returns
 ·             With this increased focus on Industrial & Logistics assets, the Group
        expects its balance sheet to be weighted over 85% towards Industrial &
        Logistics by the end of 2029, compared to just over 60% at 31 December 2023
 ·             To provide a steady funding platform for the growth of its core Industrial
        & Logistics portfolio Harworth will continue to create value from sales of
        high-quality serviced land

 Analyst and investor presentation

 Harworth will host a presentation for analysts and investors at 9:30AM today,
 12 September 2024. A live webcast and playback can be accessed on the
 following link:


 (1)  European Public Real Estate Association ('EPRA') Net Disposal Value ('NDV')
 (2)  Harworth discloses both statutory and alternative performance measures
    ('APMs'), a full description of, and reconciliation to, the APMs is set out in
    Note 2 to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the
 (3)  The Ex-dividend date, Record date and Payment date for the 2024 interim
    dividend can be found in the Shareholder Information section of this
 (4)  Source: JLL UK Big Box Industrial & Logistics Market Update
 (5)  Gross Development Value (GDV) is an estimate of value to be delivered on
    completion of the building or development

 For further information

 Harworth Group plc
 Lynda Shillaw (Chief Executive)                                T: +44 (0) 7436 167 285
 Kitty Patmore (Chief Financial Officer)                        E: investors@harworthgroup.com
 Luke Passby (Head of Investor Relations & Communications)

 FTI Consulting
 Dido Laurimore                                                 T: +44 (0) 20 3727 1000
 Richard Gotla                                                  E: Harworth@fticonsulting.com
 Eve Kirmatzis

 About Harworth

 Listed on the equity shares (commercial companies) category of the Main Market
 of the London Stock Exchange, Harworth Group plc (LSE: HWG) is a leading
 sustainable regenerator of land and property for development and investment
 which owns, develops and manages a portfolio of over 14,000 acres of land on
 over 100 sites located throughout the North of England and Midlands. The Group
 specialises in the regeneration of large, complex sites, in particular former
 industrial sites, into new Industrial & Logistics and Residential
 developments to create sustainable places where people want to live and work,
 supporting new homes, jobs and communities across the regions and delivering
 long-term value for all stakeholders. Visit www.harworthgroup.com for further
 information. LEI: 213800R8JSSGK2KPFG21.

 Chief Executive's Review
 For the six months ended 30 June 2024

 Harworth has delivered a strong first half reflecting the operational progress
 achieved across the business as we continue to unlock value from our land and
 property portfolio. We continue to deliver against the four strategic pillars
 we set out in 2021 and remain on track to deliver an EPRA NDV of £1 billion
 by the end of 2027. We are now half way through our strategic plan, and as
 such we recently reviewed our long term guidance and targets with a view to
 providing more detail on the evolution of the growth strategy.

 The optimised strategy still sees us reach £1 billion EPRA NDV by the end of
 2027 but with increased focus on Industrial & Logistics direct development
 and an intention to retain more of that space to build an Investment Portfolio
 of £0.9 billion by the end of 2029. Whilst we expect to continue to maintain
 high single to low double digit total returns in the medium term, this
 strategy will enable us to announce increased dividends as recurring income
 grows, which is expected to optimise shareholder returns.

 Our markets

 Harworth's focus markets are the Industrial & Logistics (land sales,
 direct development and investment) and Residential (land sales) sectors. Both
 remain fundamental to enabling growth in the UK economy, and the policy themes
 of the new Government reflect the need to drive investment across the UK to
 create new homes and jobs and decarbonise the economy. While it is early days,
 in general the mood feels more positive across both of our markets, as
 alongside political stability, we have seen inflation ease and the first rate
 cut take effect in August: all of which are key to driving an increase in
 investor interest in the UK. We do however remain watchful until more detail
 of the new Government's plans and its funding proposals are visible, and any
 impact on the industry can be assessed.

 In the Industrial & Logistics sector, the structural drivers of demand
 seen in recent years remain intact, driven by the growth of e-commerce,
 on-shoring and near-shoring still present coupled with an increasing focus
 amongst occupiers on securing modern and sustainable spaces for manufacturing,
 with power connection and availability being a key factor. Recent research
 from Savills shows that prime yield indicators have remained broadly stable
 with a positive outlook for the industrial sub-sectors and are expected to
 remain stable at least until the October 2024 Budget, or until further rate
 cuts. The expectation of further rate cuts and stable pricing, combined with
 rising confidence in economic fundamentals that drive tenant demand, could
 create the environment for improvements in yields in this sector towards the
 end of the year, although this is by no means certain.

 Our Industrial & Logistics serviced land remains in high demand, evidenced
 by the conditional sale of two land parcels to Microsoft for £106.6 million,
 our largest sale to date. We were able to bring forward this site by
 progressing it through planning, recognising its attributes including power
 availability, securing an occupier and collaborating with key stakeholders.

 In the wider market, Industrial & Logistics supply has increased in the
 first half with a vacancy rate in our regions of between 6% and 9% as a result
 of speculative completions in H1 2024 alongside second hand space returning to
 the market. Despite this, the North West had the lowest vacancy rate in the UK
 in Q2((7)) and the Midlands region contributed over half of all Q2 take up in
 this sector((8)).

 Demand for build-to-suit units has remained strong in our regions supported by
 increased take up for existing units with a focus from occupiers on
 high-quality Grade A space: in the North West, 91% of take up in 2024 so far
 has been Grade A space. There is evidence that new build high-quality
 speculative units showed significantly shorter void periods compared to second
 hand units.

 With take-up improving, vacancy rates are expected to trend downwards into
 2025. Throughout the period we continued to engage proactively with commercial
 occupiers to understand demand for pre-let commitments and to collaborate with
 occupiers and partners who engage us for build-to-suit development. This
 engagement has highlighted the resilient nature of occupier demand and the
 opportunity for future rental growth.

 In the Residential sector, consumer demand remains subdued with mortgage
 approvals still slightly below pre-pandemic levels as a result of prevailing
 mortgage costs, challenging affordability, and lower consumer confidence,
 albeit we have seen mortgage rates fall in recent months. Nationwide data
 recently showed that house prices continue to increase, with annual growth
 reaching 2.1% in the year to July.

 We have continued to see strong demand for our serviced Residential land from
 a wide range of housebuilders, both national and regional, at prices in line
 with December 2023 book values, highlighting the high-quality and de-risked
 nature of our land parcels. While the proposed planning reforms are welcomed,
 the current planning system continues to drive lower levels of applications
 for major schemes, and therefore the supply of consented land across the
 market remains increasingly constrained.

 Operational performance

 During the period we achieved planning permission for 1.8 million sq. ft. of
 Industrial & Logistics space along with 500 Residential plots, and a
 further 1.5 million sq. ft. of Industrial & Logistics space and 185
 Residential plots post period end. These planning achievements are key to
 delivering the next phase of development across our sites. The demand for our
 serviced product remains strong and we continue to receive high levels of
 interest. At the time of reporting, land sales completed, exchanged, or in
 heads of terms, are at 145% of the full year budget and at prices in line with
 December 2023 book values. Land sales continue to provide a stable funding
 channel for our Industrial & Logistics direct development programme.

 Our extensive land pipeline now has the potential to deliver 38.8 million sq.
 ft. of Industrial & Logistics space, the largest commercial pipeline we
 have held to date, and 26,639 plots for new homes. The pipeline has been
 de-risked, with 65% of the Industrial & Logistics sq. ft. and 48% of the
 Residential plots having either a planning consent, currently progressing
 through the planning system, or being allocated or holding a draft allocation.
 During this first half, we saw progression of local plans resulting in
 allocations or draft allocations of 5.7 million sq. ft. and 2,875 plots. This
 was alongside planning consents for 3.3 million sq. ft. and 685 plots received
 in the year to date. A further 6.4 million sq. ft. and 2,269 plots are
 currently progressing through the planning system awaiting determination. With
 a potential £5 billion of Gross Development Value expected from the
 Industrial & Logistics pipeline, this highlights the intrinsic value still
 to be unlocked from our land and property portfolio.

 As at 30 June 2024, across our Industrial & Logistics development sites we
 had 0.6 million sq. ft. of Grade A Industrial & Logistics space in
 development, or expected to start in the next 12 months. 84% of that is
 expected to be retained for investment purposes, generating an additional
 £1.7 million of annualised rental income. Of this space, 0.1 million sq. ft.
 was pre-let and reached practical completion post period end, contributing
 £0.6 million of annualised rental income. We expect a further 0.1 million sq.
 ft. to complete in the next 12 months. In addition to this, enabling works are
 underway on a further 2.2 million sq. ft. of our next generation Industrial
 & Logistics sites, excluding the work ongoing at Skelton Grange in
 relation to the Microsoft land sale.

 Letting activity remains strong, with an EPRA vacancy rate of 6.3% (31
 December 2023: 9.9%), which reduces to 3.9% excluding units completed in the
 last 12 months (31 December 2023: 1.2%), and 98% of rent due in H1 2024 has
 been collected.

 We are committed to our sustainability targets and our framework, The Harworth
 Way, integrates sustainability and social value into our business and the
 developments we create. A key element to our approach is placemaking. This is
 the work we do across our sites that makes them places where people want to
 live and work. It is at the heart of what we do, drives value for our
 communities and our shareholders, and is critical to the success of our
 schemes. All our schemes have placemaking initiatives; within the highlights
 of what has been delivered so far this year is the planting of over 108,000
 trees with the help of the local community at Chevington North,
 Northumberland, in partnership with the Forestry Commission, and the opening
 of a new 350 acre country park at our Thoresby Vale development in
 Nottinghamshire. This benefits from a purpose-built forest style school
 alongside commercial and leisure spaces, as well as over 100 acres of restored
 heathland, now one of the UK's most threatened habitats.

 Financial performance

 During the period our land portfolio delivered £47.0 million of value gains
 (H1 2023: £7.5 million), with the increase being driven largely by management
 actions against a stable market backdrop. As a result, EPRA NDV per share((6))
 increased 3.5% to 212.3p at 30 June 2024, up 8.5% compared to H1 2023. This
 translates to a total return of 4.0% for the half (H1 2023: 0.1%).

 Sales of serviced land and property, in addition to development management
 revenues and income from rent, royalties and fees, resulted in Group revenue
 of £41.3 million (H1 2023: £18.2 million). The increase is largely driven by
 higher land sales and at the time of reporting we have completed, exchanged or
 are in heads of terms on 145% of budgeted sales.

 The Board is proposing an interim dividend of 0.489p per share, representing
 10% growth from 2023, in line with our existing dividend policy. We recently
 announced an evolution of our growth strategy and a target to grow our
 Investment Portfolio to £0.9 billion by the end of 2029. As we deliver
 against this goal we expect the growth in recurring income will allow
 increased dividends to be declared.

 We continue to maintain a strong balance sheet and financial position, with
 significant available liquidity of £154.2 million as at 30 June 2024 (31
 December 2023: £192.2 million) and no major refinancing events until 2027.
 Our LTV at period-end was 9.8% (31 December 2023: 4.7%) reflecting our typical
 profile of higher debt drawings in the middle of the year and this flexibility
 allows us to be dynamic and opportunistic in our approach to achieving our
 growth ambitions.

 Strategy and Outlook

 While there are still uncertainties in the economic outlook for the UK, there
 are some encouraging signs that inflationary pressures are easing and interest
 rates have started coming down. The new government's proposed reforms of
 planning policy and support for economic growth and increased housing delivery
 should be positive for the real estate sector, but we are yet to see the

 We continue to see strong demand for our serviced land as well as our energy
 efficient Grade A Industrial & Logistics units across our regions. Whilst
 affordability challenges continue to weigh on house buyer demand, our sites
 are located in more affordable regions and we have a strong track record for
 delivering high-quality serviced Residential land which is ready to build on
 once acquired.

 Harworth is a long-term through-the-cycle business with a significant
 landbank, currently capable of delivering 38.8 million sq. ft. of Grade A
 Industrial & Logistics space with the potential to create £5 billion of
 GDV, as well as 26,639 Residential plots. Our market leading shareholder
 returns are driven by long term value creation through management actions
 across our developments, such as achieving planning permission, completing
 remediation and infrastructure works, or directly developing our own
 commercial units. It is our extensive landbank, combined with our specialist
 skillset, that enables us to deliver these successful schemes and unlock value
 from our land.

 As flagged at the outset of my statement, the evolved strategy targets an
 Investment Portfolio of £0.9 billion by the end of 2029. This growth will
 come predominantly from our controlled near term pipeline of sites and will be
 funded from cash generated from our land and property sales supplemented by
 our corporate and site specific funding lines. A focus on development may
 result in more in-year cyclicality in debt drawings and a larger Investment
 Portfolio will provide the opportunity to operate a debt gearing level in line
 with the market for that part of the portfolio however we do not anticipate an
 overall material shift in our conservative gearing approach.

 We will continue to optimise the value from our portfolio and expect to
 continue to maintain high single to low double digit total returns in the
 medium term. We expect this strategy will enable us to announce increased
 dividends as recurring income grows thereby optimising shareholder returns.

 As the Investment Portfolio grows in scale, we would expect Strategic Land to
 make up a smaller proportion of our portfolio compared to its proportion
 today. We will continue to make acquisitions of land to contribute to our
 pipeline and enable us to continue to deliver high-quality development schemes
 and we anticipate that by 2029 Industrial & Logistics will be 85% of our
 total land and property portfolio.

 Our extensive consented pipeline enables growth in direct development,
 accelerated in the outer years of the plan, and we are well positioned as we
 enter the second phase of our growth strategy to reach £1 billion EPRA NDV by
 the end of 2027.

 Strategic pillar                                                        2024 Progress((9))                                                            2027 Target                                        Strategy evolution
 1. Increasing direct development of Industrial & Logistics space        0.1 million sq. ft. complete and pre-let, 0.5 million sq. ft. in development  0.8 million sq. ft.                                Continue to focus on increasing direct development of Industrial &
                                     or expected to start in the next 12 months and 2.2 million sq. ft. being
                          Logistics Grade A units, building more on balance sheet to grow the Investment
                                     enabled for future development                                                developed on average                               Portfolio

                                                                            per year
 2. Accelerating sales and broadening the range of Residential products  Residential land sales for 489 plots completed                                2,000 plots sold                                   Focus on acceleration, driving returns and providing a self-generating source

                          of funding for direct development
                                                                            on average per year
 3. Scaling up land acquisitions and promotion                           Maintained 12-15 year land supply                                             Maintain a land supply                             Continue to maintain a land pipeline that enables scale and value creation

                          through selective acquisitions, including partnerships and capital light
                                                                            of 12-15 years                                     structures
 4. Repositioning Investment Portfolio to modern Grade A                 37% of portfolio Grade A                                                      Targeting 100% Grade A core Investment Portfolio   As well as repositioning to 100% Grade A, also targeting £0.9 billion
                                                                                                      Investment Portfolio by the end of 2029 to provide increased recurring
                                                                                                      earnings and optimise future shareholder return

 Finally, and importantly, Harworth cannot consistently deliver the progress
 that we do without our people and I would like to thank all of my colleagues
 who work collaboratively across the business and with our external
 stakeholders, to ensure we continue to be successful. The progress that we
 have made so far this year is a testament to their dedication, determination,
 specialist skills, and teamwork, and it is those attributes that enable
 Harworth to achieve our long term strategic goals and create value for our

 (6)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
    condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix
 (7)  Source: CBRE's Q2 Logistics Market report
 (8)  Source: JLL UK Big Box Industrial & Logistics Market Update
 (9)  As at the reporting date

 Lynda Shillaw
 Chief Executive
 12 September 2024

 Operational Review
 For the six months ended 30 June 2024

 Industrial & Logistics Land portfolio

 At 30 June 2024, the Industrial & Logistics pipeline totalled 38.8 million
 sq. ft. (31 December 2023: 37.7 million sq. ft.), of which 8.1 million sq. ft.
 was consented (31 December 2023: 6.1 million sq. ft.), and 7.9 million sq. ft.
 was in the planning system awaiting determination (31 December 2023: 10.1
 million sq. ft.). The pipeline was 58% owned freehold, 38% controlled via
 options, and 4% controlled via PPAs or other.

 Planning progress

 During the period, planning approval was secured for 1.8 million sq. ft. of
 Industrial & Logistics space across two sites, with a further 1.5 million
 sq. ft. achieving outline planning consent post period end. Sites continued to
 move through the planning system with allocations received for 3.5 million sq.
 ft. in the North West under the Places for Everyone Greater Manchester Spatial
 Framework and draft allocations for 2.3 million sq. ft. in the Midlands.

 Two significant planning applications currently remain in the system awaiting
 determination, totalling 6.4 million sq. ft.

 Direct development

 As at 30 June 2024, 0.6 million sq. ft. of Grade A space was in development or
 expected to start in the next 12 months, post period end 0.1 million sq. ft.
 reached practical completion and a further 0.1 million sq. ft. is expected to
 complete in the next 12 months. The units will all be delivered to Harworth's
 sustainable commercial building specification, targeting EPC A and BREEAM
 Excellent certifications, with whole life carbon assessments and renewable
 energy provision incorporated into the design.

 Enabling works are currently underway for 2.2 million sq. ft. of direct
 development on several Major Development sites, plus further enabling works
 underway at Skelton Grange in relation to the Microsoft serviced land sale.

 Land sales

 In June, 48 acres of Industrial & Logistics land was conditionally sold
 for £106.6 million, with pricing significantly ahead of book value.


 0.5 million sq. ft. of Industrial & Logistics Strategic Land was secured
 for £0.1 million, the land is controlled via an Option agreement. In
 addition, the freehold ownership at Cinderhill has increased with the
 acquisition of 25 acres of land, this enables the delivery of the wider scheme
 that includes Industrial & Logistics space.

 Residential Land portfolio

 At 30 June 2024, the Residential pipeline totalled 26,639 plots (31 December
 2023: 27,190 plots), of which 5,445 plots were consented (31 December 2023:
 5,296 plots), and 2,454 plots were in the planning system awaiting
 determination (31 December 2023: 1,774 plots). Development continues to
 progress on the first mixed tenure sites sold by way of forward funding
 agreements. The pipeline was 48% owned freehold, with the remainder controlled
 via options, PPAs or other.

 Planning progress

 During the period, planning approval was secured for 500 residential plots
 under a PPA agreement. An allocation was received for 600 homes in the North
 West and a draft allocation was secured for the mixed-use Diseworth site in
 the East Midlands for 2,275 homes.

 Six significant planning applications currently remain in the system awaiting
 determination, totalling 2,269 plots.

 Land sales

 Completed 357 plot sales of serviced land for proceeds of £24.0 million, in
 line with December 2023 book values, and a further 132 plots post period end.
 At the reporting date, 114% of budgeted residential land sales for the year
 completed, exchanged or in heads of terms.


 During the period, the Group increased the freehold ownership at Cinderhill
 with the acquisition of 25 acres of land, which enables the delivery of the
 wider scheme that includes Residential serviced land.

 Post period end, the Group acquired a former brickworks site in Bedfordshire
 for total consideration of £30.6 million payable over 2 years. This is a near
 term site which has outline planning permission for the delivery of 1,000
 homes, offering the opportunity to create value and generate cash to fund the
 broader direct development programme.

 Investment Portfolio

 This portfolio comprises both Industrial & Logistics assets that have been
 acquired by Harworth and, increasingly, those that have been directly
 developed and retained. It provides recurring rental income in addition to
 asset management opportunities and the potential for capital value growth.

 As at 30 June 2024, the Investment Portfolio comprised 11 sites covering 2.5
 million sq. ft. (31 December 2023: 11 sites covering 2.5 million sq. ft.). It
 generated £14.4 million of annualised rent (31 December 2023: £14.1
 million), equating to a gross yield of 6.2% (31 December 2023: 6.3%) and a net
 initial yield of 5.9% (31 December 2023: 5.7%). Annualised rent for the
 portfolio increased during the period as a result of recent lettings secured.
 Grade A space represented 37% of the Investment Portfolio (31 December 2023:

 Completions and acquisitions

 Of the 0.1 million sq. ft. of Industrial & Logistics Grade A space
 completed post-period end and the 0.1 million sq. ft. expected to complete in
 the 12 months, 84% is expected to be retained to the Group's Investment
 Portfolio and is anticipated to generate additional annualised rental income
 of £1.7 million.


 During the period, 47,000 sq. ft. of leasing deals were completed (H1 2023:
 300,000 sq. ft.), adding a net £0.3 million of annualised rent. New lettings,
 renewals and reviews were completed at an average 0.7% premium to estimated
 rental values (ERV).

 Across the Investment Portfolio, operational metrics remain robust. The
 portfolio weighted average rent is £6.20 per sq. ft. (31 December 2023:
 £5.75) and rent collection currently stands at 98% for the year to date (31
 December 23: 98%). EPRA vacancy was 6.3% at 30 June 2024 (31 December 2023:
 9.9%), reduced to 3.9% excluding space completed in the preceding 12 months
 (31 December 2023: 1.2%); while the weighted average unexpired lease term
 (WAULT) was 11.8 years (31 December 2023: 12.9 years).

 Natural Resources Land portfolio

 Harworth's Natural Resources portfolio comprises sites used by occupiers for a
 wide range of energy production and extraction purposes, including wind and
 solar energy schemes and battery storage as part of the Group's Energy &
 Natural Capital strategy. The aim is to grow this portfolio, alongside
 strategic partners where appropriate, through developing renewable energy
 generation solutions and other sustainability initiatives such as battery
 storage, solar, EV charging, multi-fuel hubs and reforestation/rewilding. The
 strategy has a wider focus on embedding these energy concepts and
 future-proofing principles across all of Harworth's sites to maximise energy
 availability and resilience, create economic value, and help fulfil the
 Group's Net Zero Carbon (NZC) ambitions.

 As at 30 June 2024, the Natural Resources portfolio had an annualised rental
 income of £2.1 million (31 December 2023: £1.8 million).

 Net Zero Carbon Pathway

 In 2022, the Group committed to becoming NZC for Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3
 business travel emissions by 2030 and to being NZC for all emissions by 2040.
 To meet these objectives, the Group has developed a NZC pathway and embedded
 commitments into a range of workstreams and targets to guide the Group's
 growth strategy in the development of Industrial & Logistics and
 Residential sites.

 Further information on The Harworth Way and the Group's NZC pathway can be
 found within the 2023 Annual Report and standalone 2023 NZC Pathway Progress
 Report, which were both published in April 2024.

 Financial Review
 For the six months ended 30 June 2024


 Our first half financial performance delivered a Total Return (the movement in
 EPRA NDV((10)) plus dividends per share paid in the period expressed as a
 percentage of opening EPRA NDV per share) of 4.0% (H1 2023: 0.1%)
 demonstrating continued consistent value creation. Positive revaluation gains
 achieved across the portfolio, including the conditional sale at Skelton
 Grange to Microsoft announced in June 2024 and planning progress in the
 period, were partially offset by net operating costs, interest costs, tax and
 dividends, driving EPRA NDV growth to 212.3p per share (31 December 2023:

 Sales of serviced land and property, in addition to development management
 revenues and income from rent, royalties and fees, resulted in Group revenue
 of £41.3 million during the period (H1 2023: £18.2 million). Looking
 forward, the sales profile is robust, with 145% of 2024 budgeted sales already
 completed, exchanged or in heads of terms at the time of reporting (H1 2023:

 Successful asset management initiatives on the Investment Portfolio delivered
 a like-for-like increase in annualised rental income of 2.4%.

 The fair value of investment properties increased by £26.7 million (H1 2023:
 £15.0 million increase), which contributed to an underlying operating profit
 of £21.1 million (H1 2023: £8.0 million) and profit after tax of £14.8
 million (H1 2023: £2.8 million).

 The Group has declared an interim dividend of 0.489p (H1 2023: 0.444p) per
 share, representing a 10% growth from H1 2023, in line with our existing
 dividend policy.

 BNP Paribas and Savills, our independent valuers, completed a desktop
 valuation of our portfolio as at 30 June 2024, resulting in first half
 valuation gains((10)) of £46.6 million (H1 2023: £11.1 million gains),
 including the movement in the market value of development properties. These
 gains were the result of management actions including progress on development
 sites, obtaining planning permissions, progressing direct development schemes
 and asset management initiatives, against the backdrop of a relatively stable
 market. However, the revaluation gains were partially offset by continued
 increases in costs to deliver our sites, predominantly driven by services
 inflation. Beyond valuation movements, profits on sales, after adjusting for
 selling costs and an increase in the estimate of shared infrastructure costs
 attributable to prior period sales, were £0.4 million (H1 2023: loss of £3.5
 million) demonstrating continued demand for sites in line with December 2023
 book values. This gave total value gains of £47.0 million (H1 2023: £7.5
 million) in the period.

 Over the period, net asset value grew to £650.0 million (31 December 2023:
 £637.7 million). With EPRA adjustments for development property valuations
 included, EPRA NDV at 30 June 2024 increased to £687.0 million (31 December
 2023: £662.9 million) representing a per share increase of 3.5% to 212.3p (31
 December 2023: 205.1p).

 The Group remains well capitalised and as at 30 June 2024 had available
 liquidity of £154.2 million (31 December 2023: £192.2 million). Net debt was
 £80.5 million (31 December 2023: £36.4 million), reflecting the typical
 profile of higher drawdowns mid-year, resulting in a net loan to portfolio
 value at 30 June 2024 of 9.8% (31 December 2023: 4.7%), well below our maximum
 target of 20%. At period end, 25% of the Group's drawn debt was subject to
 fixed rates (31 December 2023: 35%). We currently do not have interest rate
 hedging in place against drawings under our Revolving Credit Facility (RCF),
 although this continues to remain under review.

 (10)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
    condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

 Presentation of financial information

 As our property portfolio includes development properties and joint venture
 arrangements, Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) can provide valuable
 insight into our business alongside statutory measures. In particular,
 revaluation gains on development properties are not recognised in the
 Consolidated Income Statement and the Balance Sheet. The APMs outlined below
 measure movements in development property revaluations, overages and joint
 ventures. We believe that these APMs assist in providing stakeholders with
 additional useful disclosure on the underlying trends, performance and
 position of the Group.      

 Our key APMs are: 

 ·             Total Return: the movement in EPRA NDV plus dividends per share paid in the
        period expressed as a percentage of opening EPRA NDV per share.
 ·             EPRA NDV per share: EPRA NDV aims to represent shareholder value under an
        orderly sale of the business, where deferred tax, financial instruments and
        certain other adjustments are calculated to the full extent of their liability
        net of any resulting tax. EPRA NDV per share is EPRA NDV divided by the number
        of shares in issue at the end of the period (less shares held by the Employee
        Benefit Trust or Equiniti Share Plan Trustees Limited to satisfy Restricted
        Share Plan and Share Incentive Plan awards.)
 ·             Value gains: the realised profits from the sales of properties and unrealised
        profits from property valuation movements including joint ventures, and the
        mark-to-market movement on development properties and overages.
 ·             Net loan to portfolio value: Group debt net of cash held expressed as a
        percentage of portfolio value.

 A full description of all non-statutory measures and reconciliations between
 all statutory and non-statutory measures are provided in Note 2 to the
 condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix. 

 Our financial reporting is aligned to our business units of Capital Growth and
 Income Generation, with items which are not directly allocated to specific
 business activities held centrally and presented separately.  

 Income statement

 H1 2024                                                       H1 2023
                 Capital growth  Income generation  Central overheads  Total   Capital growth  Income generation  Central overheads  Total

                 £m              £m                 £m                 £m      £m              £m                 £m                 £m
 Revenue                        31.1            10.3               -                  41.3    4.3             13.9                -                 18.2
 Cost of sales                  (31.5)          (2.6)              -                  (34.1)  (6.1)           (3.5)               -                 (9.6)
 Gross profit                   (0.5)           7.7                -                  7.2     (1.8)           10.4               -                  8.6
 Administrative expenses        (3.2)           (1.4)              (12.2)             (16.8)  (2.2)           (2.3)              (9.8)              (14.3)
 Other gains                    23.2            7.5                -                  30.7    12.5            1.3                -                  13.8
 Operating profit/(loss)        19.6            13.8               (12.3)             21.1    8.5             9.4                (9.8)              8.0
 Share of (loss)/profit of JVs  (0.7)           1.1                -                  0.4     (0.9)           0.1                -                  (0.8)
 Net interest credit/(expense)  0.7             -                  (3.5)              (2.8)   0.3             -                  (3.1)              (2.8)
 Profit/(loss) before tax       19.6            14.9               (15.8)             18.7    7.9             9.5                (12.9)             4.5
 Tax charge                     -               -                  (3.9)              (3.9)   -               -                  (1.6)              (1.6)
 Profit/(loss) after tax        19.6            14.9               (19.7)             14.8    7.9             9.5                (14.5)             2.8

 Note: There are minor differences on some totals due to roundings.

 Capital Growth revenue, which primarily relates to the sale of development
 properties, increased during the period as a result of the serviced land sales
 at Ironbridge, Simpson Park and Waverley. Where consideration relating to
 development property sales is deferred, a reduction to revenue is made to
 reflect the imputed interest element, with revenue recognised as interest
 income in future periods; this resulted in a £2.0 million downward adjustment
 to revenue during this period (H1 2023: £nil). H1 2024 also saw revenues
 generated from build-to-suit development of £6.9 million (H1 2023: £nil).

 Revenue from the Income Generation portfolio (the Investment Portfolio,
 Natural Resources and Agriculture) mainly comprises property rental and
 royalty income. At £10.3 million it was lower than the same period in the
 prior year (H1 2023: £13.9 million), reflecting the full period impact of
 successful Investment Portfolio sales during 2023. Revenue from the Income
 Generation portfolio for the first half included the impact of new lettings
 related to direct development and asset management initiatives, as well as
 royalties from energy assets. Rental income from the Investment Portfolio
 increased on an annualised basis from £14.1 million at 31 December 2023 to
 £14.4 million, reflecting asset management initiatives across the portfolio.
 On a like for like basis, rent grew by 2.4%.

 Cost of sales comprises the inventory cost of development property sales and
 both the direct and recoverable service charge costs of the Income Generation
 business. Cost of sales increased to £34.1 million (H1 2023: £9.6 million),
 of which £24.8 million related to the inventory cost of development property
 sales (H1 2023: £5.3 million). H1 2024 also included additional costs related
 to build-to-suit development. In the period, we saw a small decrease in the
 net realisable value provision on development properties of £0.7 million (H1
 2023: £0.3 million increase) following the valuation process as at 30 June
 2024 which reflected the impact of management actions across development

 Administrative expenses increased in the period by £2.4 million (H1 2023:
 £3.4 million increase). This included the impact of increased employee
 numbers as well as the impact of inflationary cost increases and costs
 incurred in relation to strategic workstreams. Administrative expenses
 expressed as a percentage of underlying revenue over the 12 months to 30 June
 2024 was 21%, increasing from 14% for the 12 months to 30 June 2023,
 reflecting the increases in costs as well as the timing of revenue generating

 Other gains comprised a £26.5 million combined net increase (H1 2023: £14.8
 million) in the fair value of investment properties and assets held for sale
 (AHFS) and profit on sale of overages of £4.2 million (H1 2023: £nil) in
 addition to the profit on sale of investment properties and AHFS of £0.1
 million including transaction fees (H1 2023: loss on sale of £1.1 million).

 Non-statutory value gains/(losses)

 Value gains/(losses) are made up of profit/(loss) on sale, revaluation
 gains/(losses) on investment properties (including joint ventures), and
 revaluation gains/(losses) on development properties, AHFS and overages. A
 reconciliation between statutory and non-statutory value gains can be found in
 the appendix to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

                              H1 2024                                         H1 2023                                        30 June 2024     31 December 2023
 Capital growth                                 Category     Profit/          Reval. gains/ (losses)  Total  Profit on sale  Reval. gains/ (losses)  Total  Total valuation  Total valuation

 £m                                                          (loss) on sale
 Residential Major Developments                 Development  0.3              9.2                     9.5    (2.3)           (2.2)                   (4.5)  220.2            210.5
 Industrial & Logistics Major Developments      Mixed        (0.2)            6.7                     6.5    (0.2)           (2.3)                   (2.5)  162.1            136.0
 Residential Strategic Land                     Investment   0.2              3.3                     3.5    (0.1)           3.3                     3.2    55.7             51.6
 Industrial & Logistics Strategic Land          Investment   0.2              18.6                    18.8   -               9.9                     9.9    123.6            105.9

                 H1 2024                                         H1 2023                                        30 June 2024     31 December 2023
 Income generation     Category    Profit/          Reval. gains/ (losses)  Total  Profit on sale  Reval. gains/ (losses)  Total  Total valuation  Total valuation

 £m                                (loss) on sale
 Investment Portfolio  Investment  -                8.2                     8.2    (0.9)           2.5                     1.6    231.2            221.4
 Natural Resources     Investment  -                0.2                     0.2    -               (0.2)                   (0.2)  21.1             21.6
 Agricultural Land     Investment  (0.1)            0.4                     0.3    -               0.1                     0.1    7.9              21.1

 Profit on sale of £0.4 million (H1 2023: £3.5 million loss), after adjusting
 for selling costs and an increase in the estimate of shared infrastructure
 costs attributable to prior period sales, reflected the completion of sales in
 line with December 2023 book values. Revaluation gains were £46.6 million (H1
 2023: £11.1 million) and are outlined in the table below.

 H1 2024  H1 2023

                                     £m       £m
 Increase in fair value of investment properties                         26.7     15.0
 Decrease in fair value of assets held for sale                          (0.2)    (0.2)
 Movement in net realisable value provision on development properties    (0.3)    (0.3)
 Contribution to statutory operating profit                              26.2     14.6
 Share of profit/(loss) of joint ventures                                0.4      (0.8)
 Unrealised gains/(losses) on development properties and overages((11))  20.0     (2.7)
 Total non-statutory revaluation gains                                   46.6     11.1

 The principal revaluation gains and losses across the divisions reflected the

 Industrial & Logistics

 Against a relatively stable Industrial & Logistics market during the first
 half of 2024, revaluation gains were driven by management actions to progress
 strategies across sites. This included progress on serviced land sales, most
 notably exchanging contracts for the conditional sale at Skelton Grange to
 Microsoft, as well as significant planning progress in the period with
 permission achieved for 1.8 million sq. ft. alongside new draft allocations or
 allocations in local plans for 5.7 million sq. ft. Occupier demand remained
 resilient and market rents across our sites were up. Costs of construction
 increases over the period continued to impact gains, but at a lower rate
 compared to 2023 with the highest increases predominantly relating to
 professional service costs. Combined, this resulted in revaluation gains of
 £25.3 million across Industrial & Logistics Major Developments and
 Strategic Land (H1 2023: £7.6 million).

 Investment Portfolio gains of £8.2 million (H1 2023: £2.5 million) reflected
 the impact of our management actions such as new leases on recently completed
 direct development alongside the impact of market rental growth. Overall,
 these impacts resulted in the net initial yield increasing 20 bps to 5.9% from
 5.7% as at 31 December 2023. The equivalent yield decreased from 7.1% to 7.0%.


 Residential land sales continued to demonstrate demand for our serviced land
 product and underpinned valuations with our Residential Major Developments
 realising gains of £9.2 million (H1 2023: losses of £2.2 million). The
 Residential market has seen some mild improvement with Nationwide reporting UK
 annualised price increases of 1.5% for the 12 months to June with the Northern
 England markets in which Harworth operates showing higher growth supported by
 higher affordability. Supply of high-quality serviced land remains constrained
 with demand growing from a range of housebuilders. As we saw with Industrial
 & Logistics development sites, costs of construction increased over the
 period, predominantly related to professional services costs, partly
 offsetting the impact of positive house price movements and demand for land.

 Residential strategic land gains of £3.3 million (H1 2023: £3.3 million)
 reflected planning progress on sites with new draft allocations or allocations
 in local plans for 2,875 plots achieved during the period.

 Natural Resources

 Valuations remained broadly consistent during the period.


 We experienced a small valuation increase on retained properties as a result
 of improving agricultural land prices. The reduction in the portfolio value
 from 31 December 2023 reflects a £13.3 million sale, in line with book value.

 Net realisable value provision

 The net realisable value provision on development properties as at 30 June
 2024 was £13.4 million (31 December 2023: £14.1 million). This provision is
 held to reduce the value of seven development properties from their deemed
 cost (the fair value at which they were transferred from an investment to a
 development categorisation) to their net realisable value at 30 June 2024. The
 transfer from investment to development property takes place once planning is
 secured and development with a view to sale has commenced.

 (11)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
    condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

 Cash and sales

 The Group made property sales((12)) in the period of £41.7 million (H1 2023:
 £56.2 million), realising a total profit on sale of £0.4 million (H1 2023:
 loss of £3.5 million). Sales comprised residential development sales of
 £24.0 million (H1 2023: £4.0 million) and receipts through overages of £4.2
 million (H1 2023: £nil). Disposals of income-generating sites where value has
 already been maximised through asset management initiatives were £13.3
 million (H1 2023: £52.2 million).

 Cash proceeds from sales in the period were £30.0 million (H1 2023: £58.2
 million) as shown in the table below:

 H1 2024  H1 2023

                                  £m       £m
 Total property sales((12))                                       41.7     56.2
 Less deferred consideration on sales in the period               (13.6)   (1.0)
 Add receipt of deferred consideration from sales in prior years  1.9      3.0
 Total cash proceeds                                              30.0     58.2

 (12)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
    condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix


 The income statement charge for taxation for the period was £3.9 million (H1
 2023: £1.6 million), which comprised a current year tax charge of £nil (H1
 2023: £0.3 million) and a deferred tax charge of £3.9 million (H1 2023:
 £1.3 million).  

 The current tax charge reflects the timing of sales activity, coupled with
 administrative costs and interest offsetting trading profits during the
 period. The increase in deferred tax largely relates to unrealised gains on
 investment properties. The deferred tax balance has been calculated based on
 the rate expected to apply on the date the liability is reversed.

 At 30 June 2024, the Group had deferred tax liabilities of £37.0 million (31
 December 2023: £30.6 million) and deferred tax assets of £3.3 million (31
 December 2023: £0.5 million). The net deferred tax liability was £33.7
 million (31 December 2023: £30.1 million).

 Basic earnings per share and dividends

 Basic earnings per share for the period increased to 4.6p (H1 2023: 0.9p)
 reflecting valuation gains on the land and property portfolio in H1 2024, as
 well as increased revenue from land sales compared to H1 2023.

 The Board has determined to pay an interim dividend of 0.489p (H1 2023:
 0.444p) per share, an increase of 10% in line with the Group's policy.

 Property categorisation

 Until sites receive planning permission and their future use has been
 determined, our view is that the land is held for a currently undetermined
 future use and should, therefore, be held as investment property. We
 categorise properties and land that have received planning permission, and
 where development with a view to sale has commenced, as development

 As at 30 June 2024, the balance sheet value of all our development properties
 was £250.5 million (31 December 2023: £250.0 million) and their independent
 valuation by BNP Paribas was £294.5 million, reflecting a £44.0 million
 cumulative uplift in value since they were classified as development
 properties. In order to highlight the market value of development properties,
 and overages, and to be consistent with how we state our investment
 properties, we use EPRA NDV((13)), which includes the market value of
 development properties and overages less notional deferred tax, as our primary
 net assets metric.

 (13)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
    condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

 Net asset value

 As at          As at          As at

                                        30 June 2024   30 June 2023   31 December 2023

                                        £m             £m             £m
 Properties                                                                   772.5          700.3          734.8
 Cash                                                                         9.2            8.5            27.2
 Trade and other receivables                                                  68.9           57.3           48.6
 Other assets                                                                 15.9           14.2           13.8
 Total assets                                                                 866.5          780.3          824.4
 Gross borrowings                                                             (89.7)         (72.1)         (63.6)
 Deferred tax liability                                                       (33.7)         (25.5)         (30.1)
 Other liabilities                                                            (93.1)         (79.6)         (93.0)
 Statutory net assets                                                         650.0          603.1          637.7
 Mark to market value adjustment on development properties and overages less  37.0           28.1           25.2
 notional deferred tax
 EPRA NDV((14))                                                               687.0          631.2          662.9
 Number of shares in issue less Employee Benefit Trust & Equiniti Share       323,592,468    322,612,685    323,154,373
 Plan Trustees Limited-held shares 
 EPRA NDV per share((14))                                                     212.3p         195.7p         205.1p

 (14)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
    condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

 EPRA NDV((15)) at 30 June 2024 was £687.0 million (31 December 2023: £662.9
 million), which includes the mark-to-market adjustment on the value of the
 development properties and overages. The total portfolio value as at 30 June
 2024 was £821.9 million, an increase of £53.7 million from 31 December 2023.
 The Group's share of profits from joint ventures of £0.4 million (H1 2023:
 £0.8 million loss) resulted in investments in joint ventures increasing to
 £32.3 million (31 December 2023: £30.7 million). Trade and other receivables
 include deferred consideration on sales as set out previously. At 30 June
 2024, deferred consideration of £41.7 million was outstanding (31 December
 2023: £28.1 million), of which 39% is due within one year.

 The table below sets out ten of our key sites:

 Site                         Site type                                 Categorisation in balance sheet  Region                   Progress
 Skelton Grange               Major Development / Strategic Land        Development                      Yorkshire & Central      1.1m sq. ft of Industrial & Logistics space consented and conditionally
                                                                  exchanged with Microsoft
 Waverley AMP                 Investment Portfolio / Major Development  Investment                       Yorkshire & Central      2.1m sq. ft. of Industrial & Logistics space consented, 1.7m built and
                                                                  retained or sold, 0.4m under or pending construction
 South East Coalville         Major Development                         Development                      Midlands                 2,016 Residential units consented, land sold representing 977 units
 Benthall Grange, Ironbridge  Major Development                         Development                      Midlands                 1,000 Residential units consented, land sold representing 312 units, further
                                                                  enabling works underway
 Bardon                       Investment Portfolio                      Investment                       Midlands                 N/A - property is let
 Nufarm                       Investment Portfolio                      Investment                       Yorkshire & Central      N/A - property is let
 Ansty                        Strategic Land                            Investment                       Midlands                 Proposed Industrial & Logistics site, held under option by a 3(rd) party,
                                                                  planning submitted
 Chatterley Valley            Major Development                         Development                      North West               1.2m sq. ft. of Industrial & Logistics space consented, enabling works
 Wingates                     Major Development / Strategic Land        Investment                       North West               Up to 1m sq. ft. of Industrial & Logistics space consented on Phase 1 and
                                                                  enabling works started, wider scheme allocated for commercial use under
                                                                  Greater Manchester's Places for Everyone
 Knowsley                     Investment Portfolio                      Investment                       North West               N/A - property is let

 (15)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
    condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

 Financing strategy

 Harworth's financing strategy is to remain prudently geared. The core Income
 Generation portfolio provides a recurring income source to service debt
 facilities and this is supplemented by proceeds from sales. The Group has an
 established sales track record that has been built up since re-listing in

 To deliver its strategic plan, the Group has adopted a target net loan to
 portfolio value((16)) at year-end of below 20%, with a maximum of 25% in-year.
 As a principle, the Group will seek to maintain its cash flows in balance by
 funding the majority of infrastructure expenditure through disposal proceeds,
 while allowing for growth in the portfolio. 

 The Group intends to continue to use development and infrastructure loans
 alongside its RCF to support its growth strategy.

 (16)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
    condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

 Debt facilities

 The Group has a £200 million RCF, together with a £40 million uncommitted
 accordion option, which was entered into in 2022. The RCF is provided by
 NatWest, Santander and HSBC and is aligned to the Group's strategy, providing
 significant liquidity and flexibility to enable us to pursue our strategic
 ambitions. The interest rate on the RCF is based on a loan-to-value ratchet
 mechanism with a margin payable above SONIA in the range of 2.25% to 2.50%.
 The Group has no major refinancing requirements until 2027.

 As part of its funding structure, the Group also uses infrastructure financing
 provided by public bodies and site-specific direct development loans to
 promote the development of major sites and bring forward the development of
 Industrial & Logistics units.

 The Group had borrowings and loans of £89.7 million at 30 June 2024 (31
 December 2023: £63.6 million; 30 June 2023: £72.1 million), being the RCF
 drawn balance (net of capitalised loan fees) of £54.0 million (31 December
 2023: £33.8 million; 30 June 2023: £43.7 million) and infrastructure or
 direct development loans (net of capitalised loan fees) of £35.7 million (31
 December 2023: £29.7 million; 30 June 2023: £28.4 million). The Group's cash
 balances at 30 June 2024 were £9.2 million (31 December 2023: £27.2 million;
 30 June 2023: £8.5 million). The resulting net debt was £80.5 million (31
 December 2023: £36.4 million; 30 June 2023: £63.7 million).

 Net debt((17)) increased with property expenditure, acquisitions and operating
 costs partly offset by the completion of serviced land and property sales. The
 movements in net debt over the period are shown below: 

 H1 2024  H1 2023

                             £m       £m
 Opening net debt as at 1 January                       (36.4)   (48.4)
 Cash outflow from operations                           (32.8)   (22.4)
 Property expenditure and acquisitions                  (21.1)   (28.8)
 Disposal of investment property, AHFS and overages     17.5     50.5
 Net investment in joint ventures                       (1.2)    -
 Interest and loan arrangement fees                     (2.2)    (2.1)
 Dividends paid                                         (3.3)    (3.0)
 Tax paid                                               (0.2)    (8.5)
 Other cash and non-cash movements                      (0.8)    (1.0)
 Closing net debt as at 30 June                         (80.5)   (63.7)

 The weighted average cost of the Group's debt, using the average debt balance
 in the preceding 12 months and the average rates as at 30 June 2024, was 6.94%
 with a 0.9% non-utilisation fee on undrawn RCF amounts (31 December 2023:
 6.88% with a 0.9% non-utilisation fee; 30 June 2023: 6.19% with a 0.9%
 non-utilisation fee). The weighted average term of drawn debt is now 2.4 years
 (31 December 2023: 2.9 years; 30 June 2023: 2.9 years).

 The Group's hedging strategy to manage its exposure to interest rate risk is
 to hedge the lower of around half its average debt during the year or its net
 debt((17)) balance at year-end. At 30 June 2024, 25% (31 December 2023: 35%)
 of the Group's drawn debt, reflecting 27% of net debt (31 December 2023: 62%),
 was subject to fixed rate interest rates with no hedging instruments in place
 on the remaining floating rate debt. Projected drawn debt and hedging
 requirements remain under active review with any new hedging to be aligned to
 future net debt requirements.

 As at 30 June 2024, the Group's gross loan to portfolio value((17)) was 10.9%
 (31 December 2023: 8.3%; 30 June 2023: 9.8%) and its net loan to portfolio
 value was 9.8% (31 December 2023: 4.7%; 30 June 2023: 8.6%). If gearing is
 assessed against the value of the core Income Generation Portfolio (the
 Investment Portfolio and Natural Resources portfolio) only, this equates to a
 gross loan to core Income Generation portfolio value of 38.3% (31 December
 2023: 27.9%; 30 June 2023: 31.7%) and a net loan to core Income Generation
 portfolio value of 34.4% (31 December 2023: 15.9%; 30 June 2023: 28.0%). Under
 the RCF, the Group could withstand a material fall in portfolio value,
 property sales or rental income before reaching covenant levels.

 At 30 June 2024, undrawn capacity under the RCF was £145.0 million (31
 December 2023: £165.0 million; 30 June 2023: £155.0 million). Going
 forwards, the RCF, alongside selected use of infrastructure loans where
 appropriate, will continue to provide the Group with sufficient liquidity to
 execute our growth strategy.

 (17)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
    condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

 Kitty Patmore
 Chief Financial Officer
 12 September 2024

 Appendix 1: Supplementary operational information

 1.1  Top Industrial & Logistics sites (as at 30 June 2024)

 Name               Location                            Sold or developed / consented / non-consented  Total development at completion (m sq. ft)  Estimated potential GDV  Forecast completion date

                             (m sq. ft.)                                                                                (£m)
 Skelton            Leeds, West Yorkshire               0.0m / 1.1m / 0.3m                             1.4m                                        Confidential             to 2027
 AMP                Rotherham, South Yorkshire          1.7m / 0.4m / 0.0m                             2.1m                                        £55m - £65m              to 2027
 Chatterley Valley  Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire       0.0m / 1.2m / 0.0m                             1.2m                                        £150m - £160m            to 2027
 Gascoigne Wood     Sherburn-in-Elmet, North Yorkshire  0.0m / 1.5m / 0.5m                             2.0m                                        £190m - £200m            to 2028
 Rothwell           Rothwell, Northamptonshire          0.0m / 0.0m / 1.8m                             1.8m                                        £290m - £310m            to 2028
 Wingates           Bolton, Greater Manchester          0.0m / 1.0m / 1.5m                             2.5m                                        £320m - £370m            to 2030
 Junction 15, M1    Northampton, Northamptonshire       0.0m / 0.0m / 1.6m                             1.6m                                        £235m - £260m            to 2030
 Gateway 36         Barnsley, South Yorkshire           0.4m / 0.6m / 0.5m                             1.5m                                        £130m - £150m            to 2033
 Northern Gateway   Greater Manchester                  0.0m / 0.0m / 2.5m                             2.5m                                        Confidential             2026 - 2035
 North Yorks Site   Selby, North Yorkshire              0.0m / 0.0m / 3.0m                             3.0m                                        £290m - £340m            to 2040

 1.2  Top Residential sites (as at 30 June 2024)

 Name                         Location                         Sold or developed / consented / non-consented  Total development at completion (plots)  Forecast completion date

 Waverley                     Rotherham, South Yorkshire       2,578 /415 / 0                                 2,993                                    2025
 Moss Nook                    St Helens, Merseyside            256 /660 / 0                                   916                                      2026
 Simpson Park                 Harworth, Nottinghamshire        733 / 731 / 0                                  1,464                                    2027
 Thoresby                     Edwinstowe, Newark and Sherwood  650 / 150 / 190                                990                                      2027
 Pheasant Hill Park           Doncaster, South Yorkshire       645 / 555 / 206                                1,406                                    2028
 Benthall Grange, Ironbridge  Ironbridge, Shropshire           312 / 688 / 0                                  1,000                                    2030
 South East Coalville         Coalville, Leicestershire        977 / 1,039 / 0                                2,016                                    2031
 Huyton                       Knowsley, Merseyside             0 / 0 / 1,500                                  1,500                                    2033
 Diseworth West               North West Leicestershire        0 / 0 / 2,275                                  2,275                                    2035
 Cinderhill                   Denby, Derbyshire                0 / 150 / 1,350                                1,500                                    2039

 Appendix 2: Key performance indicators

 2.1  Financial track record

 KPI                                                                              H1 2024 result   H1 2023 result   FY 2023 result   H1 2024 performance commentary

 Total Return (%)((18))
 Growth in EPRA NDV during the year in addition to dividends paid, as a           4.0%             0.1%             5.1%             Our total return of 4.0% was the result of a 3.5% increase in EPRA NDV during
 proportion of EPRA NDV at the beginning of the year.                                                                                the year, as well as the payment of a 1.022p dividend.

 EPRA Net Disposal Value ('NDV') per share((18))
 AEuropean Public Real Estate Association ("EPRA") metric that represents a      212.3p           195.7p           205.1p           The increase was driven by management actions, including progressing sales and
 net asset valuation where development property is included at fair value                                                            planning activity within a relatively stable market backdrop.
 rather than cost and deferred tax, financial instruments and other adjustments
 as set out in Note 2 and the appendix to the financial statements, are
 calculated to the full extent of their liability.

 Net asset value((18))
 The value of our assets less the value of our liabilities, based on IFRS         £650.0 million   £603.1 million   £637.7 million   Net asset value increased as a result of crystalising valuation gains in
 measures, which excludes the mark-to-market value of development properties.                                                        investment properties.

 Net loan to portfolio value ('LTV')((18))
 Net debt as a proportion of the aggregate value of properties and investments.   9.8%             8.6%             4.7%             Our LTV increased during the period in line with the timing of development and
                                                                   sales activity, with LTV remaining well within our target of less than 25%
                                                                   within year as we continued to manage carefully our levels of net debt.

 (18)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
    condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

 Principal risks and uncertainties

 A detailed explanation of the Group's risk management framework, the principal
 risks and uncertainties affecting the Group and the steps it takes to mitigate
 these risks, can be found on pages 48 to 60 of the Annual Report and Financial
 Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 (the "2023 Annual Report"),
 available at harworthgroup.com/investors/
 (http://www.harworthgroup.com/investors/) .

 The Board has assessed the principal and emerging risks facing the Group and
 considers that there have been no material changes to the risks set out in the
 2023 Annual Report.

 In light of the recent change in the UK Government and political landscape,
 though changes are not expected in the short term, the Board is closely
 monitoring the following principal risks: Planning, Statutory costs of
 development, Residential and Commercial markets, and Availability of and
 competition for strategic sites. A detailed update on all principal risks will
 be provided in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ending
 31 December 2024.

 Directors' Responsibilities statement
 For the six months ended 30 June 2024

 The Directors who held office at the date of approval of these Financial
 Statements confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

 1.        the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements have been prepared in
      accordance with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the
      Financial Conduct Authority and in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial
      Reporting' as contained in UK-adopted international accounting standards; and

 2.        the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information
      required by:

       (a)                                           Rule 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of
                           important events that have occurred during the six months ended 30 June 2024
                           and their impact on the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements,
                           and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining
                           six months of the financial year; and

       (b)                                           Rule 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party
                           transactions that have taken place in the six months ended 30 June 2024 and
                           that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the
                           Group during that period, and any changes in the related party transactions
                           described in the last Annual Report and Financial Statements that could do so.

 The Directors who served during the six months ended 30 June 2024 were as

 Alastair Lyons            Chair
 Lynda Shillaw             Chief
 Katerina Patmore          Chief Financial Officer
 Angela Bromfield          Senior Independent Director
 Ruth Cooke                Independent Non-Executive Director
 Lisa Scenna               Independent Non-Executive Director
 Patrick O'Donnell Bourke  Independent Non-Executive Director
 Marzia Zafar              Independent Non-Executive Director
 Steven Underwood          Non-Executive Director
 Martyn Bowes              Non-Executive Director

 By order of the Board

 Kitty Patmore
 Chief Financial Officer
 12 September 2024

 Cautionary statement

 This report for the six months ended 30 June 2024 contains certain
 forward-looking statements with respect to the Company's financial condition,
 results, operations and business. These statements and forecasts involve
 risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend upon
 circumstances that will occur in the future. There are factors that could
 cause actual results or developments to differ materially from those expressed
 or implied by these forward-looking statements and forecasts. Nothing in
 this report should be construed as a profit forecast.

 Directors' liability

 Neither the Company nor the Directors accept any liability to any person in
 relation to this report for the six months ended 30 June 2024 except to the
 extent that such liability could arise under English law. Accordingly, any
 liability to a person who has demonstrated reliance on any untrue or
 misleading statement or omission shall be determined in accordance with
 section 90A of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.

 Shareholder information

 Financial calendar

 Interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2024                        Announced         12 September 2024

 Interim dividend for the year ending 31 December 2024                        Ex-dividend date  19 September 2024

                                        Record date       20 September 2024

                                        Payable           24 October 2024
 Capital Markets Day 2024                                                     Scheduled         22 October 2024
 Results for the year ending 31 December 2024                                 Announced         March 2025

 Annual report and financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2024  Published         April 2025

 2025 Annual General Meeting                                                  Scheduled         May 2025

 Final dividend for the year ending 31 December 2024                          Payable           June 2025


 All administrative enquiries relating to shareholdings should, in the first
 instance, be directed to Equiniti, Aspect House, Spencer Road, Lancing, West
 Sussex, BN99 6DA (telephone: 0371 384 2301) and should state clearly the
 registered shareholder's name and address.

 Dividend mandate

 Any shareholder wishing dividends to be paid directly into a bank or building
 society should contact the Registrars for a dividend mandate form. Dividends
 paid in this way will be paid through the Bankers' Automated Clearing System

 Shareview service

 The Shareview service from Equiniti allows shareholders to manage their
 shareholding online. It gives shareholders direct access to their data held on
 the share register, including recent share movements and dividend details and
 the ability to change their address or dividend payment instructions online.

 To visit the Shareview website, go to shareview.co.uk
 (http://www.shareview.co.uk) . There is no charge to register but the
 'shareholder reference' printed on proxy forms or dividend stationery will be


 Harworth's website (harworthgroup.com (http://www.harworthgroup.com) ) gives
 further information on the Group. Detailed information for shareholders can be
 found at harworthgroup.com/investors/
 (http://www.harworthgroup.com/investors/) .

 Consolidated income statement

                                                                         Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

 6 months ended

 30 June         6 months ended   Year ended

 30 June
 31 December


 Revenue                                                          3      41,306           18,237           72,427
 Cost of sales                                                    3      (34,110)         (9,609)          (60,077)
 Gross profit                                                     3      7,196            8,628            12,350
 Administrative expenses                                          3      (16,779)         (14,349)         (27,435)
 Other gains                                                      3      30,736           13,774           69,426
 Other operating expenses                                         3      (44)             (45)             (112)
 Operating profit                                                 3      21,109           8,008            54,229
 Finance costs                                                    4      (3,614)          (3,105)          (6,421)
 Finance income                                                   4      801              335              445
 Share of profit/(loss) of joint ventures (including impairment)  9      430              (773)            1,554
 Profit before tax                                                       18,726           4,465            49,807
 Tax charge                                                       5      (3,942)          (1,618)          (11,851)
 Profit for the period/year                                              14,784           2,847            37,956

 Earnings per share from operations                                      pence            pence            pence
 Basic                                                            7      4.6              0.9              11.8
 Diluted                                                          7      4.5              0.9              11.5

 Notes 1 to 16 are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim
 financial statements.

 All activities are derived from continuing operations.

 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

 Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

                                         6 months ended   6 months ended   Year ended

 30 June
 30 June
 31 December


 Profit for the period/year                                                     14,784           2,847            37,956
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income - items that will not be reclassified to
 profit or loss:
 Net actuarial (loss)/gain in Blenkinsopp Pension scheme                        (123)            86               (10)
 Revaluation of Group occupied property                                         (300)            (67)             (167)
 Deferred tax on other comprehensive (expense)/income items                     -                (22)             3
 Total other comprehensive expense                                              (423)            (3)              (174)
 Total comprehensive income for the period/year                                 14,361           2,844            37,782

 Consolidated balance sheet

 ASSETS                                 Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 30 June   As at      As at

 30 June
 31 December

 £'000     2023       2023

 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment          1,442      1,236      1,670
 Right of use assets                    463        557        512
 Trade and other receivables            23,046     2,735      11,296
 Investment properties           8      479,564    430,366    433,942
 Investments in joint ventures   9      32,346     29,055     30,722
 Retirement benefit asset               938        31         -
                     537,799    463,980    478,142
 Current assets
 Inventories                     10     264,721    231,304    263,073
 Trade and other receivables            47,324     54,538     37,289
 Assets held for sale            11     7,491      20,811     18,752
 Cash                            12     9,207      8,493      27,182
 Current tax asset                      -          1,142      -
                     328,743    316,288    346,296
 Total assets                           866,542    780,268    824,438

 Current liabilities
 Borrowings                      13     (35,708)   -          (29,744)
 Trade and other payables               (88,485)   (76,315)   (88,087)
 Lease liabilities                      (176)      (152)      (158)
 Current tax liabilities                (2,406)    -          (2,643)
                                        (126,775)  (76,467)   (120,632)
 Net current assets                     201,968    239,821    225,664
 Non-current liabilities
 Borrowings                      13     (53,983)   (72,145)   (33,830)
 Trade and other payables               (1,673)    (2,733)    (1,757)
 Lease liabilities                      (371)      (410)      (397)
 Net deferred tax liabilities           (33,748)   (25,460)   (30,089)
 Retirement benefit obligations         -          -          (11)
                     (89,775)   (100,748)  (66,084)
 Total liabilities                      (216,550)  (177,215)  (186,716)
 Net assets                             649,992    603,053    637,722

 Called up share capital         14     32,486     32,345     32,408
 Share premium account                  25,112     24,688     25,034
 Fair value reserve                     245,766    179,339    225,177
 Capital redemption reserve             257        257        257
 Merger reserve                         45,667     45,667     45,667
 Investment in own shares               (134)      (90)       (99)
 Retained earnings                      286,054    318,000    271,322
 Current year profit                    14,784     2,847      37,956
 Total shareholders' equity             649,992    603,053    637,722

 Condensed consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity

                                                                     Called up share capital £'000   Share                              Fair      Capital redemption reserve  Investment in own shares

                                                                                                     premium account   Merger reserve   value     £'000                       £'000                     Retained earnings   Total

                                                   £'000             £'000            reserve                                                         £'000               equity

                                                                     £'000                                                                               £'000
 Balance at 1 Jan 2023                                               32,305                          24,688            45,667           174,520   257                         (50)                      325,277             602,664
 Profit for the six months to 30 June 2023                           -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         2,847               2,847
 Fair value gains                                                    -                               -                 -                17,888    -                           -                         (17,888)            -
 Transfer of unrealised gains on disposal of investment property     -                               -                 -                (13,002)  -                           -                         13,002              -
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income:
 Actuarial gain in Blenkinsopp pension scheme                        -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         86                  86
 Revaluation of group occupied property                              -                               -                 -                (67)      -                           -                         -                   (67)
 Fair value of financial                                             -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         -                   -
 Deferred tax on other comprehensive (expense)/income items          -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         (22)                (22)
                                                                     -                               -                 -                4,819     -                           -                         (1,975)             2,844
 Transactions with owners:
 Purchase of own shares                                              -                               -                 -                -         -                           (40)                      -                   (40)
 Share-based payments                                                -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         546                 546
 Dividends paid                                                      -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         (3,001)             (3,001)
 Share issue                                                         40                              -                 -                -         -                           -                         -                   40
 Balance at 30 June 2023 (unaudited)                                 32,345                          24,688            45,667           179,339   257                         (90)                      320,847             603,053
 Profit for the year to 31 December 2023                             -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         35,110              35,110
 Fair value gains                                                    -                               -                 -                58,856    -                           -                         (58,856)            -
 Transfer of unrealised gains on disposal of investment property     -                               -                 -                (12,918)  -                           -                         12,918              -
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income:
 Actuarial loss in Blenkinsopp pension scheme                        -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         (96)                (96)
 Revaluation of group occupied property                              -                               -                 -                (100)     -                           -                         -                   (100)
 Deferred tax on other comprehensive (expense)/income items          -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         25                  25
                                                                     -                               -                 -                45,838    -                           -                         (10,899)            34,939
 Transactions with owners:                                                                                                                                                                                                  -
 Purchase of own shares                                              -                               -                 -                -         -                           (9)                       -                   (9)
 Share-based payments                                                -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         768                 768
 Dividends paid                                                      -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         (1,437)             (1,437)
 Share issue                                                         63                              346               -                -         -                           -                         -                   409
 Balance at 31 December 2023                                         32,408                          25,034            45,667           225,177   257                         (99)                      309,278             637,722
 Profit for the six months to 30 June 2024                           -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         14,784              14,784
 Fair value gains                                                    -                               -                 -                28,770    -                           -                         (28,770)            -
 Transfer of unrealised gains on disposal of investment property     -                               -                 -                (7,881)   -                           -                         7,881               -
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income:
 Actuarial loss in Blenkinsopp pension scheme                        -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         (123)               (123)
 Revaluation of group occupied property                              -                               -                 -                (300)     -                           -                         -                   (300)
                                   -               -        -        20,589    -                           -                         (6,228)             14,361
 Transactions with owners:
 Purchase of own shares                                              -                               -                 -                -         -                           (35)                      -                   (35)
 Share-based payments                                                -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         1,099               1,099
 Dividends paid                                                      -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         (3,311)             (3,311)
 Share issue                                                         78                              78                -                -         -                           -                         -                   156
 Balance at 30 June 2024 (unaudited)                                 32,486                          25,112            45,667           245,766   257                         (134)                     300,838             649,992

 Consolidated statement of cash flows

 Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

 6 months ended

 30 June         6 months ended   year ended


 £'000           30 June          31 December 2023


 Cash flows from operating activities
 Profit before tax for the period/year                                  18,726           4,465            49,807
 Net finance costs                                                      2,813            2,770            5,976
 Other gains                                                            (30,736)         (13,774)         (69,426)
 Share of (profit)/loss of joint ventures (including impairment)        (430)            773              (1,554)
 Share-based transactions((19))                                         1,114            533              1,404
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment and right of use assets  188              112              282
 Pension contributions in excess of charge                              (1,072)          (59)             (113)
 Operating cash outflows before movements in working capital            (9,397)          (5,180)          (13,624)
 (Increase)/decrease in inventories                                     (1,648)          (15,311)         5,186
 (Increase)/decrease in receivables                                     (21,785)         3,397            18,868
 Increase/(decrease) in payables                                        50               (5,325)          6,937
 Cash generated (used in)/generated from operations                     (32,780)         (22,419)         17,367
 Interest paid                                                          (2,055)          (2,065)          (4,302)
 Corporation tax paid                                                   (236)            (8,462)          (10,212)
 Cash (used in)/generated from operating activities                     (35,071)         (32,946)         2,853
 Cash flows from investing activities
 Interest received                                                      801              335              445
 Investment in joint ventures                                           (2,422)          -                (250)
 Distribution from joint ventures                                       1,228            -                911
 Net proceeds from disposal of Investment Property, AHFS and overages   17,517           50,506           69,568
 Property acquisitions                                                  (2,649)          (12,019)         (19,046)
 Expenditure on investment properties and AHFS                          (18,491)         (16,801)         (35,808)
 Expenditure on property, plant and equipment                           (176)            (238)            (396)
 Cash (used in)/generated from investing activities                     (4,192)          21,783           15,424
 Cash flows from financing activities
 Net proceeds from issue of ordinary shares                             87               -                400
 Proceeds from other loans                                              5,510            5,309            5,939
 Repayment of other loans                                               (852)            (3,116)          (3,299)
 Proceeds from bank loans                                               40,000           20,000           45,000
 Repayment of bank loans                                                (20,000)         (11,000)         (46,000)
 Loan arrangement fees                                                  (101)            (66)             (162)
 Payment in respect of leases                                           (45)             (53)             (118)
 Dividends paid                                                         (3,311)          (3,001)          (4,438)
 Cash generated from/(used in) financing activities                     21,288           8,073            (2,678)
 (Decrease)/increase in cash                                            (17,975)         (3,090)          15,599

 Cash as at beginning of period/year                                    27,182           11,583           11,583
 (Decrease)/increase in cash                                            (17,975)         (3,090)          15,599
 Cash as at end of period/year                                          9,207            8,493            27,182

 (19)  Share-based transactions reflect the non-cash expenses relating to share-based
    payments included within the income statement

 Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements
 for the six months ended 30 June 2024

 1.  Accounting policies
 The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of this condensed
 consolidated interim financial information are set out below. These policies
 have been consistently applied to all of the periods presented, unless
 otherwise stated.

 General information
 Harworth Group plc (the "Company") is a company limited by shares,
 incorporated and domiciled in the UK (England). The address of its registered
 office is Advantage House, Poplar Way, Catcliffe, Rotherham, South Yorkshire,
 S60 5TR.

 The Company is a public company listed on the London Stock Exchange.

 The condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months
 ended 30 June 2024 comprise the accounts of the Company and its subsidiaries
 (together referred to as the "Group").

 These condensed consolidated interim financial statements do not comprise
 statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act
 2006. The financial information presented for the year ended 31 December 2023
 is derived from the statutory accounts for that year. Statutory accounts for
 the year ended 31 December 2023 were approved by the Board of Directors on 18
 March 2024 and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the
 auditor on those accounts was unqualified, did not contain an emphasis of
 matter paragraph and did not contain any statement under section 498 of the
 Companies Act 2006.

 The condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months
 ended 30 June 2024, which have not been audited, were approved by the Board on
 9 September 2024.

 Basis of preparation
 These condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months
 ended 30 June 2024 have been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure
 Guidance and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority and in
 accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' as contained in
 UK-adopted international accounting standards.

 These condensed consolidated interim financial statements should be read in
 conjunction with the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31
 December 2023, which were prepared in accordance with
 international accounting standards in conformity with the requirements of the
 Companies Act 2006 and in accordance with UK adopted International Financial
 Reporting Standards ("IFRS").

 Going-concern basis

 These condensed consolidated interim financial statements are prepared on the
 basis that the Group is a going concern. In forming its opinion as to going
 concern, the Company prepares cash flow and banking covenant forecasts based
 upon assumptions, with particular consideration to key risks and uncertainties
 and the macro-economic environment as well as taking into account available
 borrowing facilities. The going concern period assessed is until December 2025
 which is selected as it can be projected with a reasonable degree of accuracy
 and covers a complete period of reporting under the Group's RCF.

 A key focus of the assessment of going concern is the management of liquidity
 and compliance with borrowing facilities for the period to December 2025. In
 2022, a five year £200 million RCF was agreed with HSBC, NatWest and
 Santander. The RCF is aligned to the Group's strategy and provides significant
 liquidity and flexibility to enable it to pursue its strategic ambitions. The
 facility is subject to financial covenants, including minimum interest cover,
 maximum infrastructure debt as a percentage of property value and gearing, all
 of which are tested through the going concern assessment undertaken. Available
 liquidity, including cash and cash equivalents and bank facility headroom, was
 £154.2 million as at 30 June 2024 (31 December 2023: £192.2 million).

 The Group benefits from diversification across its Capital Growth and Income
 Generation businesses including its industrial and renewable energy property
 portfolios. Taking into account the independent desktop valuation carried out
 by BNP Paribas and Savills as at 30 June 2024, the Group net loan-to-portfolio
 value remains low at 9.8%, within the Board's target range and with headroom
 to allow for any falls in property values. Rent collection remained strong,
 with 98% collected for H1 2024.

 In addition to the Company's base cashflow forecast, a sensitised forecast was
 produced that reflected a number of severe but plausible downsides. This
 downside included: 1) a severe reduction in sales; 2) notwithstanding strong
 rent collection in line with previous quarters, a prudent material increase in
 bad debts across the portfolio over the going concern assessment period; 3) a
 decline in the value of land and investment property values as a result of
 macro-economic conditions; and 4) increases in overhead costs.

 A scenario was also run which demonstrated that very severe loss of revenue,
 valuation reductions and interest cost increases would be required to breach
 cashflow and banking covenants. The Directors consider this very severe
 scenario to be remote. A scenario with consideration of potential climate
 change and related transition impacts was also examined as part of the Group's
 focus on climate-related risks and opportunities.

 Under each downside scenario, for the going concern period to December 2025,
 the Group expects to continue to have sufficient cash reserves to continue to
 operate with headroom on lending facilities and associated covenants and has
 additional mitigation measures within management's control, for example
 reducing development and acquisition expenditure and reducing operating costs,
 that could be deployed to create further cash and covenant headroom.

 Based on these considerations, together with available market information and
 the Directors' knowledge and experience of the Group's property portfolio and
 markets, the Directors considered it appropriate to adopt a going concern
 basis of accounting in the preparation of the Group's and Company's financial

 Changes in accounting policy and disclosures

 (a)  New standards, amendments and interpretations

 A number of new standards and amendments to standards and interpretations are
 effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2024. None of
 these have a significant effect on the financial statements of the Group.

 (b) New standards, amendments and interpretations not yet adopted

 A number of new standards and amendments to standards and interpretations are
 effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2025 and have not
 been applied in preparing these financial statements. None of these are
 expected to have a significant effect on the financial statements of the

 Estimates and judgements

 The preparation of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements
 requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect
 the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and
 liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from these

 In preparing these condensed consolidated interim financial statements, the
 significant judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting
 policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those
 that applied in the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31
 December 2023.

 2.  Alternative Performance Measures ("APMs")

 The Group has applied the December 2019 European Securities and Markets
 Authority ("ESMA") guidance on APMs and the November 2017 Financial Reporting
 Council ("FRC") corporate thematic review of APMs in these results. An APM is
 a financial measure of historical or future financial performance, position or
 cash flows of the Group which is not a measure defined or specified under

 Overview of use of APMs
 The Directors believe that APMs assist in providing additional useful
 information on the underlying trends, performance and position of the Group.
 APMs assist stakeholder users of the accounts, particularly equity and debt
 investors, through the comparability of information. APMs are used by the
 Directors and management, both internally and externally, for performance
 analysis, strategic planning, reporting and incentive-setting purposes.

 APMs are not defined by IFRS and therefore may not be directly comparable with
 other companies' APMs, including peers in the real estate industry. APMs
 should be considered in addition to, and are not intended to be a substitute
 for, or superior to, IFRS measurements.

 The derivations of our APMs and their purpose
 The primary differences between IFRS statutory amounts and the APMs that we
 use are as follows:

 1.  Capturing all sources of value creation - Under IFRS, the revaluation movement
   in development properties which are held in inventory is not included in the
   balance sheet. Also, overages are not recognised in the balance sheet until
   they are highly probable. These movements, which are verified by our
   independent valuers BNP Paribas and Savills, are included within our APMs;

 2.  Re-categorising income statement amounts - Under IFRS, the grouping of
   amounts, particularly within gross profit and other gains, does not clearly
   allow Harworth to demonstrate the value creation through its business model.
   In particular, the statutory grouping does not distinguish value gains (being
   realised profits from the sales of properties and unrealised profits from
   property value movements) from the ongoing profitability of the business which
   is less susceptible to movements in the property cycle. Finally, the Group
   includes profits from joint ventures within its APMs as its joint ventures
   conduct similar operations to Harworth, albeit in different ownership
   structures; and

 3.  Comparability with industry peers - Harworth discloses some APMs which are
   EPRA measures as these are a set of standard disclosures for the property
   industry and thus aid comparability for our stakeholder users.

 Our key APMs
 The key APMs that the Group focuses on are as follows:

 ·             Comparability with industry peers - Harworth discloses some APMs which are
        EPRA measures as these are a set of standard disclosures for the property
        industry and thus aid comparability for our stakeholder users.
 ·             EPRA NDV per share - EPRA NDV aims to represent shareholder value under an
        orderly sale of the business, where deferred tax, financial instruments and
        certain other adjustments are calculated to the full extent of their liability
        net of any resulting tax. EPRA NDV per share is EPRA NDV divided by the number
        of shares in issue at the end of the period, less shares held by the Employee
        Benefit Trust or Equiniti Share Plan Trustees Limited to satisfy Long Term
        Incentive Plan and Share Incentive Plan awards
 ·             Value gains - These are the realised profits from the sales of properties and
        unrealised profits from property value movements including joint ventures and
        the mark to market movement on development properties, AHFS and overages
 ·             Net loan to portfolio value ("LTV") - Group debt net of cash and cash
        equivalents held expressed as a percentage of portfolio value

 3.  Segment information

 Segmental Income Statement

 Unaudited 6 months ended 30 June 2024
                                                                          Capital Growth
                                      Sale of development properties  Other property activities  Income Generation  Central   Total
                                                                          £'000                           £'000                      £'000              £'000     £'000
 Revenue ((1))                                                            24,006                          7,047                      10,253             -         41,306
 Cost of sales                                                            (24,080)                        (7,474)                    (2,556)            -         (34,110)
 Gross profit ((2))                                                       (74)                            (427)                      7,697              -         7,196
 Administrative expenses                                                  -                               (3,162)                    (1,388)            (12,229)  (16,779)
 Other gains ((3))                                                        -                               23,243                     7,493              -         30,736
 Other operating expense                                                  -                               -                          -                  (44)      (44)
 Operating profit/(loss)                                                  (74)                            19,654                     13,802             (12,273)  21,109
 Finance costs                                                            -                               (119)                      -                  (3,495)   (3,614)
 Finance income                                                           -                               799                        -                  2         801
 Share of loss of joint ventures                                          -                               (707)                      1,137              -         430
 Profit/(loss) before tax                                                 (74)                            19,627                     14,939             (15,766)  18,726

 ((1)) Revenue
 Revenue is analysed as follows:
   Sale of development properties                24,006  -      -       -  24,006
 Development revenues                            -       6,880  -       -  6,880
   Rent, service charge and royalties revenue    -       106    10,188  -  10,294
   Other revenue                                 -       61     65      -  126
                         24,006  7,047  10,253  -  41,306

 ((2)) Gross profit
 Gross profit is analysed as follows:
 Gross profit excluding sales of development properties                         -        (427)  7,697  -  7,270
 Gross loss on sale of development properties                                   (801)    -      -      -  (801)
 Net realisable value provision on development properties                       (4,303)  -      -      -  (4,303)
 Reversal of previous net realisable value provision on development properties  4,009    -      -      -  4,009
 Release of previous net realisable value provision on disposal of development  1,021    -      -      -  1,021
                                         (74)     (427)  7,697  -  7,196

 ((3)) Other gains
   Other gains are analysed as follows:
   Increase in fair value of investment     -   19,080  7,608  -   26,688

   Decrease in the fair value of AHFS       -   (200)   (16)   -   (216)
   Loss on sale of investment properties    -   (33)    -      -   (33)
 Profit/(loss) on sale of AHFS              -   204     (99)   -   105
 Profit on sale of overages                 -   4,192   -      -   4,192
                       -   23,243  7,493  -   30,736

 Segmental Balance Sheet

 Unaudited as at 30 June 2024
                                                                                        Capital  Income       Central  Total

                                               Growth   Generation   £'000

                                               £'000    £'000
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                                                          -        -            1,442    1,442
 Right of use assets                                                                    -        -            463      463
 Other receivables                                                                      23,046   -            -        23,046
 Investment properties                                                                  238,385  241,179      -        479,564
 Investments in joint ventures                                                          18,318   14,028       -        32,346
 Retirement benefit asset                                                               -        -            938      938
                                             279,749  255,207      2,843    537,799
 Current assets
 Inventories                                                                            264,721  -            -        264,721
 Trade and other receivables                                                            31,479   14,678       1,167    47,324
 AHFS                                                                                   3,602    3,889        -        7,491
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                              -        -            9,207    9,207
                                             299,802  18,567       10,374   328,743
 Total assets                                                                           579,551  273,774      13,217   866,542

 Financial liabilities and derivative financial instruments are not allocated
 to the reporting segments as they are managed and measured at a Group level.

 Segmental Income Statement

 Unaudited 6 months ended 30 June 2023
                                                                         Capital Growth
                                     Sale of development properties  Other property activities  Income Generation  Central   Total
                                                                         £'000                           £'000                      £'000              £'000     £'000
 Revenue ((1))                                                           4,025                           283                        13,929             -         18,237
 Cost of sales                                                           (5,644)                         (479)                      (3,486)            -         (9,609)
 Gross profit ((2))                                                      (1,619)                         (196)                      10,443             -         8,628
 Administrative expenses                                                 -                               (2,231)                    (2,332)            (9,786)   (14,349)
 Other gains ((3))                                                       -                               12,502                     1,272              -         13,774
 Other operating expense                                                 -                               -                          -                  (45)      (45)
 Operating profit/(loss)                                                 (1,619)                         10,075                     9,383              (9,831)   8,008
 Finance costs                                                           -                               33                         -                  (3,138)   (3,105)
 Finance income                                                          -                               333                        2                  -         335
 Share of loss of joint ventures                                         -                               (896)                      123                -         (773)
 Profit/(loss) before tax                                                (1,619)                         9,545                      9,508              (12,969)  4,465

 ((1)) Revenue
 Revenue is analysed as follows:
   Sale of development properties                4,025  -    -       -  4,025
   Revenue from PPAs                             -      36   -       -  36
   Rent, service charge and royalties revenue    -      235  13,444  -  13,679
   Other revenue                                 -      12   485     -  497
                         4,025  283  13,929  -  18,237

 ((2)) Gross profit
 Gross profit is analysed as follows:
 Gross profit excluding sales of development properties                         -        (196)  10,443  -  10,247
 Gross profit on sale of development properties                                 (1,344)  -      -       -  (1,344)
 Net realisable value provision on development properties                       (1,019)  -      -       -  (1,019)
 Reversal of previous net realisable value provision on development properties  744      -      -       -  744
                                         (1,619)  (196)  10,443  -  8,628

 ((3)) Other gains
   Other gains are analysed as follows:
   Increase in fair value of investment     -   12,726  2,279  -   15,005

   Decrease in the fair value of AHFS       -   (114)   (58)   -   (172)
   Loss on sale of investment properties    -   (110)   (317)  -   (427)
 Loss on sale of AHFS                       -   -       (632)  -   (632)
                       -   12,502  1,272  -   13,774

 Segmental Balance Sheet

 Unaudited as at 30 June 2023
                                                                                        Capital  Income       Central  Total

                                               Growth   Generation   £'000

                                               £'000    £'000
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                                                          -        -            1,236    1,236
 Right of use assets                                                                    -        -            557      557
 Trade and other receivables                                                            2,735    -            -        2,735
 Investment properties                                                                  196,328  234,038      -        430,366
 Investments in joint ventures                                                          15,566   13,489       -        29,055
 Retirement benefit asset                                                               -        -            31       31
                                             214,629  247,527      1,824    463,980
 Current assets
 Inventories                                                                            231,304  -            -        231,304
 Trade and other receivables                                                            35,485   12,782       6,271    54,538
 AHFS                                                                                   2,514    18,297       -        20,811
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                              -        -            8,493    8,493
 Current tax asset                                                                      -        -            1,142    1,142
                                             269,303  31,079       15,906   316,288
 Total assets                                                                           483,932  278,606      17,730   780,268

 Financial liabilities and derivative financial instruments are not allocated
 to the reporting segments as they are managed and measured at a Group level.

 Segmental Income Statement

 Audited year ended 31 December 2023
                                                                         Capital Growth
                                     Sale of development properties  Other property activities  Income Generation  Central     Total
                                                                         £'000                           £'000                      £'000              £'000       £'000
 Revenue ((1))                                                           46,731                          2,286                      23,410             -           72,427
 Cost of sales                                                           (51,709)                        (2,340)                    (6,028)            -           (60,077)
 Gross profit ((2))                                                      (4,978)                         (54)                       17,382             -           12,350
 Administrative expenses                                                 -                               (5,062)                    (3,147)            (19,226)    (27,435)
 Other gains ((3))                                                       -                               65,066                     4,360              -           69,426
 Other operating expense                                                 -                               -                          -                  (112)       (112)
 Operating profit/(loss)                                                 (4,978)                         59,950                     18,595             (19,338)    54,229
 Finance costs                                                           -                               -                          -                  (6,421)     (6,421)
 Finance income                                                          -                               438                        7                  -           445
 Share of loss of joint ventures                                         -                               892                        662                -           1,554
 Profit/(loss) before tax                                                (4,978)                         61,280                     19,264             (25,759)    49,807

 ((1)) Revenue
 Revenue is analysed as follows:
   Sale of development properties                46,731                             -                             -       -  46,731
   Revenue from PPAs                             -                                  776                           -       -  776
   Build-to-suit development revenue             -                                  956                            -      -  956
   Rent, service charge and royalties revenue    -                                  340                           22,657  -  22,997
   Other revenue                                 -                                  214                           753     -  967
                         46,731                             2,286                         23,410  -  72,427

 ((2)) Gross profit
 Gross profit is analysed as follows:
 Gross profit excluding sales of development properties                         -        (54)  17,382  -  17,328
 Gross profit on sale of development properties                                 (618)    -     -       -  (618)
 Net realisable value provision on development properties                       (7,442)  -     -       -  (7,442)
 Reversal of previous net realisable value provision on development properties  1,213    -     -       -  1,213
 Release of net realisable value provision on disposal of development           1,869    -     -       -  1,869
                                         (4,978)  (54)  17,382  -  12,350

 ((3)) Other gains/(losses)
   Other gains/(losses) are analysed as follows:
   Increase/(decrease) in fair value of investment    -   65,584  5,788    -   71,372

   Decrease in the fair value of AHFS                 -   (114)   (158)    -   (272)
   Profit on sale of investment properties            -   (588)   (365)    -   (953)
 (Loss)/profit on sale of AHFS                        -   (134)   (1,006)  -   (1,140)
 Profit on sale of overages                           -   318     101      -   419
                            -   65,066  4,360    -   69,426

 Segmental Balance Sheet

 Audited as at 31 December 2023
                                                                                        Capital  Income       Central  Total

                                               Growth   Generation   £'000

                                               £'000    £'000
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                                                          -        -            1,670    1,670
 Right of use assets                                                                    -        -            512      512
 Other receivables                                                                      11,296   -            -        11,296
 Investment properties                                                                  199,216  234,726      -        433,942
 Investments in joint ventures                                                          17,604   13,118       -        30,722
                                             228,116  247,844      2,182    478,142
 Current assets
 Inventories                                                                            263,073  -            -        263,073
 Trade and other receivables                                                            23,967   11,300       2,022    37,289
 AHFS                                                                                   3,764    14,988       -        18,752
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                              -        -            27,182   27,182
                                             290,804  26,288       29,204   346,296
 Total assets                                                                           518,920  274,132      31,386   824,438

 Financial liabilities and derivative financial instruments are not allocated
 to the reporting segments as they are managed and measured at a Group level.

 4.  Finance costs and finance income

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

 6 months ended

 30 June         6 months ended   year ended


 £'000           30 June          31 December 2023


 Finance costs
 - Bank interest                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (1,208)          (1,294)          (2,778)
 - Facility fees                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (715)            (771)            (1,524)
 - Amortisation of up-front fees                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (383)            (331)            (671)
 - Other interest                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (1,308)          (709)            (1,448)
                                                                                                                                 (3,614)          (3,105)          (6,421)
 Finance income                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  801              335              445
 Net finance costs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (2,813)          (2,770)          (5,976)

 5.  Tax

 The Group calculates the period tax expense using the tax rate that would be
 applicable to the expected total annual earnings. The major components of tax
 expense in the condensed interim consolidated income statement are:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

 6 months ended

 30 June         6 months ended   year ended


 £'000           30 June             31 December 2023


 Tax charges
 Current tax charge                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -                307              5,842
 Deferred tax charge relating to origination and reversal of temporary                                                                                                                                                                                           3,942            1,311            6,009
 Tax charge recognised in income statement                                                                                                                                                                                                                       3,942            1,618            11,851

 The deferred tax charge largely relates to unrealised gains on investment

 6.  Dividends

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

 6 months ended

 30 June         6 months ended   year ended


 £'000           30 June          31 December 2023


 Full year dividend of 1.022p per share for the year ended 31 December 2023                                                                                                                                                                                      3,311            -                -
 Interim dividend of 0.444p per share for the year ended 31 December 2023                                                                                                                                                                                        -                -                   1,437
 Full year dividend of 0.929p per share for the year ended 31 December 2022                                                                                                                                                                                      -                3,001            3,001
                                                                                                                                 3,311            3,001            4,438

 The Board has determined that it is appropriate for an interim dividend for
 the year ending 31 December 2024 to be paid of 0.489p (H1 2023: 0.444p) per
 share, an increase of 10% in line with the Group's policy.

 There is no change to the current dividend policy to continue to grow the
 dividends by 10% each year.

 7.  Earnings per share

 Earnings per share has been calculated by dividing the profit attributable to
 ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of shares in issue and
 ranking for dividend during the period/year.

 Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

 6 months ended

 30 June         6 months ended   year ended


                                              30 June          31 December 2023

 Profit from continuing operations attributable to ordinary shareholders  14,784           2,847            37,956
 Weighted average number of shares used for basic earnings per share      323,369,861      322,603,991      322,767,356
 Basic earnings per share (pence)                                         4.6              0.9              11.8
 Weighted average number of shares used for diluted earnings per share    330,745,233      328,033,119      328,653,655
 Diluted earnings per share (pence)                                       4.5              0.9              11.5

 The difference between the weighted average number of shares used for the
 basic and diluted earnings per share calculation is due to the effect of share
 options that are dilutive.

 8.  Investment properties

 The Group holds five categories of investment property being Agricultural
 Land, Natural Resources, the Investment Portfolio, Major Developments and
 Strategic Land in the UK, which sit within the operating segments of Income
 Generation and Capital Growth.

 Income Generation                                    Capital Growth
                                             Agricultural Land  Natural     Investment Portfolio  Major          Strategic Land

                       £'000              Resources   £'000                 Developments   £'000           Total

                                 £'000                             £'000
 At 1 January 2023 (audited)                 5,694              19,726      210,407               44,244         120,292         400,363
 Direct acquisitions                         655                -           -                     -              10,401          11,056
 Subsequent expenditure                      -                  29          293                   12,759         3,647           16,728
 Disposals                                   -                  -           (11,136)              -              -               (11,136)
 Increase/(decrease) in fair value           122                (242)       2,400                 (1,050)        13,775          15,005
 Transfers between operating segments        -                  -           8,140                 (8,140)        -               -
 Transfers from development properties       -                  -           -                     400            -               400
 Transfers to property, plant and equipment  -                  -           (500)                 -              -               (500)
 Transfer to AHFS                            -                  -           (1,550)               -              -               (1,550)
 At 30 June 2023 (unaudited)                 6,471              19,513      208,054               48,213         148,115         430,366
 Direct acquisitions                          -                  -           -                     -              5,428           5,428
 Subsequent expenditure                       45                 1,321       384                   9,345          7,911           19,006
 Disposals                                    -                  -           -                    (788)          (7,041)         (7,829)
 (Decrease)/increase in fair value           (6)                 331         3,183                 4,246          48,613          56,367
 Transfers between operating segments         -                  -           10,411               (2,276)        (8,135)          -
 Transfers (to)/from development properties   -                  -           -                    (400)          (51,865)        (52,265)
 Transfers to property, plant and equipment   -                  -          (467)                  -              -              (467)
 Transfer to AHFS                             -                 (1,264)     (13,250)               -             (2,150)         (16,664)
 At 31 December 2023 (audited)                6,510              19,901      208,315               58,340         140,876         433,942
 Direct acquisitions                         -                  -           -                     -              2,649           2,649
 Subsequent expenditure                      -                  559         452                   16,768         673             18,452
 Disposals                                   -                  -           -                     -              -               -
 Increase in fair value                      364                170         7,075                 (3,023)        22,102          26,688
 Transfers between operating segments        -                  (1,285)     1,285                 1,860          (1,860)         -
 Transfer to AHFS                            -                  (2,167)     -                     -              -               (2,167)
 At 30 June 2024 (unaudited)                 6,874              17,178      217,127               73,945         164,440         479,564

 Valuation process

 The Directors' valuation as at 30 June 2024 was based on a desktop valuation
 completed by BNP Paribas and Savills on the portfolio of properties. BNP
 Paribas and Savills are independent firms acting in the capacity of external
 valuers with relevant experience of valuations of this nature.

 9.  Investment in joint ventures

 Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 30 June   As at      As at


 £'000     30 June    31 December 2023


 At 1 January                                 30,722     29,828     29,828
 Investments in joint ventures                2,422      -          250
 Distributions from joint ventures            (1,228)    -          (910)
 Share of profits/(losses) of joint ventures  430        (773)      1,554
 At end of period/year                        32,346     29,055     30,722

 10.  Inventories

 Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 30 June   As at      As at


 £'000     30 June    31 December 2023


 Development properties         250,548    219,153    250,024
 Planning promotion agreements  4,354      3,581      3,805
 Option agreements              9,819      8,570      9,244
 Total inventories              264,721    231,304    263,073

 The movement in development properties is as follows:

                                               Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

 6 months ended

 30 June         6 months ended   Year ended


 £'000           30 June          31 December 2023


 At start of period                            250,024          204,952          204,952
 Subsequent expenditure                        13,639           17,436           32,417
 Disposals                                     (13,842)         (2,560)          (34,850)
 Net realisable value release/(provision)      727              (275)            (4,360)
 Net transfer from/(to) investment properties  -                (400)            51,865
 Total development properties                  250,548          219,153          250,024

 The movement in net realisable value provision was as follows:

                                                      Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

 6 months ended

 30 June         6 months ended   Year ended


 £'000           30 June          31 December 2023


 At start of period                                   14,136           9,776            9,776
 Charge for the period                                4,303            1,019            7,442

 Reversal of previous net realisable value provision  (4,009)          (744)            (1,213)
 Released on disposals                                (1,021)          -                (1,869)
 At end of period                                     13,409           10,051           14,136

 11.  Assets held for sale

 AHFS relate to investment properties identified as being for sale within 12
 months, where a sale is considered highly probable and the property is
 immediately available for sale.

                                          Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 30 June   As at      As at


 £'000     30 June    31 December 2023


 At start of period                       18,752     59,790     59,790
 Net transfer from investment properties  2,167      1,550      18,214
 Subsequent expenditure                   39         73         74
 Decrease in fair value                   (216)      (172)      (272)
 Disposals                                (13,251)   (40,430)   (59,054)
 At end of period                         7,491      20,811     18,752

 12.  Cash

       Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 30 June   As at      As at


 £'000     30 June    31 December 2023


 Cash  9,207      8,493      27,182

 13.  Borrowings

                                                        Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 30 June   As at      As at


 £'000     30 June    31 December 2023


 Secured - infrastructure and direct development loans  (35,708)   -          (29,744)
                             (35,708)   -          (29,744)
 Secured - bank loan                                    (53,983)   (43,731)   (33,830)
 Secured - infrastructure and direct development loans  -          (28,414)   -
 Total non-current borrowings                           (53,983)   (72,145)   (33,830)
 Total borrowings                                       (89,691)   (72,145)   (63,574)

 Loans are stated after deduction of unamortised fees of £1.2 million (June
 2023: £1.7 million, December 2023: £1.5 million).

 Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 30 June   As at      As at


 £'000     30 June    31 December

                                           2023       2023

 Infrastructure and direct development loans
 South Yorkshire Pension Fund/ Scrudf Limited Partnership  Rotherham AMP  (7,412)    -          (584)
 Scrudf Limited Partnership                                Gateway 36     (6,279)    (6,726)    (6,850)
 Merseyside Pension Fund                                   Bardon Hill    (22,017)   (21,688)   (22,310)
 Total infrastructure and direct development loans                        (35,708)   (28,414)   (29,744)
 Bank loan                                                                (53,983)   (43,731)   (33,830)
 Total borrowings                                                         (89,691)   (72,145)   (63,574)

 The bank borrowings are part of a £200 million (2023: £200 million)
 revolving credit facility ("RCF") with a £40 million uncommitted accordion
 option, provided by NatWest, Santander and HSBC. The RCF is repayable on 4
 March 2027 at the end of the five-year term.

 The RCF is subject to financial and other covenants. The bank borrowings are
 secured by way of a floating debenture over assets not otherwise used as
 security under specific infrastructure or direct development loans. Proceeds
 from and repayments of bank loans are reflected gross in the Consolidated
 Statement of Cash Flows and reflect timing of utilisation of the RCF.

 The infrastructure and direct development loans are provided by public and
 private bodies in order to promote the development of major sites or assist
 with vertical direct development. The loans are drawn as work on the
 respective sites is progressed and they are repaid on agreed dates or when
 disposals are made from the sites.

 14.  Share capital

 Issued, authorised and fully paid  Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 30 June   As at      As at


 £'000     30 June    31 December 2023


 At start of period/year            32,408     32,305     32,305
 Shares issued                      78         40         103
 At end of period/year              32,486     32,345     32,408

 Issued, authorised and fully paid - number of shares  Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited

 As at

 30 June     As at        As at


                                   30 June      31 December 2023

 At start of period/year                               324,084,072  323,051,124  323,051,124
 Shares issued                                         783,677      398,704      1,032,948
 At end of period/year                                 324,867,749  323,449,828  324,084,072
 Own shares held                                       (1,275,281)  (837,143)    (929,699)
 At end of period/year                                 323,592,468  322,612,685  323,154,373

 There is only one class of share in issue: ordinary shares of 10 pence each.
 All shares carry equal rights to dividends, voting and return of capital on a
 winding up of the Company, as set out in the Company's Articles of

 15.  Related party transactions

 The Group carried out the following transactions with related parties. The
 following entities are related parties as a consequence of shareholdings,
 joint venture arrangements and partners of such and/or common Directorships.
 All related party transactions are clearly justified and beneficial to the
 Group, are undertaken on an arm's-length basis on fully commercial terms and
 in the normal course of business.

                                                  Unaudited              Unaudited              Audited

                          6 months ended/as at   6 months ended/as at   year ended/

                          30 June                30 June                as at

                          2024                   2023                   31 December

                          £000                   £000                   2023


 Recharges of costs                                -                      4                      281
 Asset management fee                              52                     25                     100
 Water charges                                     66                     84                     146

 Recharge of costs                                 3                      1                      1

 Other receivables                                -                      4                      5
 Trade receivables                                 38                     -                      281

 Other payables                                   (68)                    -                      -
 Rent                                              -                      16                     10
 Development property disposal                     -                      -                      1,680

 Trade receivables                                -                      6                      -

 Receivable                                       -                      26                     26
 Receivable                                       -                      9                      9

 Investment made during the year                  25                     -                      -
 Recharge of costs                                 5                     -                      -

 Investment made during the year                  2,497                   -                      250

 Purchases                                        1                      -                      5

 Purchases                                         1                      -                      -

 16.  Post balance sheet events

 Following the period end the Group acquired a former brickworks site in
 Bedfordshire for total consideration of £30.6 million payable over 2 years.
 The site has outline planning permission for the delivery of 1,000 homes.


 EPRA Net Asset Measures
 EPRA introduced a new set of Net Asset Value metrics in 2020: EPRA Net
 Reinstatement Value ("NRV"), EPRA Net Tangible Assets ("NTA") and EPRA NDV.
 While the Group uses only EPRA NDV as a key APM, the EPRA Best Practices
 Recommendations guidelines require companies to report all three EPRA NAV
 metrics and reconcile them to IFRS. These disclosures are provided below.

              30 June 2024
                             EPRA NDV     EPRA NTA     EPRA NRV
                                                        £'000        £'000        £'000
 Net assets                                             649,992      649,992      649,992
 Cumulative unrealised gains on development properties  43,947       43,947       43,947
 Cumulative unrealised gains on overages                5,400        5,400        5,400
 Deferred tax liabilities (IFRS)                        -            30,089       30,089
 Notional deferred tax on unrealised gains              (12,309)     -            -
 Deferred tax liabilities @ 50%                         -            (21,199)     -
 Purchaser costs                                        -            -            59,019
                             687,030      708,229      788,447
 Number of shares used for per share calculations       323,592,468  323,592,468  323,592,468
 Per share (pence)                                      212.3        218.9        243.7

              30 June 2023
                             EPRA NDV     EPRA NTA     EPRA NRV
                             £'000        £'000        £'000
 Net assets                                             603,053      603,053      603,053
 Cumulative unrealised gains on development properties  30,500       30,500       30,500
 Cumulative unrealised gains on overages                7,000        7,000        7,000
 Deferred tax liabilities (IFRS)                        -            25,460       25,460
 Notional deferred tax on unrealised gains              (9,321)      -            -
 Deferred tax liabilities @ 50%                         -            (17,391)     -
 Purchaser costs                                        -            -            51,142
                             631,232      648,622      717,155
 Number of shares used for per share calculations       322,612,685  322,612,685  322,612,685
 Per share (pence)                                      195.7        201.1        222.3

 31 December 2023
                             EPRA NDV     EPRA NTA     EPRA NRV
                             £'000        £'000        £'000
 Net assets                                             637,722      637,722      637,722
 Cumulative unrealised gains on development properties  24,083       24,083       24,083
 Cumulative unrealised gains on overages                9,400        9,400        9,400
 Deferred tax liabilities (IFRS)                         -           30,089       30,089
 Notional deferred tax on unrealised gains              (8,342)       -            -
 Deferred tax liabilities @ 50%                          -           (19,216)      -
 Purchaser costs                                        -            -            52,528
                             662,863      682,078      753,822
 Number of shares used for per share calculations       323,154,373  323,154,373  323,154,373
 Per share (pence)                                      205.1        211.1        233.3

 1)   Reconciliation to statutory measures

 a. Revaluation gains/(losses)                                                  Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

 6 months ended

 30 June         6 months ended   year ended


 £'000           30 June          31 December

                                                 2023             2023

 Increase in fair value of investment properties                                26,688           15,005           71,372
 Decrease in fair value of AHFS                                                 (216)            (172)            (272)
 Share of profit/(loss) of joint ventures                                       430              (773)            1,554
 Net realisable value provision on development properties                       (4,303)          (1,019)          (7,442)
 Reversal of previous net realisable value provision on development properties  4,009            744              1,213
 Amounts derived from statutory reporting                                       26,608           13,785           66,425
 Unrealised gains/(losses) on development properties                            19,948           (2,210)          (3,708)
 Unrealised gains/(losses) on overages                                          19               (500)            2,209
 Revaluation gains                                                              46,575           11,075           64,926

 b. Profit/(loss) on sale                                                     Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

 6 months ended

 30 June         6 months ended   year ended


 £'000           30 June          31 December

                                                2023             2023

 Loss on sale of investment properties                                        (33)             (427)            (953)
 Profit/(loss) on sale of AHFS                                                105              (632)            (1,140)
 Profit/(loss) on sale of development properties                              (801)            (1,344)          (618)
 Release of net realisable value provision on disposal of development         1,021            -                1,869
 Profit on sale of overages                                                   4,192            -                419
 Amounts derived from statutory reporting                                     4,484            (2,403)          (423)
 Less previously unrealised gains on development properties released on sale  (83)             (1,142)          (6,061)
 Less previously unrealised gains on overages                                 (4,019)          -                (309)
 Profit/(loss) on sale contributing to growth in EPRA NDV                     382              (3,545)          (6,793)

 c. Value gains/(losses)  Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

 6 months ended

 30 June         6 months ended   year ended


 £'000           30 June          31 December

                      2023             2023

 Revaluation gains        46,575           11,075           64,926
 Profit/(loss) on sale    382              (3,545)          (6,793)
 Value gains              46,957           7,530            58,133

 d. Total property sales                                              Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

 6 months ended

 30 June         6 months ended   year ended


 £'000           30 June          31 December

                                            2023             2023

 Revenue                                                              41,306            18,237          72,427
 Less revenue from other property activities                          (7,047)          (283)            (2,286)
 Less revenue from income generation activities                       (10,253)         (13,929)         (23,410)
 Add proceeds from sales of investment properties, AHFS and overages  17,700            52,125          79,166
 Total property sales                                                 41,706            56,150          125,897

 e. Operating profit contributing to growth in EPRA NDV                       Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

 6 months ended

 30 June         6 months ended   year ended


 £'000           30 June          31 December

                                                2023             2023

 Operating profit                                                             21,109            8,008           54,229
 Share of profit/(loss) on joint ventures                                     430              (773)            1,554
 Unrealised gains/(losses) on development properties                          19,948           (2,210)          (3,708)
 Unrealised gains/(losses) on overages                                        19               (500)            2,209
 Less previously unrealised gains on development properties released on sale  (83)             (1,142)          (6,061)
 Less previously unrealised gains on overages released on sale                (4,019)           -               (309)
 Operating profit contributing to growth in EPRA NDV                          37,404            3,383           47,914

                                                                              Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 f. Portfolio value
 30 June   As at      As at


 £'000     30 June    31 December

                                             2023       2023

 Land and buildings (included within Property, plant and equipment)           1,114       933       1,300
 Investment properties                                                        479,564     430,366   433,942
 Investments in joint ventures                                                32,346      29,055    30,722
 AHFS                                                                         7,491       20,811    18,752
 Development properties (included within inventories)                         250,548     219,153   250,024
 Amounts recoverable on contracts (included within receivables)               1,456      -          -
 Amounts derived from statutory reporting                                     772,519     700,318   734,740
 Cumulative unrealised gains on development properties as at period/year end  43,947      30,500    24,083
 Cumulative unrealised gains on overages as at period/year end                5,400       7,000     9,400
 Portfolio value                                                              821,866     737,818   768,223

                            Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 g. Net debt
 30 June   As at      As at


 £'000     30 June    31 December

                                       2023       2023

 Gross borrowings           (89,691)   (72,145)   (63,574)
 Cash and cash equivalents  9,207       8,493     27,182
 Net debt                   (80,484)   (63,652)   (36,392)

                                      Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 h. Net loan to portfolio value (%)
 30 June   As at      As at


 £'000     30 June    31 December

                                                 2023       2023

 Net debt                             (80,484)   (63,652)   (36,392)
 Portfolio value                      821,866    737,818    768,223
 Net loan to portfolio value (%)      9.8%       8.6%       4.7%

 i. Net loan to core income generation portfolio value (%)                  Unaudited   Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 30 June     As at      As at


 £'000       30 June    31 December

                                             2023       2023

 Net debt                                                                  (80,484)     (63,652)   (36,392)
 Core income generation portfolio value (investment portfolio and natural  234,305       227,567   228,216

 Net loan to core income generation portfolio value (%)                    34.4%        28.0%      15.9%

 j. Gross loan to portfolio value (%)  Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 30 June   As at      As at


 £'000     30 June    31 December

                                                  2023       2023

 Gross borrowings                      (89,691)   (72,145)   (63,574)
 Portfolio value                       821,866     737,818   768,223
 Gross loan to portfolio value (%)     10.9%      9.8%       8.3%

 k. Gross loan to core income generation portfolio value (%)               Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 30 June   As at      As at


 £'000     30 June    31 December

                                            2023       2023

 Gross borrowings                                                          (89,691)   (72,145)   (63,574)
 Core income generation portfolio value (investment portfolio and natural  234,305    227,567    228,216
 Gross loan to core income generation portfolio value (%)                  38.3%      31.7%      27.9%

 l. Number of shares used for per share calculations (number)               Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited

 As at

 30 June     As at          As at


 £'000       30 June        31 December

                                             2023           2023

 Number of shares in issue at end of period/year                            324,867,749   323,449,828   324,084,072
 Less Employee Benefit Trust and Equiniti Share Plan Trustees Limited held  (1,275,281)  (837,143)      (929,699)
 shares (own shares) at end of period/year
 Number of shares used for per share calculations                           323,592,468   322,612,685   323,154,373

 m. Net Asset Value (NAV) per share                Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited

 As at

 30 June     As at          As at


 £'000       30 June        31 December

                                 2023           2023

 NAV (£'000)                                       649,992       603,053       637,722
 Number of shares used for per share calculations  323,592,468   322,612,685   323,154,373
 NAV per share (p)                                 200.9         186.9         197.3

 n. Total underlying revenue                                                   Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

 6 months ended

 30 June         6 months ended   Year


 £'000           30 June           ended

                                                         2023             31 December

                                                 £'000            2023

 Total property sales                                                          41,706            56,150           125,897
 Income generation portfolio revenue (investment portfolio, natural resources  10,253            13,929           23,410
 and agriculture)
 Development revenues                                                           6,880            -                956
 Other revenue                                                                 167               283              1,330
 Total underlying revenue                                                      59,006            70,362           151,593

 Less proceeds from sale of investment properties, AHFS and overages           (17,700)         (52,125)         (79,166)
 Statutory revenue                                                              41,306           18,237           72,427

 2) Reconciliation to EPRA measures

 a) EPRA NDV                                             Unaudited   Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 30 June     As at      As at


 £'000       30 June    31 December

                                   2023       2023

 Net assets                                             649,992      603,053    637,722
 Cumulative unrealised gains on development properties  43,947       30,500     24,083
 Cumulative unrealised gains on overages                5,400        7,000      9,400
 Notional deferred tax on unrealised gains              (12,309)     (9,321)    (8,342)
 EPRA NDV                                               687,030      631,232    662,863

 b) EPRA NDV per share (p)                          Unaudited   Unaudited      Audited

 As at

 30 June     As at          As at


 £'000       30 June        31 December

                                 2023           2023

 EPRA NDV £'000                                    687,030       631,232       662,863
 Number of shares used for per share calculations  323,592,468   322,612,685   323,154,373
 EPRA NDV per share (p)                            212.3        195.7           205.1


EPRA NDV per share growth and total return

 Opening EPRA NDV/share (p)                        205.1   196.5    196.5
 Closing EPRA NDV/share (p)                        212.3   195.7    205.1
 Movement in the period/year (p)                   7.2    (0.8)     8.6
 EPRA NDV per share growth                         3.5%   (0.4%)   4.4%
 Dividends paid per share (p)                      1.0     0.9      1.4
 Total return per share (p)                        8.2     0.1      10.0
 Total return as a percentage of opening EPRA NDV  4.0%   0.1%     5.1%

 To help retain and incentivise a team with the requisite skills, knowledge and
 experience to deliver strong, long-term, sustainable growth for shareholders
 Harworth runs a number of share schemes for employees. The dilutive impact of
 these on the number of shares at 30 June is set out below:

                                                                           Unaudited   Unaudited    Audited

 As at

 30 June     As at        As at


                                            30 June      31 December

                                            2023         2023
 Number of shares used for per share calculations                         323,592,468  322,612,685  323,154,373
 Outstanding share options and shares held in trust under employee share  6,998,372    5,315,172    5,223,777
 Number of diluted shares used for per share calculations                 330,590,840  327,927,857  328,378,150

 c) Diluted EPRA NDV per share (p)                          Unaudited     Unaudited    Audited

 As at

 30 June       As at        As at


 £'000         30 June      31 December

                                      2023         2023

 EPRA NDV £'000                                             687,030        631,232      662,863
 Number of diluted shares used for per share calculations   330,590,840   327,927,857   328,378,150
 Diluted EPRA NDV per share (p)                             207.8          192.4        201.9


Diluted EPRA NDV per share growth and total return

 Opening EPRA NDV/share (p)                                201.9  194.5    194.5
 Closing EPRA NDV/share (p)                                207.8  192.4    201.9
 Movement in the period/year (p)                           5.9    (2.1)    7.4
 Diluted EPRA NDV per share growth                         2.9%   (1.1%)  3.8%
 Dividends paid per share (p)                              1.0    0.9     1.4
 Total return per share (p)                                6.9    (1.2%)  8.8
 Total return as a percentage of opening diluted EPRA NDV  3.4%   (0.6%)  4.5%

 d) Net loan to EPRA NDV   Unaudited   Unaudited  Audited

 As at

 30 June     As at      As at


 £'000       30 June    31 December

                    2023       2023

 Net debt                 (80,484)     (63,652)   (36,392)
 EPRA NDV                 687,030       631,232    662,863
 Net loan to EPRA NDV     11.7%        10.1%      5.5%

Key financials

 Key statutory measures         H1 2024          H1 2023          FY 2023
 Operating profit               £21.1 million    £8.0 million     £54.2 million
 Net asset value                £650.0 million   £603.1 million   £637.7 million
 Total dividend per share((3))  0.489p           0.444p           1.466p
 Net debt                       £80.5 million    £63.7 million    £36.4 million


 Key non-statutory measures((2))  H1 2024         H1 2023        FY 2023
 Total return                     4.0%            0.1%           5.1%
 EPRA NDV per share               212.3p          195.7p         205.1p
 Value gains                      £47.0 million   £7.5 million   £58.1 million
 Net loan to portfolio value      9.8%            8.6%           4.7%

Lynda Shillaw, Chief Executive of Harworth, commented: "Harworth continues to
consistently deliver strong progress against its strategic objectives and we
remain on track to reach £1 billion EPRA NDV by the end of 2027. In June we
announced that the Group would increase its focus on Industrial &
Logistics direct development, with an intention to grow the Investment
Portfolio, through direct development and selective acquisitions, to £0.9
billion by the end of 2029. This reflects the opportunity we see to deliver
into a sector which is key to economic growth and where there is critical
undersupply of high-quality space, in order to grow recurring income and
underpin sustainable shareholder returns.


"The first half saw significant progress on planning approvals, adding further
capacity to our near-term Industrial & Logistics pipeline and driving a
strong revaluation performance. We are ahead of budget for land sales, with
the standout transaction, as well as our largest sale to date, being the
conditional £106.6 million serviced land sale to Microsoft at Skelton Grange,
announced in June. The sale of serviced land provides a stable funding channel
for the planned growth in our Industrial & Logistics development


"Sustained demand for Harworth's serviced land and employment spaces,
alongside management actions, has underpinned EPRA NDV growth of 3.5% and we
expect further growth in the second half as we continue to develop out our
existing sites.


"Our current Industrial & Logistics pipeline has the potential to deliver
future Gross Development Value((5)) of £5 billion which contributes
significantly to the £1 billion EPRA NDV target. The near term pipeline has
the ability to deliver up to £0.8 billion of Gross Development Value by the
end of 2027. Our recent transactions, both for Commercial and Residential use,
are evidence of the underlying market demand for Harworth's high-quality land
and property.


"We are cautiously optimistic that a combination of improving economic
stability and supportive government policy will be beneficial for both the
real estate sector and Harworth. In the near term we recognise market
confidence could potentially be tempered by the extent of the steps taken by
the Government to address the public funding deficit, but as a long-term
investor Harworth is well versed in delivering performance through different
policy environments.


"Ultimately, Harworth is a long-term through-the-cycle business and its
extensive land pipeline, track record, specialist skillset and strong balance
sheet sets us apart from our peers and enables us to maximise the value
created from our sites for our shareholders."


Management actions drive enhanced value gains and profitability

 ·             Value gains totalled £47.0 million (H1 2023: £7.5 million), driven by sales,
               development of sites and planning permissions against the backdrop of
               relatively stable markets
 ·             Operating profit increased 164% to £21.1 million (H1 2023: £8.0 million),
               reflecting increased land sales, revenue from development management, and
               other gains relating to the valuations of investment properties and assets
               held for sale
 ·             Annualised rental income for the Investment Portfolio increased to £14.4
               million, growth of 2.4% on a like-for-like basis
 ·             Dividend per share up 10% at 0.489p (H1 2023: 0.444p), consistent with the
               Group's existing dividend policy


Robust cash generation from residential land sales and strong balance sheet

 ·             Completed 357 plot sales of serviced land for proceeds of £24.0 million, in
               line with December 2023 book values, and a further 132 plots post period end
 ·             Net debt of £80.5 million (31 December 2023: £36.4 million), representing a
               Net LTV of 9.8% (31 December 2023: 4.7%)
 ·             Available liquidity of £154.2 million (31 December 2023: £192.2 million),
               with no major refinancing requirements until 2027
 ·             Continuing to use capital light funding structures, including Option and
               Planning Promotion Agreements ("PPAs"), to facilitate growth and maximise

Growth targets underpinned by strong planning progress and extensive land

 ·             Land pipeline now has the potential to deliver 38.8 million sq. ft. of
               Industrial & Logistics space and 26,639 plots for new homes, the largest
               Industrial & Logistics pipeline in the Group's history
 ·             Planning permission secured for 1.8 million sq. ft. and 500 plots, plus a
               further 1.5 million sq. ft. and 185 plots post period end
 ·             New draft allocations or allocations in local plans for 5.7 million sq. ft.
               and 2,875 plots
 ·             An additional 6.4 million sq. ft. and 2,269 plots progressing through the
               planning system and awaiting determination

Increased strategic focus on Industrial & Logistics Major Developments

 ·             As at 30 June 2024, the consented Industrial & Logistics land portfolio
               increased to 8.1 million sq. ft., of which 5.9 million sq. ft. is in Major
               Developments (31 December 2023: 4.6 million sq. ft.), following transfers of
               1.3 million sq. ft. from Strategic Land
 ·             0.5 million sq. ft. of Grade A space is currently in development or expected
               to start in the next 12 months, following practical completion post period end
               of 0.1 million sq. ft. of pre-let space
 ·             Enabling works currently underway for 2.2 million sq. ft. of direct
               development on several Major Development sites, plus further enabling works
               underway at Skelton Grange in relation to the Microsoft serviced land sale
 ·             The current Industrial & Logistics land pipeline has the potential to
               deliver £5 billion of Gross Development Value (GDV)((5))
 ·             By the end of 2027 the consented Industrial & Logistics pipeline has the
               ability to deliver £0.8 billion of GDV

On track to achieve 100% Grade A core Investment Portfolio by the end of 2027;
targeting £0.9 billion portfolio by the end of 2029

 ·             The Investment Portfolio value increased 4.4% to £231.2 million, of which 37%
               is Grade A (31 December 2023: £221.4 million and 37% Grade A)
 ·             Net initial yield increased to 5.9% (2023: 5.7%) whilst net equivalent yield
               reduced marginally to 7.0% (2023: 7.1%) continuing to provide reversion
 ·             83,000 sq. ft. of Grade A Industrial & Logistics development completed in
               the 12 months prior to 30 June 2024 was retained in the Investment Portfolio,
               with 100% now let, exchanged or in heads of terms, broadly in line with or at
               a premium to, December 2023 estimated rental values (ERV)
 ·             94% of the 0.5 million sq. ft. of Grade A space currently in development, or
               due to start in the next 12 months, is expected to be retained in the Group's
               Investment Portfolio, of which 38% is pre-let or being constructed for an
               owner-occupier, and is anticipated to generate additional annualised rental
               income of £5.4 million
 ·             EPRA vacancy rate of 6.3% (31 December 2023: 9.9%), reduces to 3.9% excluding
               units completed in the last 12 months (31 December 2023: 1.2%), and 98% of
               rent due in H1 2024 collected

Committed to sustainable development

 ·             In April, Harworth published its 2023 Net Zero Carbon (NZC) Pathway Progress
               report, alongside its Communities Framework, laying out its commitment to
               local communities and the progress made against its sustainability target of
               being operationally NZC by 2030 and NZC for all emissions by 2040
 ·             Completed the planting of over 108,000 trees in collaboration with the
               Forestry Commission at its Chevington North site in Northumberland and
               recently opened a new 350-acre Country Park in Thoresby Vale

Strategy evolution

Evolution of strategy to increase the focus on Industrial & Logistics
development and retain more prime Grade A properties in the Group's Investment
Portfolio, which is now targeted to grow to £0.9 billion by the end of 2029,
with growth accelerating from 2026 onwards as the next generation of
Industrial & Logistics sites move through the cycle.

 ·             Increased retention of directly developed Grade A properties will be the main
               driver of growth in the Investment Portfolio, supplemented by selective
               acquisitions to support this strategy and accelerate the transition to Grade A
               across the existing portfolio
 ·             As the Investment Portfolio grows the Group expects the increase in recurring
               earnings to allow increased dividends to be declared in future years
 ·             Whilst the Board intends to continue to review the dividend policy annually,
               anticipated dividend growth is not expected to impact the Group's ability to
               deliver capital growth and maximise returns
 ·             With this increased focus on Industrial & Logistics assets, the Group
               expects its balance sheet to be weighted over 85% towards Industrial &
               Logistics by the end of 2029, compared to just over 60% at 31 December 2023
 ·             To provide a steady funding platform for the growth of its core Industrial
               & Logistics portfolio Harworth will continue to create value from sales of
               high-quality serviced land

Analyst and investor presentation

Harworth will host a presentation for analysts and investors at 9:30AM today,
12 September 2024. A live webcast and playback can be accessed on the
following link:




 (1)  European Public Real Estate Association ('EPRA') Net Disposal Value ('NDV')
 (2)  Harworth discloses both statutory and alternative performance measures
      ('APMs'), a full description of, and reconciliation to, the APMs is set out in
      Note 2 to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the
 (3)  The Ex-dividend date, Record date and Payment date for the 2024 interim
      dividend can be found in the Shareholder Information section of this
 (4)  Source: JLL UK Big Box Industrial & Logistics Market Update
 (5)  Gross Development Value (GDV) is an estimate of value to be delivered on
      completion of the building or development

For further information

Harworth Group plc

Lynda Shillaw (Chief Executive)

T: +44 (0) 7436 167 285

Kitty Patmore (Chief Financial Officer)

E: investors@harworthgroup.com

Luke Passby (Head of Investor Relations & Communications)

FTI Consulting

Dido Laurimore

T: +44 (0) 20 3727 1000

Richard Gotla

E: Harworth@fticonsulting.com

Eve Kirmatzis

About Harworth

Listed on the equity shares (commercial companies) category of the Main Market
of the London Stock Exchange, Harworth Group plc (LSE: HWG) is a leading
sustainable regenerator of land and property for development and investment
which owns, develops and manages a portfolio of over 14,000 acres of land on
over 100 sites located throughout the North of England and Midlands. The Group
specialises in the regeneration of large, complex sites, in particular former
industrial sites, into new Industrial & Logistics and Residential
developments to create sustainable places where people want to live and work,
supporting new homes, jobs and communities across the regions and delivering
long-term value for all stakeholders. Visit www.harworthgroup.com for further
information. LEI: 213800R8JSSGK2KPFG21.

Chief Executive's Review

For the six months ended 30 June 2024

Harworth has delivered a strong first half reflecting the operational progress
achieved across the business as we continue to unlock value from our land and
property portfolio. We continue to deliver against the four strategic pillars
we set out in 2021 and remain on track to deliver an EPRA NDV of £1 billion
by the end of 2027. We are now half way through our strategic plan, and as
such we recently reviewed our long term guidance and targets with a view to
providing more detail on the evolution of the growth strategy.

The optimised strategy still sees us reach £1 billion EPRA NDV by the end of
2027 but with increased focus on Industrial & Logistics direct development
and an intention to retain more of that space to build an Investment Portfolio
of £0.9 billion by the end of 2029. Whilst we expect to continue to maintain
high single to low double digit total returns in the medium term, this
strategy will enable us to announce increased dividends as recurring income
grows, which is expected to optimise shareholder returns.

Our markets

Harworth's focus markets are the Industrial & Logistics (land sales,
direct development and investment) and Residential (land sales) sectors. Both
remain fundamental to enabling growth in the UK economy, and the policy themes
of the new Government reflect the need to drive investment across the UK to
create new homes and jobs and decarbonise the economy. While it is early days,
in general the mood feels more positive across both of our markets, as
alongside political stability, we have seen inflation ease and the first rate
cut take effect in August: all of which are key to driving an increase in
investor interest in the UK. We do however remain watchful until more detail
of the new Government's plans and its funding proposals are visible, and any
impact on the industry can be assessed.

In the Industrial & Logistics sector, the structural drivers of demand
seen in recent years remain intact, driven by the growth of e-commerce,
on-shoring and near-shoring still present coupled with an increasing focus
amongst occupiers on securing modern and sustainable spaces for manufacturing,
with power connection and availability being a key factor. Recent research
from Savills shows that prime yield indicators have remained broadly stable
with a positive outlook for the industrial sub-sectors and are expected to
remain stable at least until the October 2024 Budget, or until further rate
cuts. The expectation of further rate cuts and stable pricing, combined with
rising confidence in economic fundamentals that drive tenant demand, could
create the environment for improvements in yields in this sector towards the
end of the year, although this is by no means certain.

Our Industrial & Logistics serviced land remains in high demand, evidenced
by the conditional sale of two land parcels to Microsoft for £106.6 million,
our largest sale to date. We were able to bring forward this site by
progressing it through planning, recognising its attributes including power
availability, securing an occupier and collaborating with key stakeholders.

In the wider market, Industrial & Logistics supply has increased in the
first half with a vacancy rate in our regions of between 6% and 9% as a result
of speculative completions in H1 2024 alongside second hand space returning to
the market. Despite this, the North West had the lowest vacancy rate in the UK
in Q2((7)) and the Midlands region contributed over half of all Q2 take up in
this sector((8)).

Demand for build-to-suit units has remained strong in our regions supported by
increased take up for existing units with a focus from occupiers on
high-quality Grade A space: in the North West, 91% of take up in 2024 so far
has been Grade A space. There is evidence that new build high-quality
speculative units showed significantly shorter void periods compared to second
hand units.

With take-up improving, vacancy rates are expected to trend downwards into
2025. Throughout the period we continued to engage proactively with commercial
occupiers to understand demand for pre-let commitments and to collaborate with
occupiers and partners who engage us for build-to-suit development. This
engagement has highlighted the resilient nature of occupier demand and the
opportunity for future rental growth.

In the Residential sector, consumer demand remains subdued with mortgage
approvals still slightly below pre-pandemic levels as a result of prevailing
mortgage costs, challenging affordability, and lower consumer confidence,
albeit we have seen mortgage rates fall in recent months. Nationwide data
recently showed that house prices continue to increase, with annual growth
reaching 2.1% in the year to July.

We have continued to see strong demand for our serviced Residential land from
a wide range of housebuilders, both national and regional, at prices in line
with December 2023 book values, highlighting the high-quality and de-risked
nature of our land parcels. While the proposed planning reforms are welcomed,
the current planning system continues to drive lower levels of applications
for major schemes, and therefore the supply of consented land across the
market remains increasingly constrained.

Operational performance

During the period we achieved planning permission for 1.8 million sq. ft. of
Industrial & Logistics space along with 500 Residential plots, and a
further 1.5 million sq. ft. of Industrial & Logistics space and 185
Residential plots post period end. These planning achievements are key to
delivering the next phase of development across our sites. The demand for our
serviced product remains strong and we continue to receive high levels of
interest. At the time of reporting, land sales completed, exchanged, or in
heads of terms, are at 145% of the full year budget and at prices in line with
December 2023 book values. Land sales continue to provide a stable funding
channel for our Industrial & Logistics direct development programme.

Our extensive land pipeline now has the potential to deliver 38.8 million sq.
ft. of Industrial & Logistics space, the largest commercial pipeline we
have held to date, and 26,639 plots for new homes. The pipeline has been
de-risked, with 65% of the Industrial & Logistics sq. ft. and 48% of the
Residential plots having either a planning consent, currently progressing
through the planning system, or being allocated or holding a draft allocation.
During this first half, we saw progression of local plans resulting in
allocations or draft allocations of 5.7 million sq. ft. and 2,875 plots. This
was alongside planning consents for 3.3 million sq. ft. and 685 plots received
in the year to date. A further 6.4 million sq. ft. and 2,269 plots are
currently progressing through the planning system awaiting determination. With
a potential £5 billion of Gross Development Value expected from the
Industrial & Logistics pipeline, this highlights the intrinsic value still
to be unlocked from our land and property portfolio.

As at 30 June 2024, across our Industrial & Logistics development sites we
had 0.6 million sq. ft. of Grade A Industrial & Logistics space in
development, or expected to start in the next 12 months. 84% of that is
expected to be retained for investment purposes, generating an additional
£1.7 million of annualised rental income. Of this space, 0.1 million sq. ft.
was pre-let and reached practical completion post period end, contributing
£0.6 million of annualised rental income. We expect a further 0.1 million sq.
ft. to complete in the next 12 months. In addition to this, enabling works are
underway on a further 2.2 million sq. ft. of our next generation Industrial
& Logistics sites, excluding the work ongoing at Skelton Grange in
relation to the Microsoft land sale.

Letting activity remains strong, with an EPRA vacancy rate of 6.3% (31
December 2023: 9.9%), which reduces to 3.9% excluding units completed in the
last 12 months (31 December 2023: 1.2%), and 98% of rent due in H1 2024 has
been collected.

We are committed to our sustainability targets and our framework, The Harworth
Way, integrates sustainability and social value into our business and the
developments we create. A key element to our approach is placemaking. This is
the work we do across our sites that makes them places where people want to
live and work. It is at the heart of what we do, drives value for our
communities and our shareholders, and is critical to the success of our
schemes. All our schemes have placemaking initiatives; within the highlights
of what has been delivered so far this year is the planting of over 108,000
trees with the help of the local community at Chevington North,
Northumberland, in partnership with the Forestry Commission, and the opening
of a new 350 acre country park at our Thoresby Vale development in
Nottinghamshire. This benefits from a purpose-built forest style school
alongside commercial and leisure spaces, as well as over 100 acres of restored
heathland, now one of the UK's most threatened habitats.

Financial performance

During the period our land portfolio delivered £47.0 million of value gains
(H1 2023: £7.5 million), with the increase being driven largely by management
actions against a stable market backdrop. As a result, EPRA NDV per share((6))
increased 3.5% to 212.3p at 30 June 2024, up 8.5% compared to H1 2023. This
translates to a total return of 4.0% for the half (H1 2023: 0.1%).

Sales of serviced land and property, in addition to development management
revenues and income from rent, royalties and fees, resulted in Group revenue
of £41.3 million (H1 2023: £18.2 million). The increase is largely driven by
higher land sales and at the time of reporting we have completed, exchanged or
are in heads of terms on 145% of budgeted sales.

The Board is proposing an interim dividend of 0.489p per share, representing
10% growth from 2023, in line with our existing dividend policy. We recently
announced an evolution of our growth strategy and a target to grow our
Investment Portfolio to £0.9 billion by the end of 2029. As we deliver
against this goal we expect the growth in recurring income will allow
increased dividends to be declared.

We continue to maintain a strong balance sheet and financial position, with
significant available liquidity of £154.2 million as at 30 June 2024 (31
December 2023: £192.2 million) and no major refinancing events until 2027.
Our LTV at period-end was 9.8% (31 December 2023: 4.7%) reflecting our typical
profile of higher debt drawings in the middle of the year and this flexibility
allows us to be dynamic and opportunistic in our approach to achieving our
growth ambitions.

Strategy and Outlook

While there are still uncertainties in the economic outlook for the UK, there
are some encouraging signs that inflationary pressures are easing and interest
rates have started coming down. The new government's proposed reforms of
planning policy and support for economic growth and increased housing delivery
should be positive for the real estate sector, but we are yet to see the

We continue to see strong demand for our serviced land as well as our energy
efficient Grade A Industrial & Logistics units across our regions. Whilst
affordability challenges continue to weigh on house buyer demand, our sites
are located in more affordable regions and we have a strong track record for
delivering high-quality serviced Residential land which is ready to build on
once acquired.

Harworth is a long-term through-the-cycle business with a significant
landbank, currently capable of delivering 38.8 million sq. ft. of Grade A
Industrial & Logistics space with the potential to create £5 billion of
GDV, as well as 26,639 Residential plots. Our market leading shareholder
returns are driven by long term value creation through management actions
across our developments, such as achieving planning permission, completing
remediation and infrastructure works, or directly developing our own
commercial units. It is our extensive landbank, combined with our specialist
skillset, that enables us to deliver these successful schemes and unlock value
from our land.

As flagged at the outset of my statement, the evolved strategy targets an
Investment Portfolio of £0.9 billion by the end of 2029. This growth will
come predominantly from our controlled near term pipeline of sites and will be
funded from cash generated from our land and property sales supplemented by
our corporate and site specific funding lines. A focus on development may
result in more in-year cyclicality in debt drawings and a larger Investment
Portfolio will provide the opportunity to operate a debt gearing level in line
with the market for that part of the portfolio however we do not anticipate an
overall material shift in our conservative gearing approach.

We will continue to optimise the value from our portfolio and expect to
continue to maintain high single to low double digit total returns in the
medium term. We expect this strategy will enable us to announce increased
dividends as recurring income grows thereby optimising shareholder returns.

As the Investment Portfolio grows in scale, we would expect Strategic Land to
make up a smaller proportion of our portfolio compared to its proportion
today. We will continue to make acquisitions of land to contribute to our
pipeline and enable us to continue to deliver high-quality development schemes
and we anticipate that by 2029 Industrial & Logistics will be 85% of our
total land and property portfolio.

Our extensive consented pipeline enables growth in direct development,
accelerated in the outer years of the plan, and we are well positioned as we
enter the second phase of our growth strategy to reach £1 billion EPRA NDV by
the end of 2027.

 Strategic pillar                                                        2024 Progress((9))                                                            2027 Target                                        Strategy evolution
 1. Increasing direct development of Industrial & Logistics space        0.1 million sq. ft. complete and pre-let, 0.5 million sq. ft. in development  0.8 million sq. ft.                                Continue to focus on increasing direct development of Industrial &
                                                                         or expected to start in the next 12 months and 2.2 million sq. ft. being
                                                  Logistics Grade A units, building more on balance sheet to grow the Investment
                                                                         enabled for future development                                                developed on average                               Portfolio

                                                                                                                                                       per year
 2. Accelerating sales and broadening the range of Residential products  Residential land sales for 489 plots completed                                2,000 plots sold                                   Focus on acceleration, driving returns and providing a self-generating source

                                                  of funding for direct development
                                                                                                                                                       on average per year
 3. Scaling up land acquisitions and promotion                           Maintained 12-15 year land supply                                             Maintain a land supply                             Continue to maintain a land pipeline that enables scale and value creation

                                                  through selective acquisitions, including partnerships and capital light
                                                                                                                                                       of 12-15 years                                     structures
 4. Repositioning Investment Portfolio to modern Grade A                 37% of portfolio Grade A                                                      Targeting 100% Grade A core Investment Portfolio   As well as repositioning to 100% Grade A, also targeting £0.9 billion
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Investment Portfolio by the end of 2029 to provide increased recurring
                                                                                                                                                                                                          earnings and optimise future shareholder return

Finally, and importantly, Harworth cannot consistently deliver the progress
that we do without our people and I would like to thank all of my colleagues
who work collaboratively across the business and with our external
stakeholders, to ensure we continue to be successful. The progress that we
have made so far this year is a testament to their dedication, determination,
specialist skills, and teamwork, and it is those attributes that enable
Harworth to achieve our long term strategic goals and create value for our

 (6)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
      condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix
 (7)  Source: CBRE's Q2 Logistics Market report
 (8)  Source: JLL UK Big Box Industrial & Logistics Market Update
 (9)  As at the reporting date

Lynda Shillaw

Chief Executive

12 September 2024

Operational Review

For the six months ended 30 June 2024


Industrial & Logistics Land portfolio

At 30 June 2024, the Industrial & Logistics pipeline totalled 38.8 million
sq. ft. (31 December 2023: 37.7 million sq. ft.), of which 8.1 million sq. ft.
was consented (31 December 2023: 6.1 million sq. ft.), and 7.9 million sq. ft.
was in the planning system awaiting determination (31 December 2023: 10.1
million sq. ft.). The pipeline was 58% owned freehold, 38% controlled via
options, and 4% controlled via PPAs or other.

Planning progress

During the period, planning approval was secured for 1.8 million sq. ft. of
Industrial & Logistics space across two sites, with a further 1.5 million
sq. ft. achieving outline planning consent post period end. Sites continued to
move through the planning system with allocations received for 3.5 million sq.
ft. in the North West under the Places for Everyone Greater Manchester Spatial
Framework and draft allocations for 2.3 million sq. ft. in the Midlands.

Two significant planning applications currently remain in the system awaiting
determination, totalling 6.4 million sq. ft.

Direct development

As at 30 June 2024, 0.6 million sq. ft. of Grade A space was in development or
expected to start in the next 12 months, post period end 0.1 million sq. ft.
reached practical completion and a further 0.1 million sq. ft. is expected to
complete in the next 12 months. The units will all be delivered to Harworth's
sustainable commercial building specification, targeting EPC A and BREEAM
Excellent certifications, with whole life carbon assessments and renewable
energy provision incorporated into the design.

Enabling works are currently underway for 2.2 million sq. ft. of direct
development on several Major Development sites, plus further enabling works
underway at Skelton Grange in relation to the Microsoft serviced land sale.


Land sales

In June, 48 acres of Industrial & Logistics land was conditionally sold
for £106.6 million, with pricing significantly ahead of book value.


0.5 million sq. ft. of Industrial & Logistics Strategic Land was secured
for £0.1 million, the land is controlled via an Option agreement. In
addition, the freehold ownership at Cinderhill has increased with the
acquisition of 25 acres of land, this enables the delivery of the wider scheme
that includes Industrial & Logistics space.

Residential Land portfolio

At 30 June 2024, the Residential pipeline totalled 26,639 plots (31 December
2023: 27,190 plots), of which 5,445 plots were consented (31 December 2023:
5,296 plots), and 2,454 plots were in the planning system awaiting
determination (31 December 2023: 1,774 plots). Development continues to
progress on the first mixed tenure sites sold by way of forward funding
agreements. The pipeline was 48% owned freehold, with the remainder controlled
via options, PPAs or other.


Planning progress

During the period, planning approval was secured for 500 residential plots
under a PPA agreement. An allocation was received for 600 homes in the North
West and a draft allocation was secured for the mixed-use Diseworth site in
the East Midlands for 2,275 homes.

Six significant planning applications currently remain in the system awaiting
determination, totalling 2,269 plots.

Land sales

Completed 357 plot sales of serviced land for proceeds of £24.0 million, in
line with December 2023 book values, and a further 132 plots post period end.
At the reporting date, 114% of budgeted residential land sales for the year
completed, exchanged or in heads of terms.


During the period, the Group increased the freehold ownership at Cinderhill
with the acquisition of 25 acres of land, which enables the delivery of the
wider scheme that includes Residential serviced land.


Post period end, the Group acquired a former brickworks site in Bedfordshire
for total consideration of £30.6 million payable over 2 years. This is a near
term site which has outline planning permission for the delivery of 1,000
homes, offering the opportunity to create value and generate cash to fund the
broader direct development programme.

Investment Portfolio

This portfolio comprises both Industrial & Logistics assets that have been
acquired by Harworth and, increasingly, those that have been directly
developed and retained. It provides recurring rental income in addition to
asset management opportunities and the potential for capital value growth.


As at 30 June 2024, the Investment Portfolio comprised 11 sites covering 2.5
million sq. ft. (31 December 2023: 11 sites covering 2.5 million sq. ft.). It
generated £14.4 million of annualised rent (31 December 2023: £14.1
million), equating to a gross yield of 6.2% (31 December 2023: 6.3%) and a net
initial yield of 5.9% (31 December 2023: 5.7%). Annualised rent for the
portfolio increased during the period as a result of recent lettings secured.
Grade A space represented 37% of the Investment Portfolio (31 December 2023:


Completions and acquisitions


Of the 0.1 million sq. ft. of Industrial & Logistics Grade A space
completed post-period end and the 0.1 million sq. ft. expected to complete in
the 12 months, 84% is expected to be retained to the Group's Investment
Portfolio and is anticipated to generate additional annualised rental income
of £1.7 million.




During the period, 47,000 sq. ft. of leasing deals were completed (H1 2023:
300,000 sq. ft.), adding a net £0.3 million of annualised rent. New lettings,
renewals and reviews were completed at an average 0.7% premium to estimated
rental values (ERV).

Across the Investment Portfolio, operational metrics remain robust. The
portfolio weighted average rent is £6.20 per sq. ft. (31 December 2023:
£5.75) and rent collection currently stands at 98% for the year to date (31
December 23: 98%). EPRA vacancy was 6.3% at 30 June 2024 (31 December 2023:
9.9%), reduced to 3.9% excluding space completed in the preceding 12 months
(31 December 2023: 1.2%); while the weighted average unexpired lease term
(WAULT) was 11.8 years (31 December 2023: 12.9 years).

Natural Resources Land portfolio

Harworth's Natural Resources portfolio comprises sites used by occupiers for a
wide range of energy production and extraction purposes, including wind and
solar energy schemes and battery storage as part of the Group's Energy &
Natural Capital strategy. The aim is to grow this portfolio, alongside
strategic partners where appropriate, through developing renewable energy
generation solutions and other sustainability initiatives such as battery
storage, solar, EV charging, multi-fuel hubs and reforestation/rewilding. The
strategy has a wider focus on embedding these energy concepts and
future-proofing principles across all of Harworth's sites to maximise energy
availability and resilience, create economic value, and help fulfil the
Group's Net Zero Carbon (NZC) ambitions.

As at 30 June 2024, the Natural Resources portfolio had an annualised rental
income of £2.1 million (31 December 2023: £1.8 million).

Net Zero Carbon Pathway

In 2022, the Group committed to becoming NZC for Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3
business travel emissions by 2030 and to being NZC for all emissions by 2040.
To meet these objectives, the Group has developed a NZC pathway and embedded
commitments into a range of workstreams and targets to guide the Group's
growth strategy in the development of Industrial & Logistics and
Residential sites.

Further information on The Harworth Way and the Group's NZC pathway can be
found within the 2023 Annual Report and standalone 2023 NZC Pathway Progress
Report, which were both published in April 2024.

Financial Review

For the six months ended 30 June 2024



Our first half financial performance delivered a Total Return (the movement in
EPRA NDV((10)) plus dividends per share paid in the period expressed as a
percentage of opening EPRA NDV per share) of 4.0% (H1 2023: 0.1%)
demonstrating continued consistent value creation. Positive revaluation gains
achieved across the portfolio, including the conditional sale at Skelton
Grange to Microsoft announced in June 2024 and planning progress in the
period, were partially offset by net operating costs, interest costs, tax and
dividends, driving EPRA NDV growth to 212.3p per share (31 December 2023:

Sales of serviced land and property, in addition to development management
revenues and income from rent, royalties and fees, resulted in Group revenue
of £41.3 million during the period (H1 2023: £18.2 million). Looking
forward, the sales profile is robust, with 145% of 2024 budgeted sales already
completed, exchanged or in heads of terms at the time of reporting (H1 2023:

Successful asset management initiatives on the Investment Portfolio delivered
a like-for-like increase in annualised rental income of 2.4%.

The fair value of investment properties increased by £26.7 million (H1 2023:
£15.0 million increase), which contributed to an underlying operating profit
of £21.1 million (H1 2023: £8.0 million) and profit after tax of £14.8
million (H1 2023: £2.8 million).

The Group has declared an interim dividend of 0.489p (H1 2023: 0.444p) per
share, representing a 10% growth from H1 2023, in line with our existing
dividend policy.

BNP Paribas and Savills, our independent valuers, completed a desktop
valuation of our portfolio as at 30 June 2024, resulting in first half
valuation gains((10)) of £46.6 million (H1 2023: £11.1 million gains),
including the movement in the market value of development properties. These
gains were the result of management actions including progress on development
sites, obtaining planning permissions, progressing direct development schemes
and asset management initiatives, against the backdrop of a relatively stable
market. However, the revaluation gains were partially offset by continued
increases in costs to deliver our sites, predominantly driven by services
inflation. Beyond valuation movements, profits on sales, after adjusting for
selling costs and an increase in the estimate of shared infrastructure costs
attributable to prior period sales, were £0.4 million (H1 2023: loss of £3.5
million) demonstrating continued demand for sites in line with December 2023
book values. This gave total value gains of £47.0 million (H1 2023: £7.5
million) in the period.

Over the period, net asset value grew to £650.0 million (31 December 2023:
£637.7 million). With EPRA adjustments for development property valuations
included, EPRA NDV at 30 June 2024 increased to £687.0 million (31 December
2023: £662.9 million) representing a per share increase of 3.5% to 212.3p (31
December 2023: 205.1p).

The Group remains well capitalised and as at 30 June 2024 had available
liquidity of £154.2 million (31 December 2023: £192.2 million). Net debt was
£80.5 million (31 December 2023: £36.4 million), reflecting the typical
profile of higher drawdowns mid-year, resulting in a net loan to portfolio
value at 30 June 2024 of 9.8% (31 December 2023: 4.7%), well below our maximum
target of 20%. At period end, 25% of the Group's drawn debt was subject to
fixed rates (31 December 2023: 35%). We currently do not have interest rate
hedging in place against drawings under our Revolving Credit Facility (RCF),
although this continues to remain under review.

 (10)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
       condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

Presentation of financial information

As our property portfolio includes development properties and joint venture
arrangements, Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) can provide valuable
insight into our business alongside statutory measures. In particular,
revaluation gains on development properties are not recognised in the
Consolidated Income Statement and the Balance Sheet. The APMs outlined below
measure movements in development property revaluations, overages and joint
ventures. We believe that these APMs assist in providing stakeholders with
additional useful disclosure on the underlying trends, performance and
position of the Group.      

Our key APMs are: 

 ·             Total Return: the movement in EPRA NDV plus dividends per share paid in the
               period expressed as a percentage of opening EPRA NDV per share.
 ·             EPRA NDV per share: EPRA NDV aims to represent shareholder value under an
               orderly sale of the business, where deferred tax, financial instruments and
               certain other adjustments are calculated to the full extent of their liability
               net of any resulting tax. EPRA NDV per share is EPRA NDV divided by the number
               of shares in issue at the end of the period (less shares held by the Employee
               Benefit Trust or Equiniti Share Plan Trustees Limited to satisfy Restricted
               Share Plan and Share Incentive Plan awards.)
 ·             Value gains: the realised profits from the sales of properties and unrealised
               profits from property valuation movements including joint ventures, and the
               mark-to-market movement on development properties and overages.
 ·             Net loan to portfolio value: Group debt net of cash held expressed as a
               percentage of portfolio value.

A full description of all non-statutory measures and reconciliations between
all statutory and non-statutory measures are provided in Note 2 to the
condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix. 

Our financial reporting is aligned to our business units of Capital Growth and
Income Generation, with items which are not directly allocated to specific
business activities held centrally and presented separately.  

Income statement

                                H1 2024                                                       H1 2023
                                Capital growth  Income generation  Central overheads  Total   Capital growth  Income generation  Central overheads  Total

                                £m              £m                 £m                 £m      £m              £m                 £m                 £m
 Revenue                        31.1            10.3               -                  41.3    4.3             13.9                -                 18.2
 Cost of sales                  (31.5)          (2.6)              -                  (34.1)  (6.1)           (3.5)               -                 (9.6)
 Gross profit                   (0.5)           7.7                -                  7.2     (1.8)           10.4               -                  8.6
 Administrative expenses        (3.2)           (1.4)              (12.2)             (16.8)  (2.2)           (2.3)              (9.8)              (14.3)
 Other gains                    23.2            7.5                -                  30.7    12.5            1.3                -                  13.8
 Operating profit/(loss)        19.6            13.8               (12.3)             21.1    8.5             9.4                (9.8)              8.0
 Share of (loss)/profit of JVs  (0.7)           1.1                -                  0.4     (0.9)           0.1                -                  (0.8)
 Net interest credit/(expense)  0.7             -                  (3.5)              (2.8)   0.3             -                  (3.1)              (2.8)
 Profit/(loss) before tax       19.6            14.9               (15.8)             18.7    7.9             9.5                (12.9)             4.5
 Tax charge                     -               -                  (3.9)              (3.9)   -               -                  (1.6)              (1.6)
 Profit/(loss) after tax        19.6            14.9               (19.7)             14.8    7.9             9.5                (14.5)             2.8

Note: There are minor differences on some totals due to roundings.

Capital Growth revenue, which primarily relates to the sale of development
properties, increased during the period as a result of the serviced land sales
at Ironbridge, Simpson Park and Waverley. Where consideration relating to
development property sales is deferred, a reduction to revenue is made to
reflect the imputed interest element, with revenue recognised as interest
income in future periods; this resulted in a £2.0 million downward adjustment
to revenue during this period (H1 2023: £nil). H1 2024 also saw revenues
generated from build-to-suit development of £6.9 million (H1 2023: £nil).

Revenue from the Income Generation portfolio (the Investment Portfolio,
Natural Resources and Agriculture) mainly comprises property rental and
royalty income. At £10.3 million it was lower than the same period in the
prior year (H1 2023: £13.9 million), reflecting the full period impact of
successful Investment Portfolio sales during 2023. Revenue from the Income
Generation portfolio for the first half included the impact of new lettings
related to direct development and asset management initiatives, as well as
royalties from energy assets. Rental income from the Investment Portfolio
increased on an annualised basis from £14.1 million at 31 December 2023 to
£14.4 million, reflecting asset management initiatives across the portfolio.
On a like for like basis, rent grew by 2.4%.

Cost of sales comprises the inventory cost of development property sales and
both the direct and recoverable service charge costs of the Income Generation
business. Cost of sales increased to £34.1 million (H1 2023: £9.6 million),
of which £24.8 million related to the inventory cost of development property
sales (H1 2023: £5.3 million). H1 2024 also included additional costs related
to build-to-suit development. In the period, we saw a small decrease in the
net realisable value provision on development properties of £0.7 million (H1
2023: £0.3 million increase) following the valuation process as at 30 June
2024 which reflected the impact of management actions across development

Administrative expenses increased in the period by £2.4 million (H1 2023:
£3.4 million increase). This included the impact of increased employee
numbers as well as the impact of inflationary cost increases and costs
incurred in relation to strategic workstreams. Administrative expenses
expressed as a percentage of underlying revenue over the 12 months to 30 June
2024 was 21%, increasing from 14% for the 12 months to 30 June 2023,
reflecting the increases in costs as well as the timing of revenue generating

Other gains comprised a £26.5 million combined net increase (H1 2023: £14.8
million) in the fair value of investment properties and assets held for sale
(AHFS) and profit on sale of overages of £4.2 million (H1 2023: £nil) in
addition to the profit on sale of investment properties and AHFS of £0.1
million including transaction fees (H1 2023: loss on sale of £1.1 million).

Non-statutory value gains/(losses)

Value gains/(losses) are made up of profit/(loss) on sale, revaluation
gains/(losses) on investment properties (including joint ventures), and
revaluation gains/(losses) on development properties, AHFS and overages. A
reconciliation between statutory and non-statutory value gains can be found in
the appendix to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


                                                             H1 2024                                         H1 2023                                        30 June 2024     31 December 2023
 Capital growth                                 Category     Profit/          Reval. gains/ (losses)  Total  Profit on sale  Reval. gains/ (losses)  Total  Total valuation  Total valuation

 £m                                                          (loss) on sale
 Residential Major Developments                 Development  0.3              9.2                     9.5    (2.3)           (2.2)                   (4.5)  220.2            210.5
 Industrial & Logistics Major Developments      Mixed        (0.2)            6.7                     6.5    (0.2)           (2.3)                   (2.5)  162.1            136.0
 Residential Strategic Land                     Investment   0.2              3.3                     3.5    (0.1)           3.3                     3.2    55.7             51.6
 Industrial & Logistics Strategic Land          Investment   0.2              18.6                    18.8   -               9.9                     9.9    123.6            105.9


                                   H1 2024                                         H1 2023                                        30 June 2024     31 December 2023
 Income generation     Category    Profit/          Reval. gains/ (losses)  Total  Profit on sale  Reval. gains/ (losses)  Total  Total valuation  Total valuation

 £m                                (loss) on sale
 Investment Portfolio  Investment  -                8.2                     8.2    (0.9)           2.5                     1.6    231.2            221.4
 Natural Resources     Investment  -                0.2                     0.2    -               (0.2)                   (0.2)  21.1             21.6
 Agricultural Land     Investment  (0.1)            0.4                     0.3    -               0.1                     0.1    7.9              21.1

Profit on sale of £0.4 million (H1 2023: £3.5 million loss), after adjusting
for selling costs and an increase in the estimate of shared infrastructure
costs attributable to prior period sales, reflected the completion of sales in
line with December 2023 book values. Revaluation gains were £46.6 million (H1
2023: £11.1 million) and are outlined in the table below.

                                                                         H1 2024  H1 2023

                                                                         £m       £m
 Increase in fair value of investment properties                         26.7     15.0
 Decrease in fair value of assets held for sale                          (0.2)    (0.2)
 Movement in net realisable value provision on development properties    (0.3)    (0.3)
 Contribution to statutory operating profit                              26.2     14.6
 Share of profit/(loss) of joint ventures                                0.4      (0.8)
 Unrealised gains/(losses) on development properties and overages((11))  20.0     (2.7)
 Total non-statutory revaluation gains                                   46.6     11.1

The principal revaluation gains and losses across the divisions reflected the

Industrial & Logistics

Against a relatively stable Industrial & Logistics market during the first
half of 2024, revaluation gains were driven by management actions to progress
strategies across sites. This included progress on serviced land sales, most
notably exchanging contracts for the conditional sale at Skelton Grange to
Microsoft, as well as significant planning progress in the period with
permission achieved for 1.8 million sq. ft. alongside new draft allocations or
allocations in local plans for 5.7 million sq. ft. Occupier demand remained
resilient and market rents across our sites were up. Costs of construction
increases over the period continued to impact gains, but at a lower rate
compared to 2023 with the highest increases predominantly relating to
professional service costs. Combined, this resulted in revaluation gains of
£25.3 million across Industrial & Logistics Major Developments and
Strategic Land (H1 2023: £7.6 million).

Investment Portfolio gains of £8.2 million (H1 2023: £2.5 million) reflected
the impact of our management actions such as new leases on recently completed
direct development alongside the impact of market rental growth. Overall,
these impacts resulted in the net initial yield increasing 20 bps to 5.9% from
5.7% as at 31 December 2023. The equivalent yield decreased from 7.1% to 7.0%.



Residential land sales continued to demonstrate demand for our serviced land
product and underpinned valuations with our Residential Major Developments
realising gains of £9.2 million (H1 2023: losses of £2.2 million). The
Residential market has seen some mild improvement with Nationwide reporting UK
annualised price increases of 1.5% for the 12 months to June with the Northern
England markets in which Harworth operates showing higher growth supported by
higher affordability. Supply of high-quality serviced land remains constrained
with demand growing from a range of housebuilders. As we saw with Industrial
& Logistics development sites, costs of construction increased over the
period, predominantly related to professional services costs, partly
offsetting the impact of positive house price movements and demand for land.

Residential strategic land gains of £3.3 million (H1 2023: £3.3 million)
reflected planning progress on sites with new draft allocations or allocations
in local plans for 2,875 plots achieved during the period.

Natural Resources

Valuations remained broadly consistent during the period.


We experienced a small valuation increase on retained properties as a result
of improving agricultural land prices. The reduction in the portfolio value
from 31 December 2023 reflects a £13.3 million sale, in line with book value.

Net realisable value provision

The net realisable value provision on development properties as at 30 June
2024 was £13.4 million (31 December 2023: £14.1 million). This provision is
held to reduce the value of seven development properties from their deemed
cost (the fair value at which they were transferred from an investment to a
development categorisation) to their net realisable value at 30 June 2024. The
transfer from investment to development property takes place once planning is
secured and development with a view to sale has commenced.

 (11)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
       condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

Cash and sales

The Group made property sales((12)) in the period of £41.7 million (H1 2023:
£56.2 million), realising a total profit on sale of £0.4 million (H1 2023:
loss of £3.5 million). Sales comprised residential development sales of
£24.0 million (H1 2023: £4.0 million) and receipts through overages of £4.2
million (H1 2023: £nil). Disposals of income-generating sites where value has
already been maximised through asset management initiatives were £13.3
million (H1 2023: £52.2 million).

Cash proceeds from sales in the period were £30.0 million (H1 2023: £58.2
million) as shown in the table below:

                                                                  H1 2024  H1 2023

                                                                  £m       £m
 Total property sales((12))                                       41.7     56.2
 Less deferred consideration on sales in the period               (13.6)   (1.0)
 Add receipt of deferred consideration from sales in prior years  1.9      3.0
 Total cash proceeds                                              30.0     58.2

 (12)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
       condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix


The income statement charge for taxation for the period was £3.9 million (H1
2023: £1.6 million), which comprised a current year tax charge of £nil (H1
2023: £0.3 million) and a deferred tax charge of £3.9 million (H1 2023:
£1.3 million).  

The current tax charge reflects the timing of sales activity, coupled with
administrative costs and interest offsetting trading profits during the
period. The increase in deferred tax largely relates to unrealised gains on
investment properties. The deferred tax balance has been calculated based on
the rate expected to apply on the date the liability is reversed.

At 30 June 2024, the Group had deferred tax liabilities of £37.0 million (31
December 2023: £30.6 million) and deferred tax assets of £3.3 million (31
December 2023: £0.5 million). The net deferred tax liability was £33.7
million (31 December 2023: £30.1 million).

Basic earnings per share and dividends

Basic earnings per share for the period increased to 4.6p (H1 2023: 0.9p)
reflecting valuation gains on the land and property portfolio in H1 2024, as
well as increased revenue from land sales compared to H1 2023.

The Board has determined to pay an interim dividend of 0.489p (H1 2023:
0.444p) per share, an increase of 10% in line with the Group's policy.

Property categorisation

Until sites receive planning permission and their future use has been
determined, our view is that the land is held for a currently undetermined
future use and should, therefore, be held as investment property. We
categorise properties and land that have received planning permission, and
where development with a view to sale has commenced, as development

As at 30 June 2024, the balance sheet value of all our development properties
was £250.5 million (31 December 2023: £250.0 million) and their independent
valuation by BNP Paribas was £294.5 million, reflecting a £44.0 million
cumulative uplift in value since they were classified as development
properties. In order to highlight the market value of development properties,
and overages, and to be consistent with how we state our investment
properties, we use EPRA NDV((13)), which includes the market value of
development properties and overages less notional deferred tax, as our primary
net assets metric.

 (13)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
       condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

Net asset value

                                                                              As at          As at          As at

                                                                              30 June 2024   30 June 2023   31 December 2023

                                                                              £m             £m             £m
 Properties                                                                   772.5          700.3          734.8
 Cash                                                                         9.2            8.5            27.2
 Trade and other receivables                                                  68.9           57.3           48.6
 Other assets                                                                 15.9           14.2           13.8
 Total assets                                                                 866.5          780.3          824.4
 Gross borrowings                                                             (89.7)         (72.1)         (63.6)
 Deferred tax liability                                                       (33.7)         (25.5)         (30.1)
 Other liabilities                                                            (93.1)         (79.6)         (93.0)
 Statutory net assets                                                         650.0          603.1          637.7
 Mark to market value adjustment on development properties and overages less  37.0           28.1           25.2
 notional deferred tax
 EPRA NDV((14))                                                               687.0          631.2          662.9
 Number of shares in issue less Employee Benefit Trust & Equiniti Share       323,592,468    322,612,685    323,154,373
 Plan Trustees Limited-held shares 
 EPRA NDV per share((14))                                                     212.3p         195.7p         205.1p

 (14)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
       condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

EPRA NDV((15)) at 30 June 2024 was £687.0 million (31 December 2023: £662.9
million), which includes the mark-to-market adjustment on the value of the
development properties and overages. The total portfolio value as at 30 June
2024 was £821.9 million, an increase of £53.7 million from 31 December 2023.
The Group's share of profits from joint ventures of £0.4 million (H1 2023:
£0.8 million loss) resulted in investments in joint ventures increasing to
£32.3 million (31 December 2023: £30.7 million). Trade and other receivables
include deferred consideration on sales as set out previously. At 30 June
2024, deferred consideration of £41.7 million was outstanding (31 December
2023: £28.1 million), of which 39% is due within one year.

The table below sets out ten of our key sites:

 Site                         Site type                                 Categorisation in balance sheet  Region                   Progress
 Skelton Grange               Major Development / Strategic Land        Development                      Yorkshire & Central      1.1m sq. ft of Industrial & Logistics space consented and conditionally
                                                                                                                                  exchanged with Microsoft
 Waverley AMP                 Investment Portfolio / Major Development  Investment                       Yorkshire & Central      2.1m sq. ft. of Industrial & Logistics space consented, 1.7m built and
                                                                                                                                  retained or sold, 0.4m under or pending construction
 South East Coalville         Major Development                         Development                      Midlands                 2,016 Residential units consented, land sold representing 977 units
 Benthall Grange, Ironbridge  Major Development                         Development                      Midlands                 1,000 Residential units consented, land sold representing 312 units, further
                                                                                                                                  enabling works underway
 Bardon                       Investment Portfolio                      Investment                       Midlands                 N/A - property is let
 Nufarm                       Investment Portfolio                      Investment                       Yorkshire & Central      N/A - property is let
 Ansty                        Strategic Land                            Investment                       Midlands                 Proposed Industrial & Logistics site, held under option by a 3(rd) party,
                                                                                                                                  planning submitted
 Chatterley Valley            Major Development                         Development                      North West               1.2m sq. ft. of Industrial & Logistics space consented, enabling works
 Wingates                     Major Development / Strategic Land        Investment                       North West               Up to 1m sq. ft. of Industrial & Logistics space consented on Phase 1 and
                                                                                                                                  enabling works started, wider scheme allocated for commercial use under
                                                                                                                                  Greater Manchester's Places for Everyone
 Knowsley                     Investment Portfolio                      Investment                       North West               N/A - property is let

 (15)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
       condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

Financing strategy

Harworth's financing strategy is to remain prudently geared. The core Income
Generation portfolio provides a recurring income source to service debt
facilities and this is supplemented by proceeds from sales. The Group has an
established sales track record that has been built up since re-listing in

To deliver its strategic plan, the Group has adopted a target net loan to
portfolio value((16)) at year-end of below 20%, with a maximum of 25% in-year.
As a principle, the Group will seek to maintain its cash flows in balance by
funding the majority of infrastructure expenditure through disposal proceeds,
while allowing for growth in the portfolio. 

The Group intends to continue to use development and infrastructure loans
alongside its RCF to support its growth strategy.

 (16)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
       condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

Debt facilities

The Group has a £200 million RCF, together with a £40 million uncommitted
accordion option, which was entered into in 2022. The RCF is provided by
NatWest, Santander and HSBC and is aligned to the Group's strategy, providing
significant liquidity and flexibility to enable us to pursue our strategic
ambitions. The interest rate on the RCF is based on a loan-to-value ratchet
mechanism with a margin payable above SONIA in the range of 2.25% to 2.50%.
The Group has no major refinancing requirements until 2027.

As part of its funding structure, the Group also uses infrastructure financing
provided by public bodies and site-specific direct development loans to
promote the development of major sites and bring forward the development of
Industrial & Logistics units.

The Group had borrowings and loans of £89.7 million at 30 June 2024 (31
December 2023: £63.6 million; 30 June 2023: £72.1 million), being the RCF
drawn balance (net of capitalised loan fees) of £54.0 million (31 December
2023: £33.8 million; 30 June 2023: £43.7 million) and infrastructure or
direct development loans (net of capitalised loan fees) of £35.7 million (31
December 2023: £29.7 million; 30 June 2023: £28.4 million). The Group's cash
balances at 30 June 2024 were £9.2 million (31 December 2023: £27.2 million;
30 June 2023: £8.5 million). The resulting net debt was £80.5 million (31
December 2023: £36.4 million; 30 June 2023: £63.7 million).

Net debt((17)) increased with property expenditure, acquisitions and operating
costs partly offset by the completion of serviced land and property sales. The
movements in net debt over the period are shown below: 

                                                        H1 2024  H1 2023

                                                        £m       £m
 Opening net debt as at 1 January                       (36.4)   (48.4)
 Cash outflow from operations                           (32.8)   (22.4)
 Property expenditure and acquisitions                  (21.1)   (28.8)
 Disposal of investment property, AHFS and overages     17.5     50.5
 Net investment in joint ventures                       (1.2)    -
 Interest and loan arrangement fees                     (2.2)    (2.1)
 Dividends paid                                         (3.3)    (3.0)
 Tax paid                                               (0.2)    (8.5)
 Other cash and non-cash movements                      (0.8)    (1.0)
 Closing net debt as at 30 June                         (80.5)   (63.7)

The weighted average cost of the Group's debt, using the average debt balance
in the preceding 12 months and the average rates as at 30 June 2024, was 6.94%
with a 0.9% non-utilisation fee on undrawn RCF amounts (31 December 2023:
6.88% with a 0.9% non-utilisation fee; 30 June 2023: 6.19% with a 0.9%
non-utilisation fee). The weighted average term of drawn debt is now 2.4 years
(31 December 2023: 2.9 years; 30 June 2023: 2.9 years).

The Group's hedging strategy to manage its exposure to interest rate risk is
to hedge the lower of around half its average debt during the year or its net
debt((17)) balance at year-end. At 30 June 2024, 25% (31 December 2023: 35%)
of the Group's drawn debt, reflecting 27% of net debt (31 December 2023: 62%),
was subject to fixed rate interest rates with no hedging instruments in place
on the remaining floating rate debt. Projected drawn debt and hedging
requirements remain under active review with any new hedging to be aligned to
future net debt requirements.

As at 30 June 2024, the Group's gross loan to portfolio value((17)) was 10.9%
(31 December 2023: 8.3%; 30 June 2023: 9.8%) and its net loan to portfolio
value was 9.8% (31 December 2023: 4.7%; 30 June 2023: 8.6%). If gearing is
assessed against the value of the core Income Generation Portfolio (the
Investment Portfolio and Natural Resources portfolio) only, this equates to a
gross loan to core Income Generation portfolio value of 38.3% (31 December
2023: 27.9%; 30 June 2023: 31.7%) and a net loan to core Income Generation
portfolio value of 34.4% (31 December 2023: 15.9%; 30 June 2023: 28.0%). Under
the RCF, the Group could withstand a material fall in portfolio value,
property sales or rental income before reaching covenant levels.

At 30 June 2024, undrawn capacity under the RCF was £145.0 million (31
December 2023: £165.0 million; 30 June 2023: £155.0 million). Going
forwards, the RCF, alongside selected use of infrastructure loans where
appropriate, will continue to provide the Group with sufficient liquidity to
execute our growth strategy.

 (17)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
       condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

Kitty Patmore

Chief Financial Officer

12 September 2024

Appendix 1: Supplementary operational information

1.1  Top Industrial & Logistics sites (as at 30 June 2024)

 Name               Location                            Sold or developed / consented / non-consented  Total development at completion (m sq. ft)  Estimated potential GDV  Forecast completion date

                                                        (m sq. ft.)                                                                                (£m)
 Skelton            Leeds, West Yorkshire               0.0m / 1.1m / 0.3m                             1.4m                                        Confidential             to 2027
 AMP                Rotherham, South Yorkshire          1.7m / 0.4m / 0.0m                             2.1m                                        £55m - £65m              to 2027
 Chatterley Valley  Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire       0.0m / 1.2m / 0.0m                             1.2m                                        £150m - £160m            to 2027
 Gascoigne Wood     Sherburn-in-Elmet, North Yorkshire  0.0m / 1.5m / 0.5m                             2.0m                                        £190m - £200m            to 2028
 Rothwell           Rothwell, Northamptonshire          0.0m / 0.0m / 1.8m                             1.8m                                        £290m - £310m            to 2028
 Wingates           Bolton, Greater Manchester          0.0m / 1.0m / 1.5m                             2.5m                                        £320m - £370m            to 2030
 Junction 15, M1    Northampton, Northamptonshire       0.0m / 0.0m / 1.6m                             1.6m                                        £235m - £260m            to 2030
 Gateway 36         Barnsley, South Yorkshire           0.4m / 0.6m / 0.5m                             1.5m                                        £130m - £150m            to 2033
 Northern Gateway   Greater Manchester                  0.0m / 0.0m / 2.5m                             2.5m                                        Confidential             2026 - 2035
 North Yorks Site   Selby, North Yorkshire              0.0m / 0.0m / 3.0m                             3.0m                                        £290m - £340m            to 2040

1.2  Top Residential sites (as at 30 June 2024)

 Name                         Location                         Sold or developed / consented / non-consented  Total development at completion (plots)  Forecast completion date

 Waverley                     Rotherham, South Yorkshire       2,578 /415 / 0                                 2,993                                    2025
 Moss Nook                    St Helens, Merseyside            256 /660 / 0                                   916                                      2026
 Simpson Park                 Harworth, Nottinghamshire        733 / 731 / 0                                  1,464                                    2027
 Thoresby                     Edwinstowe, Newark and Sherwood  650 / 150 / 190                                990                                      2027
 Pheasant Hill Park           Doncaster, South Yorkshire       645 / 555 / 206                                1,406                                    2028
 Benthall Grange, Ironbridge  Ironbridge, Shropshire           312 / 688 / 0                                  1,000                                    2030
 South East Coalville         Coalville, Leicestershire        977 / 1,039 / 0                                2,016                                    2031
 Huyton                       Knowsley, Merseyside             0 / 0 / 1,500                                  1,500                                    2033
 Diseworth West               North West Leicestershire        0 / 0 / 2,275                                  2,275                                    2035
 Cinderhill                   Denby, Derbyshire                0 / 150 / 1,350                                1,500                                    2039

Appendix 2: Key performance indicators

2.1  Financial track record

 KPI                                                                              H1 2024 result   H1 2023 result   FY 2023 result   H1 2024 performance commentary

 Total Return (%)((18))
 Growth in EPRA NDV during the year in addition to dividends paid, as a           4.0%             0.1%             5.1%             Our total return of 4.0% was the result of a 3.5% increase in EPRA NDV during
 proportion of EPRA NDV at the beginning of the year.                                                                                the year, as well as the payment of a 1.022p dividend.

 EPRA Net Disposal Value ('NDV') per share((18))
 A European Public Real Estate Association ("EPRA") metric that represents a      212.3p           195.7p           205.1p           The increase was driven by management actions, including progressing sales and
 net asset valuation where development property is included at fair value                                                            planning activity within a relatively stable market backdrop.
 rather than cost and deferred tax, financial instruments and other adjustments
 as set out in Note 2 and the appendix to the financial statements, are
 calculated to the full extent of their liability.

 Net asset value((18))
 The value of our assets less the value of our liabilities, based on IFRS         £650.0 million   £603.1 million   £637.7 million   Net asset value increased as a result of crystalising valuation gains in
 measures, which excludes the mark-to-market value of development properties.                                                        investment properties.

 Net loan to portfolio value ('LTV')((18))
 Net debt as a proportion of the aggregate value of properties and investments.   9.8%             8.6%             4.7%             Our LTV increased during the period in line with the timing of development and
                                                                                                                                     sales activity, with LTV remaining well within our target of less than 25%
                                                                                                                                     within year as we continued to manage carefully our levels of net debt.

 (18)  A full description and reconciliation of the APMs is included in Note 2 to the
       condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the appendix

Principal risks and uncertainties

A detailed explanation of the Group's risk management framework, the principal
risks and uncertainties affecting the Group and the steps it takes to mitigate
these risks, can be found on pages 48 to 60 of the Annual Report and Financial
Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 (the "2023 Annual Report"),
available at harworthgroup.com/investors/
(http://www.harworthgroup.com/investors/) .

The Board has assessed the principal and emerging risks facing the Group and
considers that there have been no material changes to the risks set out in the
2023 Annual Report.

In light of the recent change in the UK Government and political landscape,
though changes are not expected in the short term, the Board is closely
monitoring the following principal risks: Planning, Statutory costs of
development, Residential and Commercial markets, and Availability of and
competition for strategic sites. A detailed update on all principal risks will
be provided in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ending
31 December 2024.

Directors' Responsibilities statement

For the six months ended 30 June 2024

The Directors who held office at the date of approval of these Financial
Statements confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

 1.        the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements have been prepared in
           accordance with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the
           Financial Conduct Authority and in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial
           Reporting' as contained in UK-adopted international accounting standards; and

 2.        the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information
           required by:

       (a)                                           Rule 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of
                                                     important events that have occurred during the six months ended 30 June 2024
                                                     and their impact on the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements,
                                                     and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining
                                                     six months of the financial year; and

       (b)                                           Rule 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party
                                                     transactions that have taken place in the six months ended 30 June 2024 and
                                                     that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the
                                                     Group during that period, and any changes in the related party transactions
                                                     described in the last Annual Report and Financial Statements that could do so.

The Directors who served during the six months ended 30 June 2024 were as

 Alastair Lyons            Chair
 Lynda Shillaw             Chief
 Katerina Patmore          Chief Financial Officer
 Angela Bromfield          Senior Independent Director
 Ruth Cooke                Independent Non-Executive Director
 Lisa Scenna               Independent Non-Executive Director
 Patrick O'Donnell Bourke  Independent Non-Executive Director
 Marzia Zafar              Independent Non-Executive Director
 Steven Underwood          Non-Executive Director
 Martyn Bowes              Non-Executive Director

By order of the Board

Kitty Patmore

Chief Financial Officer

12 September 2024

Cautionary statement

This report for the six months ended 30 June 2024 contains certain
forward-looking statements with respect to the Company's financial condition,
results, operations and business. These statements and forecasts involve
risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend upon
circumstances that will occur in the future. There are factors that could
cause actual results or developments to differ materially from those expressed
or implied by these forward-looking statements and forecasts. Nothing in
this report should be construed as a profit forecast.

Directors' liability

Neither the Company nor the Directors accept any liability to any person in
relation to this report for the six months ended 30 June 2024 except to the
extent that such liability could arise under English law. Accordingly, any
liability to a person who has demonstrated reliance on any untrue or
misleading statement or omission shall be determined in accordance with
section 90A of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.

Shareholder information

Financial calendar

 Interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2024                        Announced         12 September 2024

 Interim dividend for the year ending 31 December 2024                        Ex-dividend date  19 September 2024

                                                                              Record date       20 September 2024

                                                                              Payable           24 October 2024
 Capital Markets Day 2024                                                     Scheduled         22 October 2024
 Results for the year ending 31 December 2024                                 Announced         March 2025

 Annual report and financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2024  Published         April 2025

 2025 Annual General Meeting                                                  Scheduled         May 2025

 Final dividend for the year ending 31 December 2024                          Payable           June 2025


All administrative enquiries relating to shareholdings should, in the first
instance, be directed to Equiniti, Aspect House, Spencer Road, Lancing, West
Sussex, BN99 6DA (telephone: 0371 384 2301) and should state clearly the
registered shareholder's name and address.

Dividend mandate

Any shareholder wishing dividends to be paid directly into a bank or building
society should contact the Registrars for a dividend mandate form. Dividends
paid in this way will be paid through the Bankers' Automated Clearing System

Shareview service

The Shareview service from Equiniti allows shareholders to manage their
shareholding online. It gives shareholders direct access to their data held on
the share register, including recent share movements and dividend details and
the ability to change their address or dividend payment instructions online.

To visit the Shareview website, go to shareview.co.uk
(http://www.shareview.co.uk) . There is no charge to register but the
'shareholder reference' printed on proxy forms or dividend stationery will be


Harworth's website (harworthgroup.com (http://www.harworthgroup.com) ) gives
further information on the Group. Detailed information for shareholders can be
found at harworthgroup.com/investors/
(http://www.harworthgroup.com/investors/) .

Consolidated income statement


                                                                         Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

6 months ended

30 June         6 months ended   Year ended

30 June
31 December


 Revenue                                                          3      41,306           18,237           72,427
 Cost of sales                                                    3      (34,110)         (9,609)          (60,077)
 Gross profit                                                     3      7,196            8,628            12,350
 Administrative expenses                                          3      (16,779)         (14,349)         (27,435)
 Other gains                                                      3      30,736           13,774           69,426
 Other operating expenses                                         3      (44)             (45)             (112)
 Operating profit                                                 3      21,109           8,008            54,229
 Finance costs                                                    4      (3,614)          (3,105)          (6,421)
 Finance income                                                   4      801              335              445
 Share of profit/(loss) of joint ventures (including impairment)  9      430              (773)            1,554
 Profit before tax                                                       18,726           4,465            49,807
 Tax charge                                                       5      (3,942)          (1,618)          (11,851)
 Profit for the period/year                                              14,784           2,847            37,956

 Earnings per share from operations                                      pence            pence            pence
 Basic                                                            7      4.6              0.9              11.8
 Diluted                                                          7      4.5              0.9              11.5

Notes 1 to 16 are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim
financial statements.

All activities are derived from continuing operations.

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income


                                                                                Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

                                                                                6 months ended   6 months ended   Year ended

30 June
30 June
31 December


 Profit for the period/year                                                     14,784           2,847            37,956
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income - items that will not be reclassified to
 profit or loss:
 Net actuarial (loss)/gain in Blenkinsopp Pension scheme                        (123)            86               (10)
 Revaluation of Group occupied property                                         (300)            (67)             (167)
 Deferred tax on other comprehensive (expense)/income items                     -                (22)             3
 Total other comprehensive expense                                              (423)            (3)              (174)
 Total comprehensive income for the period/year                                 14,361           2,844            37,782

Consolidated balance sheet


 ASSETS                                 Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

As at

30 June   As at      As at

30 June
31 December

£'000     2023       2023

 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment          1,442      1,236      1,670
 Right of use assets                    463        557        512
 Trade and other receivables            23,046     2,735      11,296
 Investment properties           8      479,564    430,366    433,942
 Investments in joint ventures   9      32,346     29,055     30,722
 Retirement benefit asset               938        31         -
                                        537,799    463,980    478,142
 Current assets
 Inventories                     10     264,721    231,304    263,073
 Trade and other receivables            47,324     54,538     37,289
 Assets held for sale            11     7,491      20,811     18,752
 Cash                            12     9,207      8,493      27,182
 Current tax asset                      -          1,142      -
                                        328,743    316,288    346,296
 Total assets                           866,542    780,268    824,438

 Current liabilities
 Borrowings                      13     (35,708)   -          (29,744)
 Trade and other payables               (88,485)   (76,315)   (88,087)
 Lease liabilities                      (176)      (152)      (158)
 Current tax liabilities                (2,406)    -          (2,643)
                                        (126,775)  (76,467)   (120,632)
 Net current assets                     201,968    239,821    225,664
 Non-current liabilities
 Borrowings                      13     (53,983)   (72,145)   (33,830)
 Trade and other payables               (1,673)    (2,733)    (1,757)
 Lease liabilities                      (371)      (410)      (397)
 Net deferred tax liabilities           (33,748)   (25,460)   (30,089)
 Retirement benefit obligations         -          -          (11)
                                        (89,775)   (100,748)  (66,084)
 Total liabilities                      (216,550)  (177,215)  (186,716)
 Net assets                             649,992    603,053    637,722

 Called up share capital         14     32,486     32,345     32,408
 Share premium account                  25,112     24,688     25,034
 Fair value reserve                     245,766    179,339    225,177
 Capital redemption reserve             257        257        257
 Merger reserve                         45,667     45,667     45,667
 Investment in own shares               (134)      (90)       (99)
 Retained earnings                      286,054    318,000    271,322
 Current year profit                    14,784     2,847      37,956
 Total shareholders' equity             649,992    603,053    637,722


Condensed consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity


                                                                     Called up share capital £'000   Share                              Fair      Capital redemption reserve  Investment in own shares

                                                                                                     premium account   Merger reserve   value     £'000                       £'000                     Retained earnings   Total

                                                                                                     £'000             £'000            reserve                                                         £'000               equity

                                                                                                                                        £'000                                                                               £'000
 Balance at 1 Jan 2023                                               32,305                          24,688            45,667           174,520   257                         (50)                      325,277             602,664
 Profit for the six months to 30 June 2023                           -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         2,847               2,847
 Fair value gains                                                    -                               -                 -                17,888    -                           -                         (17,888)            -
 Transfer of unrealised gains on disposal of investment property     -                               -                 -                (13,002)  -                           -                         13,002              -
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income:
 Actuarial gain in Blenkinsopp pension scheme                        -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         86                  86
 Revaluation of group occupied property                              -                               -                 -                (67)      -                           -                         -                   (67)
 Fair value of financial                                             -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         -                   -
 Deferred tax on other comprehensive (expense)/income items          -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         (22)                (22)
                                                                     -                               -                 -                4,819     -                           -                         (1,975)             2,844
 Transactions with owners:
 Purchase of own shares                                              -                               -                 -                -         -                           (40)                      -                   (40)
 Share-based payments                                                -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         546                 546
 Dividends paid                                                      -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         (3,001)             (3,001)
 Share issue                                                         40                              -                 -                -         -                           -                         -                   40
 Balance at 30 June 2023 (unaudited)                                 32,345                          24,688            45,667           179,339   257                         (90)                      320,847             603,053
 Profit for the year to 31 December 2023                             -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         35,110              35,110
 Fair value gains                                                    -                               -                 -                58,856    -                           -                         (58,856)            -
 Transfer of unrealised gains on disposal of investment property     -                               -                 -                (12,918)  -                           -                         12,918              -
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income:
 Actuarial loss in Blenkinsopp pension scheme                        -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         (96)                (96)
 Revaluation of group occupied property                              -                               -                 -                (100)     -                           -                         -                   (100)
 Deferred tax on other comprehensive (expense)/income items          -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         25                  25
                                                                     -                               -                 -                45,838    -                           -                         (10,899)            34,939
 Transactions with owners:                                                                                                                                                                                                  -
 Purchase of own shares                                              -                               -                 -                -         -                           (9)                       -                   (9)
 Share-based payments                                                -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         768                 768
 Dividends paid                                                      -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         (1,437)             (1,437)
 Share issue                                                         63                              346               -                -         -                           -                         -                   409
 Balance at 31 December 2023                                         32,408                          25,034            45,667           225,177   257                         (99)                      309,278             637,722
 Profit for the six months to 30 June 2024                           -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         14,784              14,784
 Fair value gains                                                    -                               -                 -                28,770    -                           -                         (28,770)            -
 Transfer of unrealised gains on disposal of investment property     -                               -                 -                (7,881)   -                           -                         7,881               -
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income:
 Actuarial loss in Blenkinsopp pension scheme                        -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         (123)               (123)
 Revaluation of group occupied property                              -                               -                 -                (300)     -                           -                         -                   (300)
                                                                     -                               -                 -                20,589    -                           -                         (6,228)             14,361
 Transactions with owners:
 Purchase of own shares                                              -                               -                 -                -         -                           (35)                      -                   (35)
 Share-based payments                                                -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         1,099               1,099
 Dividends paid                                                      -                               -                 -                -         -                           -                         (3,311)             (3,311)
 Share issue                                                         78                              78                -                -         -                           -                         -                   156
 Balance at 30 June 2024 (unaudited)                                 32,486                          25,112            45,667           245,766   257                         (134)                     300,838             649,992


Consolidated statement of cash flows


                                                                        Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

6 months ended

30 June         6 months ended   year ended


£'000           30 June          31 December 2023


 Cash flows from operating activities
 Profit before tax for the period/year                                  18,726           4,465            49,807
 Net finance costs                                                      2,813            2,770            5,976
 Other gains                                                            (30,736)         (13,774)         (69,426)
 Share of (profit)/loss of joint ventures (including impairment)        (430)            773              (1,554)
 Share-based transactions((19))                                         1,114            533              1,404
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment and right of use assets  188              112              282
 Pension contributions in excess of charge                              (1,072)          (59)             (113)
 Operating cash outflows before movements in working capital            (9,397)          (5,180)          (13,624)
 (Increase)/decrease in inventories                                     (1,648)          (15,311)         5,186
 (Increase)/decrease in receivables                                     (21,785)         3,397            18,868
 Increase/(decrease) in payables                                        50               (5,325)          6,937
 Cash generated (used in)/generated from operations                     (32,780)         (22,419)         17,367
 Interest paid                                                          (2,055)          (2,065)          (4,302)
 Corporation tax paid                                                   (236)            (8,462)          (10,212)
 Cash (used in)/generated from operating activities                     (35,071)         (32,946)         2,853
 Cash flows from investing activities
 Interest received                                                      801              335              445
 Investment in joint ventures                                           (2,422)          -                (250)
 Distribution from joint ventures                                       1,228            -                911
 Net proceeds from disposal of Investment Property, AHFS and overages   17,517           50,506           69,568
 Property acquisitions                                                  (2,649)          (12,019)         (19,046)
 Expenditure on investment properties and AHFS                          (18,491)         (16,801)         (35,808)
 Expenditure on property, plant and equipment                           (176)            (238)            (396)
 Cash (used in)/generated from investing activities                     (4,192)          21,783           15,424
 Cash flows from financing activities
 Net proceeds from issue of ordinary shares                             87               -                400
 Proceeds from other loans                                              5,510            5,309            5,939
 Repayment of other loans                                               (852)            (3,116)          (3,299)
 Proceeds from bank loans                                               40,000           20,000           45,000
 Repayment of bank loans                                                (20,000)         (11,000)         (46,000)
 Loan arrangement fees                                                  (101)            (66)             (162)
 Payment in respect of leases                                           (45)             (53)             (118)
 Dividends paid                                                         (3,311)          (3,001)          (4,438)
 Cash generated from/(used in) financing activities                     21,288           8,073            (2,678)
 (Decrease)/increase in cash                                            (17,975)         (3,090)          15,599

 Cash as at beginning of period/year                                    27,182           11,583           11,583
 (Decrease)/increase in cash                                            (17,975)         (3,090)          15,599
 Cash as at end of period/year                                          9,207            8,493            27,182


 (19)  Share-based transactions reflect the non-cash expenses relating to share-based
       payments included within the income statement


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements

for the six months ended 30 June 2024


1.  Accounting policies

The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of this condensed
consolidated interim financial information are set out below. These policies
have been consistently applied to all of the periods presented, unless
otherwise stated.


General information

Harworth Group plc (the "Company") is a company limited by shares,
incorporated and domiciled in the UK (England). The address of its registered
office is Advantage House, Poplar Way, Catcliffe, Rotherham, South Yorkshire,
S60 5TR.

The Company is a public company listed on the London Stock Exchange.

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months
ended 30 June 2024 comprise the accounts of the Company and its subsidiaries
(together referred to as the "Group").

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements do not comprise
statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act
2006. The financial information presented for the year ended 31 December 2023
is derived from the statutory accounts for that year. Statutory accounts for
the year ended 31 December 2023 were approved by the Board of Directors on 18
March 2024 and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the
auditor on those accounts was unqualified, did not contain an emphasis of
matter paragraph and did not contain any statement under section 498 of the
Companies Act 2006.

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months
ended 30 June 2024, which have not been audited, were approved by the Board on
9 September 2024.


Basis of preparation

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months
ended 30 June 2024 have been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure
Guidance and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority and in
accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' as contained in
UK-adopted international accounting standards.


These condensed consolidated interim financial statements should be read in
conjunction with the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31
December 2023, which were prepared in accordance with
international accounting standards in conformity with the requirements of the
Companies Act 2006 and in accordance with UK adopted International Financial
Reporting Standards ("IFRS").


Going-concern basis


These condensed consolidated interim financial statements are prepared on the
basis that the Group is a going concern. In forming its opinion as to going
concern, the Company prepares cash flow and banking covenant forecasts based
upon assumptions, with particular consideration to key risks and uncertainties
and the macro-economic environment as well as taking into account available
borrowing facilities. The going concern period assessed is until December 2025
which is selected as it can be projected with a reasonable degree of accuracy
and covers a complete period of reporting under the Group's RCF.


A key focus of the assessment of going concern is the management of liquidity
and compliance with borrowing facilities for the period to December 2025. In
2022, a five year £200 million RCF was agreed with HSBC, NatWest and
Santander. The RCF is aligned to the Group's strategy and provides significant
liquidity and flexibility to enable it to pursue its strategic ambitions. The
facility is subject to financial covenants, including minimum interest cover,
maximum infrastructure debt as a percentage of property value and gearing, all
of which are tested through the going concern assessment undertaken. Available
liquidity, including cash and cash equivalents and bank facility headroom, was
£154.2 million as at 30 June 2024 (31 December 2023: £192.2 million).


The Group benefits from diversification across its Capital Growth and Income
Generation businesses including its industrial and renewable energy property
portfolios. Taking into account the independent desktop valuation carried out
by BNP Paribas and Savills as at 30 June 2024, the Group net loan-to-portfolio
value remains low at 9.8%, within the Board's target range and with headroom
to allow for any falls in property values. Rent collection remained strong,
with 98% collected for H1 2024.


In addition to the Company's base cashflow forecast, a sensitised forecast was
produced that reflected a number of severe but plausible downsides. This
downside included: 1) a severe reduction in sales; 2) notwithstanding strong
rent collection in line with previous quarters, a prudent material increase in
bad debts across the portfolio over the going concern assessment period; 3) a
decline in the value of land and investment property values as a result of
macro-economic conditions; and 4) increases in overhead costs.


A scenario was also run which demonstrated that very severe loss of revenue,
valuation reductions and interest cost increases would be required to breach
cashflow and banking covenants. The Directors consider this very severe
scenario to be remote. A scenario with consideration of potential climate
change and related transition impacts was also examined as part of the Group's
focus on climate-related risks and opportunities.


Under each downside scenario, for the going concern period to December 2025,
the Group expects to continue to have sufficient cash reserves to continue to
operate with headroom on lending facilities and associated covenants and has
additional mitigation measures within management's control, for example
reducing development and acquisition expenditure and reducing operating costs,
that could be deployed to create further cash and covenant headroom.


Based on these considerations, together with available market information and
the Directors' knowledge and experience of the Group's property portfolio and
markets, the Directors considered it appropriate to adopt a going concern
basis of accounting in the preparation of the Group's and Company's financial


Changes in accounting policy and disclosures


(a)  New standards, amendments and interpretations


A number of new standards and amendments to standards and interpretations are
effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2024. None of
these have a significant effect on the financial statements of the Group.


(b) New standards, amendments and interpretations not yet adopted


A number of new standards and amendments to standards and interpretations are
effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2025 and have not
been applied in preparing these financial statements. None of these are
expected to have a significant effect on the financial statements of the


Estimates and judgements


The preparation of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements
requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect
the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from these


In preparing these condensed consolidated interim financial statements, the
significant judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting
policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those
that applied in the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31
December 2023.


2.  Alternative Performance Measures ("APMs")



The Group has applied the December 2019 European Securities and Markets
Authority ("ESMA") guidance on APMs and the November 2017 Financial Reporting
Council ("FRC") corporate thematic review of APMs in these results. An APM is
a financial measure of historical or future financial performance, position or
cash flows of the Group which is not a measure defined or specified under


Overview of use of APMs

The Directors believe that APMs assist in providing additional useful
information on the underlying trends, performance and position of the Group.
APMs assist stakeholder users of the accounts, particularly equity and debt
investors, through the comparability of information. APMs are used by the
Directors and management, both internally and externally, for performance
analysis, strategic planning, reporting and incentive-setting purposes.


APMs are not defined by IFRS and therefore may not be directly comparable with
other companies' APMs, including peers in the real estate industry. APMs
should be considered in addition to, and are not intended to be a substitute
for, or superior to, IFRS measurements.


The derivations of our APMs and their purpose

The primary differences between IFRS statutory amounts and the APMs that we
use are as follows:


 1.  Capturing all sources of value creation - Under IFRS, the revaluation movement
     in development properties which are held in inventory is not included in the
     balance sheet. Also, overages are not recognised in the balance sheet until
     they are highly probable. These movements, which are verified by our
     independent valuers BNP Paribas and Savills, are included within our APMs;

 2.  Re-categorising income statement amounts - Under IFRS, the grouping of
     amounts, particularly within gross profit and other gains, does not clearly
     allow Harworth to demonstrate the value creation through its business model.
     In particular, the statutory grouping does not distinguish value gains (being
     realised profits from the sales of properties and unrealised profits from
     property value movements) from the ongoing profitability of the business which
     is less susceptible to movements in the property cycle. Finally, the Group
     includes profits from joint ventures within its APMs as its joint ventures
     conduct similar operations to Harworth, albeit in different ownership
     structures; and

 3.  Comparability with industry peers - Harworth discloses some APMs which are
     EPRA measures as these are a set of standard disclosures for the property
     industry and thus aid comparability for our stakeholder users.


Our key APMs

The key APMs that the Group focuses on are as follows:


 ·             Comparability with industry peers - Harworth discloses some APMs which are
               EPRA measures as these are a set of standard disclosures for the property
               industry and thus aid comparability for our stakeholder users.
 ·             EPRA NDV per share - EPRA NDV aims to represent shareholder value under an
               orderly sale of the business, where deferred tax, financial instruments and
               certain other adjustments are calculated to the full extent of their liability
               net of any resulting tax. EPRA NDV per share is EPRA NDV divided by the number
               of shares in issue at the end of the period, less shares held by the Employee
               Benefit Trust or Equiniti Share Plan Trustees Limited to satisfy Long Term
               Incentive Plan and Share Incentive Plan awards
 ·             Value gains - These are the realised profits from the sales of properties and
               unrealised profits from property value movements including joint ventures and
               the mark to market movement on development properties, AHFS and overages
 ·             Net loan to portfolio value ("LTV") - Group debt net of cash and cash
               equivalents held expressed as a percentage of portfolio value


3.  Segment information


Segmental Income Statement


Unaudited 6 months ended 30 June 2024

                                                                          Capital Growth
                                                                          Sale of development properties  Other property activities  Income Generation  Central   Total
                                                                          £'000                           £'000                      £'000              £'000     £'000
 Revenue ((1))                                                            24,006                          7,047                      10,253             -         41,306
 Cost of sales                                                            (24,080)                        (7,474)                    (2,556)            -         (34,110)
 Gross profit ((2))                                                       (74)                            (427)                      7,697              -         7,196
 Administrative expenses                                                  -                               (3,162)                    (1,388)            (12,229)  (16,779)
 Other gains ((3))                                                        -                               23,243                     7,493              -         30,736
 Other operating expense                                                  -                               -                          -                  (44)      (44)
 Operating profit/(loss)                                                  (74)                            19,654                     13,802             (12,273)  21,109
 Finance costs                                                            -                               (119)                      -                  (3,495)   (3,614)
 Finance income                                                           -                               799                        -                  2         801
 Share of loss of joint ventures                                          -                               (707)                      1,137              -         430
 Profit/(loss) before tax                                                 (74)                            19,627                     14,939             (15,766)  18,726


 ((1)) Revenue
 Revenue is analysed as follows:
   Sale of development properties                24,006  -      -       -  24,006
 Development revenues                            -       6,880  -       -  6,880
   Rent, service charge and royalties revenue    -       106    10,188  -  10,294
   Other revenue                                 -       61     65      -  126
                                                 24,006  7,047  10,253  -  41,306


 ((2)) Gross profit
 Gross profit is analysed as follows:
 Gross profit excluding sales of development properties                         -        (427)  7,697  -  7,270
 Gross loss on sale of development properties                                   (801)    -      -      -  (801)
 Net realisable value provision on development properties                       (4,303)  -      -      -  (4,303)
 Reversal of previous net realisable value provision on development properties  4,009    -      -      -  4,009
 Release of previous net realisable value provision on disposal of development  1,021    -      -      -  1,021
                                                                                (74)     (427)  7,697  -  7,196


 ((3)) Other gains
   Other gains are analysed as follows:
   Increase in fair value of investment     -   19,080  7,608  -   26,688

   Decrease in the fair value of AHFS       -   (200)   (16)   -   (216)
   Loss on sale of investment properties    -   (33)    -      -   (33)
 Profit/(loss) on sale of AHFS              -   204     (99)   -   105
 Profit on sale of overages                 -   4,192   -      -   4,192
                                            -   23,243  7,493  -   30,736


Segmental Balance Sheet


Unaudited as at 30 June 2024

                                                                                        Capital  Income       Central  Total

                                                                                        Growth   Generation   £'000

                                                                                        £'000    £'000
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                                                          -        -            1,442    1,442
 Right of use assets                                                                    -        -            463      463
 Other receivables                                                                      23,046   -            -        23,046
 Investment properties                                                                  238,385  241,179      -        479,564
 Investments in joint ventures                                                          18,318   14,028       -        32,346
 Retirement benefit asset                                                               -        -            938      938
                                                                                        279,749  255,207      2,843    537,799
 Current assets
 Inventories                                                                            264,721  -            -        264,721
 Trade and other receivables                                                            31,479   14,678       1,167    47,324
 AHFS                                                                                   3,602    3,889        -        7,491
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                              -        -            9,207    9,207
                                                                                        299,802  18,567       10,374   328,743
 Total assets                                                                           579,551  273,774      13,217   866,542


Financial liabilities and derivative financial instruments are not allocated
to the reporting segments as they are managed and measured at a Group level.


Segmental Income Statement


Unaudited 6 months ended 30 June 2023

                                                                         Capital Growth
                                                                         Sale of development properties  Other property activities  Income Generation  Central   Total
                                                                         £'000                           £'000                      £'000              £'000     £'000
 Revenue ((1))                                                           4,025                           283                        13,929             -         18,237
 Cost of sales                                                           (5,644)                         (479)                      (3,486)            -         (9,609)
 Gross profit ((2))                                                      (1,619)                         (196)                      10,443             -         8,628
 Administrative expenses                                                 -                               (2,231)                    (2,332)            (9,786)   (14,349)
 Other gains ((3))                                                       -                               12,502                     1,272              -         13,774
 Other operating expense                                                 -                               -                          -                  (45)      (45)
 Operating profit/(loss)                                                 (1,619)                         10,075                     9,383              (9,831)   8,008
 Finance costs                                                           -                               33                         -                  (3,138)   (3,105)
 Finance income                                                          -                               333                        2                  -         335
 Share of loss of joint ventures                                         -                               (896)                      123                -         (773)
 Profit/(loss) before tax                                                (1,619)                         9,545                      9,508              (12,969)  4,465


 ((1)) Revenue
 Revenue is analysed as follows:
   Sale of development properties                4,025  -    -       -  4,025
   Revenue from PPAs                             -      36   -       -  36
   Rent, service charge and royalties revenue    -      235  13,444  -  13,679
   Other revenue                                 -      12   485     -  497
                                                 4,025  283  13,929  -  18,237


 ((2)) Gross profit
 Gross profit is analysed as follows:
 Gross profit excluding sales of development properties                         -        (196)  10,443  -  10,247
 Gross profit on sale of development properties                                 (1,344)  -      -       -  (1,344)
 Net realisable value provision on development properties                       (1,019)  -      -       -  (1,019)
 Reversal of previous net realisable value provision on development properties  744      -      -       -  744
                                                                                (1,619)  (196)  10,443  -  8,628


 ((3)) Other gains
   Other gains are analysed as follows:
   Increase in fair value of investment     -   12,726  2,279  -   15,005

   Decrease in the fair value of AHFS       -   (114)   (58)   -   (172)
   Loss on sale of investment properties    -   (110)   (317)  -   (427)
 Loss on sale of AHFS                       -   -       (632)  -   (632)
                                            -   12,502  1,272  -   13,774


Segmental Balance Sheet


Unaudited as at 30 June 2023

                                                                                        Capital  Income       Central  Total

                                                                                        Growth   Generation   £'000

                                                                                        £'000    £'000
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                                                          -        -            1,236    1,236
 Right of use assets                                                                    -        -            557      557
 Trade and other receivables                                                            2,735    -            -        2,735
 Investment properties                                                                  196,328  234,038      -        430,366
 Investments in joint ventures                                                          15,566   13,489       -        29,055
 Retirement benefit asset                                                               -        -            31       31
                                                                                        214,629  247,527      1,824    463,980
 Current assets
 Inventories                                                                            231,304  -            -        231,304
 Trade and other receivables                                                            35,485   12,782       6,271    54,538
 AHFS                                                                                   2,514    18,297       -        20,811
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                              -        -            8,493    8,493
 Current tax asset                                                                      -        -            1,142    1,142
                                                                                        269,303  31,079       15,906   316,288
 Total assets                                                                           483,932  278,606      17,730   780,268


Financial liabilities and derivative financial instruments are not allocated
to the reporting segments as they are managed and measured at a Group level.


Segmental Income Statement


Audited year ended 31 December 2023

                                                                         Capital Growth
                                                                         Sale of development properties  Other property activities  Income Generation  Central     Total
                                                                         £'000                           £'000                      £'000              £'000       £'000
 Revenue ((1))                                                           46,731                          2,286                      23,410             -           72,427
 Cost of sales                                                           (51,709)                        (2,340)                    (6,028)            -           (60,077)
 Gross profit ((2))                                                      (4,978)                         (54)                       17,382             -           12,350
 Administrative expenses                                                 -                               (5,062)                    (3,147)            (19,226)    (27,435)
 Other gains ((3))                                                       -                               65,066                     4,360              -           69,426
 Other operating expense                                                 -                               -                          -                  (112)       (112)
 Operating profit/(loss)                                                 (4,978)                         59,950                     18,595             (19,338)    54,229
 Finance costs                                                           -                               -                          -                  (6,421)     (6,421)
 Finance income                                                          -                               438                        7                  -           445
 Share of loss of joint ventures                                         -                               892                        662                -           1,554
 Profit/(loss) before tax                                                (4,978)                         61,280                     19,264             (25,759)    49,807


 ((1)) Revenue
 Revenue is analysed as follows:
   Sale of development properties                46,731                             -                             -       -  46,731
   Revenue from PPAs                             -                                  776                           -       -  776
   Build-to-suit development revenue             -                                  956                            -      -  956
   Rent, service charge and royalties revenue    -                                  340                           22,657  -  22,997
   Other revenue                                 -                                  214                           753     -  967
                                                 46,731                             2,286                         23,410  -  72,427


 ((2)) Gross profit
 Gross profit is analysed as follows:
 Gross profit excluding sales of development properties                         -        (54)  17,382  -  17,328
 Gross profit on sale of development properties                                 (618)    -     -       -  (618)
 Net realisable value provision on development properties                       (7,442)  -     -       -  (7,442)
 Reversal of previous net realisable value provision on development properties  1,213    -     -       -  1,213
 Release of net realisable value provision on disposal of development           1,869    -     -       -  1,869
                                                                                (4,978)  (54)  17,382  -  12,350


 ((3)) Other gains/(losses)
   Other gains/(losses) are analysed as follows:
   Increase/(decrease) in fair value of investment    -   65,584  5,788    -   71,372

   Decrease in the fair value of AHFS                 -   (114)   (158)    -   (272)
   Profit on sale of investment properties            -   (588)   (365)    -   (953)
 (Loss)/profit on sale of AHFS                        -   (134)   (1,006)  -   (1,140)
 Profit on sale of overages                           -   318     101      -   419
                                                      -   65,066  4,360    -   69,426


Segmental Balance Sheet


Audited as at 31 December 2023

                                                                                        Capital  Income       Central  Total

                                                                                        Growth   Generation   £'000

                                                                                        £'000    £'000
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                                                          -        -            1,670    1,670
 Right of use assets                                                                    -        -            512      512
 Other receivables                                                                      11,296   -            -        11,296
 Investment properties                                                                  199,216  234,726      -        433,942
 Investments in joint ventures                                                          17,604   13,118       -        30,722
                                                                                        228,116  247,844      2,182    478,142
 Current assets
 Inventories                                                                            263,073  -            -        263,073
 Trade and other receivables                                                            23,967   11,300       2,022    37,289
 AHFS                                                                                   3,764    14,988       -        18,752
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                              -        -            27,182   27,182
                                                                                        290,804  26,288       29,204   346,296
 Total assets                                                                           518,920  274,132      31,386   824,438


Financial liabilities and derivative financial instruments are not allocated
to the reporting segments as they are managed and measured at a Group level.


4.  Finance costs and finance income


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

6 months ended

30 June         6 months ended   year ended


£'000           30 June          31 December 2023


 Finance costs
 - Bank interest                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (1,208)          (1,294)          (2,778)
 - Facility fees                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (715)            (771)            (1,524)
 - Amortisation of up-front fees                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (383)            (331)            (671)
 - Other interest                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (1,308)          (709)            (1,448)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (3,614)          (3,105)          (6,421)
 Finance income                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  801              335              445
 Net finance costs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (2,813)          (2,770)          (5,976)


5.  Tax


The Group calculates the period tax expense using the tax rate that would be
applicable to the expected total annual earnings. The major components of tax
expense in the condensed interim consolidated income statement are:


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

6 months ended

30 June         6 months ended   year ended


£'000           30 June             31 December 2023


 Tax charges
 Current tax charge                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -                307              5,842
 Deferred tax charge relating to origination and reversal of temporary                                                                                                                                                                                           3,942            1,311            6,009
 Tax charge recognised in income statement                                                                                                                                                                                                                       3,942            1,618            11,851


The deferred tax charge largely relates to unrealised gains on investment


6.  Dividends


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

6 months ended

30 June         6 months ended   year ended


£'000           30 June          31 December 2023


 Full year dividend of 1.022p per share for the year ended 31 December 2023                                                                                                                                                                                      3,311            -                -
 Interim dividend of 0.444p per share for the year ended 31 December 2023                                                                                                                                                                                        -                -                   1,437
 Full year dividend of 0.929p per share for the year ended 31 December 2022                                                                                                                                                                                      -                3,001            3,001
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 3,311            3,001            4,438


The Board has determined that it is appropriate for an interim dividend for
the year ending 31 December 2024 to be paid of 0.489p (H1 2023: 0.444p) per
share, an increase of 10% in line with the Group's policy.


There is no change to the current dividend policy to continue to grow the
dividends by 10% each year.


7.  Earnings per share


Earnings per share has been calculated by dividing the profit attributable to
ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of shares in issue and
ranking for dividend during the period/year.


                                                                          Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

6 months ended

30 June         6 months ended   year ended


                                                                                           30 June          31 December 2023

 Profit from continuing operations attributable to ordinary shareholders  14,784           2,847            37,956
 Weighted average number of shares used for basic earnings per share      323,369,861      322,603,991      322,767,356
 Basic earnings per share (pence)                                         4.6              0.9              11.8
 Weighted average number of shares used for diluted earnings per share    330,745,233      328,033,119      328,653,655
 Diluted earnings per share (pence)                                       4.5              0.9              11.5


The difference between the weighted average number of shares used for the
basic and diluted earnings per share calculation is due to the effect of share
options that are dilutive.


8.  Investment properties


The Group holds five categories of investment property being Agricultural
Land, Natural Resources, the Investment Portfolio, Major Developments and
Strategic Land in the UK, which sit within the operating segments of Income
Generation and Capital Growth.


                                             Income Generation                                    Capital Growth
                                             Agricultural Land  Natural     Investment Portfolio  Major          Strategic Land

                                             £'000              Resources   £'000                 Developments   £'000           Total

                                                                £'000                             £'000
 At 1 January 2023 (audited)                 5,694              19,726      210,407               44,244         120,292         400,363
 Direct acquisitions                         655                -           -                     -              10,401          11,056
 Subsequent expenditure                      -                  29          293                   12,759         3,647           16,728
 Disposals                                   -                  -           (11,136)              -              -               (11,136)
 Increase/(decrease) in fair value           122                (242)       2,400                 (1,050)        13,775          15,005
 Transfers between operating segments        -                  -           8,140                 (8,140)        -               -
 Transfers from development properties       -                  -           -                     400            -               400
 Transfers to property, plant and equipment  -                  -           (500)                 -              -               (500)
 Transfer to AHFS                            -                  -           (1,550)               -              -               (1,550)
 At 30 June 2023 (unaudited)                 6,471              19,513      208,054               48,213         148,115         430,366
 Direct acquisitions                          -                  -           -                     -              5,428           5,428
 Subsequent expenditure                       45                 1,321       384                   9,345          7,911           19,006
 Disposals                                    -                  -           -                    (788)          (7,041)         (7,829)
 (Decrease)/increase in fair value           (6)                 331         3,183                 4,246          48,613          56,367
 Transfers between operating segments         -                  -           10,411               (2,276)        (8,135)          -
 Transfers (to)/from development properties   -                  -           -                    (400)          (51,865)        (52,265)
 Transfers to property, plant and equipment   -                  -          (467)                  -              -              (467)
 Transfer to AHFS                             -                 (1,264)     (13,250)               -             (2,150)         (16,664)
 At 31 December 2023 (audited)                6,510              19,901      208,315               58,340         140,876         433,942
 Direct acquisitions                         -                  -           -                     -              2,649           2,649
 Subsequent expenditure                      -                  559         452                   16,768         673             18,452
 Disposals                                   -                  -           -                     -              -               -
 Increase in fair value                      364                170         7,075                 (3,023)        22,102          26,688
 Transfers between operating segments        -                  (1,285)     1,285                 1,860          (1,860)         -
 Transfer to AHFS                            -                  (2,167)     -                     -              -               (2,167)
 At 30 June 2024 (unaudited)                 6,874              17,178      217,127               73,945         164,440         479,564


Valuation process


The Directors' valuation as at 30 June 2024 was based on a desktop valuation
completed by BNP Paribas and Savills on the portfolio of properties. BNP
Paribas and Savills are independent firms acting in the capacity of external
valuers with relevant experience of valuations of this nature.


9.  Investment in joint ventures


                                              Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

As at

30 June   As at      As at


£'000     30 June    31 December 2023


 At 1 January                                 30,722     29,828     29,828
 Investments in joint ventures                2,422      -          250
 Distributions from joint ventures            (1,228)    -          (910)
 Share of profits/(losses) of joint ventures  430        (773)      1,554
 At end of period/year                        32,346     29,055     30,722


10.  Inventories


                                Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

As at

30 June   As at      As at


£'000     30 June    31 December 2023


 Development properties         250,548    219,153    250,024
 Planning promotion agreements  4,354      3,581      3,805
 Option agreements              9,819      8,570      9,244
 Total inventories              264,721    231,304    263,073


The movement in development properties is as follows:


                                               Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

6 months ended

30 June         6 months ended   Year ended


£'000           30 June          31 December 2023


 At start of period                            250,024          204,952          204,952
 Subsequent expenditure                        13,639           17,436           32,417
 Disposals                                     (13,842)         (2,560)          (34,850)
 Net realisable value release/(provision)      727              (275)            (4,360)
 Net transfer from/(to) investment properties  -                (400)            51,865
 Total development properties                  250,548          219,153          250,024


The movement in net realisable value provision was as follows:


                                                      Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

6 months ended

30 June         6 months ended   Year ended


£'000           30 June          31 December 2023


 At start of period                                   14,136           9,776            9,776
 Charge for the period                                4,303            1,019            7,442

 Reversal of previous net realisable value provision  (4,009)          (744)            (1,213)
 Released on disposals                                (1,021)          -                (1,869)
 At end of period                                     13,409           10,051           14,136


11.  Assets held for sale


AHFS relate to investment properties identified as being for sale within 12
months, where a sale is considered highly probable and the property is
immediately available for sale.


                                          Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

As at

30 June   As at      As at


£'000     30 June    31 December 2023


 At start of period                       18,752     59,790     59,790
 Net transfer from investment properties  2,167      1,550      18,214
 Subsequent expenditure                   39         73         74
 Decrease in fair value                   (216)      (172)      (272)
 Disposals                                (13,251)   (40,430)   (59,054)
 At end of period                         7,491      20,811     18,752


12.  Cash


       Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

As at

30 June   As at      As at


£'000     30 June    31 December 2023


 Cash  9,207      8,493      27,182


13.  Borrowings


                                                        Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

As at

30 June   As at      As at


£'000     30 June    31 December 2023


 Secured - infrastructure and direct development loans  (35,708)   -          (29,744)
                                                        (35,708)   -          (29,744)
 Secured - bank loan                                    (53,983)   (43,731)   (33,830)
 Secured - infrastructure and direct development loans  -          (28,414)   -
 Total non-current borrowings                           (53,983)   (72,145)   (33,830)
 Total borrowings                                       (89,691)   (72,145)   (63,574)


Loans are stated after deduction of unamortised fees of £1.2 million (June
2023: £1.7 million, December 2023: £1.5 million).


                                                                          Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

As at

30 June   As at      As at


£'000     30 June    31 December

                                                                                     2023       2023

 Infrastructure and direct development loans
 South Yorkshire Pension Fund/ Scrudf Limited Partnership  Rotherham AMP  (7,412)    -          (584)
 Scrudf Limited Partnership                                Gateway 36     (6,279)    (6,726)    (6,850)
 Merseyside Pension Fund                                   Bardon Hill    (22,017)   (21,688)   (22,310)
 Total infrastructure and direct development loans                        (35,708)   (28,414)   (29,744)
 Bank loan                                                                (53,983)   (43,731)   (33,830)
 Total borrowings                                                         (89,691)   (72,145)   (63,574)


The bank borrowings are part of a £200 million (2023: £200 million)
revolving credit facility ("RCF") with a £40 million uncommitted accordion
option, provided by NatWest, Santander and HSBC. The RCF is repayable on 4
March 2027 at the end of the five-year term.


The RCF is subject to financial and other covenants. The bank borrowings are
secured by way of a floating debenture over assets not otherwise used as
security under specific infrastructure or direct development loans. Proceeds
from and repayments of bank loans are reflected gross in the Consolidated
Statement of Cash Flows and reflect timing of utilisation of the RCF.


The infrastructure and direct development loans are provided by public and
private bodies in order to promote the development of major sites or assist
with vertical direct development. The loans are drawn as work on the
respective sites is progressed and they are repaid on agreed dates or when
disposals are made from the sites.


14.  Share capital


 Issued, authorised and fully paid  Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

As at

30 June   As at      As at


£'000     30 June    31 December 2023


 At start of period/year            32,408     32,305     32,305
 Shares issued                      78         40         103
 At end of period/year              32,486     32,345     32,408


 Issued, authorised and fully paid - number of shares  Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited

As at

30 June     As at        As at


                                                                    30 June      31 December 2023

 At start of period/year                               324,084,072  323,051,124  323,051,124
 Shares issued                                         783,677      398,704      1,032,948
 At end of period/year                                 324,867,749  323,449,828  324,084,072
 Own shares held                                       (1,275,281)  (837,143)    (929,699)
 At end of period/year                                 323,592,468  322,612,685  323,154,373


There is only one class of share in issue: ordinary shares of 10 pence each.
All shares carry equal rights to dividends, voting and return of capital on a
winding up of the Company, as set out in the Company's Articles of


15.  Related party transactions


The Group carried out the following transactions with related parties. The
following entities are related parties as a consequence of shareholdings,
joint venture arrangements and partners of such and/or common Directorships.
All related party transactions are clearly justified and beneficial to the
Group, are undertaken on an arm's-length basis on fully commercial terms and
in the normal course of business.


                                                  Unaudited              Unaudited              Audited

                                                  6 months ended/as at   6 months ended/as at   year ended/

                                                  30 June                30 June                as at

                                                  2024                   2023                   31 December

                                                  £000                   £000                   2023


 Recharges of costs                                -                      4                      281
 Asset management fee                              52                     25                     100
 Water charges                                     66                     84                     146

 Recharge of costs                                 3                      1                      1

 Other receivables                                -                      4                      5
 Trade receivables                                 38                     -                      281

 Other payables                                   (68)                    -                      -
 Rent                                              -                      16                     10
 Development property disposal                     -                      -                      1,680

 Trade receivables                                -                      6                      -

 Receivable                                       -                      26                     26
 Receivable                                       -                      9                      9

 Investment made during the year                  25                     -                      -
 Recharge of costs                                 5                     -                      -

 Investment made during the year                  2,497                   -                      250

 Purchases                                        1                      -                      5

 Purchases                                         1                      -                      -


16.  Post balance sheet events


Following the period end the Group acquired a former brickworks site in
Bedfordshire for total consideration of £30.6 million payable over 2 years.
The site has outline planning permission for the delivery of 1,000 homes.




EPRA Net Asset Measures

EPRA introduced a new set of Net Asset Value metrics in 2020: EPRA Net
Reinstatement Value ("NRV"), EPRA Net Tangible Assets ("NTA") and EPRA NDV.
While the Group uses only EPRA NDV as a key APM, the EPRA Best Practices
Recommendations guidelines require companies to report all three EPRA NAV
metrics and reconcile them to IFRS. These disclosures are provided below.


                                                                     30 June 2024
                                                        EPRA NDV     EPRA NTA     EPRA NRV
                                                        £'000        £'000        £'000
 Net assets                                             649,992      649,992      649,992
 Cumulative unrealised gains on development properties  43,947       43,947       43,947
 Cumulative unrealised gains on overages                5,400        5,400        5,400
 Deferred tax liabilities (IFRS)                        -            30,089       30,089
 Notional deferred tax on unrealised gains              (12,309)     -            -
 Deferred tax liabilities @ 50%                         -            (21,199)     -
 Purchaser costs                                        -            -            59,019
                                                        687,030      708,229      788,447
 Number of shares used for per share calculations       323,592,468  323,592,468  323,592,468
 Per share (pence)                                      212.3        218.9        243.7


                                                                     30 June 2023
                                                        EPRA NDV     EPRA NTA     EPRA NRV
                                                        £'000        £'000        £'000
 Net assets                                             603,053      603,053      603,053
 Cumulative unrealised gains on development properties  30,500       30,500       30,500
 Cumulative unrealised gains on overages                7,000        7,000        7,000
 Deferred tax liabilities (IFRS)                        -            25,460       25,460
 Notional deferred tax on unrealised gains              (9,321)      -            -
 Deferred tax liabilities @ 50%                         -            (17,391)     -
 Purchaser costs                                        -            -            51,142
                                                        631,232      648,622      717,155
 Number of shares used for per share calculations       322,612,685  322,612,685  322,612,685
 Per share (pence)                                      195.7        201.1        222.3


                                                                     31 December 2023
                                                        EPRA NDV     EPRA NTA     EPRA NRV
                                                        £'000        £'000        £'000
 Net assets                                             637,722      637,722      637,722
 Cumulative unrealised gains on development properties  24,083       24,083       24,083
 Cumulative unrealised gains on overages                9,400        9,400        9,400
 Deferred tax liabilities (IFRS)                         -           30,089       30,089
 Notional deferred tax on unrealised gains              (8,342)       -            -
 Deferred tax liabilities @ 50%                          -           (19,216)      -
 Purchaser costs                                        -            -            52,528
                                                        662,863      682,078      753,822
 Number of shares used for per share calculations       323,154,373  323,154,373  323,154,373
 Per share (pence)                                      205.1        211.1        233.3


1)   Reconciliation to statutory measures


 a. Revaluation gains/(losses)                                                  Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

6 months ended

30 June         6 months ended   year ended


£'000           30 June          31 December

                                                                                                 2023             2023

 Increase in fair value of investment properties                                26,688           15,005           71,372
 Decrease in fair value of AHFS                                                 (216)            (172)            (272)
 Share of profit/(loss) of joint ventures                                       430              (773)            1,554
 Net realisable value provision on development properties                       (4,303)          (1,019)          (7,442)
 Reversal of previous net realisable value provision on development properties  4,009            744              1,213
 Amounts derived from statutory reporting                                       26,608           13,785           66,425
 Unrealised gains/(losses) on development properties                            19,948           (2,210)          (3,708)
 Unrealised gains/(losses) on overages                                          19               (500)            2,209
 Revaluation gains                                                              46,575           11,075           64,926


 b. Profit/(loss) on sale                                                     Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

6 months ended

30 June         6 months ended   year ended


£'000           30 June          31 December

                                                                                               2023             2023

 Loss on sale of investment properties                                        (33)             (427)            (953)
 Profit/(loss) on sale of AHFS                                                105              (632)            (1,140)
 Profit/(loss) on sale of development properties                              (801)            (1,344)          (618)
 Release of net realisable value provision on disposal of development         1,021            -                1,869
 Profit on sale of overages                                                   4,192            -                419
 Amounts derived from statutory reporting                                     4,484            (2,403)          (423)
 Less previously unrealised gains on development properties released on sale  (83)             (1,142)          (6,061)
 Less previously unrealised gains on overages                                 (4,019)          -                (309)
 Profit/(loss) on sale contributing to growth in EPRA NDV                     382              (3,545)          (6,793)


 c. Value gains/(losses)  Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

6 months ended

30 June         6 months ended   year ended


£'000           30 June          31 December

                                           2023             2023

 Revaluation gains        46,575           11,075           64,926
 Profit/(loss) on sale    382              (3,545)          (6,793)
 Value gains              46,957           7,530            58,133


 d. Total property sales                                              Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

6 months ended

30 June         6 months ended   year ended


£'000           30 June          31 December

                                                                                       2023             2023

 Revenue                                                              41,306            18,237          72,427
 Less revenue from other property activities                          (7,047)          (283)            (2,286)
 Less revenue from income generation activities                       (10,253)         (13,929)         (23,410)
 Add proceeds from sales of investment properties, AHFS and overages  17,700            52,125          79,166
 Total property sales                                                 41,706            56,150          125,897


 e. Operating profit contributing to growth in EPRA NDV                       Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

6 months ended

30 June         6 months ended   year ended


£'000           30 June          31 December

                                                                                               2023             2023

 Operating profit                                                             21,109            8,008           54,229
 Share of profit/(loss) on joint ventures                                     430              (773)            1,554
 Unrealised gains/(losses) on development properties                          19,948           (2,210)          (3,708)
 Unrealised gains/(losses) on overages                                        19               (500)            2,209
 Less previously unrealised gains on development properties released on sale  (83)             (1,142)          (6,061)
 Less previously unrealised gains on overages released on sale                (4,019)           -               (309)
 Operating profit contributing to growth in EPRA NDV                          37,404            3,383           47,914


                                                                              Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

As at

 f. Portfolio value
30 June   As at      As at


£'000     30 June    31 December

                                                                                         2023       2023

 Land and buildings (included within Property, plant and equipment)           1,114       933       1,300
 Investment properties                                                        479,564     430,366   433,942
 Investments in joint ventures                                                32,346      29,055    30,722
 AHFS                                                                         7,491       20,811    18,752
 Development properties (included within inventories)                         250,548     219,153   250,024
 Amounts recoverable on contracts (included within receivables)               1,456      -          -
 Amounts derived from statutory reporting                                     772,519     700,318   734,740
 Cumulative unrealised gains on development properties as at period/year end  43,947      30,500    24,083
 Cumulative unrealised gains on overages as at period/year end                5,400       7,000     9,400
 Portfolio value                                                              821,866     737,818   768,223


                            Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

As at

 g. Net debt
30 June   As at      As at


£'000     30 June    31 December

                                       2023       2023

 Gross borrowings           (89,691)   (72,145)   (63,574)
 Cash and cash equivalents  9,207       8,493     27,182
 Net debt                   (80,484)   (63,652)   (36,392)


                                      Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

As at

 h. Net loan to portfolio value (%)
30 June   As at      As at


£'000     30 June    31 December

                                                 2023       2023

 Net debt                             (80,484)   (63,652)   (36,392)
 Portfolio value                      821,866    737,818    768,223
 Net loan to portfolio value (%)      9.8%       8.6%       4.7%


 i. Net loan to core income generation portfolio value (%)                  Unaudited   Unaudited  Audited

As at

30 June     As at      As at


£'000       30 June    31 December

                                                                                        2023       2023

 Net debt                                                                  (80,484)     (63,652)   (36,392)
 Core income generation portfolio value (investment portfolio and natural  234,305       227,567   228,216

 Net loan to core income generation portfolio value (%)                    34.4%        28.0%      15.9%


 j. Gross loan to portfolio value (%)  Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

As at

30 June   As at      As at


£'000     30 June    31 December

                                                  2023       2023

 Gross borrowings                      (89,691)   (72,145)   (63,574)
 Portfolio value                       821,866     737,818   768,223
 Gross loan to portfolio value (%)     10.9%      9.8%       8.3%


 k. Gross loan to core income generation portfolio value (%)               Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited

As at

30 June   As at      As at


£'000     30 June    31 December

                                                                                      2023       2023

 Gross borrowings                                                          (89,691)   (72,145)   (63,574)
 Core income generation portfolio value (investment portfolio and natural  234,305    227,567    228,216
 Gross loan to core income generation portfolio value (%)                  38.3%      31.7%      27.9%


 l. Number of shares used for per share calculations (number)               Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited

As at

30 June     As at          As at


£'000       30 June        31 December

                                                                                         2023           2023

 Number of shares in issue at end of period/year                            324,867,749   323,449,828   324,084,072
 Less Employee Benefit Trust and Equiniti Share Plan Trustees Limited held  (1,275,281)  (837,143)      (929,699)
 shares (own shares) at end of period/year
 Number of shares used for per share calculations                           323,592,468   322,612,685   323,154,373


 m. Net Asset Value (NAV) per share                Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited

As at

30 June     As at          As at


£'000       30 June        31 December

                                                                2023           2023

 NAV (£'000)                                       649,992       603,053       637,722
 Number of shares used for per share calculations  323,592,468   322,612,685   323,154,373
 NAV per share (p)                                 200.9         186.9         197.3


 n. Total underlying revenue                                                   Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited

6 months ended

30 June         6 months ended   Year


£'000           30 June           ended

                                                                                                2023             31 December

                                                                                                £'000            2023

 Total property sales                                                          41,706            56,150           125,897
 Income generation portfolio revenue (investment portfolio, natural resources  10,253            13,929           23,410
 and agriculture)
 Development revenues                                                           6,880            -                956
 Other revenue                                                                 167               283              1,330
 Total underlying revenue                                                      59,006            70,362           151,593

 Less proceeds from sale of investment properties, AHFS and overages           (17,700)         (52,125)         (79,166)
 Statutory revenue                                                              41,306           18,237           72,427


2) Reconciliation to EPRA measures


 a) EPRA NDV                                             Unaudited   Unaudited  Audited

As at

30 June     As at      As at


£'000       30 June    31 December

                                                                     2023       2023

 Net assets                                             649,992      603,053    637,722
 Cumulative unrealised gains on development properties  43,947       30,500     24,083
 Cumulative unrealised gains on overages                5,400        7,000      9,400
 Notional deferred tax on unrealised gains              (12,309)     (9,321)    (8,342)
 EPRA NDV                                               687,030      631,232    662,863


 b) EPRA NDV per share (p)                          Unaudited   Unaudited      Audited

As at

30 June     As at          As at


£'000       30 June        31 December

                                                                2023           2023

 EPRA NDV £'000                                    687,030       631,232       662,863
 Number of shares used for per share calculations  323,592,468   322,612,685   323,154,373
 EPRA NDV per share (p)                            212.3        195.7           205.1


 EPRA NDV per share growth and total return

 Opening EPRA NDV/share (p)                        205.1   196.5    196.5
 Closing EPRA NDV/share (p)                        212.3   195.7    205.1
 Movement in the period/year (p)                   7.2    (0.8)     8.6
 EPRA NDV per share growth                         3.5%   (0.4%)   4.4%
 Dividends paid per share (p)                      1.0     0.9      1.4
 Total return per share (p)                        8.2     0.1      10.0
 Total return as a percentage of opening EPRA NDV  4.0%   0.1%     5.1%


To help retain and incentivise a team with the requisite skills, knowledge and
experience to deliver strong, long-term, sustainable growth for shareholders
Harworth runs a number of share schemes for employees. The dilutive impact of
these on the number of shares at 30 June is set out below:


                                                                           Unaudited   Unaudited    Audited

As at

30 June     As at        As at


                                                                                       30 June      31 December

                                                                                       2023         2023
 Number of shares used for per share calculations                         323,592,468  322,612,685  323,154,373
 Outstanding share options and shares held in trust under employee share  6,998,372    5,315,172    5,223,777
 Number of diluted shares used for per share calculations                 330,590,840  327,927,857  328,378,150


 c) Diluted EPRA NDV per share (p)                          Unaudited     Unaudited    Audited

As at

30 June       As at        As at


£'000         30 June      31 December

                                                                          2023         2023

 EPRA NDV £'000                                             687,030        631,232      662,863
 Number of diluted shares used for per share calculations   330,590,840   327,927,857   328,378,150
 Diluted EPRA NDV per share (p)                             207.8          192.4        201.9


 Diluted EPRA NDV per share growth and total return

 Opening EPRA NDV/share (p)                                201.9  194.5    194.5
 Closing EPRA NDV/share (p)                                207.8  192.4    201.9
 Movement in the period/year (p)                           5.9    (2.1)    7.4
 Diluted EPRA NDV per share growth                         2.9%   (1.1%)  3.8%
 Dividends paid per share (p)                              1.0    0.9     1.4
 Total return per share (p)                                6.9    (1.2%)  8.8
 Total return as a percentage of opening diluted EPRA NDV  3.4%   (0.6%)  4.5%


 d) Net loan to EPRA NDV   Unaudited   Unaudited  Audited

As at

30 June     As at      As at


£'000       30 June    31 December

                                       2023       2023

 Net debt                 (80,484)     (63,652)   (36,392)
 EPRA NDV                 687,030       631,232    662,863
 Net loan to EPRA NDV     11.7%        10.1%      5.5%



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