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REG-Gulf Keystone Petroleum Ltd 2024 Half Year Results Announcement


Gulf Keystone Petroleum Ltd (GKP)
2024 Half Year Results Announcement

29-Aug-2024 / 07:00 GMT/BST




29 August 2024



                      Gulf Keystone Petroleum Ltd. (LSE: GKP)

               (“Gulf Keystone”, “GKP”, “the Group” or “the Company”)


                        2024 Half Year Results Announcement


Gulf Keystone, a leading independent operator  and producer in the Kurdistan  Region
of Iraq, today announces its results for the half year ended 30 June 2024.


Jon Harris, Gulf Keystone’s Chief Executive Officer, said:

“We have safely delivered a solid operational and financial performance in the first
half of  2024, with  robust local  sales combined  with sustained  capital and  cost
discipline supporting our return to profitability  and free cash flow generation  in
the period. Cash flow  has enabled us  to strengthen our  balance sheet and  restart
shareholder distributions,  with $25  million returned  to shareholders  in 2024  to

Looking ahead, we  continue to engage  with government stakeholders  to push for  an
exports restart  solution,  with significant  potential  value to  be  unlocked  for
Kurdistan, Iraq and  the Company. In  the interim, we  remain focused on  maximising
shareholder value from local sales. To capitalise on continued strong demand, we are
pursuing incremental opportunities to optimise production and improve process safety
and reliability. We also  continue to review the  Company’s capacity for  additional
dividends or buybacks to build on our track record of shareholder returns.”


Highlights to 30 June 2024 and post reporting period




  • Continued strong safety track record, with  no Lost Time Incidents for over  590
  • Gross average  production increased  69% to  39,252 bopd  in H1  2024 (H1  2023:
    23,256 bopd), reflecting robust local market demand for Shaikan Field crude
  • Gross average production of c.41,400 bopd in 2024 year to date

       ◦ Local market demand rebounded in February and has remained high
       ◦ Strong gross average production in July of c.47,900 bopd and in August to
         date of c.48,200 bopd
       ◦ Realised prices have fluctuated between $25/bbl - $28/bbl and are currently
         at c.$27/bbl

  • Shaikan Field reservoir and operations have continued to perform well  following
    the smooth ramp up  of production at  the beginning of  2024 and the  subsequent
    transition to 24/7 truck loading
  • No operational impact from regional tensions; we continue to closely monitor the
    security environment and take precautions to protect the organisation




  • Successful return to  profitability and  free cash  flow generation  in H1  2024
    following a challenging  2023, driven by  pre-paid local sales  and capital  and
    cost discipline
  • Adjusted EBITDA increased 6% to $36.4 million (H1 2023: $34.2 million) as higher
    production and cost reductions offset the decline in realised prices related  to
    the transition from exports to discounted local sales

       ◦ Revenue decreased 11% to $71.2 million (H1 2023: $79.6m) as the increase in
         H1 2024 production was more than offset by the 49% decline in average
         realised price to $26.3/bbl (H1 2023: $51.3/bbl)
       ◦ Gross operating costs per barrel decreased 25% to $4.2/bbl (H1 2023:
         $5.6/bbl), reflecting higher production and cost control

  • Net capital expenditure of $7.8 million (H1 2023: $47.0 million) reflecting  the
    Company’s focused 2024 work programme of safety critical upgrades and production
    optimisation expenditures
  • Monthly average net  capex, operating  costs and other  G&A in H1  2024 of  $6.2
    million, in line with guidance
  • Free cash flow  generation of  $26.6 million (H1  2023 free  cash outflow:  $9.9
    million) enabled  the  Company  to  strengthen its  balance  sheet  and  restart
    shareholder distributions

       ◦ $25 million returned to shareholders in 2024 year to date, comprising a $10
         million share buyback (initiated in May and completed in July) and $15
         million interim dividend (paid in July)

  • Cash balance of  $102.3 million  as at  30 June  2024 (31  December 2023:  $81.7
    million); latest balance as at 28 August 2024 of $98.2 million




  • GKP remains  focused  on  maximising  shareholder value  from  local  sales  and
    unlocking significant potential additional value  from the restart of  Kurdistan


Local sales and production


  • The Company sees  continued robust  local sales demand  in the  near term  while
    longer term market dynamics remain uncertain
  • The Shaikan Field is producing close to its maximum capacity reflecting  prudent
    reservoir management in the current investment constrained environment
  • Planned safety-critical  upgrades and  maintenance  are scheduled  for  November
    2024, requiring  the shutdown  of PF-1  for  c.3 weeks  with an  expected  gross
    production impact of c.26,000 bopd, as previously announced
  • The Company continues to exercise capital  and cost discipline to maximise  free
    cash flow  while maintaining  production  capacity to  respond to  local  market
    demand and the restart of exports

  ◦ Average monthly aggregate net capex, operating  costs and other G&A run rate  in
    2024 now expected to be c.$7 million
  ◦ Reflects incremental expenditures on  production optimisation, process safety  &
    reliability and  associated resources  to capitalise  on continued  local  sales
    demand following the strong performance year to date
  ◦ Net capex and  operating costs expected  to be  weighted to H2  2024, as  safety
    critical upgrades are completed as part of the planned PF-1 shutdown;  estimated
    2024 net capex remains c.$20 million

Shareholder distributions

  • GKP remains committed to returning excess cash to shareholders via dividends  or
    share buybacks, subject to conserving sufficient liquidity to manage the current
    operating  environment  and   ensuring  the  Company   is  able  to   transition
    successfully  from  local  sales  to  the  restart  of  Kurdistan  exports   and
    normalisation of Kurdistan Regional Government (“KRG”) payments

Kurdistan exports

  • GKP continues  to  engage  with government  stakeholders  regarding  a  pipeline
    exports restart solution with the  objective of unlocking significant  potential
    value for shareholders
  • GKP remains ready  to restart  exports, contingent upon  reaching agreements  on
    payment surety  for future  oil exports,  the repayment  of outstanding  exports
    sales receivables  (of  which  GKP  is  owed over  $150  million  net)  and  the
    preservation of current contract economics


Investor & analyst presentations


GKP’s management team will be hosting  a presentation for analysts and investors  at
10:00am (BST) today via live audio webcast:


 1 https://brrmedia.news/GKP_HY_24     


Management will also be hosting an additional webcast presentation focused on retail
investors via the Investor Meet Company ("IMC") platform at 12:00pm (BST) today. The
presentation is open  to all  existing and potential  shareholders and  participants
will be able to submit questions at any time during the event.


 2 https://www.investormeetcompany.com/gulf-keystone-petroleum-ltd/register-investor


Recordings of both presentations will be made available on GKP’s website.



This announcement contains  inside information  for the  purposes of  the UK  Market
Abuse Regime.




Gulf Keystone:                          +44 (0) 20 7514 1400  
Aaron Clark, Head of Investor Relations

& Corporate Communications               3 aclark@gulfkeystone.com

FTI Consulting                          +44 (0) 20 3727 1000
Ben Brewerton
                                         4 GKP@fticonsulting.com
Nick Hennis


or visit:  5 www.gulfkeystone.com


Notes to Editors:

Gulf Keystone  Petroleum Ltd.  (LSE:  GKP) is  a  leading independent  operator  and
producer in the Kurdistan  Region of Iraq. Further  information on Gulf Keystone  is
available on its website:  6 www.gulfkeystone.com 




This announcement contains  certain forward-looking statements  that are subject  to
the risks and uncertainties associated with the oil & gas exploration and production
business.  These statements are made by the Company and its Directors in good  faith
based on the information available to them up to the time of their approval of  this
announcement but such  statements should  be treated  with caution  due to  inherent
risks and uncertainties, including both economic and business factors and/or factors
beyond the Company's control or within the Company's control where, for example, the
Company decides on a change of plan or strategy. This announcement has been prepared
solely to  provide additional  information  to shareholders  to assess  the  Group's
strategies and the  potential for  those strategies to  succeed.  This  announcement
should not be relied on by any other party or for any other purpose.



CEO review

Gulf Keystone delivered a solid operational  and financial performance in the  first
half of 2024,  with robust  local sales and  sustained capital  and cost  discipline
generating free cash flow,  enabling us to strengthen  our balance sheet and  reward
our shareholders with the restart of  distributions. During the period we have  been
able to maintain our strong safety track  record, with over 590 days without a  Lost
Time Incident.


Gross average production has been c.41,400 bopd in 2024 year to date as at 27 August
2024. Following  weaker demand  in January  due to  local refinery  constraints  and
challenges from winter weather,  local market demand rebounded  in February and  has
remained robust since. While we experienced  minor fluctuations of volumes in  April
and June from the  impact of Eid  celebrations on truck  availability, we have  seen
strong gross average  production in July  and August  to date of  c.47,900 bopd  and
c.48,200  bopd  respectively.  The  Shaikan  Field  reservoir  and  operations  have
continued to  perform  well  following the  smooth  ramp  up of  production  at  the
beginning of 2024 and subsequent transition  to 24/7 truck loading. Realised  prices
have fluctuated in a range between $25/bbl - $28/bbl and are currently at c.$27/bbl.


We have continued to exercise capital and cost discipline to maximise value creation
from local sales. Our performance has enabled us to generate free cash flow of $26.6
million in the first half  of 2024 relative to a  $9.9 million outflow in the  first
half of 2023. Consequently, we  have been able to  strengthen our balance sheet  and
restart shareholder distributions,  with $25  million paid to  shareholders in  2024
year to  date,  comprising a  $10  million share  buyback  and $15  million  interim


We have continued to engage with  government stakeholders, both as a single  company
and in collaboration with other  International Oil Companies (“IOCs”) in  Kurdistan,
to enable an exports restart solution.  We have seen some traction, with  tripartite
negotiations between the Federal Government  of Iraq, Kurdistan Regional  Government
(“KRG”) and IOCs taking place earlier this year.


We continue  to  believe  there are  major  economic  benefits to  be  unlocked  for
Kurdistan  and  Federal  Iraq  from  achieving  a  solution.  Kurdistan  production,
historically around  400,000 bopd,  sold  at international  prices would  provide  a
significant source of  funding for Kurdistan’s  share of the  Federal Iraqi  budget,
which otherwise  has been  funded  since the  closure  of the  Iraq-Turkey  Pipeline
through loans or fiscal revenue generated in  Federal Iraq. For GKP, the restart  of
exports could  unlock  significant value,  potentially  more than  doubling  current
realised prices.  The repayment  of over  $150  million net  to GKP  of  outstanding
receivables for October 2022 to March 2023 exports sales would bring further upside.
We remain ready to restart exports,  contingent upon reaching agreements on  payment
surety  for  future  oil  exports,  the  repayment  of  outstanding  exports   sales
receivables and the preservation of current contract economics.


Looking ahead to the remainder of the year, we will continue to push for an  exports
restart solution. In the  meantime, we remain focused  on maximising free cash  flow
from local sales while retaining production  capacity to capitalise on local  market
demand and the restart of exports.


We see robust local sales demand in  the near term. Longer term, visibility  remains
low  as  the  market  is  dictated  by  the  forces  of  local  supply  and  demand.
Consequently, production guidance remains  suspended. Nonetheless, at current  sales
levels we are  producing at close  to maximum  capacity as we  prudently manage  the
reservoir  in  the  current  investment  constrained  environment,  optimising  well
production rates to  avoid traces of  water and manage  field declines estimated  at
6-10% per year. We also expect production to be reduced by c.26,000 bopd for  around
three weeks in November as we execute a shutdown of PF-1 to complete safety critical


GKP’s performance continues to be enabled by  the dedication and skill of our  teams
across the Company and I  would like to thank all  of our staff for their  continued
hard work.  I  would also  like  to thank  GKP’s  shareholders for  their  continued
support. We are in a fundamentally more positive place relative to a year ago and  I
believe offer  an  attractive  investment  case  combining  our  ability  to  create
shareholder value from local  sales and the option  of significant potential  upside
from the restart of exports and normalisation of our operating environment.


Jon Harris

Chief Executive Officer


28 August 2024


Financial review


Key financial highlights


                                            Six months   Six months
                                                                          Year ended
                                                 ended        ended
                                                                    31 December 2023
                                          30 June 2024 30 June 2023
Gross average production(1)         bopd        39,252       23,256           21,891
Dated Brent(2)                      $/bbl         84.1         81.2             82.6
Realised price(1)                   $/bbl         26.3         51.3             40.9
Discount to Dated Brent             $/bbl         57.8         29.9             41.7
Revenue                              $m           71.2         79.6            123.5
Operating costs                      $m           23.9         18.9             36.1
Gross operating costs per barrel(1) $/bbl          4.2          5.6              5.6
Other general and administrative     $m            5.4          9.1             10.5
Share option expense                 $m            2.1          8.4             10.8
Adjusted EBITDA(1)                   $m           36.4         34.2             52.7
Profit/(loss) after tax              $m            0.4        (2.9)           (11.5)
Basic earnings/(loss) per share     cents          0.2        (1.3)            (5.3)
Revenue receipts(1)                  $m           65.5         65.7            109.2
Net capital expenditure(1)           $m            7.8         47.0             58.2
Free cash flow(1)                    $m           26.6        (9.9)           (13.1)
Shareholder distributions(3)         $m           20.9         25.0             24.8
Cash and cash equivalents            $m          102.3         84.9             81.7


 1. Gross average  production, realised  price, gross  operating costs  per  barrel,
    Adjusted EBITDA, revenue receipts,  net capital expenditure  and free cash  flow
    are  either  non-financial  or  non-IFRS  measures  and,  where  necessary,  are
    explained in the summary of non-IFRS measures.
 2. For the periods six months ended 30 June 2024 and year ended 31 December 2023, a
    simple average Dated Brent price is provided as a comparator for realised price.
    Realised prices  for local  sales  are currently  driven  by supply  and  demand
    dynamics in the local market, with no direct link to Dated Brent. For the period
    six months ended 30 June 2023,  Dated Brent reflects the weighted average  price
    used for  export  sales  between  1  January to  24  March  2023  prior  to  the
    Iraq-Turkey Pipeline closure.
 3. Includes both paid  and declared dividends.  In the period  six months ended  30
    June 2024, shareholder distributions comprise the $15 million interim  dividend,
    paid on  19 July  2024, and  $5.9 million  of the  Company’s $10  million  share
    buyback programme  launched  on 13  May  2024 and  completed  on 23  July  2024;
    shareholder distributions in prior periods consist solely of dividends.


Following a challenging year in 2023 impacted by the suspension of Kurdistan exports
in March and delays  to KRG export  sales payments, GKP returned  to free cash  flow
generation in the first  half of 2024,  driven by robust  pre-paid sales of  Shaikan
Field crude to  the local  Kurdistan market and  capital and  cost discipline,  with
monthly average capex and costs  in line with guidance.  Free cash flow enabled  the
Company to strengthen its balance sheet, settling all overdue invoices in the  first
quarter of 2024,  and restart shareholder  distributions, with $25  million paid  to
shareholders in 2024 year  to date, including  a $10 million  share buyback and  $15
million interim dividend.


Adjusted EBITDA


Adjusted EBITDA increased 6% to $36.4 million in H1 2024 (H1 2023: $34.2 million) as
robust volumes from local sales and cost reductions more than offset the decline  in
realised prices related to the transition from exports to discounted local sales.


Gross average production increased 69% to 39,252 bopd (H1 2023: 23,256 bopd)  driven
by strong  local sales,  significantly higher  than  the first  half of  2023  which
included the  curtailment and  shut-in  of Shaikan  Field production  following  the
suspension of Kurdistan exports on 25 March 2023.


Revenue decreased 11% to $71.2 million (H1 2023: $79.6m) as the increase in H1  2024
volumes was  more than  offset  by the  49% decline  in  average realised  price  to
$26.3/bbl (H1 2023:  $51.3/bbl). Realised prices  for local sales  remain driven  by
supply and demand dynamics in the local market, with no direct link to Dated Brent.


The Company continued  to exercise  cost control  in the  first half  of 2024  while
maintaining full  production capacity  to respond  to local  market demand  and  the
potential restart of exports.

Gross operating costs  per barrel  decreased 25%  to $4.2/bbl  (H1 2023:  $5.6/bbl),
reflecting higher  production. Operating  costs  of $23.9  million were  27%  higher
year-on-year  (H1  2023:  $18.9  million),  primarily  reflecting  the  shut  in  of
production for the majority of Q2 2023.


Other G&A expenses were $5.4 million in H1 2024 (H1 2023: $9.1 million),  reflecting
the absence of non-recurring corporate costs of $2.1 million incurred in H1 2023 and
cost reductions.


Share option  expense  of  $2.1  million was  75%  lower  year-on-year,  principally
reflecting the sharply reduced vesting of the 2021 LTIP award in H1 2024 relative to
the vesting of the 2020 LTIP award in H1 2023.


Cash flows


Revenue receipts of $65.5 million were flat  relative to the prior period (H1  2023:
$65.7 million), reflecting local sales pre-payments  at lower realised prices in  H1
2024 compared to the delayed receipt of  KRG payments for August and September  2022
export sales  in H1  2023. $151  million of  overdue receivables  from the  KRG  for
October 2022  to March  2023  export sales  remain  outstanding, which  the  Company
continues to expect to recover in full.


Net capital  expenditure in  H1 2024  was  $7.8 million  (H1 2023:  $47.0  million),
comprising safety critical  upgrades and production  optimisation expenditures.  The
83% decrease relative to H1 2023 reflects the termination of all expansion, drilling
and well workover activity following the suspension of Kurdistan exports.


Free cash flow generation in H1 2024  was $26.6 million, relative to a $9.9  million
outflow in H1  2023. With improving  liquidity, good visibility  on near term  local
sales demand and the cheap valuation of GKP’s share price, the Company announced  on
13 May 2024 the launch of a $10 million share buyback programme, which was completed
on 23 July 2024.  Given continued robust local  sales, the buyback was  supplemented
with the payment  of a  $15 million  interim dividend  on 19  July 2024,  increasing
aggregate shareholder distributions in the year to date to $25 million.


GKP’s cash balance was $102.3  million as at 30 June  2024 (31 December 2023:  $81.7
million). Continued free cash  flow generation from local  sales in July and  August
2024 have  more  than offset  shareholder  distributions, with  the  Company’s  cash
balance as at 28 August 2024 of $98.2 million.


The Group performed a cash flow  and liquidity analysis, including consideration  of
the current uncertainty over the timing of the pipeline reopening and settlement  of
outstanding amounts due from the KRG, and the fact that the outlook for local  sales
volumes and pricing cannot be predicted. Based on this analysis, the Directors  have
a reasonable  expectation that  the  Group has  adequate  resources to  continue  to
operate for twelve months. Therefore, the going concern basis of accounting is  used
to prepare the financial statements.


Net entitlement


The Company shares Shaikan Field revenues with its partner, MOL, and the KRG,  based
on the  terms of  the Shaikan  Production Sharing  Contract. GKP's  net  entitlement
includes the recovery of the Company’s investment in the Shaikan Field through  cost
oil and a share of the profits through profit oil, less a Capacity Building  Payment
owed to the KRG. The Company's net entitlement of gross Shaikan Field sales remained
36% in H1 2024 and is expected to remain at a similar level in H2 2024.


The unrecovered cost oil  and R-factor are  used to calculate  monthly cost oil  and
profit oil entitlements, respectively, owed to the Company from crude oil sales.  As
at 30 June 2024, there  was $189 million of gross  unrecovered cost oil, subject  to
potential cost  audit by  the  KRG. The  R-factor,  calculated as  cumulative  gross
revenue receipts  of $2,313  million divided  by cumulative  gross costs  of  $1,913
million, was 1.21.




Looking ahead to the  remainder of 2024, the  Company remains focused on  maximising
shareholder value from the local sales market while preserving sufficient  liquidity
to manage the current operating  environment and unlock significant potential  value
from the restart of Kurdistan exports.


Monthly average aggregate net capex, operating costs  and other G&A in 2024 are  now
expected to be c.$7  million (vs. c.$6  million previously), reflecting  incremental
expenditures on production optimisation, process safety & reliability and associated
resources to  capitalise  on  continued  local sales  demand  following  our  strong
performance in the year to  date. Net capex and operating  costs are expected to  be
weighted to the second half  of the year as  safety critical upgrades are  completed
during the  c.3 week  PF-1 shutdown  scheduled  for November  2024. 2024  net  capex
continues to be  estimated at c.$20  million as per  original guidance. While  local
sales demand is  expected to remain  strong in  the near term,  the Company  retains
flexibility to rapidly and significantly reduce capital expenditures and costs in  a
downside scenario.


As demonstrated by  the recent restart  of distributions, GKP  remains committed  to
returning excess cash to shareholders via  dividends or share buybacks, taking  into
account sufficient  liquidity  to  manage  the  current  operating  environment  and
ensuring   the   successful   transition   from   local   sales   to   the   restart
of Kurdistan exports and normalisation  of KRG  payments. With  improvements in  the
operating environment,  the  Company’s  ambition  is  to  reinstate  an  appropriate
distributions policy to provide shareholders with greater clarity on returns. In the
interim, the Board  will continue to  review the Company’s  capacity for  additional
shareholder returns.


Gabriel Papineau-Legris

Chief Financial Officer


28 August 2024


Non-IFRS measures

The Group uses certain measures to assess the financial performance of its business.
Some of these measures are termed  “non-IFRS measures” because they exclude  amounts
that are included in, or include amounts  that are excluded from, the most  directly
comparable  measure  calculated  and  presented  in  accordance  with  International
Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”), or  are calculated using financial  measures
that are not  calculated in accordance  with IFRS. These  non‑IFRS measures  include
financial measures such as operating costs and non-financial measures such as  gross
average production.

The Group  uses such  measures  to measure  and  monitor operating  performance  and
liquidity, in presentations to the Board and  as a basis for strategic planning  and
forecasting. The Directors believe that these  and similar measures are used  widely
by  certain  investors,  securities  analysts   and  other  interested  parties   as
supplemental measures of performance and liquidity.

The non-IFRS measures may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures  used
by other  companies and  have limitations  as  analytical tools  and should  not  be
considered in isolation  or as a  substitute for analysis  of the Group’s  operating
results as reported  under IFRS.  An explanation  of the  relevance of  each of  the
non-IFRS measures and a  description of how  they are calculated  is set out  below.
Additionally, a  reconciliation  of  the  non-IFRS measures  to  the  most  directly
comparable  measures  calculated  and  presented  in  accordance  with  IFRS  and  a
discussion of their limitations is set  out below, where applicable. The Group  does
not regard  these  non-IFRS  measures as  a  substitute  for, or  superior  to,  the
equivalent measures  calculated  and presented  in  accordance with  IFRS  or  those
calculated using financial measures that are calculated in accordance with IFRS.


Gross operating costs per barrel

Gross operating costs are divided by  gross production to arrive at operating  costs
per barrel.

                                         Six months ended   Six months
                                                                 ended Year ended 31
                                             30 June 2024              December 2023
                                                          30 June 2023
Gross production (MMstb)                              7.2          4.2           8.0
Gross operating costs ($ million)(1)                 29.9         23.6          45.1
Gross operating costs per barrel ($  per              4.2          5.6           5.6


 1. Gross operating costs equate  to operating costs (see  note 5) adjusted for  the
    Group’s 80% working interest in the Shaikan Field.


Adjusted EBITDA

Adjusted EBITDA is a useful indicator  of the Group’s profitability, which  excludes
the impact of costs  attributable to tax  expense)/(credit), finance costs,  finance
revenue, depreciation, amortisation, impairment of receivables and provision against
inventory held for resale.

                                               Six months   Six months
                                                    ended        ended Year ended 31
                                                                       December 2023
                                             30 June 2024 30 June 2023
                                                                           $ million
                                                $ million    $ million
Profit/(loss) after tax                               0.4        (2.9)        (11.5)
Finance costs                                         0.8          0.9           1.8
Finance income                                      (2.0)        (2.1)         (3.8)
Tax charge                                            0.6          0.4           0.1
Depreciation of oil and gas assets                   36.5         20.6          39.5
Depreciation  of   other  PPE   assets   and          1.7          1.3           2.6
amortisation of intangibles
(Decrease)/increase of expected credit  loss        (1.7)         13.9          21.4
provision on trade receivables
Provision against inventory held for resale             -          2.1             -
Adjusted EBITDA                                      36.4         34.2          50.1



Net cash

Net cash is a useful indicator of the Group’s indebtedness and financial flexibility
because it indicates  the level of  cash and cash  equivalents less cash  borrowings
within the Group’s business. Net cash is defined as cash and cash equivalents,  less
current and non-current  borrowings and non-cash  adjustments. Non-cash  adjustments
include unamortised arrangement fees and other adjustments.

                          30 June 2024 30 June 2023 31 December 2023
                             $ million    $ million        $ million
Cash and cash equivalents        102.3         84.9             81.7
Borrowings                           -            -                -
Net cash                         102.3         84.9             81.7


Net Capital expenditure

Net capital expenditure is the value of the Group’s additions to oil and gas  assets
excluding the change in value of the decommissioning asset or any asset impairment.

                        Six months ended Six months ended     Year ended 31 December
                            30 June 2024     30 June 2023
                                                                           $ million
                               $ million        $ million
Net capital expenditure              7.8             47.0                       58.2


Free cash flow

Free cash flow  represents the Group’s  cash flows, before  any dividends and  share
buybacks including related fees.

                                     Six months ended Six months ended Year ended 31
                                                                       December 2023
                                         30 June 2024     30 June 2023
                                                                           $ million
                                            $ million        $ million
Net cash  generated  from  operating             42.8             31.7          51.3
Net   cash    used   in    investing           (16.0)           (41.3)        (63.9)
Payment of leases                               (0.2)            (0.3)         (0.5)
Free cash flow                                   26.6            (9.9)        (13.1)


Principal risks & uncertainties

The Board determines and reviews the key risks for the Group on a regular basis. The
principal risks, and how the  Group seeks to mitigate them,  for the second half  of
the year are largely consistent with  those detailed in the management of  principal
risks and  uncertainties  section  of  the 2023  Annual  Report  and  Accounts.  The
principal risks are listed below:


Strategic                         Operational               Financial
Political, social and economic    Health, safety and        Liquidity and funding

instability                       environment (“HSE”) risks capability
Export route availability         Gas flaring               Oil revenue payment
Stakeholder misalignment          Security                  Commodity prices
Disputes regarding title or
exploration and production rights
Business conduct and
                                  Field delivery risk        
Risk of economic sanctions
impacting the Group
Climate change                                               
Organisation and talent                                      
Cyber security                                               



Responsibility statement

The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

 a. the condensed set of financial statements  has been prepared in accordance  with
    UK-adopted IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting';
 b. the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required
    by DTR 4.2.7R (indication of important events and their impact during the  first
    six months  and  description  of  principal  risks  and  uncertainties  for  the
    remaining six months of the year); and
 c. the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required
    by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related parties' transactions and changes therein).

By order of the Board


Jon Harris

Chief Executive Officer

28 August 2024




Based on our review,  nothing has come  to our attention that  causes us to  believe
that the condensed set of financial  statements in the half-yearly financial  report
for the six months ended 30 June 2024 is not prepared, in all material respects,  in
accordance with UK adopted International  Accounting Standard 34 and the  Disclosure
Guidance and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority.

We have been  engaged by  Gulf Keystone Petroleum  Limited (the  “company”) and  its
subsidiaries (the “Group”) to  review the condensed set  of financial statements  in
the half-yearly  financial  report for  the  six months  ended  30 June  2024  which
comprises the condensed  consolidated income statement,  the condensed  consolidated
statement of comprehensive  income, the  condensed consolidated  balance sheet,  the
condensed consolidated statement  of changes in  equity, the condensed  consolidated
cash flow statement and the related explanatory notes that have been reviewed. 

Basis for conclusion 

We conducted our review in accordance with Revised International Standard on  Review
Engagements (UK) 2410,  “Review of  Interim Financial Information  Performed by  the
Independent Auditor of the Entity” (“ISRE (UK) 2410 (Revised)”). A review of interim
financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible
for financial  and accounting  matters,  and applying  analytical and  other  review
procedures. A  review is  substantially less  in scope  than an  audit conducted  in
accordance with International Standards on  Auditing (UK) and consequently does  not
enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant  matters
that might  be identified  in an  audit. Accordingly,  we do  not express  an  audit

As disclosed in note 2, the annual financial statements of the Group are prepared in
accordance with UK adopted international accounting standards. The condensed set  of
financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared
in accordance  with  UK  adopted  International  Accounting  Standard  34,  “Interim
Financial Reporting”. 

Conclusions relating to going concern 

Based on our review procedures, which are less extensive than those performed in  an
audit as described in the Basis for  conclusion section of this report, nothing  has
come to our attention to suggest that the directors have inappropriately adopted the
going concern basis  of accounting or  that the directors  have identified  material
uncertainties relating to going concern that are not appropriately disclosed. 

This conclusion is based on the review procedures performed in accordance with  ISRE
(UK) 2410 (Revised),  however future  events or conditions  may cause  the Group  to
cease to continue as a going concern. 

Responsibilities of directors 

The directors  are responsible  for preparing  the half-yearly  financial report  in
accordance with  the  UK  adopted  International  Accounting  Standard  34  “Interim
Financial Reporting”, the  Bermuda Companies  Act 1981 and  Disclosure Guidance  and
Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority. 

In preparing the  half-yearly financial  report, the directors  are responsible  for
assessing the  Group’s  ability to  continue  as  a going  concern,  disclosing,  as
applicable, matters related to  going concern and using  the going concern basis  of
accounting unless the  directors either intend  to liquidate the  Group or to  cease
operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so. 

Auditor’s responsibilities for the review of the financial information 

In reviewing  the half-yearly  report,  we are  responsible  for expressing  to  the
Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statement in the  half-yearly
financial report.  Our  conclusion,  including our  Conclusions  Relating  to  Going
Concern, are based on procedures that  are less extensive than audit procedures,  as
described in the Basis for Conclusion paragraph of this report.


Use of our report 

Our report has  been prepared  in accordance  with the  terms of  our engagement  to
assist the  Company in  meeting  the requirements  of  the Disclosure  Guidance  and
Transparency Rules of the  United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct  Authority and for  no
other purpose. No person is entitled to rely on this report unless such a person  is
a person entitled to rely upon this report  by virtue of and for the purpose of  our
terms of engagement or has been expressly  authorised to do so by our prior  written
consent. Save as above, we do not accept responsibility for this report to any other
person or for any other  purpose and we hereby expressly  disclaim any and all  such



Chartered Accountants 

London, UK

28 August 2024

BDO LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (with
registered number OC305127).



Condensed consolidated income statement

For the six months ended 30 June 2024


                                             Six months   Six months Year ended 31
                                                  ended        ended December 2023

                                     Notes 30 June 2024 30 June 2023       Audited  
                                              Unaudited    Unaudited
                                                  $’000        $’000
Revenue                                4         71,186       79,555       123,514  
Cost of sales                          5       (65,675)     (51,156)      (93,953)  
Decrease/(increase) of expected
credit loss provision on trade        12          1,676     (13,939)      (21,378)  
Gross profit                                      7,187       14,460         8,183  
Other general and administrative       6        (5,392)      (9,080)      (10,466)  
Share option related expense           7        (2,055)      (8,372)      (10,760)  
Loss from operations                              (260)      (2,992)      (13,043)  
Finance income                                    2,008        2,057         3,803  
Finance costs                                     (814)        (873)       (1,765)  
Foreign exchange gains/(losses)                     124        (668)         (384)  
Profit/(loss) before tax                          1,058      (2,476)      (11,389)  
Tax charge                                        (616)        (390)         (111)  
Profit/(loss) after tax                             442      (2,866)      (11,500)  
Profit/(loss) per share (cents)                                                     
Basic                                  8           0.20       (1.32)        (5.28)  
Diluted                                8           0.19       (1.32)        (5.28)  




Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income

For the six months ended 30 June 2024


                                            Six months   Six months
                                                                          Year ended
                                                 ended        ended
                                                                    31 December 2023
                                          30 June 2024 30 June 2023
                                             Unaudited    Unaudited
                                                 $’000        $’000            $’000
Profit/(loss) after tax for the period             442      (2,866)         (11,500)
Items that may be reclassified                                                      
subsequently to profit or loss:
Exchange differences on translation of           (139)          903              952
foreign operations
Total comprehensive income/(expense)               303      (1,963)         (10,548)
for the period



Condensed consolidated balance sheet

As at 30 June 2024


                                      30 June
                                              31 December 2023
                              Notes                    Audited
Non-current assets                                            
Property, plant and equipment  10     415,785          445,842
Trade receivables              12     148,244          140,218
Intangible assets                       1,618            2,813
Deferred tax asset                        918            1,545
                                      566,565          590,418
Current assets                                                
Inventories                    11       9,919            9,901
Trade and other receivables    12       7,726           15,118
Cash and cash equivalents             102,332           81,709
                                      119,977          106,728
Total assets                          686,542          697,146
Current liabilities                                           
Trade and other payables       13   (108,283)        (109,394)
Dividends payable                    (15,000)                -
Deferred income                13         (2)          (5,164)
                                    (123,285)        (114,558)
Non-current liabilities                                       
Trade and other payables       13           -             (39)
Provisions                           (35,264)         (35,312)
                                     (35,264)         (35,351)
Total liabilities                   (158,549)        (149,909)
Net assets                            527,993          547,237
Share capital                  14     219,339          222,443
Share premium account          14     485,787          503,312
Exchange translation reserve          (3,905)          (3,766)
Accumulated losses                  (173,228)        (174,752)
Total equity                          527,993          547,237



Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity

For the six months ended 30 June 2024

                                Share Share premium             Accumulated    Total
                              capital       account                  losses   equity
                                $’000         $’000       $’000       $’000    $’000
Balance at 1 January 2023     216,247       528,125     (4,718)   (166,729)  572,925
Loss after tax for the period       -             -           -     (2,866)  (2,866)
Exchange difference of
translation of foreign              -             -         903          -       903
Total comprehensive                 -             -         903     (2,866)  (1,963)
income/(loss) for the period
Dividends                           -      (24,960)           -           - (24,960)
Share issues                    6,196            -            -     (6,196)        -
Employee share schemes              -             -           -       7,328    7,328
Balance at 30 June 2023       222,443       503,165     (3,815)   (168,463)  553,330
Loss after tax for the period       -       -                 -     (8,634)  (8,634)
Exchange difference of
translation of foreign              -             -          49           -       49
Total comprehensive                 -             -          49     (8,634)  (8,585)
income/(loss) for the period
Dividends                           -           147           -           -      147
Employee share schemes              -             -           -       2,345    2,345
Balance at 31 December 2023   222,443       503,312     (3,766)   (174,752)  547,237
Profit after tax for the            -             -           -         442      442
Exchange difference of
translation of foreign              -             -       (139)           -    (139)
Total comprehensive                 -             -       (139)         442      303
(loss)/income for the period
Dividends                           -      (15,000)           -           - (15,000)
Share issues                      255             -           -       (255)        -
Repurchase of ordinary shares (3,359)       (2,525)           -           -  (5,884)
Employee share schemes              -             -           -       1,337    1,337
Balance at 30 June 2024       219,339       485,787     (3,905)   (173,228)  527,993



Condensed consolidated cash flow statement

for the six months ended 30 June 2024


                                                 Six months   Six months  Year ended

                                                      ended        ended 31 December
                                         Notes                                  2023
                                               30 June 2024 30 June 2023
                                                  Unaudited    Unaudited
                                                      $’000        $’000       $’000
Operating activities                                                                
Cash generated in operations               9         40,788       29,617      47,520
Interest received                                     2,008        2,057       3,803
Net cash generated in operating                      42,796       31,674      51,323
Investing activities                                                                
Purchase of intangible assets                          (32)            -           -
Purchase of property, plant and           10       (15,973)     (41,301)    (65,386)
Sale of drilling stock                                    -            -       1,449
Net cash used in investing activities              (16,005)     (41,301)    (63,937)
Financing activities                                                                
Payment of dividends                      14              -     (24,960)    (24,813)
Share buyback                                       (5,884)            -           -
Payment of leases                                     (238)        (262)       (503)
Net cash used in financing activities               (6,122)     (25,222)    (25,316)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash             20,669     (34,849)    (37,930)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning               81,709      119,456     119,456
of period
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                (46)          328         183
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the
period being bank balances and cash on              102,332       84,935      81,709



1. General information

Gulf Keystone Petroleum  Limited (the  “Company”) is domiciled  and incorporated  in
Bermuda (registered  address: Cedar  House, 3rd  Floor, 41  Cedar Avenue,  Hamilton,
HM12, Bermuda); together  with its subsidiaries  it forms the  “Group”. On 25  March
2014, the Company’s  common shares were  admitted, with a  standard listing, to  the
Official List of the United Kingdom Listing Authority (“UKLA”) and to trading on the
London Stock Exchange’s Main  Market for listed securities.  On 29th July 2024,  new
Listing Rules  came into  effect  for the  London  Stock Exchange.  Previously,  the
Company was quoted on Alternative Investment Market, a market operated by the London
Stock Exchange. The former  categories for Main Market  listed companies of  Premium
and Standard Listed were ceased (GKP being  a Standard Listed company up until  this
point). From that date, GKP  moved to the Equity  Shares – Transition category.  The
Company serves as the parent company for the Group, which is engaged in oil and  gas
exploration, development and production, operating in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

2. Summary of material accounting policies

These interim financial statements  should be read in  conjunction with the  audited
financial statements contained in the Annual Report and Accounts for the year  ended
31 December 2023.  The Annual  Report and  Accounts of  the Group  were prepared  in
accordance with United Kingdom  adopted International Accounting Standards  (“IAS”).
The condensed set  of financial statements  included in this  half yearly  financial
report have been prepared  in accordance with IAS  34 ‘Interim Financial  Reporting’
and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules (“DTR”) of the Financial Conduct Authority
(“FCA”) in the United Kingdom as applicable to interim financial reporting.

The condensed set  of financial statements  included in this  half yearly  financial
report have been prepared on  a going concern basis  as the Directors consider  that
the Group has adequate resources to continue operating for the foreseeable future.

The accounting policies  adopted in the  2024 half-yearly financial  report are  the
same as  those adopted  in  the 2023  Annual Report  and  Accounts, other  than  the
implementation of new International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) reporting

The financial information included herein for  the year ended 31 December 2023  does
not constitute the Group’s  financial statements for that  year but is derived  from
those Accounts. The auditor’s report on  these Accounts was unqualified and did  not
include a reference to  any matters to  which the auditor drew  attention by way  of
emphasis of matter.

Adoption of new and revised accounting standards

As of 1 January 2024, a number of accounting standard amendments and interpretations
became effective. The adoption of these amendments and interpretations has not had a
material impact on the financial statements of the Group for the six months ended 30
June 2024.

Going concern

The Group’s business  activities, together  with the  factors likely  to affect  its
future development, performance  and position, are  set out in  the Chief  Executive
Officer’s review  and  the Management  of  principal risks  and  uncertainties.  The
financial position of the Group at the  period end and its cash flows and  liquidity
position are included in the Financial review.

As at 28 August  2024 the Group  had $98.2 million  of cash and  no debt. The  Group
continues to closely monitor and manage its liquidity. Cash forecasts are  regularly
produced and  sensitivities  are run  for  different scenarios  including,  but  not
limited, to changes in sales volumes, commodity price fluctuations, timing of export
pipeline restart,  delays to  revenue  receipts and  cost optimisations.  The  Group
remains focused on taking appropriate actions to preserve its liquidity position.

As a result of closure of the Iraq-Turkey pipeline (“ITP”) in March 2023, the  Group
significantly reduced expenditures  to preserve liquidity  and continues to  closely
monitor costs with minimal capital  investment committed while the pipeline  remains
closed. Throughout 2024, due  to the stabilising of  local sales volumes, the  Group
has significantly improved its  working capital position to  the extent it has  been
able to  distribute  $25  million  to  shareholders  via  a  buyback  programme  and
re-instatement of  dividends. Nonetheless,  the  Group is  aware  there could  be  a
potential decline  in  local  sales,  and potential  delays  in  Kurdistan  Regional
Government (“KRG”)  revenue  receipts  once  the ITP  has  been  reopened.  The  key
uncertainties of the alternative crude sale methods are summarised below:

  • Local sales: the Group continues local sales with payments from buyers  required
    in advance following extensive  due diligence. In the  first six months of  2024
    the Group received over $65 million related to local sales. However, local sales
    volumes and prices have fluctuated and remain difficult to predict; and
  • Export sales:  While  political  negotiations and  commercial  negotiations  are
    ongoing between the Government of Iraq and the KRG, the timing of reopening  the
    ITP and payment mechanism remain uncertain.

The Directors believe an agreement will ultimately be reached to reopen the ITP, and
we reasonably expect that overdue  balances will be paid  and receipts from the  KRG
will return  to  a more  regular  basis. However,  a  reduction in  local  sales  or
reopening of  the pipeline  with a  deferral  of revenue  receipts could  result  in
liquidity pressures within the 12-month going concern period.

The Directors  have  considered sensitivities,  including  local sales  volumes  and
potential delays in KRG revenue receipts once the ITP reopens, to assess the  impact
on the  Group’s liquidity  position and  believe sufficient  mitigating actions  are
available to  withstand  such impacts  within  the 12-month  going  concern  period.
Specifically, the Directors considered stress  tests that included no further  local
sales or KRG revenue receipts and confirmed that cost reduction opportunities  exist
to ensure that the Group can continue  to discharge its liabilities for a period  of
at least 12 months.

As explained in Note  13, although the Group  has recognised current liabilities  of
around $78  million payable  to the  KRG,  it does  not expect  these will  be  cash

Overall, the Group’s  forecasts, taking  into account the  applicable risks,  stress
test scenarios  and  potential  mitigating  actions, show  that  it  has  sufficient
financial resources for the  12 months from  the date of  approval of these  interim
financial statements.

Based on the analysis  performed, the Directors have  a reasonable expectation  that
the Group has adequate resources to continue to operate for the foreseeable  future.
Thus, the  going  concern basis  of  accounting is  used  to prepare  these  interim
financial statements.

Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty

In the application of the accounting policies described above, the Group is required
to make judgements, estimates and assumptions  about the carrying amounts of  assets
and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. The estimates  and
associated assumptions are based on historical experience and other factors that are
considered to be relevant. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions
to accounting  estimates are  recognised in  the  period in  which the  estimate  is
revised if the revision affects  only that period or in  the period of revision  and
future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods.

Critical judgements in applying the Group’s accounting policies

The following are the  critical judgements, apart  from those involving  estimations
(which are presented separately below), that the Directors have made in the  process
of applying  the Group’s  accounting policies  and that  have the  most  significant
effect on the amounts recognised in financial statements

Production sharing  contract  (“PSC”)  entitlement: Revenue  and  capacity  building

The recognition of revenue,  particularly the recognition  of revenue from  pipeline
exports, is considered to be a key accounting judgement. The Group began  commercial
production from the Shaikan Field in July  2013 and historically made sales to  both
the domestic and export  markets. The Group considers  that revenue can be  reliably
measured as it  passes the  delivery point  into the  export pipeline  or truck,  as
appropriate. The  critical  accounting  judgement  applied  in  preparing  the  2023
financial statements  is that  it is  appropriate to  recognise export  revenue  for
deliveries from  1 January  to  25 March  2023 based  on  the proposed  new  pricing
mechanism, notwithstanding that there is no signed lifting agreement for that period
and the pricing mechanism has not yet been agreed. Further details of this judgement
are provided in the sales revenue accounting policy within the Company’s 2023 Annual
Report and Accounts. In making this  judgement, consideration was given to the  fact
that the Group received payment for September 2022 deliveries at an amount that  was
consistent with the proposed new pricing  terms; no further receipts for the  period
of pipeline exports from 1 October 2022 to 25 March 2023 have been received.

A summary of the currently estimated financial impact of the proposed change in
pricing mechanism is detailed in Note 4.

Any future agreements  between the Group  and the  KRG might change  the amounts  of
revenue recognised.

During past PSC negotiations with the Ministry of Natural Resources (“MNR”), it  was
tentatively agreed that the Shaikan Contractor  would provide the KRG a 20%  carried
working interest in  the PSC.  This would  result in  a reduction  of GKP’s  working
interest from  80% to  61.5%. To  compensate for  such decrease,  capacity  building
payments expense would be reduced to 20% of profit petroleum. While the PSC has  not
been formally amended, it was  agreed that GKP would invoice  the KRG for oil  sales
based on the  proposed revised  terms from  October 2017.  The financial  statements
reflect the proposed revised working interest  of 61.5%. Relative to the PSC  terms,
the proposed revised invoicing terms result in  a decrease in both revenue and  cost
of sales and on a net basis are slightly positive for the Group.

As part  of earlier  PSC negotiations,  on 16  March 2016,  GKP signed  a  bilateral
agreement with the MNR (the “Bilateral Agreement”). The Bilateral Agreement included
a reduction in  the Group’s  capacity building  payment from  40% to  30% of  profit
petroleum. Subsequent  to  signing  the Bilateral  Agreement,  further  negotiations
resulted in the capacity building payment rate being reduced from 30% to 20%,  which
has formed the basis for  all oil sales invoices to  date as noted above. Since  PSC
negotiations have not been  finalised, GKP has included  a non-cash payable for  the
difference between the capacity building rate of 20% and 30%, which is recognised in
cost of sales and other payables.

The Group expects to confirm with the MNR whether to proceed with a formal amendment
to the PSC to reflect current invoice terms.

Material sources of estimation uncertainty

The key assumptions concerning the future, and other key sources of estimation
uncertainty at the reporting period that may have a significant risk of causing a
material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the
next financial year, are discussed below.

Expected credit loss (“ECL”)

The recoverability  of receivables  is a  key accounting  judgement. The  difference
between the nominal value of receivables and the expected value of receivables after
allowing for counterparty  default risk  gives the  ECL. In  making this  judgement,
management has estimated  the timing  of the receipt  of receivables  which will  be
dependent upon uncertain  future events, in  particular the expected  timing of  the
re-opening  of  the  ITP.  Management  have  considered  scenarios  for   recovering
receivables and assigned probabilities  to these scenarios.  A weighted average  has
been applied to receipt  profiles, upon which a  counterparty default allowance  has
been applied to derive the ECL. This  ECL is offset against current and  non-current
receivable amounts as appropriate  within the balance sheet  with the change in  the
receivable balance during the period recognised in the income statement.

Decommissioning provision

Decommissioning provisions are estimated based upon the obligations and costs to  be
incurred in accordance  with the  PSC at the  end of  field life in  2043. There  is
uncertainty in  the  decommissioning estimate  due  to factors  including  potential
changes to the cost of activities, potential emergence of new techniques or  changes
to best  practice.  The  Group  performed  an  estimate  of  the  current  value  of
obligations and costs to decommission  the asset as at  31 December 2023, which  was
independently reviewed by ERC Equipoise,  an independent third party; this  estimate
formed the basis of the 30 June 2024 estimate.

The Group updated the current value of obligations and costs at 30 June 2024,  which
followed an ERC Equipoise  assessment of the Group’s  estimate at 31 December  2023.
Management have  increased these  costs  by estimated  compound interest  rates,  to
future value in 2043, and  reduced to present value  by an estimated discount  rate,
there is also uncertainty regarding the inflation and discount rates used.

Carrying value of producing assets

The Group’s accounting policy on  impairment remains consistent with that  disclosed
in the 2023 Annual Report. In line with the Group’s accounting policy on impairment,
management performs an  impairment review  of the Group’s  oil and  gas assets  with
reference to indicators  as set  out in  IAS 36  ‘Impairment of  Assets’. The  Group
assesses its group of assets, called a cash-generating unit (“CGU”), for impairment,
if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an  asset
may not  be recoverable.  Where indicators  are present,  management calculates  the
recoverable amount  using  key  estimates  such  as  future  oil  prices,  estimated
production volumes, the cost of development and production, post-tax discount  rates
that reflect the  current market assessment  of the  time value of  money and  risks
specific to the asset,  commercial reserves and inflation.  The key assumptions  are
subject to change based  on market trends and  economic conditions. Where the  CGU’s
recoverable amount is lower than the carrying amount, the CGU is considered impaired
and is written down to its recoverable amount. The Group’s sole CGU at 30 June  2024
was the  Shaikan  Field  with a  carrying  value,  being Oil  and  Gas  assets  less
capitalised decommissioning provision, of $378.5 million (FY 2023: $408.0 million).

The Group  performed an  impairment indicator  evaluation  as at  30 June  2024  and
concluded that  no impairment  indicators  arose. The  key  areas of  estimation  in
assessing the potential impairment indicators are as follows:

  • While the date of the re-opening  of the ITP remains uncertain, management  have
    assessed a  re-opening date  of April  2025 as  being reasonable.  Although  the
    estimated re-opening date is six months  later than the base case assessment  at
    31 December 2023,  management previously  performed sensitivities of  up to  two
    years with no impairment, therefore this  delay to the projected re-opening  was
    not assumed to be an impairment trigger;

  • The Group’s netback oil price  was based on the  Brent forward curve and  market
    participants’ consensus,  including  banks, analysts  and  independent  reserves
    evaluators, as at 30  June 2024 for  the period 2024 to  2029 with inflation  of
    2.25% per annum thereafter, less  transportation costs and quality  adjustments.
    Brent consensus prices are as follows:

$/bbl – nominal              2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029
30 June 2024 – base case      84   80   77   77   77   83
31 December 2023 – base case  83   80   77   77   77   80


  • Management have  previously  applied  sensitivities  in  reviewing  stress  case
    pricing including a 10% reduction from base case pricing to derive a stress case
    price with no  impairment impact.  As the prices  are broadly  flat or  slightly
    higher at 30 June 2024, management have not noted any stress case pricing above;
  • Discount rates are adjusted to reflect  risks specific to the Shaikan Field  and
    the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Management  assessed changes to the key  variables
    that could  impact discount  rate and  concluded no  change was  necessary.  The
    post-tax nominal  discount rate  was  estimated to  be  16%, unchanged  from  31
    December 2023;
  • Operating costs  and capital  expenditure  are based  on financial  budgets  and
    internal  management   forecasts.  Costs   assumptions  incorporate   management
    experience and expectations, as well as the nature and location of the operation
    and the risks  associated therewith. There  were no indicators  that costs  will
    increase in comparison to 31 December 2023 impairment assessment;

  • No adverse changes were noted  for commercial reserves and production  profiles;
  • No changes  were  noted  in  the operating  environment  such  as  local  market
    conditions, tax or other legal  or regulatory changes. Specifically,  management
    considered if  there had  been any  update  with respect  to the  Iraqi  Federal
    Supreme Court ruling announced  in 2022 and concluded  there was no movement  in
    the period which would impact the impairment analysis.

 3. Geographical information


The Chief  Operating Decision  Maker, as  per the  definition in  IFRS 8  ‘Operating
Segments’, is considered  to be  the Board  of Directors.  The Group  operates in  a
single segment, that of  oil and gas exploration,  development and production, in  a
single geographical location, the Kurdistan Region  of Iraq (“KRI”); 100% (FY  2023:
100%) of the  group’s non-current assets,  excluding deferred tax  assets and  other
financial assets, are located  in the KRI. The  financial information of the  single
segment is materially the same as set out in the condensed consolidated statement of
comprehensive income,  the  condensed  consolidated  balance  sheet,  the  condensed
consolidated statement of changes  in equity, the  condensed consolidated cash  flow
statement and the related notes.

4. Revenue


                                Six months   Six months  Year ended

                                     ended        ended 31 December

                              30 June 2024 30 June 2023        2023

                                 Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited
                                     $’000        $’000       $’000
Oil sales via export pipeline            -       79,555      78,955
Local oil sales                     71,186            -      44,559
                                    71,186       79,555     123,514


The Group accounting policy for  revenue recognition is set  out in its 2023  Annual
Report, with revenue recognised upon crude  oil passing the delivery points,  either
being entry into pipeline or delivered into trucks.


Oil sales via export pipeline (until 25 March 2023)

The International  Court of  Arbitration in  Paris  ruled on  the long  running  ITP
arbitration case in Iraq’s favour, which led to  the shut-in of the ITP on 25  March
2023. Negotiations are ongoing to reopen the pipeline.


Since 1 September 2022,  there has been  no lifting agreement  in place between  the
Shaikan Contractor and the KRG. The KRG proposed a new pricing mechanism based  upon
the average  monthly Kurdistan  blend (“KBT”)  sales price  realised by  the KRG  at
Ceyhan; formerly the pricing mechanism was based upon Dated Brent. The Group has not
accepted the proposed contract modification  and continued, until suspension of  the
export pipeline, to invoice the KRG for oil sales based on the pre-1 September  2022
pricing  formula.  Considering  the  uncertainty   with  respect  to  the   variable
consideration within the pricing  mechanism, the Group has  concluded that it is  an
appropriate  judgement  to  recognise  revenue   based  on  the  proposed   contract
modification for the period to the pipeline shutdown on 25 March 2023.


Export sales covering the period from 1 January to 25 March 2023 were based upon the
monthly Kurdistan blend price. The realised price in this period was $51.3/bbl.


The 2023 revenue impact of using the proposed KBT pricing mechanism instead of Dated
Brent relating to oil sales via the export pipeline was estimated to be a  reduction
of $12.0 million; taking into account the associated reduction in capacity  building
payments resulted in a  total reduction of  profit after tax  of $11.4 million.  Any
difference between the  proposed and final  pricing mechanism will  be reflected  in
future periods.


No oil sales via  the export pipeline  occurred in the six-month  period to 30  June
2024 (H1 2023: $79.6 million; FY 2023: $79.0 million).


Local oil sales (from 19 July 2023)

In July  2023, GKP  began selling  oil to  local buyers  at negotiated  prices.  The
realised price achieved  in the six-month  period to  30 June 2024  was $26/bbl  (H1
2023: not applicable; FY 2023: $30/bbl). Local buyers pay GKP in advance of  receipt
of oil; such amounts are recognised as deferred income.


Information about major customers

In the  six  months ended  30  June  2024, 100%  of  sales were  made  to  customers
individually making up  more than  10% of  revenue (H1  2023: 100%;  FY 2023:  99%);
customers with more than 10% of revenue in the period were Customer A and Customer B
with 86% and 14% respectively (H1 2023: Kurdistan Regional Government with 100%;  FY
2023: Kurdistan Regional Government, Customer B, Customer C and Customer D with 68%,
11%, 10% and 10% respectively).


5. Cost of Sales


                                                 Six months   Six months  Year ended

                                                      ended        ended 31 December

                                               30 June 2024 30 June 2023        2023

                                                  Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited
                                                      $’000        $’000       $’000
Operating costs                                      23,917       18,858      36,082
Capacity building payments                            5,131        5,713       8,872
Changes in oil inventory value                           98      (1,188)        (75)
Depreciation of oil and gas assets and               36,529       20,559      39,470
operational assets
Contract termination costs                                -        5,143       5,525
Provision against inventory held for sale                 -        2,071       2,627
Loss on disposal of drilling stock                        -            -       1,452
                                                     65,675       51,156      93,953


Capacity building payments  have been  recorded in  line with  the proposed  pricing
mechanism (see  note 4);  any  difference between  the  proposed and  final  pricing
mechanism will be reflected in future periods.


The Group accounting policy for depreciation of oil and gas assets is set out in its
2023 Annual  Report.  The depreciation  charge  above  is based  upon  the  reserves
estimate within the Competent Persons Report (“CPR”) prepared by ERC Equipoise as at
31 December 2022.  The increase in  charge compared to  the corresponding period  in
2023 is principally derived from higher production in 2024.


Contract termination, provision against inventory held for sale and loss on disposal
of drilling stocks in 2023  relate to non-recurring activities undertaken  following
the ITP export pipeline suspension in March 2023.


6. Other general and administrative expenses

                                         Six months               Year ended

                                              ended  Six months  31 December
                                       30 June 2024 30 June 2023        2023
                                          Unaudited        $’000     Audited

                                              $’000                    $’000
Depreciation and amortisation                 1,690        1,331       2,652
Other general and administrative costs        3,702        7,750       7,814
                                              5,392        9,081      10,466


The decrease of other general  and administrative costs from H1  2023 to H1 2024  is
primarily due  to the  absence  of non-recurring  corporate  costs of  $2.1  million
incurred in H1 2023, and cost reductions.


7. Share option related expense

                                                 Six months               Year ended

                                                      ended   Six months 31 December
                                               30 June 2024 30 June 2023        2023
                                                  Unaudited        $’000     Audited

                                                      $’000                    $’000
Share-based payment expense                           1,337        7,328       9,673
Payments related to share options exercised             741          764         797
Share-based (credit)/payment related provision         (23)          280         290
for taxes
                                                      2,055        8,372      10,760

On 31 March 2024 the  2014 Long Term Incentive Plan  (“LTIP”) concluded. On 21  June
2024, the 2024 LTIP was approved  at the Company’s Annual General Meeting,  becoming
effective on 1 July 2024. No expense relating to the 2024 LTIP scheme was recognised
by the Group from 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024.


8. Earnings per share

The calculation of the basic and diluted profit per share is based on the following


                                  Six months   Six months  Year ended

                                       ended        ended 31 December

                                30 June 2024 30 June 2023        2023

                                   Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited
Profit/(loss) after tax ($’000)          442      (2,866)    (11,500)


Number of shares (‘000s):                                               
Basic weighted average number of ordinary shares 222,188 216,927 217,992
Basic earnings/(loss) per share (cents)             0.20  (1.32)  (5.28)


The Group followed the steps specified by IAS 33 ‘Earnings per share’ in determining
whether outstanding share options are dilutive or anti-dilutive.

Reconciliation of dilutive shares:

                                                 Six months   Six months  Year ended

                                                      ended        ended 31 December

                                               30 June 2024 30 June 2023        2023

                                                  Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited
Number of shares (‘000s):                                                           
Basic weighted average number of ordinary           222,188      216,927     217,992
Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares          5,906            -           -
Diluted number of ordinary shares outstanding       228,094      216,927     217,992
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share (cents) (1)          0.19       (1.32)      (5.28)


 1. At the  reporting  date,  the  Group  had  5,837k  dilutive  (H1  2023:  11,547k
    antidilutive;  FY  2023:  8,224k  antidilutive)  ordinary  shares  relating   to
    outstanding share options. Earnings per  share are calculated on the  assumption
    of conversion of  all potentially  dilutive ordinary shares;  however, during  a
    period where a company  makes a loss, anti-dilutive  shares are not included  in
    the loss per share calculation as they would reduce the reported loss per share.

The weighted average  number of  ordinary shares in  issue excludes  shares held  by
Employee Benefit Trustee (“EBT”) of 0.2 million, (H1 2023: 3.4 million; FY 2023: 0.2


9. Reconciliation of loss from operations to net cash generated in operating


                                                 Six months   Six months  Year ended

                                                      ended        ended 31 December

                                               30 June 2024 30 June 2023        2023

                                                  Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited

                                                      $’000        $’000       $’000
Loss from operations                                  (260)      (2,992)    (13,043)
Adjustments for:                                                                    
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation of
property, plant and equipment (including the         37,008       21,010      40,409
right of use assets)
Amortisation of intangible assets                     1,211          815       1,648
Share-based payment expense                           1,337        7,328       9,673
(Decrease)/increase of provision for                (1,676)       13,939      21,378
impairment of trade receivables
Provision against inventory held for sale                 -        2,071       2,627
Operating cash flows before movements in             37,620       42,171      62,692
working capital
Increase in inventories                                (18)      (9,858)     (7,605)
Decrease/(increase) in trade and other                1,042      (8,906)    (10,741)
Increase in trade and other payables                  2,144        6,143       3,107
Income taxes received                                     -           67          67
Cash generated from operations                       40,788       29,617      47,520

10. Property, plant and equipment


                                     Oil and Gas Fixtures and Right of use          

                                          Assets    Equipment       Assets     Total

                                           $’000        $’000        $’000     $’000
Year ended 31 December 2023                                                         
Opening net book value                   433,556        2,257          630   436,443
Additions                                 58,240          453           86    58,779
Disposals’ costs                               -            -         (70)      (70)
Revision to decommissioning asset        (8,933)            -            -   (8,933)
Depreciation charge                     (39,470)        (649)        (356)  (40,475)
Disposals’ depreciation                        -            -           66        66
Foreign currency translation                   -            5           27        32
Closing net book value                   443,393        2,066          383   445,842
Cost                                     992,870        9,404        2,188 1,004,462
Accumulated depreciation               (549,477)      (7,338)      (1,805) (558,620)
Net book value at 31 December 2023       443,393        2,066          383   445,842
Period ended 30 June 2024                                                           
Opening net book value                   443,393        2,066          383   445,842
Additions                                  7,751           52            -     7,803
Revision to decommissioning asset          (848)            -            -     (848)
Depreciation charge                     (36,529)        (306)        (173)  (37,008)
Foreign currency translation                   -          (1)          (3)       (4)
Closing net book value                   413,767        1,811          207   415,785
At 30 June 2024                                                                     
Cost                                     999,773        9,455        2,185 1,011,413
Accumulated depreciation               (586,006)      (7,644)      (1,978) (595,628)
Net book value                           413,767        1,811          207   415,785



The additions to the Shaikan asset, amounting to $7.8 million during the period  (FY
2023: 58.2 million) included safety critical upgrades.

The $0.8 million  decrease (2023:  $8.9 million increase)  in decommissioning  asset
value relates to a $1.1 million decrease in changes to inflation and discount  rates
(2023: $13.1 million), offset by an increase of $0.3 million relating to  facilities
work (2023: $4.2 million).


11. Inventories

                                            31 December
                               30 June 2024
Warehouse stocks and materials        6,854       6,900
Inventory held for sale               2,789       2,627
Crude oil                               276         374
                                      9,919       9,901



12. Trade and other receivables


Non-current receivables


                                             31 December
                                30 June 2024
Trade receivables – non-current      148,244     140,218


Current receivables


                                            31 December
                               30 June 2024
Trade receivables - current      409              6,350
Underlift                             1,216       3,806
Other receivables                     3,531       3,080
Prepayments and accrued income        2,570       1,882
Total current receivables             7,726      15,118
Total receivables                   155,970     155,336


Reconciliation of trade receivables


                                                                      31 December
                                                         30 June 2024
Gross carrying amount relating to export sales                171,026     171,026
Less: impairment allowance relating to export sales          (22,782)    (24,458)
Carrying value relating to export sales at end of period      148,244     146,568
Trade receivables relating to local oil sales                     409           -
Total carrying value of trade receivables                     148,653     146,568


Gross trade receivables relating to export sales of $171.0 million (FY 2023:  $171.0
million) are comprised of invoiced amounts due, based upon KBT pricing, from the KRG
for crude oil sales  totalling $158.8 million (FY  2023: $158.8 million) related  to
October 2022 – March 2023 and a share  of Shaikan amounts due from the KRG that  GKP
purchased from  MOL amounting  to  $12.2 million  (FY  2023: $12.2  million).  Trade
receivables net of capacity building payments payable of $7.7 million (FY 2023: $7.7
million) are $151.1 million (FY 2023: $151.1 million).


While GKP  expects  to  recover the  full  value  of the  outstanding  invoices  and
purchased revenue arrears,  an ECL  of $22.8 million  (FY 2023:  $24.5 million)  was
provided against the trade receivables balance in accordance with IFRS 9  ‘Financial
Instruments’. During the six-month period to 30 June 2024, a $1.7 million credit was
recognised due to the decrease in the  ECL provision (H1 2023 $13.9 million  charge;
FY 2023: $21.4 million charge).


As detailed  in the  Summary of  significant  accounting policies  and Note  2,  the
outstanding sales  invoices from  October 2022  – March  2023 receivable  have  been
recognised based on a proposed pricing mechanism, which GKP has not accepted.


ECL sensitivities

As detailed within Material sources of estimation uncertainty, the ECL is calculated
through a weighted average being applied to receivables recovery profile  scenarios.
Considering the receipt profile scenarios, the only variable expected to  materially
change profit before  tax is the  timing of  receipt. If the  pipeline reopening  is
delayed beyond April 2025  resulting in the receipt  of past-due trade  receivables’
repayment profile being delayed by a further 12 months, then the ECL would  increase
by $10.1 million.  Conversely, if  the repayment profile  was brought  forward by  6
months, then the ECL would decrease by $5.3 million.

The Group’s financial statements are not materially sensitive to a movement of  ±10%
in the default spread or recovery rate.

13. Trade and other payables


Current liabilities


                                                            30 June 31 December

                                                               2024        2023
                                                          Unaudited     Audited

                                                              $’000       $’000
Trade payables                                                3,115      11,953
Accrued expenditures                                         15,115      14,009
Amounts due to KRG not expected to be cash settled           78,278      74,703
Capacity building payment due to KRG on trade receivables     7,687       7,687
Other payables                                                3,917         683
Finance lease obligations                                       171         359
Total current liabilities                                   108,283     109,394


Trade payables and accrued expenditures principally comprise amounts outstanding for
trade purchases and ongoing costs and  the Directors consider that carrying  amounts
approximate fair value. The stabilising of  local sale revenues during 2024  enabled
the Group to settle all overdue trade payables in the first quarter of 2024.


Amounts due to KRG not expected to be cash settled of $78.3 million (FY 2023:  $74.7
million) include:

  • $39.4 million (FY 2023: $37.7 million)  expected to be offset against oil  sales
    to the KRG up to 2018, that have not been recognised in the financial statements
    as management consider that the criteria  for revenue recognition have not  been
    satisfied, and
  • $38.9 million (FY 2023: $37.0 million) related to an accrual for the  difference
    between the capacity building rate of 20%, as per the invoicing basis in  effect
    since October 2017,  and 30% as  per the 2016  Bilateral Agreement. The  working
    interest under the 2016 bilateral agreement  is 80% whereas the invoicing  basis
    is 61.5%. If the  commercial position were  to revert to the  full terms of  the
    executed amended  PSC and  the 2016  Bilateral Agreement,  the Group  would  not
    expect to cash settle this balance as  a more than offsetting increase in  GKP’s
    net entitlement is expected to result in revenue being due to GKP (see  critical
    accounting judgements), the  value of which  is expected to  exceed the  accrued
    $38.9 million.

Deferred income

At 30 June 2024, deferred income of $0.0 million (FY 2023: $5.2 million) relates  to
cash advances paid by local oil buyers in advance of lifting oil (note 4).


Non-current liabilities


                                                 31 December
                                    30 June 2024
Non-current finance lease liability            -          39


14. Share capital


                                                  Common shares
                             No. of shares              Share Share premium   Amount
                                       000              $’000         $’000    $’000
Issued and fully paid                                                               
Balance 1 January 2024             222,443            222,443       503,312  725,755
Dividends                                -                  -      (15,000) (15,000)
Share issues                           255                255   -                255
Repurchase of ordinary             (3,359)            (3,359)       (2,525)  (5,884)
Balance 30 June 2024               219,339            219,339       485,787  705,126


In May 2024  the Company announced  a $10  million share buyback  programme. At  the
reporting date  3,359,461 shares  had been  repurchased and  subsequently  cancelled
totalling $5.9 million with  a further 185,000 committed  to be cancelled valued  at
$0.4 million.

Subsequent to  the period  end, the  Company completed  the full  $10 million  share
buyback programme on 23 July 2024.

Dividends of $15.0 million  consist solely of an  interim dividend declared in  June
2024 and subsequently paid in July 2024.


15. Contingent liabilities

The Group has a contingent  liability of $27.3 million  (FY 2023: $27.3 million)  in
relation to the proceeds from the sale of test production in the period prior to the
approval of the original  Shaikan Field Development Plan  (“FDP”) in June 2013.  The
Shaikan PSC does not appear to address expressly any party’s rights to this  pre-FDP
petroleum. The sales  were made  based on  sales contracts  with domestic  offtakers
which were approved  by the KRG.  The Group  believes that the  receipts from  these
sales of pre-FDP petroleum are  for the account of  the Contractor, rather than  the
KRG and accordingly recorded them as test  revenue in prior years. However, the  KRG
has requested a repayment of these amounts and the Group is involved in negotiations
to resolve this matter. The Group  has received external legal advice and  continues
to maintain that pre-FDP petroleum receipts  are for the account of the  Contractor.
This contingent liability forms part of  the Shaikan PSC amendment negotiations  and
it is likely that it will be settled as part of those negotiations.



GLOSSARY (See also the glossary in the 2023 Annual Report and Accounts)

H1 2023     First half of Financial Year 2023
H1 2024     First half of Financial Year 2024
2P          Proved plus probable reserves
bbl         Barrel
bopd        Barrels of oil per day
Capex       Capital expenditure
CGU         Cash-generating unit
Company     Gulf Keystone Petroleum Limited
CPR         Competent Person’s Report
DD&A        Depreciation, depletion and amortisation
DTR         Disclosure and Transparency Rules
EBITDA      Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation
EBT         Employee benefit trust
ECL         Expected credit losses
ESG         Environmental, social and governance
FCA         Financial Conduct Authority
FDP         Field Development Plan
G&A         General and administrative
FY          Financial year
GKP         Gulf Keystone Petroleum Limited
Group       Gulf Keystone Petroleum Limited and its subsidiaries
HSE         Health, safety and environment
IAS         International Accounting Standards
IFRS        International Financial Reporting Standards
IOC         International oil companies
ITP         Iraq-Turkey pipeline
KBT         Kurdistan blend
KRG         Kurdistan Regional Government
KRI         Kurdistan Region of Iraq
LTI         Lost time incident
LTIP        Long term incentive plan
MMstb       Million stock tank barrels
MNR         Ministry of Natural Resources of the Kurdistan Regional Government
MOL         Kalegran B.V. (a subsidiary of MOL Group International Services B.V.)
Opex        Operating costs
PF-1        Production Facility 1
PF-2        Production Facility 2
PSC         Production sharing contract
            PSC for  the Shaikan  block  between the  KRG, Gulf  Keystone  Petroleum
Shaikan PSC International Limited, Texas Keystone, Inc and MOL signed on 6  November
            2007 as amended by subsequent agreement
UKLA        United Kingdom Listing Authority
$           US dollars






Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


   ISIN:          BMG4209G2077
   Category Code: MSCM
   TIDM:          GKP
   LEI Code:      213800QTAQOSSTNTPO15
   Sequence No.:  343450
   EQS News ID:   1977169

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