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REG - GreenX Metals Ltd - GreenX to Continue Exploration at Eleonore North

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RNS Number : 3487W  GreenX Metals Limited  15 July 2024



GreenX Metals Ltd (GreenX or the Company) is pleased to announce that it has
entered into a revised agreement with Greenfields Exploration Pty Ltd (GEX) to
acquire up to 100% in the Eleonore North gold project (Eleonore North or the
Project) in eastern Greenland.


Following renegotiation with GEX, GreenX will acquire a 100% interest in the
Eleonore North project through a revised Option Agreement.  Having spent the
required amount on an agreed work exploration program for the Project; GreenX
will now acquire the Project on revised terms as follows:

o   an issue of 1.5% Net Smelter Royalty (NSR); plus

o   a payment of A$300,000 in GreenX shares (escrowed for 12 months from
date of issue).  There will be no cash payment as in the original option
agreement; plus

o   a further deferred payment of A$1,000,000 in cash or shares (with a
floor price of A$0.30) in GreenX, at the Company's election, if GreenX decides
to retain the Project after 31 December 2025 subsequent to having completed
further exploration work.

GreenX will now act as the project manager for Eleonore North.

These revised terms provide GreenX with the opportunity to retain the Project
with no further cash payments and conduct further exploration work before
making a decision to continue with the Project by 31 December 2025.


The Company commissioned a passive seismic survey over the Noa Pluton target
at Eleonore North licence for the 2023 field season. Passive seismic surveys
use ambient noises generated by nature instead of active noise sources.
Natural noise sources include waves crashing in the ocean or creaking glaciers
whereas active noise sources include vibration trucks or explosives. Passive
seismic surveys with ambient noise are therefore much less impactful on the

Fieldwork was completed by GEX in conjunction with the Institute of Mine
Seismology (IMS). Eleonore North is prospective for reduced intrusion related
gold systems (RIRGS) similar to the Fort Knox and Dublin Gulch/Eagle Gold
deposits. The RIRGS deposit style hosts structurally-controlled gold in
plutons as well as in the surrounding hornfels aureole. The purpose at of the
survey at Eleonore North was to identify plutons that are blind to the surface
in the target area.

Data collected from the array of passive seismic nodes was processed by IMS.
As shown in the conceptual 3D velocity model below, multiple blind plutons may
be situated in the target area (Figure 1). Hornfels have been mapped at Noa
Dal, but the causative plutons have not yet been identified. Noa Dal has only
been mapped at 1:250,000 scale by GEUS, so it is possible that detailed
mapping could identify the currently unknown plutons. More likely however, the
causative plutons are blind to the surface (as shown in the cross-section in
Figure 1).

The results from 2023's passive seismic survey have significantly reduced the
exploration search space at Eleonore North. Future fieldwork will target these
sites where plutons approach the surface. Within a RIRGS setting, 1-2 km-wide
elongated plutons rising from a deeper batholith are very favourable
exploration targets.

Figure 1:  IMS's conceptual 3D velocity model from Noa Dal target area with
GreenX's interpretation of target plutons. Inset shows survey location in Noa
Dal. Velocity values above 2,900 m/s are considered to be igneous material.
The A-A' section shows three potential plutons extending upwards towards the

Planned 2024 Activities

GreenX is again collaborating with the Geological Survey of Denmark and
Greenland (GEUS). For the last two years, GEUS has conducted fieldwork in the
region surrounding and within the Eleonore North licence. GEUS has a
multi-year project working to update the geological maps to a higher level of
detail. This work is primarily being done with traditional field mapping,
sample collection, and helicopter-based photography. Based on previous
discussions with GEUS, there is the possibility to commission GEUS to
fast-track production of an updated geological map at Eleonore North based on
helicopter photography collected in 2023. Samples collected by GEUS are also
available in Copenhagen for inspection and analysis. These samples may provide
a new regional perspective on the gold systems present in NE Greenland.

Figure 2: Map showing regional historical samples collected by GUES as
publicly available from GUES, a subset of which are available for inspection.


The Eleonore North gold project comprises of two exploration licences covering
an area of 1,221 km(2) in an arid part of north-eastern Greenland,
approximately 1,000 km south of the Company's Arctic Copper Project (ARC)
(Figure 3).

The two exploration licences are located on Ymer Island in the south and the
Strindberg Land peninsula in the north (Figure 4). The 300 m deep fjords in
this area are around 6 km wide, sailed annually by large container ships, and
aircraft frequent the area. The Company had identified no significant
environmental, archaeological, or social challenges in the area.

 Figure 3: Map of Greenland showing GreenX's ARC and Eleonore North license  Figure 4: Map showing prospects and geological features within the Eleonore
 areas                                                                       North license areas


Eleonore North has the potential to host a "reduced intrusion-related gold
system" (RIRGS). RIRGS can host large scale, shallow, bulk tonnage gold
deposits, analogous to large bulk-tonnage deposit types found in Canada
including Fort Knox and Dublin Gulch. The Project remains underexplored, with
the existence of a possible RIRGS being a relatively new geological
interpretation based on the historic data.

Gold mineralisation is documented at the high-priority Noa Pluton prospect
within Eleonore North. There is a geophysical "bullseye" anomaly 6 km wide
co-incident with elevated gold mineralisation from historical geochemical
sampling with anomalous gold mineralisation associated with quartz veining
exposed at surface over a length of up to 15 km (Figure 5). Historical
sampling includes 4 m chip sample grading 1.93 g/t Au and 1.9% Sb (refer to
Appendix 1 and previously reported in ASX announcement dated 10 July 2023)

Field work during 2023 consisted of a seismic survey to determine the depth
from surface to the Noa Pluton to aid in future drill targeting.

Figure 5: Eleonore North licence area showing the 6km diameter geophysical
anomaly co-incident with gold veining visible at surface over some 15km at the
high priority Noa Pluton prospect



 Ben Stoikovich            Sapan Ghai

Chief Executive Officer
Business Development

 +44 207 478 3900          +44 207 478 3900




Competent Persons Statement

Information in this announcement that relates to Exploration Results is based
on information compiled by Mr Joel Burkin, a Competent Person who is a member
of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr Burkin is a consultant
engaged by GreenX. Mr Burkin has sufficient experience that is relevant to the
style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the
activity being undertaken, to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the
2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results,
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'.  Mr Burkin consents to the inclusion in
this announcement of the matters based on his information in the form and
context in which it appears.

Forward Looking Statement

This release may include forward-looking statements, which may be identified
by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "projects", "plans",
and similar expressions. These forward-looking statements are based on
GreenX's expectations and beliefs concerning future events. Forward looking
statements are necessarily subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors,
many of which are outside the control of GreenX, which could cause actual
results to differ materially from such statements. There can be no assurance
that forward-looking statements will prove to be correct. GreenX makes no
undertaking to subsequently update or revise the forward-looking statements
made in this release, to reflect the circumstances or events after the date of
that release.

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to
constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations
(EU) No. 596/2014 as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ('MAR'). Upon the publication of this
announcement via Regulatory Information Service ('RIS'), this inside
information is now considered to be in the public domain.

Appendix 1

 Type                                 Northing  Easting    Length (m)  Au      Maximum Au (g/t)  Sb     Maximum

 (Sample ID)                                                           (g/t)                     (%)    Sb (%)
 Chip Profile 15                      73.29321  -25.04009  40          0.78    1.80              0.01   0.03

 Subset of chip Profile 15            73.29321  -25.04009  15          1.62    1.80              0.02   0.03

 Chip Profile 2                       73.29147  -25.00803  35          0.39    1.01              0.01   0.05

 Subset of Chip Profile 2             73.29169  -25.00415  15          0.71    1.01              0.27   0.53

 Chip Profile 1                       73.29158  -25.00411  45          0.24    0.51              0.25   10.4

 Subset of Chip Profile 1             73.29134  -25.00408  15          0.33    0.51              0.01   0.01

 Chip Profile 18                      73.29385  -25.04448  25          0.57    2.01              0.16   0.61

 Subset of Chip Profile 18            73.29379  -25.0445   5           2.01    N/A               0.01   0.01

 Chip Profile                         73.2913   -25.00699  14          0.53    N/A               7.23   N/A

 Chip Profile 16                      73.29336  -25.04158  30          0.22    0.3               0.00   0.00

 Subset of Chip Profile 16            73.29336  -25.04158  15          0.35    0.60              0.00   0.00

 Chip Profile 3                       73.29138  -25.00908  23          0.29    0.50              0.29   1.34

 Chip Profile 17                      73.29368  -25.04273  15          0.31    0.71              0.01   0.01

 Chip Profile 25                      73.29086  -24.94675  15          0.34    0.39              1.13   2.11

 Chip Profile                         73.2913   -25.00933  14          0.22    N/A               2.00   N/A

 Chip Profile                         73.29129  -25.01012  10          0.31    N/A               0.01   N/A

 Chip Profile 35                      73.30168  -25.06504  21          0.21    0.29              1.84   6.65

 Chip Profile 19                      73.29275  -25.0635   30          0.17    0.39              0.00   0.00

 Subset of Chip Profile 19 (104,454)  73.29268  -25.06352  5           0.39    N/A               0.00   N/A
 Chip Profile                         73.29129  -25.00854  4           1.93    N/A               0.9    N/A

 Chip Profile 37                      73.29968  -25.06443  2           0.20    0.59              0.08   0.24

 Subset of Chip Profile 37            73.29968  -25.06443  ~0.67       0.59    N/A               0.24   N/A

 Grab sample                          73.29896  -25.06436  N/A         0.97    N/A               0.02   N/A

 Grab sample                          73.29128  -25.00923  N/A         3.6     N/A               1.60   N/A

 Grab sample                          73.29703  -25.03214  N/A         2       N/A               0.02   N/A

 Grab sample                          73.29703  -25.03214  N/A         1.1     N/A               0.11   N/A

 Grab sample                          73.29703  -25.03214  N/A         0.91    N/A               19.00  N/A

 Grab sample                          73.29128  -25.00923  N/A         0.71    N/A               31.00  N/A



 Type          Northing  Easting    Cu    Sb    Ag      Zn

 (Sample ID)                        (%)   (%)   (g/t)   (%)
 Bulk sample   73.77164  -24.83429  0.97  0.88  36      0.05

 Bulk sample   73.77164  -24.83429  1.98  1.48  2       0.24

 Bulk sample   73.77164  -24.83429  1.09  0.85  14      0.12

 Drill core    73.77231  -24.83292  1.3   0.7   28      0.1



Appendix  2

 JORC Table 1, section 2: Reporting of Exploration Results
 Criteria                                                          Eleonore North Project
 Mineral tenement and land tenure status                           The Eleonore North Project is a result of a scientific and systematic
                                                                   reduction of GEX's 'Frontier' Project.  Eleonore North comprises two
                                                                   Exploration Licences (MEL2023-39 and MEL 2018-19).  The combined spatial area
                                                                   of licences is 1,1281 km(2).  The boundaries of Eleonore North Project are
                                                                   defined by the points:

MEL2023-39 (two polygons: 1,189.77 km(2))
                                                                   73.98333  °N   25.30000  °W        73.41667  °N   25.31667  °W
                                                                   73.98333  °N   25.13333  °W        73.41667  °N   25.03333  °W
                                                                   73.95000  °N   25.13333  °W        73.43333  °N   25.03333  °W
                                                                   73.95000  °N   25.01667  °W        73.43333  °N   24.60000  °W
                                                                   73.91667  °N   25.01667  °W        73.23333  °N   24.60000  °W
                                                                   73.91667  °N   24.86667  °W        73.23333  °N   25.60000  °W
                                                                   73.88333  °N   24.86667  °W        73.26667  °N   25.60000  °W
                                                                   73.88333  °N   24.51667  °W        73.26667  °N   25.53333  °W
                                                                   73.86667  °N   24.51667  °W        73.30000  °N   25.53333  °W
                                                                   73.86667  °N   24.48333  °W        73.30000  °N   25.45000  °W
                                                                   73.85000  °N   24.48333  °W        73.31667  °N   25.45000  °W
                                                                   73.85000  °N   24.43333  °W        73.31667  °N   25.31667  °W
                                                                   73.70000  °N   24.43333  °W
                                                                   73.70000  °N   24.48333  °W
                                                                   73.68333  °N   24.48333  °W
                                                                   73.68333  °N   25.01667  °W
                                                                   73.70000  °N   25.01667  °W
                                                                   73.70000  °N   25.05000  °W
                                                                   73.71667  °N   25.05000  °W
                                                                   73.71667  °N   25.08333  °W
                                                                   73.73333  °N   25.08333  °W
                                                                   73.73333  °N   25.21667  °W
                                                                   73.75000  °N   25.21667  °W
                                                                   73.75000  °N   25.26667  °W
                                                                   73.76667  °N   25.26667  °W
                                                                   73.76667  °N   25.33333  °W
                                                                   73.78333  °N   25.33333  °W
                                                                   73.78333  °N   25.38333  °W
                                                                   73.80000  °N   25.38333  °W
                                                                   73.80000  °N   25.48333  °W
                                                                   73.91667  °N   25.48333  °W
                                                                   73.91667  °N   25.25000  °W
                                                                   73.95000  °N   25.25000  °W
                                                                   73.95000  °N   25.30000  °W
                                                                   MEL 2018-19 (two polygons: 31.04 km(2))
                                                                   73.16667  °N   25.11667  °W        73.23333  °N   25.05000  °W
                                                                   73.16667  °N   25.01667  °W        73.23333  °N   24.76667  °W
                                                                   73.15000  °N   25.01667  °W        73.21667  °N   24.76667  °W
                                                                   73.15000  °N   25.05000  °W        73.21667  °N   25.01667  °W
                                                                   73.13333  °N   25.05000  °W        73.20000  °N   25.01667  °W
                                                                   73.13333  °N   25.15000  °W        73.20000  °N   25.05000  °W
                                                                   73.15000  °N   25.15000  °W
                                                                   73.15000  °N   25.11667  °W

73.41667  °N   25.31667  °W
                                                                   73.41667  °N   25.03333  °W
                                                                   73.43333  °N   25.03333  °W
                                                                   73.43333  °N   24.60000  °W
                                                                   73.23333  °N   24.60000  °W
                                                                   73.23333  °N   25.60000  °W
                                                                   73.26667  °N   25.60000  °W
                                                                   73.26667  °N   25.53333  °W
                                                                   73.30000  °N   25.53333  °W
                                                                   73.30000  °N   25.45000  °W
                                                                   73.31667  °N   25.45000  °W
                                                                   73.31667  °N   25.31667  °W

                                                                   MEL 2018-19 (two polygons: 31.04 km(2))

73.16667  °N   25.11667  °W
                                                                   73.16667  °N   25.01667  °W
                                                                   73.15000  °N   25.01667  °W
                                                                   73.15000  °N   25.05000  °W
                                                                   73.13333  °N   25.05000  °W
                                                                   73.13333  °N   25.15000  °W
                                                                   73.15000  °N   25.15000  °W
                                                                   73.15000  °N   25.11667  °W

73.23333  °N   25.05000  °W
                                                                   73.23333  °N   24.76667  °W
                                                                   73.21667  °N   24.76667  °W
                                                                   73.21667  °N   25.01667  °W
                                                                   73.20000  °N   25.01667  °W
                                                                   73.20000  °N   25.05000  °W

                                                                   The minimum expenditure obligation for a MEL-S is DKK500/km2 indexed to Danish
                                                                   CPI as of January 1992.  The Company estimates the expenditure requirement in
                                                                   the base case will be approximately AUD650,000 per annum if the current
                                                                   licence shape is retained, and aerial reductions are possible to reduce this
                                                                   obligation.  The licences are currently in significant credit due to previous
                                                                   expenditure. Expenditure above the minimum regulatory requirement is carried
                                                                   forward for a maximum of three years.  Eleonore North is in good standing and
                                                                   GreenX will own 100% of the licence.

                                                                   GreenX will issue a 1.5% NSR for Eleonore North.
 Exploration done by other parties                                 1953 - lead, copper and zinc bearing veins were discovered in Noa Valley as
                                                                   part of a regional mapping program by Nordisk Mineselskab A/G ('Nordisk').

                                                                   1974 - 1976:  Nordisk mapped the Holmesø copper-antimony prospect in
                                                                   Brogetdal, Strindbergland.  Geophysical surveying was performed.  The
                                                                   outcropping mineralisation was blasted a 100kg bulk sample was retrieved, of
                                                                   which 35kg was sent for analysis.  Finally, an attempt was made to drill the
                                                                   mineralisation, and only the top 1.4m of a targeted 17m mineralised horizon
                                                                   was sampled before the rig broke down.  Nordisk concluded that the Holmesø
                                                                   mineralisation is epigenetic.

                                                                   1981 - 1983:  Nordisk discovered the two small, high-grade tungsten and
                                                                   antimony-tungsten deposits on Ymer Island.  These are respectively known as
                                                                   South Margeries Dal and North Margeries Dal.  These deposits were drilled
                                                                   Historical Estimates were made.  Economic studies were performed but
                                                                   concluded that more mineralised material was needed.  The drilled
                                                                   mineralisation is open at depth and along strike.  The historical work on the
                                                                   tungsten and antimony is not material to the understanding of the project's
                                                                   gold potential.

                                                                   1984 - 1986:  As part of Nordisk's search for more tungsten mineralisation, a
                                                                   large gold bearing vein was discovered in the southern cliff face of Noa
                                                                   Valley.  The mineralisation in the scree was sampled.  Geochemical sampling
                                                                   was also performed which identified a 10 to 15 km long multielement anomaly
                                                                   dominated by arsenic and antimony, which have a positive correlation with
                                                                   gold.  Nordisk had a strategic shift towards petroleum exploration after this
                                                                   point in time.

                                                                   1992:  With the demise of Nordisk in 1991, the Greenland state owned
                                                                   enterprise, NunaOil A/S in collaboration with Australia's Pasminco Ltd did
                                                                   additional sampling of the Noa gold veins.  The program was successful in
                                                                   finding additional veins in the valley floor and extending the known
                                                                   mineralisation.  However, the corporate mandate was for 'high grade gold'
                                                                   which it was unsuccessful in locating.   This result is unsurprising given
                                                                   that the veins are above the hornfels and correspondingly yield high-grade
                                                                   antimony and low-gold content.  GEX expects the gold content to increase, and
                                                                   antimony to decrease at depth towards the causative pluton.

                                                                   2009: NunaMinerals A/S, a public-private spinout from NunaOil A/S, conducted a
                                                                   heliborne magnetic survey over Margeries Valley and Noa Valley.  The purpose
                                                                   of this survey was to directly detect tungsten, and antimony deposits.
                                                                   Neither of the known deposits were detectable using this method, however a
                                                                   distinct circular magnetic feature was identified in Noa Valley.   This
                                                                   magnetic feature was interpreted to be a granitic/intermediate intrusion.
                                                                   During this time, samples from the South Margeries Dal deposit were sent for
                                                                   metallurgical analysis, which determined that the material was potentially
                                                                   suited to direct-shipping-ore, and amendable to basic beneficiation methods.

                                                                   2011: Avannaa Resources Ltd ('Avannaa') conducted a basin-wide helicopter
                                                                   supported reconnaissance program.  This included visits to the Holmesø
                                                                   mineralisation.  Avannaa concluded that the Holmesø mineralisation was
                                                                   epigenetic and likely related to the mineralisation observed on Ymer Island.

                                                                   2018-2019: Independence Group Ltd (subsequently rebranded as IGO Ltd ('IGO')
                                                                   through a joint-venture agreement with GEX, conducted three field programs
                                                                   that were focussed on the sedimentary-hosted copper deposit model.  During
                                                                   this time, IGO managed all geological aspects of the program while GEX managed
                                                                   the logistics in 2018 and 2019.  IGO visited Noa Valley in 2018 and 2019 but
                                                                   focussed on the north slope away from Noa Pluton, and on areas typified by
                                                                   magnetic highs rather than the lows which define Noa Pluton's circular
                                                                   magnetic signature.  Despite this, quartzite mineralisation reminiscent of
                                                                   Holmesø was identified but no mineralogy is recorded in the documentation.
                                                                   While in the field with IGO in 2019, GEX alerted IGO to the presence of
                                                                   antimony and gold in the south side of the valley, but no commensurate
                                                                   sampling was performed.   During the IGO earn-in period, GEX relocated the
                                                                   historical drillhole collars at North and South Margeries Dal
                                                                   tungsten/antimony deposits.

                                                                   The Holmesø prospect was visited by IGO in 2018, 2019 and 2022.  IGO's
                                                                   Holmesø sampling did not replicate Nordisk's high-grade blast/bulk sample, or
                                                                   the drill results.  The reason for the discrepancy is not clear to GEX,
                                                                   however GEX representatives did inspect the site in 2019 and attest to it
                                                                   being well mineralised.  It is possible that due to the hardness of the
                                                                   quartzite host, rockchip sampling is unreliable.  Regional sampling
                                                                   identified diagenetic copper, as well as remobilised epigentic copper that
                                                                   expresses as course blebs of chalcocite within porous, bed-cutting, vuggy

                                                                   2022:  IGO conducted a structural and geochemical sampling program in
                                                                   Strindbergland (no activity on Ymer Island).  This program correctly
                                                                   concluded that the 'sediment-hosted copper deposit model' is not a suitable
                                                                   analogy.  IGO returned to GEX the licences that were in good standing, with
                                                                   the indebted licences being relinquished by IGO.  The remaining licences
                                                                   became the 'Eleonore North' project, which is a subset of the original
                                                                   'Frontier' project area.

                                                                   2023:  In May, GEX installed an array of passive seismic nodes on Ymer Island
                                                                   within the licence area. Passive seismic nodes record ambient noise in the
                                                                   crust and accumulate data over many weeks. In September 2023, GEX collected
                                                                   the nodes from Ymer Island. The nodes were returned to the Institute of Mine
                                                                   Seismology (IMS) for data download and processing. IMS produced a 3D velocity
 Geology                                                           Eleonore North licences, for the most part, covers Neoproterozoic-aged
                                                                   sediments belonging to the Eleonore Bay Supergroup.   These sediments trend
                                                                   from clastics up to carbonates.  The lithology of the sediments is not a
                                                                   primary consideration in the targeting of reduced intrusion related golds
                                                                   systems.  These sediments are intruded by granites and intermediate
                                                                   intrusives that are somewhat shallowly sourced due the Caledonian Orogenic
                                                                   event.  However, geochronology of the South Margeries Dal tungsten indicates
                                                                   that post-orogenic fluid flow occurred.  Post-orogenic granitic intrusions
                                                                   are consistent with RIRGS mineralisation, as the decompression allows for the
                                                                   fluidisation of gold in the mantle while providing conduits to surface.
                                                                   Elsewhere, such post-orogenic emplacement is associated with deeply sourced
                                                                   lamprophyres, like those mapped in Noa Valley and Brogetdal. GEX identified
                                                                   for the first time, that ~373 Ma post-orogenic mineralisation event is related
                                                                   to the 385 Ma Kiffaanngissuseq hydrothermal event some 1,000 km to the north.
                                                                    In the north at Kiffaanngissuseq the post-orogenic event was characterised
                                                                   by an east-west fluid flow.  In the south in the Frontier region that hosts
                                                                   Elenore North, the post orogenic event was dominated by magmatic intrusions
                                                                   and little hydrothermal activity.  Separating the two areas is the poorly
                                                                   understood, high-metamorphic grade Eclogite Province where peak metamorphism
                                                                   is of similar age to the Frontier and Kiffaanngissuseq processes.

                                                                   An interactive Government portal that contains the geology, and supporting
                                                                   reports can be accessed via:


                                                                   A detailed review of the regional geology is presented in GEX's report titled
                                                                   'FRONTIER PROJECT Technical Assessment.  this report is available from DOI:
 Drill hole information                                            Drilling programs have previously been conducted at the South Margeries Dal,
                                                                   North Margeries Dal, and Holmesø prospects.

                                                                   Between 1981 and 1983 the North, and South Margeries Dal tungsten-antimony
                                                                   deposits on Ymer Island were subject to drilling activity.  The first year
                                                                   involved thirteen shallow diamond holes totalling 96 m (excluding three holes
                                                                   that failed to penetrate the cover, and the second year eighteen holes for
                                                                   1986.4 m.  Of these, fourteen holes were at South Margeries Dal, and eleven
                                                                   at North Margeries Dal.  Over the course of 2018 and 2019 GEX established the
                                                                   collar location of most of these drillholes.  These drillholes are not the
                                                                   primary focus of the Eleonore North project and are not presented in detail in
                                                                   this Table.

                                                                   In 1974, Nordisk attempted a solitary 21.1 m long diamond drill-hole at the
                                                                   Holmesø prospect in the northern reaches of the Eleonore North licence.
                                                                    However, the drill-rig broke down at 21m after penetrating only 1.4 m into a
                                                                   targeted 17m thick mineralised zone, and the hole was never completed or
                                                                   revisited.  Assays of the core returned grades of 1.33% Cu, 0.67% Sb, 0.06%
                                                                   Zn, 0.003% Pb and 28 g/t Ag.

 Data aggregation methods                                          GreenX has relied upon historical public domain information.  The aggregation
                                                                   of data underlying this information is uncertain.  These data are not relied
                                                                   upon and are not material in terms of the Project's status and present
 Relationship between mineralisation width and intercept lengths.  The tungsten/antimony mineralisation was drilled from pads from which multiple
                                                                   holes were 'fanned'.  These drillholes all intersect the mineralisation in
                                                                   perpendicular to sub-perpendicular angles.  No down dip drilling was
                                                                   performed.  At Holmesø, the single drillhole was drilled approximately
                                                                   perpendicular to the mineralised horizon. The rock chip lines in Noa Dal are
                                                                   likely to be orthogonal to the veining, although it is not presently known to
                                                                   what extent  The sub-perpendicular rockhip sampling is not considered
                                                                   material to the potential of the Noa Intrusion.
 Diagrams                                                          All relevant maps are presented in the main body of this release.
 Balanced reporting                                                GreenX has presented all the results that relate to the gold, antimony, and
                                                                   tungsten mineralisation in Eleonore North. It has not presented IGO's
                                                                   sediment-hosted copper work as it was largely focussed in other areas of
                                                                   interest, for a different purpose that has little bearing on the economic
                                                                   potential of Eleonore North.  The inclusion of this work would reduce this
                                                                   document's concision and clarity, and therefore effectiveness.
 Other substantive exploration data                                 The 2023 passive seismic survey with IMS was commissioned by GEX. IMS
                                                                   designed the survey, provided the nodes, training, and processed the results.
                                                                   GEX undertook the fieldwork component of the survey. In the body of this
                                                                   report, a depth slice and cross-section of IMS's 3D velocity model is shown.
                                                                   GreenX interpreted the plutons in IMS's 3D velocity model.
 Further work                                                      In Noa Valley, the target pluton(s) is constrained by seismic, magnetic and
                                                                   geochemical data.  The depth to the pluton is thought to be around 150m below
                                                                   surface based on the seismic results.  Field confirmation of potential host
                                                                   structures is warranted ahead of a subsequent drilling program. Future
                                                                   fieldwork will be planned and/or undertaken in conjunction with expert

                                                                   At the South and North Margeries Dal prospects, a higher resolution digital
                                                                   terrain model should be obtained prior to generating Exploration Targets based
                                                                   on the historical drilling.

 73.41667  °N   25.31667  °W
 73.41667  °N   25.03333  °W
 73.43333  °N   25.03333  °W
 73.43333  °N   24.60000  °W
 73.23333  °N   24.60000  °W
 73.23333  °N   25.60000  °W
 73.26667  °N   25.60000  °W
 73.26667  °N   25.53333  °W
 73.30000  °N   25.53333  °W
 73.30000  °N   25.45000  °W
 73.31667  °N   25.45000  °W
 73.31667  °N   25.31667  °W

MEL 2018-19 (two polygons: 31.04 km(2))

 73.16667  °N   25.11667  °W
 73.16667  °N   25.01667  °W
 73.15000  °N   25.01667  °W
 73.15000  °N   25.05000  °W
 73.13333  °N   25.05000  °W
 73.13333  °N   25.15000  °W
 73.15000  °N   25.15000  °W
 73.15000  °N   25.11667  °W

 73.23333  °N   25.05000  °W
 73.23333  °N   24.76667  °W
 73.21667  °N   24.76667  °W
 73.21667  °N   25.01667  °W
 73.20000  °N   25.01667  °W
 73.20000  °N   25.05000  °W



The minimum expenditure obligation for a MEL-S is DKK500/km2 indexed to Danish
CPI as of January 1992.  The Company estimates the expenditure requirement in
the base case will be approximately AUD650,000 per annum if the current
licence shape is retained, and aerial reductions are possible to reduce this
obligation.  The licences are currently in significant credit due to previous
expenditure. Expenditure above the minimum regulatory requirement is carried
forward for a maximum of three years.  Eleonore North is in good standing and
GreenX will own 100% of the licence.


GreenX will issue a 1.5% NSR for Eleonore North.

Exploration done by other parties

1953 - lead, copper and zinc bearing veins were discovered in Noa Valley as
part of a regional mapping program by Nordisk Mineselskab A/G ('Nordisk').


1974 - 1976:  Nordisk mapped the Holmesø copper-antimony prospect in
Brogetdal, Strindbergland.  Geophysical surveying was performed.  The
outcropping mineralisation was blasted a 100kg bulk sample was retrieved, of
which 35kg was sent for analysis.  Finally, an attempt was made to drill the
mineralisation, and only the top 1.4m of a targeted 17m mineralised horizon
was sampled before the rig broke down.  Nordisk concluded that the Holmesø
mineralisation is epigenetic.


1981 - 1983:  Nordisk discovered the two small, high-grade tungsten and
antimony-tungsten deposits on Ymer Island.  These are respectively known as
South Margeries Dal and North Margeries Dal.  These deposits were drilled
Historical Estimates were made.  Economic studies were performed but
concluded that more mineralised material was needed.  The drilled
mineralisation is open at depth and along strike.  The historical work on the
tungsten and antimony is not material to the understanding of the project's
gold potential.


1984 - 1986:  As part of Nordisk's search for more tungsten mineralisation, a
large gold bearing vein was discovered in the southern cliff face of Noa
Valley.  The mineralisation in the scree was sampled.  Geochemical sampling
was also performed which identified a 10 to 15 km long multielement anomaly
dominated by arsenic and antimony, which have a positive correlation with
gold.  Nordisk had a strategic shift towards petroleum exploration after this
point in time.


1992:  With the demise of Nordisk in 1991, the Greenland state owned
enterprise, NunaOil A/S in collaboration with Australia's Pasminco Ltd did
additional sampling of the Noa gold veins.  The program was successful in
finding additional veins in the valley floor and extending the known
mineralisation.  However, the corporate mandate was for 'high grade gold'
which it was unsuccessful in locating.   This result is unsurprising given
that the veins are above the hornfels and correspondingly yield high-grade
antimony and low-gold content.  GEX expects the gold content to increase, and
antimony to decrease at depth towards the causative pluton.


2009: NunaMinerals A/S, a public-private spinout from NunaOil A/S, conducted a
heliborne magnetic survey over Margeries Valley and Noa Valley.  The purpose
of this survey was to directly detect tungsten, and antimony deposits.
Neither of the known deposits were detectable using this method, however a
distinct circular magnetic feature was identified in Noa Valley.   This
magnetic feature was interpreted to be a granitic/intermediate intrusion.
During this time, samples from the South Margeries Dal deposit were sent for
metallurgical analysis, which determined that the material was potentially
suited to direct-shipping-ore, and amendable to basic beneficiation methods.


2011: Avannaa Resources Ltd ('Avannaa') conducted a basin-wide helicopter
supported reconnaissance program.  This included visits to the Holmesø
mineralisation.  Avannaa concluded that the Holmesø mineralisation was
epigenetic and likely related to the mineralisation observed on Ymer Island.


2018-2019: Independence Group Ltd (subsequently rebranded as IGO Ltd ('IGO')
through a joint-venture agreement with GEX, conducted three field programs
that were focussed on the sedimentary-hosted copper deposit model.  During
this time, IGO managed all geological aspects of the program while GEX managed
the logistics in 2018 and 2019.  IGO visited Noa Valley in 2018 and 2019 but
focussed on the north slope away from Noa Pluton, and on areas typified by
magnetic highs rather than the lows which define Noa Pluton's circular
magnetic signature.  Despite this, quartzite mineralisation reminiscent of
Holmesø was identified but no mineralogy is recorded in the documentation.
While in the field with IGO in 2019, GEX alerted IGO to the presence of
antimony and gold in the south side of the valley, but no commensurate
sampling was performed.   During the IGO earn-in period, GEX relocated the
historical drillhole collars at North and South Margeries Dal
tungsten/antimony deposits.


The Holmesø prospect was visited by IGO in 2018, 2019 and 2022.  IGO's
Holmesø sampling did not replicate Nordisk's high-grade blast/bulk sample, or
the drill results.  The reason for the discrepancy is not clear to GEX,
however GEX representatives did inspect the site in 2019 and attest to it
being well mineralised.  It is possible that due to the hardness of the
quartzite host, rockchip sampling is unreliable.  Regional sampling
identified diagenetic copper, as well as remobilised epigentic copper that
expresses as course blebs of chalcocite within porous, bed-cutting, vuggy


2022:  IGO conducted a structural and geochemical sampling program in
Strindbergland (no activity on Ymer Island).  This program correctly
concluded that the 'sediment-hosted copper deposit model' is not a suitable
analogy.  IGO returned to GEX the licences that were in good standing, with
the indebted licences being relinquished by IGO.  The remaining licences
became the 'Eleonore North' project, which is a subset of the original
'Frontier' project area.


2023:  In May, GEX installed an array of passive seismic nodes on Ymer Island
within the licence area. Passive seismic nodes record ambient noise in the
crust and accumulate data over many weeks. In September 2023, GEX collected
the nodes from Ymer Island. The nodes were returned to the Institute of Mine
Seismology (IMS) for data download and processing. IMS produced a 3D velocity


Eleonore North licences, for the most part, covers Neoproterozoic-aged
sediments belonging to the Eleonore Bay Supergroup.   These sediments trend
from clastics up to carbonates.  The lithology of the sediments is not a
primary consideration in the targeting of reduced intrusion related golds
systems.  These sediments are intruded by granites and intermediate
intrusives that are somewhat shallowly sourced due the Caledonian Orogenic
event.  However, geochronology of the South Margeries Dal tungsten indicates
that post-orogenic fluid flow occurred.  Post-orogenic granitic intrusions
are consistent with RIRGS mineralisation, as the decompression allows for the
fluidisation of gold in the mantle while providing conduits to surface.
Elsewhere, such post-orogenic emplacement is associated with deeply sourced
lamprophyres, like those mapped in Noa Valley and Brogetdal. GEX identified
for the first time, that ~373 Ma post-orogenic mineralisation event is related
to the 385 Ma Kiffaanngissuseq hydrothermal event some 1,000 km to the north.
 In the north at Kiffaanngissuseq the post-orogenic event was characterised
by an east-west fluid flow.  In the south in the Frontier region that hosts
Elenore North, the post orogenic event was dominated by magmatic intrusions
and little hydrothermal activity.  Separating the two areas is the poorly
understood, high-metamorphic grade Eclogite Province where peak metamorphism
is of similar age to the Frontier and Kiffaanngissuseq processes.


An interactive Government portal that contains the geology, and supporting
reports can be accessed via:


A detailed review of the regional geology is presented in GEX's report titled
'FRONTIER PROJECT Technical Assessment.  this report is available from DOI:

Drill hole information

Drilling programs have previously been conducted at the South Margeries Dal,
North Margeries Dal, and Holmesø prospects.


Between 1981 and 1983 the North, and South Margeries Dal tungsten-antimony
deposits on Ymer Island were subject to drilling activity.  The first year
involved thirteen shallow diamond holes totalling 96 m (excluding three holes
that failed to penetrate the cover, and the second year eighteen holes for
1986.4 m.  Of these, fourteen holes were at South Margeries Dal, and eleven
at North Margeries Dal.  Over the course of 2018 and 2019 GEX established the
collar location of most of these drillholes.  These drillholes are not the
primary focus of the Eleonore North project and are not presented in detail in
this Table.


In 1974, Nordisk attempted a solitary 21.1 m long diamond drill-hole at the
Holmesø prospect in the northern reaches of the Eleonore North licence.
 However, the drill-rig broke down at 21m after penetrating only 1.4 m into a
targeted 17m thick mineralised zone, and the hole was never completed or
revisited.  Assays of the core returned grades of 1.33% Cu, 0.67% Sb, 0.06%
Zn, 0.003% Pb and 28 g/t Ag.


Data aggregation methods

GreenX has relied upon historical public domain information.  The aggregation
of data underlying this information is uncertain.  These data are not relied
upon and are not material in terms of the Project's status and present

Relationship between mineralisation width and intercept lengths.

The tungsten/antimony mineralisation was drilled from pads from which multiple
holes were 'fanned'.  These drillholes all intersect the mineralisation in
perpendicular to sub-perpendicular angles.  No down dip drilling was
performed.  At Holmesø, the single drillhole was drilled approximately
perpendicular to the mineralised horizon. The rock chip lines in Noa Dal are
likely to be orthogonal to the veining, although it is not presently known to
what extent  The sub-perpendicular rockhip sampling is not considered
material to the potential of the Noa Intrusion.


All relevant maps are presented in the main body of this release.

Balanced reporting

GreenX has presented all the results that relate to the gold, antimony, and
tungsten mineralisation in Eleonore North. It has not presented IGO's
sediment-hosted copper work as it was largely focussed in other areas of
interest, for a different purpose that has little bearing on the economic
potential of Eleonore North.  The inclusion of this work would reduce this
document's concision and clarity, and therefore effectiveness.

Other substantive exploration data

 The 2023 passive seismic survey with IMS was commissioned by GEX. IMS
designed the survey, provided the nodes, training, and processed the results.
GEX undertook the fieldwork component of the survey. In the body of this
report, a depth slice and cross-section of IMS's 3D velocity model is shown.
GreenX interpreted the plutons in IMS's 3D velocity model.

Further work

In Noa Valley, the target pluton(s) is constrained by seismic, magnetic and
geochemical data.  The depth to the pluton is thought to be around 150m below
surface based on the seismic results.  Field confirmation of potential host
structures is warranted ahead of a subsequent drilling program. Future
fieldwork will be planned and/or undertaken in conjunction with expert


At the South and North Margeries Dal prospects, a higher resolution digital
terrain model should be obtained prior to generating Exploration Targets based
on the historical drilling.


 JORC Table 1, section 1: Sampling Techniques and Data
 Criteria                                                 Eleonore North Project
 Sampling techniques                                      Nordisk undertook drilling, rock sampling, and stream sediment sampling.

                                                          Pasminco undertook rock sampling, and stream sediment sampling.

                                                          Avannaa collected rock samples.

                                                          IGO collected rock samples and portable XRF readings.

                                                          GEX undertook a passive seismic survey.
 Drill techniques                                         Nordisk used diamond drilling methods.  At Holmesø, an Atlas Copco 75 D was
                                                          used to drill a 46 mm collar that yielded a core of 37-38 mm diameter;
                                                          followed by a 36 mm bit that produced 28 mm core.  At North and South
                                                          Margeries Dal the core diameter is 35.3 mm.
 Drill sample recovery                                    Core recovery was close to 100% for all drillholes.
 Logging                                                  All core was lithologically logged in a qualitative manner.  Only summary
                                                          logs are currently available and it is unknown if the original logs are
 Sub-sampling techniques and sample preparation           It is unknown the sampling regimen was for the Holmesø core.

                                                          Half-core sampling was performed on the samples from South Margeries Dal and
                                                          North Margeries Dal.  Beyond this, it is unknown what sample preparation was
 Quality of assay data and laboratory tests               All drill samples are historical in nature and do not comply with modern QAQC
                                                          protocols.  However, a review of numerous Nordisk programs and found them to
                                                          be highly professional and reliable.  Avannaa and IGO used reputable
                                                          laboratories with suitable QAQC controls.  It is unknown what Pasminco did,
                                                          however being a large mining company, reasonable assumption had been made that
                                                          Pasminco used acceptable practices for that time.
 Verification of sampling and assaying                    No verification sampling has been performed.

                                                          GEX has previously verified the drillhole collars at North and South Margeries
 Location of data points                                  The data locations and topographic control are based on information the
                                                          Government publicly discloses.  GEX has previously verified the drillhole
                                                          collars at North and South Margeries Dal.  These holes were historically set
                                                          out on a local grid, for which some survey reference points still exist.
                                                          Avannaa records the position at 73.77231°N, 24.83292°W.

                                                          Present day grids are based on the WGS84 Datum.
 Data spacing and distribution                            At South Margeries Dal, fourteen holes were drilled fin fans from four pads.
                                                          At North Margeries Dal, eleven holes were drilled from three pads.  All other
                                                          sampling within the licences is erratically spaced.  The passive seismic
                                                          survey had a node spacing of approximately 400 m.
 Orientation of data in relation to geological structure  The Holmesø drillhole was drilled close to perpendicular to the lithological
                                                          hosted mineralisation.  The South and North Margeries Dal mineralisation was
                                                          drilled at variable orthogonal orientations, and sub-perpendicular angles.
 Sample security                                          IGO practiced good chain of custody with oversight from senior personnel.
                                                          GreenX is satisfied and can vouch for the professionalism of the IGO
                                                          practices.  The practices of Avannaa, Pasminco and Nordisk are unknown, but
                                                          not considered material for the present potential of Eleonore North.
 Audits or reviews                                        GreenX is unaware if any audits or reviews were performed but has no concerns
                                                          about their absence.




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