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GAL Galantas Gold News Story

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Basic MaterialsHighly SpeculativeMicro CapSucker Stock

REG - Galantas Gold Corp - RESULTS FOR THE 3 AND 6 MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2024

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RNS Number : 0679C  Galantas Gold Corporation  29 August 2024



TSXV & AIM: Symbol GAL




August 29, 2024:  Galantas Gold Corporation (the 'Company') is pleased to
announce its unaudited financial results for the Quarter ended June 30, 2024.


Financial Highlights

Highlights of the second quarter 2024 results, which are expressed in Canadian
Dollars, are summarized below:

 All figures denominated in Canadian Dollars (CDN$)

                                                                                 Quarter Ended

                                                                                 June 30

                                                                                       2024                     2023
 Revenue                                                                         $     0                          $     0
 Cost and expenses of operations                                                  $   (30,318)                    $    (72,881)
 Loss before the undernoted                                                       $   (30,318)                    $    (72,881)
 Depreciation                                                                    $   (107,281)                    $    (128,989)
 General administrative expenses                                                 $   (1,507,639)                  $    (1,187,896)
 Foreign exchange gain (loss)                                                    $    (31,399)                    $    34,250
 Unrealized gain on derivative fair value adjustment                             $    85,018                      $     0
 Net (Loss) for the quarter                                                      $   (1,591,619)                  $    (1,355,516)
 Working Capital Deficit                                                         $   (12,593,186)                 $    (12,059,946)
 Cash loss from operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital  $   (961,910)                    $    (793,674)
 Cash at June 30, 2024                                                           $   395,514                      $    586,464


Sales revenue for the quarter ended June 30, 2024 amounted to $ Nil compared
to revenue of $ Nil for the quarter ended June 30, 2023. Shipments of
concentrate commenced during the third quarter of 2019. Concentrate sales
provisional revenues totalled US$ 124,000 for the second quarter of 2024
compared to US$ 255,000 for the second quarter of 2023. Until the mine
commences commercial production, the net proceeds from concentrate sales are
being offset against development assets.


The Net Loss for the quarter ended June 30, 2024 amounted to $ 1,591,619
(2023: $ 1,355,516) and the cash outflow from operating activities before
changes in non-cash working capital for the quarter ended June 30, 2024
amounted to $961,910 (2023: $793,674).


The Company had a cash balance of $395,514 at June 30, 2024 compared to
$586,464 at June 30, 2023. The working capital deficit at June 30, 2024
amounted to $12,593,186 compared to a working capital deficit of $12,059,946
at June 30, 2023.

Safety is a high priority for the Company and we continue to invest in
safety-related training and infrastructure. The zero lost time accident rate
since the start of underground operations continues. Environmental monitoring
demonstrates a high level of regulatory compliance.

The detailed results and Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) are
available on www.sedar.com (http://www.sedar.com) and www.galantas.com
(http://www.galantas.com) and the highlights in this release should be read in
conjunction with the detailed results and MD&A. The MD&A provides an
analysis of comparisons with previous periods, trends affecting the business
and risk factors.

Click on, or paste the following link into your web browser, to view the
associated PDF document.



Qualified Person

The financial components of this disclosure have been reviewed by Alan Buckley
(Chief Financial Officer) and the production and permitting components by
Brendan Morris (COO), qualified persons under the meaning of NI. 43-101. The
information is based upon local production and financial data prepared under
their supervision.

forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities
laws, including revenues and cost estimates, for the Omagh Gold project.
Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and assumptions made by
Galantas in light of its experience and perception of historical trends,
current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors
that Galantas believes are appropriate in the circumstances. Many factors
could cause Galantas' actual results,  the performance or achievements to
differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward looking
statements or strategy, including: gold price volatility; discrepancies
between actual and estimated production,  actual and estimated
metallurgical recoveries and throughputs; mining operational risk, geological
uncertainties; regulatory restrictions, including environmental regulatory
restrictions and liability; risks of sovereign involvement; speculative nature
of gold exploration; dilution; competition; loss of or availability of key
employees; additional funding requirements; uncertainties regarding planning
and other permitting issues; and defective title to mineral claims or
property. These factors and others that could affect Galantas's
forward-looking statements are discussed in greater detail in the section
entitled "Risk Factors" in Galantas' Management Discussion & Analysis of
the financial statements of Galantas and elsewhere in documents filed from
time to time with the Canadian provincial securities regulators and other
regulatory authorities. These factors should be considered carefully, and
persons reviewing this press release should not place undue reliance on
forward-looking statements. Galantas has no intention and undertakes no
obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements in this press
release, except as required by law.

The information contained within this announcement is deemed to constitute
inside information as stipulated under the retained EU law version of the
Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 (the "UK MAR") which is part of UK
law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. The information is
disclosed in accordance with the Company's obligations under Article 17 of the
UK MAR. Upon the publication of this announcement, this inside information is
now considered to be in the public domain.



Galantas Gold Corporation

Mario Stifano - CEO

Email: info@galantas.com (mailto:info@galantas.com)

Website: www.galantas.com (http://www.galantas.com/)

Telephone: 001 416 453 8433

Grant Thornton UK LLP (Nomad)

Philip Secrett, Harrison Clarke, Elliot

Telephone: +44(0)20 7383 5100


SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP (AIM Broker)

David Hignell, Charlie Bouverat (Corporate Finance)

Grant Barker (Sales and Broking)

Telephone: +44(0)20 3470 0470




Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

(Expressed in Canadian Dollars)


Three and Six Months Ended June 30, 2024




The accompanying unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements
of Galantas Gold Corporation (the "Company") have been prepared by and are the
responsibility of management. The unaudited condensed interim consolidated
financial statements have not been reviewed by the Company's auditors.

Galantas Gold Corporation

Condensed Interim Consolidated Statements of Financial Position

(Expressed in Canadian Dollars)


                                                                   As at              As at
                                                                   June 30,           December 31,
                                                                   2024               2023


 Current assets
     Cash and cash equivalents                                  $  395,514         $  2,593,265
     Accounts receivable and prepaid expenses (note 4)             1,429,366          1,596,880
     Inventories (note 5)                                          147,059            18,184
 Total current assets                                              1,971,939          4,208,329

 Non-current assets
     Property, plant and equipment (note 6)                        24,371,742         23,094,171
     Long-term deposit (note 8)                                    519,030            505,110
     Exploration and evaluation assets (note 7)                    5,173,442          4,776,409
 Total non-current assets                                          30,064,214         28,375,690
 Total assets                                                   $  32,036,153      $  32,584,019


 Current liabilities
     Accounts payable and other liabilities (notes 9 and 17)    $  3,250,027       $  3,662,842
     Financing facilities (note 10)                                6,839,679          6,119,308
     Due to related parties (note 15)                              4,566,419          5,838,256
     Other liability (note 15)                                     -                  1,187,437
 Total current liabilities                                         14,656,125         16,807,843

 Non-current liabilities
     Due to related parties (note 15)                              -                  638,432
     Decommissioning liability (note 8)                            633,767            611,452
     Convertible debenture (note 11)                               5,719,087          1,923,509
     Derivative liability (note 11)                                1,385,096          1,245,627
 Total non-current liabilities                                     7,737,950          4,419,020
 Total liabilities                                                 22,394,075         21,226,863

     Share capital (note 12(a)(b))                                 71,782,203         71,809,999
     Reserves                                                      19,137,420         18,579,467
     Deficit                                                       (81,277,545  )     (79,032,310   )
 Total equity                                                      9,642,078          11,357,156
 Total equity and liabilities                                   $  32,036,153      $  32,584,019

The notes to the unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements
are an integral part of these statements.

Going concern (note 1)

Incorporation and nature of operations (note 2)

Contingency (note 17)

Event after the reporting period (note 18)


Galantas Gold Corporation

Condensed Interim Consolidated Statements of Loss

(Expressed in Canadian Dollars)


                                                                                  Three Months Ended                            Six Months Ended
                                                                                  June 30,                                      June 30,
                                                                                  2024                       2023               2024                       2023

     Sales of concentrate (note 14)                                            $  -                   $      -               $  -                   $      -

 Cost and expenses of operations
     Cost of sales                                                                30,318                     72,881             47,650                     123,096
     Depreciation (note 6)                                                        107,281                    128,989            213,507                    255,094
                                                                                  137,599                    201,870            261,157                    378,190

 Loss before general administrative and other income                              (137,599     )             (201,870     )     (261,157     )             (378,190     )

 General administrative expenses
     Management and administration wages (note 15)                                150,050                    160,761            260,982                    284,959
     Other operating expenses                                                     38,115                     55,441             73,025                     150,204
     Accounting and corporate                                                     25,078                     71,785             53,606                     218,396
     Legal and audit                                                              70,516                     46,051             103,465                    89,444
     Stock-based compensation (note 12(d))                                        256,054                    116,658            285,868                    300,381
     Shareholder communication and investor relations                             77,997                     219,087            201,533                    381,682
     Transfer agent                                                               39,786                     44,711             61,051                     51,056
     Director fees (note 15)                                                      35,000                     35,000             70,000                     70,000
     General office                                                               10,775                     24,533             33,735                     66,479
     Accretion expenses (notes 8, 10, 11 and 15)                                  338,045                    94,615             631,320                    205,747
     Loan interest and bank charges less deposit interest (notes 10, 11 and       466,223                    319,254            906,089                    612,312
                                                                                  1,507,639                  1,187,896          2,680,674                  2,430,660
 Other expense (income)
     Foreign exchange loss (gain)                                                 31,399                     (34,250      )     (87,728      )             (59,720      )
     Unrealized gain on derivative fair value adjustment (note 11)                (85,018      )             -                  (608,868     )             -
                                                                                  (53,619      )             (34,250      )     (696,596     )             (59,720      )

 Net loss for the period                                                       $  (1,591,619   )      $      (1,355,516   )  $  (2,245,235   )      $      (2,749,130   )
 Basic and diluted net loss per share (note 13)                                $  (0.01        )      $      (0.01        )  $  (0.02        )      $      (0.03        )
 Weighted average number of common shares
     outstanding - basic and diluted (note 13)                                    114,673,471                114,112,719        114,702,474                109,014,481

The notes to the unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements
are an integral part of these statements.

Galantas Gold Corporation

Condensed Interim Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss

(Expressed in Canadian Dollars)


                                                                    Three Months Ended                          Six Months Ended
                                                                    June 30,                                    June 30,
                                                                    2024                      2023              2024                      2023

 Net loss for the period                                         $  (1,591,619  )      $      (1,355,516  )  $  (2,245,235  )      $      (2,749,130  )

 Other comprehensive income
 Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
     Exchange differences on translating foreign operations         194,751                   172,343           272,085                   625,917
 Total comprehensive loss                                        $  (1,396,868  )      $      (1,183,173  )  $  (1,973,150  )      $      (2,123,213  )

The notes to the unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements
are an integral part of these statements.

Galantas Gold Corporation

Condensed Interim Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

(Expressed in Canadian Dollars)


                                                                        Six Months Ended
                                                                        June 30,
                                                                        2024                      2023

 Operating activities
 Net loss for the period                                             $  (2,245,235  )      $      (2,749,130  )
 Adjustment for:
     Depreciation (note 6)                                              213,507                   255,094
     Stock-based compensation (note 12(d))                              285,868                   300,381
     Accrued interest (notes 10, 11 and 15)                             885,547                   806,052
     Foreign exchange (gain) loss                                       (124,049    )             388,182
     Accretion expenses (notes 8, 10, 11 and 15)                        631,320                   205,747
     Gain on derivative fair value adjustment (note 11)                 (608,868    )             -
 Non-cash working capital items:
     Accounts receivable and prepaid expenses                           177,552                   275,578
     Inventories                                                        (124,931    )             21,218
     Accounts payable and other liabilities                             (484,066    )             (113,387    )
 Net cash and cash equivalents used in operating activities             (1,393,355  )             (610,265    )

 Investing activities
 Net purchase of property, plant and equipment                          (868,853    )             (1,551,447  )
 Exploration and evaluation assets                                      (307,718    )             (1,658,757  )
 Net cash and cash equivalents used in investing activities             (1,176,571  )             (3,210,204  )

 Financing activities
 Proceeds of private placements (note 12(b)(i))                         -                         2,963,142
 Share issue costs                                                      -                         (204,993    )
 Proceeds from exercise of warrants                                     -                         31,200
 Advances from related parties                                          363,097                   -
 Repayments to related parties                                          -                         (11,991     )
 Proceeds from financing facilities                                     -                         580,392
 Net cash and cash equivalents provided by financing activities         363,097                   3,357,750

 Net change in cash and cash equivalents                                (2,206,829  )             (462,719    )

 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash held in foreign currencies     9,078                     10,540

 Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                         2,593,265                 1,038,643
 Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                            $  395,514            $      586,464

 Cash                                                                $  395,514            $      586,464
 Cash equivalents                                                       -                         -
 Cash and cash equivalents                                           $  395,514            $      586,464

The notes to the unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements
are an integral part of these statements.

Galantas Gold Corporation

Condensed Interim Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity

(Expressed in Canadian Dollars)


                                                                                                       Equity settled          Foreign
                                                                                                       share-based             currency
                                                                 Share             Warrants            payments                translation
                                                                 capital           reserve             reserve                 reserve            Deficit            Total
 Balance, December 31, 2022                                   $  69,664,056     $  3,903,004       $   11,887,678          $   (275,577     )  $  (70,464,170  )  $  14,714,991
    Shares issued in private placement (note 12(b)(i))           2,963,142         -                   -                       -                  -                  2,963,142
    Shares issue for services arrangement (note 12(b)(ii))       420,000           -                   -                       -                  -                  420,000
    Shares issue for debt settlement (note 12(b)(iii))           749,020           -                   -                       -                  -                  749,020
    Warrants issued (note 12(b)(i)(iii))                         (1,609,634  )     1,609,634           -                       -                  -                  -
    Warrants issued                                              -                 82,511              -                       -                  -                  82,511
    Share issue costs (note 12(b)(i))                            (245,168    )     40,175              -                       -                  -                  (204,993    )
    Stock-based compensation (note 12(d))                        -                 -                   300,381                 -                  -                  300,381
    Exercise of warrants                                         40,733            (9,533      )       -                       -                  -                  31,200
    Warrants expired                                             -                 (1,806,245  )       1,806,245               -                  -                  -
    Exchange differences on translating foreign operations       -                 -                   -                       625,917            -                  625,917
    Net loss for the period                                      -                 -                   -                       -                  (2,749,130   )     (2,749,130  )
 Balance, June 30, 2023                                       $  71,982,149     $  3,819,546       $   13,994,304          $   350,340         $  (73,213,300  )  $  16,933,039

 Balance, December 31, 2023                                   $  71,809,999     $  3,546,313       $   14,345,538          $   687,616         $  (79,032,310  )  $  11,357,156
    Shares cancelled                                             (110,200    )     -                   -                       -                  -                  (110,200    )
    Convertible debenture converted (note 11)                    82,404            -                   -                       -                  -                  82,404
    Stock-based compensation (note 12(d))                        -                 -                   285,868                 -                  -                  285,868
    Exchange differences on translating foreign operations       -                 -                   -                       272,085            -                  272,085
    Net loss for the period                                      -                 -                   -                       -                  (2,245,235   )     (2,245,235  )
 Balance, June 30, 2024                                       $  71,782,203     $  3,546,313       $   14,631,406          $   959,701         $  (81,277,545  )  $  9,642,078

The notes to the unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements
are an integral part of these statements.

 Galantas Gold Corporation

Notes to Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

Three and Six Months Ended June 30, 2024

(Expressed in Canadian Dollars)


1. Going Concern

These unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements have been
prepared on a going concern basis which contemplates that Galantas Gold
Corporation (the "Company") will be able to realize assets and discharge
liabilities in the normal course of business. In assessing whether the going
concern assumption is appropriate, management takes into account all available
information about the future, which is at least, but is not limited to, twelve
months from the end of the reporting period. Management is aware, in making
its assessment, of uncertainties related to events or conditions that may cast
doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. The Company's
future viability depends on the consolidated results of the Company's
wholly-owned subsidiaries Gairloch Resources Limited ("Gairloch") incorporated
on November 16, 2023 and Cavanacaw Corporation ("Cavanacaw"). Cavanacaw has a
100% shareholding in Galántas Irish Gold Limited ("Galántas"), Flintridge
Resources Limited ("Flintridge") who are engaged in the acquisition,
exploration and development of gold properties, mainly in Omagh, Northern
Ireland and Omagh Minerals Limited ("Omagh") who are engaged in the
exploration of gold properties, mainly in the Republic of Ireland. The Omagh
mine has an open pit mine, which was in production until 2013 when production
was suspended and is reported as property, plant and equipment and as an
underground mine which having established technical feasibility and commercial
viability in December 2018 has resulted in associated exploration and
evaluation assets being reclassified as an intangible development asset and
reported as property, plant and equipment.

The going concern assumption is dependent on forecast cash flows being met,
further financing negotiations being completed together. Management'
assumptions in relation to future financing, levels of production, gold prices
and mine operating costs are crucial to forecast cash flows being achieved.
Should production be significantly delayed, revenues fall short of
expectations or operating costs and capital costs increase significantly,
there may be insufficient cash flows to sustain day to day operations without
seeking further finance.

Based on the financial projections which have been prepared for a five-year
period and using assumptions which management believes to be prudent,
alongside ongoing negotiations with both current and prospective investors and
creditors, management believes it is appropriate to prepare the unaudited
condensed interim consolidated financial statements on the going concern

Should the Company be unsuccessful in securing the above, there would be
significant uncertainty over the Company's ability to continue as a going
concern. The unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements do
not include any adjustments that would result if forecast cash flows were not
achieved, if the existing creditors withdrew their support or if further
financing could not be raised from current or potential investors.

During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company raised gross proceeds of
$3M through the issuance of shares to investors and $3.5M through the issuance
of convertible debentures.

As at June 30, 2024, the Company had a deficit of $81,277,545 (December 31,
2023 - $79,032,310). Comprehensive loss for the six months ended June 30, 2024
was $1,973,150 (six months ended June 30, 2023 - $2,123,213). These conditions
raise material uncertainties which may cast significant doubt as to whether
the Company will be able to continue as a going concern. However, management
believes that it will continue as a going concern. However, this is subject to
a number of factors including market conditions. These unaudited condensed
interim consolidated financial statements do not reflect adjustments to the
carrying values of assets and liabilities, the reported expenses and financial
position classifications used that would be necessary if the going concern
assumption was not appropriate. These adjustments could be material.

2. Incorporation and Nature of Operations

The Company was formed on September 20, 1996 under the name Montemor Resources
Inc. on the amalgamation of 1169479 Ontario Inc. and Consolidated Deer Creek
Resources Limited. The name was changed to European Gold Resources Inc. by
articles of amendment dated July 25, 1997. On May 5, 2004, the Company changed
its name from European Gold Resources Inc. to Galantas Gold Corporation. The
Company was incorporated to explore for and develop mineral resource
properties, principally in Europe. In 1997, it purchased all of the shares of
Omagh which owns a mineral property in Northern Ireland, including a
delineated gold deposit. Omagh obtained full planning and environmental
consents necessary to bring its property into production.

The Company entered into an agreement on April 17, 2000, approved by
shareholders on June 26, 2000, whereby Cavanacaw, a private Ontario
corporation, acquired Omagh. Cavanacaw has established an open pit mine to
extract the Company's gold deposit near Omagh, Northern Ireland. Cavanacaw
also has developed a premium jewellery business founded on the gold produced
under the name Galántas. As at July 1, 2007, the Company's Omagh mine began
production and in 2013 production was suspended. On April 1, 2014, Galántas
amalgamated its jewelry business with Omagh.

On April 8, 2014, Cavanacaw acquired Flintridge. Following a strategic review
of its business by the Company during 2014 certain assets owned by Omagh were
acquired by Flintridge.

On November 16, 2023, Gairloch was incorporated.

The Company's operations include the consolidated results of Gairloch,
Cavanacaw, and its wholly-owned subsidiaries Omagh, Galántas and Flintridge.

The Company's common shares are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV")
and London Stock Exchange AIM under the symbol GAL. On September 1, 2021, the
Company's common shares started trading under the symbol GALKF on the OTCQX in
the United States. The primary office is located at The Canadian Venture
Building, 82 Richmond Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5C 1P1.

3. Basis of Preparation

Statement of compliance

The Company applies International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as
issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and interpretations
issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee
("IFRIC").  These unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial
statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting
Standard 34 - Interim Financial Reporting. Accordingly, they do not include
all of the information required for full annual financial statements.

The policies applied in these unaudited condensed interim consolidated
financial statements are based on IFRS issued and outstanding as of August 27,
2024 the date the Board of Directors approved the statements. The same
accounting policies and methods of computation are followed in these unaudited
condensed interim consolidated financial statements as compared with the most
recent annual consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended
December 31, 2023. Any subsequent changes to IFRS that are given effect in the
Company's annual consolidated financial statements for the year ending
December 31, 2024 could result in restatement of these unaudited condensed
interim consolidated financial statements.

4. Accounts Receivable and Prepaid Expenses

                                                    As at           As at
                                                    June 30,        December 31,
                                                    2024            2023

 Sales tax receivable - Canada                   $  19,493       $  15,067
 Valued added tax receivable - Northern Ireland     122,252         9,959
 Accounts receivable                                38,476          83,266
 Prepaid expenses                                   1,249,145       1,488,588
                                                 $  1,429,366    $  1,596,880

Prepaid expenses includes advances for consumables and for construction of the
passing bays in the Omagh mine. Prepaid expenses includes also $1,000,000
pursuant to services agreement for the underground development at the Omagh
Gold Project.

The following is an aged analysis of receivables:

                               As at          As at
                               June 30,       December 31,
                               2024           2023

 Less than 3 months         $  141,745     $  50,614
 3 to 12 months                20,251         45,330
 More than 12 months           18,225         12,348
 Total accounts receivable  $  180,221     $  108,292

5. Inventories

                             As at          As at
                             June 30,       December 31,
                             2024           2023

 Concentrate inventories  $  147,059     $  18,184

6. Property, Plant and Equipment

                                                    Freehold        Plant
                                                    land and        and             Motor          Office          Development        Assets under
 Cost                                               buildings       machinery       vehicles       equipment       assets (i)         construction         Total
 Balance, December 31, 2022                      $  2,252,053    $  8,721,798    $  220,866     $  216,029      $  1,402,040       $  -                $   32,812,786
 Additions                                          -               -               -              -               3,423,820          26,939               3,450,759
 Cash receipts from concentrate sales               -               -               -              -               (1,491,453   )     -                    (1,491,453  )
 Impairment                                         -               -               -              -               (3,353,077   )     -                    (3,353,077  )
 Foreign exchange adjustment                        71,058          274,128         6,969          6,816           658,736            -                    1,017,707
 Balance, December 31, 2023                         2,323,111       8,995,926       227,835        222,845         20,640,066         26,939               32,436,722
 Additions                                          -               -               -              -               1,321,893          -                    1,321,893
 Transfer                                           -               27,682          -              -               -                  (27,682       )      -
 Cash receipts from concentrate sales (note 14)     -               -               -              -               (453,040     )     -                    (453,040    )
 Foreign exchange adjustment                        64,021          246,977         6,279          6,141           563,778            743                  887,939
 Balance, June 30, 2024                          $  2,387,132    $  9,270,585    $  234,114     $  228,986      $  22,072,697      $  -                $   34,193,514

 Accumulated depreciation
 Balance, December 31, 2022                      $  1,876,242    $  6,378,013    $  158,615     $  144,067      $  -               $  -                $   8,556,937
 Depreciation                                       3,954           482,088         17,864         11,097          -                  -                    515,003
 Foreign exchange adjustment                        59,213          201,755         5,062          4,581           -                  -                    270,611
 Balance, December 31, 2023                         1,939,409       7,061,856       181,541        159,745         -                  -                    9,342,551
 Depreciation                                       1,619           200,198         6,861          4,829           -                  -                    213,507
 Foreign exchange adjustment                        61,193          195,036         5,049          4,436           -                  -                    265,714
 Balance, June 30, 2024                          $  2,002,221    $  7,457,090    $  193,451     $  169,010      $  -               $  -                $   9,821,772

 Carrying value
 Balance, December 31, 2023                      $  383,702      $  1,934,070    $  46,294      $  63,100       $  20,640,066      $  26,939           $   23,094,171
 Balance, June 30, 2024                          $  384,911      $  1,813,495    $  40,663      $  59,976       $  22,072,697      $  -                $   24,371,742

(i) Development assets are expenditures for the underground mining operations
in Omagh.

7. Exploration and Evaluation Assets

                                 Acquisition       Exploration
 Cost                            costs             costs              Total

 Balance, December 31, 2022   $  -              $  2,665,313       $  2,665,313
 Additions                       1,140,115         1,162,710          2,302,825
 Impairment                      -                 (282,493     )     (282,493   )
 Foreign exchange adjustment     -                 90,764             90,764
 Balance, December 31, 2023      1,140,115         3,636,294          4,776,409
 Additions                       -                 307,718            307,718
 Foreign exchange adjustment     -                 89,315             89,315
 Balance, June 30, 2024       $  1,140,115      $  4,033,327       $  5,173,442

 Carrying value

 Balance, December 31, 2023   $  1,140,115      $  3,636,294       $  4,776,409
 Balance, June 30, 2024       $  1,140,115      $  4,033,327       $  5,173,442

8. Decommissioning Liability

The Company's decommissioning liability is a result of mining activities at
the Omagh mine in Northern Ireland. The Company estimated its decommissioning
liability at June 30, 2024 based on a risk-free discount rate of 1% (December
31, 2023 - 1%) and an inflation rate of 1.50% (December 31, 2023 - 1.50%). The
expected undiscounted future obligations allowing for inflation are GBP
330,000 and based on management's best estimate the decommissioning is
expected to occur over the next 5 to 10 years. On June 30, 2024, the estimated
fair value of the liability is $633,767 (December 31, 2023 - $611,452).
Changes in the provision during the six months ended June 30, 2024 are as

                                                    As at          As at
                                                    June 30,       December 31,
                                                    2024           2023

 Decommissioning liability, beginning of period  $  611,452     $  582,441
 Accretion                                          5,426          10,601
 Foreign exchange                                   16,889         18,410
 Decommissioning liability, end of period        $  633,767     $  611,452

As required by the Crown in Northern Ireland, the Company is required to
provide a bond for reclamation related to the Omagh mine in the amount of GBP
300,000 (December 31, 2023 - GBP  300,000), of which GBP 300,000 was funded
as of June 30, 2024 (GBP 300,000 was funded as of December 31, 2023) and
reported as long-term deposit of $519,030 (December 31, 2023 - $505,110).

9. Accounts Payable and Other Liabilities

Accounts payable and other liabilities of the Company are principally
comprised of amounts outstanding for purchases relating to exploration costs
on exploration and evaluation assets, general operating activities and
professional fees activities.

                                                  As at           As at
                                                  June 30,        December 31,
                                                  2024            2023

 Accounts payable                              $  2,072,741    $  2,131,257
 Accrued liabilities                              1,177,286       1,531,585
 Total accounts payable and other liabilities  $  3,250,027    $  3,662,842

The following is an aged analysis of the accounts payable and other

                                                  As at           As at
                                                  June 30,        December 31,
                                                  2024            2023

 Less than 3 months                            $  450,619      $  1,672,744
 3 to 12 months                                   1,574,273       807,338
 12 to 24 months                                  453,035         474,290
 More than 24 months (see also note 17)           772,100         708,470
 Total accounts payable and other liabilities  $  3,250,027    $  3,662,842

10. Financing Facilities

Amounts payable on the Company's financial facilities are as follow:

                                                As at             As at
                                                June 30,          December 31,
                                                2024              2023

 G&F Phelps
 Financing facility, beginning of period     $  6,119,308      $  4,836,267
 Accretion                                      -                 259,354
 Interest                                       548,045           961,722
 Shares for debt settlement                     -                 (100,000      )
 Foreign exchange adjustment                    172,326           161,965
                                                6,839,679         6,119,308
 Less current portion                           (6,839,679  )     (6,119,308    )
 Financing facilities - non-current portion  $  -              $  -

11. Convertible Debentures

(i) On December 20, 2023, the Company closed a $3,502,054 (US$ 2,627,000)
convertible debenture. The convertible debenture is unsecured, is for a term
of three year commencing on the date that it is issued, carries a coupon of
10% per annum and is convertible into common shares of the Company. Each
debenture consists of US$1,000 principal amount of unsecured convertible
debentures. The convertible debentures have a term of 36 months from the date
of issuance with a conversion price of US$0.255 being the equivalent of a
conversion price of $0.35 per conversion share. A four month hold period will
apply to common shares converted through the convertible debenture. The hold
period expired on April 21, 2024.

In accordance with the terms of the convertible debentures, if, at any time
following the issuance of the convertible debentures, the closing price of the
common shares of the Company on the TSXV equals or exceeds $0.70 per common
share for 10 consecutive trading days or more, the Company may elect to
convert all but not less than all of the outstanding principal amount of the
convertible debentures into conversion shares at the conversion price, upon
giving the holders of the convertible debentures not less than 30 calendar
days advance written notice. On December 20, 2026, any outstanding principal
amount of convertible debentures plus any accrued and unpaid interest thereon
shall be repaid by the Company in cash.

Interest on the principal amount outstanding under each convertible debenture
shall accrue during the period commencing on December 20, 2023 until December
20, 2026 and shall be payable in cash on an annual basis on December 31st of
each year (each, an "Interest Payment Date"); provided, however, that the
first interest payment date shall be December 31, 2024. Each convertible
debenture shall bear interest at a minimum interest rate of 10% per annum (the
"Base Interest Rate"). During each interest period (an "Interest Period"),
being the period commencing on December 20, 2023 to but excluding the first
Interest Payment Date and thereafter the period from and including an Interest
Payment Date to but excluding the next Interest Payment Date or other
applicable payment date, the Base Interest Rate will be adjusted based on a
gold price of US$2,000 per ounce, with the Base Interest Rate being increased
by 1% per annum for each US$100 in which the average gold price for such
Interest Period exceeds US$2,000 per ounce, up to a maximum interest rate of
30% per annum; provided, however, that, without the prior acceptance of the
TSXV, the average interest rate shall not exceed 24% per annum during the term
of the convertible debentures. Any adjustment to the Base Interest Rate in
respect of an Interest Period shall be calculated based on the average gold
price quoted by the London Bullion Market Association, being the LBMA Gold
Price PM, in respect of the Interest Period ending on December 31, 2024, from
December 20, 2023 to and including December 15, 2024, and for each subsequent
Interest Period, from January 1st to and including December 15th of that year
or 15 days prior to the applicable payment date.

Melquart, an insider and control person of the Company (as defined by the
TSXV), subscribed for US$875,000. Ocean Partners, which has a common director
with the Company, acquired US$875,000 aggregate principal amount of
convertible debentures.

The Company paid a cash finder's fee of US$40,500 (CAD$53,990) and issued
158,823 non-transferable finder's warrants to Canaccord Genuity Corp. in
consideration for providing certain finder services to the Company under the
offering. Each finder warrant is exercisable to acquire one common share in
the capital of the Company at an exercise price of $0.35 per common share at
any time on or before December 20, 2026. The fair value of the 158,823 finder
warrants was estimated at $24,670 using the Black-Scholes option pricing model
with the following assumptions: expected dividend yield - 0%, expected
volatility - 107.02%, risk-free interest rate - 3.71% and an expected average
life of 3 years.

The debentures consist of the liability component and conversion feature. Due
to the convertible debenture being denominated in US$, the conversion feature
has been presented as a non-cash derivative liability.

On the date of issuance, the fair value of the derivative liability was
estimated to be $1,495,208 using the Black-Scholes option pricing model with
the following assumptions: expected dividend yield - 0%, expected volatility -
95.0%, risk-free interest rate - 3.94% and an expected average life of 3

As at December 31, 2023, the fair value of the derivative liability was
revalued at $1,245,627 using the Black-Scholes option pricing model with the
following assumptions: expected dividend yield - 0%, expected volatility -
94.9%, risk-free interest rate - 3.91% and an expected average life of 2.97

On issuance the fair value of the liability component was recorded at
$2,006,846, discounted at an effective interest rate of 37%.

The Company incurred transaction costs of $153,481 which was allocated
pro-rata on the value of the conversion feature and the liability component.

During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company recorded accretion
expense of $33,265 and interest expense of $29,184 as loan interest and bank
charges less deposit interest in the consolidated statement of loss.

As at June 30, 2024, the fair value of the derivative liability was revalued
at $673,653 using the Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following
assumptions: expected dividend yield - 0%, expected volatility - 100%,
risk-free interest rate - 4.02% and an expected average life of 2.47 years.

During the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, the Company recorded
accretion expense of $185,698 and $368,722, respectively and interest expense
of $89,863 and $178,432, respectively as loan interest and bank charges less
deposit interest in the unaudited condensed interim consolidated statement of

During the six month ended June 30, 2024, $82,404 (US$60,000) of convertible
debenture was converted into 235,294 common shares of the Company.

(ii) On February 5, 2024, the Company announced that it closed a debt
settlement transaction, pursuant to which the Company settled US$2,711,000 of
indebtedness owing to Ocean Partners through the issuance of US$2,711,000
aggregate principal amount of unsecured convertible debentures of the Company.

The convertible debenture issued in connection with the debt settlement were
issued on substantially the same terms as the unsecured convertible debentures
closed on December 20, 2023. The convertible debentures issued pursuant to the
debt settlement are subject to a four-month hold period which will expire on
June 6, 2024.

The debentures consist of the liability component and conversion feature. Due
to the convertible debenture being denominated in US$, the conversion feature
has been presented as a non-cash derivative liability.

On the date of issuance, the fair value of the derivative liability was
estimated to be $748,337 using the Black-Scholes option pricing model with the
following assumptions: expected dividend yield - 0%, expected volatility -
95.0%, risk-free interest rate - 4.28% and an expected average life of 2.87

The fair value of the liability component was recorded at $2,918,833,
discounted at an effective interest rate of 20%.

As at June 30, 2024, the fair value of the derivative liability was revalued
at $711,443 using the Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following
assumptions: expected dividend yield - 0%, expected volatility - 100%,
risk-free interest rate - 4.02% and an expected average life of 2.47 years.

During the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, the Company recorded
accretion expense of $147,497 and $252,925, respectively and interest expense
of $92,764 and $159,070, respectively as loan interest and bank charges less
deposit interest in the unaudited condensed interim consolidated statement of

                                                                       Convertible        Derivative
                                                                       debenture          liability

 Balance, December 31, 2022                                         $  -               $  -
 Principal amount (i)                                                  3,502,054          -
 Derivative liability component (i)                                    (1,495,208   )     1,495,208
 Transaction costs (i)                                                 (153,481     )     -
 Transaction costs allocated to derivative liability component (i)     7,695              (7,695      )
 Interest expense (i)                                                  29,184             -
 Accretion expense (i)                                                 33,265             -
 Change in fair value (i)                                              -                  (241,886    )
 Balance, December 31, 2023                                            1,923,509          1,245,627
 Principal amount (ii)                                                 3,667,170          -
 Derivative liability component (ii)                                   (748,337     )     748,337
 Convertible debenture converted (i)                                   (82,404      )     -
 Interest expense (i)(ii)                                              337,502            -
 Accretion expense (i)(ii)                                             621,647            -
 Change in fair value (i)(ii)                                          -                  (608,868    )
 Balance, June 30, 2024                                             $  5,719,087       $  1,385,096

12. Share Capital and Reserves

a) Authorized share capital

At June 30, 2024, the authorized share capital consisted of an unlimited
number of common and preference shares issuable in Series.

The common shares do not have a par value. All issued shares are fully paid.

No preference shares have been issued. The preference shares do not have a par

b) Common shares issued

At June 30, 2024, the issued share capital amounted to $71,782,203. The
continuity of issued share capital for the periods presented is as follows:

                                                Number of
                                                shares            Amount

 Balance, December 31, 2022                     103,518,509    $  69,664,056
 Shares issued in private placement (i)         8,230,951         2,963,142
 Shares issued for services arrangement (ii)    933,334           420,000
 Shares issued for debt settlement (iii)        2,080,609         749,020
 Warrants issued (i)(iii)                       -                 (1,609,634  )
 Share issue costs (i)                          -                 (245,168    )
 Exercise of warrants                           78,000            40,733
 Balance, June 30, 2023                         114,841,403    $  71,982,149


                                                 Number of          Amount



 Balance, December 31, 2023                      114,841,403     $  71,809,999
 Shares cancelled                                (306,110     )     (110,200    )
 Convertible debenture converted (note 11(i))    235,294            82,404
 Balance, June 30, 2024                          114,770,587     $  71,782,203

(i) On March 27, 2023, the Company closed a non-brokered private placement of
8,230,951 units at a price of $0.36 per unit for gross proceeds of $2,963,142.
Each unit consists of one common share of the Company and one common share
purchase warrant, with each warrant entitling the holder to purchase an
additional common share at a price of $0.55 per share until March 27, 2028.
The fair value of the 8,230,951 warrants was estimated at $1,284,806 using the
Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following assumptions: expected
dividend yield - 0%, expected volatility - 126.22%, risk-free interest rate -
2.96% and an expected average life of 5 years.

The Company paid the agents a cash commission equal to $130,966 and issued
237,162 non-transferable broker warrants of the Company. Each broker warrant
is exercisable to acquire one common share at an exercise price of $0.36 until
March 27, 2025. The fair value of the 237,162 warrants was estimated at
$40,175 using the Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following
assumptions: expected dividend yield - 0%, expected volatility - 99.18%,
risk-free interest rate - 3.61% and an expected average life of 2 years.

Ocean Partners acquired 691,666 units for consideration of $249,000 and
Brendan Morris, an officer of the Company, acquired 468,416 units for
consideration of $168,630.

(ii) The Company has entered into an agreement to acquire the historical
Gairloch drill and exploration database for (i) a payment of $420,000
(approximately GBP 252,153), to be satisfied through the issuance of common
shares of the Company based on the 5-day volume weighted average price at the
time of signing (subject to the approval of the TSXV) and (ii) GBP 50,000 in
cash. On April 13, 2023, the Company issued 933,334 common shares per terms of
the agreement.

(iii) On April 26, 2023, the Company agreed to the terms of a proposed
shares-for-debt transaction with several arm's length creditors of the Company
and agreed to settle a total of approximately $749,020 of indebtedness through
the issuance of an aggregate of 2,080,609 units a deemed price of $0.36 per
unit. Each unit consists of one common share of the Company and one common
share purchase warrant, with each warrant entitling the holder to purchase an
additional common share at a price of $0.55 per share until April 26, 2028.
The fair value of the 2,080,609 warrants was estimated at $324,828 using the
Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following assumptions: expected
dividend yield - 0%, expected volatility - 126.25%, risk-free interest rate -
2.98% and an expected average life of 5 years.

c)  Warrant reserve

The following table shows the continuity of warrants for the periods

                                                 Number of          Weighted




 Balance, December 31, 2022                      24,051,900      $  0.45
 Issued (notes 12(b)(i)(iii) and 15(a)(vi))      11,148,722         0.54
 Exercised                                       (78,000      )     0.40
 Expired                                         (14,582,231  )     0.40
 Balance, June 30, 2023                          20,540,391      $  0.53

 Balance, December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2024    19,658,904         0.54

The following table reflects the actual warrants issued and outstanding as of
June 30, 2024:

                                       Grant date      Exercise
                      Number           fair value      price
 Expiry date          of warrants      ($)             ($)

 August 30, 2024      820,000          144,464         0.45
 January 31, 2025     500,000          65,527          0.55
 February 13, 2025    100,000          16,984          0.41
 February 28, 2025    7,666,669        1,644,859       0.55
 March 27, 2025       407,962          40,175          0.36
 December 20, 2026    158,823          24,670          0.35
 March 27, 2028       7,924,841        1,284,806       0.55
 April 26, 2028       2,080,609        324,828         0.55
                      19,658,904       3,546,313       0.54

 d) Stock options

The following table shows the continuity of stock options for the periods

                               Number of        Weighted




 Balance, December 31, 2022    6,152,500     $  0.78
 Expired                       (25,000    )     1.10
 Cancelled (i)                 (340,000   )     0.76
 Balance, June 30, 2023        5,787,500     $  0.78

 Balance, December 31, 2023    5,862,500     $  0.78
 Granted (ii)                  3,175,000        0.23
 Expired                       (185,000   )     0.90
 Cancelled (i)                 (162,500   )     0.61
 Balance, June 30, 2024        8,690,000     $  0.58

(i) The portion of the estimated fair value of options granted in the current
and prior periods and vested during the three and six months ended June 30,
2024, amounted to $256,054 and $285,868, respectively (three and six months
ended June 30, 2023 - $116,658 and $300,381, respectively). In addition,
during the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, 162,500 options granted
in the current and prior years were cancelled (three and six months ended June
30, 2023 - 162,500 and 340,000 options cancelled).

(ii) On April 29, 2024, the Company granted 3,175,000 stock options to
directors, officers, employees and consultants of the Company to purchase
common shares at $0.23 per share until April 29, 2029. The options will vest
as to one third immediately and one third on each of April 29, 2025 and April
29, 2026. The fair value attributed to these options was $589,000 and the
vested portion was expensed in the unaudited condensed interim consolidated
statements of loss and credited to equity settled share-based payments

The following table reflects the actual stock options issued and outstanding
as of June 30, 2024:

                             Weighted average                     Number of
                             remaining           Number of        options            Number of
                  Exercise   contractual         options          vested             options
 Expiry date      price ($)  life (years)        outstanding      (exercisable)      unvested
 May 19, 2026     0.86       1.88                3,560,000        3,560,000          -
 June 21, 2026    0.73       1.98                425,000          425,000            -
 August 27, 2026  0.86       2.16                20,000           20,000             -
 May 3, 2027      0.60       2.84                1,560,000        1,560,000          -
 April 29, 2029   0.23       4.83                3,125,000        1,041,667          2,083,333
                  0.58       3.12                8,690,000        6,606,667          2,083,333

13. Net Loss per Common Share

The calculation of basic and diluted loss per share for the three and six
months ended June 30, 2024 was based on the loss attributable to common
shareholders of $1,591,619 and $2,245,235, respectively (three and six months
ended June 30, 2023 - $1,355,516 and $2,749,130, respectively) and the
weighted average number of common shares outstanding of 114,673,471 and
114,702,474, respectively (three and six months ended June 30, 2023 -
114,112,719 and 109,014,481, respectively) for basic and diluted loss per
share. Diluted loss did not include the effect of 19,658,904 warrants (three
and six months ended June 30, 2023 - 20,540,391) and 8,690,000 options (three
and six months ended June 30, 2023 - 5,787,500) for the three and six months
ended June 30, 2024, as they are anti-dilutive.

14. Revenues

Shipments of concentrate under the off-take arrangements commenced during the
second quarter of 2019. Concentrate sales provisional revenues during the
three and six months ended June 30, 2024 totalled approximately US$124,000
(CAD$169,719) and US$331,000 (CAD$453,040), respectively (three and six months
ended June 30, 2023 - US$255,000 (CAD$419,000) and US$516,000 (CAD$851,000),
respectively. However, until the mine reaches the commencement of commercial
production, the net proceeds from concentrate sales will be offset against
Development assets.

15. Related Party Disclosures

Related parties pursuant to IFRS include the Board of Directors, close family
members, other key management individuals and enterprises that are controlled
by these individuals as well as certain persons performing similar functions.

Related party transactions conducted in the normal course of operations are
measured at the exchange amount and approved by the Board of Directors in
strict adherence to conflict of interest laws and regulations.

(a) The Company entered into the following transactions with related parties:

                                                  Three Months Ended                   Six Months Ended
                                                  June 30,                             June 30,
                                                  2024                   2023          2024                   2023
      Interest on related party loans     (i)  $  153,799         $      175,506    $  297,106         $      349,171

(i) Refer to note 15(a)(iv).

(ii) Refer to note 12(b).

(iii) Refer to note 11.

(iv) As at June 30, 2024, the Company owes Ocean Partners $3,585,748 (December
31, 2023 - $5,673,150) which is recorded as due to related parties on the
unaudited condensed interim consolidated statement of financial position.

                                                   June 30,          December 31,
                                                   2024              2023
 Balance, beginning of period                   $  5,673,150      $  4,978,069
 Converted to convertible debentures (note 11)     (2,575,382  )     -
 Repayment                                         -                 (24,735       )
 Accretion                                         -                 116,569
 Interest                                          256,339           729,033
 Foreign exchange adjustment                       231,641           (125,786      )
 Balance, end of period                            3,585,748         5,673,150
 Less current balance                              (3,585,748  )     (5,673,150    )
 Due to related parties - non-current balance   $  -              $  -

(v) In February 2024, the loan balance due to Ocean Partner was converted to
convertible debentures. Refer to note 11. As at June 30, 2024, balance
related to the loan is recorded as other liability on the unaudited condensed
interim consolidated statement of financial position is $nil (December 31,
2023 - $1,187,437).

                                                  June 30,        December 31,
                                                  2024            2023
 Melquart Limited
 Financing facilities, beginning of period     $  638,432      $  -
 Financing facility received                      -               580,392
 Less bonus warrants issued                       -               (16,984       )
 Accretion                                        4,245           7,077
 Interest                                         40,767          64,095
 Foreign exchange adjustment                      18,086          3,852
 Balance, end of period                           701,530         638,432
 Less current portion                             (701,530  )     -
 Due to related parties - non-current balance  $  -            $  638,432

(b) Remuneration of officer and directors of the Company was as follows:

                                  Three Months Ended                   Six Months Ended
                                  June 30,                             June 30,
                                  2024                   2023          2024                   2023
 Salaries and benefits ((1))   $  128,193         $      111,315    $  220,314         $      224,649
 Stock-based compensation         174,127                80,117        195,696                221,348
                               $  302,320         $      191,432    $  416,010         $      445,997

((1)) Salaries and benefits include director fees. As at June 30, 2024, due to
directors for fees amounted to $140,000 (December 31, 2023 - $140,000) and due
to officers, mainly for salaries and benefits accrued amounted to $139,141
(December 31, 2023 - $25,106), and is included with due to related parties.

(c) As at June 30, 2024, the issued shares of Galantas total 114,841,403. Ross
Beaty owns 3,744,747 common shares of the Company or approximately 3.3% of the
outstanding common shares. Premier Miton owns 4,848,243 common shares of the
Company or approximately 4.2%. Melquart owns, directly and indirectly,
28,140,195 common shares of the Company or approximately 24.5% of the
outstanding common shares of the Company. G&F Phelps owns 5,353,818 common
shares of the Company or approximately 4.7%. Eric Sprott owns 10,166,667
common shares of the Company or approximately 8.9%. Mike Gentile owns
6,217,222 common shares of the Company or approximately 5.4%.

Excluding the Melquart Ltd, Premier Miton, Mr. Beaty, Mr. Phelps, Mr. Sprott
and Mr. Gentile shareholdings discussed above, the remaining 49% of the shares
are widely held, which includes various small holdings which are owned by
directors of the Company. These holdings can change at anytime at the
discretion of the of the owner.

The Company is not aware of any arrangements that may at a subsequent date
result in a change in control of the Company.

16. Segment Disclosure

The Company has determined that it has one reportable segment. The Company's
operations are substantially all related to its investment in Cavanacaw and
its subsidiaries, Omagh and Flintridge. Substantially all of the Company's
revenues, costs and assets of the business that support these operations are
derived or located in Northern Ireland. Segmented information on a geographic
basis is as follows:

 June 30, 2024          United Kingdom       Canada          Total

 Current assets      $  639,744           $  1,332,195    $  1,971,939
 Non-current assets  $  28,270,723        $  1,793,491    $  30,064,214
 Revenues            $  -                 $  -            $  -

 December 31, 2023      United Kingdom       Canada          Total

 Current assets      $  1,831,473         $  2,376,856    $  4,208,329
 Non-current assets  $  26,702,212        $  1,673,478    $  28,375,690
 Revenues            $  -                 $  -            $  -


17. Contingency

During the year ended December 31, 2010, the Company's subsidiary Omagh
received a payment demand from Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs ("HMRC") in
the amount of $526,452 (GBP 304,290) in connection with an aggregate levy
arising from the removal of waste rock from the mine site during 2008 and
early 2009. Omagh believed this claim to be without merit. An appeal was
lodged with the Tax Tribunals Service and the hearing started at the beginning
of March 2017 and following a number of adjournments was completed in August
2018. During the year ended December 31, 2019, the Tax Tribunals Service
issued their judgement dismissing the appeal by Omagh in respect of the
assessments. A provision has now been included in the unaudited condensed
interim consolidated financial statements in respect of the aggregates levy
plus interest and penalty.

There is a contingent liability in respect of potential additional interest
which may be applied in respect of the aggregates levy dispute. Omagh is
unable to make a reliable estimate of the amount of the potential additional
interest that may be applied by HMRC.

18. Event After the Reporting Period

On July 10, 2024, the Company announced that it agreed in principle to a
proposal from G&F Phelps to develop a solar power facility at the
Cavanacaw Gold Mine at the Omagh Project. The two-megawatt facility, with
battery storage, is expected to significantly boost power generation on site
and provide lower cost power than existing diesel generation, at a
significantly lower carbon footprint. The proposal anticipates G&F Phelps
renting rehabilitated land comprised of former tailings cells and a filled
southern section of the former open pit. G&F Phelps is expected to provide
the majority of capital required for the project, recouping the cost from the
power generated. The proposal is subject to a detailed cost study, impact
assessment and planning permission from regulatory authorities. Surplus power
from the solar facility is expected to be exported to the local grid.


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