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REG - Fletcher King PLC - Half-year Report

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RNS Number : 5369X  Fletcher King PLC  21 December 2023







("Flecther King" or the "Company")


Interim Results for the 6 months ended 31 October 2023



Financial Highlights



 Turnover:                               £1,326,000                (2022: £1,338,000)
 Earnings before tax:                    £50,000                   (2022: £32,000)
 Basic EPS:                              0.33p per share           (2022: 0.23p per share)
 Dividend proposed:                      nil                       (2022: nil)



Operational Highlights

·      Earnings before tax improved slightly on the comparative period
last year.

·      The moribund commercial property market has continued to weigh on
transactional fee income but new property management instructions have
supported growth in recurring fee income.

·      Anthony Ferguson joined on 1 November 2023 to launch a new
Planning specialism unit within the business. This will provide complementary
property services to existing and new clients for which there is a good
pipeline of work.

Commenting on the results David Fletcher, Chairman of Fletcher King said:

"Against a backdrop of extremely challenging property market conditions, it is
pleasing to report profitable performance for the period, with overall results
being slightly ahead of last year. Capital markets are likely to remain
subdued for a while yet, but with some good instructions in the pipeline and a
focus on improving non-transactional revenues, there are grounds for optimism
that this will translate into business growth and development in due course."


This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of the UK
Market Abuse Regulation and the Directors of the Company are responsible for
the release of this announcement.




Fletcher King Plc

David Fletcher / Peter Bailey

Tel: 020 7493 8400


Cairn Financial Advisers LLP (Nomad)

James Caithie / Liam Murray

Tel: 020 7213 0880


The interim results are available on the Company's website:





Turnover for the period was £1,326,000 (2022: £1,338,000) with a profit
before tax of £50,000 (2022: £32,000).




In view of the continued uncertainty and the low level of profit, the Board is
not declaring an interim dividend (2022: no interim dividend).


The Commercial Property Market


Very little has changed overall in the market since my year end statement in
August 2023 and the drift in values has continued over the second half of 2023
as high interest rates and continuing economic and political uncertainties
have taken their toll on the commercial property market. Capital values across
the market have declined by a further 3% over the last six months, with
offices declining by nearly 10% over the same period. Over 12 months to the
end of October, values have fallen by nearly 13% and the net initial yield on
all property is currently 5.5%.

Investors are currently adopting a 'wait and see' attitude although there is
some evidence that the market could be near the bottom and that 2024 could see
a bounce in the markets. There will undoubtedly be some interesting
opportunities over the next year for the brave investor.

On the occupational side there is some activity in the three major sectors,
particularly in the industrial sector albeit at a much reduced level compared
to pre Covid, and rents are generally static.

Offices continue to suffer and rents are coming under increasing pressure as
hybrid working is proving to be more enduring and becoming the norm. However,
in specific sub-sectors where there is a scarcity of grade A space such as
central London and major regional cities, demand is still strong and there
is some rental growth.

Retail space continues to come under severe pressure and rents continue their


The Board is hopeful that 2024 will herald the beginning of the upturn
although the political uncertainties may prolong inactivity.


Business Overview


I am pleased that, despite this very difficult market, we are again reporting
a profit.

We have had strong performance in Property Asset and Fund Management and have
secured new instructions. There has also been activity in our existing

The performance of the valuation team has been encouraging and we are
expanding the team as new clients have been added during the year.

A number of sizeable Rating appeals are ongoing but overall there are still
huge challenges securing the attention of the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) to
negotiate settlements. Potentially the situation could deteriorate in 2024
when the VOA will be commencing preparation of the 2026 Rating List which will
inevitably diminish resources allocated to clearing outstanding appeals.

Investment transaction activity has been disappointing as a result of the poor
investment market conditions mentioned above.




Yet again it continues to be impossible to accurately predict the future of
the property market and the timing of its recovery. With a focus on improving
non-transactional fee income, our activities are healthy and growing and we
look forward to a reinvigorated capital market.

We are pleased to announce an expansion of the business with the appointment
of Anthony Ferguson (Member of Royal Town Planning Institute) to head up our
newly created Planning specialism. We have been working with Anthony for a
number of years and we are delighted to have him joining us. There is a
significant pipeline of planning work to be done.

Our balance sheet continues to remain strong, as does the relationships we
have with our long standing clients.


As always our team have worked hard in these difficult conditions and we thank
them for their efforts.





20 December 2023

Fletcher King Plc


Consolidated Interim Statement of Profit or Loss and Comprehensive Income

 for the 6 months ended 31 October 2023


                                                                         6 months ended    6 months ended      Year ended
                                                                         31 October        31 October          30 April
                                                                         2023              2022                2023 (Audited)

                                                                         (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)
                                                                         £000              £000                £000

 Revenue                                                                 1,326             1,338               3,079

 Employee benefits expense                                               (764)             (744)               (1,704)
 Depreciation and amortisation expense                                   (97)              (99)                (197)
 Other operating expenses                                                (470)             (496)               (1,064)
 Other operating income                                                  27                26                  51
 Share based payment expense                                             (9)               (9)                 (17)

                                                                         (1,313)           (1,322)             (2,931)

 Investment income                                                       7                 24                  42
 Finance income                                                          37                2                   21
 Finance expense                                                         (7)               (10)                (19)
                                                                         50                32                  192

 Profit before taxation

 Taxation                                                                (16)              (8)                 41

 Profit for the period                                                   34                24                  233

 Other comprehensive income
 Fair value loss on financial assets through other comprehensive income  -                 -                   (44)

 Total comprehensive income for the period                               34                24                  189

 Earnings per share (note 4)
 - Basic                                                                 0.33p             0.23p               2.27p
 - Diluted                                                               0.30p             0.21p               2.09p

 Dividends per share
 Interim dividend proposed                                               -                 -                   -
 Dividends paid                                                          0.75p             0.50p               0.50p





Fletcher King Plc

Consolidated Interim Statement of Financial Position

as at 31 October 2023

                                     31 October        31 October      30 April
                                     2023              2022            2023

                                     (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                     £000              £000            £000

 Non-current assets
 Software                            53                69              61
 Property, plant and equipment       173               237             205
 Right-of-use asset                  321               436             378
 Financial assets                    485               529             485
 Deferred tax asset                  57                24              73

                                     1,089             1,295           1,202

 Current Assets
 Trade and other receivables         1,242             1,346           1,553
 Cash and cash equivalents           2,606             2,418           2,755

                                     3,848             3,764           4,308

 Total assets                        4,937             5,059           5,510

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables            419               567             901
 Lease liabilities                   141               154             141

 Total current liabilities           560               721             1,042

 Non current liabilities
 Lease liabilities                   229               329             286

 Shareholders' equity
 Share capital                       1,025             1,025           1,025
 Share premium                       522               522             522
 Investment revaluation reserve      (145)             (101)           (145)
 Share option reserve                36                19              27
 Reserves                            2,710             2,544           2,753

 Total shareholders' equity          4,148             4,009           4,182

 Total equity and liabilities        4,937             5,059           5,510

Fletcher King Plc


Consolidated Interim Statement of Changes in Equity

for the 6 months ended 31 October 2023


                                                                                                            Investment       Share
                                                Share                         Share                         revaluation      Option                                   Retained      TOTAL
                                                capital                       premium                       reserve          Reserve                                  earnings      EQUITY
                                                £000                          £000                          £000             £000                                     £000          £000

 Balance at 1 May 2023                          1,025                         522                                                                                     2,753         4,182

                                                                                                            (145)            27

 Profit for the period                          -                             -                             -                -                                        34            34
 Equity dividends paid                          -                             -                             -                -                                        (77)          (77)
 Share based payment expense                    -                             -                                                                                       -             9

                                                                                                            -                9

 Balance at 31 October 2023 (Unaudited)         1,025                         522                           (145)            36                                       2,710         4,148

 Balance at 1 May 2022                          1,025                         522                                                                                     2,571         4,027

                                                                                                            (101)            10

 Profit for the period                                      -                             -                                                                           24            24

                                                                                                            -                                 -
 Equity dividends paid                          -                             -                             -                -                                        (51)          (51)
 Share based payment expense                    -                                         -                                                                           -             9

                                                                                                            -                9

 Balance at 31 October 2022 (Unaudited)         1,025                         522                           (101)            19                                       2,544         4,009

 Balance at 1 May 2022                          1,025                         522                                                                                     2,571         4,027

                                                                                                            (101)            10

 Profit for the year                                        -                             -                                                                           233           233

                                                                                                            -                -
 Fair value loss on financial assets through    -                             -                                                                                       -             (44)

                                                                                                            (44)             -
 other comprehensive income
 Share based payment expense                    -                             -                             -                                                         -             17

 Equity dividends paid                          -                             -                             -                -                                        (51)          (51)

 Balance at 30 April 2023 (Audited)             1,025                         522                           (145)                                                     2,753         4,182


Fletcher King Plc

Consolidated Interim Statement of Cash Flows

for the 6 months ended 31 October 2023


                                                                           6 months ended        6 months ended      Year ended
                                                                           31 October            31 October          30 April
                                                                           2023 (Unaudited)      2022 (Unaudited)    2023

                                                                           £000                  £000                £000

 Cash flows from operating activities
 Profit before taxation from continuing operations                         50                    32                  192
 Adjustments for:
 Movement in provision                                                     -                     (25)                (25)
 Depreciation and amortisation expense                                     97                    99                  197
 Investment income                                                         (7)                   (24)                (42)
 Finance income                                                            (37)                  (2)                 (21)
 Finance expense                                                           7                     10                  19
 Share based payment expense                                               9                     9                   17

 Cash flows from operating activities
 before movement in working capital                                        119                   99                  337

 Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables                        311                   (17)                (224)
 (Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables                           (482)                 (557)               (223)

 Cash absorbed by operations                                               (52)                  (475)               (110)
 Taxation received                                                         -                     97                  97

 Net cash flows used in operating activities                               (52)                  (378)               (13)

 Cash flows from investing activities
 Purchase of fixed assets                                                  -                     (5)                 (5)
 Investment income                                                         7                     24                  42
 Finance income                                                            37                    2                   21

 Net cash flows from investing activities                                  44                    21                  58

 Cash flows from financing activities
 Lease payments                                                            (64)                  (539)               (604)
 Dividends paid to shareholders                                            (77)                  (51)                (51)

 Net cash flows from financing activities                                  (141)                 (590)               (655)

 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                 (149)                 (947)               (610)

 Cash and cash equivalents at start of period                              2,755                 3,365               3,365

 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                2,606                 2,418               2,755


Fletcher King Plc


Explanatory Notes


1.     General information


The Company is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled in England
and Wales. The address of its registered office is 19-20 Great Pulteney
Street, London W1F 9NF.


These interim financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on
20 December 2023.


2.     Basis of preparation


The interim financial information in this report has been prepared using
accounting policies consistent with IFRS as endorsed by the UK.  IFRS is
subject to amendment and interpretation by the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB) and the International Financial Reporting Standards
Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) and there is an ongoing process of review
and endorsement by the UK Endorsement Board. The financial information has
been prepared on the basis of IFRS that the Directors expect to apply for the
year ended 30 April 2024.


The accounting policies applied by the Group in this interim report are the
same as those applied by the Group in the consolidated financial statements
for the year ended 30 April 2023. There are no new standards, interpretations
and amendments, effective for the first time from 1 May 2023, that have had a
material effect on the financial statements of the Group.



3.     Non Statutory Accounts


The financial information for the periods ended 31 October 2023 and 31 October
2022 and the year ended 30 April 2023 set out in this interim report does not
constitute the Group's statutory accounts for that period. Whilst the
financial figures included in this interim report have been computed in
accordance with IFRS, this interim report does not contain sufficient
information to constitute an interim financial report as that term is defined
in IAS34. The statutory accounts for the year ended 30 April 2023 have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors reported on those
accounts; their report was unqualified, did not contain a statement under
either Section 498(2) or Section 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006 and did not
include references to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way
of emphasis.


The financial information for the 6 months ended 31 October 2023 and 31
October 2022 is unaudited.


Fletcher King Plc


Explanatory Notes



4.     Earnings per share

                                                                   6 months to 31 October 2023  6 months to 31 October 2022  Year ended 30 April 2023

                                                                   Number                       Number                       Number

 Weighted average number of shares for basic earnings per share    10,252,209                   10,252,209                   10,252,209
 Share options                                                     920,000                      920,000                      920,000
 Weighted average number of shares for diluted earnings per share  11,172,209                   11,172,209                   11,172,209

                                                                   £000                         £000                         £000


 Earnings for basic and diluted earnings per share:                                             24                           233

 Basic earnings per share                                          0.33p                        0.23p                        2.27p

 Diluted earnings per share                                        0.30p                        0.21p                        2.09p





Forward Looking Statements


Certain statements in this announcement are forward-looking statements
relating to the Company's operations, performance and financial position based
on current expectations of, and assumptions and forecasts made by, management.
 They are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors which
could cause actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to
differ materially from any outcomes or results expressed or implied by such
forward-looking statements.  Undue reliance should not be placed on such
forward looking statements.  They are made only as of the date of this
announcement and no representation, assurance, guarantee or warranty is given
in relation to them including as to their accuracy, completeness, or the basis
on which they are made.



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