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REG - First Property Group - Preliminary results

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RNS Number : 8382T  First Property Group PLC  26 June 2024

Date:                     26 June 2024

On Behalf of:        First Property Group plc ("First Property", the
"Company" or the "Group")

Embargoed:         0700hrs


First Property Group plc


Preliminary results for the twelve months to 31 March 2024 (Unaudited)


First Property Group plc (AIM: FPO), the property fund manager and investor
with operations in the United Kingdom and Central Europe, today announces its
unaudited preliminary results for the twelve months ended 31 March 2024.



·      Statutory loss before tax for the year: £4.41 million (31 March
2023 profit before tax: £2.49 million)

·      Cash at 31 March 2024: £4.63 million (31 March 2023: £7.65

·      Net debt at 31 March 2024: £22.99 million (31 March 2023:
£22.01 million)

·     Third party Assets Under Management ("AUM") at 31 March 2024: £222
million (31 March 2023: £400 million)

·      Total AUM at 31 March 2024: £274 million (31 March 2023: £454

·      Weighted average unexpired fund management contract term at 31
March 2024: 1 year, 9 months (31 March 2023: 2 years, 9 months)


Financial summary:

                                             Unaudited                     Audited

                                             year to                      year to                      Percentage

                                             31 March 2024                31 March 2023                change
 Income Statement:
 Statutory (loss)/profit before tax          (£4.41m)                     £2.49m                       -277.11%
 Diluted (loss)/earnings per share           (4.04p)                      1.70p                        -337.65%
 Total dividend per share                    -                            0.50p                        -100.00%
 Average €/£ exchange rate                   1.1606                       1.1567                       -

 Financial position at the year-end:
 Investment properties at book value         £45.76m                      £47.01m                      -2.66%
 Investment properties at market value       £51.90m                      £53.97m                      -3.84%
 Associates and investments at book value    £19.90m                      £22.13m                      -10.09%
 Associates and investments at market value  £20.26m                      £25.27m                      -19.83%

 Cash balances                               £4.63m                       £7.65m                       -39.48%
 Cash per share                              4.18p                        6.90p                        -39.42%
 Gross debt                                  £27.62m                      £29.66m                      -6.88%
 Net debt                                    £22.99m                      £22.01m                      4.45%

 Gearing ratio at book value*                41.47%                       40.57%                       -
 Gearing ratio at market value*              38.28%                       36.08%                       -

 Net assets at book value**                  £38.98m                      £43.44m                      -10.27%
 Net assets at market value                  £44.53m                      £52.54m                      -15.25%
 Adjusted net assets per share (EPRA basis)  39.41p                       46.50p                       -15.25%

 Year-end €/£ rate                           1.1697                       1.1381                       -

 *Gearing ratio = Gross debt divided by gross assets
 **Attributable to the owners of the parent, excludes non-controlling interests


Commenting on the results, Ben Habib, Chief Executive of First Property Group
plc, said:


"The last year has been a challenging time for investing in commercial


"The combination of higher interest rates in the US, attracting capital out of
other markets (including Poland), higher interest rates generally putting
pressure on values and availability of bank debt, weaker economies and a
burdensome regulatory environment with the drive to Net Zero has resulted in
reduced occupancy demand, higher capital investment requirements, reduced
values and an exodus of institutional investors from the markets.


"As a result, the capital values of our properties have been under pressure
and leasing activity has not been as strong as we would have hoped and


"Nevertheless, we are managing the situation and once US interest rates begin
to ease we would expect a recovery in the UK and Europe."


A briefing for analysts and shareholders will be held at 11.00hrs today via
Investor Meet Company. To participate it is necessary to register at
and select to meet the Company. Those who have already registered and selected
to meet the Company will be automatically invited. A copy of the accompanying
investor presentation and a recording of the call will be posted on the
Company's website.




For further information please contact:


 First Property Group plc                                      Tel: +44 (20) 7340 0270
 Ben Habib (Chief Executive Officer)                           www.fprop.com (http://www.fprop.com)

 Laura James (Group Finance Director)                          investor.relations@fprop.com (mailto:investor.relations@fprop.com)

 Jeremy Barkes (Director, Business Development)
 Jill Aubrey (Company Secretary)

 Allenby Capital (NOMAD & Broker)                              Tel: + 44 (0) 20 3328 5656
 Nick Naylor / Daniel Dearden-Williams (Corporate Finance)

 Amrit Nahal / Tony Quirke (Sales and Corporate Broking)



Notes to Investors and Editors:


First Property Group plc is an award-winning property fund manager and
investor with operations in the United Kingdom and Central Europe. Its focus
is on higher yielding commercial property with sustainable cash flows. The
Company is flexible and takes an active approach to asset management. Its
earnings are derived from:


·      Fund Management - via its FCA regulated and AIFMD approved
subsidiary, First Property Asset Management Ltd ("FPAM"), which earns fees
from investing for third parties in property. FPAM currently manages twelve
funds which are invested across the United Kingdom, Poland and Romania.


·      Group Properties - principal investments by the Group, to earn a
return on its own capital, usually in partnership with third parties.
Investments include six directly held properties in Poland, one in Romania,
and non-controlling interests in nine of the twelve funds.


Quoted on AIM, the Company has offices in London and Warsaw. Further
information about the Company and its properties can be found at:
www.fprop.com (http://www.fprop.com) .

















Financial performance


I am pleased to report the Company's preliminary results for the year ended 31
March 2024.


Revenue earned by the Group during the year increased by 8% to £7.85 million
(31 March 2023: £7.25 million) yielding a loss before tax of £4.41 million
(31 March 2023: profit before tax: £2.49 million).


The loss was mainly caused by two non-cash items:


1.     an impairment of £3.72 million to the value of the Group's office
property in Gdynia in order to match its value to the value of the liability
secured against it as announced on 17 May 2024; and


2.     a reduction of £0.97 million in the fair value of the Group's
investment in Fprop Opportunities plc ('FOP'), of which £0.82 million was
reported in the Group's interim accounts.


The Group ended the year with net assets calculated under the cost basis of
accounting, excluding non-controlling interests, of £38.98 million (31 March
2023: £43.44 million), equating to 35.15 pence per share (31 March 2023:
39.18 pence per share). It is the accounting policy of the Group to carry its
properties and interests in associates at the lower of cost or market value.


The net assets of the Group when adjusted to their market value less any
deferred tax liabilities (EPRA basis), amounted to £44.53 million or 39.41
pence per share at 31 March 2024 (31 March 2023: £52.54 million or 46.50
pence per share).


Gross debt at the year-end amounted to £27.62 million (31 March 2023: £29.66
million), £17.10 million of which was non-interest bearing and represents
deferred consideration payable for the purchase of two office properties in
Poland. Net debt stood at £22.99 million (31 March 2023: £22.01 million).
The debt was secured against six properties in Poland.


The Group's gearing ratio with its properties at their book value was 41.47%
(31 March 2023: 40.57%) and with its properties at their market value was
38.28% (31 March 2023 36.08%).


Group cash balances at the year-end stood at £4.63 million (31 March 2023:
£7.65 million), equivalent to 4.18 pence per share (31 March 2023: 6.90 pence
per share). The reduction was mainly due to capital expenditure of £1.67
million associated with letting vacant space at Blue Tower in Warsaw and the
repayment of the £0.80 million loan previously secured against the Group's
directly held office property in Bucharest, Romania.


The diluted loss per share was (4.04) pence (2023: earnings of 1.70 pence).




The Directors have resolved not to pay a dividend (31 March 2023: 0.50 pence
per share) until the Group returns to profitability.




Third party assets under management ended the year at £221.8 million (31
March 2023: £400.4 million).

The decrease in value of third party funds was mainly due to:

1.     the write down in value of properties held by Fprop Phoenix Ltd
("FPL") of £45.71 million and those held by Fprop Offices LP ("Fprop
Offices") of £37.55 million and a reduction in the value of properties held
by other funds of £28.69 million. These were also impacted by foreign
exchange losses of £4.56 million; and


2.     the sale by two funds of fourteen properties in the United Kingdom
valued at a total of £62.66 million.

Fund management fees are generally levied monthly by reference to the value of
properties. We do not earn a fixed fee from Fprop Offices and the reduction in
value of the fund does not reduce our recurring income. Fprop Offices has
reached the end of its fund life and is in the process of being wound up.

Revenue earned by this division increased by 17% to £2.95 million (2023:
£2.52 million), resulting in profit before unallocated central overheads and
tax increasing by £0.70 million to £0.82 million (2023: £0.12 million). The
increase was mainly due to the advance payment of £411,000 of fund management
fees by SIPS, in respect of properties sold prior to the end of the fund's

At the year end fund management fee income, excluding performance fees, was
being earned at an annualised rate of £1.83 million (31 March 2023: £2.55

The weighted average unexpired fund management contract term at the year-end
was 1 year, 9 months (31 March 2023: 2 years, 9 months).

The reconciliation of movement in third party funds managed by FPAM during the
year is shown below:


                                   Funds managed for third parties (including funds in which the Group is a
                                   minority shareholder)
                                   UK                   CEE                  Total                No. of properties

                                   £m                   £m                   £m
 As at 1 April 2023                241.38               159.00               400.38               53
 Purchases                         -                    -                    -                    -
 Property sales                    (62.66)              -                    (62.66)              (18)
 Reclassified as Group properties  -                    -                    -                    -
 Capital expenditure               0.29                 0.27                 0.56                 -
 Property revaluation              (64.00)              (47.95)              (111.95)             -
 FX revaluation                    -                    (4.56)               (4.56)               -
 As at 31 March 2024               115.01               106.76               221.77               35

An overview of the value of assets and maturity of each of the funds managed
by FPAM is set out below:


 Fund                   Country of investment  Fund expiry     Assets under management at market value at      No. of properties     % of total third-party assets under management      Assets under management at market value at

                                                               31 March 2024                                                                                                             31 March 2023
                                                       £m.                                                                                                     £m.
 SAM & DHOW             UK                     Rolling         *                                               *                     *                                                   *
 FPROP OFFICES          UK                     Jun 2024        47.4                                            4                     21.4                                                84.9
 SIPS                   UK                     Jan 2025        33.8                                            10                    15.3                                                104.7
 FOP                    Poland                 Oct 2025        60.3                                            5                     27.2                                                64.5
 FGC                    Poland                 Mar 2026        21.7                                            1                     9.8                                                 22.0
 UK PPP                 UK                     Jan 2027        13.6                                            7                     6.1                                                 28.1
 SPEC OPPS              UK                     Jan 2027        12.7                                            4                     5.7                                                 14.9
 FKR                    Poland                 Mar 2027        16.4                                            1                     7.4                                                 16.8
 FCL                    Romania                Jun 2028        8.3                                             1                     3.7                                                 8.7
 FPL                    Poland                 Jun 2028        -                                               -                     -                                                   47.0
 FULCRUM                UK                     Indefinite      7.6                                             2                     3.4                                                 8.8
 Total Third-Party AUM                                         221.8                                           35                    100.0                                               400.4


* Not subject to recent revaluation.


The sub sector weightings of investments in FPAM funds is set out in the table

                             UK     Poland  Romania  Total   % of Total
                             £m.    £m.     £m.      £m.
 Offices                     89.1   37.2    8.3      134.6   60.7%
 Retail warehousing          16.6   -       -        16.6    7.5%
 Supermarkets                9.3    12.1    -        21.4    9.6%
 Shopping centres            -      49.2    -        49.2    22.2%
 Total                       115.0  98.5    8.3      221.8   100.0%
 % of Total Third-Party AUM  51.9%  44.4%   3.7%     100.0%



The Group Properties division is made up of the Group's principal investments
to earn a return on its own capital. At 31 March 2024, Group Properties
comprised seven directly owned commercial properties in Poland and Romania
valued at £51.90 million (31 March 2023: £53.97 million) and interests in
nine of the twelve funds managed by FPAM (classified as Associates and
Investments) valued at £20.26 million (31 March 2023: £25.27 million).

The net equity invested in the Group's seven directly owned properties
totalled £24.28 million at market value, of which £14.02 million was
invested in Blue Tower, an office tower in Central Warsaw. The Group's net
equity in Blue Tower equates to 58% of the net equity invested in its seven
directly owned properties.

This division lost £3.79 million before tax and unallocated central overheads
during the year (year ended 31 March 2023: contributed £3.43 million). The
loss was mainly due to:

·      a non-cash impairment of the value of the Group's office property
in Gdynia, Poland, by £3.72 million, and

·      a non-cash reduction in the fair value of the Group's investment
in FOP by £0.97 million.


1.     Directly owned Group Properties (all accounted for under the cost

The book value of the Group's seven directly owned properties was £45.76
million (31 March 2023: £47.01 million). Their market value, based on
valuations at 31 March 2024, was £51.90 million (31 March 2023: £53.97

 Country      Sector       Property/    No. of props 31 March 2024  Book value 31 March 2024  Market value 31 March 2024  *Contribution to Group profit before tax  *Contribution to Group

                           Fund Name                                                                                      31 March 2024                             profit before tax

                                                                                                                                                                    31 March 2023
                                                                    £m.                       £m.                         £m.                                       £m.
 Poland       Office       Blue Tower   1                           23.11                     26.69                       0.82                                      1.13
 Poland       Office       Gdynia       1                           10.25                     10.25                       (0.15)                                    (0.39)
 Romania      Office       Dr Felix     1                           2.21                      3.61                        0.11                                      0.27
 Poland       Supermarket  Praga        1                           2.07                      3.09                        0.10                                      0.12
 Poland       Multi use    5PT          3                           8.12                      8.26                        0.33                                      0.28
 Total*                                 7                           45.76                     51.90                       1.21                                      1.41
 Profit from the sale of three investment properties                                                                      -                                         1.78
 Property impairment                                                                                                      (3.75)                                    -
 Reversal of provision in respect of rental guarantee                                                                     0.13                                      0.51
 Interest expense                                                                                                         (0.78)                                    (0.53)
 Other overhead costs allocated to the Group Property division                                                            (0.71)                                    (0.61)
 Total contributions to PBT from Group Properties                                                                         (3.90)                                    2.56


* Prior to the deduction of direct overhead and unallocated central overhead


Two of the Group's seven directly owned properties account for 71% (£36.94
million) of the Group's directly owned portfolio at market value. Both are
office buildings in Poland. One is Blue Tower in Warsaw (in which the Group's
80.3% share totals circa 18,000 square metres) and the other is in Gdynia
(circa 13,500 square metres).

By size, 90% of the Group's seven directly owned properties (39,000 square
metres out of a total 43,000 square metres) is invested in offices. Nearly
half of this space (some 22,000 square metres) was acquired in 2021 (Gdynia)
and 2022 (32% of Blue Tower) for around €20 million, of which nearly all
(19,000 square metres) was vacant at purchase. We have since let some 6,100
square metres of this (net c4,000 square metres after accounting for lease
expiries) but with 15,000 square metres remaining to be let, progress has been
slower than initially anticipated. Once fully let, net operating income should
improve by some €3 million per annum and capital values should also improve.

The debt secured against these seven properties at the year-end totalled
£27.62 million (31 March 2023: £29.66 million), of which only £10.52
million was interest bearing. The remainder (£17.10 million) represents
deferred consideration in respect of:

·      the purchase in 2021 of the office block in Gdynia (€12 million
equating to £10.25 million). Payment was due in June 2024. We are in
discussions with the lender to extend this date. In the meantime, we have
impaired the holding value of this property by £3.72 million so that its
carrying value equals the value of the loan secured against it; and

·      the purchase in 2022 of an additional 32% or 7,171 square metres
in Blue Tower (PLN 34.40 million equating to £6.85 million). Payment is due
in phases until August 2028.

Interest costs on the Group's debt amounted to £0.78 million (2023: £0.53
million). This equates to an average borrowing cost of 2.8% per annum when
expressed as a percentage of total outstanding Group debt of £27.62 million,
or 7.4% per annum if the deferred consideration of £17.10 million, on which
no interest is payable, is excluded.

                                                      31 March 2024  31 March 2023
                                                      £m.            £m.
 Book value of directly owned properties              45.76          47.01
 Market value of directly owned properties            51.90          53.97
 Gross debt undiscounted (all non-recourse to Group)  27.62          29.66
 LTV at book value                                    60.36%         63.09%
 LTV at market value                                  53.22%         54.96%
 Average borrowing cost                               2.8%           1.8%


The vacancy rate across all seven properties is 20.34%.

The weighted average unexpired lease term ("WAULT") as at 31 March 2024 was 4
years, 10 months (2023: 5 years, 2 months).

2.     Associates and Investments


The associates and investments comprise non-controlling interests in nine of
the twelve funds managed by FPAM of which five are accounted for as Associates
and held at the lower of cost or fair value (the "cost model"), and four are
accounted for as Investments in funds and held at fair value.

The contribution to Group profit before tax and unallocated central overheads
from its Associates and Investments was £0.11 million (year ended 31 March
2023: £0.87 million). The contribution was impacted by aggregate impairment
provisions of £1.07 million in the book value of the Group's investment in
FOP by £0.97 million and in Fprop Krakow Ltd ("FKR") by £0.10 million.

At the year-end the associates and investments were valued at £20.26 million
(31 March 2023: £25.27 million). The reduction in their market value by some
£5.01 million from last year was mainly due to:

·    write downs in the value of properties held by FPL and Fprop Offices
which resulted in the market value of the Group's share in these funds
reducing by some £3.80 million;

·    property sales by UK funds in which the Group holds an investment
which resulted in the repayment of capital totalling £0.45 million plus
reductions in property values which resulted in the value of the Group's share
reducing by £0.34 million; and

·    a reduction in the value of properties held by FOP, Fprop Corso
("FGC"), FKR and Fprop Cluj ("FCL"), which resulted in the market value of the
Group's share in these funds reducing by £0.42 million.

An overview of the Group's Associates and Investments is set out in the table

 Fund           % owned by       Book value of First Property's share in  Current market value of holdings  Group's share                         Group's share

                First Property   fund                                                                       of post-tax profits earned by fund   of post-tax profits earned by fund

                Group                                                                                       31 March 2024                        31 March 2023
                %                £'000                                    £'000                             £'000                                £'000
 a) Associates (all invested in Poland and Romania)
 FOP            45.7             12,539                                   12,539                            (141)                                293
 FGC            29.1             2,968                                    3,189                             202                                  289
 FKR            18.1             1,090                                    1,090                             (64)                                 (426)
 FPL            23.4             -                                        -                                 (60)                                 (848)
 FCL            21.2             678                                      818                               41                                   64
 Sub Total                       17,275                                   17,636                            (22)                                 (628)

 b) Investments (all invested in the United Kingdom)
 UK PPP         0.9              161                                      161                               23                                   40
 FULCRUM        2.5              156                                      156                               5                                    9
 SPEC OPPS      11.1             1,965                                    1,965                             83                                   1,353
 FPROP OFFICES  1.6              341                                      341                               23                                   95
 Sub Total                       2,623                                    2,623                             134                                  1,497


 Total  19,898  20,259  112  869

Commercial Property Markets Outlook


GDP growth in Poland in 2023 decreased to 0.2% (2022: 5.3%), lower even than
during the global financial crisis in 2009. It is forecast to grow by 2.6% in


Unemployment has been at around 5.0% since mid-2023 (a historic low), which,
in combination with strong nominal wage increases of around 30% since 2021, is
sustaining economic activity.


The National Bank of Poland's key policy interest rate reduced from 6.75% to
5.75% in October 2023, where it remains. Inflation has fallen from the high
teens in late 2022 to sub 3% from February 2024. Notwithstanding this downward
trend, interest rates remain elevated from previous levels.


Increased interest rates in the US and Europe have attracted capital out of
Poland and, with bank lending constrained, investment demand for commercial
property remains very weak.


In 2023 investment transaction volume for commercial property reduced to €2
billion, the lowest turnover since 2009. Average annual turnover is typically
€6 billion. The development of new property is at a cyclical low.


Rental values in Poland are contractually mostly linked to inflation, which
offers some protection from inflation as long as the economy remains buoyant
and tenants can afford to pay their contractual increases.

United Kingdom:

Continued elevated interest rates, coupled with, inter alia, the cost of
capital improvements in order to meet net zero emissions targets, and reduced
tenant demand for regional offices and regional retail units, continue to
exert sustained pressure on the commercial property market. As a result total
transaction levels in 2023 reduced to £44bn (2022: £62bn), 27% below the
10-year average of £60bn. Office transactions in particular were weak,
suffering their second weakest quarter in Q1 2024 since 2009, the weakest
being Q2 2020 during covid. Capital values have generally reduced across the
board, in many cases by more than 50% since the onset of lockdowns during the
covid pandemic.

Tenant demand for offices is focused on class A city centre space. Vacancy
rates for such space is low at some 2.3%, even though the average tenant
requirement is some 25% smaller than prior to covid. In contrast, demand for
offices in outer or non-prime locations is minimal. Vacancy levels for
regional offices stands at 10.5% versus a long term average of 6.6%, though
take-up is improving. The value of many regional offices has declined to
little more than land value.

Retail rental growth averaged 0.6% in the 12 months to March 2024, led by the
retail warehouse sector where rental values rose by an average of 1.1%, but
held back by shopping centres where rental values fell by 2%.

Current Trading and Prospects

The last year has been a challenging time for investing in commercial


The combination of higher interest rates in the US, attracting capital out of
other markets (including Poland), higher interest rates generally putting
pressure on values and availability of bank debt, weaker economies and a
burdensome regulatory environment with the drive to Net Zero has resulted in
reduced occupancy demand, higher capital investment requirements, reduced
values and an exodus of institutional investors from the markets.


As a result, the capital values of our properties have been under pressure and
leasing activity has not been as strong as we would have hoped and expected.


Nevertheless, we are managing the situation and once US interest rates begin
to ease we would expect a recovery in the UK and Europe.


Ben Habib

Chief Executive

26 June 2024



The loss before tax for the year of £4.41 million (2023: profit before tax
£2.49 million) was largely driven by a non-cash property impairment of £3.72
million in respect of a directly held Group property in Gdynia and a reduction
of £0.97 million in the fair value of the Group's investment in one of its
associates, FOP. Otherwise, the Group traded in line with market expectations.


The Group owes deferred consideration of £10.25 million (€12 million) in
respect of the Gdynia property, which was due for repayment on 11 June 2024
and for which payment was not made. The Group is in discussions to restructure
the deferred consideration and is hopeful of a positive outcome. However, in
view of the non-payment of this liability and the uncertainty over its
payment, the Directors resolved to impair the value of the property by £3.72
million to match its value to the value of the outstanding liability.


Group net assets excluding non-controlling interests at 31 March 2024
decreased to £38.98 million (31 March 2023: £43.44 million).


Gross debt at the year end was £27.62 million (31 March 2023: £29.66
million). The decrease was largely due to the repayment in full of the Group's
loan secured against its directly owned office property in Bucharest, Romania
totalling £0.80 million. Of this gross debt, £17.10 million represents
deferred consideration on which no interest is payable. Net debt increased to
£22.99 million (31 March 2023: £22.01 million).




The Directors have carried out an analysis to support their view that the
Group is a going concern and under which basis these financial statements have
been prepared.


Analysis and reverse stress testing, was carried out on the Group's main
divisional income streams, being asset management fees from the asset
management division, rental income from its seven directly owned Group
Properties and cash returns from its Associates and Investments. Further
details of this analysis are set out in the "Basis of Preparation" note below.


Based on the results of the analysis conducted the Board believes that the
Group has the ability to continue its business for at least twelve months from
the date of approval of the financial statements and therefore has adopted the
going concern basis in the preparation of this financial information.




A review of the operating and financial performance of the two trading
divisions are included in the Chief Executive's Statement.


Revenue and Gross Profit


Revenue for the year increased by £0.60 million or 8% to £7.85 million (year
ended 31 March 2023: £7.25 million).


Gross profit (revenue less the cost of sales) reduced by £0.02 million to
£4.97 million (year ended 31 March 2023: £4.99 million).


No performance fees were recognised during the financial year to 31 March 2024
(year ended 31 March 2023: charge of (£0.59) million).


Operating Expenses


Operating expenses increased by £0.39 million or 8% to £5.16 million (year
ended 31 March 2023: £4.77 million) mainly due to a non-cash charge of £0.64
million (year ended 31 March 2023: £Nil) being recognised in respect of share
options. See note 6 of the notes to the accounts for more information on the
share-based payment scheme.


Share of Results in Associates


The contribution from the Group's associates amounted to a loss of £0.02
million (year ended 31 March 2023: loss £0.63 million). The contribution was
impacted by two fair value adjustments of £0.97 million in respect of the
Group's 45.7% holding in FOP and £0.10 million in respect of the Group's
18.1% holding in FKR.


The cost of the Group's share in FOP, which is invested in five commercial
properties in Poland, was rebased in October 2018 when the Group's share in it
reduced below 50%, resulting in it being deconsolidated from the accounts of
the Group and recognised as an associate at the prevailing property values. In
the year to 31 March 2024, the five properties owned by FOP decreased in value
by €2.97 million which resulted in the Group recognising a fair value
adjustment of £0.97 million.


Investment Income (from other financial assets and investments)


Investment income from the Group's four investments in five of the UK funds
managed by FPAM decreased by 91% to £0.13 million (31 March 2023: £1.50
million). The prior year figure was bolstered by distributions of £1.35
million from Fprop UK Special Opportunities LP (Spec Opps).

Financing Costs


Finance costs increased to £0.78 million (31 March 2023: £0.53 million)
mainly due to higher interest rates payable on the Group's floating rate
loans. All bank loans are denominated in Euros and all are used to finance
properties valued in Euros.





Investment Properties (held using the cost model)


The Group has adopted the "cost model" of valuation whereby investment
properties are accounted for at the lower of cost less accumulated
depreciation and impairments, or at fair market value.


The Group owes deferred consideration of £10.25 million (€12 million) in
respect of the Gdynia property, which was due for repayment on 11 June 2024
and for which payment was not made. The Group is in discussions to restructure
the deferred consideration and is hopeful of a positive outcome. However, in
view of the non-payment of this liability and the uncertainty over its
payment, the Directors impaired the value of the property by £3.72
million to match its value to the value of the outstanding liability.


At the year end the Group held seven properties. Their book value was £45.76
million (31 March 2023: £47.01 million). Their fair market value was £51.90
million (31 March 2023: £53.97 million).


Capital expenditure incurred on the Group's seven directly owned properties
amounted to £1.67 million (31 March 2023: £1.02 million).


Foreign exchange revaluations amounted to a debit of £1.17 million (31 March
2023: debit £1.32 million).




Bank and other borrowings (including deferred consideration) decreased to
£27.62 million (31 March 2023: £29.66 million). The decrease was largely
driven by the repayment in full of one loan secured against the Group's
directly owned property in Bucharest, Romania, totalling £0.80 million.


The Group's current financial liabilities have increased to £13.08 million
(31 March 2023: £2.06 million) mainly due to:


1.     deferred consideration of £10.25 million (€12 million) in
respect of the Gdynia property, which was due for repayment on 11 June 2024
and for which payment was not made; and


2.     deferred consideration of £1.00 million in respect of one delayed
instalment payment relating to the purchase of the additional share in Blue
Tower plus the next instalment of £1.00 million due in August 2024.


Both debts are non-recourse to the Group.


The ratio of debt to gross assets at their market value (the gearing ratio)
increased to 38.28% (31 March 2023: 36.08%).


All bank loans are denominated in Euros and are non-recourse to the Group's


Deposits of £0.32 million (31 March 2023: £0.64 million) are held by lending
banks as security for Debt Service Cover Ratio (DSCR) covenants in respect of
four bank loans (31 March 2023: five). Consequently this cash was restricted
as at 31 March 2024.


Trade and Other Receivables


Trade and other receivables decreased by £0.65 million to £4.15 million (31
March 2023: £4.80 million).


Trade and Other Payables


Trade and other payables decreased by £0.59 million to £3.79 million (31
March 2023: £4.38 million). It includes £1.11 million payable to Fprop
Offices in respect of performance fees eligible to be clawed back by the fund.

Non-controlling Interests


The value of the Group's two non-controlling interests decreased by £0.08
million to £1.95 million (31 March 2023: £2.03 million). The two
non-controlling interests consist of:


1.     10% of the share capital of Corp Sp. z o. o., the property
management company to Blue Tower, Warsaw; and


2.     47.20% of the share capital of 5th Property Trading Ltd ("5PT"), a
fund invested in three commercial properties in Poland.


In July 2023 the Group acquired for £0.21 million the minority interest
(being 23%) in E and S Estates Ltd ("E and S"), a fund managed by the Group,
resulting in it owning 100% of the shares in issue. E and S owns a supermarket
in Praga, a suburb of Warsaw, valued at €3.61 million.


Investment Revaluation Reserve


The investment revaluation reserve decreased by £1.46 million to a debit
balance of £2.19 million (31 March 2023: £0.73 million) mainly due to a
decrease in value of the Group's co-investment in Fprop Offices resulting from
a reduction of £37.55 million in the value of the properties held by this
fund. The life of this fund expired in June 2024 and the fund is currently in
the process of selling all of its assets. We expect to recycle the £1.07
million debit balance which was attributable to Fprop Offices at 31 March 2024
from the investment revaluation reserve to the profit and loss account during
the financial year to 31 March 2025.


Foreign Exchange Translation Reserve


A strengthening of the Polish Zloty against Sterling to PLN 5.0375/ GBP (31
March 2023: PLN 5.3267/ GBP) resulted in a reduction in the deficit in the
foreign exchange translation reserve to £1.41 million (31 March 2023: £2.35


Cash and Cash Equivalents


The Group's cash balance decreased to £4.63 million (31 March 2023: £7.65
million) due to:


·      £1.67 million of capital expenditure at the Group's directly
held property, Blue Tower, Warsaw;

·      £1.01 million of capital repayments in respect of the Group's
bank loans;

·      £0.80 million to fully repay a bank loan which was secured
against the Group's directly held property in Bucharest, Romania; and

·      £0.49 million clawed back by Fprop Offices in respect of
previously paid profit share.



Laura James


Group Finance Director


26 June 2024



for the year ended 31 March 2024


                                                         Year ended      Year ended

                                                         31 March 2024   31 March 2023

                                                 Notes   Unaudited       Audited

                                                         Total results   Total results

                                                         £'000           £'000
 Revenue                                         1       7,851           7,249
 Cost of sales                                           (2,884)         (2,257)
 Gross profit                                            4,967           4,992
 Profit on sale of investment properties                 -               1,779
 Operating expenses                                      (5,156)         (4,767)
 Operating profit                                        (189)           2,004
 Share of associates' profit/(loss) after tax    9       1,050           273
 Share of associates' revaluation (losses)gains  9       (1,072)         (901)
 Investment income                                       134             1,497
 Interest income                                 3       194              145
 Interest expense                                3       (780)           (530)
 Loss from impairment of investment properties   7       (3,746)         -
 (Loss)/profit before tax                                (4,409)         2,488
 Tax charge                                              29              (449)
 Profit for the year                                     (4,380)         2,039

 Attributable to:
 Owners of the parent                                    (4,582)         1,919
 Non-controlling interests                               202             120
                                                         (4,380)         2,039

 (Loss)/earnings per share:
 Basic                                           5       (4.13p)         1.73p
 Diluted                                         5       (4.04p)         1.70p


All operations are continuing.

















for the year ended 31 March 2024


                                                                     Year ended      Year ended

                                                                     31 March 2024   31 March 2023 Total results

                                                                     Total results
                                                                     £'000           £'000
 Profit for the year                                                 (4,380)         2,039
 Other comprehensive income

 Items that may subsequently be reclassified to profit or loss
 Exchange differences on retranslation of foreign subsidiaries       946             944
 Net (loss)/ profit on financial assets at fair value through other  (1,465)         (1,412)
 comprehensive income
 Taxation                                                            -               -
 Total comprehensive income for the year                             (4,899)         1,571

 Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to:
 Owners of the parent                                                (5,149)         1,324
 Non-controlling interests                                           250             247
                                                                     (4,899)         1,571


All operations are continuing.






























First Property Group plc

Registered No. 02967020

As at 31 March 2024

                                                             Unaudited   Audited

                                                             2024        2023
                                                   Notes     Group       Group

                                                             £'000       £'000
 Non-current assets
 Investment properties                             7         45,756      47,009
 Right of use assets                               8         17          197
 Property, plant and equipment                               40          80
 Investment in associates                          9a)       17,275      17,588
 Other financial assets at fair value through OCI  9b)       2,623       4,544
 Goodwill                                          10        153         153
 Deferred tax assets                               11        992         930
 Total non-current assets                                    66,856      70,501

 Current assets
 Current tax assets                                          127         79
 Right of use assets                               8         51          457
 Trade and other receivables                       12        4,145       4,797
 Cash and cash equivalents                                   4,628       7,647
 Total current assets                                        8,951       12,980

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                          13        (3,788)     (4,378)
 Provisions                                                  (125)       (158)
 Lease Liabilities                                 8         (52)        (469)
 Financial liabilities                             14        (832)       (1,116)
 Other financial liabilities                       15        (12,244)    (939)
 Current tax liabilities                                     (48)        (28)
 Total current liabilities                                   (17,089)    (7,088)
 Net current assets                                          (8,138)     5,892
 Total assets less current liabilities                       58,718      76,393

 Non-current liabilities
 Financial liabilities                             14        (9,690)     (11,519)
 Other financial liabilities                       15        (4,851)     (16,082)
 Lease Liabilities                                 8         (17)        (267)
 Deferred tax liabilities                          11        (3,229)     (3,050)
 Net assets                                                  40,931      45,475

 Called up share capital                                     1,166       1,166
 Share premium                                               5,635       5,635
 Share-based payment reserve                                 815         179
 Foreign exchange translation reserve                        (1,407)     (2,353)
 Purchase of own shares reserve                              (2,440)     (2,440)
 Investment revaluation reserve                              (2,193)     (728)
 Retained earnings                                           37,401      41,983
 Equity attributable to the owners of the parent             38,977      43,442
 Non-controlling interests                                   1,954       2,033
 Total equity                                                40,931      45,475

 Net assets per share                              5         35.15p      39.18p












for the year ended 31 March 2024


 Group                                                                          Share capital  Share premium  Share-based payment reserve  Foreign exchange translation reserve  Purchase of own shares  Investment revaluation  Retained earnings  Non-controlling interests  Total

                                                                                £'000          £'000          £'000                        £'000                                 £'000                   £'000                   £'000              £'000                      £'000
 At 1 April                                                                     1,166          5,635          179                          (2,353)                               (2,440)                 (728)                   41,983             2,033                      45,475

 Profit for the year                                                            -              -              -                            -                                     -                       -                       (4,380)            -                          (4,380)
 Net loss on financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income  -              -              -                            -                                     -                       (1,465)                 -                  -                          (1,465)
 Exchange differences arising on translation of foreign subsidiaries            -              -              -                            946                                   -                       -                       -                  48                         994
 Change in the proportion held in non-controlling interests                     -              -              -                            -                                     -                       -                       -                  (265)                      (265)
 Total comprehensive income                                                     -              -              -                            946                                   -                       (1,465)                 (4,380)            (217)                      (5,116)
 Share options charge                                                           -              -              636                          -                                     -                       -                       -                  -                          636
 Non-controlling interests                                                      -              -              -                            -                                     -                       -                       (202)              202                        -
 Dividends                                                                      -              -              -                            -                                     -                       -                       -                  (64)                       (64)

 At 31 March 2024                                                               1,166          5,635          815                          (1,407)                               (2,440)                 (2,193)                 37,401             1,954                      40,931



for the year ended 31 March 2023


 Group                                                                          Share capital  Share premium  Share-based payment reserve  Foreign exchange translation reserve  Purchase of own shares  Investment revaluation  Retained earnings  Non-controlling interests  Total

                                                                                £'000          £'000          £'000                        £'000                                 £'000                   £'000                   £'000              £'000                      £'000
 At 1 April                                                                     1,166          5,791          179                          (3,297)                               (2,653)                 684                     40,895             229                        42,994

 Profit for the year                                                            -              -              -                            -                                     -                       -                       2,039              -                          2,039
 Net loss on financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income  -              -              -                            -                                     -                       (1,412)                 -                  -                          (1,412)
 Purchase from treasury shares                                                  -              (156)          -                            -                                     213                     -                       -                  -                          57
 Exchange differences arising on translation of foreign subsidiaries            -              -              -                            944                                   -                       -                       -                  127                        1,071
 Transfer 5PT to subsidiary undertaking                                         -              -              -                            -                                     -                       -                       -                  1,606                      1,606
 Total comprehensive income                                                     -              (156)          -                            944                                   213                     (1,412)                 2,039              1,733                      3,361
 Non-controlling interests                                                      -              -              -                            -                                     -                       -                       (120)              120                        -
 Dividends                                                                      -              -              -                            -                                     -                       -                       (831)              (49)                       (880)

 At 31 March 2023                                                               1,166          5,635          179                          (2,353)                               (2,440)                 (728)                   41,983             2,033                      45,475


Foreign Exchange Translation Reserve


The translation reserve comprises all foreign exchange differences arising
from the translation of the financial statements of foreign Group companies.
This reserve is non distributable.


Share Based Payment Reserve


The Group grants certain of its employees' rights to its equity instruments as
part of its share-based payment incentive plans. The value of these rights has
been charged to the Income Statement and has been credited to the share-based
payment reserve (which is a distributable reserve).


Purchase of Own Ordinary Shares


The cost of the Company's Ordinary Shares purchased by the Company for
treasury purposes is held in this reserve. The reserve is non distributable.


Investment Revaluation Reserve


The change in fair value of the Group's financial assets measured at fair
value through Other Comprehensive Income is held in this reserve and is non



for the year ended 31 March 2024


                                                                    2024     2023
                                                          Notes     Group    Group

                                                                    £'000    £'000
 Cash flows from operating activities
 Operating (loss)/profit                                            (189)    2,004
 Adjustments for:
 Depreciation of property, plant & equipment                        64       99
 Share options charge                                               636      -
 Profit on the sale of investment properties                        -        (1,779)
 Decrease in trade and other receivables                            903      777
 (Decrease)/ increase in trade and other payables                   (759)    2,813
 Other non-cash adjustments                                         (73)     180
 Cash generated from operations                                     582      4,094
 Taxes paid                                                         (193)    (616)
 Net cash flow from/(used in) operating activities                  389      3,478

 Cash flow (used in)/ from investing activities
 Capital expenditure on investment properties             7         (1,670)  (1,017)
 Purchase of property, plant & equipment                            (22)     (10)
 Proceeds from the sale of investment property            7         -        8,612
 Purchase of investment property                                    -        (7,443)
 Cash paid on acquisition of new subsidiaries                       (214)    (165)
 Cash and cash equivalents received on acquisitions                 -        83
 Investment in shares of new associates                   9a)       -        (606)
 Investment in funds                                      9b)       -        (3)
 Proceeds from investments in funds                       9b)       456      1,492
 Proceeds from investments in associates                  9a)       291      176
 Interest received                                        3         194      145
 Dividends from associates                                9a)       -        -
 Investment income                                                  134      1,494
 Net cash flow (used in)/from investing activities                  (831)    2,758

 Cash flow (used in)/ from financing activities
 Proceeds from bank loan                                            -        1,474
 Repayment of bank loans                                            (1,814)  (5,215)
 Sale of shares held in Treasury                                    -        57
 Interest paid                                            3         (780)    (530)
 Dividends paid                                                     -        (831)
 Dividends paid to non-controlling interests                        (64)     (49)
 Net cash flow (used in) financing activities                       (2,658)  (5,094)

 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents               (3,100)  1,142
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year             7,647    6,419
 Currency translation gains on cash and cash equivalents            81       86
 Cash and cash equivalents at the year end                          4,628    7,647


Basis of Preparation


These preliminary financial statements have not been audited and are derived
from the statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies
Act 2006. They have been prepared in accordance with the Group's accounting
policies that will be applied in the Group's annual financial statements for
the year-ended 31 March 2024. The policies have been consistently applied to
all years presented unless otherwise stated below. These accounting policies
are drawn up in accordance with UK-adopted International Accounting Standards
('IFRS'). Whilst the financial information included in this preliminary
statement has been prepared in accordance with IFRS, this announcement does
not itself contain sufficient information to fully comply with IFRS. The
comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 March 2023 are not the
statutory accounts for the financial year but are derived from those accounts
prepared under IFRS which have been reported on by the Group's auditors and
delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors was
unqualified, did not include references to any matter to which the auditors
drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and did not
contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.


Going Concern


The Directors have carried out an analysis to support their view that the
Group is a going concern and under which basis these financial statements have
been prepared.


Analysis and reverse stress testing, was carried out on the Group's main
divisional income streams, being asset management fees from the asset
management division, rental income from its seven directly owned Group
Properties and cash returns from its associates and investments.


a)    Asset Management Fee Income


Asset management fee income is primarily derived from its UK funds (52%), four
of which are limited partnerships whose limited partners are a mix of pension
funds and registered charities. With one exception, fees are invoiced monthly
and are calculated based on a percentage of the latest valuation, which for
the UK funds is performed quarterly.


In the one fund from which fees are not levied by reference to the properties
valuation (Fprop Offices) a clawback of income can been triggered. The
combination of inflationary pressures, higher interest rates, a cost of living
crisis and an increase in employees working from home has caused severe
disruption to economic activity and a reduction in the value of commercial
property. As a result, the Group has, in previous years reversed a total of
£1.97 million of performance fee income of which £0.59 million was clawed
back in the year to 31 March 2023. As the performance fees have now been fully
clawed backed there is no further exposure to the income statement, however,
included within trade and other payables is a balance of £1.1 million owed to
Fprop Offices.


A number of the funds are in the process of winding up and as a result we
anticipate asset management fees to fall over the coming 12 months. This
reduction in asset management fees has been included within the forecasts
reviewed by the Board as part of the going concern assessment.


Asset management fees on the Group's Polish and Romanian managed funds are
also levied as a percentage of funds under management, with reference to the
most recent valuations. These funds are set up under the ownership of a UK
limited company which in turn owns the company domiciled in the country that
owns the property. Each of these local companies has borrowings secured on the
property and is therefore ring fenced from the Group.


The longevity of this asset management fee income is determined by the fund's
life which is fixed by agreement when each fund is first established. The
weighted average unexpired fund management contract term is 1 year, 9 months.


b)    Rental Income from Group Properties


All seven Group Properties are located in Poland or Romania. These properties
consist of four office blocks, a mini-supermarket, one multi-let property and
ground-floor retail property. All were independently valued on 31 March 2024
at £51.90 million (31 March 2023: £53.97 million).


The rental income has been reviewed when setting the forecast revenues and no
significant falls in collection rates are expected. The tenants are of good
quality, as proven by excellent cash collection rates. Any renegotiation of
rental payment terms that have been agreed are reflected in the forecasting


On 12 August 2022 the Group acquired some 7,171 square meters in Blue Tower in
Warsaw at a price of £7.20 million. The purchase resulted in the Group's
interest in the building increasing from 48.2% to 80.3%. Some 5,159 square
metres of the newly acquired space was vacant at purchase. Since purchase a
total of 2,100 square meters has been leased, but at the same time 2,300
square meters of space was vacated. Income however has increased by c€200k
per annum as a result of higher rates at which the new tenants leased the

The Group's office property in Gdynia is now 30% leased, up from 28% at 31
March 2023. A further 10,000 square metres of the office space in the building
remains to be leased.


When the vacant space is fully let, it is anticipated that both buildings net
operating income should improve by €3 million per annum.


c)     Income from Associates and Investments


Analysis was also conducted on the returns from the Group's investment in its
four (31 March 2023: four) Associates. All bank loan covenants were reviewed
and tested against future decreases in valuation and net operating income.


Dividend income from the Group's UK investments was also stress tested and
found not to have a significant impact.


d)    Liquidity


The Group has two deferred consideration liabilities which it has not met.
These are as follows:


I.      The Group owes deferred consideration of €12 million in respect
of the Gdynia property, which was due for repayment on 11 June 2024 and for
which the payment was not made. The plan has always been for the Group to
secure a new bank loan against this property to then repay this amount.
However the situation in the office market has meant that letting the vacant
space at this property has been slower than anticipated.


The Group is in discussions to restructure the deferred consideration and is
hopeful of a positive outcome but is aware that this subsidiary has defaulted
on this payment deadline. As a result of the default the bank could take
possession of the property.


The net operating loss of this property is around €30,000 on an annualised
basis and our forecasting has considered the impact of this on the Group's
cashflows. There is no restricted cash within this subsidiary.


The debt itself is non-interest bearing and non-recourse to the Group.


II.     In August 2022, a subsidiary of the Group purchased an additional
holding in Blue Tower with a deferred consideration payment which totalled
40.4 million PLN. This was non-interest bearing and payable in seven
instalments over six years. The first instalment was paid in August 2022. As
at 31 March 2024, £1.00 million is owed to the bank in a delayed instalment
payment and another instalment is due in August 2024.


In the event that management fails to come to a new arrangement with the
lender regarding its instalment plan, the lender could take control of the


The net operating loss of this property is around €130,000 on an annualised
basis and our forecasting has considered the impact of this on the Group.
There is no restricted cash within this subsidiary.


The debt itself is non-recourse to the Group.


The Group monitors overall debt requirements by reviewing current borrowing
levels, debt maturity and interest rate exposure. The Group does not have any
other debt other than disclosed above due for renewal in the next 12 months.


A one percentage point increase in interest rates would increase the annual
interest bill by £0.11 million per annum (31 March 2023: £0.13 million).

Deposits of £0.32 million (31 March 2023: £0.64 million) are held by lending
banks in respect of four bank loans (31 March 2023: five) as security for Debt
Service Cover Ratio (DSCR) covenants and consequently this amount of cash was
restricted as at 31 March 2024.






Going Concern Statement


Based on the results of the analysis conducted as outlined above the Board
believes that the Group has the ability to continue its business for at least
twelve months from the date of approval of the financial statements and
therefore has adopted the going concern basis in the preparation of this
financial information.


New Standards and Interpretations


We do not consider there to be any relevant new standards, amendments to
standards or interpretations, that are effective for the financial year
beginning on 1 April 2023, which would have had a material impact on the
financial statements.


The Group has not adopted any new IFRSs that are issued but not yet effective
and it does not expect any of these changes to impact the group.


These preliminary financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors
on 18 June 2024.


1.             Revenue


Revenue from continuing operations consists of revenue arising in the United
Kingdom 19% (31 March 2023: 12%), Poland 72% (31 March 2023: 75%) and Romania
9% (31 March 2023: 13%). All revenue relates solely to the Group's principal

2.             Segment Reporting 2024


                                                                                Fund Management Division  Group Properties Division
                                                                                Property fund management  Group properties  Associates and investments  Unallocated central overheads  Total
                                                                                £'000                     £'000             £'000                       £'000                          £'000
 Rental income                                                                  -                         3,078             -                           -                              3,078
 Service charge income                                                          -                         1,826             -                           -                              1,826
 Asset management fees                                                          2,947                     -                 -                           -                              2,947
 Performance related fee income                                                 -                         -                 -                           -                              -
 Total revenue                                                                  2,947                     4,904             -                           -                              7,851

 Depreciation and amortisation                                                  (38)                      (26)              -                           -                              (64)

 Operating profit                                                               824                       586               -                           (1,599)                        (189)
 Share of results in associates                                                 -                         -                 1,050                       -                              1,050
 Fair value adjustment on associates                                            -                         -                 (1,072)                     -                              (1,072)
 Property impairment                                                            -                         (3,746)           -                           -                              (3,746)
 Investment income                                                              -                         -                 134                         -                              134
 Interest income                                                                -                         36                -                           158                            194
 Interest expense                                                               -                         (780)             -                           -                              (780)
 Profit/(loss) before tax                                                       824                       (3,904)           112                         (1,441)                        (4,409)

 Analysed as:
 Underlying profit/(loss) before tax before adjusting for the following items:  350                       (87)              1,184                       (1,031)                        416

 Interest received on loan to associates                                        -                         -                 -                           158                            158
 Fair value adjustment on associates                                            -                         -                 (1,072)                     -                              (1,072)
 Property impairment                                                            -                         (3,746)           -                           -                              (3,746)
 Payment in lieu of Management Fees due to end of life                          411                       -                 -                           -                              411
 Interest provision                                                             -                         (102)             -                           -                              (102)
 Performance related fee income                                                 -                         -                 -                           -                              -
 Reversal of provision in respect of rental guarantee                           -                         130               -                           -                              130
 Share option charge                                                            -                         -                 -                           (636)                          (636)
 Realised foreign currency (losses)/gains                                       63                        (99)              -                           68                             32
 Total                                                                          824                       (3,904)           112                         (1,441)                        (4,409)

 Assets - Group                                                                 515                       49,869            2,623                       5,525                          58,532
 Share of net assets of associates                                              -                         -                 17,275                      -                              17,275
 Liabilities                                                                    (56)                      (34,820)          -                           -                              (34,876)
 Net assets                                                                     459                       15,049            19,898                      5,525                          40,931

 Additions to non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                                                  -                         22                -                           -                              22
 Investment properties                                                          -                         1,670             -                           -                              1,670

Segment Reporting 2023

                                                                                Fund Management Division  Group Properties Division
                                                                                Property fund management  Group Properties          Associates and investments  Unallocated central overheads  Total
                                                                                £'000                     £'000                     £'000                       £'000                          £'000
 Rental income                                                                  -                         3,614                     -                           -                              3,614
 Service charge income                                                          -                                   1,115           -                           -                              1,115
 Asset management fees                                                          2,892                     -                         -                           -                              2,892
 Performance related fee income                                                 (372)                     -                         -                           -                              (372)
 Total revenue                                                                  2,520                     4,729                     -                           -                              7,249

 Depreciation and amortisation                                                  (36)                      (24)                      -                           -                              (60)

 Operating profit                                                               120                       3,069                     -                           (1,185)                        2,004
 Share of results in associates                                                 -                         -                         273                         -                              273
 Fair value adjustment on associates                                            -                         -                         (901)                       -                              (901)
 Investment income                                                              -                         -                         1,497                       -                              1,497
 Interest income                                                                -                         20                        -                           125                            145
 Interest expense                                                               -                         (530)                     -                           -                              (530)
 Profit/(loss) before tax                                                       120                       2,559                     869                         (1,060)                        2,488

 Analysed as:
 Underlying profit/(loss) before tax before adjusting for the following items:  513                       752                       273                         (1,089)                        449
 Provision in respect of rent guarantee                                         -                         511                       -                           -                              511
 Profit on the sale of investment properties                                    -                         1,779                     -                           -                              1,779
 Interest received on loan to FOP @12%                                          -                         125                       -                           -                              125
 Fair value adjustment on associates                                            -                         -                         (901)                       -                              (901)
 UK fund distributions following sales of properties                            -                         -                         1,497                       -                              1,497
 Performance related fee income                                                 222                       -                         -                           -                              222
 Clawback of Office income                                                      (594)                     -                         -                           -                              (594)
 Staff incentives                                                               (44)                      (65)                      -                           -                              (109)
 Realised foreign currency (losses)/gains                                       23                        (543)                     -                           29                             (491)
 Total                                                                          120                       2,559                     869                         (1,060)                        2,488

 Assets - Group                                                                 795                       54,525                    4,544                       4,727                          64,591
 Share of net assets of associates                                              -                         -                         17,588                      -                              17,588
 Liabilities                                                                    (71)                      (36,574)                  -                           (59)                           (36,704)
 Net assets                                                                     724                       17,951                    22,132                      4,668                          45,475

 Additions to non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                                                  8                         2                         -                           -                              10
 Investment properties                                                          -                         1,017                     -                           -                              1,017
 Trading stock                                                                  -                         7,443                     -                           -                              7,443





3.             Interest Income/(Expense)


                                  2024     2023
                                  Group    Group

                                  £'000    £'000
 Interest income - bank deposits  62       7
 Interest income - other          132      138
 Total interest income            194      145


                                    2024     2023
                                    Group    Group

                                    £'000    £'000
 Interest expense - property loans  (761)    (516)
 Interest expense - bank and other  (19)     (14)
 Total interest expense             (780)    (530)



4.             Tax Expense


                                      2024     2023

                                      Group    Group

                                      £'000    £'000
 Analysis of tax charge for the year
 Current tax                          (244)    (559)
 Deferred tax                         273      110
 Total tax charge for the year        29       (449)


The tax charge includes current and deferred tax for continuing operations.

The prior year corporation tax includes a one off charge in respect of the
profit on the sales of three directly held properties, two in Poland and one
in Romania.

As in prior years, brought forward and current UK tax losses have not been
recognised as a deferred tax asset due to insufficient foreseeable taxable
income being earned in the UK.


5.             (Loss)/Earnings/NAV per Share


                                                             2024     2023
 Basic (loss)/earnings per share                             (4.13p)  1.73p
 Diluted (loss)/earnings per share                           (4.04p)  1.70p

 The following (losses)/earnings have been used to calculate both the basic and
 diluted (loss)/earnings per share:
                                                             £'000    £'000
 Basic (loss)/earnings                                       (4,582)  1,919
 Notional interest on share options assumed to be exercised  16       2
 Diluted (loss)/earnings assuming full dilution              (4,566)  1,921


The following numbers of shares have been used to calculate the basic and
diluted (loss)/earnings per share:

                                                                                2024         2023

                                                                                Number       Number
 Weighted average number of Ordinary shares in issue                            110,875,483  110,875,483

 (used for basic (loss)/earnings per share calculation)
 Number of share options                                                        2,110,000    2,110,000
 Total number of Ordinary shares used in the diluted (loss)/earnings per share  112,985,483  112,985,483


For the purpose of calculating diluted (loss)/earnings per share, the number
of Ordinary Shares is the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares, plus the
weighted average number of Ordinary Shares that would be issued on the
conversion of all the dilutive potential Ordinary Shares into Ordinary Shares.
Options have a dilutive effect only when the average market price of the
Ordinary Shares during the period exceeds the exercise price of the options
and thus they are 'in the money'. For the year to 31 March 2024, the average
market price of the Ordinary Shares did not exceed the exercise price and
therefore the options were not included in the diluted (loss)/earnings per
share calculation.


                                2024    2023
 Net assets per share           35.15p  39.18p
 Adjusted net assets per share  39.41p  46.50p



 The following numbers have been used to calculate both the net assets and
 adjusted net assets per share:

                                                                              2024    2023
                                                                              £'000   £'000
 For net assets per share
 Net assets excluding non-controlling interests                               38,977  43,442

 Number of shares                                                             Number          Number
 Number of shares in issue at the year end                                    110,882,332     110,882,332
 Number of share options assumed to be exercised                              2,110,000       2,110,000
 Total                                                                        112,992,332     112,992,332

 The adjusted net assets is a measure based on IFRS net assets to include the
 fair value of i) financial instruments, ii) debt and iii) deferred taxes. The
 metric adjusts for the dilutive impact of share options. The calculation
 assumes the share options which vested during the period did not have a
 dilutive impact as they were not 'in the money' at any point during the
 financial year.

                                                                              £'000           £'000
 For adjusted net assets per share
 Net assets excluding non-controlling interests                               38,977          43,442
 Uplift of investment properties at fair value net of deferred tax            4,872           5,639
 Uplift of investments in associates and other financial investments to fair  362             3,139
 Other items                                                                  323             324
 Total                                                                        44,534          52,544


Adjusted net assets per share are calculated using the fair value of all


6.             Share Based Payments


The Company has one share-based payment arrangement scheme in place which is
described below:


 Date of grant       31 March 2023
 Number granted      10,450,000
 Contractual life    10 years to 31 March 2033
 Vesting conditions  The options vest as follows:

                     ·33.3% on the first anniversary of grant;

                     ·33.3% on the second anniversary of grant; and

                     · the remainder on the third anniversary of grant.


The estimated fair value of each share option granted has been calculated
using the Black-Scholes pricing model. The model inputs were the share price
at grant date and the exercise price based on the  mid- market closing price
on 30 March 2023 of 23.5 pence per Ordinary Share, expected volatility of 30%,
a dividend yield of 1%, a contractual life of 10 years and a risk-free
interest rate of 4.25%.


                                             2024     2023
                                             Group    Group

                                             £'000    £'000
 Expenses arising from share based payments  636      -




7.             Investment Properties


                                     2024     2023
                                     Group    Group

                                     £'000    £'000
 Investment properties
 At 1 April                          47,009   23,849
 Reclassification of Inventory       -        19,795
 Additions arising on consolidation  -        7,621
 Property impairment                 (3,746)  -
 Capital expenditure                 1,670    1,017
 Disposal                            -        (6,459)
 Depreciation                        (350)    (134)
 Foreign exchange translation        1,173    1,320
 At 31 March                         45,756   47,009


At the year end the Group held seven properties.


Investment properties owned by the Group are stated at cost less depreciation
and any accumulated impairment in value. The properties were valued at the
Group's financial year end at €60.72 million (31 March 2023: €61.43
million), the Sterling equivalent at closing foreign exchange rates being
£51.90 million (31 March 2023: £53.97 million).


The Group owes deferred consideration of £10.25 million (€12 million) in
respect of the Gdynia property, which was due for repayment on 11 June 2024
and for which the payment was not made. The Group is in discussions to
restructure the deferred consideration and is hopeful of a positive outcome.
However, in view of the non payment of this liability and the uncertainty over
its future, the Directors have resolved to impair the value of the property
by £3.72 million to match its value to the value of the €12 million
liability. The property was independently valued at 31 March 2024 at €16.04
million with an enforced sales value of €13.13 million.


Amounts recognised in the income statement:


                                      2024     2023
                                      Group    Group

                                      £'000    £'000
 Rental income from operating leases  3,078    3,614


i.      Leasing arrangements where the group is a lessor:


                                                                                2024     2023
                                                                                Group    Group

                                                                                £'000    £'000
 Minimum lease receipts under non-cancellable operating leases to be received:
 Not later than one year                                                        2,569    2,113
 Later than one year and not later than five years                              7,043    5,190
 Later than five years                                                          4,610    2,546
                                                                                14,222   9,849


Investment properties are comprised of commercial properties that are leased
to third parties. The Group has approximately 55 leases granted to its
tenants. These vary depending on the individual tenant and the respective
property and demise but typically are let for a term of five years. The
weighted average lease length of the leases granted was 4 years and 10 months
(31 March 2023: 5 years and 2 months). No contingent rents are charged.


8.             Right of Use Assets and Lease Liabilities


This note provides information for leases where the Group is a lessee. For
leases where the Group is a lessor, see note 7.


The amounts recognised in the financial statements in relation to the leases
are as follows:



i.      Amounts recognised in the balance sheet:

                      2024     2023

                      £'000    £'000
 Right of use assets
 Current              51       457
 Non-current          17       197




                    2024     2023

                    £'000    £'000
 Lease Liabilities
  Current           52       469
  Non-current       17       267



ii.     Amounts recognised in the Income Statement:


                                                   2024    2023
                                                   £'000   £'000
 Depreciation/ Rent charge of right-of use-assets
 Buildings                                         977     457
                                                   977     457


                   2024    2023
                   £'000   £'000
 Interest expense
 Buildings         1,059   154
                   1,059   154


iii.    Summary of the groups leasing activity:


The Group has reviewed the terms of its leases and has identified that there
is only one remaining lease of the UK office on 32 St. James's Street, London,
SW1A 1HD. The lease by First Property Poland Sp. z o. o. (FPP), a subsidiary
entity, for an office in Poland was terminated in November 2023, no premium
was paid in respect of the termination of this lease.


As at 31 March 2024 the Group has recognised a lease liability under IFRS 16
of £0.07 million (31 March 2023: £0.74 million) and a right of use asset of
£0.07 million (31 March 2023: £0.65 million). The net credit to the Income
Statement was £82,245. Rental contracts are typically made for fixed periods
of six months to four years but may have extension options.


9.             Investment in Associates and Other Financial Assets
and Investments


The Group has the following investments:


                                                   2024     2023
                                                   Group    Group

                                                   £'000    £'000
 a) Associates
 At 1 April                                        17,588   19,135
 Additions                                         -        606
 Disposals                                         -        (1,349)
 Shareholder loan repayments                       (291)    (176)
 Share of associates' profit (loss) after tax      1,050    273
 Share of associates' revaluation gains/ (losses)  (1,072)  (901)
 Dividends received                                -        -
 At 31 March                                       17,275   17,588



The Group's investments in associated companies are accounted for under the
"cost model" under IAS40 whereby the Group's share is held at cost plus its
share of subsequent accumulated profits less dividends received. It comprises
the following:

                           2024     2023
                           Group    Group

                           £'000    £'000
 Investment in associates
 FGC                       2,968    3,058
 FKR                       1,090    1,154
 FCL                       678      636
 FPL                       -        61
 FOP                       12,539   12,679
                           17,275   17,588


If the Group had adopted the alternative "fair value" model for accounting for
investment properties, the carrying value of the investments in the five
associates would be £17.64 million (31 March 2023: five associates - £20.73



                                                     2024     2023
                                                     Group    Group

                                                     £'000    £'000
 b) Other financial assets and investments
 At 1 April                                          4,544    7,445
 Additions                                           -        3
 Disposals                                           -        -
 Repayments                                          (456)    (1,492)
 Increase/ (decrease) in fair value during the year  (1,465)  (1,412)
 At 31 March                                         2,623    4,544


The Group holds four (31 March 2023: four) unlisted investments in funds
managed by it. Each is designated at fair value through "Other Comprehensive
Income" (OCI) as per IFRS 9. The Directors consider their fair value to be not
materially different from their carrying value. Fair value has been calculated
by applying the Group's percentage holding in the investments to the fair
value of their net assets.


10.          Goodwill


              2024     2023
              Group    Group

              £'000    £'000
 At 1 April   153      153
 At 31 March  153      153


The Directors have conducted an annual impairment test and concluded that no
impairment was necessary because the estimated value in use was higher than
the value stated.


11.          Deferred Tax


Deferred tax assets and liabilities are attributable to the following items:

                                        2024                     2024                 2024                      2023                     2023                 2023
                                        Group net assets £'000   Group assets £'000   Group liabilities £'000   Group net assets £'000   Group assets £'000   Group liabilities £'000
 Accrued interest payable               182                      182                  -                         106                      106                  -
 Accrued income                         (14)                     -                    (14)                      (5)                      -                    (5)
 Foreign bank loan                      (539)                    153                  (692)                     (480)                    130                  (610)
 Investment properties and inventories  (1,817)                  496                  (2,313)                   (1,476)                  604                  (2,080)
 Other temporary differences            (49)                     161                  (210)                     (265)                    90                   (355)
 At 31 March                            (2,237)                  992                  (3,229)                   (2,120)                  930                  (3,050)


12.          Trade and Other Receivables


                                               2024      2023
                                               Group    Group

                                               £'000    £'000
 Current assets
 Trade receivables                             2,077    2,106
 Less provision for impairment of receivables  (220)    (242)
 Trade receivables net                         1,857    1,864
 Other receivables                             1,804    1,820
 Prepayments and accrued income                484      1,113
 At 31 March                                   4,145    4,797


£976,000 of trade receivables were erroneously presented in trade payables as
at 31 March 2023 and have been reclassified to trade receivables.


13.          Trade and Other Payables


                                     2024     2023
                                     Group    Group

                                     £'000    £'000
 Current liabilities
 Trade payables                      2,040    2,177
 Other taxation and social security  226      254
 Other payables and accruals         1,405    1,819
 Deferred income                     117      128
 At 31 March                         3,788    4,378


14.          Financial Liabilities


                          2024     2023

                          Group    Group

                          £'000    £'000
 Current liabilities
 Bank loan                832      1,116
 At 31 March              832      1,116

 Non-current liabilities
 Bank loans               9,690    11,519
 At 31 March              9,690    11,519


                                      2024     2023

                                      Group    Group

                                      £'000    £'000
 Total obligations under bank loans
 Repayable within one year            832      1,116
 Repayable within one and five years  6,948    8,080
 Repayable after five years           2,742    3,439
 At 31 March                          10,522   12,635


Four bank loans all denominated in Euros and totalling £10.52 million (31
March 2023, five bank loans:  £12.64 million), included within financial
liabilities, are secured against investment properties owned by the Group. The
reduction was largely due to the repayments in full of the remaining bank loan
secured against the Group's directly held office property in Bucharest £0.80
million, other capital repayments totalling £1.01 million and a favourable
foreign exchange movement of £0.30 million.


These bank loans are otherwise non-recourse to the Group's assets.


The interest rate profile of the Group's financial liabilities at 31 March
2024 and 31 March 2023 was as follows:


                              Interest bearing        Non-       Total


                              £'000                   bearing

                                                      £'000      £'000
 Bank loans                   10,522                  -          10,522
 Other financial liabilities  -                       17,095     17,095
 At 31 March 2024             10,522                  17,095     27,617
 Bank loans                   12,635                  -          12,635
 Other financial liabilities  -                       17,021     17,021
 At 31 March 2023             12,635                  17,021     29,656


A one percentage point increase in interest rates would increase the annual
interest bill by £0.11 million per annum (2023: £0.13 million).


15.          Other Financial Liabilities


                          2024     2023

                          Group    Group

                          £'000    £'000
 Current liabilities      12,244   939
 Non-current liabilities  4,851    16,082


                                                      2024     2023

                                                      Group    Group

                                                      £'000    £'000
 Total obligations under Other Financial Liabilities
 Repayable within one year                            12,244   939
 Repayable within one and five years                  4,851    14,317
 Repayable after five years                           -        1,765
 At 31 March 2024                                     17,095   17,021



Current liabilities include the balance of £10.25 million (debt denominated
in Euro, €12.00 million) which was as a result of the restructuring of a
finance lease secured against the office tower in Gdynia. The restructuring
resulted in the amount owed to ING Bank in final settlement reducing by
€9.00 million (£7.81 million). As part of the deal, the Group acquired the
freehold of the property for €16.00 million of which €4.00 million has
been paid and €12.00 million was repayable by 11 June 2024. No interest is
payable on this current liability. This repayment was not made and the Group
is in discussions to restructure the deferred consideration and is hopeful of
a positive outcome. During the year Sterling strengthened against the Euro by
2.8% which has reduced our liability in respect of Gdynia by £0.28 million.


Other financial liabilities also includes the Group's investment in Blue
Tower, Warsaw, which was originally financed by deferred consideration
totalling £7.20 million (debt denominated in Polish Zloty, PLN 40.40 million)
This liability, which is non-interest bearing, is payable in seven
instalments, the first of which was paid in August 2022, the subsequent
instalment which was due in August 2023 was delayed and remains within current
liabilities along with the next instalment due in August 2024. During the year
Sterling weakened against the Polish Zloty by 5.4% which has increased our
liability in respect of Blue Tower by £0.35 million.

















The preliminary results are being circulated to all shareholders and can be
downloaded from the Company's web-site (www.fprop.com (http://www.fprop.com)
). Further copies can be obtained from the registered office at 32 St James's
Street, London, SW1A 1HD.

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