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REG - Energean PLC - Results for Half-Year Ended 30 June 2024

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RNS Number : 6625D  Energean PLC  11 September 2024


Energean plc

("Energean" or the "Company")


Results for Half-Year Ended 30 June 2024

London, 11 September 2024 - Energean plc (LSE: ENOG TASE: אנאג) is pleased
to announce its half-year results for the six months ended 30 June 2024 ("H1

Operational Highlights:

·      Record production to date in the period, with Group production in
June 2024 averaging 177 kboed (84% gas), including 140 kboed (86% gas) from
the continuing operations 1  (#_ftn1) , reflecting the step-up in demand
during the summer in Israel.

·      Group production during H1 2024 was 146 kboed (82% gas), a 38%
increase year-on-year (H1 2023: 106 kboed).

o  Production from the continuing operations(1) during H1 2024 was 106 kboed
(84% gas), a 47% increase year-on-year (H1 2023: 72 kboed).

o  Group production for the eight-months to August 2024 was 154 kboed, of
which 115 kboed was from the continuing operations(1).

o  Day-to-day production in Israel continues to be unimpacted by the ongoing
geopolitical developments. FPSO uptime 2  (#_ftn2) (excluding planned
shutdowns) was 99% in H1 2024.

·      Strategic sale of Egypt, Italy and Croatia portfolio (the
"Transaction") to an entity controlled by Carlyle International Energy
Partners ("Carlyle") targeted to complete by year-end 2024, subject to
customary regulatory and antitrust approvals.

o  Anti-trust and government approvals submitted and progressing on schedule.
Carlyle received unconditional clearance from the Italian Competition
Authority in August and approval of the Italian Presidency of the Council of
Ministers in September, in respect of the Italian Golden Power Law.

o  Energean continues to expect to have sufficient funds at closing to repay
in full the $450 million PLC Corporate Bond in priority and facilitate a
special dividend of up to $200 million.

·      Key projects brought online.

o  In Israel, Karish North first gas and the second gas export riser
completion was achieved in February 2024. Second oil train heavy lift vessel
contract signed, expected to be installed in the coming months.

o  In Italy, Cassiopea started-up in August 2024. The remaining three wells
and associated facilities are expected to be brought online, tested and
commissioned over the coming months.

o  In Egypt, Location B gas production was brought online in August 2024.

·      Core gas projects underway and decarbonisation business
progressing to facilitate future growth.

o  Final Investment Decision ("FID") on Katlan (Israel) taken in July 2024;
first gas is planned for H1 2027. Energean expects spending to accelerate
reflecting progress so far and anticipated progress for the year.

o  Anchois (Morocco) drilling operations continue, with preliminary analysis
indicating volumes found in the Anchois-3 well are lower than pre-drill
estimates. Further updates to follow once Anchois-3 ST drilling operations and
ongoing technical evaluation are complete.

o  Prinos carbon storage project: (1) Front-End Engineering Design ("FEED")
activities progressing, including phase 2 that targets to establish a facility
with a capacity of up to 3 million tons of CO2 per year; (2) storage permit
for phase 1 (1 million tons of CO2 per year) anticipated to be received in the
coming months.


Financial Highlights:

·      Record financial results for the 6-months to 30 June 2024,
following the start-up of Karish North and the completion of the second gas
export riser (Israel).

o  Revenues of $867 million, a 47% increase (H1 2023: $588 million), of which
$643 million is associated with the continuing operations(1).

o  Adjusted EBITDAX 3  (#_ftn3) of $568 million, a 65% increase (H1 2023:
$345 million), of which $436 million is associated with the continuing

o  The Group recorded total impairments of $76 million during the period, $61
million of which was in relation to the Orion X1 exploration well in Egypt.

o  Profit after tax of $89 million, a 27% increase (H1 2023: $70 million), of
which $116 million is associated with the continuing operations(1).

·      Group leverage 4  (#_ftn4) (net debt/annualised Adjusted EBITDAX)
reduced to 2.5x (FY 2023: 3.1x).

o  Group cash as of 30 June 2024 was $345 million, including restricted
amounts of $86 million 5  (#_ftn5) , and total liquidity was $511 million 6 
(#_ftn6) . This includes cash for the continuing operations(1) of $317
million, including restricted amounts of $86 million(6), and total liquidity
of $483 million.


Corporate Highlights:

·      Q2 2024 dividend of 30 US$ cents/share declared today, scheduled
to be paid on 30 September 2024 7  (#_ftn7) .

o  Including the Q2 2024 dividend, approximately $486 million will have been
returned to shareholders since payments began.

o  Energean reiterates its commitment to the existing dividend policy, which
targets to return $1 billion to shareholders by the end of 2025. The Group
expects to redefine its dividend policy upon Transaction closing.

·      Group Scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity of 8.5 kgCO2e/boe, a 20%
reduction versus H1 2023 8  (#_ftn8) . Scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity for
the continuing operations(1) was 6.2 kgCO2e/boe.

2024 guidance:

·      Group production guidance narrowed to 155 - 165 kboed (from
155-175 kboed) for 2024, to reflect year-to-date performance in Israel and the
actual start-date and expected ramp-up to full production of Cassiopea
(Italy). 115-125 kboed is associated with the continuing operations(1).

·      Group cash cost of production (including royalties) reduced to
$550-600 million (from $570-630 million), predominantly due to lower
forecasted royalties in Israel. $375-405 million is associated with the
continuing operations(1).

·      Development and production capital expenditure increased to
$600-700 million (from $500-600 million), $60 million of this increase is
related to Israel and the remainder to the disposal group. The increase in
Israel is due to expected completion of milestones on the Katlan project
(Israel) in 2024 versus 2025, reflecting progress so far and anticipated
progress for the year. $320-380 million is associated with the continuing

Financial Summary


                                                    H1 2024          H1 2023          Increase/ (Decrease) %  H1 2024                 H1 2023                 Increase/ (Decrease) %

                                                    Energean Group   Energean Group                           Continuing operations   Continuing operations
 Average daily working interest production (kboed)  146              106              38%                     106                     72                      47%
 Sales revenue ($m)                                 867              588              47%                     643                     376                     71%
 Cash cost of production per barrel ($/boe)         10               12               (17%)                   10                      11                      (9%)
 Cash G&A 9  (#_ftn9)                               19               18               6%                      10                      9                       11%
 Adjusted EBITDAX(3) ($m)                           568              345              65%                     436                     230                     90%
 Profit after tax ($m)                              89               70               27%                     116                     27                      330%
 Capital expenditure ($m)                           393              291              35%                     211                     151                     40%
 Decommissioning expenditure ($m)                   16               4                300%                    5                       0                       100%


                                            H1 2024          FY 2023

                                            Energean Group   Energean Group
 Net debt ($m) (including restricted cash)  2,902            2,849
 Leverage(4) (net debt / adjusted EBITDAX)  2.5x             3.1x


Mathios Rigas, Chief Executive of Energean, commented:

"I am pleased to report our highest ever set of half-year results, with double
digit year-on-year growth in production, revenue and adjusted EBITDAX. In
Israel, we achieved record monthly production, reflecting the step-up in
demand during the summer and excellent uptime of the FPSO. Our operations
remain resilient in the face of ongoing geopolitical developments and our
day-to-day production has remained unimpacted.


"During this period, we also continued our track record of maximising value
for our shareholders, announcing the divestment of our Egyptian, Italian and
Croatian portfolio to Carlyle for more than 3x 10  (#_ftn10) the value that we
paid for them. Good progress is being made towards completion, upon which we
expect to reduce gross debt and return money to shareholders in line with
previous announcements.


"Our strong operational and financial performance underpins our quarterly
dividend, which we have consistently paid in line with our policy. As
previously communicated, we expect to redefine our dividend policy upon
Transaction closing.


"We have also made significant progress on our key strategic areas, from
advancing our gas-focused growth projects through the Katlan FID and the
start-up of Cassiopea and Location B, to progressing our decarbonisation
business via the Prinos Carbon Storage project, where we anticipate receiving
the storage permit for phase 1 (1 million tons of CO2 per year) in the coming


"This is only the start of a new chapter in the Energean story. The
combination of operational excellence and entrepreneurial deal-making is the
foundation on which a new Energean will continue to deliver for its
shareholders. We continue to be committed to our objectives of consistent
returns to shareholders, capital discipline and responsibly produced energy
with outstanding Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") ratings."




 For capital markets: ir@energean.com (mailto:ir@energean.com)
 Kyrah McKenzie, Investor Relations Manager                         Tel: +44 (0) 7921 210 862

 For media: pblewer@energean.com (mailto:pblewer@energean.com)
 Paddy Blewer, Corporate Communications Director & Head of CSR      Tel: +44 (0) 7765 250 857



Conference call

A webcast will be held today at 08:30 BST / 10:30 Israel Time.

Webcast: https://brrmedia.news/ENOG_HY_24 (https://brrmedia.news/ENOG_HY_24)

Dial-In: +44 (0) 33 0551 0200

Dial-in (Israel only): +972 (0) 3 376 1321

Confirmation code (if prompted): Energean Half Year

The presentation slides will be made available on the website shortly
www.energean.com (http://www.energean.com/) .






Energean Operational Review


Energean continued to deliver strong production levels in H1 2024. Group
average working interest production was 146 kboed (82% gas), up 38%
year-on-year, primarily as a result of the start up of Karish North and the
completion of the second gas export riser in Israel.

                              H1 2024                H1 2023                H1 %     Eight-months to 31 August 2024

                              Kboed                  Kboed                  change   Kboed
 Israel                       104                    70                     49%      113

                              (inc. 2.5 bcm of       (inc. 1.8 bcm of                (inc. 3.7 bcm of sales gas)

                              sales gas)             sales gas)
 Europe                       2.1                    1.6                    31%      2.1
 Total continuing operations  106                    72                     47%      115
 Disposal Group               40 (inc. 31 in Egypt)  34 (inc. 25 in Egypt)  18%      39 (inc. 31 in Egypt)
 Total Group production       146                    106                    38%      154




In the 6-months to 30 June 2024, working interest production from Israel
averaged 104 kboed (86% gas). Gas production increased by 44% year-on-year
primarily due to the start-up of Karish North and the completion of the second
gas export riser. Liquids production increased by 84% year-on-year. Day-to-day
production in Israel continues to be unimpacted by the ongoing geopolitical
developments. FPSO uptime (excluding planned shutdowns) was 99% 11  (#_ftn11)
in H1 2024.

In May 2024, the FPSO successfully completed a scheduled 5-day turnaround for
routine maintenance.

In June 2024, production during the period reached record levels, with output
averaging 137 kboed, as a result of strong summer gas demand. Average
production in August 2024 was 139 kboed.

Energean continues to focus on optimising production from the FPSO, including
the integration of Karish North, and looks forward to bringing on M10 to
provide further flexibility in its liquids and gas handling capacity.


In line with Energean's ongoing strategy to secure long-term reliable cash
flows from long-term gas contracts, a Gas Sale and Purchase Agreement ("GSPA")
with Eshkol Energies Generation LTD was signed in February 2024. The contract
is for the supply of an initial 0.6 bcm/yr, which commenced in June 2024,
rising to 1 bcm/yr from 2032 onwards and represents circa $2 billion in
revenues over the life of the 15 year contract.

Energean has also signed two contracts with two peaker stations for the supply
of 0.1 bcm/yr each, commencing in October 2024 and May 2025 respectively,
representing around $400 million in revenues over the life of the contracts.


Karish Growth Projects

In February 2024, Karish North first gas and the completion of the second gas
export riser were safely achieved.

Energean has signed a contract for the heavy lift vessel to transport and lift
the second oil train, which will increase the FPSO's liquids production
capacity. This lift is expected to occur in the coming months and will utilise
the scheduled shutdown of production from the FPSO for routine maintenance.
Post-lift, installation and commissioning activities are expected to take up
to 6-months to complete, with liquids production expected to increase to 20-25
kbbl/d in H2 2025.



In July 2024, Energean took FID on its Katlan development project, following
the grant of the associated 30-year lease from the Ministry of Energy and
Infrastructure. Capital expenditure is expected to be approximately $1.2
billion and entails:

·      Drilling: re-entry and completion of the Athena and Zeus wells.

·      Facilities: (1) Installation, amongst others, of a four-well-slot
tieback capacity to a single large ~30 kilometre production line that can be
used by future phases, for which Energean has awarded the integrated
engineering, procurement, construction and installation ("iEPCI(TM)") contract
to TechnipFMC through its subsidiary Technip UK Limited. (2) An upgrade of the
FPSO topsides related to MEG treatment, injection and storage (which will
benefit all future subsea tie-back developments).

First gas is planned for H1 2027.



In April 2024, Energean completed the farm-in to Chariot Limited's ("Chariot",
AIM:CHAR) acreage offshore Morocco.


In August 2024, Energean (W.I. 45%; operator), alongside its partners Chariot
(30%) and ONHYM (25%), started drilling the Anchois-3 appraisal well using the
Stena Forth drillship on the Lixus licence. Drilling operations on the licence
continue, with preliminary analysis indicating volumes found in the Anchois-3
well are lower than pre-drill estimates. Further updates will follow once
Anchois-3 ST drilling operations and ongoing technical evaluation are



The Prinos Carbon Storage project (W.I. 100%), which has the potential to
store up to 3 million tons of CO2 per year over 25 years, is one of the
largest and most advanced carbon storage projects in Southern Europe.


Energean, through its subsidiary EnEarth, has made good progress during 2024,
with the Storage Permit application and the Environmental Impact Assessment
submitted for the project's first phase of 1 million tons of CO2 per year.
Energean anticipates that it will receive the storage permit for phase 1 in
the coming months. FEED activities for the second phase, which targets to
establish a facility with a capacity of up to 3 million tons of CO2 per year,
are progressing.



Energean is focused on optimising production from its late life assets and
effectively managing its decommissioning projects.


An infill well was drilled on the Scott field (W.I. 10%) in H1 2024 and is
expected to be brought online later this year. In 2025, an injector well on
the Scott field is expected to be drilled.


In July 2024, Energean UK Limited awarded a contract to Petrodec UK Limited
("Petrodec") for the decommissioning of the Tors (W.I. 68%; operator) and
Wenlock (W.I. 80%; operator) assets. This contract includes: the plugging and
abandoning of eight platform wells with optional scope for one E&A well,
the removal of three platforms and the cleaning of inter-field pipelines.
Total net decommissioning expenditure for Tors and Wenlock is expected to be
around GBP 80 million over the next five years and includes expenditure
outside of the Petrodec contract for, amongst others, operational and project
management costs, regulatory fees and subsea remediation works.


Strategic sale of Egypt, Italy & Croatia portfolio targeted to complete by
year-end 2024

In June 2024, Energean entered into a binding agreement for the sale of its
portfolio in Egypt, Italy and Croatia to an entity controlled by Carlyle for
an enterprise value ("EV") of up to $945 million, of which $820 million is
firm. This represents more than a 3x 12  (#_ftn12) return since the portfolio
was acquired for $284 million in 2020. The economic effective date of the
Transaction is 31 December 2023.

This sale enables Energean to rationalise the portfolio and focus on its
gas-weighted, gas-development strategy. It also optimises the portfolio by
divesting later life assets, removing over 60% of the Group's decommissioning
liabilities, and improving free cashflow generation in the short to

Completion is targeted by year end-2024, with all regulatory and antitrust
approvals having been submitted to the relevant authorities. Carlyle received
unconditional clearance from the Italian Competition Authority in August and
approval of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers in September,
in respect of the Italian Golden Power Law.

Disposal group - operational update

Working interest production from Egypt, Italy and Croatia in H1 2024 averaged
40 kboed (75% gas), up 18% year-on-year due to the completion of NEA/NI
(Egypt) in December 2023 and the start-up of the NAQPII#2 infill well on the
Abu Qir field in January 2024.



In March 2024, the Orion X1 exploration well (W.I. 19%) reached the target
reservoir. Post-drilling well analysis indicates no commercial hydrocarbons.


In August 2024, Energean (W.I. 100%) brought the Location B infill well on the
Abu Qir licence in Egypt onstream.



In August 2024, initial test production began from one of the four subsea
wells on the Cassiopea field, offshore Italy (W.I. 40%). The remainder of the
wells and associated facilities are expected to be brought online, tested and
commissioned over the coming months.


ESG and climate change


Energean is committed to net zero emissions by 2050 and industry-leading
disclosure of its energy transition intentions.


Energean's scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity in H1 2024 was 8.5 kgCO2e/boe, a
20% reduction versus H1 2023. This year-on-year reduction was primarily driven
by: (1) the growth of production in Israel which has a lower emissions
intensity compared to the wider group and (2) reduced fugitive methane
emissions in Egypt following Leak, Detection and Repair ("LDAR") campaigns.
The Group's 2024 emissions intensity is expected between 8.5-9.0 kgCO2e/boe.

Scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity for the continuing operations(1) was 6.2
kgCO2e/boe. Post-close the Group's scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity will
reduce by around 40% to ~5 kgCO2e/boe, accelerating its 2035 target of 4-6
kgCO2e/boe by 10 years.

ESG reporting and ratings

Energean is pleased to report, following Sustainalytics' May 2024 update, that
it continues to be ranked in the top quartile of its sector, ranking 46 out of
307 oil and gas producers.


As announced in June 2024, Energean expects sufficient cash proceeds at
closing of the Transaction to repay in full the $450 million PLC Corporate

Energean intends to refinance its 2026 Energean Israel Limited bond to
maintain an efficient capital structure, freeing up liquidity for its Katlan

Full Year 2024 guidance


                                                                      Group                                       Continuing operations
 Total production (kboed)                                             155 - 165 (narrowed from 155 - 175)         115-125

 Consolidated net debt ($ million)                                    2,900-3,000 (increased from 2,800 - 2,900)  -

 Cash Cost of Production (operating costs plus royalties; $ million)  550-600 (reduced from 570-630)              375-405

 Development & production capital expenditure ($ million)             600-700* (increased from 500-600)           320-380

 Exploration expenditure ($ million)                                  115-150 (reduced from 120-155)              80-105

 Decommissioning expenditure ($ million)                              40-50 (unchanged)                           15-20


*Energean's development and production capital expenditure guidance includes
Katlan and Location B expenditure. However, under IFRS accounting standards,
the H1 2024 results classifies this expenditure under exploration and
appraisal expenditure.


Energean Financial Review

Financial results summary


                                                    H1 2024                        H1 2023             Increase/ (Decrease) %  H1 2024                 H1 2023                 Increase/ (Decrease) %

                                                    Energean Group 13  (#_ftn13)   Energean Group(1)                           Continuing operations   Continuing operations
 Average daily working interest production (kboed)  146                            106                 38%                     106                     72                      47%
 Sales revenue ($m)                                 867                            588                 47%                     643                     376                     71%
 Realised weighted average liquid price ($/boe)     74.8                           65.1                15%                     79.8                    71.0                    12%
 Realised weighted average gas ($/mcf)              4.6                            5.2                 -12%                    4.3                     4.4                     -2%
 Cash cost of production 14  (#_ftn14) ($m)         271                            231                 17%                     189                     139                     36%
 Cash cost of production per barrel ($/boe)         10                             12                  -17%                    10                      11                      -9%
 Cash G&A 15  (#_ftn15)                             19                             18                  6%                      10                      9                       11%
 Adjusted EBITDAX 16  (#_ftn16) ($m)                568                            345                 65%                     436                     230                     90%
 Profit after tax ($m)                              89                             70                  27%                     116                     27                      330%
 Earnings per share (cents per share)               $0.48                          $0.39               23%                     $0.63                   $0.17                   271%
 Cash flow from operating activities ($m)           527                            233                 126%                    447                     141                     217%
 Capital expenditure ($m)                           393                            291                 35%                     211                     151                     40%


                                                     H1 2024          FY 2023

                                                     Energean Group   Energean Group
 Total borrowings ($m)                               3,247            3,221
 Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash ($m)  345              372
 Net debt ($m) (including restricted cash)           2,902            2,849
 Leverage Ratio (Net Debt/ Adjusted EBITDAX)         2.5x             3.1x


Revenue, production and commodity prices


Group working interest production averaged 146 kboed with the Karish and
Karish North fields contributing over 70% of total output. Increased
production in Israel compared to the previous year, coupled with full-period
production from NEA/NI, led to a 38% increase in group production output
during H1 2024. However, this was partially offset by an 11% decrease in gas
production in Italy, while oil production remained stable. Despite regional
variations, the overall group production mix remained consistent at 82% gas
and 18% liquids (H1 2023: 82% gas and 18% liquids).

H1 2024 revenue in Group level totalled $867 million, reflecting a 47%
increase from the prior period (H1 2023: $588 million). This growth was
primarily driven by sales from Israel, which accounted for 70% of Group total
revenue (H1 2023: 59%).

The weighted average realised gas price for the Group was $4.6/mcf, 12% lower
than in H1 2023 of $5.2/mcf leading to an 8% year-on-year decline in revenue.
Gas prices in Italy were subdued at the beginning of 2024, leading to an
average realised PSV price of $10.0/mcf (H1 2023: $16.7/mcf), resulting in a
7% decline in revenue year-on-year. Total gas sales increased by 25% to $504
million (H1 2023: $403 million), driven by higher sales volumes.

Total liquid, crude, and petroleum product sales reached $361 million for the
period (H1 2023: $182 million) and a realised weighted average liquid price of
$74.8/boe (H1 2023: $65.1/boe). The higher liquids prices realised in H1 2024
contributed to a 15% increase in total revenue compared to the prior period.

Adjusted EBITDAX for the period was $568 million (H1 2023: $345 million). The
overall 65% increase was primarily driven by higher revenue, combined with a
17% reduction in cash production costs per boe, half of which was attributed
to continuing operations.

Continuing operations

Working interest production from continuing operations averaged 106 kboed,
with the Karish and Karish North fields contributing 98% of total output.
Increased production in Israel compared to the previous year, led to a 47%
increase in production output during H1 2024. The production mix was at 85%
gas and 15% liquids (H1 2023: 89% gas and 11% liquids). Notably, production in
Greece and the UK each grew by 31% compared to H1 2023.

Revenue from continuing operations rose to $643 million, a 71% increase
compared to the previous period (H1 2023: $376 million). This growth was
primarily driven by sales from Israel, which accounted for 94% of revenue from
continuing operations (H1 2023: 93%).

Gas sales from continuing operations increased by 45% to $389 million (H1
2023: $268 million), due to higher sales volumes.

Liquid, crude, and petroleum product sales reached $252 million (H1 2023: $106
million), and a realised weighted average liquid price of $79.8/boe (H1 2023:
$71.0/boe). The higher liquids prices realised in H1 2024 contributed to a 10%
increase in total revenue compared to the prior period. During H1 2024, the
average Brent oil price was $83.5/bbl (H1 2023: $79.6/bbl).

Adjusted EBITDAX for the period was $436 million (H1 2023: $230 million). The
overall 90% increase primarily driven by higher revenue, combined with a 9%
reduction in cash production costs per boe, half of which was attributed to
continuing operations.

Underlying cash production costs



Total cash production costs for the period were $271 million (H1 2023: $231
million) with 61% attributed to production in Israel. Cash production costs
for the rest of the Group, excluding Israel, amounted to $107 million (H1
2023: $123 million). Unit costs for the period were $10/boe (H1 2023:
$12/boe), primarily reflecting the impact of increased production on a largely
fixed cost base. As detailed in note 5 of the financial statements,
royalties-payable in Italy and Israel-are a significant component of
production costs. Excluding royalties, production costs would be $155 million
(H1 2023: $158 million) with a representative unit cost of $6/boe (H1 2023:

Continuing operations

Cash production costs for the period were $189 million (H1 2023: $139
million), with 87% attributed to production in Israel. Unit costs for the
period were $10/boe (H1 2023: $11/boe), decreased by 9% from the previous
period. As detailed in note 5 of the financial statements, royalties-payable
in Israel-are a significant component of production costs. Excluding
royalties, production costs would be $83 million (H1 2023: $76 million), with
a representative unit cost of $4/boe (H1 2023: $6/boe).





Depreciation charges on production and development assets rose to $184 million
(H1 2023: $116 million). The growth was driven by increased production in
Israel and Egypt. In Egypt, depreciation charges increased by 129% to $46
million (H1 2023: $20 million), while Israel's charges increased by 55% to
$124 million (H1 2023: $80 million). On a per barrel of oil equivalent basis,
this represented a 15% increase, rising to $7/boe (H1 2023: $6/boe).

Continuing operations

Depreciation charges on production and development assets rose to $132 million
(H1 2023: $84 million) primarily due to the 55% increase in Israel's charges
to $124 million (H1 2023: $80 million).


Exploration and evaluation expenditure and new ventures



During the period, the Group expensed $79 million (H1 2023: $2 million) for
exploration and new venture evaluation activities. Total impairment costs of
$76 million were recognised during the period for projects that will not
progress to development. In 2024, the Orion X1 exploration well in Egypt
reached the target reservoir but indicated no commercial hydrocarbons,
resulting in a full impairment of the related exploration asset valued at $61
million. Additionally, the exploration license for Ioannina expired on 2 April
2024, leading to a full impairment of the exploration asset valued at $15

Continuing operations

During the period, $16 million (H1 2023: $1 million) were expensed for
exploration and new venture evaluation activities. Impairment costs of $15
million were recognised during the period for Ioannina license which expired
on 2 April 2024, leading to a full impairment of the exploration asset.


Other income and expenses



Other expenses increased to $7 million (H1 2023: $2 million). The $7 million
in other expenses primarily consists of $4 million in transaction costs
related to ECL Group disposal and $1 million expected credit loss provision on
trade receivables within the disposal group. Other income totalled $2 million
(H1 2023: $7 million), mainly due to the reversal of prior period provisions,
reassessed in the current year based on updated facts and circumstances.


Continuing operations

Other expenses from continuing operations increased to $4 million (H1 2023: $1
million). The $4 million in other expenses primarily consists of the $4
million in transaction costs related to ECL Group disposal. Other income from
continuing operations totalled $1 million, unchanged from the prior period (H1
2023: $1 million).


Finance income / costs



Total finance costs in H1 2024 amounted to $138 million (H1 2023: $114
million). Total financing costs before capitalisation were $143 million.  The
finance costs included $100 million in interest expense on Senior Secured
notes, $8 million on debt facilities, $1 million in interest expense related
to long-term payables, $30 million from the unwinding of discounts on
contingent consideration, long-term payables, and decommissioning provisions,
and $4 million in commissions for guarantees and other bank charges. Net
finance costs also reflect foreign exchange gains of $11 million and finance
income of $5 million, which includes interest income from time deposits.

Continuing operations

Total finance costs in H1 2024 for continuing operations amounted to $122
million (H1 2023: $103 million). Total financing costs before capitalisation
were $127 million.  The finance costs included $100 million in interest
expense on Senior Secured notes, $8 million on debt facilities, $1 million in
interest expense related to long-term payables, $14 million from the unwinding
of discounts on contingent consideration, long-term payables, and
decommissioning provisions, and $4 million in commissions for guarantees and
other bank charges. Net finance costs also reflect finance income of $5
million, which includes interest income from time deposits.




The Group had a tax expense of $86 million in H1 2024 (H1 2023: $65 million),
consisting of a current tax expense of $52 million and a deferred tax expense
of $34 million, resulting in an effective tax rate of 49% (up from 48% in H1
2023). The increase in tax expense compared to the prior period is primarily
due to higher taxable profits and changes in deferred tax, largely driven by
the utilisation of tax losses in Israel and Italy.

Taxation charges in H1 2024 also included $19 million (H1 2023: $26 million)
related to non-cash taxes deducted at source in Egypt and $12 million deferred
tax expense related to changes in the decommissioning provision in Italy.

Continuing operations

Tax charges for continuing operations totalled $46 million (H1 2023: $20
million), including $30 million in corporation tax charges and $16 million in
deferred tax charges.


Profit after tax


Profit after tax was $89 million (H1 2023: $70 million). The increase in
profit compared to the prior period is primarily due to higher taxable
profits, despite an increased tax expense (H1 2024: $86 million versus H1
2023: $65 million). Profit before tax rose by 30% to $175 million (H1 2023:
$135 million).

Continuing operations

Profit after tax from continuing operations was $116 million (H1 2023: $27
million). The increase in profit compared to the prior period is primarily due
to higher taxable profits, despite an increased tax expense (H1 2024: $46
million versus H1 2023: $20 million). Profit before tax rose by 245% to $162
million (H1 2023: $47 million).


Earnings per share


In H1 2024, earnings per share were $0.48 (H1 2023: $0.39), with diluted
earnings per share remaining the same.

Continuing operations

Earnings per share from continuing operations were $0.63 (H1 2023: $0.17). The
diluted earnings per share for continuing operations were also $0.63 (H1 2023:
$0.16), reflecting mainly the impact of convertible loan notes in H1 2023.

Operating cash flow



In H1 2024, the Group had a net cash inflow from operations of $527 million
(H1 2023: $233 million). The significant increase in operating cash flow
compared to the prior period was primarily driven by the significant growth in
revenues from Israel.

Continuing operations

In H1 2024, Energean recorded a net cash inflow from operations of $447
million (H1 2023: $141 million).


Capital Expenditures



During the period, the Group incurred capital expenditures of $393 million (H1
2023: $292 million). The expenditures were primarily focused on development
activities, including $50 million for the Karish Main Field, Second Oil Train,
and the riser, as well as the Karish North Field in Israel, and $105 million
for the Cassiopea field in Italy. Exploration and appraisal expenditures were
mainly directed towards the Katlan field in Israel ($130 million) and the
North East Hap'y and Location B developments in Egypt ($49 million).
Additionally, in April 2024, the Group invested $13 million to acquire
licenses for the Anchois gas development in Morocco.

Continuing operations

During the period, capital expenditures of $211 million related to continuing
operations (H1 2023: $151 million) were incurred. The expenditures were
primarily focused on development and exploration activities in Israel as
discussed above in addition to investment to acquire licenses in Morocco.


Decommissioning provision

A total change in the decommissioning provision of less than $1 million (H1
2023: $22 million) was expensed during the period. An impairment reversal of
$3 million related to discontinued operations, resulting from a decrease in
the decommissioning provision estimate in Italy due to increased discount
rates, was partially offset by an additional impairment charge of $3 million
in the UK (continuing operations). In H1 2024, the Group spent $16 million on
decommissioning activities, including $5 million on the Tors and Wenlock
decommissioning related to continuing operations, and $11 million in Italy
related to discontinued operations. (H1 2023: $4 million).


Net Debt

As of 30 June 2024, net debt totalled $2,902 million (FY23: $2,849 million),
comprising $2,625 million in Israeli senior secured notes, $450 million in
corporate senior secured notes, and $105 million from the Greek Black Sea
Trade Development Bank loan, offset by deferred amortized fees and cash, bank
deposits, and restricted cash balances of $345 million (including $86 million
of restricted cash). In the debt capital markets, Energean is only exposed to
floating interest rates for the Greek loan and Revolving credit facility,
while the Senior Secured Notes at both Energean Plc and Energean Israel carry
fixed interest rates.


Shareholder Distributions

In line with the Group's dividend policy, Energean returned US$0.60 per share
to shareholders in H1 2024, totalling $110 million, representing two-quarters
of dividend payments. In H1 2023, Energean returned US$0.60 per share.


Non-IFRS measures

The Group uses certain measures of performance that are not specifically
defined under IFRS or other generally accepted accounting principles. These
non-IFRS measures include adjusted EBITDAX, underlying cash cost of production
and G&A, capital expenditure, net debt and leveraging.


Adjusted EBITDAX

Adjusted EBITDAX is a non-IFRS measure used by the Group to measure business
performance. It is calculated as profit or loss for the period, adjusted for
discontinued operations, taxation, depreciation and amortisation, share-based
payment charge, impairment of property, plant and equipment, other income and
expenses, net finance costs and exploration costs. The Group presents adjusted
EBITDAX as it is used in assessing the Group's growth and operational
efficiencies because it illustrates the underlying performance of the Group's
business by excluding items not considered by management to reflect the
underlying operations of the Group.


                                           H1 2024                 H1 2023

                                           Continuing operations   Continuing operations
                                           $m                      $m
 Adjusted EBITDAX                          436                     230
 Reconciliation to profit for the period:
 Depreciation and amortisation             (132)                   (84)
 Share-based payment charge                (4)                     (3)
 Exploration and evaluation expense        (16)                    (1)
 Change in decommissioning provision       (3)                     7
 Expected credit loss                      -                       (1)
 Other (expenses)/income                   (2)                     2
 Finance income                            5                       3
 Finance cost                              (122)                   (103)
 Net foreign exchange loss                 -                       (3)
 Taxation expense                          (46)                    (20)
 Profit for the period                     116                     27


While adjusted EBITDAX excludes the financial results of discontinued
operations by definition, the Group has chosen to present equivalent non-IFRS
financial metrics for the entire Energean Group, including discontinued
operations, for comparison purposes.

                                           H1 2024          H1 2023

                                           Energean Group   Energean Group
                                           $m               $m
 Adjusted EBITDAX                          568              345
 Reconciliation to profit for the period:
 Depreciation and amortisation             (184)            (116)
 Share-based payment charge                (4)              (3)
 Exploration and evaluation expense        (79)             (2)
 Change in decommissioning provision       -                22
 Expected credit loss                      (1)              (1)
 Other (expenses)/income                   (3)              6
 Finance income                            5                7
 Finance cost                              (138)            (114)
 Net foreign exchange loss                 11               (9)
 Taxation income / (expense)               (86)             (65)
 Profit for the period                     89               70


Cash Cost of Production

Cash Cost of Production is a non-IFRS measure that is used by the Group as a
useful indicator of the Group's underlying cash costs to produce hydrocarbons.
The Group uses the measure to compare operational performance
period-to-period, to monitor cost and assess operational efficiency. Cash cost
of production is calculated as cost of sales, adjusted for depreciation and
hydrocarbon inventory movements.



                                          H1 2024          H1 2023          H1 2024                 H1 2023

                                          Energean Group   Energean Group   Continuing operations   Continuing operations
                                          $m               $m               $m                      $m
 Cost of sales                            461              338              327                     221
 Adjusted for:
 Depreciation                             (181)            (113)            (131)                   (83)
 Change in inventory                      (9)              6                (7)                     1
 Cost of production                       271              231              189                     139
 Total production for the period (MMboe)  26,650           19,173           19,364                  13,050
 Cost of production per boe ($/boe)       10.2             12.0             9.8                     10.6


Cash General & Administrative Expense (G&A)

Cash G&A excludes certain non-cash accounting items from the Group's
reported G&A. Cash G&A is calculated as follows: administrative and
distribution expenses, excluding depletion and amortisation of assets and
share-based payment charge that are included in G&A.


                                                 H1 2024 Energean Group  H1 2023          H1 2024                 H1 2023

                                                                         Energean Group   Continuing operations   Continuing operations
                                                 $m                      $m               $m                      $m
 Administrative expenses                         26                      23               15                      12
 Depreciation                                    (3)                     (3)              (1)                     (1)
 Share-based payment charge included in G&A      (4)                     (3)              (3)                     (2)
 Cash G&A                                        19                      18               10                      9


The Group's total cash G&A expenses for H1 2024 amounted to $19 million,
with $10 million attributed to continuing operations. This reflects a 6%
overall increase from the previous period, and a 11% increase specifically for
continuing operations. The rise in costs is primarily driven by an increase in
staff expenses in Israel due to ram-up of operations.

Capital Expenditure

Capital expenditure is a useful indicator of the Group's organic expenditure
on oil and gas assets and exploration and appraisal assets incurred during a
period. Capital expenditure is defined as additions to property, plant and
equipment and intangible exploration and evaluation assets less
decommissioning asset additions, right-of-use asset additions, capitalised
share-based payment charge and capitalised borrowing costs:


                                                            H1 2024          H1 2023          H1 2024                 H1 2023

                                                            Energean Group   Energean Group   Continuing operations   Continuing operations
                                                            $m               $m               $m                      $m
 Additions to property, plant and equipment                 172              274              59                      147
 Additions to intangible exploration and evaluation assets  193              19               142                     16
 Capitalised borrowing costs                                5                4                5                       4
 Leased assets additions and modifications                  1                41               -                       13
 Lease payments related to capital activities               (10)             (8)              (5)                     (2)
 Change in decommissioning provision                        (25)             (35)             (9)                     -
 Total capital expenditures                                 393              292              211                     151
 Movement in working capital                                (51)             (8)              16                      69
 Cash capital expenditures per the cash flow statement      342              284              227                     220


Net Debt

Net debt is defined as the Group's total borrowings less cash and cash
equivalents. Management believes that net debt serves as a valuable indicator
of the Group's indebtedness, financial flexibility, and capital structure
because it reflects the level of borrowings after accounting for any cash and
cash equivalents that could be utilised to reduce borrowings.



 Net debt reconciliation                        H1 2024          FY 2023

                                                Energean Group   Energean Group
                                                $m               $m
 Current borrowings                             105              80
 Non-current borrowings                         3,142            3,141
 Total borrowings                               3,247            3,221
 Less: Cash and cash equivalents                 (259)            (347)
 Less: Restricted cash held for loan repayment   (86)             (25)
 Net Debt 17  (#_ftn17)                         2,902            2,849
 Net Debt Excluding Israel(4)                   604              569


Going Concern

The Directors assessed the Group's ability to continue as a going concern over
a going concern assessment period to 31 December 2025. As a result of this
assessment, the Directors are satisfied that the Group has sufficient
financial resources to continue in operation for the foreseeable future and
for this reason they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing
the condensed consolidated interim financial statements. Detail of the Group's
going concern assessment for the period can be found within note 2.2 of the
condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


Subsequent Events

In July 2024, management made a final investment decision for the Katlan
development project in Israel. The carrying value of the exploration asset at
30 June 2024 was $207 million. The Katlan area will be developed in a phased
approach through a subsea tieback to the existing Energean Power FPSO, which
currently serves the Karish and Karish North fields. The first gas production
is expected in the first half of 2027.


In August 2024, first gas production was achieved at the Cassiopea field,
located offshore in Italy.


In August 2024, the prospective buyer of the ECL Group obtained unconditional
clearance from the Italian Competition Authority followed by approval of the
Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers in respect of the Italian
Golden Power Law in September 2024.



Principal risks at half-year 2024 and key developments since the 2023 Annual

Effective risk management is fundamental to achieving Energean's strategic
objectives and protecting its personnel, assets, shareholder value and
reputation. The Board has overall responsibility for determining the nature
and extent of the risks it is willing to take in achieving the strategic
objectives of the Group and ensuring that such risks are managed effectively.

Key developments in relation to Energean's risks

On 19 June 2024, the Company entered into a sale and purchase agreement with
CIEP Spin BidCo Limited (the "Buyer"), an entity controlled by Carlyle,
regarding the strategic sale of the Company's Egyptian, Italian and Croatian
portfolio. On the basis that the Transaction amounts to a significant
transaction, its implementation is expected to have an impact on Energean,
either as a result of the Transaction, or related to the Transaction in the
sense that material risk factors will be affected by the Transaction. These
material risks are described in section 3.1 as announced on 29 August 2024
pursuant to the UK Listing Rule 7.3. As the Transaction is subject to
conditions being satisfied by a longstop date of 20 March 2025 (or such other
date as may be agreed by Energean and Carlyle), there can be no certainty that
the Transaction will complete. As a result, other than the risk of the
Transaction not completing, the Board has made no changes to the Group's
principal risks as a result of the Transaction at this time.

Looking to the second half of 2024, Energean highlights the following
developments as important in relation to its principal risks. Since 7 October
2023 and the ongoing conflict in Israel, the magnitude of regional
geopolitical risk remains elevated. Growing concerns of escalations in the
Middle East have intensified the security risk in the region, as essential
infrastructure systems (such as the Energean Power FPSO offshore Israel) may
be targets for missile fire and sabotage operations. While the Karish field
has continued to produce in line with guidance and with no disruption to its
production since the start of the conflict, any event that impacts production
from this field could have a material adverse impact on the business, results
of operations, cash flows, financial condition and prospects of the Group. In
the first half of 2024, Energean has ensured that all measures are in place to
continue business operations, maintain the mobility of our people and make
certain that the security of information is unaffected.

Despite these challenges, Energean has achieved a number of positive
milestones during the first half of 2024, including: (i) the start-up of
Karish North and the second gas export riser installation, which enables
Energean to utilise the FPSO's maximum capacity; (ii) FID on Katlan with first
gas planned for H1 2027; (iii) good progress on the Cassiopea gas development,
with initial test production from one of the four subsea wells started in
August 2024 and; (iv) success at the Abu Qir infill well drilling campaign in
Egypt, with first gas achieved in August 2024.

Principal risks and uncertainties

Energean has closely monitored its risks and uncertainties throughout the year
and has identified one new principal risk, which is detailed below. All other
principal risks that the Group will be exposed to in the second half of 2024,
alongside the trends and developments as highlighted above, are the same as
those described in the principal risks section in Energean's 2023 Annual
Report (pages 85-96) and are summarised below.

Overview of key risks and principal uncertainties since 31 December 2023

1.     Strategic risk: Regional and domestic geopolitical and security
risks in Israel

2.     Operational risk: Delayed delivery of further growth projects

3.     Strategic risk: Lack of new commercial discoveries and reserves

4.     Operational risk: Production uptime reliability and operating
efficiency (including reliability of the production systems, i.e. FPSO and

5.     Financial risk: Maintaining liquidity and solvency

6.     Macro-economic risk (including inflation, interest rates and
commodity price fluctuations)

7.     Organisational & HR risk: Failure to attract, retain and
develop staff

8.     Deterioration or misalignment of JV relationships risk

9.     Recoverability of production cost and receivables in Egypt risk

10.  Significant IT and OT cyber risk, including a security breach of
internal systems or a cyber attack

11.  Ethics and Business Conduct. Fraud, Bribery and corruption risk

12.  Health Safety and Environment (HSE) risk

13.  Failure to manage the risk of climate change and to adapt to the energy

14.  Climate Change risk: Physical risks

15.  Strategic risk: Geopolitical conflicts outside of Israel in areas of
operation affecting production and distribution (including fiscal

16.  New: Risk of the Transaction not proceeding

The Transaction is conditional upon the satisfaction or, where applicable,
waiver of the following conditions: (1) regulatory approvals in Italy and
Egypt; (2) anti-trust approvals in Italy, Egypt and COMESA; and (3) transfer
of the North Sea Assets from Energean Capital Limited to a member of the
Group. Progress is ongoing to satisfy or, where permitted, waiver these
conditions by the long stop date of 20 March 2025. Although Energean is
optimistic about achieving these conditions by the long stop date, the Group
recognises that there is a residual risk that the conditions may not be met.
Failure to satisfy or obtain waiver of any condition may result in the
Transaction not being completed. The Sale and Purchase Agreement may also be
terminated for any breach of certain fundamental warranties and the occurrence
of certain material adverse events affecting the Target Group following
signing, subject to customary rights to remedy.

 If the Transaction is not completed, or the Sale and Purchase Agreement is
terminated, the Group will not receive any of the consideration payable in
respect of it. This would prejudice its ability to create shareholder value by
being unable to repay the 2027 PLC Notes in full prior to their scheduled
maturity and facilitate a special dividend of up to $200 million.

If Completion does not occur, or the Sale and Purchase Agreement is
terminated, the Company will also have incurred significant costs and
management time in connection with the Transaction, which it will not be able
to recover (other than through the Non-Completion Payment, to the extent
applicable). It will also not realise the anticipated benefits of the
Transaction and its ability to implement its stated strategy may be


Statement of Directors' responsibilities

The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:

·      The condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been
prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' as adopted in
the United Kingdom.

·      The interim management report includes a fair review of the
information required by the Disclosure Transparency Rules (DTR) 4.2.7R, namely
an indication of important events during the six months ended 30 June 2024 and
a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six
months of the financial year.

·      The interim management report includes a true and fair view of
the information required by the DTR 4.2.8R, including disclosure of related
party transactions and any changes therein during the reporting period.




 Mathios Rigas             Panos Benos

 Chief Executive Officer   Chief Financial Officer
 10 September 2024         10 September 2024


Forward looking statements

This announcement contains statements that are, or are deemed to be,
forward-looking statements. In some instances, forward-looking statements can
be identified by the use of terms such as "projects", "forecasts", "on track",
"anticipates", "expects", "believes", "intends", "may", "will", or "should"
or, in each case, their negative or other variations or comparable
terminology. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of known and
unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results and events to
differ materially from those expressed in or implied by such forward-looking
statements, including, but not limited to: general economic and business
conditions; demand for the Company's products and services; competitive
factors in the industries in which the Company operates; exchange rate
fluctuations; legislative, fiscal and regulatory developments; political
risks; terrorism, acts of war and pandemics; changes in law and legal
interpretations; and the impact of technological change. Forward-looking
statements speak only as of the date of such statements and, except as
required by applicable law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update or
revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new
information, future events or otherwise. The information contained in this
announcement is subject to change without notice.

Numbers outside of the unaudited consolidated interim financial statements,
where applicable, are rounded to the nearest  million US$ and therefore may
differ in the order of a million US$.





We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of financial
statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30
June 2024 which comprises the interim consolidated income statement, the
interim consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the interim
consolidated statement of financial position, interim consolidated statement
of changes in equity, the interim consolidated statement of cash flows and the
related explanatory notes 1 to 29. We have read the other information
contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it
contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the
information in the condensed set of financial statements.

Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to
believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly
financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2024 is not prepared, in all
material respects, in accordance with UK adopted International Accounting
Standard 34 and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the United
Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.

Basis for Conclusion

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review
Engagements 2410 (UK) "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by
the Independent Auditor of the Entity" (ISRE) issued by the Financial
Reporting Council. A review of interim financial information consists of
making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and
accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A
review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance
with International Standards on Auditing (UK) and consequently does not enable
us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters
that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit

As disclosed in note 2, the annual financial statements of the group are
prepared in accordance with UK adopted international accounting standards. The
condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial
report has been prepared in accordance with UK adopted International
Accounting Standard 34, "Interim Financial Reporting".

Conclusions Relating to Going Concern

Based on our review procedures, which are less extensive than those performed
in an audit as described in the Basis for Conclusion section of this report,
nothing has come to our attention to suggest that management have
inappropriately adopted the going concern basis of accounting or that
management have identified material uncertainties relating to going concern
that are not appropriately disclosed.

This conclusion is based on the review procedures performed in accordance with
this ISRE, however future events or conditions may cause the entity to cease
to continue as a going concern.

Responsibilities of the directors

The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report
in accordance with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the
United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.

In preparing the half-yearly financial report, the directors are responsible
for assessing the company's ability to continue as a going concern,
disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the
going concern basis of accounting unless the directors either intend to
liquidate the company or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative
but to do so.



Auditor's Responsibilities for the review of the financial information

In reviewing the half-yearly report, we are responsible for expressing to the
Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the
half-yearly financial report. Our conclusion, including our Conclusions
Relating to Going Concern, are based on procedures that are less extensive
than audit procedures, as described in the Basis for Conclusion paragraph of
this report.

Use of our report

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with guidance
contained in International Standard on Review Engagements 2410 (UK) "Review of
Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the
Entity" issued by the Financial Reporting Council. To the fullest extent
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other
than the company, for our work, for this report, or for the conclusions we
have formed.





Ernst & Young LLP


10 September 2024









 Interim Consolidated Income Statement

 Six months ended 30 June 2024

                                                                                                             30 June 2024 (Unaudited)                30 June 2023 (Unaudited/Restated *)
                                                                                                             $'000                                   $'000
 Continuing operations:
 Revenue                                                    4                                                642,413                                 375,891
 Cost of Sales                                              5(a)                                             (326,572)                               (220,730)
 Gross profit                                                                                                315,841                                 155,161
 Administration expenses                                    5(b)                                             (15,848)                                (12,259)
 Change in decommissioning provision                        21                                               (2,638)                                 7,297
 Exploration and evaluation expenses                        5(c)                                             (15,898)                                (680)
 Expected credit loss                                       5(d)                                             -                                       (871)
 Other expenses                                             5(e)                                             (3,960)                                 (577)
 Other income                                               5(f)                                             1,088                                   1,118
 Operating profit                                                                                            278,585                                 149,189
 Finance Income                                             6                                                5,003                                   3,196
 Finance Costs                                              6                                                (121,757)                               (102,732)
 Unrealised loss on derivatives                             7                                                (7)                                     -
 Net foreign exchange loss                                  6                                                (60)                                    (2,567)
 Profit before tax from continuing operations                                                                161,764                                 47,086
 Taxation expense                                           8                                                (45,895)                                (19,762)
 Profit for the period from continuing operations                                                            115,869                                 27,324
 Discontinued operations:
 (Loss)/Profit for the period from discontinued operations  24                                               (27,332)                                42,434
 Profit for the period                                                                                       88,537                                  69,758

 Attributable to:
 Owners of the parent                                                                                        88,537                                  69,758
                                                                                                             88,537                                  69,758

 Basic and diluted earnings per share (cents per share)
 Basic                                                                                                                      $0.48                    $0.39
 Diluted                                                                                                                    $0.48                    $0.39
 Basic and diluted earnings per share for continuing operations (cents per
 Basic                                                                                             9                        $0.63                    $0.17
 Diluted                                                                                           9                        $0.63                    $0.16



*Restated for discontinued operations, refer to Note 24 for further detail.

 Interim Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

 Six months ended 30 June 2024

                                                                                        30 June 2024 (Unaudited)               30 June 2023 (Unaudited/Restated *)

                                                                                        $'000                                  $'000
 Profit / (Loss) for the period from:
 Continuing operations                                                                  115,869                                27,324
 Discontinued operations                                                                (27,332)                               42,434
 Profit for the period                                                                  88,537                                 69,758
 Other comprehensive income:
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
 Cash Flow hedges:
 Loss arising in the period                                                             (407)                                  -
 Income tax relating to items that may be reclassified to profit or loss                94                                     -
 Exchange difference on the translation of foreign operations, net of tax               (14,701)                               489
 Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
 Remeasurement of defined benefit plan                                                  13                                     (107)
 Income taxes on items that will not be reclassified to profit and loss                 (3)                                    26
 Other comprehensive (loss) / profit after tax                                          (15,004)                               408

 Total comprehensive profit for the period                                              73,533                                 70,166

 Total comprehensive profit attributable to:
 Owners of the parent                                                                   73,533                                 70,166
                                                                                        73,533                                 70,166



*Restated for discontinued operations, refer to Note 24 for further detail.



Interim Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

 As at 30 June 2024

                                                    30 June 2024 (Unaudited)      31 December 2023

                                              Note  $'000                         $'000
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                10    3,290,323                     4,371,325
 Intangible assets                            11    397,418                       325,389
 Equity-accounted investments                       -                             4
 Other receivables                            16    32,315                        33,682
 Deferred tax asset                           12    87,121                        217,504
 Restricted cash                              14    3,036                         3,124
                                                    3,810,213                     4,951,028
 Current assets
 Inventories                                  15    36,944                        110,126
 Trade and other receivables                  16    149,885                       353,257
 Restricted cash                              14    82,538                        22,482
 Cash and cash equivalents                    13    230,779                       346,772
 Assets held for sale                         24    1,557,816                     -
                                                    2,057,962                     832,637
 Total assets                                       5,868,175                     5,783,665

 Equity attributable to owners of the parent
 Share capital                                17    2,449                         2,449
 Share premium                                17    465,331                       465,331
 Merger reserve                                     139,903                       139,903
 Other reserves                                     5,672                         5,975
 Foreign currency translation reserve               (13,065)                      1,636
 Share-based payment reserve                        37,027                        32,917
 Retained earnings                                  16,606                        37,904
 Total equity                                       653,923                       686,115
 Non-current liabilities
 Borrowings                                   19    3,141,525                     3,141,197
 Deferred tax liabilities                     12    141,748                       122,785
 Retirement benefit liability                 20    448                           1,595
 Provisions                                   21    262,398                       786,362
 Trade and other payables                     22    102,043                       166,923
                                                    3,648,162                     4,218,862
 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                     22    342,478                       737,603
 Current portion of borrowings                19    105,000                       80,000
 Current tax Liability                              29,702                        9,261
 Derivative financial instruments             7     406                           -
 Provisions                                   21    44,898                        51,824
 Liabilities held for sale                    24    1,043,606                     -
                                                    1,566,090                     878,688
 Total liabilities                                  5,214,252                     5,097,550
 Total equity and liabilities                       5,868,175                     5,783,665



30 June 2024 (Unaudited)


31 December 2023








Non-current assets


Property, plant and equipment




Intangible assets




Equity-accounted investments



Other receivables




Deferred tax asset




Restricted cash






Current assets






Trade and other receivables




Restricted cash




Cash and cash equivalents




Assets held for sale






Total assets








Equity attributable to owners of the parent


Share capital




Share premium




Merger reserve



Other reserves



Foreign currency translation reserve



Share-based payment reserve



Retained earnings



Total equity





Non-current liabilities






Deferred tax liabilities




Retirement benefit liability








Trade and other payables






Current liabilities


Trade and other payables




Current portion of borrowings




Current tax Liability



Derivative financial instruments








Liabilities held for sale






Total liabilities





Total equity and liabilities














 Mathios Rigas             Panos Benos

 Chief Executive Officer   Chief Financial Officer
 10 September 2024         10 September 2024

 Interim Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

 Six months ended 30 June 2024



                                                               Share Capital  Share Premium(21)  Hedges and defined benefit plans reserve(22)  Equity           Share based payment reserve (24)       Translation reserve(25)     Retained earnings  Merger reserve  Total


                                                                                                                                               of convertible

                                                               $'000          $'000              $'000                                         $'000            $'000                                  $'000                       $'000              $'000           $'000
 At 1 January 2024                                             2,449          465,331            5,975                                         -                32,917                                 1,636                       37,904             139,903         686,115
 Profit for the period                                         -              -                  -                                             -                -                         -                                        88,537             -               88,537
 Remeasurement of defined benefit pension plan, net of tax     -              -                  10                                            -                -                         -                                        -                  -               10
 Cashflow hedge, net of tax                                    -              -                  (313)                                         -                -                         -                                        -                  -               (313)
 Exchange difference on the translation of foreign operations  -              -                  -                                             -                -                         (14,701)                                 -                  -               (14,701)
 Total comprehensive income                                    -              -                  (303)                                         -                -                         (14,701)                                 88,537             -               73,533
 Transactions with owners of the company
 Share based payment charges (note 23)                         -              -                  -                                             -                4,110        -                                                     -                  -               4,110
 Dividends (note 18)                                           -              -                  -                                             -                -            -                                                     (109,835)          -               (109,835)
 At 30 June 2024 (Unaudited)                                   2,449          465,331            5,672                                         -                37,027       (13,065)                                              16,606             139,903         653,923

(21) The share premium account represents the total net proceeds on issue of
the Company's shares in excess of their nominal value of £0.01 per share less
amounts transferred to any other reserves.

(22) The reserve is used to recognise remeasurement gain or loss on cash flow
hedges and actuarial gain or loss from the defined retirement benefit plan. In
the Statement of Financial Position this reserve is combined with the Equity
component of convertible bonds' within the caption 'Other reserves'.

(23) Refers to the Equity component of $50 million of convertible loan notes,
which were issued in February 2021 and converted into equity at maturity in
December 2023. In the Statement of Financial Position this reserve is
presented within the caption 'Other reserves'.

(24) The share-based payment reserve is used to recognise the value of
equity-settled share-based payments granted to parties including employees and
key management personnel, as part of their remuneration.

(25) The translation reserve is used to record unrealised exchange differences
arising from the translation of the financial statements of entities within
the Group that have a functional currency other than US dollar.



 Interim Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

 Six months ended 30 June 2023



                                                               Share Capital  Share Premium(21)  Hedges and defined benefit plans reserve(22)      Equity              Share based payment reserve (24)       Translation reserve(25)     Retained earnings        Merger reserve                               Total


                                                                                                                                                   of convertible


                                                               $'000          $'000              $'000                                             $'000               $'000                                  $'000                       $'000                    $'000                                        $'000
 At 1 January 2023                                             2,380          415,388            6,098                    10,459                             25,589                              (5,827)                                             56,208                      139,903                 650,198
 Profit for the period                                         -              -                  -                        -                                  -                                   -                                                   69,758                      -                       69,758
 Remeasurement of defined benefit pension plan, net of tax     -              -                  (81)                     -                                  -                                   -                                                   -                           -                       (81)
 Exchange difference on the translation of foreign operations  -              -                  -                        -                                  -                                   489                                                 -                           -                       489
 Total comprehensive income                                    -              -                  (81)                     -                                  -                                   489                                                 69,758                      -                       70,166
 Transactions with owners of the company
 Share based payment charges (note 23)                         -              -                  -                                                           3,294                  -                                                                                                       -            3,294

                                                                                                                          -                                                                                                                          -
 Exercise of employment share options                          13             -                  -                        -                                  (13)                   -                                                                -                           -                       -
 Dividends (note 18)                                           -              -                  -                        -                                  -                            -                                                            (106,663)                 -                       (106,663)
 At 30 June 2023 (Unaudited)                                   2,393          415,388            6,017                    10,459                             28,870                  (5,338)                                                         19,303                      139,903                 616,995


 Interim Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

 Six months ended 30 June 2024

                                                                                                        30 June (Unaudited)
                                                                                                        2024                  2023 (Restated)*
                                                                                             Note       $'000                 $'000
 Operating activities
 Profit before taxation from continuing operations                                                      161,764               47,086
 Profit before taxation from discontinuing operations                                                   13,221                87,958
 Profit before taxation                                                                                 174,985               135,044
 Adjustments to reconcile profit before taxation to net cash provided by
 operating activities:
 Depreciation, depletion and amortisation                                                    10, 11     183,917               115,953
 Impairment loss on exploration and evaluation assets                                        10, 11     76,189                -
 Change in decommissioning provision estimates                                               21         (16,129)              (25,712)
 Loss from the sale of property, plant and equipment                                                    27                    -
 Defined benefit loss                                                                                   19                    72
 Movement in other provisions                                                                           1,767                 (2,425)
 ECL on trade receivables                                                                               961                   1,281
 Compensation to gas buyers                                                                  4          -                     4,928
 Finance income                                                                              6          (5,120)               (7,316)
 Finance                                                                                     6          137,892               113,707
 Non-cash revenues from Egypt(26)                                                                       (19,269)              (25,763)
 Share-based payment charge                                                                  23         4,110                 3,294
 Net foreign exchange (income)/loss                                                          6          (11,145)              9,344
 Cash flow from operations before working capital adjustments                                           528,204               322,407
 Increase in inventories                                                                                (198)                 (3,471)
 Increase in trade and other receivables                                                                (62,801)              (22,255)
 Increase/(Decrease) in trade and other payables                                                        63,822                (58,749)
 Cash inflow from operations                                                                            529,027               237,932
 Income tax paid                                                                                        (1,948)               (4,918)
 Net cash inflow from operating activities                                                              527,079               233,014
 Investing activities
 Payment for purchase of property, plant and equipment                                       10         (262,419)             (198,355)
 Payment for exploration and evaluation, and other intangible assets                         11         (79,798)              (85,255)
 Payment for other non-current assets                                                                   (87)                  -
 Proceeds from disposal of exploration and evaluation and other intangible                              1,464                 -
 Movement in restricted cash                                                                 14         (60,065)              63,297
 Amounts received from INGL related to the transfer of property, plant and                              1,801                 56,906
 Interest received                                                                                      5,647                 7,777
 Net cash outflow for investing activities                                                              (393,457)             (155,630)
 Financing activities
 Drawdown of borrowings                                                                      19         65,000                44,265
 Repayment of borrowings                                                                     19         (40,000)
 Transaction costs related to Senior secured notes paid                                                 -                     (1,214)
 Dividend Paid                                                                               18         (109,835)             (106,663)
 Repayment of obligations under leases                                                       19         (10,253)              (7,793)
 Finance costs paid                                                                                     (125,717)             (89,925)
 Net cash outflow from financing activities                                                             (220,805)             (161,330)
 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                                              (87,183)              (83,946)
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period                                                   346,772               427,888
 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held                                                      (412)                 2,427
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period (including cash held in                      13         259,177               346,369
 disposal group)
 Cash and cash equivalents held in disposal group presented as held for sale at              24         28,398                -
 30 June

(26) Non-cash revenues from Egypt arise due to taxes being deducted at source
from invoices, as such revenue and tax charges are grossed up to reflect this
deduction but no cash inflow or outflow results.

*Restated for discontinued operations, refer to Note 24 for further detail.


1. Corporate Information

Energean plc (the 'Company') was incorporated in England & Wales on 8 May
2017 as a public company limited by shares, under the Companies Act 2006. Its
registered office is at 44 Baker Street, London W1U 7AL, United Kingdom. The
Company and all subsidiaries controlled by the Company, are together referred
to as 'the Group'.

The Group has been established with the objective of exploration, production
and commercialisation of crude oil, hydrocarbon liquids and natural gas in
Greece, Israel, Italy, North Africa, United Kingdom ('UK') and the wider
Eastern Mediterranean.

The Group's subsidiaries and core assets, as of 30 June 2024, are presented in
notes 28 and 29.


2. Basis of preparation

2.1 Basis of preparation

The unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six
months ended 30 June 2024 included in this interim report have been prepared
in accordance with UK-adopted International Accounting Standard 34 'Interim
Financial Reporting' ('IAS 34'), and, unless otherwise disclosed, have been
prepared on the basis of the same accounting policies and methods of
computation as applied in the Group's Annual Report for the year ended 31
December 2023 subject to the following:

A.     Accounting for non-current assets held for sale and discontinued

On 20 June 2024, the Group publicly announced its Board of Directors' decision
to sell its portfolio in Egypt, Italy, and Croatia, collectively referred to
as 'Energean Capital Limited Group' (ECL), which is fully owned and controlled
by the Group. The sale of ECL is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.
The Group has assessed whether ECL meets the definition of being held for sale
and discontinued operations.

The Group classifies an operation as discontinued when it has disposed of or
intends to dispose of a business component that represents a separate major
line of business or geographical area of operations. Non-current assets and
disposal groups classified as held for sale are measured at the lower of their
carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. Costs to sell are the
incremental costs directly attributable to the disposal of an asset disposal
group), excluding finance costs and income tax expense.

The criteria for held for sale classification is regarded as met only when the
sale is highly probable, and the asset or disposal group is available for
immediate sale in its present condition. Actions required to complete the sale
should indicate that it is unlikely that significant changes to the sale will
be made or that the decision to sell will be withdrawn. Management must be
committed to the plan to sell the asset and the sale expected to be completed
within one year from the date of the classification. Property, plant and
equipment and intangible assets are not depreciated or amortised once
classified as held for sale.

Assets and liabilities classified as held for sale are presented separately as
current items in the statement of financial position. The comparative balance
sheet and the related notes to the financial statements have not been restated
to reflect this presentation, resulting in significant fluctuations between
the two reporting periods. The post-tax profit or loss of the discontinued
operations is shown as a single line on the face of the consolidated statement
of profit or loss, separate from the continuing operating results of the
Group. When an operation is classified as a discontinued operation, the
comparative consolidated statement of profit or loss is represented as if the
operation had been discontinued from the start of the comparative year.
Expenses are presented as discontinued if they will cease to be incurred on
disposal of the discontinued operation. Transactions between continuing and
discontinued operations have been consistently eliminated as intragroup
balances without any adjustments for both current and comparative reporting

While the completion is contingent upon securing regulatory approvals in Italy
and Egypt and antitrust approvals in Italy, Egypt and COMESA, the Group is
confident that the transactions will likely be finalised within 12 months of
the announcement date. The disposal group is ready for immediate sale in its
current state, with the exception of the transfer of legal ownership of
certain assets outside the disposal group to other parts of the Energean
Group. This transfer is customary in transactions of this nature.

Additional disclosures are provided in Note 24. All other notes to the
financial statements include amounts for continuing operations, unless
indicated otherwise.


B.      Exploration and evaluation expenditures: Farm-in arrangements

Farm-in transactions typically occur during the exploration or development
phase and involve the transferor (the farmor) giving up future economic
benefits, such as reserves, in exchange for a permanent reduction in future
funding obligations.

Under a carried interest arrangement, the carried party transfers a portion of
the risks and rewards of a property in exchange for a funding commitment from
the carrying party. In contrast, a farm-in arrangement involves the farmor
transferring all risks and rewards of a proportion of a property in exchange
for the farmee's commitment to fund specific expenditures. This effectively
represents the complete disposal of a proportion of the property and is
similar to purchase/sale-type carried interest arrangements.

In April 2024, the Group entered into a partnership with Chariot Limited in
Morocco to invest in the Anchois gas development.

As the farmee, the Group recognises its expenditure under this arrangement in
the same way as directly incurred expenditure. Since the carry of Chariot's
costs is conditional upon the successful commencement of production, Energean
accounts for 100% of the expenses related to appraisal and other exploration
activities concerning the two licences. These costs are fully capitalised on
the balance sheet until the start of production.

Refer to Note 11 for further details.

The unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been
prepared on a historical cost basis and are presented in US Dollars, which is
also the Company's functional currency, rounded to the nearest thousand
dollars ($'000) except as otherwise indicated. The US dollar is the currency
that mainly influences sales prices and revenue estimates, and also highly
affects the Group's operations. The functional currencies of the Group's main
subsidiaries are as follows: for Energean Oil & Gas S.A, Energean Sicilia
S.r.l. and Energean Italy S.p.a. the functional currency is Euro; for Energean
Group Services Ltd., Energean E&P Holdings Ltd., Energean International
Limited, Energean Capital Ltd., Energean Egypt Ltd., and Energean Israel Ltd.
the functional currency is US$; for Energean UK Ltd. and Energean Exploration
Ltd. is GBP.

The unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements do not
constitute statutory accounts of the Group within the meaning of Section 435
of the Companies Act 2006 and do not include all the information and
disclosures required in the annual financial statements. These financial
statements should be read in conjunction with the Group's Annual Report for
the year ended 31 December 2023, which were prepared UK-adopted International
Accounting Standards ('UK-adopted IAS'). The auditor's report on those
financial statements was unqualified with no reference to matters to which the
auditor drew attention by way of emphasis and no statement under s498(2) or
s498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.


2.2 Going concern


The Group carefully manages the risk of a shortage of funds by closely
monitoring its funding position and its liquidity risk. The Going Concern
assessment covers the period up to 31 December 2025 'the forecast period'.

As of 30 June 2024, the Group's available liquidity was approximately $511
million including $28 million of cash related to the disposal group. In
addition to $345 million of cash and cash equivalents held by the Group at 30
June 2024, this available liquidity figure includes: (i) c. $46 million
available under the $300 million Revolving Credit Facility ("RCF") signed by
the Group in September 2022 and as amended in May 2023 (with the remainder
being utilised to issue Letters of Credit for the Group's operations) and (ii)
c. $120 million under the $120 million Revolving Credit Facility signed up by
the Group in October 2023.

The going concern assessment is founded on a cashflow forecast prepared by
management, which is based on a number of assumptions, most notably the
Group's latest life of field production forecasts, budgeted expenditure
forecasts, estimated of future commodity prices (based on recent published
forward curves) and available headroom under the Group's debt facilities. The
going concern assessment contains a "Base Case" and a "Reasonable Worst Case"
("RWC") scenario. The base case scenario assumes the completion of the
disposal of ECL by the end of 2024 followed by the receipt of the cash
consideration in January 2025.

The Base Case scenario assumes Brent at $80/bbl in 2024 and 2025 and PSV
(Italian gas price) at €30/MWH in 2024 assumed throughout the going concern
assessment period, with prices for gas sold assumed at contractually agreed
prices for Egypt (in 2024) and Israel (in 2024-2025). Under the Base Case,
sufficient liquidity is maintained throughout the going concern period.

The Group also routinely performs sensitivity tests of its liquidity position
to evaluate adverse impacts that may result from changes to the macro-economic
environment, such as a reduction in commodity prices. These downsides are
considered in the RWC scenario. The Group is not materially exposed to
floating interest rate risk since the majority of its borrowings are fixed
rate. The group also looks at the impact of changes or deferral of key
projects and downside scenarios to budgeted production forecasts in the RWC.

The two primary downside sensitivities considered in the RWC are: (i) reduced
commodity prices; (ii) reduced production - these downsides are applied to
assess the robustness of the Group's liquidity position over the Assessment
Period. Within this scenario the Group also assumes the non-completion of the
disposal of ECL throughout the going concern period.  In a RWC downside case,
there are appropriate and timely mitigation strategies, within the Group's
control, to manage the risk of funding shortfalls and to ensure the Group's
ability to continue as a going concern. Mitigation strategies, within
management's control, modelled in the RWC include deferral of capital
expenditure on operated assets and/or management of operating expenses to
improve the liquidity. Under the RWC scenario, after considering mitigation
strategies, liquidity is maintained throughout the going concern period.

Reverse stress testing was also performed to determine what production
shortfall could need to occur for liquidity headroom to be eliminated. The
conditions necessary for liquidity headroom to be eliminated are judged to
have a remote possibility of occurring, given the diversified nature of the
Group's portfolio and the "natural hedge" provided by virtue of the Group's
fixed-price gas contracts in Israel. In the event a remote downside scenario
occurred, prudent mitigating strategies, consistent with those described
above, could also be executed in the necessary timeframe to preserve
liquidity. There is no material impact of climate change within the Assessment
Period and therefore, it does not form part of the reverse stress testing
performed by management.

In forming its assessment of the Group's ability to continue as a going
concern, including its review of the forecasted cashflow of the Group over the
Forecast Period, the Board has made judgements about:

• Reasonable sensitivities appropriate for the current status of the
business and the wider macro environment; and

• the Group's ability to implement the mitigating actions within the Group's
control, in the event these actions were required.

After careful consideration, the Directors are satisfied that the Group has
sufficient financial resources to continue in operation for the foreseeable
future, for the Assessment Period from the date of approval of these unaudited
condensed consolidated interim financial statements on 10 September 2024 to 31
December 2025. For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis
in preparing these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


2.3 New and amended accounting standards and interpretations

The following amendments became effective as at 1 January 2024:

·      Amendments to IAS 1 - Classification of Liabilities as Current or
Non-current and Non-current Liabilities with Covenants;

·      Amendments to IFRS 16 - Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback;

·      Amendments to IAS 7 and IFRS 7 - Disclosures: Supplier Finance

The adoption of the above amendments to UK-adopted IAS did not result in any
material changes to the Group's accounting policies and did not have any
material impact on the financial position or performance of the Group.


2.4 Approval of unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements
by Directors

These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements were
approved by the Board of Directors on 10 September 2024.


3. Segmental Reporting

The information reported to the Group's Chief Executive Officer and Chief
Financial Officer (together the Chief Operating Decision Makers) for the
purposes of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance is
focused on three continuing operating segments: Europe (including Greece and
UK), Israel, and New Ventures. The Group's reportable segments under IFRS 8
Operating Segments are Europe and Israel. Segments that do not exceed the
quantitative thresholds for reporting information about operating segments
have been included in Other.

Discontinued operations consist of the Egypt segment and Italy and Croatia
operations previously included in the Europe reportable segment, which are
expected to be disposed of in 2024 (refer to Note 24 for further detail).

Information regarding the results of each reportable segment is included below
and prior periods are represented to reflect discontinued operations to
provide comparability.


Segment revenues, results and reconciliation to profit before tax


The following is an analysis of the Group's revenue, results and
reconciliation to profit/ (loss) before tax by reportable segment:


 Six months ended 30 June 2024 (unaudited)  Europe      Israel       Other & inter-segment transactions      Continuing operations, total  Discontinued operations  Total

                                            $'000       $'000        $'000                                   $'000                         $'000                    $'000
 Revenue from gas sales                      775         388,459      -                                       389,234                       114,327                  503,561
 Revenue from hydrocarbon liquids sales      145         213,719      -                                       213,864                       21,726                   235,590
 Revenue from crude oil sales                37,596      -            -                                       37,596                        80,669                   118,265
 Revenue from LPG sales                      227         -            -                                       227                           7,241                    7,468
 Other                                       6,640       -            (5,148)                                 1,492                         215                      1,707
 Total revenue                               45,383      602,178      (5,148)                                 642,413                       224,178                  866,591
 Adjusted EBITDAX(27)                       6,460       429,977      (319)                                   436,118                       131,741                  567,859
 Reconciliation to profit before tax:
 Depreciation and amortisation expenses      (8,701)     (123,559)    245                                     (132,015)                     (51,902)                 (183,917)
 Share-based payment charge                 (675)       (518)        (2,917)                                 (4,110)                       -                        (4,110)
 Exploration and evaluation expenses         (15,282)    -            (616)                                   (15,898)                      (63,096)                 (78,994)
 Change in decommissioning provision         (2,638)     -            -                                       (2,638)                       3,023                    385
 Expected credit (loss)                      -           -            -                                       -                             (961)                    (961)
 Other expense                               (66)        (4)          (3,890)                                 (3,960)                       (1,525)                  (5,485)
 Other income                                1,005       -            83                                      1,088                         754                      1,842
 Finance income                              853         4,485        (335)                                   5,003                         117                      5,120
 Finance costs                               (10,481)    (93,847)     (17,429)                                (121,757)                     (16,135)                 (137,892)
 Unrealised loss on derivatives             -           (7)          -                                       (7)                           -                        (7)
 Net foreign exchange gain/(loss)            (149)       (290)        379                                     (60)                          11,205                   11,145
 Profit/(loss) before income tax            (29,674)    216,237      (24,799)                                161,764                       13,221                   174,985
 Taxation expense                            3,311       (48,981)     (225)                                   (45,895)                      (40,553)                 (86,448)
 Profit/(loss) for the period               (26,363)    167,256      (25,024)                                115,869                       (27,332)                 88,537



  Six months ended 30 June 2023 (unaudited) (Restated*)   Europe    Israel    Other & inter-segment transactions      Continuing operations, total  Discontinued operations  Total

                                                          $'000     $'000     $'000                                   $'000                         $'000                    $'000
 Revenue from gas sales                                   1,105     266,471   -                                       267,576                       135,653                  403,229
 Revenue from hydrocarbon liquids sales                   4         81,272    -                                       81,276                        14,752                   96,028
 Revenue from crude oil sales                             24,889    -         -                                       24,889                        53,483                   78,372
 Revenue from LPG sales                                   250       -         -                                       250                           7,534                    7,784
 Other                                                    5,403     -         (3,503)                                 1,900                         329                      2,229
 Total revenue                                            31,651    347,743   (3,503)                                 375,891                       211,751                  587,642
 Adjusted EBITDAX(26)                                     (8,607)   235,303   2,868                                   229,564                       115,289                  344,853
 Reconciliation to profit before tax:
 Depreciation and amortisation expenses                   (4,415)   (80,049)  375                                     (84,089)                      (31,864)                 (115,953)
 Share-based payment charge                               (152)     (312)     (2,109)                                 (2,573)                       (368)                    (2,941)
 Exploration and evaluation expenses                      (279)     (50)      (351)                                   (680)                         (1,468)                  (2,148)
 Change in decommissioning provision                       7,297     -         -                                       7,297                         14,633                   21,930
 Expected credit (loss)                                   (871)      -         -                                      (871)                         (409)                    (1,280)
 Other expense                                            (571)      -        (6)                                     (577)                         (292)                    (869)
 Other income                                              938       2         178                                     1,118                         6,069                    7,187
 Finance income                                            972       1,044     1,180                                   3,196                         4,120                    7,316
 Finance costs                                            (12,341)  (67,569)  (22,822)                                (102,732)                     (10,975)                 (113,707)
 Net foreign exchange gain/(loss)                          2,117    (5,578)    894                                    (2,567)                       (6,777)                  (9,344)
 Profit/(loss) before income tax                          (15,912)   82,791    (19,793)                                47,086                        87,958                   135,044
 Taxation expense                                         (139)     (20,215)   592                                    (19,762)                      (45,524)                 (65,286)
 Profit/(loss) for the period                             (16,051)   62,576   (19,201)                                27,324                        42,434                    69,758

*Restated for discontinued operations, refer to Note 24 for further detail.

(27)Adjusted EBITDAX is a non-IFRS measure used by the Group to measure
business performance. It is calculated as profit or loss for the period,
adjusted for discontinued operations, taxation, depreciation and amortisation,
share-based payment charge, impairment of property, plant and equipment, other
income and expenses (including the impact of derivative financial instruments
and foreign exchange), net finance costs and exploration and evaluation


Segment financial position


The following tables present assets and liabilities information for the
Group's operating segments as at 30 June 2024 and 31 December 2023,

  Six months ended 30 June 2024 (unaudited)                   Europe     Israel       Other & inter-segment transactions      Continuing operations, total  Discontinued operations  Total
                                                              $'000      $'000        $'000                                   $'000                         $'000                    $'000
 Oil & Gas properties                                          247,687    3,042,772    (136)                                   3,290,323                     -                        3,290,323
 Other fixed assets                                            7,204      11,650       16,497                                  35,351                        -                        35,351
 Intangible assets                                             2,156      374,406      20,856                                  397,418                       -                        397,418
 Trade and other receivables                                   26,468     136,025      (12,608)                                149,885                       -                        149,885
 Deferred tax asset                                            87,121     -            -                                       87,121                        -                        87,121
 Other assets                                                 152,666     232,490      (34,895)                                350,261                       -                        350,261
 Assets held for sale                                          -          -            -                                       -                             1,557,816                1,557,816
 Total assets                                                 523,302     3,797,343    (10,286)                                4,310,359                     1,557,816               5,868,175
 Trade and other payables                                     113,136     284,534      (55,192)                                342,478                       -                        342,478
 Borrowings                                                   105,317     2,591,098    550,110                                 3,246,525                     -                        3,246,525
 Decommissioning provision                                    216,059     91,237       -                                       307,296                       -                        307,296
 Current tax payable                                           -          29,702       -                                       29,702                        -                        29,702
 Deferred tax liability                                        -          141,748     -                                        141,748                       -                        141,748
 Other liabilities                                             60,340     100,816      (58,259)                                102,897                       -                        102,897
 Liabilities held for sale                                     -          -            -                                       -                             1,043,606                1,043,606
 Total liabilities                                            494,852     3,239,135    436,659                                 4,170,646                     1,043,606                5,214,252
 Other segment information
 Capital expenditure:
 -       Property, plant and equipment                         14,590     52,862       62                                      67,514                        131,362                  198,876
 -       Intangible, exploration and evaluation assets         9          130,651      13,194                                  143,854                       50,311                   194,165


 Year ended 31 December 2023                        Europe     Israel       Egypt      Other & inter-segment transactions      Total
                                                    $'000       $'000       $'000      $'000                                   $'000
 Oil & Gas properties                                734,265    2,783,914    473,628    311,295                                 4,303,102
 Other fixed assets                                  35,110     13,918       19,996     (801)                                   68,223
 Intangible assets                                   20,303     243,965      46,846     14,275                                  325,389
 Trade and other receivables                         88,729     130,135      154,095    (19,702)                                353,257
 Deferred tax asset                                  217,504    -            -         -                                        217,504
 Other assets                                        849,649    573,855      47,601     (954,915)                               516,190
 Total assets                                       1,945,560   3,745,787    742,166    (649,848)                               5,783,665
 Trade and other payables                            375,390    391,379      74,893     62,864                                  904,526
 Borrowings                                          108,392    2,588,491    -          524,314                                 3,221,197
 Decommissioning provision                           738,063    92,613       -          6,819                                   837,495
 Current tax payable                                 7,597      -            -          1,664                                   9,261
 Deferred tax liability                              -          122,785      -          -                                       122,785
 Other liabilities                                   7,502      -            1,601      (6,817)                                 2,286
 Total liabilities                                  1,236,944   3,195,268    76,494     588,844                                 5,097,550
 Other segment information
 Capital Expenditure:
 -  Property, plant and equipment                   220,461    138,490      130,099    (1,630)                                 487,420
 -  Intangible, exploration and evaluation assets   4,152      24,959       26,253     1,288                                   56,652

Segment Cash flows

The following tables present cash flow information for the Group's operating
segments for six months ended 30 June:


                                                                            Europe      Israel       Other & inter-segment transactions      Continuing operations, total  Discontinued operations  Total
                                                                            $'000        $'000       $'000                                   $'000                         $'000                    $'000
 Six months ended 30 June 2024 (unaudited)
 Net cash from / (used in) operating activities                              6,668       430,651      9,258                                   446,577                       80,502                   527,079
 Net cash (used in) investing activities                                     (18,478)    (253,309)    (8,494)                                 (280,281)                     (113,176)                (393,457)
 Net cash from financing activities                                          5,960       (254,326)    (22,359)                                (270,725)                     49,920                   (220,805)
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash   (5,850)     (76,984)     (21,595)                                (104,429)                     17,246                   (87,183)
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period                        17,884      286,625      30,414                                  334,923                       11,849                   346,772
 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held                           (211)       1,025        (529)                                   285                           (697)                    (412)
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                          11,823      210,666      8,290                                   230,779                       28,398                   259,177



 Six months ended 30 June 2023 (unaudited)             Europe    Israel    Egypt     Other & inter-segment transactions      Total
                                                       $'000      $'000    $'000     $'000                                   $'000
 Net cash from / (used in) operating activities        56,014    172,217   19,987    (15,204)                                233,014
 Net cash (used in) investing activities               (79,573)  (62,694)  (17,324)  3,961                                   (155,630)
 Net cash from financing activities                    43,680    (68,823)  (1,465)   (134,722)                               (161,330)
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents  20,121    40,700    1,198     (145,965)                               (83,946)
 At beginning of the year                              58,229    24,825    26,825    318,009                                 427,888
 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held     853       (837)     (2,238)   4,649                                   2,427
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period        79,203    64,688    25,785    176,693                                 346,369


4. Revenue



                                           30 June (Unaudited)
                                           2024              2023 (Restated)*
                                           $'000             $'000
 Revenue from gas sales                    389,234           272,504
 Revenue from hydrocarbon liquids sales    213,864           81,276
 Revenue from crude oil sales              37,596            24,889
 Revenue from LPG sales                    227               250
 Compensation to gas buyers                -                 (4,928)
 Rendering of services                     1,492             1,900
 Total revenue from continuing operations  642,413           375,891

*Restated for discontinued operations, refer to note 24 for further detail.

 Sales volumes for the six months to 30 June from continuing operations (kboe)             30 June (Unaudited)
                                                 2024                                                        2023 (Restated)*
                                                 kboe                                                        kboe
 Israel                                          19,009                                                      12,488
 Gas                                             16,323                                                      11,322
 Hydrocarbon liquids                             2,686                                                       1,166
 UK                                              265                                                         149
 Gas                                             17                                                          15
 Crude Oil                                       248                                                         134
 Greece                                          219                                                         196
 Crude Oil                                       219                                                         196
 Total sales volumes from continuing operations  19,493                                                      12,833

*Restated for discontinued operations, refer to note 24 for further detail.



5. Operating profit before taxation from continuing operations


                                                                                          30 June (Unaudited)
                                                                                          2024                                         2023 (Restated)*
                                                                                          $'000                                        $'000
 (a)  Cost of sales
      Staff costs                                                                         12,307                                       10,296
      Energy cost                                                                         6,417                                        7,216
      Royalty payable                                                                     106,560                                      63,474
      Other operating costs(28)                                                           64,076                                       58,180
      Depreciation and amortisation                                                       130,638                                      82,524
      Oil stock movement                                                                  1,919                                        (726)
      Stock overlift / (underlift) movement                                               4,655                                        (234)
      Total cost of sales                                                                 326,572                                      220,730

 (b)  Administration expenses
      Staff costs                                                                         7,539                                        7,431
      Share-based payment charge included in administration expenses                      4,110                                        2,573
      Depreciation and amortisation                                                       1,377                                        1,536
      Audit fees                                                                          1,016                                        696
      Other general & administration expenses                                             1,806                                        23
      Total administration expenses                                                       15,848                                       12,259

 (c)  Exploration and evaluation expenses
      Staff costs for Exploration and evaluation activities                               321                                          64
      Exploration costs written off(29)                                                   14,961                                       -
      Other exploration and evaluation expenses                                           616                                          616
      Total exploration and evaluation expenses                                           15,898                                       680
 (d)  Expected credit loss
      Expected credit loss expense                                                                                 -                                   871
      Total expected credit loss                                                                                   -                                   871

 (e)  Other expenses
      Restructuring costs                                                                                          -                           202
      Transaction expenses (30)                                                                                    3,861                       -
      Loss from disposal of Property, plant & Equipment                                                            28                          -
      Other expenses                                                                                               71                          375
      Total other expenses                                                                                         3,960                       577

 (f)  Other income
      Other income                                                                                                 1,088                               1,118
      Total other income                                                                                           1,088                               1,118

*Restated for discontinued operations, refer to note 24 for further detail.


(28) Other operating costs comprise of insurance costs, gas transportation and
treatment fees, concession fees and planned maintenance costs.

(29) Exploration expenses write-off pertains to the cessation of exploration
activities in the Ioannina area in Greece by the Group during the reporting
period. Refer to Note 11 for further details

(30) Transaction expenses consist of costs associated with the anticipated
sale of the Group's portfolio in Egypt, Italy, and Croatia. The decision to
sell was announced in June 2024 (refer to note 24 for further details).
Pre-sale activities have resulted in additional expenses recognized during the
reporting period, including consulting ($1.4 million) and legal fees ($2.5

6. Net finance cost from continuing operations

                                                                                  30 June (Unaudited)
                                                                                  2024              2023 (Restated)*
                                                                                  $'000             $'000

 Interest on bank borrowings                                                      7,589             2,664
 Interest on Senior Secured Notes                                                 100,236           82,326
 Interest expense on long term payables                                           1,249             1,554
 Less amounts included in the cost of qualifying assets                           (4,655)           (7,592)
                                                                                  104,419           78,952
 Finance and arrangement fees                                                     1,677             6,831
 Commission charges for bank guarantees                                           1,369             1,085
 Other finance (income)/costs and bank charges                                    844               253
 Unwinding of discount on right of use asset                                      483               148
 Unwinding of discount on long-term trade payables                                7,804             2,060
 Unwinding of discount on provision for decommissioning                           5,506             5,662
 Unwinding of discount on deferred consideration                                  -                 5,674
 Unwinding of discount on convertible loan                                        -                 2,155
 Less amounts included in the cost of qualifying assets                           (345)             (88)
 Total finance costs                                                              121,757           102,732
 Interest income from time deposits                                               (5,003)           (3,196)
 Total finance income                                                             (5,003)           (3,196)
 Net foreign exchange losses                                                      60                2,567
 Net financing costs                                                              116,814           102,103

*Restated for discontinued operations, refer to note 24 for further detail.


7. Fair value measurements

Set out below is information about how the Group determines the fair values of
various financial assets and liabilities.


Contingent consideration

The share purchase agreement (the "SPA") dated 4 July 2019 between Energean
and Edison Spa provides for a contingent consideration of up to $100 million.
The amount of the Cassiopea contingent payment varies between nil and $100
million, depending on future gas prices in Italy at the point at which first
gas production is delivered from the field. The consideration is contingent on
the basis of future gas prices (PSV) recorded at the time of the first gas,
which was achieved on 19 August 2024. No payment will be due if the arithmetic
average of the year one (i.e., the first year after first gas production) and
year two (i.e., the second year after first gas production) Italian PSV
Natural Gas Futures prices is less than €10/MWh when first gas production is
delivered from the field. $100 million is payable if that average price
exceeds €20/MWh, with a range of outcomes between $0 million and $100
million if the average price is between €10/MWh and €20/MWh. The Group's
payment obligation is due 90 days after the later of the first day of the
month following the first month in which production from the Cassiopea field
has continued on a regular basis for at least 25 days or the date upon which
formal notice of production from Cassiopea has been accepted by the relevant
competent authority in Italy (or failing which once production has continued
on a regular basis for 90 days). The fair value of the contingent
consideration is estimated by reference to the terms of the SPA and the
simulated PSV pricing by reference to the forecasted PSV pricing, historical
volatility and a log normal distribution, discounted at a cost of debt.

As at 30 June 2024, the forward curve of PSV prices indicate an average price
in excess of €20/MWh. Therefore, the Group's estimate at 30 June 2024 of the
fair value of the contingent consideration payable in December 2024 is $95.4
million, based on a Monte Carlo simulation (31 December 2023: $91.1 million).


The fair value of the consideration payable has been recognized at level 3 in
the fair value hierarchy.

  Contingent consideration   $'000
 1 January 2024              91,075
 Discount unwinding          4,358
 30 June 2024                95,433


Management believes there are no reasonably possible change to any key
assumptions since 31 December 2023 that would materially impact the contingent
consideration valuation.


Cash Flow Hedging

In February 2024, the Company entered into a forward transaction to hedge
against foreign currency volatility risk associated with its deferred payment
to Technip. The hedge relationship was deemed effective at inception, and in
accordance with the Group's accounting policy, the transaction was subject to
cash flow hedge accounting. Consequently, as of 30 June 2024, the Group
recorded a derivative liability of $0.4 million, an other comprehensive loss
of $0.4 million, and $0.07 million in finance income related to this
transaction during the reporting period.


Fair values of financial instruments

The following financial instruments are measured at amortised cost and are
considered to have fair values different to their book values:

                       30 June 2024 (Unaudited)       31 December 2023
 $'000                 Carrying value  Fair value     Carrying value  Fair value
 Senior Secured notes  3,141,525       2,828,950      3,032,783       2,775,135


The fair value of the notes is within level 1 of the fair value hierarchy and
has been determined by discounting future cash flows by the relevant market
yield curve at the reporting date.

The fair value of other financial instruments not measured at fair value
including cash and short - term deposits, trade receivables and other payables
equate approximately to their carrying values. There were no transfers between
the levels during the reporting period.



8. Taxation

                                                                             30 June (Unaudited)
                                                                             2024               2023 (Restated)*
                                                                             $'000              $'000
 Continuing operations:
 Corporation tax - current period                                            (29,953)           (227)
 Adjustments in respect of current income tax of previous year(s)            (29)               -
 Total current tax charge                                                    (29,982)           (227)
 Deferred tax relating to origination and reversal of temporary differences  (15,913)           (19,535)
 Income tax expense reported in the Income statement                         (45,895)           (19,762)

*Restated for discontinued operations, refer to note 24 for further detail.


(b) Reconciliation of the total tax charge

The Group calculates its income tax expense as per IAS 34 by applying a
weighted average tax rate calculated based on the statutory tax rates of
Greece (25%), Cyprus (12.5%), Israel (23%), Italy (24%), United Kingdom
(25%/75%) and Egypt (40.55%), weighted according to the profit before tax
earned in each jurisdiction where deferred tax is recognised excluding fair
value uplifts profits.

On the 29th July 2024, the UK Government announced changes in the Energy
Profits Levy (EPL) with effective date 1st November 2024. Specifically, the
EPL rate will increase to 38% from 1 November 2024,  bringing the headline
rate of tax on upstream oil and gas activities to 78%. The government will
also remove the investment allowances from the Energy Profits Levy, including
by abolishing the levy's main 29% investment allowance for qualifying
expenditure incurred on or after 1 November 2024. The Group is not expected to
be materially affected as a result of the announced changes in the EPL.


Pillar Two legislation has been enacted or substantively enacted in certain
jurisdictions in which the Group operates. However, this legislation does not
currently apply to the Group as its consolidated revenue has not exceeded the
threshold of €750 million in at least two of the four preceding fiscal years
prior to the enactment of the legislation.

The effective tax rate for the period is 49% (30 June 2023: 48%). The tax
(charge)/ credit of the period can be reconciled to the profit per the
unaudited interim consolidated income statement as follows:

                                                                                 30 June (Unaudited)
                                                                                 2024                2023 (Restated)*
                                                                                 $'000               $'000
 Accounting profit before tax from continuing operations                         161,764             47,086
 Profit before tax from discontinued operations                                  13,221              87,958
 Accounting profit before tax                                                    174,985             135,044
 Tax calculated at 21.0% weighted average rate (2023: 28.3%)                                         (38,163)

 Impact of different tax rates(31)                                               (1,822)             1,621
 Non recognition of deferred tax on current year tax losses and other temporary  (11,712)            (25,937)
 Derecognition of previously recognised deferred tax(32)                         (10,987)            -
 Permanent differences(33)                                                       (27,946)            (2,616)
 Foreign taxes                                                                   (29)                -
 Tax effect of non-taxable income and allowances                                 936                 1,187
 Other adjustments                                                               (169)               222
 Prior year tax                                                                  2,067               (1,600)
 Income tax expense reported in the statement of profit or loss                  (45,895)            (19,762)
 Income tax attributable to discontinued operations                              (40,553)            (45,524)
 Total taxation (expense)/income                                                 (86,448)            (65,286)

* Restated for discontinued operations, refer to Note 24 for further detail.

(31)Impact of different tax rates mainly relates to the different tax rate
applied in the reconciliation of non-taxable income (intragroup dividends) and
the impairment loss in Egypt.

(32) In 2024, the Group reassessed the recoverability of its deferred tax
asset related to the decommissioning provision in Italy, resulting in an
approximate tax charge of $11 million. This is attributable to the
discontinued operations.

(33) Permanent differences primarily consisted of a non-deductible impairment
loss of exploration assets in Egypt ($26.8 million), non-deductible M&A
costs ($1.0m), other non-deductible expenses ($1.1m) and foreign exchange
income ($1.0 million).



9. Earnings per share

Basic earnings per ordinary share amounts are calculated by dividing net
income for the year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by
the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.

Diluted income per ordinary share amounts is calculated by dividing net income
for the year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the
weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year plus
the weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued if
dilutive employee share options were converted into ordinary shares.

                                                                              30 June (Unaudited)
                                                                              2024                  2023 (Restated)*
                                                                              $'000                 $'000

 Total profit from continuing operations attributable to equity shareholders  115,869               27,324
 Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares                                 -                     2,155
                                                                              115,869               29,479
 Number of shares
 Basic weighted average number of shares                                      183,480,959           178,454,765
 Dilutive potential ordinary shares                                           1,070,515             5,815,646
 Diluted weighted average number of shares                                    184,551,474           184,270,411
 Basic earnings per share, continuing operations                              $0.63                 $0.17
 Diluted earnings per share, continuing operations                            $0.63                 $0.16


* Restated for discontinued operations, refer to Note 24 for further detail.


10. Property, plant and equipment

                                      Oil and gas properties  Leased assets  Other property, plant and equipment  Total
 Property, plant and equipment        $'000                   $'000          $'000                                $'000
 At 1 January 2023                    4,739,424               58,712         60,118                               4,858,254
 Additions                            469,023                 38,278         2,203                                509,504
 Lease modification                   -                       8,706          -                                    8,706
 Disposal of assets                   (111,448)                              -                                    (111,448)
 Capitalised borrowing cost           17,658                  -              -                                    17,658
 Change in decommissioning provision  (2,504)                 -              -                                    (2,504)
 Other movements                      (313)                   -              (307)                                (620)
 Foreign exchange impact              89,811                  2,582          2,090                                94,483
 At 31 December 2023                  5,201,651               108,278        64,104                               5,374,033
 Additions                            190,433                 1,755          206                                  192,394
 Lease modifications(34)              -                       (998)          -                                    (998)
 Disposal of assets                   -                       -              (28)                                 (28)
 Capitalised borrowing cost           5,000                   -              -                                    5,000
 Change in decommissioning provision  (24,546)                -              -                                    (24,546)
 Transfer to inventory                (448)                   -              -                                    (448)
 Transfer to assets held for sale     (1,277,911)             (71,939)       (1,001)                              (1,350,851)
 Foreign exchange impact              (86,507)                (2,331)        (1,880)                              (90,718)
 At 30 June 2024 (Unaudited)          4,007,672               34,765         61,401                               4,103,838

 Accumulated Depreciation
 At 1 January 2023                    542,894                 29,298         54,158                                     626,350
 Charge for the period                287,926                 15,432         1,808                                      305,166
 Impairment                           342                     -              -                                          342
 Foreign exchange impact              67,387                  1,607          1,856                                      70,850
 At 31 December 2023                  898,549                 46,337         57,822                                     1,002,708
 Charge for the period expensed       172,470                 10,135         787                                        183,392
 Impairment                           159                     -              -                                          159
 Transfer to assets held for sale     (271,045)               (32,740)       (2,121)                                    (305,906)
 Foreign exchange impact              (63,763)                (1,409)        (1,666)                                    (66,838)
 At 30 June 2024 (Unaudited)          736,370                 22,323         54,822                                     813,515
 Net carrying amount
 At 31 December 2023                  4,303,102               61,941         6,282                                      4,371,325
 At 30 June 2024 (Unaudited)          3,271,302               12,442         6,579                                      3,290,323


(34) The lease modification pertains to the sublease of leased assets in
Italy. A corresponding financial asset of $1.0 million for the sublet property
has been recorded under Other Receivables on the balance sheet of the disposal
group. For more details, refer to Note 24.


Included in the carrying amount of leased assets at 30 June 2024 are right of
use assets related to Oil and gas properties and Other property, plant and
equipment of $8.8 million and $3.6 million respectively (31 December 2023:
$58.0 million and $3.9 million). The depreciation charged on these classes for
the six-month ending 30 June 2024 were $8.3 million and $1.9 million
respectively (six months ended 30 June 2023: $6.3 million and $0.3 million).

The additions to Oil & gas properties for the period of six months ended
30 June 2024 are mainly due to development costs of the Karish main, Karish
North, second gas exporter riser costs and the second oil train in Israel at
the amount of $49.5 million and the Cassiopea project in Italy at the amount
of $105 million.

On 20 June 2024, property, plant, and equipment owned by the disposal group,
with a carrying value of $1,045 million (primarily in Italy and Egypt; see
note 24 for further details), were reclassified as assets held for sale.
Depreciation on these assets ceased once they were classified as held for

Borrowing costs capitalised for qualifying assets, included in oil & gas
properties, for the six months ended 30 June 2024 amounted to $5.0 million (30
June 2023: $3.5 million). The weighted average interest rates used was 1.58%
for the six months ended 30 June 2024 (30 June 2023: 5.42%).

There were no impairment indicators identified at 30 June 2024.


11. Intangible assets

                                           Exploration and evaluation assets  Goodwill  Other Intangible assets  Total
                                           $'000                              $'000     $'000                    $'000
 Intangibles at Cost
 At 1 January 2023                         338,354                            101,146   10,975                   450,475
 Additions                                 56,379                             -         273                      56,652
 Other movements                           313                                -         307                      620
 Exchange differences                      2,670                              -         (12)                     2,658
 At 31 December 2023                       397,716                            101,146   11,543                   510,405
 Additions                                 192,538                            -         401                      192,939
  Transfer to assets held for sale         (99,069)                           (4,860)   (6,978)                  (110,907)
 Exchange differences                      (3,961)                            -         (359)                    (4,320)
 At 30 June 2024 (Unaudited)               487,224                            96,286    4,607                    588,117

 Accumulated amortisation and impairments
 At 1 January 2023                         130,448                            18,310    5,339                    154,097
 Charge for the period                     46                                 -         932                      978
 Impairment                                26,583                             2,175     -                        28,758
 Exchange differences                      1,197                              -         (14)                     1,183
 At 31 December 2023                       158,274                            20,485    6,257                    185,016
 Charge for the period                     36                                 -         489                      525
 Impairment                                76,030                             -         -                        76,030
 Transfer to assets held for sale          (63,450)                           -         (3,821)                  (67,271)
 Exchange differences                      (3,297)                            -         (304)                    (3,601)
 At 30 June 2024 (Unaudited)               167,593                            20,485    2,621                    190,699

 Net Carrying Amount
 At 31 December 2023                       239,442                            80,661    5,286                    325,389
 At 30 June 2024 (Unaudited)               319,631                            75,801    1,986                    397,418


Goodwill arises principally because of the requirement to recognise deferred
tax assets and liabilities for the difference between the assigned values and
the tax bases of assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a business

During the period, the Group made significant additions to key ongoing
projects, including $13 million for the Company's partnership with Chariot
Limited in Morocco's Anchois gas development, $130 million mainly related to
the Katlan project in Israel, and $49 million for the Location B project in
Egypt and the Orion exploration (the latter has subsequently been impaired).

Total impairments of $76.0 million were recognised during the period for
projects that will not progress to development. In 2024, the Orion X1
exploration well in Egypt reached the target reservoir but indicated no
commercial hydrocarbons, resulting in a full impairment of the related
exploration asset valued at $61.2 million. Additionally, the exploration
license for Ioannina expired on 2 April 2024, leading to a full impairment of
the exploration asset valued at $14.8 million.

The Group exited the Isabella license in December 2023, resulting in the full
impairment of the related exploration asset valued at $26.6 million and
goodwill of $2.2 million.

On 20 June 2024, intangible assets owned by the disposal group, with a
carrying value of $ 43.6 million (primarily in Italy and Egypt; see note 24
for further details), were reclassified as assets held for sale. Amortisation
on these assets ceased once they were classified as held for sale.


12. Net deferred tax (liability)/ asset


 Deferred tax (liabilities)/assets                 Property, plant and equipment  Right of use asset IFRS 16  Decommi-ssioning  Prepaid expenses and other receivables  Inventory  Tax losses      Deferred expenses for tax  Retire-ment benefit liability  Accrued expenses and other short‑term liabilities       Total
                                                   $'000                          $'000                       $'000             $'000                                   $'000      $'000           $'000                      $'000                          $'000                                                   $'000
 At 1 January 2023                                 (148,923)                      (1,078)                     126,246           186                                     440        197,008         6,208                      165                            5,860                                                   186,112
 Increase / (decrease) for the period through:
 Profit or loss                                    (13,874)                       (2,644)                     (26,955)          (2,225)                                 (440)      (57,185)        (630)                      163                            3,958                                                   (99,832)
 Other comprehensive income                        -                              -                           -                 -                                       -          -               -                          38                             -                                                       38
 Exchange difference                               (1,197)                        (15)                        4,269             (12)                                    6          5,043           -                          3                              304                                                     8,401
 At 31 December 2023                               (163,994)                      (3,737)                     103,560           (2,051)                                 6          144,866         5,578                      369                            10,122                                                  94,719
 Increase / (decrease) for the period through:
 Continuing operations:
 Profit or loss                                    (11,213)                       733                         318               137                                     401        (5,576)         (316)                      (35)                           (363)                                                   (15,914)
 Other comprehensive income                        -                              -                           -                 -                                       -          -               -                          94                             -                                                       94
 Exchange difference                               1,081                          17                          (47)              18                                      (4)        (3,368)         -                          (3)                            (204)                                                   (2,510)
 Discontinued operations:
 Profit or loss                                    844                            -                           (12,159)          -                                       -          (7,092)         -                          -                              64                                                      (18,343)
 Other comprehensive income                        -                              -                           -                 -                                       -          -               -                          -                              (3)                                                     (3)
 Exchange difference                               (532)                          -                           (2,834)           -                                       -          (541)           -                          -                              1                           (3,906)
 Transfer to assets / (liabilities) held for sale  (17,083)                       -                           (79,656)          -                                       -          (11,950)        -                          10                             (85)                        (108,764)
 At 30 June 2024 (Unaudited)                       (190,897)                      (2,987)                     9,182             (1,896)                                 403        116,339         5,262                      435                            9,532                       (54,627)

                                                                                                                                                                                                   30 June 2024 (Unaudited)                                  31 December 2023
                                                                                                                                                                                                   $'000                                                     $'000
 Deferred tax liabilities                                                                                                                                                                          (141,748)                                                 (122,785)
 Deferred tax assets                                                                                                                                                                               87,121                                                    217,504
 Net deferred tax (liabilities)/ assets                                                                                                                                                            (54,627)                                                  94,719


The Group transferred to "Asset and Liabilities held for sale" deferred tax
assets totally amounted to $108.8 million coming from Italy, as further
described in Note 24.

As of 30 June 2024, the Group had gross unused tax losses of $838.2 million
(as of 31 December 2023: $907.4 million), of which $101.6 million related to
discontinued operations, available to offset against future profits and other
temporary differences. The Group did not recognise deferred tax on tax losses
and other differences of total amount of $690.9 million, of which $179.9
million related to discontinued operations.

A deferred tax asset of $128.3 million (2023: $144.9 million) has been
recognised on tax losses of $499.4 million, based on the forecasted profits. A
deferred tax asset of $12.0 million recognised on Italian tax losses of $49.8
million, classified under discontinued operations, so as the deferred tax
asset of $79.7 million recognised on Italian decommissioning costs.

In Greece and the UK, the net DTA for carried forward losses recognised in
excess of the other net taxable temporary differences was $78.8 million and
$8.3 million (2023: $77.8 million and $8.7 million) respectively.

Greek tax losses (Prinos area) can be carried forward without limitation up
until the relevant concession agreement expires (by 2039), whereas, the tax
losses in Israel, Italy and the United Kingdom can be carried forward
indefinitely. Based on the Prinos area forecasts (including the Epsilon
development), the deferred tax asset is fully utilised by 2032. Finally, in
the UK, decommissioning losses is expected to be tax relieved up until 2027 in
accordance with the latest taxable profits forecasts.


13. Cash and cash equivalents

                         30 June               31 December
                         2024 (Unaudited)      2023
                         $'000                 $'000
 Cash and bank deposits  230,779               346,772
                         230,779                  346,772

Bank deposits comprise deposits and other short-term money market deposit
accounts that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash. The annual
average interest rate on short‑term bank deposits was 4.678% for the six
months period ended 30 June 2024 (12 months ended 31 December 2023: 4.371%).


14. Restricted Cash

Restricted cash comprises cash retained under the Israel Senior Secured Notes
and the Greek State Loan requirement as follows:


The current portion of restricted cash at 30 June 2024 was $82.54 million (31
December 2023: $22.48 million). It mainly relates to the September 2024 coupon
payment on Senior Secured Notes.


The cash restricted for more than 12 months after the reporting date was $3.0
million (31 December 2023: $3.1 million) mainly comprising $2.2 million (31
December 2023: $2.3 million) held on the Interest Service Reserve Account
('ISRA') in relation to the Greek Loan Notes and $0.8 million (31 December
2023: $0.8 million) for Prinos Guarantee.


15. Inventories


                             30 June 2024      31 December 2023

                             $'000             $'000
 Crude oil                   17,776            55,414
 Hydrocarbon liquids         1,201             1,685
 Gas                         542               552
 Raw materials and supplies  17,425            52,475
 Total inventories           36,944            110,126

16. Trade and other receivables

                                            30 June               31 December
                                            2024 (Unaudited)      2023
                                            $'000                 $'000
 Trade and other receivables - Current
 Financial items:
 Trade receivables                          133,209               297,305
 Receivables from partners under JOA        435                   1,996
 Other receivables                          5,106                 9,479
 Government subsidies                       79                    82
 Refundable VAT                             1,364                 19,273
 Accrued interest income                    399                   1,016
                                            140,592               329,151
 Non-financial items:
 Deposits and prepayments(35)               8,752                 19,174
 Other deferred expenses                    541                   4,932
                                            9,293                 24,106
                                            149,885               353,257
 Trade and other receivables - Non-Current
 Financial items:
 Other tax recoverable                      15,462                15,544
                                            15,462                15,544
 Non-financial items:
 Deposits and prepayments                   16,208                17,612
 Other non-current assets                   645                   526
                                            16,853                18,138
                                            32,315                33,682

( )

(35) Included in deposits and prepayments, are mainly prepayments for goods
and services under the GSP Engineering, Procurement, Construction and
Installation Contract (EPCIC) for Epsilon project.


17. Share capital


The below tables outline the share capital of the Company.

                              Equity share capital allotted and fully paid  Share capital  Share premium
                              Number                                        $'000          $'000
 Issued and authorized
 At 1 January 2023            178,040,505                                   2,380          415,388
 Issued during the year
 - New shares                 4,422,013                                     57             49,943
 - Share based payment        1,018,441                                     12             -
 At 31 December 2023          183,480,959                                   2,449          465,331
 Issued during the period
 - Share based payment        -                                             -              -
 At 30 June 2024 (Unaudited)  183,480,959                                   2,449          465,331



18. Dividends

In line with the Group's dividend policy, Energean returned $0.60/share to
shareholders during the reporting period, representing two-quarters of
dividend payments (6 months ended 30 June 2023: $0.60/ share).

                                       $ cents per share     $' 000
 Dividends announced and paid in cash  2024       2023       2024     2023
 March                                 30         30         54,844   53,252
 June                                  30         30         54,991   53,411
                                       60         60         109,835  106,663


19. Borrowings

                                                              30 June               31 December
                                                              2024 (Unaudited)      2023
                                                              $'000                 $'000
 Bank borrowings - after two years but within five years
 4.875% Senior Secured notes due 2026 ($625 million)          621,013               619,932
 Bank borrowings - more than five years
 6.5% Senior Secured notes due 2027 ($450 million)            445,109               444,313
 5.375% Senior Secured notes due 2028 ($625 million)          618,863               618,145
 5.875% Senior Secured notes due 2031 ($625 million)          617,218               616,762
 8.50% Senior Secured notes due 2033 ($750 million)           734,004               733,653
 BSTDB Loan and Greek State Loan Notes                        105,318               108,392
 Carrying value of non-current borrowings                     3,141,525             3,141,197

 Revolving credit facility                                    105,000               80,000
 Carrying value of current borrowings                         105,000               80,000

 Carrying value of total borrowings                           3,246,525             3,221,197


The Group has provided security in respect of certain borrowings in the form
of share pledges, as well as fixed and floating charges over certain assets of
the Group.

At 30 June 2024, the Group holds US$2.625 billion in aggregate principal
amount of senior secured notes, issued in four series as follows:

·      US$625 million, issued on 24 March 2021, maturing on 30 March
2026, with a fixed annual interest rate of 4.875%.

·      US$625 million, issued on 24 March 2021, maturing on 30 March
2028, with a fixed annual interest rate of 5.375%.

·      US$625 million, issued on 24 March 2021, maturing on 30 March
2031, with a fixed annual interest rate of 5.875%.

·      US$750 million, issued on 11 July 2023, maturing on 30 September
2033, with a fixed annual interest rate of 8.5%.

The interest on each series is paid semi-annually on 30 March and 30
September. The notes are listed for trading on the TACT Institutional of the
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Ltd (TASE), and the TASE-UP for the 2023 issuance.

The Group has provided various collateral, including fixed charges over
shares, leases, sales agreements, bank accounts, operating permits, insurance
policies, exploration licenses, and the Energean Power FPSO. Floating charges
cover present and future assets of relevant subsidiaries.

Additionally, the Group issued US$450 million in senior secured notes on 18
November 2021, maturing on 30 April 2027 with a fixed annual interest rate of
6.5%. These notes are listed on the Official List of the International Stock
Exchange (TISE), with interest paid semi-annually on 30 April and 30 October.

Energean Oil and Gas SA entered into a loan agreement on 27 December 2021 with
Black Sea Trade and Development Bank for €90.5 million for the development
of the Epsilon Oil Field, with an interest rate of EURIBOR plus margins, and
another agreement with the Greek State for €9.5 million maturing in 8 years
with a fixed rate plus margin.

Finally, the Group signed a three-year $275 million Revolving Credit Facility
(RCF) on 8 September 2022, increased to $300 million in May 2023, led by ING
Bank N.V. The RCF provides additional liquidity for corporate needs, with an
interest rate of 5% plus SOFR on drawn amounts. During the reporting period,
the Company utilised $65 million from this facility at an average interest
rate of 10.3%, with $30 million repaid subsequent to the reporting date.


Capital management

The Group defines capital as the total equity and net debt of the Group.
Capital is managed in order to provide returns for shareholders and benefits
to stakeholders and to safeguard the Group's ability to continue as a going

Energean is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements. To
maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group may put in place new debt
facilities, issue new shares for cash, repay debt, engage in active portfolio
management, adjust the dividend payment to shareholders, or undertake other
such restructuring activities as appropriate.


                                          30 June 2024 (Unaudited)               31 December 2023
                                          $'000                                  $'000
 Net Debt
 Current borrowings                       105,000                                80,000
 Non-current borrowings                   3,141,525                              3,141,197
 Total borrowings                         3,246,525                              3,221,197
 Less: Cash and cash equivalents          (230,779)                        (346,772)
 Restricted cash                          (85,574)                         (25,606)
 Net Debt                                 2,930,172                              2,848,819
 Total equity                             653,923                                686,115

Reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities


                   1 January 2024               Cash inflows  Cash outflows  Reclassification      Additions     Lease modification      Borrowing costs including amortisation of arrangement fees  Transfer to liabilities held for sale  Foreign exchange impact     30 June 2024 (Unaudited)
                   $'000                        $'000         $'000          $'000                 $'000         $'000                   $'000                                                       $'000                                  $'000                       $'000
 2024              3,423,522                    65,000        (212,772)      14,801                422           335                     111,731                                                     (138,130)                              (4,803)                     3,260,106
 Secured Senior Notes                3,032,783  -             (110,951)      14,278                -             -                       100,076                                                     -                                      -                           3,036,186
 Revolving credit facility           80,000     65,000        (40,000)       -                     -             -                       -                                                           -                                      -                           105,000
 Long -term borrowings               108,414    -             (4,203)        122                   -             -                       4,393                                                       -                                      (3,387)                     105,339
 Lease liabilities                   65,096     -             (10,253)       401                   422           335                     1,658                                                       (42,697)                               (1,381)                     13,581
 Deferred licence payments           46,154     -             (47,400)       -                     -             -                       1,246                                                       -                                      -                           -
 Contingent consideration            91,075     -             -              -                     -             -                       4,358                                                       (95,433)                               -                           -



20. Retirement benefit liability

20.1 Provision for retirement benefits

                                                   30 June 2024 (Unaudited)      31 December 2023
                                                   $'000                         $'000
 Defined benefit obligation                        448                           1,595
 Provision for retirement benefits recognised      448                           1,595
 Allocated as:
 Non-current portion                               448                           1,595


20.2 Defined benefit obligation

                                                                       30 June 2024 (Unaudited)      31 December 2023
                                                                       $'000                         $'000
 At 1 January                                                          1,595                         1,675
 Transfer to liabilities held for sale                                 (1,133)                       -
 Current service cost                                                  49                            88
 Interest cost                                                         26                            59
 Extra payments or expenses                                            -                             1
 Actuarial gains/(losses) - from changes in financial assumptions      (13)                          161
 Benefits paid                                                         (24)                          (433)
 Exchange differences                                                  (52)                          44
 At 30 June / 31 December                                              448                           1,595



21. Provisions

                                                                   Decommissioning provision  Litigation and other provisions  Total
                                                                   $'000                      $'000                            $'000
 At 1 January 2024                                                 830,676                    7,510                            838,186
 Change in estimates                                               (24,931)                   220                              (24,711)
 Recognised in property, plant and equipment  (24,546)                                                                         (24,546)
 Recognised in operating profit               (385)                                           220                              (165)
 Spend                                                             (15,744)                                                    (15,744)
 Unwinding of discount                                             16,047                     -                                16,047
 Transfer to liabilities held for sale                             (481,161)                  (7,678)                          (488,839)
 Currency translation adjustment                                   (17,591)                   (52)                             (17,643)
 At 30 June 2024 (Unaudited)                                       307,296                    -                                307,296
 Current provisions                                                44,898                     -                                44,898
 Non-current provisions                                            262,398                    -                                262,398


Decommissioning provision:

The decommissioning provision represents the present value of decommissioning
costs relating to oil and gas properties, which are expected to be incurred up
to 2044, when the producing oil and gas properties are expected to cease
operations.  The decrease in the estimate for continuing operations is
primarily due to changes in the discount rate and inflation assumptions as of
30 June 2024.

The key assumptions underpinning the estimated decommissioning provision are
as follows:

                               Inflation      Discount rate  Cessation of  Spend in 2024  30 June            31 December 2023

                               assumption     assumption     production                   2024 (Unaudited)   $'000

                               30 June 2024   30 June 2024   assumption                   $'000
 Continuing operations:
 Greece                        2,6%-1,9%      3.73%          2034           -             18,689             19,359
 UK                            2.02%          3.88%          2030           5,210         197,370            202,874
 Israel(36)                    3.3%-2.15%     4.68%          2042           -             91,237             92,613
 Discontinued operations:
 Italy                         2,2-2%         4.44%          2024-2039      10.534        464,679            497,827
 Croatia                       2,2-2%         4.44%          2036           -             16,482             18,003
 Total                                                                      15,744        788,457            830,676

(36)US inflation rate and US Bond rates have been used.

22. Trade and other payables

                                                    30 June 2024 (Unaudited)      31 December 2023
                                                    $'000                         $'000
 Trade and other payables - Current
 Financial items:
 Trade accounts payable                             212,792                       225,451
 Payables to partners under JOA(37)                 8,694                         170,470
 Deferred licence payments due within one year(40)  -                             46,154
 Other payables(38)                                 40,267                        53,756
 Contingent consideration                           -                             91,075
 Short term lease liability                         5,361                         16,498
 Deferred income                                    -                             548
 VAT payable                                        1,498                         20
                                                    268,612                       603,972
 Non-financial items:
 Accrued expenses                                   21,927                        65,033
 Other finance costs accrued                        50,013                        63,893
 Social insurance and other taxes                   1,926                         4,705
                                                    73,866                        133,631
                                                    342,478                       737,603
 Trade and other payables - Non Current
 Financial items:
 Trade and other payables(39)                       93,187                        117,796
 Long term lease liability                          8,220                         48,598
                                                    101,407                       166,394
 Non-financial items:
 Social insurance                                   636                           529
                                                    636                           529
                                                    102,043                       166,923

( )

(37) Payables to partners under the JOA include both payables and working
capital estimates provided by the operators. The decrease in 2024 is due to
the payables to partners for JOAs in Italy and Egypt being classified as held
for sale. Refer to Note 24 for further details.

(38) Other payables primarily consist of royalties accrued in Israel ($40.1
million as of 30 June 2024, $32 million as of 31 December 2023) and in Italy
($18 million as of 31 December 2023, with no inclusion as of 30 June 2024).

(39) The amount represents a long-term amount payable in terms of the EPCIC
contract. Following the amendment to the terms of the deferred payment
agreement with Technip signed in February 2024 the remaining amount payable
under the EPCIC contract reduced to $210 million. The amount is payable in
twelve equal quarterly deferred payments starting in March and therefore has
been discounted at 8.668%. p.a. (being the yield rate of the senior secured
loan notes, maturing in 2026, at the date of agreeing the payment terms). As
of 30 June 2024, two instalments have been paid.

(40) In December 2016, Energean Israel acquired the Karish and Tanin offshore
gas fields for an initial payment of $40.0 million, with an additional
obligation of $108.5 million plus interest, to be paid in ten equal annual
instalments at an annual inflation rate of 4.6%. In November 2023, a
settlement agreement was reached, allowing the remaining balance to be settled
in two instalments, both completed in the first half of 2024. As of 30 June
2024, the full consideration has been paid.


23. Share based payments

Analysis of share-based payment charge:

                                            30 June (Unaudited)
                                            2024              2023 (Restated)*
                                            $'000             $'000
 Energean Deferred Bonus Plan (DSBP)        1,083             781
 Energean Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIP)  3,027             2,140
 Total share-based payment charge           4,110             2,921
 Expensed as cost of sales                  -                 348
 Expensed as administration expenses        4,110             2,573
 Total share-based payment charge           4,110             2,921

*Restated for discontinued operations, refer to note 24 for further detail.


Energean Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP)

Under the Energean plc's 2018 LTIP rules, senior executives may be granted
conditional awards of shares or nil cost options. Nil cost options are
normally exercisable from three to ten years following grant provided an
individual remains in employment. Awards are subject to performance conditions
(including Total Shareholder Return (TSR) normally measured over a period of
three years. Vesting of awards or exercise of nil cost options is generally
subject to an individual remaining in employment except in certain
circumstances such as good leaver and change of control. Awards may be subject
to a holding period following vesting. No dividends are paid over the vesting
period; however, Energean's Board may decide at any time prior to the issue or
transfer of the shares in respect of which an award is released that the
participant will receive an amount (in cash and/or additional shares) equal in
value to any dividends that would have been paid on those shares on such terms
and over such period (ending no later than the Release Date) as the Board may
determine. This amount may assume the reinvestment of dividends (on such basis
as the Board may determine) and may exclude or include special dividends.

The weighted average remaining contractual life for LTIP awards outstanding at
30 June 2024 was 1.5 years, number of shares outstanding 1,947,405 and
weighted average price of $10.58.


Deferred Share Bonus Plan (DSBP)

Under the DSBP, a portion of any annual bonus of a Senior Executive nominated
by the Remuneration & Talent Committee, may be deferred into shares.
Deferred awards are usually granted in the form of conditional share awards or
nil-cost options (or, exceptionally, as cash-settled equivalents). Deferred
awards usually vest two years after award although may vest early on leaving
employment or on a change of control.

The weighted average remaining contractual life for DSBP awards outstanding at
30 June 2024 was 1.23 years, number of shares outstanding 323,774 and weighted
average price of $13.58.


24. Discontinued operations

On 20 June 2024, the Group publicly announced the decision of its Board of
Directors to sell its portfolio in Egypt, Italy and Croatia (together referred
to as "Energean Capital Limited Group", "ECL" or "ECL Group"), fully owned and
controlled by the Group. The sale of ECL is expected to be completed by the
end of 2024. Upon completion of the disposal, the Group will receive:

o  $504 million in upfront cash consideration at the closing of the

o  Adjustments for working capital and cash between 31 December 2023, and the
closing date;

o  A $139 million Vendor Loan with a tenor of 6 years and 3 months, accruing
interest at SOFR + 7% in the first year, increasing by 0.5% annually

o  Up to $125 million in contingent consideration, adjusted for inflation
based on the US CPI index from 1 January  2024, contingent upon:

o  Italian oil and gas production exceeding annual reference volumes from
2025-2028, as outlined in the YE23 Competent Person's Report (CPR).

o  Brent and Italian PSV gas prices exceeding annual reference prices from

o  The contingent payment is calculated as 25% of the incremental commodity
price multiplied by actual production, payable annually from 2025 to 2028; and

o  An uncapped contingent payment related to the recently drilled Location B
well in Egypt which will be calculated based off (i) the 2P reserves (as
determined by an independent auditor at YE24) plus (ii) the actual 2024
production, that are in excess of specific pre-drill estimated volumes

At 30 June 2024, ECL Group was classified as a disposal group held for sale
("HFS") and as a discontinued operation. The business of ECL Group represented
the entirety of the Group's Egypt operating segment until 20 June 2024. With
ECL being classified as discontinued operations, the Egypt segment is no
longer presented in the segment note. ECL operations in Italy and Croatia were
previously included in the Group's Europe operating segment, they are no
longer presented within this segment. The results of ECL for the six months
ended 30 June 2024 are presented below:

Note A: The tables below present the ECL Group's financial results, showing
financial results from discontinued operations before and after adjustments
for the reporting periods. The adjustments include (1) intra-group
transactions such as interest income and expenses, allowances for related
party loans, and costs from transactions between the disposal group and other
entities within the Energean plc Group (continuing operations) and (2)
adjustments made by the Group related to discontinued operations
classification including the adjustment to depreciation and amortisation
following the HFS classification date.  These items were not eliminated in
the carve-out view (refer to "Discontinued operations, before adjustments"),
thereby reflecting the related party transactions for the ECL Group before
consolidation adjustments for discontinued operations. Financial results
presented for discontinued operations before the mentioned adjustments are
non-IFRS measures.


                                                                              30 June 2024 (Unaudited)                                                     30 June 2023 (Unaudited)
                                                                              Discontinued operations, before adjustments  Discontinued operations, total  Discontinued operations, before adjustments  Discontinued operations, total
 (Note A)                                                                     $'000                                                                        $'000

 Revenue                                                                      226,041                                      224,178                         213,720                                      211,751
 Cost of Sales                                                                (139,694)                                    (134,315)                       (118,094)                                    (117,588)
 Gross profit                                                                 86,347                                       89,863                          95,626                                       94,163
 Administration expenses                                                      (11,427)                                     (10,024)                        (13,305)                                     (11,105)
 Change in decommissioning provision                                          3,023                                        3,023                           14,633                                       14,633
 Exploration and evaluation expenses                                          (63,096)                                     (63,096)                        (1,468)                                      (1,468)
 Expected credit loss                                                         (961)                                        (961)                           (409)                                        (409)
 Other expenses                                                               (1,366)                                      (1,525)                         (292)                                        (292)
 Other income                                                                 595                                          754                             6,069                                        6,069
 Operating profit                                                             13,115                                       18,034                          100,854                                      101,591
 Finance Income                                                               1,155                                        117                             5,002                                        4,120
 Finance Costs                                                                (21,105)                                     (16,135)                        (18,003)                                     (10,975)
 Net foreign exchange loss                                                    11,117                                       11,205                          (6,781)                                      (6,778)
 Profit before tax from discontinuing operations                                                                           13,221                                                                       87,958

                                                                              4,282                                                                        81,072
 Taxation (expense)/ income:
 -       Related to pre-tax profit/(loss) from the ordinary activities                                                     (40,553)                                                                     (45,524)
 for the period

                                                                              (40,553)                                                                     (45,524)
 -       Related to remeasurement to fair value less costs to sell                                                         -                                                                            -

                                                                              -                                                                            -
 (Loss)/ Profit for the period from discontinuing operations                                                               (27,332)                                                                     42,434

                                                                              (36,271)                                                                     35,548


The major classes of assets and liabilities of ECL Group classified as held
for sale as at 30 June are, as follows:

                                                     30 June 2024
                                                     Discontinued operations, before adjustments  Discontinued operations,

 (Note A)                                            $'000                                        $'000
 Property, plant and equipment                       1,041,153                                    1,044,945
 Intangible assets                                   38,805                                       43,636
 Equity-accounted investments                        4                                            4
 Deferred tax asset                                  108,764                                      108,764
 Inventories                                         71,118                                       71,118
 Loans receivable from related party                 102,394                                      -
 Trade and other receivables                         267,329                                      260,951
 Cash and cash equivalents                           28,398                                       28,398
 Total assets                                        1.657.965                                    1,557,816
 Retirement benefit liability                        1,133                                        1,133
 Provisions                                          488,840                                      488,840
 Trade and other payables                            559,670                                      543,364
 Loans payable to related party                      244,183                                      -
 Current tax Liability                               10,269                                       10,269
 Total liabilities                                   1,304,095                                    1,043,606
 Net assets directly associated with disposal group  353,870                                      514,210

The net cashflows incurred by ECL during six months are, as follows:

                            2024       2023
                            $'000      $'000
 Operating                  80,549     92,296
 Investing                  (113,176)  (29,079)
 Financing                  49,920     (11,838)
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow  17,293     51,379


                                                                   2024            2023
 Earnings per share                                                $ cents         $ cents
 Basic, (loss)/profit for the year from discontinued operations    $(0.15)/ share  $0.24/share
 Diluted, (loss)/profit for the year from discontinued operations  $(0.15)/share   $0.23/share

As at 30 June 2024, there was no write-down as the fair value less costs to
sell did not fall below the carrying amount of the disposal group.

As of 30 June 2024, the disposal group has capital commitments totalling $79.6
million to be fulfilled by the end of 2024, that mainly relates to Cassiopea
project in Italy. This includes a $15.7 million commitment to the Government
of Egypt and $63.9 million for capital commitments with partners based on
future work programs in Italy.

As of 30 June 2024, the disposal group has $7.7 million in litigation and
other provisions. This includes a €3.3 million (approximately $3.5 million)
provision for ongoing litigation with the Termoli Port Authority in Italy
regarding fees for the marine concession for FSO Alba Marina, currently under
appeal in the Campobasso Court of Appeal.

Additionally, Energean Italy Spa is involved in litigation with three
municipalities in Italy over real estate municipality taxes (IMU/TASI),
interest, and penalties for 2016 to 2019. Under the sale and purchase
agreement, Edison S.p.A. bears liability for pre-2019 taxes, while Energean is
liable for 2019. Appeals have been filed with strong legal arguments, and the
likelihood of outflow beyond the $2.1 million provision recognised is
considered remote.

The remaining balance in other provisions relates to a potential claim in
Egypt. The timing of the settlement and any cash outflows is uncertain, so
these provisions are classified as non-current liabilities based on expected
court hearing dates beyond 12 months from 30 June 2024.

The Group will indemnify at completion, the prospective buyer of the ECL Group
against risks associated with the failure of specific legal cases mentioned

                                                         30 June 2024 (Unaudited)      31 December 2023
 Performance guarantees:
 Greece (relates to Energean Italy exploration license)  1,823
 Italy                                                   11,955                        16,140
                                                         13,778                        16,140

25. Related parties

Balances and transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, which are
related parties, have been eliminated upon consolidation and are not disclosed
in this note.

The Directors of Energean Plc are considered the only key management personnel
as defined by IAS 24.

There were no related party transactions conducted by the Group with other
related parties during the reporting period.

26. Commitments and contingencies of continuing operations

In acquiring its oil and gas interests, the Group has pledged that various
work programmes will be undertaken on each permit/interest. The exploration
and development capital commitments in the following table are an estimate of
the net cost to the Group of performing these work programmes:


                                               30 June 2024 (Unaudited)      31 December 2023
                                               $'000                         $'000
 Capital Commitments:
 Due within one year                           91,858                        195,903
 Due later than one year but within two years  20,945                        20,963
 Due later two years but within five years     11,885                        6,230
                                               124,688                       223,096

For capital commitments related to discontinued operations as of 30 June 2024,
please refer to note 24.

As of 30 June 2024, there are no capital commitments towards Governments (31
December 2023: $16.7 million). An amount of $124.7 million (31 December 2023:
$206.4 million) pertains to capital commitments with partners based on future
work programs. These capital commitments include $91.2 million for the Anchois
gas development in Morocco, $12.7 million for the development of the Scott
field in the United Kingdom, and $20.8 million for asset integrity expenses
related to the Scott and Telford fields.


                          30 June 2024 (Unaudited)      31 December 2023
 Performance guarantees:
 Greece                   1,061                         4,522
 Israel                   50,568                        53,006
 UK                       135,347                       95,743
 Morocco                  375                           -
 Greece, Italy (Note 24)  -                             16,140
                          187,351                       169,411

For performance guarantees related to discontinued operations as of 30 June
2024, please refer to note 24.

Open guarantees at the reporting date:

·      Karish and Tanin Leases ($25 million) - As required by the Karish
and Tanin Lease deeds, the Group provided the Ministry of National
Infrastructures, Energy, and Water with bank guarantees for each lease. These
guarantees were renewed in May 2024 and are valid until June 2025.

·      Blocks 12, 21, 23 and 31 ($21 million) - To meet the conditions
for obtaining exploration and appraisal licenses during the Israeli offshore
bid in December 2017, the Group provided the Ministry of National
Infrastructures, Energy, and Water with bank guarantees totalling $6 million
in January 2018, covering all mentioned blocks. These guarantees expire in
January 2025. Additionally, the Group furnished separate guarantees specific
to drilling activities in Blocks 12, 23, and 31, amounting to $15 million. The
guarantee for Block 12 expires in November 2024, while those for Blocks 23 and
31 are valid until June 2025.

·      Israeli Natural Gas Lines ("INGL") ($2.5 million) - As part of
the agreement signed with INGL in June 2019, the Group provided a bank
guarantee to secure the milestone payments from INGL. This guarantee expires
on 24 July 2024.

·      Israel Other ($2.1 million) - The Group has provided various bank
guarantees to third parties in Israel as part of ongoing operations.

·      United Kingdom ($135.4 million)- The Group has issued letters of
credit for United Kingdom decommissioning obligations and other obligations
under the United Kingdom licenses.

·      Greece - The Group issued letters of credit to cover obligations
under the Block 2 licenses.


Legal cases and contingent liabilities:

As of 30 June 2024, the Group has a contingent liability of $15 million
payable subject to Final Investment Decision being taken on Anchois
Development. The Group had no material contingent liabilities as at 31
December 2023.


27. Subsequent events

In July 2024, management made a final investment decision for the Katlan
development project in Israel. The carrying value of the exploration asset at
30 June 2024 was $207 million. Capital expenditure is expected to be
approximately US$1.2 billion. The Katlan area will be developed in a phased
approach through a subsea tieback to the existing Energean Power FPSO, which
currently serves the Karish and Karish North developments. The first gas
production is expected in the first half of 2027.


In August 2024, the prospective buyer of the ECL Group obtained unconditional
clearance from the Italian Competition Authority followed by approval of the
Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers in respect of the Italian
Golden Power Law in September 2024.

28. Subsidiary undertakings


At 30 June 2024, the Group had investments in the following subsidiaries:


 Name of subsidiary                  Country of incorporation / registered office                     Principal activities                                 Shareholding      Shareholding

At 30 June 2024
At 31 December 2023

 Energean E&P Holdings Ltd.          22 Lefkonos Street, 2064 Nicosia, Cyprus                         Holding Company                                      100               100
 Energean Capital Ltd.               22 Lefkonos Street, 2064 Nicosia, Cyprus                         Holding Company                                      100               100
 Energean Group Services Ltd.        44 Baker Street, London W1U 7AL, United Kingdom                  Oil and gas exploration, development and production  100               100
 Energean Oil & Gas S.A.             32 Kifissias Avenue, Marousi Athens, 151 25, Greece              Oil and gas exploration, development and production  100               100
 Energean International Ltd.         22 Lefkonos Street, 2064 Nicosia, Cyprus                         Oil and gas exploration, development and production  100               100
 Energean Israel Ltd.                22 Lefkonos Street, 2064 Nicosia, Cyprus                         Oil and gas exploration, development and production  100               100
 Energean Montenegro Ltd.            22 Lefkonos Street, 2064 Nicosia, Cyprus                         Oil and gas exploration, development and production  100               100
 Energean Israel Transmission Ltd.   Andre Sakharov 9, Haifa, Israel                                  Gas transportation license holder                    100               100
 Energean Israel Finance Ltd.        Andre Sakharov 9, Haifa, Israel                                  Financing activities                                 100               100
 Energean Egypt Ltd.                 22 Lefkonos Street, 2064 Nicosia, Cyprus                         Oil and gas exploration, development and production  100               100
 Energean Hellas Ltd.                22 Lefkonos Street, 2064 Nicosia, Cyprus                         Oil and gas exploration, development and production  100               100
 Energean Italy S.p.a.               31 Foro Buonaparte, 20121 Milano, Italy                          Oil and gas exploration, development and production  100               100
 Energean Sicilia S.r.l.             Via Salvatore Quasimodo 2 - 97100 Ragusa (Ragusa)                Oil and gas exploration, development and production  100               100
 Energean Exploration Ltd.           44 Baker Street, London W1U 7AL, United Kingdom                  Oil and gas exploration, development and production  100               100
 Energean UK Ltd.                    44 Baker Street, London W1U 7AL, United Kingdom                  Oil and gas exploration, development and production  100               100
 Energean Egypt Energy Services JSC  Block #17, City Center, 5th Settlement, New Cairo, 11835, Egypt  Oil and gas exploration, development and production  100               100
 Energean Investments Ltd.           44 Baker Street, London W1U 7AL, United Kingdom                  Oil and gas exploration, development and production  100               100
 Energean Morocco Ltd.               44 Baker Street, London W1U 7AL, United Kingdom                  Oil and gas exploration, development and production  100               100
 Enearth Limited                     22 Lefkonos Street, 2064 Nicosia, Cyprus                         Holding Company                                      100               -
 Enearth Greece S.A.                 32 Kifissias Avenue, Marousi Athens, 151 25, Greece              Carbon Capture Storage                               100               -


29. Exploration, development and production interests


Development and production:

 Country  Licence/unit area       Fields                                                  Fiscal regime  Group's working interest  Joint operation  Operator
          Karish                  Karish North, Karish Main                               Concession     100%                      No               NA
          Tanin                   Tanin                                                   Concession     100%                      No               NA
          Abu Qir                 Abu Qir, Abu Qir North, Abu Qir West, Yazzi (32.75%)    PSC            100%                      No               NA
          NEA                     Yazzi (67.25%), Python                                  PSC            100%                      No               NA
          NI                      Field A (NI-1X), Field B (NI-3X), NI-2X, Viper (NI-4X)  PSC            100%                      No               NA
          Prinos                  Prinos, Epsilon                                         Concession     100%                      No               NA
          South Kavala                                                                    Concession     100%                      No               NA
          Katakolo                Katakolo (undeveloped)                                  Concession     100%                      No               NA
          C.C6.EO                 Vega A (Vega B, undeveloped)                            Concession     100%(( 18  (#_ftn18) ))   Yes              Energean
          B.C8.LF                 Rospo Mare                                              Concession     100%(( 19  (#_ftn19) ))   Yes              Energean
          Fiume tenna             Verdicchio                                              Concession     100%                      No               Energean
          B.C7.LF                 Sarago, cozza, vongola                                  Concession     95%                       Yes              Energean
          B.C11.AS GIANNA         Gianna (undeveloped)                                    Concession     49%                       Yes              ENI
          Garaguso                Accettura                                               Concession     50%                       Yes              Energean
          A.c14.AS                Rosanna and Gaia                                        Concession     50%                       Yes              ENI
          A.C15.AX                Valentina, Raffaella, Emanuela, Melania                 Concession     10%                       Yes              ENI
          A.c16.AG                Delia, Demetra, Sara, Dacia, Nicoletta                  Concession     30%                       Yes              ENI
          A.C8.ME                 Anemone and Azelea 20  (#_ftn20)                        Concession     19% and 15.675%           Yes              ENI
          Masseria Monaco         Appia and Salacaro (undeveloped)                        Concession     50%                       Yes              Energean
          G.C1.AG                 Cassiopea , Gemini, Centauro                            Concession     40%                       Yes              ENI
          B.C14.AS                Calipso and Clara West                                  Concession     49%                       Yes              ENI
          B.C20.AS                Carlo, Clotilde e Didone (undeveloped)                  Concession     49%                       Yes              ENI
          Montignano              Cassiano and Castellaro                                 Concession     50%                       Yes              Energean
          B.C13.AS                Clara Est, Clara Nord, Clara NW, (Cecilia undeveloped)  Concession     49%                       Yes              ENI
          Comiso (EIS)            Comiso                                                  Concession     100%                      No               NA
          A.c13.AS                Daria, ( Manuela ,Arabella, Ramona undeveloped)         Concession     49%                       Yes              ENI
          B.C10.AS                Emma West and Giovanna                                  Concession     49%                       Yes              ENI
          A.C36.AG                Fauzia                                                  Concession     40%                       Yes              ENI
          Torrente menocchia      Grottammare (undeveloped)                               Concession     76%                       Yes              Petrorep
          Montegranaro            Leoni                                                   Concession     50%                       Yes              Gas Plus
          Lucera                  Lucera                                                  Concession     4.8%                      Yes              GPI
          Monte Urano             San Lorenzo                                             Concession     40%                       Yes              Energean
          A.C21.AG                Naide                                                   Concession     49%                       Yes              ENI
          Colle di lauro          Portocannone                                            Concession     83.32%                    Yes              Energean
          Porto civitanova        Porto civitanova                                        Concession     40%                       Yes              GPI
          Quarto                  Quarto                                                  Concession     33%                       Yes              Padana Energia
          A.C17.AG                Regina                                                  Concession     25%                       Yes              ENI
          S. Andrea                                                                       Concession     50%                       Yes              Canoel
          B.C2.LF                 San Giorgio Mare                                        Concession     100%                      Yes              Energean
          San Marco               San Marco                                               Concession     20%                       No               ENI
          B.C1.LF                 Santo Stefano                                           Concession     95%                       Yes              Energean
          Mafalda                 Sinarca                                                 Concession     40%                       Yes              Gas Plus
          B.C9.AS                 Squalo Centrale                                         Concession     33%                       Yes              ENI
          Massignano              Talamonti                                               Concession     50%                       Yes              Energean
          Masseria Grottavecchia  Traetta                                                 Concession     14%                       Yes              Canoel
          S. Anna (EIS)           Tresauro                                                Concession     25%                       Yes              Enimed
          Torrente Celone         Vigna Nocelli (Masseria Conca undeveloped)              Concession     50%                       Yes              Rockhopper Italia
          Tors                    Garrow, Kilmar                                          Concession     68%                       Yes              Energean
          Markham                                                                         Concession     3%                        Yes              Spirit Energy
          Scott                                                                           Concession     10%                       Yes              CNOOC
          Telford                                                                         Concession     16%                       Yes              CNOOC
          Wenlock                                                                         Concession     80%                       Yes              Energean
          Izabela                                                                         PSC            70%                       No               NA




 Country  Concession               Fields                       Fiscal regime  Group's working interest  Joint operation  Operator
          Blocks 12, 21, 23, 31    Katlan, Hermes and Hercules  Concession     100%                      No               N/A
          East North  Bir El Nus                                PSC            50%                       Yes              Energean
          Block-2                                               Concession     75%                       Yes              Energean
          Prinos                   Prinos CO2 Storage           Concession     100%                      No               N/A
          G.R13.AG                 Lince prospect               Concession     40%                       Yes              ENI
          G.R.14.AG                Panda, Vela prospect         Concession     40%                       Yes              ENI
          Irena                                                 PSC            70%                       No               NA
          Anchois                  Lixus                        Concession     45%                       No               NA
          Anchois                  Rissana                      Concession     37.5%                     No               NA


 1  (#_ftnref1) On 20 June 2024, the Group publicly announced the decision of
its Board of Directors to sell its portfolio in Egypt, Italy and Croatia
(together referred to as "Energean Capital Limited Group" or "ECL"), fully
owned and controlled by the Group. The continuing operations comprises of the
Group's remaining operations in Israel, Greece, UK and Morocco.

 2  (#_ftnref2) Uptime is defined as the number of hours that the Energean
Power FPSO was operating; the H1 2024 figure excludes the scheduled 5-day
shutdown that occurred in May.

 3  (#_ftnref3) Adjusted EBITDAX is defined later in the financial review.
Energean uses Adjusted EBITDAX as a core business KPI.

(( 4  (#_ftnref4) )) H1 2024 leverage based upon H1 2024 annualised Adjusted

 5  (#_ftnref5) $83 million is associated with the upcoming Energean Israel
coupon payment in September.

 6  (#_ftnref6) Available liquidity includes amounts available under the
Revolving Credit Facilities ("RCF").

 7  (#_ftnref7) Payment date is stated as the date upon which payment is
initiated by Energean.

 8  (#_ftnref8) H1 2023 emissions intensity was approximately 10.6 kgCO2e/boe.

 9  (#_ftnref9) Cash G&A is defined later in the financial review.

 10  (#_ftnref10) 3x increase based upon the Transaction EV of up to $945
million and the Edison E&P acquisition EV of $284 million. The Edison
E&P acquisition also included the UK portfolio, which was ascribed minimal

 11  (#_ftnref11) Uptime is defined as the number of hours that the Energean
Power FPSO was operating; the H1 2024 figure excludes the scheduled 5-day
shutdown that occurred in May.

 12  (#_ftnref12) 3x increase based upon the Transaction EV of up to $945
million and the Edison E&P acquisition EV of $284 million. The Edison
E&P acquisition also included the UK portfolio, which was ascribed minimal

 13  (#_ftnref13) The figures presented for the Energean Group in the table
and narrative below represent total group numbers, including discontinued
operations. For IFRS reporting purposes, discontinued operations are
summarized as a single line item on the Interim Consolidated Income Statement,
while revenue and costs shown in the statement reflect only continuing

 14  (#_ftnref14) Cash cost of production is defined later in the financial

 15  (#_ftnref15) Cash G&A is defined later in the financial review.

 16  (#_ftnref16) Adjusted EBITDAX is defined later in the financial review.
Energean uses adjusted EBITDAX as a core business KPI.

 17  (#_ftnref17) Inclusive of restricted cash

 18  (#_ftnref18)                      Energean has agreed
with ENI to acquire the latter's WI and the request is pending approval from
the Italian authorities. However by means of an agreement between ENI and
Energean Italy all the production and cost are retained by Energean from 1
January 2021 and, according to the JOA, the decommissioning costs will be
borne by both parties according to their initial WI (Energean 60%, ENI 40%).

 19  (#_ftnref19)                     Energean has
requested from the operator to exit the licence.

 20  (#_ftnref20)                     Energean has
requested from the operator to exit the licence.

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